RNS Number:2033J
Gresham Hotel Group Plc
26 March 2003

                              PRELIMINARY RESULTS

                      ELEVEN MONTHS ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2002

                              Financial Highlights

*         Turnover for the eleven months at Euro51m (53 weeks to 31 Jan 2002: Euro55m)

*         Room occupancy increased to 76% (53 weeks to 31 Jan 2002: 74%)

*         Average room rate at Euro85 (53 weeks to 31 Jan 2002: Euro87)

*         Operating profit before exceptional items of Euro4.2m

*         Exceptional items comprise:
               Professional fees                                       Euro637,000
               Payments to Directors for termination of contracts      Euro481,000

*         Final dividend of Euro0.01 per share

*         Net assets at Euro135m producing a net asset value per share of Euro1.70

*         Net bank borrowings at Euro49m producing a bank gearing ratio of 37%



Dear Shareholder,

Overview of Results

The results for the eleven month period to 31 December 2002 reflect an extremely
challenging environment for the Group.  Trading was adversely impacted by the
combined effects of the slowdown in domestic and international economic
activity, the continuing negative impact of 11 September and the considerable
level of global political uncertainty.  These results reflect eleven months of
trading as against twelve months in the previous year.

The trading conditions were compounded by increased operating costs particularly
in the area of insurance and payroll costs, which resulted in a reduction in
operating profit before exceptional costs to Euro4.2million (2001: Euro7.7million)
together with the shortened trading period.  Group occupancy for the period was
76% (2001: 74%), with a Group average room rate of Euro85 being achieved (2001:

In line with the industry, all of our properties experienced a considerable
shortening in booking patterns, together with a reduced volume of business from
long haul destinations.  Our marketing and sales efforts are currently focused
on domestic and "close to home" markets through a number of corporate and
leisure initiatives.

Exceptional costs during the period of Euro1.1m relate to events which culminated
in the requisition of an Extraordinary General Meeting which resulted in the
recomposition of the Board.

The Group made a significant investment in a number of properties during the
period.  The ground floor of The Gresham in Dublin has been redeveloped to
provide a new lobby area, a new bar and restaurant and a complete upgrade of
what was previously the lobby.  All of the bedrooms in the Gresham Metropole,
Cork have been refurbished together with 56 rooms in the Limerick Ryan.  All of
the bedrooms in the Galway Ryan and 100 bedrooms in the Killarney Ryan have been
totally redeveloped.  Bedrooms in the Gresham Belson, Brussels have also
received a soft upgrade.


Despite the very difficult period under review, and the challenging environment
in which the Group continues to operate, the Board is recommending a final
dividend of 1c per share (2001: 3.2c).  Subject to approval at the Annual
General Meeting which is scheduled for 21 May 2003, the dividend will be paid on
30 May 2003 to shareholders on the register on 4 April 2003.

Business Review

I am pleased to report that the newly constituted Board immediately set to work
in an objective and professional manner and is working well.  As outlined at the
interim stage, the Board undertook a strategic review of operations with this
review now forming part of a continuous process.  There are a number of
initiatives which have stemmed from this review.

Mr Jim O'Leary who is a lecturer of economics in NUI Maynooth and a main AIB
board director, having previously been chief economist with Davy Stockbrokers
has agreed to join the Board as a non-executive director in May of this year.
When I was appointed Chairman I stressed that I considered the appointment
temporary in nature to facilitate a transitionary period.  As this transition is
now complete and in line with good corporate governance to split the roles of
Chairman and Chief Executive the Board has agreed that Mr Harvey M Soning is to
become non-executive Chairman, also effective from May 2003.  Mr Donal Chambers
will continue in the role as senior independent director.

In relation to our property portfolio and specifically our associated land
banks, the Group has made a planning submission for a mixture of luxury
apartments and townhouses on land adjacent to the Limerick Ryan Hotel.

The Group intends to make an application for residential units on land adjacent
to the Killarney Ryan by the end of April 2003.  A planning application will
also be submitted in relation to the Gresham Hotel Dublin, for the creation of
14 additional meeting rooms and a leisure facility in the form of a 'Day Spa'.
This application is on schedule to be submitted in April 2003 also.  If
successful, this will bring the total number of meeting rooms in The Gresham to

In a process which commenced at the start of last year, a number of
organisational changes have been made both at Head Office and hotel level.
These changes will result in a reduction in our cost base by in excess of Euro1
million, the entire benefit of which will be derived in the current year.

Having reviewed the property portfolio and the business model in operation at
our various locations, the Board has decided to concentrate on city centre
locations, with an emphasis on bedrooms and meeting facilities with limited
ground floor activity.  This model is what currently exists in our properties
outside Ireland.  Furthermore, the Board believe that it is in the best
interests of the Group to cluster its properties whereby our preference is to
operate a number of properties in appropriate locations, rather than having a
geographical spread which is too thin.  The Group intends to achieve this
through a mixture of freehold, lease and management contracts.

The process of maximising and extracting value from our property portfolio,
together with securing the future profitability of the Group is I reiterate, an
on-going one, with further announcements being made in due course.

On behalf of the Board I would like to express our gratitude to every member of
staff for their continued professionalism and commitment during what was an
extremely difficult period for the Group.  It is precisely this professionalism
and customer focus which ensures customer satisfaction and repeat business.


Finally, the Group continues to operate in a very uncertain environment making
forecasting difficult, however we believe that the continued focus on the
strategic initiatives as outlined, together with the significant investment in
the product which has already been made, places the Group in an excellent
position to benefit from any upturn that will arise as a result of an
improvement in political and economic circumstances.

It is premature to give an accurate prediction of the outcome for the current
year, however a further update will be provided at our Annual General Meeting in
May 2003.

Patrick M Coyle
Chairman & Chief Executive
26 March 2003


Group Profit & Loss Account

For the period ended 31 December 2002
                                                                         Eleven month         Fifty three week
                                                                         period ended             period ended
                                                                     31 December 2002          31 January 2002
                                                     Notes                     Euro000's                   Euro000's
TURNOVER                                                                      50,696                   55,221
Operating profit before exceptional costs                                      4,152                    7,696
Exceptional costs                                        3                    (1,118)                  (7,788)
Profit /  (loss) before finance costs and taxation                             3,034                      (92)
Finance cost                                                                  (2,929)                  (4,709)
Profit / (loss)  before taxation                                                 105                   (4,801)
Taxation                                                 4                       111                     (280)
Profit / (loss) after taxation                                                   216                   (5,081)

Dividends (including dividends
in respect of Non-Equity Shares)
- paid                                                                              -                    (976)
- proposed                                                                      (814)                  (2,517)
Loss retained for the period                                                    (598)                  (8,574)

Profit realised from revaluation reserve                                                               14,836
Scrip issues in lieu of cash dividends                                           629                      782

Retained profits at beginning of period                                       38,576                   31,532

RETAINED PROFITS AT END OF PERIOD                                             38,607                   38,576

Earnings per share                                       5                      0.25c                  (6.69c)
Diluted earnings per share                               5                      0.24c                  (6.67c)


Group Statement of Total Recognised Gains & Losses

For the period ended 31 December 2002
                                                                           Eleven month         Fifty three week
                                                                           period ended             period ended
                                                                       31 December 2002          31 January 2002
                                                                                 Euro000's                   Euro000's

Profit / (Loss) after taxation and exceptional items                               216                   (5,081)

Unrealised surplus on revaluation of hotel properties                                -                   19,214

Foreign currency (loss) / profit
 on net assets in overseas subsidiaries                                         (3,234)                   1,668

Foreign currency profit / (loss)
 on foreign currency borrowings                                                  2,371                   (1,323)

Total Recognised Gains and Losses for the period                                  (647)                  14,478


Group Balance Sheet

As at 31 December 2002
                                                                    31 December 2002           31 January 2002
                                                                              Euro000's                    Euro000's

Tangible assets                                                             215,409                   213,209


Stocks                                                                        1,562                     1,358

Debtors                                                                       4,135                     4,436

Cash at bank                                                                  9,575                    15,183

                                                                             15,272                    20,977


(amounts falling due within one year)                                       (26,724)                  (17,458)

NET CURRENT (LIABILITIES) / ASSETS                                          (11,452)                    3,519

CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                         203,957                   216,728


(amounts falling due after more than one year)                              (68,142)                  (80,188)

PROVISION FOR LIABILITIES AND CHARGES                                        (1,097)                   (1,072)

TOTAL NET ASSETS                                                            134,718                   135,468


Called up share capital                                                       8,324                     8,222

Share premium account                                                        10,572                    10,592

Revaluation reserve                                                          74,467                    74,467

Other reserves                                                                2,748                     3,611

Profit and loss account                                                      38,607                    38,576


(Equity and Non-Equity)                                                     134,718                   135,468

Net Asset Value per Share                                                     Euro1.70                     Euro1.74


Group Cash Flow Statement

For the period ended 31 December 2002

                                                                        Eleven month          Fifty three week
                                                                        period ended              period ended
                                                                    31 December 2002           31 January 2002
                                                                              Euro000's                    Euro000's

OPERATING ACTIVITIES                                                          5,895                     6,666


Interest received                                                               343                       810

Interest paid                                                                (2,586)                   (4,992)

Interest element of finance lease payments                                     (245)                     (506)

Participating preference dividends                                              (21)                      (33)

Net cash outflow from returns on

investments and servicing of finance                                         (2,509)                   (4,721)


Net cash flow from taxation                                                    (131)                     (828)


Payments to acquire tangible assets                                          (6,199)                   (3,467)

Net cash outflow from capital expenditure                                    (6,199)                   (3,467)


Proceeds from disposal of Gresham Royal Marine Hotel                              -                    22,220

Payment of disposal costs                                                         -                      (912)

Net cash inflow from acquisitions & disposals                                     -                    21,308

EQUITY DIVIDENDS PAID                                                        (1,867)                   (2,454)

Net cash (outflow) / inflow before financing                                 (4,811)                   16,504


Issue of ordinary share capital                                                 130                       421

Share issue costs                                                               (47)                      (96)

New loans during period                                                       2,000                     2,539

Repayment of long term loans                                                 (2,293)                  (13,651)

Capital element of finance lease payments                                      (112)                     (211)

Net cash outflow from financing                                                (322)                  (10,998)

(DECREASE) / INCREASE IN CASH                                                (5,133)                    5,506


Notes to the Preliminary Financial Statements

For the period ended 31 December 2002

1.         Final Dividend

Euro0.01 per Ordinary share payable on 30 May 2003 to shareholders on the register
on 4 April 2003.

2.         Annual Report

The Annual Report is being sent to all Shareholders.  It will also be made
available to the public at the Company's Registered Office, 23 Upper O'Connell
Street, Dublin 1.

3.         Exceptional Items

The exceptional items comprise professional fees and payments to Directors
arising from the convening of an Extraordinary General Meeting held on 8 August
2002 and the resolutions passed at that meeting, the payments to directors being
in respect of termination of their contracts.
                                                                           Eleven month         Fifty three week
                                                                           period ended             period ended
                                                                       31 December 2002          31 January 2002
                                                                                 Euro000's                   Euro000's

Costs arising on sale & leaseback of

 Gresham Royal Marine Hotel                                                          -                     (874)

Branding costs                                                                       -                     (939)

Revaluation adjustment                                                               -                   (5,975)

Professional fees                                                                 (637)                       -

Payments to Directors                                                             (481)                       -

                                                                                (1,118)                  (7,788)


Notes to the Preliminary Financial Statements

For the period ended 31 December 2002

4.         Taxation                                                         Eleven month         Fifty three week
                                                                            period ended             period ended
                                                                        31 December 2002          31 January 2002
                                                                                  Euro000's                   Euro000's

         Irish corporation tax                                                        -                      194

         Foreign corporation tax                                                     27                      204

         Overprovision in earlier years                                            (163)                    (203)

                                                                                   (136)                     195

         Deferred tax                                                                25                       85

         Total                                                                     (111)                     280

5.         Earnings per Share                                               Eleven month         Fifty three week
                                                                            period ended             period ended
                                                                        31 December 2002          31 January 2002
                                                                                  Euro000's                   Euro000's

         Profit / (loss)  after taxation                                            216                   (5,081)

         Less: Participating preference dividends                                   (24)                     (33)

                                                                                    192                   (5,114)

         Ordinary shares in issue during the period                          78,451,998               76,321,858

         Earnings per share after exceptional items                                0.25c                  (6.69c)

Diluted earnings per share, which takes account solely of the potential exercise
of share options granted under the Company's Share Option Scheme, is based on a
weighted average number of shares in issue of 78,781,388 (31 Jan 2002:

For further information contact:

Patrick Coyle      Chief Executive               Gresham Hotel Group Plc          +353 1 817 6209
Robert Bastow      Finance Director              Gresham Hotel Group Plc          +353 1 817 6209
Fiona Gillespie    Communications Consultant                                      +353 87 250 2447

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange