A.G. Edwards (NYSE:AGE) today released its second annual "Nest Egg
Index," which ranks America's 500 top-performing communities and
the 50 states based on their residents' personal savings and
investing behavior. By measuring a dozen statistical factors --
including participation in retirement savings plans, personal debt
levels and home ownership -- the Nest Egg Index shows the
geographic regions where people are succeeding and where they face
the greatest difficulty in building and nurturing their nest eggs.
Earning the top spot in the 2006 A.G. Edwards Nest Egg Index is Los
Alamos, N.M., with a rating of 134.31 (indexed to a national
average of 100). Ranking No. 2 is Connecticut's
Bridgeport-Stamford-Norwalk with a 126.20 rating. San Jose, Calif.,
last year's top-ranked market, placed third with a rating of
125.93. The communities rounding out the top 10 of the 2006 A.G.
Edwards Nest Egg Index are: 4. Torrington, Conn. (120.85) 5.
Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington, Minn. (117.83) 6. Barnstable
Town, Mass. (117.73) 7. Holland-Grand Haven, Mich. (117.14) 8.
Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, D.C.-Va. (117.11) 9. San
Francisco-Oakland-Fremont, Calif. (116.42) 10. Edwards, Colo.
(116.24) New to this year's A.G. Edwards Nest Egg Index is the
addition of smaller micropolitan statistical areas, defined as
areas with populations of 10,000 to 50,000, allowing A.G. Edwards
to study a broader assortment of communities -- 934 -- and rank the
top 500. In total, the communities considered for this year's
expanded Nest Egg Index account for more than 90 percent of
America's population and encompass markets from the southern tip of
Florida to the far reaches of Alaska. "This year's Nest Egg Index
allows us to take an expanded look at American communities," said
Robert L. Bagby, chairman and chief executive officer of A.G.
Edwards. "We have nearly tripled the number of markets we studied
and are able to get a more comprehensive assessment of the savings
and investing habits of communities -- large and small -- across
the country." According to this year's findings, communities that
ranked highly in the A.G. Edwards Nest Egg Index enjoy strong
housing markets and show a high propensity towards saving and
investing, particularly in retirement vehicles such as 401(k) or
pension plans. And though these top-performing markets tend to show
higher costs of living, residents still manage to keep their debt
levels in check. Despite having a population of just 18,500,
top-ranked Los Alamos surpassed all other communities in household
income and net worth. The city also placed second among all cities
reviewed on 401(k), pension and other retirement plans penetration.
Thanks in large part to the presence of employers such as the Los
Alamos National Laboratory, 68 percent of workers in the area hold
managerial or professional positions such as scientists, engineers,
lawyers and doctors, the highest concentration of such top-level
jobs in the nation, according to a recent study by American City
Business Journals. "Although many people associate the presence of
wealth with the economic opportunities often available in big
cities, it is striking that three out of the 10 top-performing
communities were micropolitan areas," said A.G. Edwards Financial
Planning Specialist Sophie Beckmann, CFP(R), CPA. "We found that
while external factors such as economic and employment situations
may influence an area's ranking, building a healthy Nest Egg really
comes down to solid saving and investing habits, personal
priorities and discipline." Of the 500 communities in the 2006 A.G.
Edwards Nest Egg Index, 259 are classified as micropolitan and 241
are metropolitan areas according to the U.S. Census Bureau. In
comparison, the 2005 Nest Egg Index looked at 318 metropolitan
areas and ranked the top 200. For a complete list of rankings by
community, state, metropolitan area only and micropolitan area
only, visit nesteggindex.com. A Stately Look at Saving and
Investing Among the states, New Jersey once again ranked No. 1 with
a Nest Egg Index reading of 114.55, up slightly from last year's
rating of 114.35. The other states in the top five of the 2006 A.G.
Edwards Nest Egg Index are Connecticut (114.37, up from 113.98 in
2005); Minnesota (113.46, down from 113.70); Maryland (112.28, up
from 111.40); and Massachusetts (111.77, even with last year). The
biggest mover among the states is Hawaii, which rose in the
rankings to No. 13 from No. 21 in 2005, due in large part to a
sharp increase in housing value. Other big gainers include
California, which moved up to No. 27 from No. 32, and Rhode Island,
which came in at No. 18, up from No. 22 place last year. "The
Midwest and Northeast regions continue to perform well in the Nest
Egg Index," notes Beckmann. "Although Western regions have shown
some very real improvement over last year, states on the Eastern
seaboard and in the heartland are still the home of America's best
savers." State-by-State Look at Communities In the 2006 Nest Egg
Index, 46 states had markets that fell within the top 500
communities, with only Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and
Oklahoma unrepresented. In addition, 30 states, as well as
Washington, D.C., had communities that ranked in the top 100
markets Ohio had the most communities making the top 500 list at
38, followed by Indiana (36), Pennsylvania (30), Michigan (29),
Illinois (25), Wisconsin (25), Iowa (24), Minnesota (22) and New
York (20), all with 20 or more communities in the top 500. "When
you look at the market rankings, it becomes clear that there are
lots of cities in the Midwest where people know how to take care of
their nest eggs," notes Beckmann. "Although there are definitely
pockets of good savers in every region of the country, the
Midwestern region shows the greatest consistency throughout." A
Nest Egg Index offers a number of fun facts and interesting trends:
-- Metropolitan Areas: Connecticut Market Tops List. Of the 241
metropolitan markets among the 500 communities in the 2006 A.G.
Edwards Nest Egg Index, the top 10 are: 1.
Bridgeport-Stamford-Norwalk, Conn. (126.20) 2. San
Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, Calif. (125.93) 3. Minneapolis-St.
Paul-Bloomington, Minn. (117.83) 4. Barnstable Town, Mass. (117.73)
5. Holland-Grand Haven, Mich. (117.14) 6.
Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, D.C.-Va. (117.11) 7. San
Francisco-Oakland-Fremont, Calif. (116.42) 8. Trenton-Ewing, N.J.
(115.60) 9. Rochester, Minn. (115.39) 10. Boston-Cambridge-Quincy,
Mass. (115.17) The success of the Bridgeport-Stamford-Norwalk
region of Connecticut can largely be attributed to its citizens'
performance in a few critical factors. The community ranked first
in investing propensity, meaning residents of the region are more
likely to have some sort of investment vehicle than those living
elsewhere. The market also performed extremely well in housing
value, and ranked near the top in terms of its citizens' savings
propensity and ability to maintain a low level of revolving debt.
-- Micropolitan Markets: New Kids On The Block. Of the micropolitan
markets that ranked among the 500 communities on the 2006 A.G.
Edwards Nest Egg Index, the top 10 are: 1. Los Alamos, N.M.
(134.31) 2. Torrington, Conn. (120.85) 3. Edwards, Colo. (116.24)
4. Gardnerville Ranchos, Nev. (115.04) 5. Red Wing, Minn. (114.58)
6. Faribault-Northfield, Minn. (114.33) 7. Lexington Park, Md.
(113.49) 8. Juneau, Alaska (113.36) 9. Silverthorne, Colo. (113.23)
10. Jackson, Wyo. (112.86) -- Midwest Dominates. When it comes to
saving and investing, communities in the Midwestern region of the
United States -- an area encompassing Ohio, Indiana, Michigan,
Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, North Dakota, South
Dakota, Nebraska and Kansas -- significantly outpaced the
Northeast, South and West, with 244 Midwestern cities making the
top 500 Nest Egg Index list. The Northeast ran a distant second
with 102 markets in the top 500, followed by the West with 101 and
the South with 65. -- A River Runs Through It. Could it be that the
West is catching up with the East? Last year, cities east of the
Mississippi River dominated the top 20 spots in the Nest Egg Index
community rankings, compared to those to the west. This year, the
East and West are in a virtual dead heat. Excluding Minneapolis-St.
Paul, a metropolitan area that straddles the Mississippi River and
ranked in the top 20 in both years, Eastern markets took 14 of the
top 20 spots in 2005, but accounted for only 10 of the top 20 this
year. -- What's In A Name? A rose by any other name may smell just
as sweet, but cities with the same name don't always rival each
other in terms of building their nest eggs. Of those markets with
the same name ranking in the top 500: -- Columbia, S.C. (No. 427 on
the 2006 Nest Egg Index list with a 96.34 rating) squeaked past
Columbia, Tenn. (No. 428 with a 96.32 rating); both communities,
however, outpaced their Columbia, Mo., counterpart (No. 461 with a
95.48 rating). -- Columbus, Ind., tied for No. 94 on the list with
a 107.11 rating, leaving Columbus, Ohio (tied at No. 238 and a
102.16 rating) behind. -- Jacksonville, Ill. (No. 335 with a 98.95
rating) edged out Jacksonville, Fla. (No. 356 with a 98.31 rating).
-- Rochester, Minn. (No. 12 with a 115.39 rating) fared better than
its same-name counterpart, Rochester, N.Y. (tied for 117th with a
106.22 rating). -- Springfield, Ill. (No. 108 with a 106.70 rating)
ranked above both Springfield, Mass. (No. 292 with a 100.22 rating)
and Springfield, Mo. (No. 434 with a 96.13 rating). -- Life Is Good
In The Badger State. For the second straight year, Wisconsin
claimed the most markets among the top 50. This year, the state had
eight communities in the top 50 Nest Egg Index markets, up from six
in 2005. And Whitewater, Green Bay and Madison just missed the top
50, coming in at 54, 59 and 64 in the rankings, respectively. In
fact, every Wisconsin market fell within the top 300, and even the
state's lowest-ranked community, Menomonie, finished with a rating
above the national average of 100. -- Settling It Off The Field.
When it comes to professional sports championships, don't let the
box scores fool you... -- The Steelers might have claimed the Super
Bowl XL trophy, but Seahawks fans can take comfort in knowing that
Seattle ranked No. 73 (108.60), earning them a nest egg ring over
Pittsburgh's No. 234 rank (102.38). -- Don't tell Shaq, but that
NBA championship looks a lot better than Miami's No. 471 rank
(95.20), which doesn't quite measure up to Dallas's No. 343 rank
(98.72). -- The curse of the Bambino might have plagued Boston for
years, but it clearly hasn't affected the region's willingness to
save. With a No. 13 ranking (115.17), Boston can enjoy victory over
their bitter rivals from New York, who ranked No. 255 (101.64). --
As for the NFL's oldest rivalry, Green Bay pulled out a nail-biter
over Chicago, with the Packers earning a No. 59 rank (109.01)
compared to the Bears' No. 62 rank (108.83). -- Intra-state
Rivalries. The competitive spirit isn't just limited to the world
of sports -- geographic rivalries abound, as well. And as the Nest
Egg Index shows, markets within the same state can vary widely. --
San Francisco's No. 9 rank (116.42) significantly bested Los
Angeles' No. 443 (95.92). -- Philadelphia's No. 63 rank (108.78)
showed no brotherly love to Pittsburgh's ranking of No. 234
(102.38). -- Dallas's rank of No. 343 (98.72) outpaced Houston's
No. 455 rank (95.63). -- Cincinnati's No. 152 rank (104.87) edged
out Cleveland's rank of No. 182 (103.98). -- At No. 91, Kansas City
(107.18) just managed to outrank St. Louis' No. 100 (106.92). About
A.G. Edwards & Sons, Inc. Drawn to the firm's client-first
philosophy, individuals and businesses have turned to A.G. Edwards
for sound advice and access to a wide array of investment products
and services that can help them meet their financial goals and
objectives. Founded in 1887, A.G. Edwards and its affiliates employ
nearly 7,000 financial consultants in more than 700 offices
nationwide and two European locations in London and Geneva. More
information can be found on agedwards.com. How We Do Business A.G.
Edwards generally acts as a broker-dealer but may act as an
investment advisor on designated accounts, and the firm's
obligations will vary with the role it plays. When working with
clients, the firm generally acts as a broker-dealer unless
specifically indicated in writing. To better understand the
differences between brokerage and advisory services, please consult
Important Information About Your Relationship With A.G. Edwards on
agedwards.com. Editor's notes: A.G. Edwards created the Nest Egg
Index based on consumer data compiled by marketing information
resources firm Claritas and a cost of living measure by the
American Chamber of Commerce Research Association. Rankings are
based on 12 statistical factors that reflect or influence personal
savings habits, including the investing and savings propensity of
the local population; participation in retirement savings plans;
home and other asset ownership; employment and income earning
potential; and personal debt levels. For a copy of the full study
results, go to nesteggindex.com. For its 2006 Nest Egg Index, A.G.
Edwards used the current metropolitan and micropolitan statistical
area designations, as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau. As a
result, the metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) on this year's
Nest Egg Index may not be directly comparable to the MSAs reviewed
last year. The following types of changes may affect the
comparability of the Nest Egg Index MSA lists: 1) a county or
counties added; 2) a county or counties deleted; 3) two or more
areas merged to form a single metropolitan statistical area; 4) a
metropolitan area split to form multiple metropolitan and
micropolitan statistical areas; and 5) reclassification as a
micropolitan statistical area. -0- *T A.G. EDWARDS 2006 NEST EGG
Rank Core-Based Statistical Area 2006 Nest Egg Index Rating
1 Los Alamos, N.M. 134.31
2 Bridgeport-Stamford-Norwalk, Conn. 126.20
3 San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, Calif. 125.93
4 Torrington, Conn. 120.85
5 Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington, Minn. 117.83
6 Barnstable Town, Mass. 117.73
7 Holland-Grand Haven, Mich. 117.14
8 Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, D.C.-Va. 117.11
9 San Francisco-Oakland-Fremont, Calif. 116.42
10 Edwards, Colo. 116.24
11 Trenton-Ewing, N.J. 115.60
12 Rochester, Minn. 115.39
13 Boston-Cambridge-Quincy, Mass. 115.17
14 Gardnerville Ranchos, Nev. 115.04
15 Naples-Marco Island, Fla. 114.76
16 Appleton, Wis. 114.66
17 Red Wing, Minn. 114.58
18 Faribault-Northfield, Minn. 114.33
19 Hartford-West Hartford-East Hartford, Conn. 114.07
20 Oxnard-Thousand Oaks-Ventura, Calif. 113.98
21 Norwich-New London, Conn. 113.65
22 Monroe, Mich. 113.60
23 Boulder, Colo. 113.58
24 Lexington Park, Md. 113.49
25 Juneau, Alaska 113.36
26 Silverthorne, Colo. 113.23
27 Jackson, Wyo. 112.86
28 Heber, Utah 112.78
29 Allegan, Mich. 112.45
30 Owatonna, Minn. 112.01
31 Manchester-Nashua, N.H. 111.56
32 Santa Cruz-Watsonville, Calif. 111.48
33 Wausau, Wis. 111.40
34 Watertown-Fort Atkinson, Wis. 111.32
35 Truckee-Grass Valley, Calif. 111.18
36 Hutchinson, Minn. 110.89
37 Easton, Md. 110.71
38 Sheboygan, Wis. 110.70
39 Adrian, Mich. 110.62
40 Racine, Wis. 110.40
41 Ann Arbor, Mich. 110.29
42 Detroit-Warren-Livonia, Mich. 110.27
43 Traverse City, Mich. 110.18
44 Fond du Lac, Wis. 110.13
45 Poughkeepsie-Newburgh-Middletown, N.Y. 109.99
46 East Stroudsburg, Pa. 109.97
47 Denver-Aurora, Colo. 109.91
48 Lancaster, Pa. 109.76
49 Manitowoc, Wis. 109.70
50 Beaver Dam, Wis. 109.68
51 Worcester, Mass. 109.65
52 Midland, Mich. 109.60
53 Santa Rosa-Petaluma, Calif. 109.55
54 Whitewater, Wis. 109.53
55(t) Napa, Calif. 109.40
55(t) Rochelle, Ill. 109.40
57 Concord, N.H. 109.39
58 York-Hanover, Pa. 109.35
59 Green Bay, Wis. 109.01
60 Baltimore-Towson, Md. 108.93
61 Auburn, Ind. 108.88
62 Chicago-Naperville-Joliet, Ill. 108.83
63 Philadelphia-Camden-Wilmington, Pa.-N.J.-Del. 108.78
64 Madison, Wis. 108.67
65 Ogden-Clearfield, Utah 108.45
66 Cedar Rapids, Iowa 108.44
67 Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, Pa. 108.33
68 Gettysburg, Pa. 108.30
69 New Ulm, Minn. 108.28
70 Angola, Ind. 108.22
71 Spirit Lake, Iowa 108.15
72 Laconia, N.H. 108.14
73(t) Monroe, Wis. 108.06
73(t) Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue, Wash. 108.06
75(t) Celina, Ohio 108.03
75(t) Fort Collins-Loveland, Colo. 108.03
77 Raleigh-Cary, N.C. 107.99
78 Grand Rapids-Wyoming, Mich. 107.94
79 Des Moines, Iowa 107.93
80 Burlington-South Burlington, Vt. 107.92
81 Ocean City, N.J. 107.86
82 Reading, Pa. 107.72
83 Palm Coast, Fla. 107.65
84 Stevens Point, Wis. 107.64
85 Warsaw, Ind. 107.59
86 Jackson, Mich. 107.47
87 Oshkosh-Neenah, Wis. 107.45
88 Baraboo, Wis. 107.44
89 Willmar, Minn. 107.36
90 Wapakoneta, Ohio 107.35
91 Kansas City, Mo.-Kan. 107.18
92 Janesville, Wis. 107.16
93 Honolulu, Hawaii 107.14
94(t) Columbus, Ind. 107.11
94(t) Oak Harbor, Wash. 107.11
96(t) Anchorage, Alaska 107.01
96(t) Jasper, Ind. 107.01
98 Milwaukee-Waukesha-West Allis, Wis. 106.99
99 New Haven-Milford, Conn. 106.95
100 St. Louis, Mo. 106.92
101 Bloomington-Normal, Ill. 106.88
102 Harrisburg-Carlisle, Pa. 106.87
103 Hilton Head Island-Beaufort, S.C. 106.83
104 Defiance, Ohio 106.82
105 Sidney, Ohio 106.77
106(t) Lebanon, Pa. 106.73
106(t) Sarasota-Bradenton-Venice, Fla. 106.73
108 Springfield, Ill. 106.70
109 Owosso, Mich. 106.67
110 Kingston, N.Y. 106.65
111 Kill Devil Hills, N.C. 106.63
112 St. Cloud, Minn. 106.57
113 Santa Barbara-Santa Maria-Goleta, Calif. 106.55
114 Ocean Pines, Md. 106.50
115 Willimantic, Conn. 106.44
116 Salt Lake City, Utah 106.43
117(t) Brainerd, Minn. 106.22
117(t) Rochester, N.Y. 106.22
119 Bremerton-Silverdale, Wash. 106.12
120 Elkhart-Goshen, Ind. 106.11
121 Punta Gorda, Fla. 106.03
122 Alexandria, Minn. 105.94
123 Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Marietta, Ga. 105.92
124 Ottawa-Streator, Ill. 105.91
125 McPherson, Kan. 105.88
126 Wisconsin Rapids-Marshfield, Wis. 105.86
127 Portland-South Portland-Biddeford, Maine 105.84
128 Plymouth, Ind. 105.82
129 Gillette, Wyo. 105.75
130(t) Kendallville, Ind. 105.74
130(t) Olympia, Wash. 105.74
132 Southern Pines-Pinehurst, N.C. 105.70
133 Peoria, Ill. 105.68
134 Pontiac, Ill. 105.65
135 Fort Myers-Cape Coral, Fla. 105.51
136 Seaford, Del. 105.50
137 Kokomo, Ind. 105.49
138 Pella, Iowa 105.44
139 Vero Beach, Fla. 105.40
140 Findlay, Ohio 105.38
141 Rockford, Ill. 105.35
142 Indianapolis, Ind. 105.32
143 Boone, Iowa 105.30
144 Sandusky, Ohio 105.20
145 Dubuque, Iowa 105.17
146 Dixon, Ill. 105.16
147 Hudson, N.Y. 105.11
148 Fort Wayne, Ind. 105.09
149 Effingham, Ill. 105.06
150 Brigham City, Utah 104.93
151 Huntington, Ind. 104.89
152 Cincinnati-Middletown, Ohio 104.87
153 Portland-Vancouver-Beaverton, Ore.-Wash. 104.86
154 Muscatine, Iowa 104.85
155 Newton, Iowa 104.81
156 Lansing-East Lansing, Mich. 104.76
157 Decatur, Ind. 104.75
158(t) Kahului-Wailuku, Hawaii 104.74
158(t) Ketchikan, Alaska 104.74
160(t) Austin, Minn. 104.71
160(t) Fergus Falls, Minn. 104.71
162(t) Akron, Ohio 104.66
162(t) Mankato-North Mankato, Minn. 104.66
164 Merrill, Wis. 104.65
165 Michigan City-La Porte, Ind. 104.64
166 Claremont, N.H. 104.63
167 Bend, Ore. 104.61
168 Albert Lea, Minn. 104.33
169(t) Keene, N.H. 104.29
169(t) Providence-New Bedford-Fall River, R.I.-Mass. 104.29
171(t) Chambersburg, Pa. 104.26
171(t) Colorado Springs, Colo. 104.26
173 Charlotte-Gastonia-Concord, N.C. 104.25
174(t) Lebanon, N.H. 104.24
174(t) Mount Vernon-Anacortes, Wash. 104.24
174(t) Wabash, Ind. 104.24
177 Topeka, Kan. 104.23
178 Sioux Falls, S.D. 104.20
179 Urbana, Ohio 104.16
180 Bay City, Mich. 104.13
181 Richmond, Va. 104.05
182 Cleveland-Elyria-Mentor, Ohio 103.98
183 Santa Fe, N.M. 103.91
184 Charlottesville, Va. 103.90
185 Key West-Marathon, Fla. 103.89
186(t) Vallejo-Fairfield, Calif. 103.88
186(t) Wooster, Ohio 103.88
188 South Bend-Mishawaka, Ind. 103.87
189 Coldwater, Mich. 103.86
190 Fremont, Ohio 103.81
191 Lewisburg, Pa. 103.80
192 Sterling, Ill. 103.79
193 Richland-Kennewick-Pasco, Wash. 103.77
194 Crawfordsville, Ind. 103.73
195 Rock Springs, Wyo. 103.68
196 St. Marys, Pa. 103.66
197 Davenport-Moline-Rock Island, Iowa-Ill. 103.62
198 La Crosse, Wis. 103.54
199 Jefferson City, Mo. 103.53
200 Kankakee-Bradley, Ill. 103.51
201 Pierre, S.D. 103.48
202 Greensburg, Ind. 103.46
203 Batavia, N.Y. 103.39
204 Van Wert, Ohio 103.38
205(t) Freeport, Ill. 103.29
205(t) New Castle, Ind. 103.29
207 San Luis Obispo-Paso Robles, Calif. 103.23
208 Albany-Schenectady-Troy, N.Y. 103.20
209 Brevard, N.C. 103.16
210 Barre, Vt. 103.14
211 Escanaba, Mich. 103.11
212 Bismarck, N.D. 103.08
213 Fort Pierce-Port St. Lucie, Fla. 103.07
214 Iron Mountain, Mich. 103.02
215 Greenville, Ohio 102.98
216 Logansport, Ind. 102.95
217 Sturgis, Mich. 102.86
218 Eau Claire, Wis. 102.79
219 Muskegon-Norton Shores, Mich. 102.77
220 Bellefontaine, Ohio 102.74
221 Kodiak, Alaska 102.72
222 Fairmont, Minn. 102.69
223 Statesville-Mooresville, N.C. 102.68
224(t) Pittsfield, Mass. 102.67
224(t) Provo-Orem, Utah 102.67
226(t) Flint, Mich. 102.59
226(t) Reno-Sparks, Nev. 102.59
228 Kalamazoo-Portage, Mich. 102.55
229 Durango, Colo. 102.52
230 Wichita, Kan. 102.47
231(t) Canton-Massillon, Ohio 102.40
231(t) Salinas, Calif. 102.40
231(t) Winona, Minn. 102.40
234 Pittsburgh, Pa. 102.38
235 Evanston, Wyo. 102.36
236 Morehead City, N.C. 102.28
237 Ashland, Ohio 102.26
238(t) Columbus, Ohio 102.16
238(t) Mount Vernon, Ohio 102.16
238(t) Rockland, Maine 102.16
241 Bennington, Vt. 102.15
242 Idaho Falls, Idaho 102.14
243 Boise City-Nampa, Idaho 102.05
244 Dayton, Ohio 101.99
245 Benton Harbor-Niles, Mich. 101.95
246 Melbourne-Titusville-Palm Bay, Fla. 101.94
247 Glens Falls, N.Y. 101.90
248 Phoenix-Mesa-Scottsdale, Ariz. 101.82
249 Omaha-Council Bluffs, Neb.-Iowa 101.81
250 Lincoln, Ill. 101.80
251 Marshall, Minn. 101.79
252 Peru, Ind. 101.76
253 Lincolnton, N.C. 101.72
254 Frankfort, Ind. 101.69
255 New York, N.Y. 101.64
256 Seymour, Ind. 101.55
257(t) Burlington, Iowa 101.51
257(t) Granbury, Texas 101.51
259 Kapaa, Hawaii 101.40
260 Louisville, Ky. 101.39
261 Evansville, Ind. 101.38
262 Shelton, Wash. 101.37
263 North Vernon, Ind. 101.35
264 Marshalltown, Iowa 101.34
265(t) Marinette, Wis. 101.30
265(t) Waterloo-Cedar Falls, Iowa 101.30
267 Madison, Ind. 101.29
268 Buffalo-Niagara Falls, N.Y. 101.28
269 Worthington, Minn. 101.26
270 The Villages, Fla. 101.24
271(t) Atlantic City, N.J. 101.13
271(t) Battle Creek, Mich. 101.13
273 Norwalk, Ohio 101.08
274 Springfield, Ohio 100.92
275 Duluth-Superior, Minn.-Wis. 100.70
276 Daphne-Fairhope, Ala. 100.62
277 Carson City, Nev. 100.61
278 Saginaw-Saginaw Township North, Mich. 100.55
279 Connersville, Ind. 100.53
280 Mason City, Iowa 100.52
281 Port Angeles, Wash. 100.51
282 San Diego-Carlesbad-San Marcos, Calif. 100.50
283 Selinsgrove, Pa. 100.44
284 Taylorville, Ill. 100.42
285 Dover, Del. 100.39
286(t) Greeley, Colo. 100.38
286(t) Syracuse, N.Y. 100.38
288 Anderson, Ind. 100.32
289 Auburn, N.Y. 100.30
290 Platteville, Wis. 100.26
291 Alma, Mich. 100.23
292 Springfield, Mass. 100.22
293 Alpena, Mich. 100.13
294(t) Elko, Nev. 100.12
294(t) Staunton-Waynesboro, Va. 100.12
294(t) Wilmington, N.C. 100.12
297 Tiffin, Ohio 100.08
298(t) Menomonie, Wis. 100.07
298(t) Salina, Kan. 100.07
300 Winchester, Va. 100.04
301(t) Helena, Mont. 100.02
301(t) Winston-Salem, N.C. 100.02
303 Nashville-Davidson-Murfreesboro, Tenn. 99.94
304 Clinton, Iowa 99.89
305 Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 99.87
306 Quincy, Ill. 99.86
307 St. George, Utah 99.84
308 Sioux City, Iowa 99.77
309(t) Corvallis, Ore. 99.75
309(t) Mansfield, Ohio 99.75
311 Warren, Pa. 99.73
312(t) Bedford, Ind. 99.70
312(t) Roanoke, Va. 99.70
314 Cadillac, Mich. 99.68
315 Hood River, Ore. 99.64
316 Iowa City, Iowa 99.63
317 Washington, Ind. 99.58
318 Marion, Ohio 99.57
319 Keokuk-Fort Madison, Iowa 99.56
320 Galesburg, Ill. 99.55
321 Bloomsburg-Berwick, Pa. 99.39
322 Spencer, Iowa 99.38
323 Fort Walton Beach-Crestview-Destin, Fla. 99.36
324 Wahpeton, N.D. 99.34
325(t) Decatur, Ill. 99.33
325(t) Salem, Ore. 99.33
327 Youngstown-Warren-Boardman, Ohio 99.31
328 Wilmington, Ohio 99.29
329 Medford, Ore. 99.20
330 Toledo, Ohio 99.15
331 Fort Dodge, Iowa 99.12
332 Columbus, Neb. 99.11
333 Seneca Falls, N.Y. 99.06
334 Rutland, Vt. 98.99
335 Jacksonville, Ill. 98.95
336 Bellingham, Wash. 98.89
337 Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News, Va. 98.85
338 Watertown, S.D. 98.81
339(t) Cheyenne, Wyo. 98.76
339(t) Las Vegas-Paradise, Nev. 98.76
341 Hagerstown-Martinsburg, Md.-W.Va. 98.75
342 Frankfort, Ky. 98.73
343 Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, Texas 98.72
344(t) Canton, Ill. 98.69
344(t) Marion, Ind. 98.69
346(t) Oskaloosa, Iowa 98.62
346(t) Wenatchee, Wash. 98.62
348(t) Asheville, N.C. 98.54
348(t) Hutchinson, Kan. 98.54
350 Marquette, Mich. 98.53
351(t) Durham, N.C. 98.51
351(t) Homosassa Springs, Fla. 98.51
353 New Castle, Pa. 98.49
354 Sanford, N.C. 98.45
355 Georgetown, S.C. 98.43
356 Jacksonville, Fla. 98.31
357 Prescott, Ariz. 98.21
358 Bozeman, Mont. 98.14
359(t) Gainesville, Ga. 98.05
359(t) Rapid City, S.D. 98.05
361 Greensboro-High Point, N.C. 98.04
362 Billings, Mont. 98.02
363 Storm Lake, Iowa 97.98
364 Sayre, Pa. 97.96
365 Ames, Iowa 97.95
366 Daytona Beach-Deltona-Ormond Beach, Fla. 97.93
367 Orlando, Fla. 97.91
368(t) New Philadelphia-Dover, Ohio 97.88
368(t) Lynchburg, Va. 97.88
370 Lima, Ohio 97.85
371 Huntsville, Ala. 97.84
372 Kalispell, Mont. 97.80
373 Plattsburgh, N.Y. 97.74
374 Sacramento-Arden-Arcade-Roseville, Calif. 97.65
375 Lafayette, Ind. 97.61
376 Blackfoot, Idaho 97.58
377 Bemidji, Minn. 97.53
378 Ashtabula, Ohio 97.52
379 Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater, Fla. 97.47
380(t) Fairbanks, Alaska 97.44
380(t) Pottsville, Pa. 97.44
382 Erie, Pa. 97.39
383 Scranton-Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 97.33
384 Champaign-Urbana, Ill. 97.31
385(t) Grand Junction, Colo. 97.30
385(t) Yankton, S.D. 97.30
385(t) Williamsport, Pa. 97.30
388(t) Lincoln, Neb. 97.28
388(t) Phoenix Lake-Cedar Ridge, Calif. 97.28
388(t) St. Joseph, Mo. 97.28
391 Centralia, Ill. 97.25
392 East Liverpool-Salem, Ohio 97.20
393 Albemarle, N.C. 97.17
394(t) Fallon, Nev. 97.15
394(t) Montrose, Colo. 97.15
396 Hickory-Lenoir-Morganton, N.C. 97.13
397(t) Bucyrus, Ohio 97.12
397(t) Fargo-Moorhead, N.D.-Minn. 97.12
397(t) Washington, Ohio 97.12
400(t) Chillicothe, Ohio 97.11
400(t) Sheridan, Wyo. 97.11
402 Thomasville-Lexington, N.C. 97.10
403 Corning, N.Y. 97.08
404 Meadville, Pa. 97.07
405 Knoxville, Tenn. 96.97
406 Hannibal, Mo. 96.96
407 Zanesville, Ohio 96.92
408 Seneca, S.C. 96.90
409 Mount Vernon, Ill. 96.87
410 Cape Girardeau-Jackson, Mo. 96.85
411 Albany-Lebanon, Ore. 96.82
412 Burlington, N.C. 96.80
413 Aberdeen, S.D. 96.79
414 Branson, Mo. 96.73
415 Austin-Round Rock, Texas 96.72
416 Salisbury, N.C. 96.70
417 Richmond, Ind. 96.69
418 Big Rapids, Mich. 96.64
419(t) Garden City, Kan. 96.63
419(t) Greenville, S.C. 96.63
421 Casper, Wyo. 96.62
422(t) Albuquerque, N.M. 96.53
422(t) Elmira, N.Y. 96.53
424 Coshocton, Ohio 96.51
425(t) Logan, Utah 96.45
425(t) Longview, Wash. 96.45
427 Columbia, S.C. 96.34
428 Columbia, Tenn. 96.32
429 Dodge City, Kan. 96.31
430 Binghamton, N.Y. 96.24
431 Myrtle Beach-Conway-North Myrtle Beach, S.C. 96.23
432 Owensboro, Ky. 96.22
433 Huntingdon, Pa. 96.20
434 Springfield, Mo. 96.13
435 Hilo, Hawaii 96.12
436(t) Olean, N.Y. 96.11
436(t) Parkersburg-Marietta, W.Va.-Ohio 96.11
436(t) Salisbury, Md. 96.11
436(t) Terre Haute, Ind. 96.11
440 Astoria, Ore. 95.99
441 Hays, Kan. 95.96
442 Great Bend, Kan. 95.95
443 Los Angeles-Long Beach-Santa Ana, Calif. 95.92
444(t) Marion-Herrin, Ill. 95.86
444(t) Winfield, Kan. 95.86
446 Augusta-Waterville, Maine 95.83
447 Lexington-Fayette, Ky. 95.81
448 Atchison, Kan. 95.80
449 Muncie, Ind. 95.79
450 Spokane, Wash. 95.75
451 Scottsburg, Ind. 95.73
452 Pahrump, Nev. 95.72
453(t) Canon City, Colo. 95.65
453(t) Pocatello, Idaho 95.65
455 Houston-Baytown-Sugar Land, Texas 95.63
456 Jamestown, N.D. 95.60
457 Harrisonburg, Va. 95.58
458 Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. 95.57
459 Walla Walla, Wash. 95.52
460 Charleston-North Charleston, S.C. 95.50
461 Columbia, Mo. 95.48
462 Prineville, Ore. 95.39
463(t) Jamestown-Dunkirk-Fredonia, N.Y. 95.38
463(t) Ocala, Fla. 95.38
465 Warner Robins, Ga. 95.37
466 Oil City, Pa. 95.35
467 Eugene-Springfield, Ore. 95.34
468 Centralia, Wash. 95.30
469 Bradford, Pa. 95.27
470 Pensacola-Ferry Pass-Brent, Fla. 95.21
471 Miami-Fort Lauderdale-Miami Beach, Fla. 95.20
472(t) Elizabethtown, Ky. 95.10
472(t) Dickinson, N.D. 95.10
474 Anderson, S.C. 95.09
475(t) Hastings, Neb. 95.08
475(t) Mexico, Mo. 95.08
477 Lawrence, Kan. 95.05
478 Paducah, Ky. 95.02
479 DuBois, Pa. 94.96
480(t) Oneonta, N.Y. 94.94
480(t) Grand Forks, N.D. 94.94
482 Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario, Calif. 94.93
483 Fremont, Neb. 94.88
484 Vineland-Millville-Bridgeton, N.J. 94.87
485(t) Somerset, Pa. 94.84
485(t) Lewistown, Pa. 94.84
487(t) Lewiston, Idaho 94.81
487(t) Sunbury, Pa. 94.81
489 Ithaca, N.Y. 94.80
490 Brookings, Ore. 94.79
491 Tucson, Ariz. 94.70
492(t) Roseburg, Ore. 94.69
492(t) Minot, N.D. 94.69
494 Ottumwa, Iowa 94.68
495 Pendleton-Hermiston, Ore. 94.66
496 Beatrice, Neb. 94.62
497(t) Grand Island, Neb. 94.61
497(t) Sedalia, Mo. 94.61
499 Joplin, Mo. 94.60
500 Spartanburg, S.C. 94.58
*T A.G. Edwards & Sons, Inc. Member SIPC September 2006
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