CALGARY, Feb. 6, 2018 /CNW/ - Valeura Energy Inc.
("Valeura" or the "Corporation") (TSX: VLE) is
pleased to announce summary results of an independent evaluation of
its prospective resources in the Thrace Basin of Turkey prepared by DeGolyer and MacNaughton
("D&M") of Dallas,
Texas in its report dated February 6,
2018 (the "D&M Resources Report"). Highlights of
the D&M Resources Report are as follows:
- 10.1 Tcf of estimated working interest unrisked mean
prospective resources of natural gas, which includes 236 MMbbl of
condensate; and
- 5.2 Tcf of estimated working interest risked mean
prospective resources of natural gas, which includes 165 MMbbl of

Valeura's CEO, Sean Guest, said
"We are pleased to now have an independent evaluation that supports
Valeura's thesis that the Thrace Basin may hold a very large
unconventional, basin-centered natural gas-condensate resource.
Valeura has been maturing this play for almost five years and these
efforts culminated in the drilling of the Yamalik-1 natural
gas-condensate discovery in 2017 with our partner Statoil. While
Valeura is confident that natural gas is pervasive in these deep
formations, we recognise that we are in the early phases of
exploration. More drilling and testing will be required to prove
that the gas will flow at commercial rates, and to refine the large
uncertainty around recoverable gas and condensate. Valeura and
Statoil are committed to progressing the work required to further
evaluate this unconventional prospect. We are currently working to
tie-in the Yamalik-1 discovery well to Valeura's gas production
network to allow for further testing and long-term production and
sales. Additionally, Statoil and Valeura are planning a three-well
delineation drilling and testing program which is expected to
commence in Q3 2018."
The D&M Resources Report was prepared using the guidelines
outlined in the Canadian Oil and Gas Evaluation Handbook
("COGEH") and in accordance with NI 51-101 and is valid
at December 31, 2017. D&M
evaluated the unconventional prospective resources attributable to
the Teslimkoy/Kesan basin-centered gas prospect on Valeura's lands
in the Thrace Basin of Turkey. The
working interest lands included comprise the deep formations
(generally below 2,500 m depth) on
the Corporation's Banarli licenses (50% working interest), TBNG JV
West Thrace lands (31.5% working interest), and TBNG JV South
Thrace lands (81.5% working interest).
The D&M evaluation benefited from the Yamalik-1 natural
gas-condensate discovery, which was recently drilled and tested on
the Banarli licenses. Yamalik-1 discovered an approximate
1,300 m column of natural gas and
condensate in over-pressured reservoirs below 2,900 m in the Teslimkoy and Kesan formations.
The well was drilled to 4,196 m,
fracture stimulated and production tested in Q4 2017. As announced
on December 27, 2017, four production
tests from eight frac stages in the Kesan formation yielded a
24-hour aggregate test rate of 2.9 MMcf/d. Extensive coring and
wireline logging information was also captured in the well.
Yamalik-1 was the first well to be extensively facture
stimulated in the basin-centered gas prospect in the Thrace Basin.
However, well data from seven other legacy wells drilled in the
prospective area to depths up to 4,050
m also indicate over-pressured natural gas below
approximately 2,500 m and were
available for D&M's evaluation. Only one of these legacy wells
(Yayli-1) was fracture stimulated with a small two-stage frac at a
depth of approximately 2,800 m.
Table 1 below summarizes D&M's estimates of Valeura's
working interest prospective natural gas resources (defined as
"conventional natural gas" under NI 51-101). These numbers as
reported by D&M are for the complete gas stream and explicitly
include condensate resources (defined as "natural gas liquids"
under NI 51-101) which are entrained in the natural gas. Sales gas
volumes would be nominally lower than those presented in Table 1.
Table 2 shows the amount of condensate that would be recovered
associated with the production of the natural gas volumes shown in
Table 1.
Table 1 Valeura Working Interest Natural Gas Prospective
Resources at December 31, 2017
Interest Lands (1)
Chance of
Natural Gas (13) - Bcf
The broad range of recoverable gas from 3.2 to more than 20 Tcf
is a function of the uncertainty in the various components of
the assessment including recovery factor. There has been very
limited stimulation and production testing from the over-pressured
Teslimkoy and Kesan formations in the Thrace Basin, and as yet
there is no production data. To determine potential recovery
factors, D&M have utilized their experience in analogous
basins. The prospective resources in Table 1 and 2 assume a low
recovery factor estimate of approximately 25%, a best and mean
estimate of 40% and high estimate of 55%. Significantly more
delineation drilling, stimulation, and testing will be required to
confirm that gas can be commercially recovered from the prospect,
and to generate type curves that can be used in a predictive sense.
All of Valeura's prospective resources were sub-classified into the
project maturity subclass of 'prospect'.
Table 2 Valeura Working Interest Natural Gas Liquids
Prospective Resources at December 31,
2017 (6)(7)(8)(9)(10)
Interest Lands (1)
(Natural Gas Liquids) (14) - MMbbl
D&M has assigned a chance of discovery of 70%. This high
chance is driven by: (1) the hundreds of legacy wells drilled in
the Thrace Basin which support the geological model for the
Teslimkoy and Kesan formations; (2) the over-pressured natural gas
which was encountered and tested at Yamalik-1, and (3) the seven
legacy wells surrounding the basin which all encountered
over-pressured gas below 2,500 m.
D&M has assigned a chance of development of the natural gas
prospective resources of approximately 74%, which is a product of
the probability of threshold economic field size and probability of
development. This high chance of development reflects that existing
hydraulic fracturing technology is being applied, well depths and
costs are not expected to be excessive, sales pipeline
infrastructure already exists in the area and there are ready
domestic markets in Turkey for
domestic natural gas and condensate sales. This results in an
overall chance of commerciality of 51.1% which is the product of
chance of discovery and chance of development. The resulting risked
mean estimates of conventional natural gas prospective resources
are shown in Table 1, as risked for chance of commerciality.
Understanding of the extent of this basin-centered gas prospect
in the Thrace Basin and its potential commerciality is in the early
stages of exploration and appraisal. There are a number of positive
and negative factors which are driving large uncertainty. The key
positive factors include:
- Design work is underway for the production facilities and
gathering pipeline to tie-in the Yamalik-1 well to Valeura's
existing gathering sales pipeline infrastructure to enable a
long-term production test and natural gas and condensate sales from
the well at an anticipated cost of approximately US$3 MM (gross). First sales from Yamalik-1 are
targeted for Q2 2018.
- Valeura and Statoil are planning a delineation drilling program
comprising three wells expected to commence in Q3 2018 and extend
into 2019. The first well in this program will be the second and
final earning well under Phase 3 of the Banarli Farm-in to be fully
funded by Statoil.
- The follow-up delineation drilling program will benefit from
the new Karaca 3D seismic in terms of finalizing drilling
locations, correlating the seismic to the Yamalik-1 well results
and targeting sweet-spots in the basin-centered gas prospect.
- It is expected that the follow-up delineation wells will be
drilled to approximately 5,000 m
given good potential to extend the column of hydrocarbon-bearing
sands. The Yamalik-1 well was drilled to 4,196 m, the limit of the rig capability and well
completion, but the base of the well was still in gas-bearing sands
that were successfully flow tested.
- Valeura's existing infrastructure and customer base is expected
to be capable of handling sales of more than 35 MMcf/d compared to
current sales through the system of less than 10 MMcf/d, thereby
providing the opportunity for early production from any future
delineation wells.
- Turkey is a captive natural
gas market given that 99% of its natural gas demand is served by
imports. This provides an attractive marketing opportunity for a
domestic natural gas producer. As Valeura's natural gas production
volumes potentially grow beyond the limit of its owned
infrastructure, there are multiple take-away opportunities. These
include: a potential to tie-in to a pipeline owned by Bori Hatlari
ile Petrol Tasima Anonim Sirketi ("BOTAS") just north of the
Banarli lands; a tie-in to another BOTAS interconnector pipeline
traversing Banarli and connected to an export line to Greece; and sales to the local gas distributor
who currently offtakes gas from the BOTAS pipeline to the
- Natural gas prices in Turkey
are strong. Valeura's average natural gas price realization in Q4
2017 was approximately CAD$6.61/Mcf.
On January 1, 2018, the reference
natural gas price set by BOTAS was increased by 14%.
Negative factors with respect to the estimate of prospective
resources include:
- The basin-centered gas prospect is in the early exploration and
delineation cycle with very sparse well control and very limited
fracture stimulation and testing data.
- There is no long-term well production performance from the
basin-centered prospect to establish a production type curve
specific to the prospect, thereby requiring use of analogue
information at this time to establish development plans and to
confirm the chance of commerciality.
- Recovery efficiencies are uncertain given the absence of site
specific long-term well production performance data in the
basin-centered gas prospect.
- The limited deep drilling carried out in the Thrace Basin
provides poor visibility on future costs to drill, frac and
complete deep development wells to exploit the basin-centered gas
prospect and the associated impact on the chance of
- Although oil and gas activity has been underway for many
decades in the Thrace Basin area, as activity levels increase,
timelines may increase to achieve government and local landowner
For completeness, the Corporation also announces an update on
its proved plus probable (2P) gross reserves attributed to its
properties in the Thrace Basin of Turkey. The Corporation has completed an
internal assessment (non-independent) which estimates 2P gross
reserves of 7.8 MMboe effective December 31,
2017. This represents a significant increase in reserves
relative to the reported year-end 2016 and is attributed to the
TBNG acquisition which occurred after the year-end 2016
report. The Corporation expects that the related 2P net
present value of future net revenue before-tax for year-end 2017
will be similar to year-end 2016 as the increase in reserves from
the TBNG acquisition is expected to be mostly offset by a reduction
in the forecast gas price.
D&M are currently preparing their independent evaluation of
the Corporation's reserves at December 31,
2017. This information will be released in the normal course
in March 2018 in conjunction with the
release of the 2017 Annual Information Form.
Valeura Energy Inc. is a Canada-based public company currently engaged
in the exploration, development and production of petroleum and
natural gas in Turkey.
When used herein, the term "boe" means barrels of oil equivalent
on the basis of one boe being equal to one barrel of oil or natural
gas liquids, or 6.0 Mcf of natural gas. Barrel of oil equivalent
may be misleading, particularly if used in isolation. A boe
conversion ratio of 6.0 Mcf to 1.0 bbl is based on an energy
equivalency conversion method primarily applicable at the burner
tip and does not represent a value equivalency at the wellhead.
The prospective resources and reserves estimates provided herein
are estimates only and there is no guarantee that the estimated
reserves and prospective resources will be recovered.
"Chance of Discovery" is the estimated probability that
exploration activities will confirm the existence of a significant
accumulation of potentially recoverable petroleum.
"Chance of Development" is the estimated probability
that, once discovered, a known accumulation will be
commercially developed.
"Company gross reserves" are the Company's working
interest (operating or non-operating) share before deducting
royalties and without including any royalty interests of the
''Condensate'' is defined as Natural Gas Liquids product
type as per NI 51-101.
"Natural Gas" is defined as Conventional Natural Gas
product type as per NI 51-101
"Proved" or "1P" reserves are those reserves that
can be estimated with a high degree of certainty to be recoverable.
It is likely that the actual remaining quantities recovered will
exceed the estimated proved reserves.
"Probable" reserves are those additional reserves that
are less certain to be recovered than proved reserves. It is
equally likely that the actual remaining quantities recovered will
be greater or less than the sum of the estimated proved plus
probable ("2P") reserves.
"Prospective Resources" are those quantities of petroleum
estimated, as of a given date, to be potentially recoverable from
undiscovered accumulations by application of future development
projects. Prospective resources have both an associated chance of
discovery and a chance of development.
''Reserves'' are estimated remaining quantities of oil
and natural gas and related substances anticipated to be
recoverable from known accumulations, from a given date forward,
based on: (a) analysis of drilling, geological, geophysical, and
engineering data; (b) the use of established technology; and (c)
specified economic conditions, which are generally accepted as
being reasonable and shall be disclosed. Reserves are classified
according to the degree of certainty associated with the
Valeura's working
interest in the lands (exploration licences and production leases)
that are encompassed (all or a portion thereof) in the
basin-centered gas prospect in the Teslimkoy/Kesan formation is as
follows: Banarli 50%, West Thrace 31.5% and South Thrace
The low estimate is
the P90 quantity. P90 means there is a 90%
chance that the estimated quantity will be equaled or
The best estimate is
the P50 quantity. P50 means there is a 50%
chance that the estimated quantity will be equaled or
The high estimate is
the P10 quantity. P10 means there is a 1 %
chance that the estimated quantity will be equaled or
The mean estimate is
the probability-weighted average (expected value).
The totals are the
arithmetic summation of probabilistic estimates. Arithmetic
summation may produce invalid results except for the
prospective resources, as prepared by D&M, are those quantities
of petroleum that are estimated, at a given date, to be potentially
recoverable from undiscovered unconventional accumulations by
application of future development projects. Unconventional
prospective resources may exist in petroleum accumulations that are
pervasive throughout a large potential production area and would
not be significantly affected by hydrodynamic influences (also
called continuous-type deposits). Typically such accumulations
(once discovered) require specialized extraction technology (e.g.
massive fracturing programs for tight gas). Tight gas occurs within
low permeability reservoir rocks, which are rocks with matrix
porosity of 10 percent or less and permeability of 0.1 millidarcies
or less, exclusive of fractures. Tight gas can be regionally
distributed (e.g. the basin-centered gas prospect in the Thrace
Basin evaluated herein), rather than accumulated in a readily
producible reservoir in a discrete structural closure as in a
conventional gas field.
Prospective resources
have both an associated chance of discovery and a chance
of development. There is no certainty that any portion of the
unconventional prospective resources estimated herein will be
discovered. If discovered, there is no certainty that it will be
commercially viable to produce any portion of the unconventional
prospective resources evaluated. Estimates of the unconventional
prospective resources should be regarded only as estimates that may
change as additional information becomes available. Not only are
such unconventional prospective resources estimates based on that
information which is currently available, but such estimates are
also subject to uncertainties inherent in the application of
judgmental factors in interpreting such information. Unconventional
prospective resources should not be confused with those quantities
that are associated with contingent resources or reserves due to
the additional risks involved. Because of the uncertainty of
commerciality and the lack of sufficient exploration drilling, the
unconventional prospective resources estimated herein cannot be
classified as contingent resources or reserves. The quantities that
might actually be recovered, should they be discovered and
developed, may differ significantly from the estimates
The unconventional
prospective resources estimates contained in the D&M Resources
Report are expressed as gross and working interest unconventional
prospective resources. Table 1 and 2 summarizes Valeura's working
interest unconventional prospective resources, which incorporate
the fraction of potential hydrocarbon pore volume owned or
partially owned by Valeura and Valeura's working interest
ownership, before deduction of any associated royalty burdens.
Recovery efficiency is applied to unconventional prospective
resources in Table 1 and 2.
The estimation of
resources quantities for a prospect is subject to both technical
and commercial uncertainties and, in general, may be quoted as a
range. The range of uncertainty reflects a reasonable range of
estimated potentially recoverable quantities. Estimates of
petroleum resources herein are expressed using the terms low
estimate, best estimate, high estimate and mean estimate (unrisked
and risked) to reflect the range of uncertainty.
The chance of
commerciality is defined as the product of the chance of
discovery and the chance of development. Chance of
discovery is defined in COGEH as the estimated probability that
exploration activities will confirm the existence of a significant
accumulation of potentially recoverable petroleum. Chance of
development is the estimated probability that, once discovered,
a known accumulation will be commercially developed.
Chance of
discovery in the D&M Resources Report is referred to as the
probability of geologic success (Pg), which is defined
as the probability of discovering reservoirs that flow hydrocarbons
at a measureable rate. The Pg is estimated by
quantifying with a probability, each of the following geologic
chance factors: trap, source, reservoir and migration. The product
of the probabilities of these four chance factors is Pg.
Pg is predicated and correlated to the minimum case
prospective resources gross recoverable volume(s). Consequently,
the Pg is not linked to economically viable volumes,
economic flow rates or economic field size
In the D&M
Resources Report, two factors have been considered in determining
the chance of development as follows:
Chance of
development = Ptefs (probability of threshold
economic field size) x Pd (probability of
D&M defines
Ptefs as the probability of discovering an accumulation
that is large enough to be economically viable. Ptefs is
estimated by using the prospective resources potential recoverable
quantities distribution in conjunction with the threshold economic
field size (TEFS). TEFS is the minimum amount of the producible
petroleum required to recover the total capital and operating
expenditure used to establish the potential accumulation as having
a potential present worth at 10% equal to zero using the most
likely price scenario.
D&M defines
Pd as the probability that a given discovery will be a
viable development project. It takes into account the chance that
the discovered target zone will flow the predicted hydrocarbon
phase(s) at a commercial rate. It also considers the chance that
the target zone can be mechanically completed and appraised in a
reasonable time and in compliance with the projected cost schedule.
The Pd is estimated by the quantification and product of
these two chance factors.
The risked mean
estimate of conventional natural gas prospective resources = the
unrisked mean estimate x chance of discovery x chance of
The risked mean
estimate of natural gas liquids prospective resources = the
Unrisked mean estimate x chance of discovery.
The natural gas
liquids prospective resources are included in the conventional
natural gas prospective resources.
billion cubic
barrels of oil
million cubic feet
per day
trillion cubic
This news release contains certain forward-looking statements
and information (collectively referred to herein as
"forward-looking information") including, but not limited
to: the anticipated delineation drilling and development program to
exploit the basin-centered gas prospect on Valeura's working
interest lands; the plans, timelines and cost to tie-in the
Yamalik-1 well to conduct a long term production test, establish
production type curves and achieve gas sales; completion of Phase 3
of the Banarli Farm-in and drilling of the second earning well to
be funded by Statoil; the ability to target sweet spots in the
basin-centered gas prospect; the plans to drill to 5,000m in the basin-centered gas prospect
delineation program and the cost and timeline impacts; the capacity
of Valeura's existing infrastructure in the Thrace Basin and
ability to handle up to 35 MMcf/d; the ability to access other
pipeline systems in the Thrace Basin should future production
volumes exceed the capacity of Valeura's existing infrastructure;
the anticipated conventional tight gas development program in the
Tekirdag field that underpins the Corporation's current probable
and possible reserves; the preparation and timing of the 2017
D&M Reserves Report; and the ability to finance future
developments. Forward-looking information typically contains
statements with words such as "anticipate", estimate", "expect",
"target", "potential", "could", "should", "would" or similar words
suggesting future outcomes. The Corporation cautions readers and
prospective investors in the Corporation's securities to not place
undue reliance on forward-looking information, as by its nature, it
is based on current expectations regarding future events that
involve a number of assumptions, inherent risks and uncertainties,
which could cause actual results to differ materially from those
anticipated by the Corporation.
Statements related to "reserves" or "prospective resources" are
deemed forward-looking statements as they involve the implied
assessment, based on certain estimates and assumptions, that the
reserves and prospective resources can be profitably produced in
the future. Specifically, forward-looking information contained
herein regarding "reserves" and "prospective resources" may
include: estimated volumes and value of Valeura's oil and gas
reserves; estimated volumes of prospective resources and the
ability to finance future development; and, the conversion of a
portion of prospective resources into reserves.
Forward-looking information is based on management's current
expectations and assumptions regarding, among other things:
political stability of the areas in which the Corporation is
operating and completing transactions, and in particular the
aftermath of the July 2016 failed
coup attempt in Turkey and
April 2017 constitutional referendum;
continued safety of operations and ability to proceed in a timely
manner; continued operations of and approvals forthcoming from the
Turkish government in a manner consistent with past conduct; future
seismic and drilling activity on the expected timelines; the
prospectivity of the TBNG JV lands and Banarli licences, including
the deep basin-centered gas potential; the continued favourable
pricing and operating netbacks in Turkey; future production rates and associated
operating netbacks and cash flow; future sources of funding; future
economic conditions; future currency exchange rates; the ability to
meet drilling deadlines and other requirements under licences and
leases; and the Corporation's continued ability to obtain and
retain qualified staff and equipment in a timely and cost efficient
manner. In addition, the Corporation's work programs and budgets
are in part based upon expected agreement among joint venture
partners and associated exploration, development and marketing
plans and anticipated costs and sales prices, which are subject to
change based on, among other things, the actual results of drilling
and related activity, availability of drilling, fracing and other
specialized oilfield equipment and service providers, changes in
partners' plans and unexpected delays and changes in market
conditions. Although the Corporation believes the expectations and
assumptions reflected in such forward-looking information are
reasonable, they may prove to be incorrect.
Forward-looking information involves significant known and
unknown risks and uncertainties. Exploration, appraisal, and
development of oil and natural gas reserves are speculative
activities and involve a significant degree of risk. A number of
factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those
anticipated by the Corporation including, but not limited to: the
risks of currency fluctuations; changes in gas prices and netbacks
in Turkey; uncertainty regarding
the contemplated timelines for the Yamalik-1 tie-in program;
completion of the Banarli Farm-in program and the basin-centered
gas delineation drilling program; the risks of disruption to
operations and access to worksites, threats to security and safety
of personnel and potential property damage related to political
issues, terrorist attacks, insurgencies or civil unrest in
Turkey; political stability in
Turkey, including potential
changes in Turkey's constitution,
political leaders or parties or a resurgence of a coup or other
political turmoil; the uncertainty regarding government and other
approvals; counterparty risk; potential changes in laws and
regulations; and risks associated with weather delays and natural
disasters; the risk associated with international activity; and,
the uncertainty regarding the ability to fulfill the drilling
commitment on the West Thrace lands. The forward-looking
information included in this news release is expressly qualified in
its entirety by this cautionary statement. The forward-looking
information included herein is made as of the date hereof and
Valeura assumes no obligation to update or revise any
forward-looking information to reflect new events or circumstances,
except as required by law. See Valeura's 2016 AIF for a detailed
discussion of the risk factors.
Additional information relating to Valeura is also available on
SEDAR at www.sedar.com
Neither the Toronto Stock Exchange nor its Regulation
Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the
Toronto Stock Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or
accuracy of this news release.
SOURCE Valeura Energy Inc.