Canfor Corporation (TSX:CFP) today reported net income attributable to
shareholders ("shareholder net income") of $54.3 million, or $0.39 per share,
for the second quarter of 2014, compared to $45.5 million, or $0.33 per share,
for the first quarter of 2014 and $110.3 million, or $0.77 per share, for the
second quarter of 2013. For the six months ended June 30, 2014, the Company's
shareholder net income was $99.8 million, or $0.72 per share, compared to
shareholder net income of $172.2 million, or $1.21 per share, reported for the
first half of 2013. 

The following table summarizes selected financial information for the Company
for the comparative periods:

(millions of Canadian dollars,                                              
 except per share amounts)            Q2       Q1      YTD       Q2      YTD
                                    2014     2014     2014     2013     2013
Sales                           $  907.3 $  741.9 $1,649.2 $  843.2 $1,629.5
Operating income                $   97.3 $   84.4 $  181.7 $  128.2 $  228.2
Net income attributable to                                                  
 equity shareholders of the                                                 
 Company                        $   54.3 $   45.5 $   99.8 $  110.3 $  172.2
Net income per share                                                        
 attributable to equity                                                     
 shareholders of the Company,                                               
 basic and diluted              $   0.39 $   0.33 $   0.72 $   0.77 $   1.21
Adjusted shareholder net income $   56.7 $   46.4 $  103.1 $   87.7 $  158.0
Adjusted shareholder net income                                             
 per share, basic and diluted   $   0.41 $   0.34 $   0.74 $   0.61 $   1.11

After adjusting for items affecting comparability with the prior periods, the
Company's adjusted shareholder net income for the second quarter of 2014 was
$56.7 million, or $0.41 per share, compared to an adjusted shareholder net
income of $46.4 million, or $0.34 per share, for the first quarter of 2014.
Canfor's adjusted shareholder net income for the second quarter of 2013 was
$87.7 million, or $0.61 per share. 

The Company reported operating income of $97.3 million for the second quarter of
2014, compared to operating income of $84.4 million for the first quarter of
2014. The positive variance largely reflected improved shipments across all
segments in the current quarter resulting from improved railcar availability and
resolution of the truckers' strike at the Vancouver port in the first quarter of
2014, mitigated somewhat by lower sales realizations in both the lumber and pulp
and paper segments and maintenance outages at the Company's pulp and paper

Reflecting the overhang of lumber inventories in British Columbia resulting from
the transportation challenges experienced in the previous quarter, Western
Spruce/Pine/Fir ("SPF") lumber prices saw a gradual decline through most of the
second quarter of 2014. Towards the end of quarter, however, prices picked up in
response to improved demand and as inventories reached more balanced levels. The
U.S. housing market continued its recovery, albeit at a slower pace than
anticipated as home construction activities continued to be hampered by a
shortage of building lots and skilled construction workers across the country,
as well as tight credit availability. U.S. housing starts averaged 980,000 units
SAAR (seasonally adjusted annual rate), up 6% from the previous quarter. In
Canada, lumber consumption was higher than the previous quarter, with Canadian
housing starts up 11% from the first quarter of 2014, to 196,000 units SAAR.
Offshore demand was steady, with higher shipments reflecting the improved
transportation performance. 

The Company's lumber sales realizations decreased moderately compared to the
previous quarter, as a 9% decline in the average North American Western SPF 2x4
#2&Btr price (down US$32 per Mfbm to US$335 per Mfbm) was mitigated by less
pronounced decreases on most wider dimension products as well as improved
pricing on several other grades and more stable offshore prices. The latter
largely reflected the nature of offshore pricing, much of which is negotiated
monthly or quarterly in advance. Current quarter sales realizations also
reflected the favourable impact of a higher percentage of prime products, in
part reflecting the closure of the Company's Quesnel Sawmill in the first
quarter of 2014, and the unfavourable impact of a 1% stronger Canadian dollar
compared to the US dollar. Overall sales realizations for Southern Yellow Pine
("SYP") products were up modestly compared to the previous quarter; while the
benchmark SYP 2x4 #2 price was relatively unchanged, moderate increases were
seen for several wider dimension products, which more than offset a decline in
the 2x6 #2 price.

Lumber shipments, at over 1.2 billion board feet, were up 33% from the previous
quarter, reflecting the aforementioned improved railcar availability and
increased offshore shipments. Lumber production, at just under 1.1 billion board
feet, was down 2% from the first quarter of 2014, largely as a result of the
closure of the Company's Quesnel Sawmill and the sale of the Company's Daaquam
Sawmill in the previous quarter. Excluding the impact of the Quesnel and Daaquam
Sawmills, the Company's lumber production was up 6% from the previous quarter,
principally due to improved productivity following completion of several major
capital projects as well as improved weather. Production in the current quarter
was impacted by capital related downtime and continued ramp-ups at several
sawmills following major capital upgrades in previous quarters. Lumber unit
manufacturing costs were down slightly from the previous quarter, driven in part
by the continued productivity improvements as well as other seasonal factors.
Log costs remained relatively stable, mainly due to seasonally lower logging
activity in the current quarter, ahead of an anticipated increase in log costs
in the third quarter of 2014.  

Global softwood pulp markets were steady through the second quarter of 2014.
Softwood pulp demand was solid across all regions and global softwood pulp
producer inventory levels tightened through the quarter, decreasing 3 days from
the end of March 2014 to 25 days' supply in June 2014, partly reflecting supply
constraints due to seasonal maintenance downtime. The North American NBSK pulp
list price was stable over the quarter averaging US$1,030 per tonne, up US$13
per tonne, or 1%, compared to the first quarter of 2014. Discount levels were
consistent with the previous quarter. The NBSK pulp list price to Europe also
remained largely unchanged, averaging US$925 per tonne, up US$5 per tonne from
the previous quarter, while the average NBSK pulp list price to China was down
US$27 per tonne, or 4%, to US$730 per tonne. Despite the average NBSK pulp
prices to North America and Europe increasing slightly compared to the previous
quarter, the combination of the weaker prices to China, the 1% stronger Canadian
dollar and a higher proportion of shipments to lower-margin markets, including
Asia (mostly tied to constraints in the previous quarter due to the Vancouver
Port truckers' strike), resulted in a small decrease in pulp unit sales

Pulp shipments were up 23% from the previous quarter, largely attributable to
improved transportation performance following the challenges experienced in the
prior quarter. Pulp production levels were down 7% from the previous quarter
principally related to the maintenance outages at the Intercontinental and
Prince George Pulp Mills, which reduced market pulp production by 18,000 tonnes.
Pulp unit manufacturing costs were up moderately compared to the previous
quarter, mostly due to the aforementioned maintenance outages and increased
fibre costs, partially offset by seasonally lower energy costs. The higher unit
fibre costs reflected higher delivered sawmill residual and whole log chip costs
and seasonal factors. 

Commenting on the second quarter performance, Canfor's President and Chief
Executive Officer, Don Kayne, said, "After the various logistical challenges
experienced in the first quarter, we were pleased to see the transportation
pressures across our lumber and pulp businesses ease somewhat in some regions in
the second quarter. We continue to make good headway with our capital upgrades
at our lumber business and anticipate a steady increase in production over the
balance of the year and into 2015."

Looking ahead, North American lumber consumption is forecast to improve with
steady demand in the residential construction market and continued strength from
the repair and remodeling sector. The build of lumber inventories from the
shortage of railcars in the first quarter of 2014 is projected to be cleared
before the end of the third quarter. Offshore shipments are forecast to remain
stable reflecting steady demand from China and other emerging markets, while
shipments to Japan are projected to ease and prices soften from lower lumber
demand. NBSK pulp markets are steady heading into the seasonally slower third
quarter of 2014. A risk of pulp price weakness remains for the second half of
2014 due in part to reduced global consumption during the historically slower
summer months and new hardwood pulp capacity projected to flow into markets. 

Additional Information and Conference Call 

A conference call to discuss the second quarter's financial and operating
results will be held on Friday, July 25, 2014 at 8:00 AM Pacific time. To
participate in the call, please dial 416-340-9534 or Toll-Free 800-952-6845. For
instant replay access until August 8, 2014, please dial 800-408-3053 and enter
participant pass code 9991781#. The conference call will be webcast live and
will be available at This news release, the attached financial
statements and a presentation used during the conference call can be accessed
via the Company's website at 

Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements in this press release constitute "forward-looking statements"
which involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may
cause actual results to be materially different from any future results,
performance or achievements expressed or implied by such statements. Words such
as "expects", "anticipates", "projects", "intends", "plans", "will", "believes",
"seeks", "estimates", "should", "may", "could", and variations of such words and
similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements.
These statements are based on management's current expectations and beliefs and
actual events or results may differ materially. There are many factors that
could cause such actual events or results expressed or implied by such
forward-looking statements to differ materially from any future results
expressed or implied by such statements. Forward-looking statements are based on
current expectations and the Company assumes no obligation to update such
information to reflect later events or developments, except as required by law. 

Canfor is a leading integrated forest products company based in Vancouver,
British Columbia ("BC") with interests in BC, Alberta, North and South Carolina
and Alabama. Canfor produces primarily softwood lumber, and also produces
bleached chemi-thermo mechanical pulp and specialized wood products. Canfor also
owns a 50.4% interest in Canfor Pulp Products Inc., which is one of the largest
producers of northern bleached softwood kraft pulp in Canada and a leading
producer of high performance kraft paper. Canfor shares are traded on the
Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol CFP.

Canfor Corporation                                                          
Second Quarter 2014                                                         
Management's Discussion and Analysis                                        

This interim Management's Discussion and Analysis ("MD&A") provides a review of
Canfor Corporation's ("Canfor" or "the Company") financial performance for the
quarter ended June 30, 2014 relative to the quarters ended March 31, 2014 and
June 30, 2013, and the financial position of the Company at June 30, 2014. It
should be read in conjunction with Canfor's unaudited interim consolidated
financial statements and accompanying notes for the quarters ended June 30, 2014
and 2013, as well as the 2013 annual MD&A and the 2013 audited consolidated
financial statements and notes thereto, which are included in Canfor's Annual
Report for the year ended December 31, 2013 (available at The
financial information in this interim MD&A has been prepared in accordance with
International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS"), which is the required
reporting framework for Canadian publicly accountable enterprises.

Throughout this discussion, reference is made to Operating Income before
Amortization which Canfor considers to be a relevant indicator for measuring
trends in the performance of each of its operating segments and the Company's
ability to generate funds to meet its debt repayment and capital expenditure
requirements. Reference is also made to Adjusted Shareholder Net Income (Loss)
(calculated as Shareholder Net Income (Loss) less specific items affecting
comparability with prior periods - for the full calculation, see reconciliation
included in the section "Analysis of Specific Material Items Affecting
Comparability of Shareholder Net Income (Loss)") and Adjusted Shareholder Net
Income (Loss) per Share (calculated as Adjusted Shareholder Net Income (Loss)
divided by the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the period).
Operating Income before Amortization and Adjusted Shareholder Net Income (Loss)
and Adjusted Shareholder Net Income (Loss) per Share are not generally accepted
earnings measures and should not be considered as an alternative to net income
or cash flows as determined in accordance with IFRS. As there is no standardized
method of calculating these measures, Canfor's Operating Income before
Amortization, Adjusted Shareholder Net Income (Loss) and Adjusted Shareholder
Net Income (Loss) per Share may not be directly comparable with similarly titled
measures used by other companies. Reconciliations of Operating Income before
Amortization to Operating Income (Loss) and Adjusted Shareholder Net Income
(Loss) to Net Income (Loss) reported in accordance with IFRS are included in
this MD&A. 

Factors that could impact future operations are also discussed. These factors
may be influenced by both known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could
cause the actual results to be materially different from those stated in this
discussion. Factors that could have a material impact on any future oriented
statements made herein include, but are not limited to: general economic, market
and business conditions; product selling prices; raw material and operating
costs; currency exchange rates; interest rates; changes in law and public
policy; the outcome of labour and trade disputes; and opportunities available to
or pursued by Canfor.

All financial references are in millions of Canadian dollars unless otherwise
noted. The information in this report is as at July 24, 2014. 

Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements in this MD&A constitute "forward-looking statements" which
involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause
actual results to be materially different from any future results, performance
or achievements expressed or implied by such statements. Words such as
"expects", "anticipates", "projects", "intends", "plans", "will", "believes",
"seeks", "estimates", "should", "may", "could", and variations of such words and
similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements.
These statements are based on management's current expectations and beliefs and
actual events or results may differ materially. There are many factors that
could cause such actual events or results expressed or implied by such
forward-looking statements to differ materially from any future results
expressed or implied by such statements. Forward-looking statements are based on
current expectations and the Company assumes no obligation to update such
information to reflect later events or developments, except as required by law.


Selected Financial Information and Statistics

(millions of Canadian dollars,                                              
 except per share amounts)            Q2       Q1      YTD       Q2      YTD
                                    2014     2014     2014     2013     2013
Operating income (loss) by                                                  
 Lumber                         $   74.1 $   56.4 $  130.5 $  115.5 $  203.9
 Pulp and Paper                 $   30.9 $   36.5 $   67.4 $   18.6 $   37.5
 Unallocated and Other          $  (7.7) $  (8.5) $ (16.2) $  (5.9) $ (13.2)
Total operating income          $   97.3 $   84.4 $  181.7 $  128.2 $  228.2
Add: Amortization               $   44.0 $   44.5 $   88.5 $   49.6 $   96.5
Total operating income before                                               
 amortization                   $  141.3 $  128.9 $  270.2 $  177.8 $  324.7
Add (deduct):                                                               
 Working capital movements      $   92.8 $(177.8) $ (85.0) $   96.9 $    2.4
 Defined benefit pension plan                                               
  contributions                 $  (5.9) $ (13.5) $ (19.4) $ (12.6) $ (26.1)
 Other operating cash flows,                                                
  net(1)                        $ (21.9) $   12.3 $  (9.6) $  (1.9) $   15.2
Cash from (used in) operating                                               
 activities                     $  206.3 $ (50.1) $  156.2 $  260.2 $  316.2
Add (deduct):                                                               
 Finance expenses paid          $  (2.6) $  (2.8) $  (5.4) $  (7.5) $ (10.0)
 Share purchases                $(105.7) $  (2.0) $(107.7) $      - $      -
 Distributions paid to non-                                                 
  controlling interests         $  (2.9) $  (2.1) $  (5.0) $  (2.1) $  (4.5)
 Capital additions, net         $ (63.0) $ (53.1) $(116.1) $ (48.8) $ (95.2)
 Proceeds from the sale of                                                  
  Daaquam Sawmill               $   22.9 $      - $   22.9 $      - $      -
 Loan repayment from Scotch &                                               
  Gulf Lumber, LLC              $    2.1 $    2.6 $    4.7 $      - $      -
 Drawdown (repayment) of long-                                              
  term debt                     $      - $      - $      - $ (73.2) $ (73.2)
 Proceeds from sale of Canfor-                                              
  LP OSB                        $      - $      - $      - $   76.6 $   76.6
 Other, net                     $    1.7 $  (0.9) $    0.8 $    0.3 $    5.9
Change in cash / operating                                                  
 loans                          $   58.8 $(108.4) $ (49.6) $  205.5 $  215.8
ROIC - Consolidated period-to-                                              
 date(2)                            3.7%     3.5%     7.2%     8.8%    13.6%
Average exchange rate (US$ per                                              
 C$1.00)(3)                     $  0.917 $  0.906 $  0.912 $  0.977 $  0.984
(1) Further information on operating cash flows can be found in the         
Company's unaudited interim consolidated financial statements.              
(2) Consolidated Return on Invested Capital ("ROIC") is equal to operating  
income/loss, plus realized gains/losses on derivatives, equity income/loss  
from joint venture and other income/expense, all net of minority interest,  
divided by the average invested capital during the period. Invested capital 
is equal to capital assets, plus long-term investments and net non-cash     
working capital, all excluding minority interest components.                
(3) Source - Bank of Canada (average noon rate for the period).             

Analysis of Specific Material Items Affecting Comparability of Shareholder Net

After-tax impact, net of non-                                               
 controlling interests                                                      
(millions of Canadian dollars,        Q2       Q1      YTD       Q2      YTD
 except per share amounts)          2014     2014     2014     2013     2013
Shareholder net income, as                                                  
 reported                       $   54.3 $   45.5 $   99.8 $  110.3 $  172.2
(Gain) loss on derivative                                                   
 financial instruments          $  (2.1) $    2.1 $      - $    1.0 $  (1.2)
Mark-to-market adjustment to                                                
 Canfor-LP OSB sale contingent                                              
 consideration(4)               $    4.5 $    0.4 $    4.9 $      - $      -
Gain on completion of sale of                                               
 Canfor-LP OSB (including                                                   
 contingent consideration)(4)   $      - $      - $      - $ (33.4) $ (33.4)
Gain on sale of Daaquam Sawmill $      - $  (1.6) $  (1.6) $      - $      -
Foreign exchange loss on long-                                              
 term debt                      $      - $      - $      - $    1.8 $    4.1
Canfor's 50% interest in                                                    
 Canfor-LP OSB's income, net of                                             
 tax(4)                         $      - $      - $      - $    3.8 $   12.1
Change in substantively enacted                                             
 tax rate                       $      - $      - $      - $    4.2 $    4.2
Net impact of above items       $    2.4 $    0.9 $    3.3 $ (22.6) $ (14.2)
Adjusted shareholder net income $   56.7 $   46.4 $  103.1 $   87.7 $  158.0
Shareholder net income per                                                  
 share (EPS), as reported       $   0.39 $   0.33 $   0.72 $   0.77 $   1.21
Net impact of above items per                                               
 share (5)                      $   0.02 $   0.01 $   0.02 $ (0.16) $ (0.10)
Adjusted shareholder net income                                             
 per share (5)                  $   0.41 $   0.34 $   0.74 $   0.61 $   1.11
(4) The Company completed the sale of its 50% share of the Canfor-LP OSB    
Limited Partnership ("Canfor-LP OSB") in the second quarter of 2013 and     
recorded a gain of $33.4 million (after tax). As part of the sale, Canfor   
may receive additional annual consideration over a 3 year period, starting  
June 1, 2013, based on Peace Valley OSB's annual adjusted earnings before   
interest, tax, depreciation and amortization. An asset was recorded based on
the fair value of this additional consideration and will be adjusted to     
current estimated fair value each reporting period. Based on the estimated  
fair value at June 30, 2014, a loss of $4.5 million (after tax) was recorded
in the second quarter of 2014.                                              
(5) The year-to-date net impact of the adjusting items per share and        
adjusted shareholder net income per share does not equal the sum of the     
quarterly per share amounts due to rounding and the weighted average common 
shares outstanding during the applicable period.                            

The Company reported operating income of $97.3 million for the second quarter of
2014, compared to operating income of $84.4 million for the first quarter of
2014. The positive variance largely reflected improved shipments across all
segments in the current quarter resulting from improved railcar availability and
resolution of the truckers' strike at the Vancouver port in the first quarter of
2014, mitigated somewhat by lower sales realizations in both the lumber and pulp
and paper segments and maintenance outages at the Company's pulp and paper

Reflecting the overhang of lumber inventories in British Columbia resulting from
the transportation challenges experienced in the previous quarter, Western
Spruce/Pine/Fir ("SPF") lumber prices saw a gradual decline through most of the
second quarter of 2014. Towards the end of quarter, however, prices picked up in
response to improved demand and as inventories reached more balanced levels. The
U.S. housing market continued its recovery, albeit at a slower pace than
anticipated as home construction activities continued to be hampered by a
shortage of building lots and skilled construction workers across the country,
as well as tight credit availability. U.S. housing starts averaged 980,000 units
SAAR (seasonally adjusted annual rate), up 6% from the previous quarter. In
Canada, lumber consumption was higher than the previous quarter, with Canadian
housing starts up 11% from the first quarter of 2014, to 196,000 units SAAR.
Offshore demand was steady, with higher shipments reflecting the improved
transportation performance. 

The Company's lumber sales realizations decreased moderately compared to the
previous quarter, as a 9% decline in the average North American Western SPF 2x4
#2&Btr price (down US$32 per Mfbm to US$335 per Mfbm) was mitigated by less
pronounced decreases on most wider dimension products as well as improved
pricing on several other grades and more stable offshore prices. The latter
largely reflected the nature of offshore pricing, much of which is negotiated
monthly or quarterly in advance. Current quarter sales realizations also
reflected the favourable impact of a higher percentage of prime products, in
part reflecting the closure of the Company's Quesnel Sawmill in the first
quarter of 2014, and the unfavourable impact of a 1% stronger Canadian dollar
compared to the US dollar. Overall sales realizations for Southern Yellow Pine
("SYP") products were up modestly compared to the previous quarter; while the
benchmark SYP 2x4 #2 price was relatively unchanged, moderate increases were
seen for several wider dimension products, which more than offset a decline in
the 2x6 #2 price.

Lumber shipments, at over 1.2 billion board feet, were up 33% from the previous
quarter, reflecting the aforementioned improved railcar availability and
increased offshore shipments. Lumber production, at just under 1.1 billion board
feet, was down 2% from the first quarter of 2014, largely as a result of the
closure of the Company's Quesnel Sawmill and the sale of the Company's Daaquam
Sawmill in the previous quarter. Excluding the impact of the Quesnel and Daaquam
Sawmills, the Company's lumber production was up 6% from the previous quarter,
principally due to improved productivity following completion of several major
capital projects as well as improved weather. Production in the current quarter
was impacted by capital related downtime and continued ramp-ups at several
sawmills following major capital upgrades in previous quarters. Lumber unit
manufacturing costs were down slightly from the previous quarter, driven in part
by the continued productivity improvements as well as other seasonal factors.
Log costs remained relatively stable, mainly due to seasonally lower logging
activity in the current quarter, ahead of an anticipated increase in log costs
in the third quarter of 2014. 

Global softwood pulp markets were steady through the second quarter of 2014.
Softwood pulp demand was solid across all regions and global softwood pulp
producer inventory levels tightened through the quarter, decreasing 3 days from
the end of March 2014 to 25 days' supply in June 2014, partly reflecting supply
constraints due to seasonal maintenance downtime. The North American NBSK pulp
list price was stable over the quarter averaging US$1,030 per tonne, up US$13
per tonne, or 1%, compared to the first quarter of 2014. Discount levels were
consistent with the previous quarter. The NBSK pulp list price to Europe also
remained largely unchanged, averaging US$925 per tonne, up US$5 per tonne from
the previous quarter, while the average NBSK pulp list price to China was down
US$27 per tonne, or 4%, to US$730 per tonne. Despite the average NBSK pulp
prices to North America and Europe increasing slightly compared to the previous
quarter, the combination of the weaker prices to China, the 1% stronger Canadian
dollar and a higher proportion of shipments to lower-margin markets, including
Asia (mostly tied to constraints in the previous quarter due to the Vancouver
Port truckers' strike), resulted in a small decrease in pulp unit sales

Pulp shipments were up 23% from the previous quarter, largely attributable to
improved transportation performance following the challenges experienced in the
prior quarter. Pulp production levels were down 7% from the previous quarter
principally related to the maintenance outages at the Intercontinental and
Prince George Pulp Mills, which reduced market pulp production by 18,000 tonnes.
Pulp unit manufacturing costs were up moderately compared to the previous
quarter, mostly due to the aforementioned maintenance outages and increased
fibre costs, partially offset by seasonally lower energy costs. The higher unit
fibre costs reflected higher delivered sawmill residual and whole log chip costs
and seasonal factors. 

Compared to the second quarter of 2013, operating income was down $30.9 million,
reflecting a $41.4 million decrease in the lumber segment partly offset by a
$12.3 million improvement in the pulp and paper segment. Both segments
benefitted from gains in unit sales realizations, in part reflecting a 6% weaker
Canadian dollar compared to the US dollar, with the pulp and paper segment
seeing both solid increases in sales realizations and higher shipments compared
to the second quarter of 2013. These gains were offset in part by higher unit
manufacturing costs mostly as a result of market-driven increases to fibre and
log costs, particularly for the lumber segment, coupled with the unfavourable
unit impact of lower production levels in both segments. 



Selected Financial Information and Statistics - Lumber 

(millions of Canadian dollars                                               
 unless otherwise noted)              Q2       Q1      YTD       Q2      YTD
                                    2014     2014     2014     2013     2013
Sales                           $  614.5 $  495.7 $1,110.2 $  586.8 $1,129.1
Operating income before                                                     
 amortization                   $  102.2 $   84.3 $  186.5 $  145.4 $  261.1
Operating income                $   74.1 $   56.4 $  130.5 $  115.5 $  203.9
Average SPF 2x4 #2&Btr lumber                                               
 price in US$(6)                $    335 $    367 $    351 $    335 $    363
Average SPF price in Cdn$       $    365 $    405 $    385 $    343 $    369
Average SYP 2x4 #2 lumber price                                             
 in US$(7)                      $    405 $    403 $    404 $    392 $    422
Average SYP price in Cdn$       $    442 $    445 $    443 $    401 $    429
U.S. housing starts (thousand                                               
 units SAAR)(8)                      980      925      953      865      906
Production - SPF lumber                                                     
 (MMfbm)(9)                        935.0    980.8  1,915.8  1,078.9  2,105.5
Production - SYP lumber                                                     
 (MMfbm)(9)                        153.6    135.4    289.0    131.9    263.0
Shipments - SPF lumber                                                      
 (MMfbm)(10)                     1,062.6    779.4  1,842.0  1,075.5  2,038.8
Shipments - SYP lumber                                                      
 (MMfbm)(10)                       168.4    143.2    311.6    141.7    264.1
Shipments - wholesale lumber                                                
 (MMfbm)                             5.4      4.8     10.2      6.8     13.9
(6) Western Spruce/Pine/Fir, per thousand board feet (Source - Random       
Lengths Publications, Inc.).                                                
(7) Southern Yellow Pine, Eastside, per thousand board feet (Source - Random
Lengths Publications, Inc.).                                                
(8) Source - U.S. Census Bureau, seasonally adjusted annual rate ("SAAR").  
(9) Excluding production of trim blocks.                                    
(10) Canfor-produced lumber, including lumber purchased for remanufacture   
and excluding trim blocks.                                                  


Operating income for the lumber segment was $74.1 million for the second quarter
of 2014, an increase of $17.7 million compared to operating income of $56.4
million in the previous quarter, and down $41.4 million from operating income of
$115.5 million reported for the second quarter of 2013. 

The improved earnings compared to the previous quarter were mostly attributable
to a 33% increase in shipments principally due to the aforementioned improvement
in transportation performance following the challenges experienced in the first
quarter of 2014. These higher shipments were offset in part by a moderate
decrease in unit sales realizations resulting from a modest reduction in prices
and a 1% stronger Canadian dollar compared to the US dollar. Overall unit
manufacturing costs were down slightly compared to the first quarter of 2014,
stemming principally from improved productivity. 

The decrease in lumber segment earnings compared to the second quarter of 2013,
for the most part reflected higher unit manufacturing costs, offset somewhat by
modest improvements in unit sales realizations and a 6% weaker Canadian dollar
compared to the US dollar. The increased unit manufacturing costs reflected
higher log costs, driven by market-related stumpage increases and to a lesser
extent, higher hauling and logging costs, coupled with increased unit conversion
costs, reflecting more capital related downtime and ramp-ups and elevated dust
management efforts in the current period. 

Shipments and production in the current period were also impacted by the closure
of the Company's Quesnel Sawmill and sale of the Company's Daaquam Sawmill late
in the first quarter of 2014, which reduced total production levels compared to
both comparable periods.


During the second quarter of 2014, Western SPF lumber prices declined gradually
through most of the quarter as the market was impacted by the buildup of lumber
supply in British Columbia resulting from the transportation challenges
experienced in the first quarter of 2014. Western SPF lumber prices picked up
towards the end of the quarter reflecting an increase in demand and more
balanced inventory levels. The U.S. housing market recovery continued, albeit at
a slower pace than anticipated as home construction activities continued to be
hampered by a shortage of building lots and skilled construction workers across
the country, as well as tighter credit availability. U.S. housing starts
averaged 980,000 units(11) SAAR, up 6% from the first quarter of 2014 and 13%
higher than the same period in 2013. Single-family starts, which consume a
larger proportion of lumber, increased modestly by 3% compared to the first
quarter of 2014 to 619,000 units(11) SAAR. Demand in the repair and remodeling
sector also picked up as better weather in the second quarter led to increased
home improvement projects in North America. 

In Canada, housing starts averaged 196,000 units(12) SAAR for the quarter, up
20,000 units, or 11%, compared to the first quarter of 2014 and up 4% compared
to the same period in 2013.

Canfor's offshore lumber shipments were higher compared to the previous quarter,
reflecting improved railcar availability and resolution of the truckers' strike,
both of which unfavourably impacted shipments in the previous quarter. China and
Japan bound shipments returned to more normal levels in the second quarter. 

(11) U.S. Census Bureau

(12) CMHC - Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation 


Sales for the lumber segment for the second quarter of 2014 were $614.5 million,
compared to $495.7 million in the previous quarter and $586.8 million in the
second quarter of 2013. Higher shipments in the current period more than offset
moderate decreases in sales realizations compared to the previous quarter. Total
shipments in the second quarter of 2014, at over 1.2 billion board feet, were up
33% from the previous quarter and broadly in line with the same period in 2013,
primarily reflecting the aforementioned improved railcar availability and
increased offshore shipments, offset slightly by the impact of reduced
production compared to both prior periods. Current quarter sales also reflected
seasonally lower log sales volumes compared to the previous quarter. 

Sales realizations decreased moderately compared to the previous quarter. The
benchmark North American Random Lengths Western SPF 2x4 #2&Btr price saw a 9%
decline quarter-over-quarter, down US$32 per Mfbm to US$335 per Mfbm, but this
impact on North American sales realizations was mitigated by less pronounced
decreases on most wider dimension products as well as improved pricing on
several other grades, such as machine stress rated ("MSR") grades, and more
stable offshore prices. Current quarter sales realizations also included the
favourable impact of a higher percentage of prime products, in part reflecting
the closure of the Company's Quesnel Sawmill in the first quarter of 2014.
Offshore sales realizations remained broadly in line with the previous quarter,
due in part to the nature of pricing, much of which is negotiated monthly or
quarterly in advance. Current quarter sales realizations were also unfavourably
impacted by a 1% stronger Canadian dollar (for the Company's Canadian
operations). Overall sales realizations for SYP products were up modestly
compared to the previous quarter, with the benchmark SYP 2x4 #2 price relatively
unchanged, up US$2 per Mfbm from the previous quarter, and more marked increases
in certain wider dimension products, which more than offset a decline in the 2x6
#2 price. 

Compared to the second quarter of 2013, sales realizations showed a modest
improvement. Despite an unchanged benchmark North American Random Lengths
Western SPF 2x4 #2&Btr price, sales realizations were boosted by a 6 cent, or
6%, weaker Canadian dollar and, to a lesser extent, a more favourable product
mix. Gains on North American sales realizations were partly offset by a moderate
decrease in quarter-over-quarter offshore sales realizations reflecting a more
pronounced impact from the advance nature of pricing seen in the second quarter
of 2013. Overall sales realizations for SYP products saw modest declines
compared to the same quarter in the previous year, as a small improvement in
pricing was offset by a lower-value grade mix.

Total residual fibre revenue was down compared to the first quarter of 2014, as
lower shipments, partly reflecting the absence of Daaquam and Quesnel Sawmill
volumes, offset market-driven increases in sawmill residual chip prices and
other seasonal factors. Compared to the second quarter of 2013, total residual
fibre revenue was up slightly, with lower shipments of sawmill residual chips
offset by higher sawmill residual chip prices.


Lumber production, at just under 1.1 billion board feet, was down 2% from the
previous quarter, largely as a result of the closure of the Company's Quesnel
Sawmill and sale of the Company's Daaquam Sawmill in the previous quarter.
Excluding the impact of the Quesnel and Daaquam Sawmills in the previous
quarter, the Company's production was up 6% from the first quarter of 2014,
principally due to improved productivity following completion of several major
capital projects as well as improved weather compared to the previous quarter.
Capital related downtime and ramp-ups impacted both the current quarter and the
first quarter of 2014 as well as continued ramp-ups at several sawmills
following major capital upgrades in the previous quarters. 

Compared to the second quarter of 2013, lumber production was down 10%, and
excluding the production from the Quesnel and Daaquam Sawmills, production was
down 2% principally reflecting the impact of capital related downtime and
ramp-ups in the current quarter as well as less operating hours in the current
period mainly due to the timing of the Easter holiday, offset in part by
additional shifts at the Company's southern pine operations. 

Unit manufacturing costs showed a small improvement from the previous quarter,
with a modest decrease in unit cash conversion costs and relatively unchanged
unit log costs. The improvement in unit cash conversion costs was largely due to
higher productivity. Current quarter unit manufacturing costs continued to
reflect ongoing dust control efforts. Log costs for most operations remained
stable, reflecting seasonally lower logging activity and improved recovery due
in part to recent capital improvements and seasonality. Log costs are
anticipated to increase in the third quarter of 2014.  

Compared to the second quarter of 2013, unit manufacturing costs were up as a
result of increases to both unit log costs and unit cash conversion costs. The
increase in unit log costs was primarily the result of market-driven increases
in stumpage and to a lesser extent, higher hauling and logging costs, due in
part to increased contractor rates and higher diesel costs. Higher unit cash
conversion costs principally reflected the lower production levels in the
current quarter as well as market-related increases in energy costs, further
dust management efforts and higher labour costs. 

Pulp and Paper 

Selected Financial Information and Statistics - Pulp and Paper(13)

(millions of Canadian dollars                                               
 unless otherwise noted)              Q2       Q1      YTD       Q2      YTD
                                    2014     2014     2014     2013     2013
Sales                           $  292.8 $  246.2 $  539.0 $  255.5 $  499.0
Operating income before                                                     
 amortization                   $   46.6 $   53.0 $   99.6 $   38.0 $   76.3
Operating income                $   30.9 $   36.5 $   67.4 $   18.6 $   37.5
Average pulp price delivered to                                             
 U.S. - US$(14)                 $  1,030 $  1,017 $  1,023 $    937 $    917
Average price in Cdn$           $  1,123 $  1,122 $  1,122 $    959 $    932
Production - pulp (000 mt)         288.7    310.4    599.1    301.6    618.6
Production - paper (000 mt)         35.4     36.7     72.1     35.3     70.1
Shipments - pulp (000 mt)          314.4    255.9    570.3    307.8    616.0
Shipments - paper (000 mt)          39.7     31.3     71.0     37.2     72.2
(13) Includes the Taylor Pulp Mill and 100% of Canfor Pulp Products Inc.,   
which is consolidated in Canfor's results. Pulp production and shipment     
volumes presented are for both NBSK and bleached chemi-thermo mechanical    
pulp ("BCTMP").                                                             
(14) Per tonne, NBSK pulp list price delivered to U.S. (Resource Information
Systems, Inc.).                                                             


Operating income for the pulp and paper segment was $30.9 million for the second
quarter of 2014, down $5.6 million from the previous quarter, and up $12.3
million from the second quarter of 2013. 

Increased shipments in the current quarter reflected the release of inventories
built in the first quarter of 2014 as a result of the transportation related
challenges. While prices to North America and Europe held up well during the
period, a combination of lower prices to China, a slightly stronger Canadian
dollar compared to the US dollar, and a higher proportion of shipments to Asia
resulted in a small decrease in the average unit sales realizations. Results in
the current quarter were also impacted by maintenance outages at the
Intercontinental and Prince George Pulp Mills and to a lesser extent,
operational challenges encountered following the outages, both of which
contributed to lower production levels in the current quarter. Increased unit
manufacturing costs in the current quarter were largely attributable to higher
delivered fibre costs, which reflected market and seasonal factors, as well as
increased freight costs, coupled with higher costs primarily driven by the
maintenance outages and the lower production levels.

Compared to the second quarter of 2013, results reflected improved unit sales
realizations, reflecting strong gains in NBSK pulp prices across all regions
coupled with the benefit of a 6% weaker Canadian dollar, as well as the impact
of slightly higher shipments. Unit manufacturing costs were up compared to the
same period in 2013, principally as the result of higher fibre (linked to NBSK
pulp sales realizations) and energy costs and the unfavourable impact to unit
costs of the reduced production levels in the current quarter, reflecting
operational challenges encountered following the maintenance outages in the
current quarter. Increased energy revenue resulting from the recent turbine
generator upgrades also contributed to the higher quarter-over-quarter earnings.


Global softwood pulp markets were steady through the second quarter of 2014.
Softwood pulp demand was solid across all regions and global softwood pulp
producer inventory levels tightened through the quarter, decreasing 3 days from
the end of March 2014 to 25 days' supply in June 2014(15), partly reflecting
supply constraints due to seasonal maintenance downtime. Market conditions are
generally considered balanced when inventories are in the 27-30 days of supply

Global shipments of bleached softwood kraft pulp improved modestly in the second
quarter in part reflecting efforts to clear the inventory backlog created by
transportation challenges experienced in the first quarter of 2014. However,
global shipments of bleached softwood kraft pulp were relatively unchanged for
the first half of 2014 compared to the same period in 2013(16), due in part to
the transportation challenges experienced in North America in the first quarter
of 2014.

(15) World 20 data is based on twenty producing countries representing 80% of
world chemical market pulp capacity and is based on information compiled and
prepared by the Pulp and Paper Products Council ("PPPC").

(16) As reported by PPPC statistics.


The Company's pulp shipments in the second quarter of 2014 were 314,400 tonnes,
an increase of 58,500 tonnes, or 23%, from the previous quarter, and up 6,600
tonnes, or 2%, from the same period in 2013. Increased shipments compared to the
both comparative quarters largely reflected the aforementioned improved
transportation performance. Shipments to Asia were up relative to both
comparable periods, with the increase relative to the immediately preceding
quarter reflecting both the truckers' strike at the Vancouver Port as well as
the traditional Chinese Lunar New Year Holiday in the previous quarter. Total
shipments compared to the same period in 2013 included the impact of the
maintenance outages in the current quarter, while the second quarter of 2013
also included a drawdown in inventory levels. 

Global softwood pulp markets were steady through the current quarter, with the
average North American NBSK pulp list price holding for the quarter at an almost
three-year high of US$1,030 per tonne, up US$13 per tonne, or 1%, compared to
the first quarter of 2014, in part reflecting the spring maintenance period
offset slightly by the release of inventories built due to the transportation
challenges experienced in the previous quarter. Discount levels were consistent
with the previous quarter. The NBSK pulp list price to Europe also remained
largely unchanged, averaging US$925 per tonne, up US$5 per tonne from the
previous quarter, while the average NBSK pulp list price to China saw a modest
decline, down US$27 per tonne, or 4%, to US$730 per tonne. Current quarter sales
realizations were down slightly compared to the previous quarter, mainly
reflecting the lower pulp prices to China, the 1% stronger Canadian dollar and
increased shipments to lower-margin markets, particularly Asia. Current quarter
sales included a modest increase in energy output resulting from the recently
commissioned turbine upgrades at the Northwood Pulp Mill. Bleached chemi-thermo
mechanical pulp ("BCTMP") average sales realizations were broadly in line with
the previous quarter.

Compared to the second quarter of 2013, pulp sales realizations continued to see
strong gains as a result of increases in average pulp list prices in all regions
and the 6% weaker Canadian dollar. The North American NBSK pulp list price
increased US$93 per tonne, or 10%. NBSK pulp list prices to China and Europe
also experienced gains, up 4% and 8%, respectively, from the same period in
2013. These gains were partly offset by increased discounts in North American
markets through the second half of 2013 and increased volumes to lower-margin
regions, principally Asia. Energy revenue also saw solid gains compared to the
second quarter of 2013, principally due to the aforementioned upgrades to the
Northwood Pulp Mill turbines completed earlier in 2014. BCTMP sales realizations
were well up compared to the second quarter of 2013, also reflecting higher
market pricing and the weaker Canadian dollar. 


Pulp production in the current quarter was 288,700 tonnes, down 21,700 tonnes,
or 7%, from the previous quarter, and down 12,900 tonnes, or 4%, from the second
quarter of 2013. Production in the current quarter reflected maintenance outages
at the Intercontinental and Prince George Pulp Mills, which reduced market pulp
production by 18,000 tonnes. The Company's BCTMP Taylor Pulp Mill also took a
five day maintenance shutdown in the current quarter. In the comparative second
quarter of 2013, production levels included maintenance outages at the Northwood
and Intercontinental Pulp Mills, which reduced market pulp production by a
similar level and a maintenance shutdown at the Company's BCTMP Taylor Pulp
Mill. Operating rates at the Company's NBSK Pulp Mills in the current quarter
were lower than both comparable periods as a result of several operational
challenges encountered following the maintenance outages. 

Pulp unit manufacturing costs were up moderately compared to the previous
quarter, reflecting higher fibre costs and the maintenance outages in the
quarter. The increased fibre costs compared to the first quarter of 2014
reflected higher prices for sawmill residual and whole log chips, seasonal
pricing adjustments and higher freight costs, all of which were partially offset
by a lower proportion of the higher-cost whole log chips. Somewhat mitigating
these factors were seasonally lower energy costs and usage in the current

Compared to the second quarter of 2013, unit manufacturing costs were higher
primarily driven by increased fibre costs, largely attributable to market-driven
increases to sawmill residual chip and whole log chip prices and higher freight
costs, offset slightly by a lower proportion of the higher-cost whole log chips.
Also contributing to higher unit manufacturing costs compared to the same period
in 2013 were lower production levels as well as higher natural gas prices and
usage, with the higher usage related to maintenance work performed in the
current quarter. 

Unallocated and Other Items 

Selected Financial Information

                                      Q2       Q1      YTD       Q2      YTD
(millions of Canadian dollars)      2014     2014     2014     2013     2013
Operating loss of Panels                                                    
 operations(17)                 $  (1.1) $  (1.3) $  (2.4) $  (0.6) $  (1.3)
Corporate costs                 $  (6.6) $  (7.2) $ (13.8) $  (5.3) $ (11.9)
Finance expense, net            $  (4.4) $  (4.4) $  (8.8) $  (6.3) $ (15.1)
Foreign exchange loss on long-                                              
 term debt                      $      - $      - $      - $  (4.0) $  (7.8)
Gain (loss) on derivative                                                   
 financial instruments          $    3.1 $  (3.5) $  (0.4) $  (2.7) $    0.6
Gain on sale of Canfor-LP OSB                                               
 joint venture                  $      - $      - $      - $   38.3 $   38.3
Other income (expense), net     $ (10.8) $    3.3 $  (7.5) $    6.8 $    8.5
(17) The Panels operations include the Company's PolarBoard oriented strand 
board ("OSB") plant, which is currently indefinitely idled and its Tackama  
plywood plant, which was closed in January 2012.                            

Corporate costs were $6.6 million for the second quarter of 2014, down $0.6
million from the previous quarter and up $1.3 million from second quarter of

Net finance expense for the first quarter of 2014 was $4.4 million, in line with
the first quarter of 2014 and down $1.9 million from the second quarter of 2013.
The decrease compared to the second quarter of 2013 reflected lower debt levels
and lower employee future benefit net interest costs, due in part to the
improved financial position of most of the Company's defined benefit plans. 

The Company uses a variety of derivative financial instruments as partial
economic hedges against unfavourable changes in foreign exchange rates, energy
costs, lumber prices, pulp prices and interest rates. In the second quarter of
2014, the Company recorded a net gain of $3.1 million related to its derivative
instruments, principally reflecting unrealized gains on US dollar foreign
exchange collars as a result of the strengthening of the Canadian dollar through
the quarter, as well as realized gains on the settlement of lumber futures. 

Other expense, net of $10.8 million in the second quarter of 2014 included a
$6.1 million negative fair value adjustment to the Canfor-LP OSB contingent
consideration asset, reflecting weaker forecast OSB prices over the contingent
consideration period. The first year of the three year contingent consideration
earn-out period ended on May 31, 2014 and no amounts were paid to Canfor under
the contingent consideration arrangement as minimum earnings thresholds were not
met. Also included in other expense, net in the current quarter were foreign
exchange losses on US dollar denominated working capital of $4.7 million
resulting from the strengthening of the Canadian dollar relative to the US
dollar over the course of the quarter.

Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) 

The following table summarizes Canfor's Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) for
the comparable periods:

                                      Q2       Q1      YTD       Q2      YTD
(millions of Canadian dollars)      2014     2014     2014     2013     2013
Foreign exchange translation                                                
 differences for foreign                                                    
 operations                     $ (10.0) $   10.6 $    0.6 $    9.1 $   12.6
Defined benefit actuarial gains                                             
 (losses), net of tax           $ (26.2) $ (24.3) $ (50.5) $   28.4 $   34.2
Other comprehensive income                                                  
 (loss), net of tax             $ (36.2) $ (13.7) $ (49.9) $   37.5 $   46.8

In the second quarter of 2014, the Company recorded an after-tax loss to the
Statements of Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) of $26.2 million in relation to
changes in the valuation of the Company's employee future benefit plans. During
the second quarter of 2014, actuarial funding valuations were completed for a
number of the Company's employee future benefit plans resulting in revisions to
actuarial assumptions as well as adjustments for plan member experience. Based
on completion of the actuarial funding valuations, Canfor's overall funded
position on a solvency basis has improved and future pension funding
requirements will decrease. The Company's largest pension plan is now 100%
funded on a solvency basis. On an accounting basis, as at June 30, 2014, the
Company's largest pension plan was in a slight net liability position while
certain of the Company's other employee future benefit plans were in net asset

The defined benefit actuarial loss recorded in the second quarter of 2014
reflects a lower discount rate used to value the net retirement benefit
obligations, as well as the actuarial assumption and experience adjustments,
offset in part by a modest return on plan assets. In the previous quarter, a
loss of $24.3 million (after-tax) was recorded, while an after-tax gain of $28.4
million was recorded in the second quarter of 2013. 

In addition, the Company recorded $10.0 million of other comprehensive loss in
the quarter for foreign exchange differences for foreign operations, reflecting
unfavourable foreign exchange movements during the quarter. This compared to a
foreign exchange gain of $10.6 million in the previous quarter and $9.1 million
in the second quarter of 2013. 


The following table summarizes Canfor's cash flow and selected ratios for and as
at the end of the following periods: 

(millions of Canadian dollars,                                              
 except for ratios)                   Q2       Q1      YTD       Q2      YTD
                                    2014     2014     2014     2013     2013
Increase (decrease) in cash and                                             
 cash equivalents               $   19.8 $  (1.6) $   18.2 $  165.5 $  188.8
 Operating activities           $  206.3 $ (50.1) $  156.2 $  260.2 $  316.2
 Financing activities           $(150.2) $   99.9 $ (50.3) $(134.1) $(126.0)
 Investing activities           $ (36.3) $ (51.4) $ (87.7) $   39.4 $  (1.4)
Ratio of current assets to                                                  
 current liabilities                                 1.7:1             1.8:1
Net debt to capitalization                           10.8%              3.0%
ROIC - Consolidated period-to-                                              
 date                               3.7%     3.5%     7.2%     8.8%    13.6%
ROCE - Canfor solid wood                                                    
 business(18)period-to-date         4.1%     2.7%     6.8%     7.0%    12.6%
(18)Return on Capital Employed ("ROCE") for the Canfor solid wood business  
represents consolidated ROCE adjusted to remove the Company's interest in   
Canfor-LP OSB and pulp and paper operations, including CPPI and the Taylor  
Pulp Mill. Consolidated ROCE is equal to shareholder net income for the     
period plus finance expense, after tax, divided by the average capital      
employed during the period (which consists of current and long-term debt and
operating loans, and shareholders' equity, less cash and temporary          

Changes in Financial Position 

Cash generated from operating activities was $206.3 million in the second
quarter of 2014, compared to cash used of $50.1 million in the previous quarter
and cash generated of $260.2 million in the same quarter of 2013. The increase
in operating cash flows from the previous quarter principally reflected higher
cash earnings and a decrease in non-cash working capital in the current quarter.
The most significant driver of the decrease in non-cash working capital was a
drawdown of log inventories during the Canadian spring break-up period as well
as reductions in finished inventories as transportation constraints from the
first quarter of 2014 eased somewhat in some regions. Partially offsetting these
reductions in working capital was an increase in prepaid assets in part due to
seasonally higher reforestation-related payments, an increase in trade accounts
receivable due to transportation-related lower shipments at the end of the first
quarter and a decrease in stumpage payable stemming from seasonally lower
logging activity in the second quarter of 2014. Compared to the second quarter
of 2013, the decrease in cash generated from operating activities was mostly
attributable to lower cash earnings 

Cash used in financing activities was $150.2 million in the current quarter,
compared to cash generated of $99.9 million in the previous quarter and cash
used of $134.1 million in the same quarter of 2013. In the current quarter,
Canfor purchased 4,331,200 common shares under its Normal Course Issuer Bid for
$103.9 million, of which $102.7 million was paid in cash in the period, with the
balance paid in early July. Cash paid for share purchases in the second quarter
also included $3.0 million related to shares purchased at the end of the first
quarter. This compares to cash paid for Normal Course Issuer Bid share purchases
of $2.0 million in previous quarter and $10.3 million in the same quarter of
2013. During the current quarter, the Company paid $2.6 million in finance
expenses which is broadly in line with the previous quarter and down $4.9
million from same quarter in 2013 reflecting less interest in the current
period. During the current quarter, Canfor repaid $39.0 million against its
operating loan facility and had $143.0 million outstanding at the end of the
quarter, while the investing cash flow in the first quarter of 2014 included a
$106.8 million drawn on the operating loan facility. In the second quarter of
2013, Canfor repaid its US$75 million 5.42% term debt and $40.0 million of its
operating loan facility. 

Cash used for investing activities was $36.3 million in the second quarter of
2014, compared to $51.4 million in the previous quarter and cash generated of
$39.4 million in the same quarter of 2013. Cash used for capital additions was
$63.0 million, up $9.9 million from the previous quarter and up $14.2 million
from the second quarter of 2013. Cash paid for capital in the current quarter
included capital expenditures for the Company's Grande Prairie Sawmill upgrade
and payments for various other upgrades in the lumber segment. In the pulp and
paper segment, capital expenditures primarily related to Canfor Pulp's
Intercontinental Pulp Mill's turbine upgrade and maintenance capital related to
the maintenance outages during the quarter. Investing activities in the current
quarter also included $22.9 million cash received from the sale of the Daaquam
operation which occurred at the end of the first quarter of 2014. In the second
quarter of 2013, Canfor received $76.6 million in proceeds from the sale of the
Company's 50% share in the Canfor-LP OSB joint venture.

Liquidity and Financial Requirements 

At June 30, 2014, the Company on a consolidated basis had cash of $107.7
million, $143.0 million drawn on its operating loans, and an additional $25.8
million reserved for several standby letters of credit. Total available undrawn
operating loans were $311.2 million. 

Canfor has $100.0 million of floating interest rate term debt, repayable in
February 2017 and CPPI has $50.0 million of floating interest rate term debt,
repayable in November 2018. 

The Company and CPPI remained in compliance with the covenants relating to their
operating loans and long-term debt during the quarter, and expect to remain so
for the foreseeable future.

The Company's consolidated net debt to total capitalization at the end of the
second quarter of 2014 was 10.8%. For Canfor, excluding CPPI, net debt to
capitalization at the end of the second quarter of 2014 was 11.8%. 

On March 5, 2014, the Company renewed its normal course issuer bid whereby it
can purchase for cancellation up to 6,995,228 common shares or approximately 5%
of its issued and outstanding common shares as of February 28, 2014. The renewed
normal course issuer bid is set to expire on March 4, 2015. During the second
quarter of 2014, Canfor purchased 4,331,200 common shares for $103.9 million (an
average of $23.99 per common share), of which $102.7 million was paid in cash in
the period, with the balance paid in early July. Cash paid for share purchases
in the second quarter of 2014 of $105.7 million also included payment of $3.0
million for purchases that occurred in the first quarter of 2014.



For the third quarter of 2014, North American lumber consumption is forecast to
improve with steady demand in the residential construction market and continued
strength from the repair and remodeling sector. The build of lumber inventories
from the shortage of railcars in the first quarter of 2014 is projected to be
cleared before the end of the third quarter. Offshore shipments are forecast to
remain stable reflecting steady demand from China and other emerging markets,
while shipments to Japan are projected to ease and prices soften from lower
lumber demand. 

Pulp and Paper 

NBSK pulp markets are steady heading into the seasonally slower third quarter of
2014. For the month of July 2014, Canfor Pulp announced NBSK pulp list prices of
US$1,030 per tonne in North America and US$730 per tonne in China, both
unchanged from June 2014. A risk of pulp price weakness remains for the second
half of 2014 due in part to reduced global consumption during the historically
slower summer months and new hardwood pulp capacity projected to flow into


At July 24, 2014, there were 135,376,993 common shares outstanding. 


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with International
Financial Reporting Standards requires management to make estimates and
assumptions that affect the amounts recorded in the financial statements. On an
ongoing basis, management reviews its estimates, including those related to
useful lives for amortization, impairment of long-lived assets, certain accounts
receivable, pension and other employee future benefit plans and asset retirement
and deferred reforestation obligations based upon currently available
information. While it is reasonably possible that circumstances may arise which
cause actual results to differ from these estimates, management does not believe
it is likely that any such differences will materially affect the Company's
financial condition. 


In May 2011, the International Accounting Standards Board ("IASB") issued IFRS
9, Financial Instruments. The required adoption date for IFRS 9 has been
deferred from the original date of January 1, 2015 and is currently under review
by the IASB.  

In May 2014, the IASB issued IFRS 15, Revenue from Contracts with Customers,
which will supersede IAS 18, Revenue, IAS 11, Construction Contracts and related
interpretations. The new standard is effective for annual periods beginning on
or after January 1, 2017. The Company is still in the process of assessing the
impact, if any, on the financial statements of this new standard.

Further details of the new accounting Standards and the potential impact on
Canfor can be found in the Company's Annual Report for the year ended December
31, 2013.


During the quarter ended June 30, 2014, there were no changes in the Company's
internal controls over financial reporting that materially affected, or would be
reasonably likely to materially affect, such controls. 


A comprehensive discussion of risks and uncertainties is included in the
Company's 2013 annual statutory reports which are available on or

On June 26, 2014 the Supreme Court of Canada ("SCC") handed down its decision
regarding Tsilhqot'in v. British Columbia ("the William case"). The SCC has
recognized that Aboriginal title to land exists and the decision also provides
guidance on the extensive evidence Aboriginal groups must provide to establish
title, including sufficiency, continuity and exclusivity of use.  The decision
has implications for the treaty negotiation process and it is unclear how
government will respond.  

Canfor does not have any forest tenures in the area involved in the William case
and although Aboriginal groups have asserted title over substantial portions of
BC, Aboriginal title has not been established in areas overlapping with Canfor's
forest tenures. The process of establishing title can be lengthy and complex and
in the meantime, Canfor's operations can continue under the existing
requirements for Aboriginal consultation and accommodation. As such, risks and
uncertainties remain consistent with those discussed in the above-referenced
risks and uncertainties section of the 2013 annual statutory report,
specifically titled "Aboriginal Issues".  

Canfor builds mutually beneficial and lasting relationships with local First
Nations whose traditional territories overlap Canfor's areas of operations. The
Company communicates frequently with Aboriginal groups in the areas that Canfor
operates in and, where appropriate, develops business relationships and evolves
strategy, especially in the areas of timber harvesting and silviculture. 


                                               Q2       Q1       Q4       Q3
                                             2014     2014     2013     2013
Sales and income (millions of Canadian                                      
Sales                                    $  907.3 $  741.9 $  809.5 $  755.9
Operating income                         $   97.3 $   84.4 $   53.8 $   49.3
Net income                               $   64.5 $   58.6 $   35.1 $   33.6
Shareholder net income                   $   54.3 $   45.5 $   28.0 $   28.4
Per common share (Canadian dollars)                                         
Shareholder net income - basic and                                          
 diluted                                 $   0.39 $   0.33 $   0.20 $   0.20
Book value(19)                           $   9.75 $  10.05 $   9.82 $   9.47
Lumber shipments (MMfbm)                    1,236      927    1,109    1,172
Pulp shipments (000 mt)                       314      256      330      268
Average exchange rate - US$/Cdn$         $  0.917 $  0.906 $  0.953 $  0.963
Average Western SPF 2x4 #2&Btr lumber                                       
 price (US$)                             $    335 $    367 $    370 $    328
Average SYP (East) 2x4 #2 lumber price                                      
 (US$)                                   $    405 $    403 $    415 $    393
Average NBSK pulp list price delivered                                      
 to U.S. (US$)                           $  1,030 $  1,017 $    983 $    947

                                               Q2       Q1       Q4       Q3
                                             2013     2013     2012     2012
Sales and income (millions of Canadian                                      
Sales                                    $  843.2 $  786.3 $  700.3 $  663.7
Operating income                         $  128.2 $  100.0 $   49.0 $   18.1
Net income                               $  114.3 $   67.5 $   24.7 $   18.8
Shareholder net income                   $  110.3 $   61.9 $   21.3 $   20.5
Per common share (Canadian dollars)                                         
Shareholder net income - basic and                                          
 diluted                                 $   0.77 $   0.43 $   0.15 $   0.14
Book value(19)                           $   9.25 $   8.29 $   7.79 $   7.65
Lumber shipments (MMfbm)                    1,224    1,093    1,110    1,093
Pulp shipments (000 mt)                       308      308      298      269
Average exchange rate - US$/Cdn$         $  0.977 $  0.991 $  1.009 $  1.005
Average Western SPF 2x4 #2&Btr lumber                                       
 price (US$)                             $    335 $    391 $    335 $    300
Average SYP (East) 2x4 #2 lumber price                                      
 (US$)                                   $    392 $    452 $    386 $    322
Average NBSK pulp list price delivered                                      
 to U.S. (US$)                           $    937 $    897 $    863 $    853
(19)Book value per common share is equal to shareholders' equity at the end 
of the period, divided by the number of common shares outstanding at the end
of the period.                                                              

In addition to exposure to changes in product prices and foreign exchange, the
Company's financial results are impacted by seasonal factors such as weather and
building activity. Adverse weather conditions can cause logging curtailments,
which can affect the supply of raw materials to sawmills and pulp mills. Market
demand also varies seasonally to some degree. For example, building activity and
repair and renovation work, which affects demand for lumber products, is
generally stronger in the spring and summer months. Shipment volumes are
affected by these factors as well as by global supply and demand conditions. 

Other material factors that impact the comparability of the quarters are noted

After-tax impact, net of non-controlling interests                          
(millions of Canadian dollars, except          Q2       Q1       Q4       Q3
 for per share amounts)                      2014     2014     2013     2013
Shareholder net income, as reported      $   54.3 $   45.5 $   28.0 $   28.4
(Gain) loss on derivative financial                                         
 instruments                             $  (2.1) $    2.1 $    0.1 $  (2.2)
Mark-to-market adjustment to Canfor-LP                                      
 OSB sale contingent consideration       $    4.5 $    0.4 $    3.6 $    1.0
Gain on sale of Canfor-LP OSB (including                                    
 contingent consideration)               $      - $      - $      - $      -
Gain on sale of Daaquam Sawmill          $      - $  (1.6) $      - $      -
Foreign exchange (gain) loss on long-                                       
 term debt and investments, net          $      - $      - $    1.5 $  (1.0)
Mill closure provisions                  $      - $      - $   14.8 $      -
One-time costs associated with                                              
 collective agreements for the lumber                                       
 business                                $      - $      - $    0.8 $      -
Canfor's 50% interest in Canfor-LP OSB's                                    
 income, net of tax                      $      - $      - $      - $      -
Change in substantively enacted tax rate $      - $      - $      - $      -
Net gain on post retirement and pension                                     
 plan amendments                         $      - $      - $      - $      -
Restructuring charges for management                                        
 changes                                 $      - $      - $      - $      -
Net impact of above items                $    2.4 $    0.9 $   20.8 $  (2.2)
Adjusted shareholder net income          $   56.7 $   46.4 $   48.8 $   26.2
Shareholder net income per share (EPS),                                     
 as reported                             $   0.39 $   0.33 $   0.20 $   0.20
Net impact of above items per share      $   0.02 $   0.01 $   0.15 $ (0.02)
Adjusted net income per share            $   0.41 $   0.34 $   0.35 $   0.18

After-tax impact, net of non-controlling interests                          
(millions of Canadian dollars, except          Q2       Q1       Q4       Q3
 for per share amounts)                      2013     2013     2012     2012
Shareholder net income, as reported      $  110.3 $   61.9 $   21.3 $   20.5
(Gain) loss on derivative financial                                         
 instruments                             $    1.0 $  (2.2) $    6.5 $  (4.4)
Mark-to-market adjustment to Canfor-LP                                      
 OSB sale contingent consideration       $      - $      - $      - $      -
Gain on sale of Canfor-LP OSB (including                                    
 contingent consideration)               $ (33.4) $      - $      - $      -
Gain on sale of Daaquam Sawmill          $      - $      - $      - $      -
Foreign exchange (gain) loss on long-                                       
 term debt and investments, net          $    1.8 $    2.3 $    1.2 $  (4.0)
Mill closure provisions                  $      - $      - $      - $      -
One-time costs associated with                                              
 collective agreements for the lumber                                       
 business                                $      - $      - $      - $      -
Canfor's 50% interest in Canfor-LP OSB's                                    
 income, net of tax                      $    3.8 $    8.3 $      - $      -
Change in substantively enacted tax rate $    4.2 $      - $      - $      -
Net gain on post retirement and pension                                     
 plan amendments                         $      - $      - $  (8.7) $      -
Restructuring charges for management                                        
 changes                                 $      - $      - $      - $    1.5
Net impact of above items                $ (22.6) $    8.4 $  (1.0) $  (6.9)
Adjusted shareholder net income          $   87.7 $   70.3 $   20.3 $   13.6
Shareholder net income per share (EPS),                                     
 as reported                             $   0.77 $   0.43 $   0.15 $   0.14
Net impact of above items per share      $ (0.16) $   0.06 $ (0.01) $ (0.05)
Adjusted net income per share            $   0.61 $   0.49 $   0.14 $   0.09
Canfor Corporation                                                          
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets                                       
                                                         As at         As at
                                                      June 30,  December 31,
(millions of Canadian dollars, unaudited)                 2014          2013
Current assets                                                              
Cash and cash equivalents                        $       107.7 $        89.5
 Accounts receivable - Trade                             146.7         112.6
 - Other                                                  35.6          39.3
Inventories (Note 2)                                     481.8         471.9
Prepaid expenses and other assets                         47.7          39.1
Total current assets                                     819.5         752.4
Property, plant and equipment                          1,175.2       1,151.9
Timber licenses                                          527.0         534.6
Goodwill and other intangible assets                      98.9          93.5
Retirement benefit surplus (Note 5)                        4.6          42.2
Long-term investments and other (Note 3)                 101.9         112.5
Deferred income taxes, net                                 5.8           6.2
Total assets                                     $     2,732.9 $     2,693.3
Current liabilities                                                         
Operating loans (Note 4)                         $       143.0 $        74.6
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities                 307.9         321.8
Current portion of deferred reforestation                                   
 obligations                                              43.9          44.1
Total current liabilities                                494.8         440.5
Long-term debt                                           153.2         153.1
Retirement benefit obligations (Note 5)                  221.0         200.5
Deferred reforestation obligations                        74.6          69.8
Other long-term liabilities                               15.3          14.9
Deferred income taxes, net                               217.3         217.1
Total liabilities                                $     1,176.2 $     1,095.9
Share capital                                    $     1,068.0 $     1,103.7
Contributed surplus                                       31.9          31.9
Retained earnings                                        214.6         234.2
Accumulated foreign exchange translation                                    
 differences                                               5.1           4.5
Total equity attributable to equity holders of                              
 the Company                                           1,319.6       1,374.3
Non-controlling interests                                237.1         223.1
Total equity                                     $     1,556.7 $     1,597.4
Total liabilities and equity                     $     2,732.9 $     2,693.3

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated
financial statements. 


"R.S. Smith"                  "M.J. Korenberg"              
Director, R.S. Smith          Director, M.J. Korenberg      
Canfor Corporation                                                          
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income                                 
                                       3 months ended      6 months ended   
                                          June 30,            June 30,      
(millions of Canadian dollars,                                              
 except per share data, unaudited)        2014      2013      2014      2013
Sales                                $   907.3 $   843.2 $ 1,649.2 $ 1,629.5
Costs and expenses                                                          
 Manufacturing and product costs         587.2     508.2   1,065.9   1,000.4
 Freight and other distribution                                             
  costs                                  156.4     141.5     270.2     270.9
 Amortization                             44.0      49.6      88.5      96.5
 Selling and administration costs         20.7      14.8      39.0      31.1
 Restructuring, mill closure and                                            
  severance costs                          1.7       0.9       3.9       2.4
                                         810.0     715.0   1,467.5   1,401.3
Operating income                          97.3     128.2     181.7     228.2
Finance expense, net                     (4.4)     (6.3)     (8.8)    (15.1)
Foreign exchange loss on long-term                                          
 debt                                        -     (4.0)         -     (7.8)
Gain (loss) on derivative financial                                         
 instruments (Note 6)                      3.1     (2.7)     (0.4)       0.6
Gain on sale of Canfor-LP OSB joint                                         
 venture (Note 12)                           -      38.3         -      38.3
Other income (expense), net             (10.8)       6.8     (7.5)       8.5
Net income before income taxes            85.2     160.3     165.0     252.7
Income tax expense (Note 7)             (20.7)    (46.0)    (41.9)    (70.9)
Net income                           $    64.5 $   114.3 $   123.1 $   181.8
Net income attributable to:                                                 
Equity shareholders of the Company   $    54.3 $   110.3 $    99.8 $   172.2
Non-controlling interests                 10.2       4.0      23.3       9.6
Net income                           $    64.5 $   114.3 $   123.1 $   181.8
Net income per common share: (in                                            
 Canadian dollars)                                                          
Attributable to equity shareholders                                         
 of the Company                                                             
 Basic and diluted (Note 8)          $    0.39 $    0.77 $    0.72 $    1.21

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated
financial statements. 

Canfor Corporation                                                          
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)      
                                       3 months ended      6 months ended   
                                          June 30,            June 30,      
(millions of Canadian dollars,                                              
 unaudited)                               2014      2013      2014      2013
Net income                           $    64.5 $   114.3 $   123.1 $   181.8
Other comprehensive income (loss)                                           
Items that will not be recycled                                             
 through net income:                                                        
 Defined benefit plan actuarial                                             
  gains (losses) (Note 5)               (35.5)      38.5    (68.3)      46.2
 Income tax recovery (expense) on                                           
  defined benefit plan actuarial gains                                      
  (losses) (Note 7)                        9.3    (10.1)      17.8    (12.0)
                                        (26.2)      28.4    (50.5)      34.2
Items that may be recycled through                                          
 net income:                                                                
 Foreign exchange translation                                               
  differences for foreign operations    (10.0)       9.1       0.6      12.6
Other comprehensive income (loss),                                          
 net of tax                             (36.2)      37.5    (49.9)      46.8
Total comprehensive income           $    28.3 $   151.8 $    73.2 $   228.6
Total comprehensive income                                                  
 attributable to:                                                           
Equity shareholders of the Company   $    19.0 $   144.5 $    54.2 $   215.6
Non-controlling interests                  9.3       7.3      19.0      13.0
Total comprehensive income           $    28.3 $   151.8 $    73.2 $   228.6

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated
financial statements. 

Canfor Corporation                                                          
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity                      
                                       3 months ended      6 months ended   
                                          June 30,            June 30,      
(millions of Canadian dollars,                                              
 unaudited)                               2014      2013      2014      2013
Share capital                                                               
Balance at beginning of period       $ 1,102.2 $ 1,126.2 $ 1,103.7 $ 1,126.2
Share purchases (Note 8)                (34.2)     (6.0)    (35.7)     (6.0)
Balance at end of period             $ 1,068.0 $ 1,120.2 $ 1,068.0 $ 1,120.2
Contributed surplus                                                         
Balance at beginning and end of                                             
 period                              $    31.9 $    31.9 $    31.9 $    31.9
Retained earnings                                                           
Balance at beginning of period       $   255.3 $    32.5 $   234.2 $  (35.1)
Net income attributable to equity                                           
 shareholders of the Company              54.3     110.3      99.8     172.2
Defined benefit plan actuarial gains                                        
 (losses), net of tax                   (25.3)      25.1    (46.2)      30.8
Share purchases (Note 8)                (69.7)     (8.4)    (73.2)     (8.4)
Balance at end of period             $   214.6 $   159.5 $   214.6 $   159.5
Accumulated foreign exchange                                                
 translation differences                                                    
Balance at beginning of period       $    15.1 $   (7.0) $     4.5 $  (10.5)
Foreign exchange translation                                                
 differences for foreign operations     (10.0)       9.1       0.6      12.6
Balance at end of period             $     5.1 $     2.1 $     5.1 $     2.1
Total equity attributable to equity                                         
 holders of the Company              $ 1,319.6 $ 1,313.7 $ 1,319.6 $ 1,313.7
Non-controlling interests                                                   
Balance at beginning of period       $   230.7 $   202.7 $   223.1 $   199.4
Net income attributable to non-                                             
 controlling interests                    10.2       4.0      23.3       9.6
Defined benefit plan actuarial gains                                        
 (losses) attributable to non-                                              
 controlling interests, net of taxes     (0.9)       3.3     (4.3)       3.4
Distributions to non-controlling                                            
 interests                               (2.9)     (2.1)     (5.0)     (4.5)
Acquisition of non-controlling                                              
 interests                                   -     (1.2)         -     (1.2)
Balance at end of period             $   237.1 $   206.7 $   237.1 $   206.7
Total equity                         $ 1,556.7 $ 1,520.4 $ 1,556.7 $ 1,520.4

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated
financial statements.

Canfor Corporation                                                          
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows                             
                                       3 months ended      6 months ended   
                                          June 30,            June 30,      
(millions of Canadian dollars,                                              
 unaudited)                               2014      2013      2014      2013
Cash generated from (used in):                                              
Operating activities                                                        
 Net income                          $    64.5 $   114.3 $   123.1 $   181.8
 Items not affecting cash:                                                  
  Amortization                            44.0      49.6      88.5      96.5
  Income tax expense                      20.7      46.0      41.9      70.9
  Long-term portion of deferred                                             
   reforestation obligations             (9.2)    (12.9)       4.2       1.2
  Foreign exchange loss on long-term                                        
   debt                                      -       4.0         -       7.8
  Changes in mark-to-market value of                                        
   derivative financial instruments      (3.0)       3.9       0.4     (1.4)
  Employee future benefits                 3.2       3.2       6.4       6.7
  Net finance expense                      4.4       6.3       8.8      15.1
  Gain on sale of joint venture                                             
   (Note 12)                                 -    (38.3)         -    (38.3)
  Other, net                               4.3     (0.2)       8.6     (0.9)
 Defined benefit pension plan                                               
  contributions                          (5.9)    (12.6)    (19.4)    (26.1)
 Income taxes recovered (paid), net      (9.5)         -    (21.3)       0.5
                                         113.5     163.3     241.2     313.8
 Net change in non-cash working                                             
  capital (Note 9)                        92.8      96.9    (85.0)       2.4
                                         206.3     260.2     156.2     316.2
Financing activities                                                        
 Change in operating bank loans                                             
  (Note 4)                              (39.0)    (40.0)      67.8    (27.0)
 Proceeds from long-term debt                -       3.1         -       3.1
 Repayment of long-term debt                 -    (76.3)         -    (76.3)
 Finance expenses paid                   (2.6)     (7.5)     (5.4)    (10.0)
 Share purchases (Note 8)              (105.7)    (10.3)   (107.7)    (10.3)
 Acquisition of non-controlling                                             
  interests                                  -     (1.0)         -     (1.0)
 Cash distributions paid to non-                                            
  controlling interests                  (2.9)     (2.1)     (5.0)     (4.5)
                                       (150.2)   (134.1)    (50.3)   (126.0)
Investing activities                                                        
 Additions to property, plant and                                           
  equipment and intangible assets,                                          
  net                                   (63.0)    (48.8)   (116.1)    (95.2)
 Proceeds on sale of Daaquam Sawmill                                        
  (Note 13)                               22.9         -      22.9         -
 Loan repayment from Scotch & Golf                                          
  Lumber, LLC (Note 11)                    2.1         -       4.7         -
 Proceeds on sale of Canfor-LP OSB                                          
  joint venture (Note 12)                    -      76.6         -      76.6
 Other, net                                1.7      11.6       0.8      17.2
                                        (36.3)      39.4    (87.7)     (1.4)
Increase in cash and cash                                                   
 equivalents((i))                         19.8     165.5      18.2     188.8
Cash and cash equivalents at                                                
 beginning of period((i))                 87.9       6.2      89.5    (17.1)
Cash and cash equivalents at end of                                         
 period((i))                         $   107.7 $   171.7 $   107.7 $   171.7
((i))Cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand less unpresented        

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated
financial statements.

Canfor Corporation

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

(unaudited, millions of Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted)

1. Basis of Preparation 

These condensed consolidated interim financial statements (the "financial
statements") have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting
Standard ("IAS") 34, Interim Financial Reporting, and include the accounts of
Canfor Corporation and its subsidiary entities, hereinafter referred to as
"Canfor" or "the Company". 

These financial statements do not include all of the disclosures required by
International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") for annual financial
statements. Additional disclosures relevant to the understanding of these
financial statements, including the accounting policies applied, can be found in
Canfor's Annual Report for the year ended December 31, 2013, available at or 

Canfor's financial results are impacted by seasonal factors such as weather and
building activity. Adverse weather conditions can cause logging curtailments,
which can affect the supply of raw materials to sawmills and pulp mills. Market
demand also varies seasonally to some degree. For example, building activity and
repair and renovation work, which affects demand for solid wood products, are
generally stronger in the spring and summer months. Shipment volumes are
affected by these factors as well as by global supply and demand conditions. 

The currency of presentation for these financial statements is the Canadian dollar. 

Accounting Standards Issued and Not Applied 

In May 2011, the International Accounting Standards Board ("IASB") issued IFRS
9, Financial Instruments. The required adoption date for IFRS 9 has been
deferred from the original date of January 1, 2015 and is currently under review
by the IASB.  

In May 2014, the IASB issued IFRS 15, Revenue from Contracts with Customers,
which will supersede IAS 18, Revenue, IAS 11, Construction Contracts and related
interpretations. The new standard is effective for annual periods beginning on
or after January 1, 2017. The Company is still in the process of assessing the
impact, if any, on the financial statements of this new standard.

Further details of the new accounting Standards and the potential impact on
Canfor can be found in the Company's Annual Report for the year ended December
31, 2013.

2. Inventories

                                                  As at               As at
(millions of Canadian dollars)            June 30, 2014   December 31, 2013
Logs                                $             102.2 $             134.5
Finished products                                 267.5               222.3
Residual fibre                                     11.0                14.9
Processing materials and supplies                 101.1               100.2
                                    $             481.8 $             471.9

3. Long-Term Investments and Other 

                                                  As at               As at
(millions of Canadian dollars)            June 30, 2014   December 31, 2013
Investments                         $              53.8 $              53.8
Term loan to Scotch & Golf Lumber,                                         
 LLC (Note 11)                                     28.5                33.0
Contingent consideration (Note 12)                  6.1                11.4
Other deposits, loans and advances                 13.5                14.3
                                    $             101.9 $             112.5

Included in Long-Term Investments and Other is Canfor's initial 25% interest in
Scotch & Gulf Lumber, LLC ("Scotch Gulf") and a term loan receivable from Scotch
Gulf (Note 11). Investments also include the Company's 33.3% investment in
Lakeland Mills Ltd. and Winton Global Lumber Ltd. The Company does not have
significant influence with respect to this investment. During the second quarter
of 2014, the Company recorded a negative fair value adjustment of $6.1 million
to the contingent consideration asset associated with the Peace Valley OSB sale
(Note 12). 

4. Operating Loans 

Available Operating Loans

                                                  As at               As at
(millions of Canadian dollars)            June 30, 2014   December 31, 2013
Canfor (excluding CPPI)                                                    
Available Operating Loans:                                                 
 Total operating loans - Canfor                                            
  (excluding CPPI)                  $             350.0 $             350.0
 Drawn                                          (143.0)              (64.0)
 Letters of credit (principally                                            
  unregistered pension plans)                    (13.6)              (14.8)
Total available operating loans -                                          
 Canfor (excluding CPPI)            $             193.4 $             271.2
Available Operating Loans:                                                 
 Operating loan facility            $             110.0 $             110.0
 Facility for letters of credit                                            
  related to energy agreements                     20.0                20.0
 Total operating loans - CPPI                     130.0               130.0
 Drawn                                                -              (10.6)
 Energy letters of credit                        (12.2)              (12.2)
Total available operating loans -                                          
 CPPI                               $             117.8 $             107.2
Total operating loans               $             480.0 $             480.0
Total available operating loans     $             311.2 $             378.4

Canfor's principal operating loans, excluding Canfor Pulp Products Inc.
("CPPI"), mature on February 28, 2018. Interest is payable at floating rates
based on the lenders' Canadian prime rate, bankers acceptances, US dollar base
rate or US dollar LIBOR rate, plus a margin that varies with the Company's net
debt to total capitalization ratio.

The terms of CPPI's operating loan facility include interest payable at floating
rates that vary depending on the ratio of net debt to total capitalization and
is based on lenders' Canadian prime rate, bankers acceptances, US dollar base
rate or US dollar LIBOR rate, plus a margin. The maturity date of this facility
is January 31, 2018. 

Both Canfor's and CPPI's operating loan facilities have certain financial
covenants that stipulate maximum net debt to total capitalization ratios and
minimum net worth amounts based on shareholders' equity. 

CPPI has a separate facility with a maturity date of June 30, 2015 to cover
energy-related letters of credit. At June 30, 2014, $9.4 million of
energy-related letters of credit were covered under this facility with the
balance of $2.8 million covered under CPPI's general operating loan facility. 

As at June 30, 2014, the Company and CPPI were in compliance with all covenants
relating to their operating loans. Substantially all borrowings of CPPI
(operating loans and long-term debt) are non-recourse to other entities within
the Company. 

5. Employee Future Benefits

For the three months ended June 30, 2014, a defined benefit actuarial loss of
$35.5 million (before-tax) was recognized in other comprehensive income. During
the second quarter of 2014, actuarial funding valuations were completed for a
number of the Company's employee future benefit plans resulting in revisions to
actuarial assumptions and adjustments for plan member experience. The defined
benefit actuarial loss recorded in the second quarter of 2014 reflects a lower
discount rate used to value the net retirement benefit obligations, as well as
the actuarial assumption and experience adjustments, offset by a return on plan
assets. For the six months ended June 30, 2014, a defined benefit actuarial loss
of $68.3 million (before-tax) was recognized in other comprehensive income. For
the three months ended June 30, 2013, an amount of $38.5 million (before-tax)
was credited to other comprehensive income, and for the six months ended June
30, 2013, the gain was $46.2 million (before-tax).

For the Company's employee future benefit plans, a one percentage point increase
in the discount rate used in calculating the actuarial estimate of future
liabilities would decrease the accrued benefit obligation by an estimated $96.9

The discount rate assumptions used to estimate the changes in net retirement
benefit obligations were as follows:

Pension Benefit Plans                                 
Discount rate                                         
 June 30, 2014                                   4.30%
 March 31, 2014                                  4.40%
 December 31, 2013                               4.80%
 June 30, 2013                                   4.60%
 March 31, 2013                                  4.10%
 December 31, 2012                               4.20%
Other Benefit Plans                                   
Discount rate                                         
 June 30, 2014                                   4.40%
 March 31, 2014                                  4.50%
 December 31, 2013                               4.90%
 June 30, 2013                                   4.70%
 March 31, 2013                                  4.30%
 December 31, 2012                               4.40%

6. Financial Instruments

Canfor's cash and cash equivalents, accounts receivable, other deposits, loans
and advances, operating loans, accounts payable and accrued liabilities, and
long-term debt are measured at amortized cost subsequent to initial measurement.
At June 30, 2014, the fair value of the Company's long-term debt approximates
its amortized cost of $153.2 million (December 31, 2013 - $153.1 million). 

Derivative instruments are measured at fair value. IFRS 13, Fair Value
Measurement, requires classification of financial instruments within a hierarchy
that prioritizes the inputs to fair value measurement. 

The three levels of the fair value hierarchy are:

Level 1 - Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or
Level 2 - Inputs other than quoted prices that are observable for the asset 
or liability, either directly or indirectly;                                
Level 3 - Inputs that are not based on observable market data.              

The following table summarizes Canfor's financial instruments measured at fair
value at June 30, 2014 and December 31, 2013, and shows the level within the
fair value hierarchy in which they have been classified:

                                        Fair Value       As at         As at
                                         Hierarchy    June 30,  December 31,
(millions of Canadian dollars)               Level        2014          2013
Financial assets                                                            
Derivative financial instruments -                                          
 held for trading                          Level 2 $       0.9 $         0.6
Royalty receivable - available for                                          
 sale                                      Level 3         4.1           5.3
Contingent consideration -                                                  
 available for sale (Note 12)              Level 3         6.1          12.8
                                                   $      11.1 $        18.7
Financial liabilities                                                       
Derivative financial instruments -                                          
 held for trading                          Level 2         1.0           0.3
                                                   $       1.0 $         0.3

The royalty receivable and contingent consideration are measured at fair value
at each reporting period and are presented in Other Accounts Receivable and
Long-Term Investments and Other on the consolidated balance sheet, depending on
their respective liquidity. The fair value of the royalty receivable is
determined by discounting future expected cash flows based on energy price
assumptions and future sales volume assumptions until the termination of the
royalty agreement in September 2015. The fair value of the contingent
consideration is determined by discounting future expected cash flows based on
forecast oriented strand board ("OSB") prices, sales volumes, foreign exchange
rates and margins for the Peace Valley OSB operation (Note 12). 

The Company uses a variety of derivative financial instruments to reduce its
exposure to risks associated with fluctuations in foreign exchange rates, lumber
prices, pulp prices, energy costs, and floating interest rates on long-term

At June 30, 2014, the fair value of derivative financial instruments was a net
liability of $0.1 million (December 31, 2013 - net asset of $0.3 million). The
fair value of these financial instruments was determined based on prevailing
market rates for instruments with similar characteristics.

The following table summarizes the gain (loss) on derivative financial
instruments for the three and six month periods ended June 30, 2014 and 2013:

                                       3 months ended      6 months ended   
                                          June 30,            June 30,      
(millions of Canadian dollars)            2014      2013      2014      2013
Foreign exchange collars and forward                                        
 contracts                           $     2.5 $   (5.4) $   (0.4) $   (4.0)
Energy derivatives                         0.4     (0.3)       0.6     (0.2)
Lumber futures                             0.7       1.4       0.8       3.6
Pulp futures                             (0.4)         -     (0.7)         -
Interest rate swaps                      (0.1)       1.6     (0.7)       1.2
                                     $     3.1 $   (2.7) $   (0.4) $     0.6

7. Income Taxes

                                       3 months ended      6 months ended   
                                          June 30,            June 30,      
(millions of Canadian dollars)            2014      2013      2014      2013
Current                              $   (9.5) $   (8.3) $  (23.4) $  (13.5)
Deferred                                (11.2)    (37.7)    (18.5)    (57.4)
Income tax expense                   $  (20.7) $  (46.0) $  (41.9) $  (70.9)

The reconciliation of income taxes calculated at the statutory rate to the
actual income tax provision is as follows:

                                       3 months ended      6 months ended   
                                          June 30,            June 30,      
(millions of Canadian dollars)            2014      2013      2014      2013
Income tax expense at statutory rate                                        
 2014 - 26.0% (2013 - 25.75%)(1)     $  (22.2) $  (41.9) $  (42.9) $  (65.0)
Add (deduct):                                                               
Non-taxable income related to non-                                          
 controlling interests in limited                                           
 partnerships                              0.2       0.1       0.3       0.1
Entities with different income tax                                          
 rates and other tax adjustments           1.3     (3.2)       0.9     (4.5)
Permanent difference from capital                                           
 gains and losses and other non-                                            
 deductible items                            -       4.4     (0.2)       3.9
Change in substantively enacted tax                                         
 rate(1)                                     -     (5.4)         -     (5.4)
Income tax expense                   $  (20.7) $  (46.0) $  (41.9) $  (70.9)
(1)In the second quarter of 2013, the British Columbia Provincial Government
increased the corporate tax rate from 10% to 11%.                           

In addition to the amounts recorded to net income, a tax recovery of $9.3
million was recorded to other comprehensive income for the three month period
ended June 30, 2014 (three months ended June 30, 2013 - tax expense of $10.1
million) in relation to the actuarial gains (losses) on defined benefit employee
compensation plans. For the six months ended June 30, 2014, the tax recovery was
$17.8 million (six months ended June 30, 2013 - tax expense of $12.0 million)

8. Earnings Per Share and Normal Course Issuer Bid

Basic net income per share is calculated by dividing the net income available to
common shareholders by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding
during the period. 

                    3 months ended June 30,       6 months ended June 30,   
                           2014           2013           2014           2013
Weighted average                                                            
 number of                                                                  
 common shares      138,609,515    142,675,539    139,252,154    142,713,773

On March 5, 2014, the Company renewed its normal course issuer bid whereby it
can purchase for cancellation up to 6,995,228 common shares or approximately 5%
of its issued and outstanding common shares as of February 28, 2014. The renewed
normal course issuer bid is set to expire on March 4, 2015. During the second
quarter of 2014, Canfor purchased 4,331,200 common shares for $103.9 million (an
average of $23.99 per common share), of which $102.7 million was paid in cash in
the period, with the balance paid in early July. Cash paid for share purchases
in the second quarter of 2014 of $105.7 million also included payment of $3.0
million for purchases that occurred in the first quarter of 2014. As at July 24,
2014, there were 135,376,993 common shares outstanding. 

9. Net Change in Non-Cash Working Capital

                                       3 months ended      6 months ended   
                                          June 30,            June 30,      
(millions of Canadian dollars)            2014      2013      2014      2013
Accounts receivable                  $  (19.6) $     7.4 $  (33.4) $  (40.7)
Inventories                              164.5     124.5    (30.4)      25.0
Prepaid expenses and other assets       (13.7)    (12.9)    (15.9)    (11.4)
Accounts payable, accrued                                                   
 liabilities and current portion of                                         
 deferred reforestation obligations     (38.4)    (22.1)     (5.3)      29.5
Net decrease (increase) in non-cash                                         
 working capital                     $    92.8 $    96.9 $  (85.0) $     2.4

10. Segment Information 

Canfor has two reportable segments (lumber segment and pulp and paper segment)
which offer different products and are managed separately because they require
different production processes and marketing strategies. 

Sales between segments are accounted for at prices that approximate fair value.
These include sales of residual fibre from the lumber segment to the pulp and
paper segment for use in the pulp production process. 

The Company's panels business does not meet the criteria to be reported fully as
a separate segment and is included in Unallocated & Other below. 

(millions of                                                                
 Canadian                       Pulp & Unallocated Elimination              
 dollars)             Lumber     Paper     & Other  Adjustment  Consolidated
3 months ended                                                              
 June 30, 2014                                                              
Sales to                                                                    
 customers       $     614.5     292.8           -           - $       907.3
Sales to other                                                              
 segments        $      34.4         -           -      (34.4) $           -
Operating income                                                            
 (loss)          $      74.1      30.9       (7.7)           - $        97.3
Amortization     $      28.1      15.7         0.2           - $        44.0
 expenditures(2) $      39.1      20.2         3.7           - $        63.0
3 months ended                                                              
 June 30, 2013                                                              
Sales to                                                                    
 customers       $     586.8     255.5         0.9           - $       843.2
Sales to other                                                              
 segments        $      35.4         -           -      (35.4) $           -
Operating income                                                            
 (loss)          $     115.5      18.6       (5.9)           - $       128.2
Amortization     $      29.9      19.4         0.3           - $        49.6
 expenditures(2) $      37.7       8.7         2.4           - $        48.8
6 months ended                                                              
 June 30, 2014                                                              
Sales to                                                                    
 customers       $   1,110.2     539.0           -           - $     1,649.2
Sales to other                                                              
 segments        $      69.9         -           -      (69.9) $           -
Operating income                                                            
 (loss)          $     130.5      67.4      (16.2)           - $       181.7
Amortization     $      56.0      32.2         0.3           - $        88.5
 expenditures(2) $      78.7      30.3         7.1           - $       116.1
 assets          $   1,770.1     789.9       172.9           - $     2,732.9
6 months ended                                                              
 June 30, 2013                                                              
Sales to                                                                    
 customers       $   1,129.1     499.0         1.4           - $     1,629.5
Sales to other                                                              
 segments        $      66.6         -           -      (66.6) $           -
Operating income                                                            
 (loss)          $     203.9      37.5      (13.2)           - $       228.2
Amortization     $      57.2      38.8         0.5           - $        96.5
 expenditures(2) $      75.7      15.7         3.8           - $        95.2
 assets          $   1,602.3     782.2       246.5           - $     2,631.0
(2) Capital expenditures represent cash paid for capital assets during the  
periods. Pulp & Paper includes capital expenditures by CPPI that were       
partially financed by government grants.                                    

11. Phased Purchase of Scotch & Gulf Lumber, LLC

On August 9, 2013, the Company completed the first phase of the purchase of
Scotch Gulf for $29.5 million, representing an initial 25% interest in Scotch
Gulf, plus transaction closing costs and a proportionate share of working
capital. Canfor's initial 25% interest will increase over a 3 year period to 33%
after twelve months, 50% after eighteen months and 100% at the end of the term.
Scotch Gulf has an option under the purchase agreement to accelerate the final
closing of the phased purchase to a date earlier than August 2016 under certain
conditions. The aggregate purchase price for Scotch Gulf is US$80.0 million,
plus working capital. 

As part of the transaction, Scotch Gulf borrowed $34.0 million from Canfor in
the form of a term loan that will be repaid from the distribution of cash
earnings over the course of the phased purchase agreement with any net
outstanding amount at August 2016 applied against the final phase purchase price
payment. The term loan has an interest rate equal to the floating rate on
Canfor's principal operating loans plus 1.0% and is secured by Scotch Gulf's
operating assets. At June 30, 2014, $28.5 million was outstanding on the term
loan receivable which is included in Long-Term Investments and Other on the
balance sheet (Note 3).

12. Sale of Canfor-LP OSB Joint Venture

On May 31, 2013, the Company completed the sale of its 50% share in Canfor-LP
OSB, which owns the Peace Valley OSB mill, to Louisiana-Pacific Corporation
("LP") for cash proceeds of $77.9 million including working capital. A pre-tax
gain on sale of $38.3 million was recorded in the second quarter of 2013 which
included recognition of Canfor's share of the operating income for the first
half of 2013. 

As part of the sale, Canfor may receive additional annual consideration over a 3
year period, starting June 1, 2013, contingent on Peace Valley OSB's annual
adjusted earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization. At June
30, 2014, the fair value of the contingent consideration is $6.1 million, and is
presented in Long-Term Investments and Other (Note 3). During the second quarter
of 2014, Canfor recognized a $6.1 million negative fair value adjustment on the
contingent consideration in other expense. The first year of the three year
contingent consideration earn-out period ended on May 31, 2014 and no amounts
were paid to Canfor under the contingent consideration arrangement as minimum
earnings thresholds were not met. 

13. Sale of Daaquam Sawmill

On March 28, 2014, the Company completed the sale of its Daaquam Sawmill. Total
gross proceeds related to the disposition of the Daaquam operation approximated
$25.0 million, of which $22.9 million was received in the second quarter of
2014. A pre-tax gain of $2.2 million was recorded in the first quarter of 2014
in Other Income.

Media Contact
Corinne Stavness
Director, Public Affairs & Corporate Communications
(604) 661-5225

Investor Contact
Pat Elliott
Vice President & Treasurer
(604) 661-5441

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