Featured Stocks on Today's Edition of The Analyst's Review: PNK, MCRI, MGAM, SHFL, EGT
14 Janeiro 2008 - 1:37PM
PR Newswire (US)
A recent interview with Allen Ambrose, CEO of Minera Andes, Inc. is
also available now at WallSt.net NEW YORK, Jan. 14 /PRNewswire/ --
The Analyst's Review is a daily podcast hosted by WallSt.net
editor, Henry Truc that airs every morning at 9 a.m. EST on
http://radio.wallst.net/profile.asp?id=193. The show features
informative interviews with Wall Street analysts on a wide range of
topics including actively traded stocks, market movers, various
industries, and macro economic trends affecting the market. On
today's show, Michael Friedman, senior research analyst for Noble
Financial Group discussed: Pinnacle Entertainment, Inc. (NYSE: PNK;
http://www.pnkinc.com/) Visit the company's message board at
http://www.mywallst.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=440 Monarch Casino
& Resort, Inc. (Nasdaq: MCRI; http://www.monarchcasino.com/)
Visit the company's message board at
http://www.mywallst.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=443 Multimedia Games,
Inc. (Nasdaq: MGAM; http://www.multimediagames.com/) Visit the
company's message board at
http://www.mywallst.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=446 Shuffle Master,
Inc. (Nasdaq: SHFL; http://www.shufflemaster.com/) Visit the
company's message board at
http://www.mywallst.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=448 Elixir Gaming
Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: EGT; http://www.elixirgaming.com/) Visit
the company's message board at
http://www.mywallst.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=450 "As far as
Pinnacle, one of the reasons that we like the stock is there's a
little more diversification," Friedman said. "You talk about an
economic slow down and that seems as though that's what's happening
now, and Pinnacle's a diversified a little more geographically
throughout the US. So that should help." Hear what else Friedman
had to say about today's featured stocks by visiting
http://radio.wallst.net/. Click on "The Analyst's Review - Stocks
in Focus: PNK, MCRI, MGAM, SHFL, EGT" to hear the podcast in its
entirety. A December 7 interview with Allen Ambrose, President of
Minera Andes, Inc. (TSX: MAI; OTCBB: MNEAF)
(http://www.minandes.com/) is also available now at
http://www.wallst.net/. Minera Andes is a gold, silver and copper
exploration company working in Argentina. In mid-2007, one of its
high-grade silver/gold discoveries, San Jose, was brought into
production by a joint venture partner. Minera Andes conducts all of
its work in Argentina, an emerging mineral frontier where the
company co-owns or controls 410,000 acres of mineral claims. Minera
Andes is also exploring the Los Azules copper project in Argentina,
where an economic scoping study is underway to define a resource.
Interview highlights include detailed discussions on the following
topics: -- steps the company is taking to optimize performance at
its San Jose silver/gold mine -- reasons the company is focused on
Argentina -- discovery of new reserves, and how it impacts mine
life -- reasons the company believes it could double production at
San Jose by the end of next year -- production costs -- upcoming
milestones for investors to watch for To hear the interview in its
entirety, and to read an in-depth report on the company, visit
Visit the company's message board at
http://www.mywallst.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=326 About
WallStRadio.com WallStRadio.com is owned and operated by WallStreet
Direct, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Financial Media Group,
Inc. (http://www.financialmediagroupinc.com/). The Web site offers
free access to original content, and more than 150 business and
finance podcasts from well-known business news personalities and
organizations. WallStreet Direct, Inc. also owns and operates
WallSt.net (http://www.wallst.net/), a leading provider of timely
business news, executive interviews, multimedia content, and
research tools. Financial Media Group, Inc. also owns
http://www.mywallst.net/, a financial social network for investors,
and Financial Filings Corp. (http://www.financialfilings.com/), a
provider of media and compliance solutions to publicly traded
companies. The investment professional featured in this podcast
and/or their firm may own securities in the companies mentioned in
this podcast. We have received ten thousand two hundred seventy
five dollars from Minera Andes, Inc. for media and advertising
services. To read our full disclaimer, and for a complete list of
our advertisers, and advertising relationships, visit
http://www.wallst.net/disclaimer/disclaimer.asp Contact: Henry Truc
WallStRadio.com 1-800-4-WallSt DATASOURCE: WallStreet Direct, Inc.
CONTACT: Henry Truc of WallStRadio.com, 1-800-4-WallSt Web site:
http://www.wallst.net/ http://radio.wallst.net/