Washington, D.C. 20549

 OMB Number:  3235-0582
Expires:  January 31, 2015
Estimated average burden
 hours per response........9.6








Investment Company Act file number     811-21328


SMA Relationship Trust

(Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)


One North Wacker Drive

Chicago, Illinois




(Address of principal executive offices)


(Zip code)


Eric Sanders

UBS Global Asset Management (Americas) Inc.

1285 Avenue of the Americas

New York, New York 10019-6028


Registrant’s telephone number, including area code:      212.821.3000



Date of fiscal year end:




Date of reporting period:

7/1/2012 – 6/30/2013





Item 1. Proxy Voting Record.



******************************* FORM N-Px REPORT *******************************


ICA File Number: 811-21328                                                     


SMA Relationship Trust                                                          

One North Wacker Drive

Chicago, Illinois  60606-2825


Eric Sanders

UBS Global Asset Management (Americas) Inc.

1285 Avenue of the Americas

New York, NY 10019                                                                                               


Reporting Period: 07/01/2012 - 06/30/2013                                                                                      










====================== SMA Relationship Trust - Series G =======================



AFREN PLC                                                                      


Ticker:       AFR            Security ID:  G01283103                           

Meeting Date: MAY 20, 2013   Meeting Type: Special                             

Record Date:  MAY 17, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Acquisition of Beneficial       For       For          Management

      Interest in 10.4 Per Cent of the                                         

      Shares in First Hydrocarbon Nigeria                                      

      Company Limited                                                           





AFREN PLC                                                                      


Ticker:       AFR            Security ID:  G01283103                           

Meeting Date: JUN 11, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  JUN 07, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

2     Approve Remuneration Report             For       Against      Management

3     Re-elect Egbert Imomoh as Director      For       For          Management

4     Re-elect Peter Bingham as Director      For       Against      Management

5     Re-elect John St John as Director       For       For          Management

6     Re-elect Toby Hayward as Director       For       For          Management

7     Re-elect Ennio Sganzerla as Director    For       For          Management

8     Re-elect Patrick Obath as Director      For       For          Management

9     Re-elect Osman Shahenshah as Director   For       For          Management

10    Re-elect Shahid Ullah as Director       For       For          Management

11    Re-elect Darra Comyn as Director        For       For          Management

12    Reappoint Deloitte LLP as Auditors and  For       For          Management

      Authorise Their Remuneration                                             

13    Authorise Issue of Equity with          For       For          Management

      Pre-emptive Rights                                                        

14    Authorise Issue of Equity without       For       For          Management

      Pre-emptive Rights                                                       

15    Authorise Market Purchase of Ordinary   For       For          Management


16    Amend Articles of Association           For       For          Management

17    Authorise the Company to Call EGM with  For       For          Management

      Two Weeks' Notice                                                        





ALLIANZ SE                                                                     


Ticker:       ALV            Security ID:  D03080112                           

Meeting Date: MAY 07, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Receive Financial Statements and        None      None         Management

      Statutory Reports for Fiscal 2012                                        


2     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       Did Not Vote Management

      Dividends of EUR 4.50 per Share                                          

3     Approve Discharge of Management Board   For       Did Not Vote Management

      for Fiscal 2012                                                          

4     Approve Discharge of Supervisory Board  For       Did Not Vote Management

      for Fiscal 2012                                                           

5     Elect Christine Bosse to the            For       Did Not Vote Management

      Supervisory Board                                                        





ANDRITZ AG                                                                     


Ticker:       ANDR           Security ID:  A11123105                           

Meeting Date: MAR 22, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                               

Record Date:  MAR 12, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Receive Financial Statements and        None      None         Management

      Statutory Reports (Non-Voting)                                           

2     Approve Allocation of Income            For       For          Management

3     Approve Discharge of Management Board   For       For          Management

4     Approve Discharge of Supervisory Board  For       For          Management

5     Approve Remuneration of Supervisory     For       For          Management

      Board Members                                                            

6     Ratify Auditor                          For       For          Management

7     Amend Articles Re: Share Ownership      For       Against      Management

      Disclosure Threshold                                                     

8     Authorize Share Repurchase Program and  For       For          Management

      Reissuance or Cancellation of                                            

      Repurchased Shares                                                       





ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV SA                                                        


Ticker:       ABI            Security ID:  B6399C107                           

Meeting Date: APR 24, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual/Special                       

Record Date:  APR 10, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

A1a   Receive Special Board Report            None      None         Management

A1b   Receive Special Auditor Report          None      None         Management

A1c   Eliminate Preemptive Rights Re:         For       For          Management

      Issuance of Subscription Rights                                          

A1d   Approve Non-Employee Director Stock     For       For          Management

      Option Plan: Issuance of 185,000                                         


A1e   Renew Authorization to Increase Share   For       For          Management

      Capital within the Framework of                                          

      Authorized Capital: Issuance of                                          

      Warrants under item A1d                                                   

A1f   Approve Deviation from Belgian Company  For       For          Management

      Law Provision Re: Grant of Warrants to                                   

      Non-Executive Directors                                                   

A1g   Authorize Implementation of Approved    For       For          Management

      Resolutions and Filing of Required                                       

      Documents/Formalities at Trade Registry                                   

B1    Receive Directors' Reports (Non-Voting) None      None         Management

B2    Receive Auditors' Reports (Non-Voting)  None      None         Management

B3    Receive Consolidated Financial          None      None         Management

      Statements and Statutory Reports                                         


B4    Approve Financial Statements,           For       For          Management

      Allocation of Income, and Dividends of                                   

      EUR 1.70 per Share                                                       

B5    Approve Discharge of Directors          For       For          Management

B6    Approve Discharge of Auditors           For       For          Management

B7    Reelect Kees Storm as Director          For       For          Management

B8    Ratify PricewaterhouseCoopers as        For       For          Management

      Auditors and Approve Auditors'                                           

      Remuneration of EUR 75,000                                               

B9a   Approve Remuneration Report             For       Against      Management

B9b   Approve Stock Option Plan Grants        For       Against      Management

B10   Approve Remuneration of Directors       For       For          Management

B11a  Approve Change-of-Control Clause Re :   For       For          Management

      Updated EMTN Program                                                      

B11b  Approve Change-of-Control Clause Re :   For       For          Management

      Senior Facilities Agreement                                              

C1    Authorize Implementation of Approved    For       For          Management

      Resolutions and Filing of Required                                       

      Documents/Formalities at Trade Registry                                  





ARM HOLDINGS PLC                                                               


Ticker:       ARM            Security ID:  G0483X122                           

Meeting Date: MAY 02, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 30, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                         

2     Approve Final Dividend                  For       For          Management

3     Approve Remuneration Report             For       For          Management

4     Re-elect Sir John Buchanan as Director  For       For          Management

5     Re-elect Warren East as Director        For       For          Management

6     Re-elect Andy Green as Director         For       For          Management

7     Re-elect Larry Hirst as Director        For       For          Management

8     Re-elect Mike Muller as Director        For       For          Management

9     Re-elect Kathleen O'Donovan as Director For       For          Management

10    Re-elect Janice Roberts as Director     For       For          Management

11    Re-elect Philip Rowley as Director      For       For          Management

12    Re-elect Tim Score as Director          For       For          Management

13    Re-elect Simon Segars as Director       For       For          Management

14    Reappoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP    For       For          Management

      as Auditors                                                              

15    Authorise Board to Fix Remuneration of  For       For          Management


16    Approve Long Term Incentive Plan        For       For          Management

17    Authorise Issue of Equity with          For       For          Management

      Pre-emptive Rights                                                       

18    Authorise Issue of Equity without       For       For          Management

      Pre-emptive Rights                                                       

19    Authorise Market Purchase of Ordinary   For       For          Management


20    Authorise the Company to Call EGM with  For       For          Management

      Two Weeks' Notice                                                         





ASML HOLDING NV                                                                


Ticker:       ASML           Security ID:  N07059178                            

Meeting Date: SEP 07, 2012   Meeting Type: Special                             

Record Date:  AUG 10, 2012                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Open Meeting                            None      None         Management

2     Receive Announcements Re: Customer      None      None         Management

      Co-Investment Program                                                    

3a    Grant Board Authority to Issue Shares   For       For          Management

      Up To 25 Percent of Issued Capital Re:                                   

      Customer Co-Investment Program                                           

3b    Authorize Board to Exclude Preemptive   For       For          Management

      Rights from Issuance under Item 3a                                       

4a    Amend Articles to Create New Share      For       For          Management

      Class: Ordinary Shares M                                                 

4b    Increase Par Value per Ordinary Share   For       For          Management

4c    Approve Reduction in Share Capital by   For       For          Management

      Decreasing Nominal Value per Share                                       

4d    Amend Articles Re: Consolidation of     For       For          Management

      Ordinary Shares A at an Exchange Ratio                                   

4e    Amend Articles to Eliminate Two         For       For          Management

      Ordinary Share Classes A and M and                                       

      Convert into One Ordinary Share Class                                    

5     Authorize each Director and any Lawyer  For       For          Management

      and Paralegals from De Brauw                                             

      Blackstone Westbroek NV to Execute the                                   

      Notarial Deeds of Amendments                                              

6a    Grant Board Authority to Issue Shares   For       For          Management

      Up To 5 Percent of Issued Capital and                                    

      Restricting/Excluding Preemptive Rights                                  

6b    Authorize Board to Exclude Preemptive   For       For          Management

      Rights from Issuance under Item 6a                                       

6c    Grant Board Authority to Issue Shares   For       For          Management

      Up To 5 Percent in Case of                                               

      Takeover/Merger and                                                      

      Restricting/Excluding Preemptive Rights                                  

6d    Authorize Board to Exclude Preemptive   For       For          Management

      Rights from Issuance under Item 6c                                       

7     Other Business (Non-Voting)             None      None         Management

8     Close Meeting                           None      None         Management





ASML HOLDING NV                                                                


Ticker:       ASML           Security ID:  N07059202                            

Meeting Date: APR 24, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 27, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Open Meeting                            None      None         Management

2     Discuss the Company's Business,         None      None         Management

      Financial Situation and Sustainability                                   

3     Adopt Financial Statements and          For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

4     Approve Discharge of Management Board   For       For          Management

5     Approve Discharge of Supervisory Board  For       For          Management

6     Receive Explanation on Company's        None      None         Management

      Reserves and Dividend Policy                                             

7     Approve Dividends of EUR 0.53 Per Share For       For          Management

8     Approve Remuneration Policy 2014 for    For       For          Management

      Management Board Members                                                 

9a    Approve Performance Share Arrangement   For       For          Management

      According to Remuneration Policy 2010                                    

9b    Approve Performance Share Arrangement   For       For          Management

      According to Remuneration Policy 2014                                     

10    Approve Numbers of Stock Options,       For       For          Management

      Respectively Shares, for Employees                                       

11    Announce Intention to Reappoint F.J.    None      None         Management

      van Hout to Management Board                                             

12a   Reelect H.C.J. van den Burg to          For       For          Management

      Supervisory Board                                                        

12b   Reelect P.F.M. van der Meer Mohr to     For       For          Management

      Supervisory Board                                                        

12c   Reelect W.H. Ziebart to Supervisory     For       For          Management


12d   Elect D.A. Grose to Supervisory Board   For       For          Management

12e   Elect C.M.S. Smits-Nusteling  to        For       For          Management

      Supervisory Board                                                         

13    Announcement of Retirement of           None      None         Management

      Supervisory Board Members  F.W.                                          

      Frohlich and OB Bilous by Rotation in                                    


14    Ratify Deloitte Accountants as Auditors For       For          Management

15a   Grant Board Authority to Issue Shares   For       For          Management

      Up To 5 Percent of Issued Capital                                        

15b   Authorize Board to Exclude Preemptive   For       For          Management

      Rights from Issuance under Item 15a                                       

15c   Grant Board Authority to Issue Shares   For       For          Management

      Up To 5 Percent in Case of                                               

      Takeover/Merger and                                                       

      Restricting/Excluding Preemptive Rights                                  

15d   Authorize Board to Exclude Preemptive   For       For          Management

      Rights from Issuance under Item 15c                                      

16a   Authorize Repurchase of Up to 10        For       For          Management

      Percent of Issued Share Capital                                          

16b   Authorize Additional Repurchase of Up   For       For          Management

      to 10 Percent of Issued Share Capital                                    

17    Authorize Cancellation of Repurchased   For       For          Management


18    Other Business (Non-Voting)             None      None         Management

19    Close Meeting                           None      None         Management





ASOS PLC                                                                        


Ticker:       ASC            Security ID:  G0536Q108                           

Meeting Date: FEB 25, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  FEB 21, 2013                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                         

2     Elect Brian McBride as Director         For       For          Management

3     Elect Kate Bostock as Director          For       For          Management

4     Re-elect Peter Williams as Director     For       For          Management

5     Re-elect Mary Turner as Director        For       For          Management

6     Reappoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP    For       For          Management

      as Auditors                                                              

7     Authorise Board to Fix Remuneration of  For       For          Management


8     Authorise Issue of Equity with          For       For          Management

      Pre-emptive Rights                                                        

9     Authorise Issue of Equity without       For       For          Management

      Pre-emptive Rights                                                       

10    Authorise Market Purchase of Ordinary   For       For          Management






ATLAS IRON LTD                                                                  


Ticker:       AGO            Security ID:  Q0622U103                           

Meeting Date: OCT 31, 2012   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  OCT 29, 2012                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve the Adoption of the             For       For          Management

      Remuneration Report                                                       

2     Elect Jeff Dowling as Director          For       For          Management

3     Elect Kerry Sanderson as Director       For       For          Management

4     Elect Geoff Simpson as Director         For       For          Management

5     Elect Mark Hancock as Director          For       For          Management

6     Elect David Flanagan as Director        For       For          Management

7     Ratify the Past Issuance of 8.41        For       For          Management

      Million Shares to Haoma Mining NL in                                     

      Relation to the Acquisition of Dalton                                    

      Iron Ore Rights at Mt. Webber                                            

8     Approve the Amendments to the           For       For          Management

      Company's Constitution                                                   

9     Approve the Atlas Iron Limited Long     For       For          Management

      Term Incentive Plan                                                       

10    Approve the Grant of Up to 217,391      For       For          Management

      Performance Rights and 421,053 Share                                     

      Appreciation Rights to Brinsden,                                          

      Managing Director of the Company                                         

11    Approve the Grant of Up to 63,315       For       For          Management

      Performance Rights and 122,632 Share                                      

      Appreciation Rights to Hancock,                                          

      Executive Director Commercial of the                                     


12    Approve the Increase in Maximum         For       For          Management

      Aggregate Remuneration of                                                

      Non-Executive Directors                                                  





AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND BANKING GROUP LTD.                                   


Ticker:       ANZ            Security ID:  Q09504137                           

Meeting Date: DEC 19, 2012   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  DEC 17, 2012                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

2     Approve the Adoption of the             For       For          Management

      Remuneration Report                                                      

3     Approve the Grant of Performance        For       For          Management

      Rights to Michael Smith, Chief                                            

      Executive Officer of the Company                                         

4     Approve the Increase in Maximum         For       For          Management

      Aggregate Remuneration of                                                 

      Non-Executive Directors                                                  

5a    Elect P.J. Dwyer as a Director          For       For          Management

5b    Elect J.P. Morschel as a Director       For       For          Management

5c    Elect Lee Hsien Yang as a Director      For       For          Management

6     Elect R.J. Reeves as a Director         Against   Against      Shareholder





BANCO BILBAO VIZCAYA ARGENTARIA, S.A.                                          


Ticker:       BBVA           Security ID:  E11805103                           

Meeting Date: MAR 14, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 07, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Standalone and Consolidated     For       For          Management

      Financial Statements, Allocation of                                      

      Income, Distribution of Dividend, and                                    

      Discharge Directors                                                      

2.1   Reelect Francisco Gonzalez Rodriguez    For       Against      Management

      as Director                                                              

2.2   Reelect Angel Cano Fernandez as         For       For          Management


2.3   Reelect Ramon Bustamante y de la Mora   For       For          Management

      as Director                                                              

2.4   Reelect Ignacio Ferrero Jordi as        For       For          Management


3     Approve Merger by Absorption of Unnim   For       For          Management

      Banc SA                                                                  

4.1   Approve Increase in Capital via         For       For          Management

      Issuance of New Shares Charged to                                        

      Voluntary Reserves                                                       

4.2   Approve Increase in Capital via         For       For          Management

      Issuance of New Shares Charged to                                        

      Voluntary Reserves                                                       

5     Approve Deferred Share Bonus Plan for   For       For          Management

      FY 2013                                                                  

6     Renew Appointment of Deloitte as        For       For          Management


7     Approve Company's Corporate Web Site    For       For          Management

8     Authorize Board to Ratify and Execute   For       For          Management

      Approved Resolutions                                                      

9     Advisory Vote on Remuneration Policy    For       For          Management






BANCO SANTANDER S.A.                                                           


Ticker:       SAN            Security ID:  E19790109                           

Meeting Date: MAR 21, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                               

Record Date:  MAR 14, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.A   Approve Consolidated and Standalone     For       For          Management

      Financial Statements                                                     

1.B   Approve Discharge of Board              For       For          Management

2     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       For          Management


3.A   Reelect Guillermo de la Dehesa Romero   For       For          Management

      as Director                                                              

3.B   Reelect Abel Matutes Juan as Director   For       For          Management

3.C   Reelect Angel Jado Becerro de Bengoa    For       For          Management

      as Director                                                              

3.D   Reelect Javier Botin-Sanz de Sautuola   For       For          Management

      y O'Shea as Director                                                     

3.E   Reelect Isabel Tocino Biscarolasaga as  For       For          Management


3.F   Reelect Fernando de Asua Alvarez as     For       For          Management


4     Renew Appointment of Deloitte as        For       For          Management


5     Approve Company's Corporate Website     For       For          Management

6     Approve Acquisition of Banco Espanol    For       For          Management

      de Credito SA                                                            

7     Approve Merger by Absorption of Banif   For       For          Management


8.A   Amend Article 58 Re: Board Remuneration For       For          Management

8.B   Amend Article 61 Re: Company's          For       For          Management

      Corporate Website                                                        

9     Approve Capital Raising                 For       For          Management

10    Authorize Increase in Capital up to 50  For       Against      Management

      Percent via Issuance of New Shares,                                      

      Excluding Preemptive Rights of up to                                     

      20 Percent                                                               

11.A  Authorize Capitalization of Reserves    For       For          Management

      for Scrip Dividends                                                       

11.B  Authorize Capitalization of Reserves    For       For          Management

      for Scrip Dividends                                                      

11.C  Authorize Capitalization of Reserves    For       For          Management

      for Scrip Dividends                                                      

11.D  Authorize Capitalization of Reserves    For       For          Management

      for Scrip Dividends                                                      

12.A  Authorize Issuance of Convertible       For       For          Management

      Bonds, Debentures, Warrants, and Other                                   

      Debt Securities without Preemptive                                       

      Rights up to EUR 10 Billion                                              

12.B  Authorize Issuance of Non-Convertible   For       For          Management

      Debt Securities up to EUR 50 Billion                                     

13.A  Approve Deferred Share Bonus Plan       For       For          Management

13.B  Approve Deferred Share Bonus Plan       For       For          Management

13.C  Approve Employee Stock Purchase Plan    For       For          Management

14    Authorize Board to Ratify and Execute   For       For          Management

      Approved Resolutions                                                     

15    Advisory Vote on Remuneration Policy    For       For          Management






BASF SE                                                                        


Ticker:       BAS            Security ID:  D06216317                            

Meeting Date: APR 26, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Receive Financial Statements and        None      None         Management

      Statutory Reports for Fiscal 2012                                        


2     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       Did Not Vote Management

      Dividends of EUR 2.60 per Share                                          

3     Approve Discharge of Supervisory Board  For       Did Not Vote Management

      for Fiscal 2012                                                          

4     Approve Discharge of Management Board   For       Did Not Vote Management

      for Fiscal 2012                                                          

5     Ratify KPMG as Auditors for Fiscal 2013 For       Did Not Vote Management





BAYER AG                                                                       


Ticker:       BAYN           Security ID:  D0712D163                           

Meeting Date: APR 26, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Receive Financial Statements and        For       Did Not Vote Management

      Statutory Reports; Approve Allocation                                    

      of Income and Dividends of EUR 1.90                                       

      per Share for Fiscal 2012                                                

2     Approve Discharge of Management Board   For       Did Not Vote Management

      for Fiscal 2012                                                           

3     Approve Discharge of Supervisory Board  For       Did Not Vote Management

      for Fiscal 2012                                                          

4     Approve Affiliation Agreement with      For       Did Not Vote Management

      Bayer Beteiligungsverwaltung Goslar                                      


5     Ratify PricewaterhouseCoopers as        For       Did Not Vote Management

      Auditors for Fiscal 2013                                                 





BG GROUP PLC                                                                   


Ticker:       BG.            Security ID:  G1245Z108                           

Meeting Date: MAY 23, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAY 21, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

2     Approve Remuneration Report             For       For          Management

3     Approve Final Dividend                  For       For          Management

4     Elect Den Jones as Director             For       For          Management

5     Elect Lim Haw-Kuang as Director         For       For          Management

6     Re-elect Peter Backhouse as Director    For       For          Management

7     Re-elect Vivienne Cox as Director       For       For          Management

8     Re-elect Chris Finlayson as Director    For       For          Management

9     Re-elect Andrew Gould as Director       For       For          Management

10    Re-elect Baroness Hogg as Director      For       For          Management

11    Re-elect Dr John Hood as Director       For       For          Management

12    Re-elect Martin Houston as Director     For       For          Management

13    Re-elect Caio Koch-Weser as Director    For       For          Management

14    Re-elect Sir David Manning as Director  For       For          Management

15    Re-elect Mark Seligman as Director      For       For          Management

16    Re-elect Patrick Thomas as Director     For       For          Management

17    Appoint Ernst & Young LLP as Auditors   For       For          Management

18    Authorise the Audit Committee to Fix    For       For          Management

      Remuneration of Auditors                                                 

19    Authorise EU Political Donations and    For       For          Management


20    Authorise Issue of Equity with          For       For          Management

      Pre-emptive Rights                                                       

21    Authorise Issue of Equity without       For       For          Management

      Pre-emptive Rights                                                       

22    Authorise Market Purchase of Ordinary   For       For          Management


23    Authorise the Company to Call EGM with  For       For          Management

      Two Weeks' Notice                                                        





BHP BILLITON LIMITED                                                           


Ticker:       BHP            Security ID:  Q1498M100                           

Meeting Date: NOV 29, 2012   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  NOV 27, 2012                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept the Financial Statements and     For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports for BHP Billiton Ltd                                   

      and BHP Billiton Plc                                                     

2     Elect Pat Davies as Director of BHP     For       For          Management

      Billiton Ltd and BHP Billiton Plc                                         

3     Elect Malcolm Broomhead as Director of  For       For          Management

      BHP Billiton Ltd and BHP Billiton Plc                                    

4     Elect John Buchanan as Director of BHP  For       For          Management

      Billiton Ltd and BHP Billiton Plc                                        

5     Elect Carlos Cordeiro as Director of    For       For          Management

      BHP Billiton Ltd and BHP Billiton Plc                                     

6     Elect David Crawford as Director of     For       For          Management

      BHP Billiton Ltd and BHP Billiton Plc                                    

7     Elect Carolyn Hewson as Director of     For       For          Management

      BHP Billiton Ltd and BHP Billiton Plc                                    

8     Elect Marius Kloppers as Director of    For       For          Management

      BHP Billiton Ltd and BHP Billiton Plc                                    

9     Elect Lindsay Maxsted as Director of    For       For          Management

      BHP Billiton Ltd and BHP Billiton Plc                                    

10    Elect Wayne Murdy as Director of BHP    For       For          Management

      Billiton Ltd and BHP Billiton Plc                                        

11    Elect Keith Rumble as Director of BHP   For       For          Management

      Billiton Ltd and BHP Billiton Plc                                        

12    Elect John Schubert as Director of BHP  For       For          Management

      Billiton Ltd and BHP Billiton Plc                                        

13    Elect Shriti Vadera as Director of BHP  For       For          Management

      Billiton Ltd and BHP Billiton Plc                                         

14    Elect Jac Nasser as Director of BHP     For       For          Management

      Billiton Ltd and BHP Billiton Plc                                        

15    Appoint KPMG Audit Plc as Auditor of    For       For          Management

      BHP Billiton Plc                                                         

16    Approve the Authority to Issue Shares   For       For          Management

      in BHP Billiton Plc                                                      

17    Approve the Authority to Issue Shares   For       For          Management

      in BHP Billiton Plc for Cash                                             

18    Approve the Repurchase of Up to 213.62  For       For          Management

      Million Shares in BHP Billiton Plc                                       

19    Approve the Remuneration Report         For       For          Management

20    Approve the Grant of Long Term          For       For          Management

      Incentive Performance Shares to Marius                                   

      Kloppers, Executive Director of the                                      






BIOSENSORS INTERNATIONAL GROUP LTD.                                            


Ticker:       B20            Security ID:  G11325100                           

Meeting Date: JUL 26, 2012   Meeting Type: Special                             

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Amend Memorandum of Association of the  For       For          Management


2     Amend Bye-laws of the Company           For       For          Management

3     Authorize Share Repurchase Program      For       For          Management

4     Approve Increase in Authorized Share    For       For          Management






BIOSENSORS INTERNATIONAL GROUP LTD.                                            


Ticker:       B20            Security ID:  G11325100                           

Meeting Date: JUL 26, 2012   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:                                                                    


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Adopt Financial Statements and          For       For          Management

      Directors' and Auditors' Reports                                         

2     Reelect Soon Beng Aw as Director        For       For          Management

3a    Reelect Huawei Zhang as Director        For       For          Management

3b    Reelect Qiang Jiang as Director         For       For          Management

4     Approve Directors' Fees of SGD 600,000  For       For          Management

      for the Year Ending March 31, 2013                                       

5     Reappoint Ernst & Young LLP as          For       For          Management

      Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix                                      

      Their Remuneration                                                       

6     Approve Issuance of Equity or           For       For          Management

      Equity-Linked Securities with or                                         

      without Preemptive Rights                                                





BMW GROUP BAYERISCHE MOTOREN WERKE AG                                          


Ticker:       BMW            Security ID:  D12096109                           

Meeting Date: MAY 14, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 22, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Receive Financial Statements and        None      None         Management

      Statutory Reports for Fiscal 2012                                        


2     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       For          Management

      Dividends of EUR 2.52 per Preferred                                      

      Share and EUR 2.50 per Ordinary Share                                    

3     Approve Discharge of Management Board   For       For          Management

      for Fiscal 2012                                                           

4     Approve Discharge of Supervisory Board  For       For          Management

      for Fiscal 2012                                                          

5     Ratify KPMG AG as Auditors for Fiscal   For       For          Management


6.1   Elect Reinhard Huettl to the            For       For          Management

      Supervisory Board                                                         

6.2   Elect Karl-Ludwig Kley to the           For       For          Management

      Supervisory Board                                                        

6.3   Elect Renate Koecher to the             For       For          Management

      Supervisory Board                                                        

6.4   Elect Joachim Milberg to the            For       For          Management

      Supervisory Board                                                        

7     Amend Articles Re: Remuneration of the  For       For          Management

      Supervisory Board                                                        





BNP PARIBAS SA                                                                  


Ticker:       BNP            Security ID:  F1058Q238                           

Meeting Date: MAY 15, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual/Special                      

Record Date:  MAY 09, 2013                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Financial Statements and        For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                         

2     Approve Consolidated Financial          For       For          Management

      Statements and Statutory Reports                                         

3     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       For          Management

      Dividends of EUR 1.50 per Share                                          

4     Acknowledge Auditors' Special Report    For       For          Management

      on Related-Party Transactions                                             

5     Approve Severance Payment Agreement     For       For          Management

      with Jean-Laurent Bonnafe                                                

6     Authorize Repurchase of Up to 10        For       For          Management

      Percent of Issued Share Capital                                          

7     Reelect Jean-Laurent Bonnafe as         For       For          Management


8     Reelect Michel Tilmant as Director      For       For          Management

9     Reelect Emiel Van Broekhoven as         For       For          Management


10    Elect Christophe de Margerie as         For       For          Management


11    Elect Marion Guillou as Director        For       For          Management

12    Authorize Auditors to File Required     For       For          Management

      Documents at the Court's Clerk Office                                    

13    Amend New Set of Bylaws                 For       Against      Management

14    Authorize Decrease in Share Capital     For       For          Management

      via Cancellation of Repurchased Shares                                   

15    Authorize Filing of Required            For       For          Management

      Documents/Other Formalities                                               





BRILLIANCE CHINA AUTOMOTIVE HOLDINGS LTD.                                      


Ticker:       01114          Security ID:  G1368B102                           

Meeting Date: DEC 21, 2012   Meeting Type: Special                             

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve the Revised Caps and the        For       For          Management

      Connected Transactions with a Related                                    


2     Approve Cross Guarantee Agreement       For       For          Management

      between Shenyang XingYuanDong                                            

      Automobile Component Co., Ltd. and                                       

      Huachen Automotive Group Holdings                                        

      Company Ltd.                                                             





BRILLIANCE CHINA AUTOMOTIVE HOLDINGS LTD.                                       


Ticker:       01114          Security ID:  G1368B102                           

Meeting Date: MAY 24, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAY 21, 2013                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                         

2a    Elect Wang Shiping as Director          For       For          Management

2b    Elect Tan Chengxu as Director           For       For          Management

2c    Authorize the Board to Fix              For       For          Management

      Remuneration of Directors                                                

3     Reappoint Grant Thornton Hong Kong      For       For          Management

      Limited as Auditors and Authorize                                        

      Board to Fix Their Remuneration                                          

4a    Approve Issuance of Equity or           For       Against      Management

      Equity-Linked Securities without                                         

      Preemptive Rights                                                         

4b    Authorize Repurchase of Up to 10        For       For          Management

      Percent of Issued Share Capital                                          

4c    Authorize Reissuance of Repurchased     For       Against      Management






CALSONIC KANSEI CORP.                                                           


Ticker:       7248           Security ID:  J50753102                           

Meeting Date: JUN 26, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 31, 2013                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Allocation of Income, with a    For       For          Management

      Final Dividend of JPY 3.75                                                

2.1   Elect Director Nakamura, Katsumi        For       Against      Management

2.2   Elect Director Moriya, Hiroshi          For       Against      Management

2.3   Elect Director Shingyoji, Shigeo        For       For          Management

2.4   Elect Director Kakizawa, Seiichi        For       For          Management

2.5   Elect Director Fujisaki, Akira          For       For          Management

3     Appoint Statutory Auditor Adachi,       For       For          Management






CHINA SHIPPING CONTAINER LINES CO. LTD.                                        


Ticker:       02866          Security ID:  Y1513C104                           

Meeting Date: DEC 05, 2012   Meeting Type: Special                             

Record Date:  NOV 05, 2012                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Revised Annual Cap For the      For       For          Management

      Year Ending Dec. 31, 2012 under the                                      

      Master Supply Agreement                                                   

2a    Approve Master Supply Agreement, and    For       For          Management

      the Related Annual Caps for the Three                                    

      Years Ending Dec. 31, 2013, 2014 and                                      


2b    Approve First Master Liner and Cargo    For       For          Management

      Agency Agreement, and the Related                                        

      Annual Caps for the Three Years Ending                                   

      Dec. 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015                                             

2c    Approve First Master Loading and        For       For          Management

      Unloading Agreement and Second Master                                    

      Loading and Unloading Agreement, and                                     

      the Related Annual Caps for the Three                                    

      Years Ending Dec. 31, 2013, 2014 and                                     


2d    Approve Revised Master Provision of     For       For          Management

      Containers Agreement, and the Related                                    

      Annual Caps for the Three Years Ending                                   

      Dec. 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015                                             

2e    Approve Transactions in Respect of      For       For          Management

      Maximum Daily Outstanding Balance of                                     

      Deposits to be Placed by the Group                                       

      under the Financial Services Framework                                    

      Agreement, and the Related Annual Caps                                   

      for the Three Years Ending Dec. 31,                                      

      2013, 2014 and 2015                                                       

2f    Approve Transactions in Respect of      For       For          Management

      Maximum Daily Outstanding Balance of                                     

      Loans to be Granted to the Group Under                                   

      the Financial Services Framework                                         

      Agreement, and the Related Annual Caps                                   

      for the Three Years Ending Dec. 31,                                      

      2013, 2014 and 2015                                                      

2g    Approve Settlement Services to be       For       For          Management

      Provided to the Group Under the                                          

      Financial Services Framework                                              

      Agreement, and the Related Annual Caps                                   

      for the Three Years Ending Dec. 31,                                      

      2013, 2014 and 2015                                                       

2h    Authorize Board to Do All Such Acts     For       For          Management

      Necessary to Implement the                                               

      Aforementioned Resolutions                                                

3     Elect Ding Nong as Director             For       For          Shareholder

4a    Amend Articles of Association of the    For       For          Management


4b    Authorize Board to Do All Such Acts     For       For          Management

      Necessary to Implement the Amendment                                     

      of the Articles of Association                                           





COMMONWEALTH BANK OF AUSTRALIA                                                 


Ticker:       CBA            Security ID:  Q26915100                           

Meeting Date: OCT 30, 2012   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  OCT 28, 2012                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

2a    Elect David Turner as a Director        For       For          Management

2b    Elect Carolyn Kay as a Director         For       For          Management

2c    Elect Harrison Young as a Director      For       For          Management

3     Approve the Remuneration Report         For       For          Management

4     Approve the Grant of Up to 78,681       For       For          Management

      Reward Rights to Ian Mark Narev, CEO                                     

      and Managing Director of the Company                                      

5     Approve the Selective Buyback of Up to  For       For          Management

      100 Percent of the Preference Shares                                     

      that Form Part of the Perpetual                                           

       Exchangeable Resaleable Listed                                           






COMPAGNIE FINANCIERE RICHEMONT SA                                              


Ticker:       CFR            Security ID:  H25662158                           

Meeting Date: SEP 05, 2012   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Accept Financial Statements and         For       Did Not Vote Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

1.2   Approve Remuneration Report             For       Did Not Vote Management

2     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       Did Not Vote Management

      Dividends of CHF 0.55  per "A" Bearer                                    

      Share and CHF 0.055 per "B" Registered                                   


3     Approve Discharge of Board and Senior   For       Did Not Vote Management


4.1   Reelect Johann Rupert as Director       For       Did Not Vote Management

4.2   Reelect Franco Cologni as Director      For       Did Not Vote Management

4.3   Reelect Lord Duro as Director           For       Did Not Vote Management

4.4   Reelect Yves-Andre Istel as Director    For       Did Not Vote Management

4.5   Reelect Richard Lepeu as Director       For       Did Not Vote Management

4.6   Reelect Ruggero Magnoni as Director     For       Did Not Vote Management

4.7   Reelect Josua Malherbe as Director      For       Did Not Vote Management

4.8   Reelect Frederick Mostert as Director   For       Did Not Vote Management

4.9   Reelect Simon Murray as Director        For       Did Not Vote Management

4.10  Reelect Alain Perrin as Director        For       Did Not Vote Management

4.11  Reelect Guillaume Pictet as Director    For       Did Not Vote Management

4.12  Reelect Norbert Platt as Director       For       Did Not Vote Management

4.13  Reelect Alan Quasha as Director         For       Did Not Vote Management

4.14  Reelect Maria Ramos as Director         For       Did Not Vote Management

4.15  Reelect Lord Renwick of Clifton as      For       Did Not Vote Management


4.16  Reelect Dominique Rochat as Director    For       Did Not Vote Management

4.17  Reelect Jan Rupert as Director          For       Did Not Vote Management

4.18  Reelect Gary Saage as Director          For       Did Not Vote Management

4.19  Reelect Juergen Schrempp as Director    For       Did Not Vote Management

4.20  Reelect Martha Wikstrom as Director     For       Did Not Vote Management

5     Ratify PricewaterhouseCoopers as        For       Did Not Vote Management






CREDIT SAISON CO. LTD.                                                         


Ticker:       8253           Security ID:  J7007M109                           

Meeting Date: JUN 26, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                               

Record Date:  MAR 31, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Allocation of Income, with a    For       For          Management

      Final Dividend of JPY 30                                                 

2.1   Elect Director Rinno, Hiroshi           For       For          Management

2.2   Elect Director Maekawa, Teruyuki        For       For          Management

2.3   Elect Director Takahashi, Naoki         For       For          Management

2.4   Elect Director Kaneko, Haruhisa         For       For          Management

2.5   Elect Director Yamamoto, Hiroshi        For       For          Management

2.6   Elect Director Yamashita, Masahiro      For       For          Management

2.7   Elect Director Kakusho, Junji           For       For          Management

2.8   Elect Director Hirase, Kazuhiro         For       For          Management

2.9   Elect Director Shimizu, Sadamu          For       For          Management

2.10  Elect Director Matsuda, Akihiro         For       For          Management

2.11  Elect Director Aoyama, Teruhisa         For       For          Management

2.12  Elect Director Yamamoto, Yoshihisa      For       For          Management

2.13  Elect Director Okamoto, Tatsunari       For       For          Management

2.14  Elect Director Mizuno, Katsumi          For       For          Management

2.15  Elect Director Ueno, Yasuhisa           For       For          Management





CREDIT SUISSE GROUP AG                                                         


Ticker:       CSGN           Security ID:  H3698D419                           

Meeting Date: APR 26, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Receive Financial Statements and        None      None         Management

      Statutory Reports (Non-Voting)                                           

1.2   Approve Remuneration Report             For       For          Management

1.3   Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

2     Approve Discharge of Board and Senior   For       For          Management


3.1   Approve Allocation of Income            For       For          Management

3.2   Approve Dividends CHF 0.10 per Share    For       For          Management

      from Capital Contribution Reserves to                                     

      be Paid in Shares and Cash                                               

4.1   Approve Creation of CHF 6.0 Million     For       For          Management

      Pool of Capital with Partial Exclusion                                    

      of Preemptive Rights                                                     

4.2   Approve CHF 1.1 Million Increase in     For       For          Management

      Pool of Conditional Capital for                                          

      Delivering Shares as Part of Employee                                    

      Participation Programs                                                   

5     Amend Articles Re: Board Related        For       For          Management

6.1.1 Reelect Noreen Doyle as Director        For       For          Management

6.1.2 Reelect Jassim Bin Hamad J.J. Al Thani  For       For          Management

      as Director                                                              

6.1.3 Elect Kai S. Nargolwala as Director     For       For          Management

6.2   Ratify KPMG AG as Auditors              For       For          Management

6.3   Ratify BDO AG as Special Auditors       For       For          Management





CRODA INTERNATIONAL PLC                                                        


Ticker:       CRDA           Security ID:  G25536106                           

Meeting Date: APR 25, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 23, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

2     Approve Remuneration Report             For       For          Management

3     Approve Final Dividend                  For       For          Management

4     Re-elect Sean Christie as Director      For       For          Management

5     Re-elect Alan Ferguson as Director      For       For          Management

6     Re-elect Martin Flower as Director      For       For          Management

7     Re-elect Steve Foots as Director        For       For          Management

8     Re-elect Keith Layden as Director       For       For          Management

9     Re-elect Stanley Musesengwa as Director For       For          Management

10    Re-elect Nigel Turner as Director       For       For          Management

11    Re-elect Steve Williams as Director     For       For          Management

12    Reappoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP    For       For          Management

      as Auditors                                                               

13    Authorise Board to Fix Remuneration of  For       For          Management


14    Authorise EU Political Donations and    For       For          Management


15    Authorise Issue of Equity with          For       For          Management

      Pre-emptive Rights                                                        

16    Authorise Issue of Equity without       For       For          Management

      Pre-emptive Rights                                                       

17    Authorise Market Purchase of Ordinary   For       For          Management


18    Authorise the Company to Call EGM with  For       For          Management

      Two Weeks' Notice                                                        

19    Amend Articles of Association Re:       For       For          Management

      Non-Executive Directors Fees                                             

20    Approve Sharesave Scheme                For       For          Management





DERWENT LONDON PLC                                                             


Ticker:       DLN            Security ID:  G27300105                           

Meeting Date: MAY 17, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAY 15, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

2     Approve Remuneration Report             For       For          Management

3     Approve Final Dividend                  For       For          Management

4     Re-elect Robert Rayne as Director       For       For          Management

5     Re-elect John Ivey as Director          For       For          Management

6     Re-elect John Burns as Director         For       For          Management

7     Re-elect Simon Silver as Director       For       For          Management

8     Re-elect Damian Wisniewski as Director  For       For          Management

9     Re-elect Nigel George as Director       For       For          Management

10    Re-elect David Silverman as Director    For       For          Management

11    Re-elect Paul Williams as Director      For       For          Management

12    Re-elect Stuart Corbyn as Director      For       For          Management

13    Re-elect Robert Farnes as Director      For       For          Management

14    Re-elect June de Moller as Director     For       For          Management

15    Re-elect Stephen Young as Director      For       For          Management

16    Elect Simon Fraser as Director          For       For          Management

17    Reappoint BDO LLP as Auditors           For       For          Management

18    Authorise Board to Fix Remuneration of  For       For          Management


19    Authorise Issue of Equity with          For       For          Management

      Pre-emptive Rights                                                       

20    Authorise Issue of Equity without       For       For          Management

      Pre-emptive Rights                                                       

21    Authorise Market Purchase of Ordinary   For       For          Management


22    Authorise the Company to Call EGM with  For       For          Management

      Two Weeks' Notice                                                        







DEUTSCHE BANK AG                                                               


Ticker:       DBK            Security ID:  D18190898                           

Meeting Date: APR 11, 2013   Meeting Type: Special                             

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Confirm 2012 AGM Resolution to Approve  For       Did Not Vote Management

      Allocation of Income and Dividends of                                    

      EUR 0.75 per Share                                                       

2     Confirm 2012 AGM Resolution to Ratify   For       Did Not Vote Management

      KPMG AG as Auditors for Fiscal 2012                                      

3.1   Confirm 2012 AGM Resolution to Elect    For       Did Not Vote Management

      Paul Achleitner to the Supervisory                                       


3.2   Confirm 2012 AGM Resolution to Elect    For       Did Not Vote Management

      Peter Loescher to the Supervisory Board                                  

3.3   Confirm 2012 AGM Resolution to Elect    For       Did Not Vote Management

      Klaus Ruediger Truetzschler to the                                       

      Supervisory Board                                                        





DEUTSCHE BANK AG                                                               


Ticker:       DBK            Security ID:  D18190898                           

Meeting Date: MAY 23, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Receive Financial Statements and        None      None         Management

      Statutory Reports for Fiscal 2012                                        


2     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       Did Not Vote Management

      Dividends of EUR 0.75 per Share                                          

3     Approve Discharge of Management Board   For       Did Not Vote Management

      for Fiscal 2012                                                          

4     Approve Discharge of Supervisory Board  For       Did Not Vote Management

      for Fiscal 2012                                                          

5     Ratify KPMG as Auditors for Fiscal 2013 For       Did Not Vote Management

6     Authorize Repurchase of Up to Five      For       Did Not Vote Management

      Percent of Issued Share Capital for                                      

      Trading Purposes                                                         

7     Authorize Share Repurchase Program and  For       Did Not Vote Management

      Reissuance or Cancellation of                                            

      Repurchased Shares                                                       

8     Authorize Use of Financial Derivatives  For       Did Not Vote Management

      when Repurchasing Shares                                                 

9     Approve Remuneration System for         For       Did Not Vote Management

      Management Board Members                                                 

10    Approve Remuneration of Supervisory     For       Did Not Vote Management


11.1  Elect John Cryan to the Supervisory     For       Did Not Vote Management


11.2  Elect Henning Kagermann to the          For       Did Not Vote Management

      Supervisory Board                                                        

11.3  Elect Suzanne Labarge to the            For       Did Not Vote Management

      Supervisory Board                                                        

11.4  Elect Johannes Teyssen to the           For       Did Not Vote Management

      Supervisory Board                                                         

11.5  Elect Georg Thoma to the Supervisory    For       Did Not Vote Management


11.6  Elect Tilman Todenhoefer to the         For       Did Not Vote Management

      Supervisory Board                                                        

11.7  Elect Dina Dublon to the Supervisory    For       Did Not Vote Management


12    Approve Creation of EUR 230.4 Million   For       Did Not Vote Management

      Pool of Capital without Preemptive                                       


13    Approve Domination Agreement with       For       Did Not Vote Management

      RREEF Management GmbH                                                    






DIAGEO PLC                                                                      


Ticker:       DGE            Security ID:  G42089113                           

Meeting Date: OCT 17, 2012   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  OCT 15, 2012                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                         

2     Approve Remuneration Report             For       For          Management

3     Approve Final Dividend                  For       For          Management

4     Re-elect Peggy Bruzelius as Director    For       For          Management

5     Re-elect Laurence Danon as Director     For       For          Management

6     Re-elect Lord Davies of Abersoch as     For       For          Management


7     Re-elect Betsy Holden as Director       For       For          Management

8     Re-elect Dr Franz Humer as Director     For       For          Management

9     Re-elect Deirdre Mahlan as Director     For       For          Management

10    Re-elect Philip Scott as Director       For       For          Management

11    Re-elect Todd Stitzer as Director       For       For          Management

12    Re-elect Paul Walsh as Director         For       For          Management

13    Elect Ho KwonPing as Director           For       For          Management

14    Elect Ivan Menezes as Director          For       For          Management

15    Reappoint KPMG Audit plc as Auditors    For       For          Management

16    Authorise Board to Fix Remuneration of  For       For          Management


17    Authorise Issue of Equity with          For       For          Management

      Pre-emptive Rights                                                        

18    Authorise Issue of Equity without       For       For          Management

      Pre-emptive Rights                                                       

19    Authorise Market Purchase of Ordinary   For       For          Management


20    Authorise EU Political Donations and    For       For          Management


21    Authorise the Company to Call EGM with  For       For          Management

      Two Weeks' Notice                                                        





DNB NOR ASA                                                                    


Ticker:       DNBNOR         Security ID:  R1812S105                           

Meeting Date: APR 30, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 23, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Open Meeting                            None      None         Management

2     Approve Notice of Meeting and Agenda    For       Did Not Vote Management

3     Designate Inspector(s) of Minutes of    For       Did Not Vote Management


4     Approve Remuneration of Supervisory     For       Did Not Vote Management

      Board, Control Committee, and                                            

      Nominating Committee                                                     

5     Approve Remuneration of Auditors        For       Did Not Vote Management

6     Approve Financial Statements and        For       Did Not Vote Management

      Statutory Reports; Approve Allocation                                    

      of Income and Dividends of NOK 2.10                                       

      per Share                                                                

7     Reelect Skarholt, Andersen, Koc,        For       Did Not Vote Management

      Leire, Smith, Svenning, Sorensen, and                                     

      Wang as Member, and Gravir, Haslestad,                                   

      Landmark, and Skogsholm as New Members                                   

      of Supervisory Board; Elect Deputy                                       

      Members of Supervisory Board                                             

8     Elect Camilla Grieg and Karl Moursund   For       Did Not Vote Management

      as Members of Nominating Committee                                       

9     Reelect Frode Hassel (Chairman),        For       Did Not Vote Management

       Thorstein Overland, Karl Olav Hovden,                                    

       and Vigdis Almestad as Members of                                        

      Control Committee; Reelect Ida Johnson                                   

      and Elect Agnar Langeland as Deputy                                      

      Members of Control Committee                                             

10    Authorize Share Repurchase Program and  For       Did Not Vote Management

      Reissuance of Repurchased Shares                                         

11a   Approve Advisory Part of Remuneration   For       Did Not Vote Management

      Policy And Other Terms of Employment                                      

      For Executive Management                                                 

11b   Approve Binding Part of Remuneration    For       Did Not Vote Management

      Policy And Other Terms of Employment                                      

      For Executive Management                                                 

12    Approve Corporate Governance Statement  For       Did Not Vote Management

13    Financial Structure for a New Real      None      None         Shareholder

      Economy; Financial Services                                              

      Innovation; Requirements Regarding the                                   

      Assignment of Roles and Impartiality;                                    

      Selection of Board Members; Board                                        

      Committee for Shared Financial                                           

      Responsibility, Authorization and                                        

      Common Interests                                                          





DON QUIJOTE                                                                    


Ticker:       7532           Security ID:  J1235L108                           

Meeting Date: SEP 26, 2012   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  JUN 30, 2012                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Allocation of Income, with a    For       For          Management

      Final Dividend of JPY 21                                                 

2     Amend Articles To Increase Maximum      For       For          Management

      Number of Statutory Auditors                                             

3.1   Elect Director Yasuda, Takao            For       For          Management

3.2   Elect Director Narusawa, Junji          For       For          Management

3.3   Elect Director Takahashi, Mitsuo        For       For          Management

3.4   Elect Director Ohara, Koji              For       For          Management

3.5   Elect Director Yoshida, Naoki           For       For          Management

4     Appoint Statutory Auditor Otoshi,       For       For          Management






FANUC CORP.                                                                     


Ticker:       6954           Security ID:  J13440102                           

Meeting Date: JUN 27, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 31, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Allocation of Income, with a    For       For          Management

      Final Dividend of JPY 82.04                                               

2     Amend Articles To Authorize Public      For       For          Management

      Announcements in Electronic Format -                                     

      Indemnify Directors - Increase Maximum                                    

      Board Size                                                               

3.1   Elect Director Inaba, Yoshiharu         For       For          Management

3.2   Elect Director Yamaguchi, Kenji         For       For          Management

3.3   Elect Director Gonda, Yoshihiro         For       For          Management

3.4   Elect Director Richard E. Schneider     For       For          Management

3.5   Elect Director Uchida, Hiroyuki         For       For          Management

3.6   Elect Director Kosaka, Tetsuya          For       For          Management

3.7   Elect Director Matsubara, Shunsuke      For       For          Management

3.8   Elect Director Kohari, Katsuo           For       For          Management

3.9   Elect Director Okada, Toshiya           For       For          Management

3.10  Elect Director Hiramoto, Kazuyuki       For       For          Management

3.11  Elect Director Olaf C. Gehrels          For       For          Management

3.12  Elect Director Aoyama, Kazunari         For       For          Management

3.13  Elect Director Ito, Takayuki            For       For          Management

3.14  Elect Director Yamada, Yuusaku          For       For          Management

3.15  Elect Director Hishikawa, Tetsuo        For       For          Management

3.16  Elect Director Noda, Hiroshi            For       For          Management

3.17  Elect Director Inaba, Kiyonori          For       For          Management

3.18  Elect Director Ono, Masato              For       For          Management





FORTESCUE METALS GROUP LTD.                                                    


Ticker:       FMG            Security ID:  Q39360104                            

Meeting Date: NOV 14, 2012   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  NOV 12, 2012                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve the Adoption of the             For       For          Management

      Remuneration Report                                                      

2     Elect Cao Huiquan as a Director         For       For          Management

3     Elect Herb Elliott as a Director        For       For          Management

4     Approve the Fortescue Metals Group Ltd  For       For          Management

      Performance Share Plan                                                   

5     Appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers as       For       For          Management

      Auditor of the Company                                                   





GAM HOLDING LTD.                                                                


Ticker:       GAM            Security ID:  H2878E106                           

Meeting Date: APR 17, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:                                                                    


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                         

2     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       For          Management

      Dividends of CHF 0.50 per Share                                          

3     Approve Discharge of Board and Senior   For       For          Management


4     Approve CHF 506,267 Reduction in Share  For       For          Management

      Capital via Cancellation of                                               

      Repurchased Shares                                                       

5.1   Reelect Johannes de Gier as Director    For       For          Management

5.2   Reelect Dieter Enkelmann as Director    For       For          Management

5.3   Reelect Hugh Scott-Barrett as Director  For       For          Management

5.4   Elect Tanja Weiher as Director          For       For          Management

6     Ratify KPMG AG as Auditors              For       For          Management





GEA GROUP AG                                                                   


Ticker:       G1A            Security ID:  D28304109                           

Meeting Date: APR 18, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 27, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Receive Financial Statements and        None      None         Management

      Statutory Reports for Fiscal 2012                                        


2     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       For          Management

      Dividends of EUR 0,55 per Share                                          

3     Approve Discharge of Management Board   For       For          Management

      for Fiscal 2012                                                           

4     Approve Discharge of Supervisory Board  For       For          Management

      for Fiscal 2012                                                          

5     Ratify KPMG AG as Auditors for Fiscal   For       For          Management








Ticker:       GTO            Security ID:  N3465M108                           

Meeting Date: MAY 23, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 25, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Open Meeting                            None      None         Management

2     Receive Report of Management Board      None      None         Management


3     Adopt Financial Statements              For       For          Management

4a    Receive Explanation on Company's        None      None         Management

      Reserves and Dividend Policy                                              

4b    Approve Dividends of EUR 0.34 Per Share For       For          Management

5a    Approve Discharge of CEO as Executive   For       For          Management

      Board Member                                                              

5b    Approve Discharge of Non-Executive      For       For          Management


6a    Reelect Buford Alexander to Board of    For       For          Management


6b    Reelect John Ormerod to Board of        For       For          Management


6c    Elect Homaira Akbari to Board of        For       For          Management


7     Approve Remuneration of Non-Executive   For       For          Management

      Board Members                                                            

8     Amend Articles Re: Implementation of    For       Against      Management

      Act on Governance and Supervision and                                    

      Other Legislative Changes                                                

9     Authorize Repurchase of Up to 10        For       For          Management

      Percent of Issued Share Capital                                          

10a   Grant Board Authority to Issue all      For       Against      Management

      Unissued Shares                                                          

10b   Authorize Board to Exclude Preemptive   For       Against      Management

      Rights from Issuance under Item 10a                                       

11    Ratify PricewaterhouseCoopers           For       For          Management

      Accountants N.V. as Auditors                                             

12    Allow Questions                         None      None         Management

13    Close Meeting                           None      None         Management





GERRESHEIMER AG                                                                 


Ticker:       GXI            Security ID:  D2852S109                           

Meeting Date: APR 18, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 27, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Receive Financial Statements and        None      None         Management

      Statutory Reports for Fiscal 2012                                        


2     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       For          Management

      Dividends of EUR 0.65 per Share                                          

3     Approve Discharge of Management Board   For       For          Management

      for Fiscal 2012                                                          

4     Approve Discharge of Supervisory Board  For       For          Management

      for Fiscal 2012                                                           

5     Ratify Deloitte & Touche GmbH as        For       For          Management

      Auditors for Fiscal 2012                                                 





GREAT PORTLAND ESTATES PLC                                                     


Ticker:       GPOR           Security ID:  G40712179                           

Meeting Date: JUL 05, 2012   Meeting Type: Annual                               

Record Date:  JUL 03, 2012                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

2     Approve Final Dividend                  For       For          Management

3     Approve Remuneration Report             For       For          Management

4     Elect Nick Sanderson as Director        For       For          Management

5     Re-elect Toby Courtauld as Director     For       For          Management

6     Re-elect Neil Thompson as Director      For       For          Management

7     Re-elect Martin Scicluna as Director    For       For          Management

8     Re-elect Charles Irby as Director       For       For          Management

9     Re-elect Jonathan Nicholls as Director  For       For          Management

10    Re-elect Jonathan Short as Director     For       For          Management

11    Reappoint Deloitte LLP as Auditors      For       For          Management

12    Authorise Board to Fix Remuneration of  For       For          Management


13    Authorise Issue of Equity with          For       For          Management

      Pre-emptive Rights                                                       

14    Authorise Issue of Equity without       For       For          Management

      Pre-emptive Rights                                                       

15    Authorise Market Purchase of Ordinary   For       For          Management


16    Authorise the Company to Call EGM with  For       For          Management

      Two Weeks' Notice                                                        





GRIFOLS SA                                                                     


Ticker:       GRF            Security ID:  E5706X124                           

Meeting Date: MAY 23, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAY 16, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Standalone Financial            For       For          Management

      Statements, Allocation of Income, and                                    

      Dividend Payment                                                         

2     Approve Consolidated Financial          For       For          Management


3     Approve Discharge of Board              For       For          Management

4     Renew Appointment of KPMG as Auditor    For       For          Management

      of Standalone Financial Statements                                        

5     Renew Appointment of KPMG as Auditor    For       For          Management

      of Consolidated Financial Statements                                     

6.1   Elect Belen Villalonga Morenes as       For       For          Management


6.2   Fix Number of Directors at 12           For       For          Management

7     Approve Remuneration of Directors       For       For          Management

8     Advisory Vote on Remuneration Policy    For       Against      Management


9     Authorize Board to Ratify and Execute   For       For          Management

      Approved Resolutions                                                     





HOME PRODUCT CENTER PUBLIC CO. LTD.                                            


Ticker:       HMPRO          Security ID:  Y32758115                           

Meeting Date: OCT 05, 2012   Meeting Type: Special                             

Record Date:  SEP 07, 2012                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting     For       For          Management

2     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       For          Management

      Payment of Interim Dividend                                               

3     Increase Registered Capital and Amend   For       For          Management

      Memorandum of Association to Reflect                                     

      Increase in Registered Capital                                            

4     Approve Allocation of Shares to         For       For          Management

      Support the Stock Dividend Program                                       

5     Other Business                          For       Against      Management





HOME PRODUCT CENTER PUBLIC CO. LTD.                                            


Ticker:       HMPRO          Security ID:  Y32758115                           

Meeting Date: APR 05, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 06, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting     For       For          Management

2     Acknowledge Operation Results           For       For          Management

3     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                         

4     Approve the Allocation of Income,       For       For          Management

      Stock Dividend of One Share for Every                                    

      Six Shares Held, and Cash Dividend of                                    

      THB 0.0186 Per Share                                                     

5     Reduce Registered Capital and Amend     For       For          Management

      Memorandum of Association to Reflect                                      

      Reduction in Registered Capital                                          

6     Increase Registered Capital and Amend   For       For          Management

      Memorandum of Association to Reflect                                      

      Increase in Registered Capital                                           

7     Approve Allocation of Shares Towards    For       For          Management

      the Stock Dividend Payment                                               

8.1   Elect Joompol Meesook as Director       For       For          Management

8.2   Elect Suwanna Buddhaprasart as Director For       For          Management

8.3   Elect Thaveevat Tatiyamaneekul as       For       For          Management


8.4   Elect Chanin Roonsumran as Director     For       For          Management

9     Approve Remuneration of Directors       For       For          Management

10    Approve Bonus of Directors              For       For          Management

11    Approve Ernst & Young Office Ltd. as    For       For          Management

      Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix                                      

      Their Remuneration                                                        

12    Approve Cancellation of Unissued        For       For          Management

      Debentures and Issuance of Long-Term                                     


13    Other Business                          For       Against      Management





HSBC HOLDINGS PLC                                                               


Ticker:       HSBA           Security ID:  G4634U169                           

Meeting Date: MAY 24, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAY 23, 2013                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

2     Approve Remuneration Report             For       For          Management

3(a)  Re-elect Safra Catz as Director         For       For          Management

3(b)  Re-elect Laura Cha as Director          For       For          Management

3(c)  Re-elect Marvin Cheung as Director      For       For          Management

3(d)  Elect Jim Comey as Director             For       For          Management

3(e)  Re-elect John Coombe as Director        For       For          Management

3(f)  Re-elect Joachim Faber as Director      For       For          Management

3(g)  Re-elect Rona Fairhead as Director      For       For          Management

3(h)  Elect Renato Fassbind as Director       For       For          Management

3(i)  Re-elect Douglas Flint as Director      For       For          Management

3(j)  Re-elect Stuart Gulliver as Director    For       For          Management

3(k)  Re-elect James Hughes-Hallett as        For       For          Management


3(l)  Re-elect William Laidlaw as Director    For       For          Management

3(m)  Re-elect John Lipsky as Director        For       For          Management

3(n)  Re-elect Janis Lomax as Director        For       For          Management

3(o)  Re-elect Iain Mackay as Director        For       For          Management

3(p)  Re-elect Sir Simon Robertson as         For       For          Management


3(q)  Re-elect John Thornton as Director      For       For          Management

4     Reappoint KPMG Audit plc as Auditors    For       For          Management

      and Authorise Their Remuneration                                         

5     Authorise Issue of Equity with          For       For          Management

      Pre-emptive Rights                                                       

6     Authorise Issue of Equity without       For       For          Management

      Pre-emptive Rights                                                        

7     Authorise Market Purchase of Ordinary   For       For          Management


8     Authorise the Company to Call EGM with  For       For          Management

      Two Weeks' Notice                                                        





HUGO BOSS AG                                                                    


Ticker:       BOSS           Security ID:  D34902102                           

Meeting Date: MAY 16, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:                                                                    


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Receive Financial Statements and        None      None         Management

      Statutory Reports for Fiscal 2012                                         


2     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       Did Not Vote Management

      Dividends of EUR 3.12  per Registered                                    


3     Approve Discharge of Management Board   For       Did Not Vote Management

      for Fiscal 2012                                                          

4     Approve Discharge of Supervisory Board  For       Did Not Vote Management

      for Fiscal 2012                                                          

5     Ratify Ernst & Young GmbH as Auditors   For       Did Not Vote Management

      for Fiscal 2013                                                           

6     Amend Affiliation Agreements with       For       Did Not Vote Management

       Subsidiaries HUGO BOSS                                                   

      Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH and HUGO                                     

      BOSS Internationale Beteiligungs-GmbH                                    





IBIDEN CO. LTD.                                                                 


Ticker:       4062           Security ID:  J23059116                           

Meeting Date: JUN 21, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 31, 2013                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Amend Articles To Amend Business Lines  For       For          Management

2.1   Elect Director Iwata, Yoshifumi         For       For          Management

2.2   Elect Director Takenaka, Hiroki         For       For          Management

2.3   Elect Director Kodaka, Hironobu         For       For          Management

2.4   Elect Director Kurita, Shigeyasu        For       For          Management

2.5   Elect Director Sakashita, Keiichi       For       For          Management

2.6   Elect Director Kuwayama,Yoichi          For       For          Management

2.7   Elect Director Sagisaka, Katsumi        For       For          Management

2.8   Elect Director Iwata, Yoshiyuki         For       For          Management

2.9   Elect Director Nishida, Tsuyoshi        For       For          Management

2.10  Elect Director Aoki, Takeshi            For       For          Management

2.11  Elect Director Ono, Kazushige           For       For          Management

2.12  Elect Director Toyoda, Yoshitoshi       For       For          Management

2.13  Elect Director Saito, Shozo             For       For          Management

3     Appoint Statutory Auditor Mabuchi,      For       For          Management






INCITEC PIVOT LTD                                                               


Ticker:       IPL            Security ID:  Q4887E101                           

Meeting Date: DEC 18, 2012   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  DEC 16, 2012                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Paul Brasher as a Director        For       For          Management

2     Elect Graham Smorgon as a Director      For       For          Management

3     Approve the Grant of Up to 728,497      For       For          Management

      Performance Rights to James Fazzino,                                     

      Managing Director and Chief Executive                                    

      Officer of the Company                                                   

4     Approve the Remuneration Report         For       For          Management





INDUSTRIA DE DISENO TEXTIL (INDITEX)                                           


Ticker:       ITX            Security ID:  E6282J109                           

Meeting Date: JUL 17, 2012   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  JUL 10, 2012                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Individual Financial Statements For       For          Management

2     Approve Consolidated Financial          For       For          Management

      Statements and Discharge Directors                                       

3     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       For          Management

      Dividends of EUR 1.80 Per Share                                           

4     Reelect Gartler SL as Director          For       For          Management

5     Ratify Co-option of and Elect Jose      For       For          Management

      Arnau Sierra as Director                                                  

6     Appoint Deloitte as Auditor             For       For          Management

7     Amend Articles of Association           For       For          Management

8     Amend Articles of General Meeting       For       For          Management


9     Authorize Share Repurchase of up to 10  For       For          Management


10    Approve Company's Corporate Web Site    For       For          Management

11    Advisory Vote on Remuneration Report    For       Against      Management

12    Receive Amendments to Board of          None      None         Management

      Directors' Regulations                                                    

13    Authorize Board to Ratify and Execute   For       For          Management

      Approved Resolutions                                                     





ING GROEP NV                                                                   


Ticker:       INGA           Security ID:  N4578E413                           

Meeting Date: MAY 13, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                               

Record Date:  APR 15, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Open Meeting                            None      None         Management

2a    Receive Report of Management Board      None      None         Management


2b    Receive Report of Supervisory Board     None      None         Management


2c    Adopt Financial Statements              For       For          Management

2d    Receive Announcement Re:                None      None         Management

      Discontinuation of Dutch Translation                                     

      Annual Reports                                                           

3     Receive Explanation on Company's        None      None         Management

      Reserves and Dividend Policy                                             

4     Discuss Remuneration Report Containing  None      None         Management

      Remuneration Policy for Management                                       

      Board Members                                                             

5     Discussion on Company's Corporate       None      None         Management

      Governance Structure                                                     

6     Receive Announcements on Sustainability None      None         Management

7a    Approve Discharge of Management Board   For       For          Management

7b    Approve Discharge of Supervisory Board  For       For          Management

8     Ratify Ernst & Young as Auditors        For       For          Management

9a    Reelect Jan Hommen to Executive Board   For       For          Management

9b    Reelect Patrick Flynn to Executive      For       For          Management


9c    Elect Ralph Hamers to Executive Board   For       For          Management

10a   Reelect Jeroen van der Veer to          For       For          Management

      Supervisory Board                                                        

10b   Reelect Tine Bahlmann to Supervisory    For       For          Management


10c   Elect Carin Gorter to Supervisory Board For       For          Management

10d   Elect Hermann-Josef Lamberti to         For       For          Management

      Supervisory Board                                                        

10e   Elect Isabel Martin Castella to         For       For          Management

      Supervisory Board                                                         

11a   Grant Board Authority to Issue Up To    For       For          Management

      380 Million Shares and                                                   

      Restricting/Excluding Preemptive Rights                                   

11b   Grant Board Authority to Issue 380      For       Against      Management

      Million Shares in Case of                                                

      Takeover/Merger and                                                       

      Restricting/Excluding Preemptive Rights                                  

12a   Authorize Repurchase of Up to 10        For       For          Management

      Percent of Issued Share Capital                                           

12b   Authorize Repurchase of Up to 10        For       For          Management

      Percent of Issued Share Capital in                                       

      Connection with a Major Capital                                          


13    Close Meeting                           None      None         Management





ISUZU MOTORS LTD.                                                              


Ticker:       7202           Security ID:  J24994105                           

Meeting Date: JUN 27, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 31, 2013                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Allocation of Income, with a    For       For          Management

      Final Dividend of JPY 6                                                   

2.1   Elect Director Katayama, Masanori       For       For          Management

2.2   Elect Director Nagai, Katsumasa         For       For          Management

2.3   Elect Director Mizutani, Haruki         For       For          Management

2.4   Elect Director Mitsuzaki, Chikao        For       For          Management

2.5   Elect Director Miyagaki, Hiroyuki       For       For          Management

3.1   Appoint Statutory Auditor Nagashima,    For       Against      Management


3.2   Appoint Statutory Auditor Shindo,       For       Against      Management


3.3   Appoint Statutory Auditor Takahashi,    For       Against      Management






JARDINE LLOYD THOMPSON GROUP PLC                                               


Ticker:       JLT            Security ID:  G55440104                           

Meeting Date: APR 30, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 26, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                         

2     Approve Final Dividend                  For       For          Management

3     Re-elect Geoffrey Howe as Director      For       For          Management

4     Re-elect Lord Leach of Fairford as      For       For          Management


5     Re-elect Dominic Burke as Director      For       For          Management

6     Elect Annette Court as Director         For       For          Management

7     Elect Jonathan Dawson as Director       For       For          Management

8     Re-elect Mark Drummond Brady as         For       For          Management


9     Re-elect Richard Harvey as Director     For       For          Management

10    Re-elect Nick MacAndrew as Director     For       For          Management

11    Elect Mike Reynolds as Director         For       For          Management

12    Elect James Twining as Director         For       For          Management

13    Re-elect VyVienne Wade as Director      For       For          Management

14    Approve Remuneration Report             For       For          Management

15    Reappoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP    For       For          Management

      as Auditors and Authorise Their                                          


16    Approve Long-Term Incentive Plan        For       Against      Management

17    Authorise Market Purchase of Ordinary   For       For          Management


18    Authorise Issue of Equity with          For       For          Management

      Pre-emptive Rights                                                       

19    Authorise Issue of Equity without       For       For          Management

      Pre-emptive Rights                                                        

20    Authorise the Company to Call EGM with  For       For          Management

      Two Weeks' Notice                                                        





JOHN WOOD GROUP PLC                                                            


Ticker:       WG.            Security ID:  G9745T118                           

Meeting Date: MAY 15, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                               

Record Date:  MAY 13, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

2     Approve Final Dividend                  For       For          Management

3     Approve Remuneration Report             For       For          Management

4     Re-elect Allister Langlands as Director For       For          Management

5     Re-elect Bob Keiller as Director        For       For          Management

6     Re-elect Alan Semple as Director        For       For          Management

7     Re-elect Mike Straughen as Director     For       For          Management

8     Elect Mark Dobler as Director           For       For          Management

9     Elect Robin Watson as Director          For       For          Management

10    Re-elect Ian Marchant as Director       For       For          Management

11    Re-elect Michel Contie as Director      For       For          Management

12    Re-elect Neil Smith as Director         For       For          Management

13    Re-elect Jeremy Wilson as Director      For       For          Management

14    Re-elect David Woodward as Director     For       For          Management

15    Elect Thomas Botts as Director          For       For          Management

16    Elect Mary Shafer-Malicki as Director   For       For          Management

17    Reappoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP    For       For          Management

      as Auditors                                                              

18    Authorise Board to Fix Remuneration of  For       For          Management


19    Authorise Issue of Equity with          For       For          Management

      Pre-emptive Rights                                                       

20    Approve Long Term Plan                  For       For          Management

21    Authorise Issue of Equity without       For       For          Management

      Pre-emptive Rights                                                       

22    Authorise Market Purchase of Ordinary   For       For          Management


23    Authorise the Company to Call EGM with  For       For          Management

      Two Weeks' Notice                                                         





KABEL DEUTSCHLAND HOLDING AG                                                   


Ticker:       KD8            Security ID:  D6424C104                            

Meeting Date: OCT 11, 2012   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  SEP 19, 2012                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Receive Financial Statements and        None      None         Management

      Statutory Reports for Fiscal 2011/2012                                   


2     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       For          Management

      Dividends of EUR 1.50 per Share                                          

3     Approve Discharge of Management Board   For       For          Management

      for Fiscal 2011/2012                                                     

4     Approve Discharge of Supervisory Board  For       For          Management

      for Fiscal 2011/2012                                                     

5     Ratify Ernst & Young GmbH as Auditors   For       For          Management

      for Fiscal 2012/2013                                                     

6a    Elect Antoinette Aris to the            For       For          Management

      Supervisory Board                                                         

6b    Elect Catherine Muehlemann to the       For       For          Management

      Supervisory Board                                                        

6c    Elect Paul Stodden to the Supervisory   For       For          Management


6d    Elect Torsten Winkler to the            For       For          Management

      Supervisory Board                                                         

7     Approve Affiliation Agreement with      For       For          Management

       Subsidiary Kabel Deutschland Vertrieb                                    

      und Service GmbH                                                          





KAKAKU.COM INC                                                                 


Ticker:       2371           Security ID:  J29258100                           

Meeting Date: JUN 25, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 31, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Allocation of Income, with a    For       For          Management

      Final Dividend of JPY 35                                                 

2.1   Elect Director Hayashi, Kaoru           For       For          Management

2.2   Elect Director Tanaka, Minoru           For       For          Management

2.3   Elect Director Hata, Shonosuke          For       For          Management

2.4   Elect Director Ieuji, Taizo             For       For          Management

2.5   Elect Director Fujiwara, Kenji          For       For          Management

2.6   Elect Director Uemura, Hajime           For       For          Management

2.7   Elect Director Yuuki, Shingo            For       For          Management

2.8   Elect Director Murakami, Atsuhiro       For       For          Management

2.9   Elect Director Matsumoto, Oki           For       For          Management

2.10  Elect Director Hayakawa, Yoshiharu      For       For          Management

2.11  Elect Director Akiyama, Ryuuhei         For       For          Management

3     Appoint Statutory Auditor Sejimo,       For       Against      Management


4     Appoint Alternate Statutory Auditor     For       For          Management

      Ito, Tetsuo                                                              





KOMATSU LTD.                                                                   


Ticker:       6301           Security ID:  J35759125                           

Meeting Date: JUN 19, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 31, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Allocation of Income, with a    For       For          Management

      Final Dividend of JPY 24                                                 

2.1   Elect Director Noji, Kunio              For       For          Management

2.2   Elect Director Ohashi, Tetsuji          For       For          Management

2.3   Elect Director Fujitsuka, Mikio         For       For          Management

2.4   Elect Director Takamura, Fujitoshi      For       For          Management

2.5   Elect Director Hotta, Kensuke           For       For          Management

2.6   Elect Director Kano, Noriaki            For       For          Management

2.7   Elect Director Ikeda, Koichi            For       For          Management

2.8   Elect Director Shinozuka, Hisashi       For       For          Management

2.9   Elect Director Kuromoto, Kazunori       For       For          Management

2.10  Elect Director Mori, Masanao            For       For          Management

3.1   Appoint Statutory Auditor Matsuo,       For       Against      Management


3.2   Appoint Statutory Auditor Yamada, Koji  For       For          Management

4     Approve Annual Bonus Payment to         For       For          Management


5     Approve Deep Discount Stock Option Plan For       Against      Management







Ticker:       LG             Security ID:  F54432111                           

Meeting Date: MAY 07, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual/Special                      

Record Date:  APR 30, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Financial Statements and        For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

2     Accept Consolidated Financial           For       For          Management

      Statements and Statutory Reports                                          

3     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       For          Management

      Dividends of EUR 1.00 per Ordinary                                       

      Share and EUR 1.10 per Long-Term                                          

      Registered Share                                                         

4     Approve Transaction with Orascom        For       For          Management

      Construction Industries S.A.E.                                            

5     Approve Severance Payment Agreement     For       For          Management

      with Bruno Lafont                                                        

6     Reelect Bruno Lafont as Director        For       Against      Management

7     Reelect Philippe Charrier as Director   For       For          Management

8     Reelect Oscar Fanjul as Director        For       For          Management

9     Reelect Juan Gallardo as Director       For       For          Management

10    Reelect Helene Ploix as Director        For       Against      Management

11    Authorize Repurchase of Up to 5         For       For          Management

      Percent of Issued Share Capital                                          

12    Authorize Issuance of Bonds/Debentures  For       For          Management

      in the Aggregate Value of EUR 8 Billion                                  

13    Approve Issuance of Securities          For       For          Management

      Convertible into Debt up to an                                            

      Aggregate Amount of EUR 8 Billion                                        

14    Authorize Issuance of Equity or         For       Against      Management

      Equity-Linked Securities with                                             

      Preemptive Rights up to Aggregate                                        

      Nominal Amount of EUR 560 Million                                        

15    Authorize Issuance of Equity or         For       For          Management

      Equity-Linked Securities without                                         

      Preemptive Rights up to Aggregate                                        

      Nominal Amount of EUR 112 Million                                        

16    Approve Issuance of Equity or           For       For          Management

      Equity-Linked Securities for Private                                     

      Placements, up to Aggregate Nominal                                      

      Amount of EUR 112 Million                                                

17    Authorize Capital Increase of up to 10  For       For          Management

      Percent of Issued Capital for Future                                     


18    Authorize Board to Increase Capital in  For       For          Management

      the Event of Additional Demand Related                                   

      to Delegations Submitted to                                               

      Shareholder Vote under Items 14 and 15                                   

19    Authorize Capitalization of Reserves    For       For          Management

      of Up to EUR 100 Million for Bonus                                        

      Issue or Increase in Par Value                                           

20    Approve Reduction in Share Capital via  For       For          Management

      Cancellation of Repurchased Shares                                        

21    Authorize up to 1.50 Percent of Issued  For       Against      Management

      Capital for Use in Restricted Stock                                      


22    Authorize up to 1.50 Percent of Issued  For       Against      Management

      Capital for Use in Stock Option Plan                                     

23    Approve Employee Stock Purchase Plan    For       For          Management

24    Approve Stock Purchase Plan Reserved    For       For          Management

      for International Employees                                              

25    Authorize Filing of Required            For       For          Management

      Documents/Other Formalities                                              





MAJOR DRILLING GROUP INTERNATIONAL INC.                                        


Ticker:       MDI            Security ID:  560909103                           

Meeting Date: SEP 18, 2012   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  JUL 25, 2012                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Edward J. Breiner        For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Jean Desrosiers          For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Fred J. Dyment           For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director David A. Fennell         For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Francis P. McGuire       For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Catherine McLeod-Seltzer For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Janice G. Rennie         For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director David B. Tennant         For       For          Management

1.9   Elect Director Jo Mark Zurel            For       For          Management

2     Advisory Vote on Executive              For       For          Management

      Compensation Approach                                                    

3     Approve Deloitte & Touche LLP as        For       For          Management

      Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix                                      

      Their Remuneration                                                       





MAKINO MILLING MACHINE CO. LTD.                                                 


Ticker:       6135           Security ID:  J39530100                           

Meeting Date: JUN 21, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 31, 2013                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Allocation of Income, with a    For       For          Management

      Final Dividend of JPY 5                                                   

2     Approve Accounting Transfers            For       For          Management

3.1   Elect Director Makino, Jiro             For       For          Management

3.2   Elect Director Makino, Shun             For       For          Management

3.3   Elect Director Aiba, Tatsuaki           For       For          Management

3.4   Elect Director Suzuki, Shingo           For       For          Management

3.5   Elect Director Tamura, Yasuyuki         For       For          Management

3.6   Elect Director Nagano, Toshiyuki        For       For          Management

4     Appoint Alternate Statutory Auditor     For       For          Management

      Hosoya, Yoshinori                                                        





MITSUBISHI CORP.                                                               


Ticker:       8058           Security ID:  J43830116                           

Meeting Date: JUN 21, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 31, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Allocation of Income, with a    For       For          Management

      Final Dividend of JPY 30                                                 

2.1   Elect Director Kojima, Yorihiko         For       For          Management

2.2   Elect Director Kobayashi, Ken           For       For          Management

2.3   Elect Director Nabeshima, Hideyuki      For       For          Management

2.4   Elect Director Nakahara, Hideto         For       For          Management

2.5   Elect Director Yanai, Jun               For       For          Management

2.6   Elect Director Kinukawa, Jun            For       For          Management

2.7   Elect Director Miyauchi, Takahisa       For       For          Management

2.8   Elect Director Nagai, Yasuo             For       For          Management

2.9   Elect Director Uchino, Shuuma           For       For          Management

2.10  Elect Director Ito, Kunio               For       For          Management

2.11  Elect Director Tsukuda, Kazuo           For       For          Management

2.12  Elect Director Kato, Ryozo              For       For          Management

2.13  Elect Director Konno, Hidehiro          For       For          Management

2.14  Elect Director Sakie Tachibana          For       For          Management


3     Approve Annual Bonus Payment to         For       For          Management






MITSUBISHI ESTATE CO LTD                                                       


Ticker:       8802           Security ID:  J43916113                           

Meeting Date: JUN 27, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 31, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Allocation of Income, with a    For       For          Management

      Final Dividend of JPY 6                                                  

2.1   Elect Director Kimura, Keiji            For       For          Management

2.2   Elect Director Sugiyama, Hirotaka       For       For          Management

2.3   Elect Director Yanagisawa, Yutaka       For       For          Management

2.4   Elect Director Kono, Masaaki            For       For          Management

2.5   Elect Director Kazama, Toshihiko        For       For          Management

2.6   Elect Director Kato, Jo                 For       For          Management

2.7   Elect Director Aiba, Naoto              For       For          Management

2.8   Elect Director Ono, Masamichi           For       For          Management

2.9   Elect Director Okusa, Toru              For       For          Management

2.10  Elect Director Matsuhashi, Isao         For       For          Management

2.11  Elect Director Tokiwa, Fumikatsu        For       For          Management

2.12  Elect Director Gomi, Yasumasa           For       For          Management

2.13  Elect Director Tomioka, Shuu            For       For          Management

3     Approve Takeover Defense Plan (Poison   For       Against      Management






MITSUBISHI UFJ FINANCIAL GROUP                                                 


Ticker:       8306           Security ID:  J44497105                           

Meeting Date: JUN 27, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 31, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Allocation of Income, with a    For       For          Management

      Final Dividend of JPY 7                                                  

2     Amend Articles To Amend Provisions on   For       For          Management

      Preferred Shares to Comply with Basel                                    

      III - Remove Provisions on Class 3                                       

      Preferred Shares to Reflect                                              


3.1   Elect Director Okihara, Takamune        For       For          Management

3.2   Elect Director Wakabayashi, Tatsuo      For       For          Management

3.3   Elect Director Hirano, Nobuyuki         For       For          Management

3.4   Elect Director Tanaka, Masaaki          For       For          Management

3.5   Elect Director Yuuki, Taihei            For       For          Management

3.6   Elect Director Hamakawa, Ichiro         For       For          Management

3.7   Elect Director Kagawa, Akihiko          For       For          Management

3.8   Elect Director Toyoizumi, Toshiro       For       For          Management

3.9   Elect Director Okamoto, Junichi         For       For          Management

3.10  Elect Director Araki, Saburo            For       For          Management

3.11  Elect Director Noguchi, Hiroyuki        For       For          Management

3.12  Elect Director Tokunari, Muneaki        For       For          Management

3.13  Elect Director Araki, Ryuuji            For       For          Management

3.14  Elect Director Watanabe, Kazuhiro       For       For          Management

3.15  Elect Director Kawamoto, Yuuko          For       For          Management

4.1   Appoint Statutory Auditor Mikumo,       For       For          Management


4.2   Appoint Statutory Auditor Okamoto,      For       Against      Management


4.3   Appoint Statutory Auditor Ikeda,        For       For          Management


4.4   Appoint Statutory Auditor Kojima, Hideo For       For          Management

5     Amend Deep Discount Stock Option Plan   For       For          Management

      Approved at 2007 AGM and Approve                                         

      Adjustment to Aggregate Compensation                                     

      Ceilings for Directors and Statutory                                     






MURATA MANUFACTURING CO. LTD.                                                  


Ticker:       6981           Security ID:  J46840104                           

Meeting Date: JUN 27, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 31, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Allocation of Income, with a    For       For          Management

      Final Dividend of JPY 50                                                 

2     Amend Articles To Amend Business Lines  For       For          Management

3.1   Elect Director Murata, Tsuneo           For       For          Management

3.2   Elect Director Makino, Koji             For       For          Management

3.3   Elect Director Nakajima, Norio          For       For          Management

3.4   Elect Director Takemura, Yoshito        For       For          Management

3.5   Elect Director Tanahashi, Yasuro        For       For          Management

4     Appoint Statutory Auditor Tanaka,       For       For          Management






NESTLE SA                                                                      


Ticker:       NESN           Security ID:  H57312649                           

Meeting Date: APR 11, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

1.2   Approve Remuneration Report             For       For          Management

2     Approve Discharge of Board and Senior   For       For          Management


3     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       For          Management

      Dividends of CHF 2.05 per Share                                           

4.1.1 Reelect Peter Brabeck-Letmathe as       For       For          Management


4.1.2 Reelect Steven Hoch as Director         For       For          Management

4.1.3 Reelect Titia de Lange as Director      For       For          Management

4.1.4 Reelect Jean-Pierre Roth as Director    For       For          Management

4.2   Elect Eva Cheng as Director             For       For          Management

4.3   Ratify KPMG AG as Auditors              For       For          Management





NINE DRAGONS PAPER (HOLDINGS) LTD.                                             


Ticker:       02689          Security ID:  G65318100                           

Meeting Date: DEC 06, 2012   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  DEC 03, 2012                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

2     Approve Final Dividend                  For       For          Management

3a1   Elect Zhang Cheng Fei as Director       For       For          Management

3a2   Elect Lau Chun Shun as Director         For       For          Management

3a3   Elect Chung Shui Ming, Timpson as       For       For          Management


3a4   Elect Cheng Chi Pang as Director        For       For          Management

3b    Approve Remuneration of Directors       For       For          Management

4     Approve Auditors and Authorize Board    For       For          Management

      to Fix Their Remuneration                                                

5a    Approve Issuance of Equity or           For       Against      Management

      Equity-Linked Securities without                                         

      Preemptive Rights                                                        

5b    Authorize Repurchase of Up to Ten       For       For          Management

      Percent of Issued Share Capital                                          

5c    Authorize Reissuance of Repurchased     For       Against      Management






NIPPON STEEL SUMITOMO METAL CORP.                                              


Ticker:       5401           Security ID:  J55999122                           

Meeting Date: JUN 25, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 31, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Allocation of Income, with a    For       For          Management

      Final Dividend of JPY 1                                                  

2.1   Elect Director Muneoka, Shoji           For       For          Management

2.2   Elect Director Tomono, Hiroshi          For       For          Management

2.3   Elect Director Kozuka, Shuuichiro       For       For          Management

2.4   Elect Director Shindo, Kosei            For       For          Management

2.5   Elect Director Iwaki, Masakazu          For       For          Management

2.6   Elect Director Higuchi, Shinya          For       For          Management

2.7   Elect Director Ota, Katsuhiko           For       For          Management

2.8   Elect Director Miyasaka, Akihiro        For       For          Management

2.9   Elect Director Yanagawa, Kinya          For       For          Management

2.10  Elect Director Sakuma, Soichiro         For       For          Management

2.11  Elect Director Saeki, Yasumitsu         For       For          Management

2.12  Elect Director Morinobu, Shinji         For       For          Management

3     Appoint Statutory Auditor Nagayasu,     For       Against      Management








NISSAN MOTOR CO. LTD.                                                          


Ticker:       7201           Security ID:  J57160129                           

Meeting Date: JUN 25, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 31, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Allocation of Income, with a    For       For          Management

      Final Dividend of JPY 12.5                                               

2.1   Elect Director Carlos Ghosn             For       For          Management

2.2   Elect Director Shiga, Toshiyuki         For       For          Management

2.3   Elect Director Saikawa, Hiroto          For       For          Management

2.4   Elect Director Colin Dodge              For       For          Management

2.5   Elect Director Yamashita, Mitsuhiko     For       For          Management

2.6   Elect Director Imazu, Hidetoshi         For       For          Management

2.7   Elect Director Greg Kelly               For       For          Management

2.8   Elect Director Jean-Baptiste Duzan      For       For          Management

2.9   Elect Director Nakamura, Katsumi        For       For          Management

3     Approve Stock Appreciation Rights Plan  For       For          Management

      for Directors                                                            





NOVARTIS AG                                                                    


Ticker:       NOVN           Security ID:  H5820Q150                           

Meeting Date: FEB 22, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

2     Approve Discharge of Board and Senior   For       For          Management


3     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       For          Management

      Dividends of CHF 2.30 per Share                                          

4     Approve Remuneration System             For       Against      Management

5.1   Elect Verena Briner as Director         For       For          Management

5.2   Elect Joerg Reinhardt as Director       For       For          Management

5.3   Elect Charles Sawyers as Director       For       For          Management

5.4   Elect William Winters as Director       For       For          Management

6     Ratify PricewaterhouseCoopers AG as     For       For          Management






NOVO NORDISK A/S                                                               


Ticker:       NOVO B         Security ID:  K7314N152                           

Meeting Date: MAR 20, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                               

Record Date:  MAR 13, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Receive Report of Board                 None      None         Management

2     Approve Financial Statements and        For       Did Not Vote Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

3.1   Approve Remuneration of Directors for   For       Did Not Vote Management

      2012 in the Aggregate Amount of DKK 9.                                   

      4 Million                                                                

3.2   Approve Remuneration of Directors for   For       Did Not Vote Management

      2013 in the Amount of DKK 1.5 Million                                    

      for Chairman, DKK 1 Million for Vice                                     

      Chairman, and Base Amount of DKK                                         

      500,000 for Other Members; Approve                                        

      Remuneration for Committee Work                                          

4     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       Did Not Vote Management

      Dividends of DKK 18 per Share                                             

5.1   Elect Goran Ando (Chairman) as Director For       Did Not Vote Management

5.2   Elect Jeppe Christiansen (Vice          For       Did Not Vote Management

      Chairman) as New Director                                                 

5.3a  Elect Bruno Angelici as Director        For       Did Not Vote Management

5.3b  Elect Henrik Gurtler as Director        For       Did Not Vote Management

5.3c  Elect Liz Hewitt as Director            For       Did Not Vote Management

5.3d  Elect Thomas Koestler as Director       For       Did Not Vote Management

5.3e  Elect Hannu Ryopponen as Director       For       Did Not Vote Management

6     Ratify PricewaterhouseCoopers as        For       Did Not Vote Management


7.1   Approve DKK 10 Million Reduction in     For       Did Not Vote Management

      Class B Share Capital via Share                                          


7.2   Approve Creation of up to DKK 78        For       Did Not Vote Management

      Million Pool of Capital with or                                          

      without Preemptive Rights                                                 

7.3   Authorize Repurchase up to 10 Percent   For       Did Not Vote Management

      of Share Capital                                                         

7.4   Approve Guidelines for Incentive-Based  For       Did Not Vote Management

      Compensation for Executive Management                                    

      and Board                                                                

8     Other Business                          None      None         Management





ORIX CORP.                                                                     


Ticker:       8591           Security ID:  J61933123                            

Meeting Date: JUN 25, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 31, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Miyauchi, Yoshihiko      For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Inoe, Makoto             For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Urata, Haruyuki          For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Umaki, Tamio             For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Kojima, Kazuo            For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Yamaya, Yoshiyuki        For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Kadowaki, Katsutoshi     For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director Sasaki, Takeshi          For       For          Management

1.9   Elect Director Tsujiyama, Eiko          For       For          Management

1.10  Elect Director Robert Feldman           For       For          Management

1.11  Elect Director Niinami, Takeshi         For       For          Management

1.12  Elect Director Usui, Nobuaki            For       For          Management

1.13  Elect Director Yasuda, Ryuuji           For       For          Management





PT SEMEN GRESIK (PERSERO) TBK                                                  


Ticker:       SMGR           Security ID:  Y7142G168                            

Meeting Date: DEC 20, 2012   Meeting Type: Special                             

Record Date:  DEC 04, 2012                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Change Company Name                     For       For          Management

2     Amend Articles of Association           For       For          Management





PT SEMEN INDONESIA (PERSERO) TBK                                               


Ticker:       SMGR           Security ID:  Y7142G168                           

Meeting Date: APR 30, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 12, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Financial Statements and        For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports of the Company and                                     

      Discharge Directors and Commissioners                                    

2     Approve Annual Report of the            For       For          Management

      Partnership and Community Development                                     

      Program (PCDP) and Discharge Directors                                   

      and Commissioners                                                        

3     Approve Allocation of Income            For       For          Management

4     Approve Remuneration of Directors and   For       For          Management


5     Approve Auditors of the Company and     For       For          Management


6     Ratify Ministerial Regulation of        For       For          Management

      State-Owned Enterprise No.                                               

      PER-12/MBU/2012 concerning Supporting                                    

      Organs of the Board of Commissioners                                     

      of State-Owned Enterprise                                                

7     Elect Directors and Commissioners       For       Against      Management





RECKITT BENCKISER GROUP PLC                                                    


Ticker:       RB.            Security ID:  G74079107                           

Meeting Date: MAY 02, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 30, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

2     Approve Remuneration Report             For       For          Management

3     Approve Final Dividend                  For       For          Management

4     Re-elect Adrian Bellamy as Director     For       For          Management

5     Re-elect Peter Harf as Director         For       For          Management

6     Re-elect Richard Cousins as Director    For       For          Management

7     Re-elect Kenneth Hydon as Director      For       For          Management

8     Re-elect Rakesh Kapoor as Director      For       For          Management

9     Re-elect Andre Lacroix as Director      For       For          Management

10    Re-elect Graham Mackay as Director      For       For          Management

11    Re-elect Judith Sprieser as Director    For       For          Management

12    Re-elect Warren Tucker as Director      For       For          Management

13    Elect Adrian Hennah as Director         For       For          Management

14    Reappoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP    For       For          Management

      as Auditors                                                               

15    Authorise Board to Fix Remuneration of  For       For          Management


16    Authorise EU Political Donations and    For       For          Management


17    Authorise Issue of Equity with          For       For          Management

      Pre-emptive Rights                                                        

18    Authorise Issue of Equity without       For       For          Management

      Pre-emptive Rights                                                       

19    Authorise Market Purchase of Ordinary   For       For          Management


20    Authorise the Company to Call EGM with  For       For          Management

      Two Weeks' Notice                                                         





RIO TINTO PLC                                                                  


Ticker:       RIO            Security ID:  G75754104                           

Meeting Date: APR 18, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 16, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

2     Approve Remuneration Report             For       For          Management

3     Re-elect Robert Brown as Director       For       For          Management

4     Re-elect Vivienne Cox as Director       For       For          Management

5     Re-elect Jan du Plessis as Director     For       For          Management

6     Re-elect Guy Elliott as Director        For       For          Management

7     Re-elect Michael Fitzpatrick as         For       For          Management


8     Re-elect Ann Godbehere as Director      For       For          Management

9     Re-elect Richard Goodmanson as Director For       For          Management

10    Re-elect Lord Kerr as Director          For       For          Management

11    Re-elect Chris Lynch as Director        For       For          Management

12    Re-elect Paul Tellier as Director       For       For          Management

13    Re-elect John Varley as Director        For       For          Management

14    Re-elect Sam Walsh as Director          For       For          Management

15    Reappoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP    For       For          Management

      as Auditors                                                              

16    Authorise the Audit Committee to Fix    For       For          Management

      Remuneration of Auditors                                                 

17    Approve Performance Share Plan          For       For          Management

18    Authorise Issue of Equity with          For       For          Management

      Pre-emptive Rights                                                        

19    Authorise Issue of Equity without       For       For          Management

      Pre-emptive Rights                                                       

20    Authorise Market Purchase of Ordinary   For       For          Management


21    Authorise the Company to Call EGM with  For       For          Management

      Two Weeks' Notice                                                         





ROYAL DUTCH SHELL PLC                                                          


Ticker:       RDSA           Security ID:  G7690A100                            

Meeting Date: MAY 21, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAY 17, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

2     Approve Remuneration Report             For       For          Management

3     Re-elect Josef Ackermann as Director    For       For          Management

4     Re-elect Guy Elliott as Director        For       For          Management

5     Re-elect Simon Henry as Director        For       For          Management

6     Re-elect Charles Holliday as Director   For       For          Management

7     Re-elect Gerard Kleisterlee as Director For       For          Management

8     Re-elect Jorma Ollila as Director       For       For          Management

9     Re-elect Sir Nigel Sheinwald as         For       For          Management


10    Re-elect Linda Stuntz as Director       For       For          Management

11    Re-elect Peter Voser as Director        For       For          Management

12    Re-elect Hans Wijers as Director        For       For          Management

13    Elect Gerrit Zalm as Director           For       For          Management

14    Reappoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP    For       For          Management

      as Auditors                                                              

15    Authorise Board to Fix Remuneration of  For       For          Management


16    Authorise Issue of Equity with          For       For          Management

      Pre-emptive Rights                                                       

17    Authorise Issue of Equity without       For       For          Management

      Pre-emptive Rights                                                       

18    Authorise Market Purchase of Ordinary   For       For          Management


19    Authorise EU Political Donations and    For       For          Management








Ticker:       SAF            Security ID:  F4035A557                           

Meeting Date: MAY 28, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual/Special                      

Record Date:  MAY 22, 2013                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Financial Statements and        For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                         

2     Approve Consolidated Financial          For       For          Management

      Statements and Statutory Reports                                         

3     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       For          Management

      Dividends of EUR 0.96 per Share                                          

4     Acknowledge Auditors' Special Report    For       For          Management

      on Related-Party Transactions                                             

      Mentioning the Absence of New                                            


5     Reelect Jean-Marc Forneri as Director   For       For          Management

6     Elect Monique Cohen as Director         For       For          Management

7     Elect Christian Streiff as Director     For       For          Management

8     Acknowledge Appointment of Four         For       Against      Management

      Representative of French State to the                                    


9     Approve Remuneration of Directors in    For       For          Management

      the Aggregate Amount of EUR 670,000                                      

10    Authorize Repurchase of Up to 10        For       For          Management

      Percent of Issued Share Capital                                          

11    Authorize Issuance of Equity or         For       Against      Management

      Equity-Linked Securities with                                            

      Preemptive Rights up to Aggregate                                        

      Nominal Amount of EUR 25 Million                                          

12    Authorize Issuance of Equity or         For       Against      Management

      Equity-Linked Securities without                                         

      Preemptive Rights up to Aggregate                                         

      Nominal Amount of EUR 8 Million                                          

13    Authorize Capital Increase of Up to     For       Against      Management

      EUR 8 Million for Future Exchange                                        


14    Approve Issuance of Equity or           For       Against      Management

      Equity-Linked Securities for up to 20                                    

      Percent of Issued Capital Per Year for                                   

      Private Placements, up to Aggregate                                      

      Nominal Amount of EUR 8 Million                                          

15    Authorize Board to Increase Capital in  For       Against      Management

      the Event of Additional Demand Related                                   

      to Delegation Submitted to Shareholder                                   

      Vote Under Items 11 to 14                                                 

16    Authorize Capital Increase of up to 10  For       Against      Management

      Percent of Issued Capital for Future                                     


17    Authorize Capitalization of Reserves    For       For          Management

      of Up to EUR 12.5 Million for Bonus                                      

      Issue or Increase in Par Value                                            

18    Approve Employee Stock Purchase Plan    For       For          Management

19    Set Total Limit for Capital Increase    For       Against      Management

      to Result from All Issuance Requests                                     

      Under Items at EUR 50 Million                                            

20    Authorize up to 1.5 Percent of Issued   For       Against      Management

      Capital for Use in Stock Option Plan                                     

21    Authorize up to 0.5 Percent of Issued   For       Against      Management

      Capital for Use in Restricted Stock                                      


22    Elect One or Several Representatives    For       Against      Shareholder

      of Employees to the Board                                                

23    Approve Alternate Income Allocation     Against   Against      Shareholder

      Proposal with Respect to Item 3 Above                                    

      and Dividends of EUR 0.77 per Share                                      

24    Authorize Filing of Required            For       For          Management

      Documents/Other Formalities                                               





SANDS CHINA LTD.                                                               


Ticker:       01928          Security ID:  G7800X107                            

Meeting Date: MAY 31, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAY 20, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

2     Declare Final Dividend                  For       For          Management

3a    Elect Toh Hup Hock as Executive         For       For          Management


3b    Elect Michael Alan Leven as             For       For          Management

      Non-Executive Director                                                   

3c    Elect Jeffrey Howard Schwartz as        For       For          Management

      Non-Executive Director                                                   

3d    Elect David Muir Turnbull as            For       For          Management

      Independent Non-Executive Director                                       

3e    Elect Victor Patrick Hoog Antink as     For       For          Management

      Independent Non-Executive Director                                        

3f    Elect Steven Zygmunt Strasser as        For       For          Management

      Independent Non-Executive Director                                       

3g    Authorize Board to Fix the              For       For          Management

      Remuneration of Directors                                                

4     Reappoint PricewaterhouseCoopers as     None      None         Management

      Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix                                       

      Their Remuneration                                                       

5     Authorize Repurchase of Up to 10        For       For          Management

      Percent of Issued Share Capital                                          

6     Approve Issuance of Equity or           For       Against      Management

      Equity-Linked Securities without                                         

      Preemptive Rights                                                        

7     Authorize Reissuance of Repurchased     For       Against      Management


8     Adopt Company's Formal Chinese Name,    For       For          Management

      and Amend Memorandum and Articles of                                     

      Association to Reflect the Amended                                       

      Name of the Company                                                      

9     Amend Memorandum and Articles of        For       Against      Management

      Association of the Company                                               





SAP AG                                                                          


Ticker:       SAP            Security ID:  D66992104                           

Meeting Date: JUN 04, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAY 13, 2013                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Receive Financial Statements and        None      None         Management

      Statutory Reports for Fiscal 2012                                         


2     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       For          Management

      Dividends of EUR 0.85 per Share                                          

3     Approve Discharge of Management Board   For       For          Management

      for Fiscal 2012                                                          

4     Approve Discharge of Supervisory Board  For       For          Management

      for Fiscal 2012                                                          

5     Authorize Share Repurchase Program and  For       For          Management

      Reissuance or Cancellation of                                            

      Repurchased Shares                                                        

6     Ratify KPMG AG as Auditors for Fiscal   For       For          Management






SHIN-ETSU CHEMICAL CO. LTD.                                                    


Ticker:       4063           Security ID:  J72810120                           

Meeting Date: JUN 27, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                               

Record Date:  MAR 31, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Allocation of Income, with a    For       For          Management

      Final Dividend of JPY 50                                                 

2.1   Elect Director Saito, Yasuhiko          For       For          Management

2.2   Elect Director Takasugi, Koji           For       For          Management

2.3   Elect Director Ishihara, Toshinobu      For       For          Management

2.4   Elect Director Frank Peter Popoff       For       Against      Management

2.5   Elect Director Miyazaki, Tsuyoshi       For       For          Management

2.6   Elect Director Fukui, Toshihiko         For       For          Management

2.7   Elect Director Miyajima, Masaki         For       For          Management

2.8   Elect Director Kasahara, Toshiyuki      For       For          Management

2.9   Elect Director Onezawa, Hidenori        For       For          Management

2.10  Elect Director Nakamura, Ken            For       For          Management

2.11  Elect Director Matsui, Yukihiro         For       For          Management

2.12  Elect Director Okamoto, Hiroaki         For       For          Management

2.13  Elect Director Ueno, Susumu             For       For          Management

2.14  Elect Director Maruyama, Kazumasa       For       For          Management

3     Appoint Statutory Auditor Fukui, Taku   For       Against      Management

4     Approve Takeover Defense Plan (Poison   For       Against      Management






SKANDINAVISKA ENSKILDA BANKEN                                                  


Ticker:       SEBA           Security ID:  W25381141                           

Meeting Date: MAR 21, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                               

Record Date:  MAR 15, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Open Meeting                            None      None         Management

2     Elect Chairman of Meeting               For       Did Not Vote Management

3     Prepare and Approve List of             For       Did Not Vote Management


4     Approve Agenda of Meeting               For       Did Not Vote Management

5     Designate Inspector(s) of Minutes of    For       Did Not Vote Management


6     Acknowledge Proper Convening of Meeting For       Did Not Vote Management

7     Receive Financial Statements and        None      None         Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

8     Receive President's Report              None      None         Management

9     Approve Financial Statements and        For       Did Not Vote Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

10    Approve Allocation of Income and        For       Did Not Vote Management

      Dividends of 2.75 SEK per Share                                          

11    Approve Discharge of Board and          For       Did Not Vote Management


12    Receive Report on Work of Nomination    None      None         Management


13    Set Number of Directors at 12; Set      For       Did Not Vote Management

      Number of Auditors at One                                                

14    Approve Remuneration of Directors in    For       Did Not Vote Management

      the Amount of SEK 2.4 Million for                                        

      Chairman, SEK 580,000 for the Vice                                       

      Chairmen, and SEK 500,000 for Other                                      

      Directors: Approve Remuneration for                                      

      Committee Work, Approve Remuneration                                     

      of Auditors                                                              

15    Reelect Johan Andresen, Signhild        For       Did Not Vote Management

      Hansen, Annika Falkengren, Urban                                          

      Jansson, Birgitta Kantola, Thomas                                        

      Nicolin, Jesper Ovesen, Jacob                                            

      Wallenberg, and Marcus Wallenberg                                         

      (Chairman) as Directors, Elect Samir                                     

      Brikho, Winnie Fok, and Sven Nyman as                                    

      New Directors                                                             

16    Ratify PricewaterhouseCoopers as        For       Did Not Vote Management


17    Approve Remuneration Policy And Other   For       Did Not Vote Management

      Terms of Employment For Executive                                        


18a   Approve Share Deferral Plan for         For       Did Not Vote Management

      President, Group Executive Committee,                                    

      and Certain Other Executive Managers                                     

18b   Approve Share Matching Plan for         For       Did Not Vote Management

      Executive Management and Key Employees                                   

18c   Approve Profit Sharing Program          For       Did Not Vote Management

19a   Authorize Repurchase of up to Two       For       Did Not Vote Management

      Percent of Issued Shares                                                  

19b   Authorize Repurchase of Class A and/or  For       Did Not Vote Management

      Class C Shares of up to Ten Percent of                                   

      Issued Shares and Reissuance of                                           

      Repurchased Shares in Connection with                                    

      Long-Term Incentive Plan                                                 

19c   Authorize Reissuance of Repurchased     For       Did Not Vote Management

      Class A Shares in Connection with 2013                                   

      Long-Term Equity Programmes                                              

20    Appointment of Auditors of Foundations  For       Did Not Vote Management

      that Have Delegated their Business to                                    

      the Bank                                                                 

21    Amend Articles: Composition of Board    None      Did Not Vote Shareholder


22    Close Meeting                           None      None         Management





SM INVESTMENTS CORPORATION                                                     


Ticker:       SM             Security ID:  Y80676102                           

Meeting Date: APR 25, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 26, 2013                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Henry Sy, Sr. as a Director       For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Teresita T. Sy as a Director      For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Henry T. Sy, Jr. as a Director    For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Harley T. Sy as a Director        For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Jose T. Sio as a Director         For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Vicente S. Perez, Jr. as a        For       For          Management


1.7   Elect Ah Doo Lim as a Director          For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Joseph R. Higdon as a Director    For       For          Management

2     Approve Minutes of Previous Annual      For       For          Management

      Stockholders' Meeting                                                    

3     Approve Annual Report                   For       For          Management

4     Ratify All Acts and Resolutions of the  For       For          Management

      Board of Directors and Executive                                         


5     Approve the Increase in Authorized      For       For          Management

      Capital Stock from PHP7 Billion to                                       

      PHP12 Billion and the Amendment of                                       

      Article Seven of the Amended Articles                                    

      of Incorporation to Reflect the                                          

      Capital Increase and Declaration of 25                                   

      Percent Stock Dividend                                                   

6     Elect Sycip Gorres Velayo & Co. as      For       For          Management

      Independent Auditors                                                      

7     Other Matters                           For       Against      Management





STANDARD CHARTERED PLC                                                          


Ticker:       STAN           Security ID:  G84228157                           

Meeting Date: MAY 08, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAY 03, 2013                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

2     Approve Final Dividend                  For       For          Management

3     Approve Remuneration Report             For       For          Management

4     Elect Om Bhatt as Director              For       For          Management

5     Elect Dr Louis Chi-Yan Cheung as        For       For          Management


6     Elect Margaret Ewing as Director        For       For          Management

7     Elect Dr Lars Thunell as Director       For       For          Management

8     Re-elect Stefano Bertamini as Director  For       For          Management

9     Re-elect Jaspal Bindra as Director      For       For          Management

10    Re-elect James Dundas as Director       For       For          Management

11    Re-elect Dr Han Seung-soo as Director   For       For          Management

12    Re-elect Simon Lowth as Director        For       For          Management

13    Re-elect Rudolph Markham as Director    For       For          Management

14    Re-elect Ruth Markland as Director      For       For          Management

15    Re-elect Richard Meddings as Director   For       For          Management

16    Re-elect John Paynter as Director       For       For          Management

17    Re-elect Sir John Peace as Director     For       For          Management

18    Re-elect Alun Rees as Director          For       For          Management

19    Re-elect Peter Sands as Director        For       For          Management

20    Re-elect Viswanathan Shankar as         For       For          Management


21    Re-elect Paul Skinner as Director       For       For          Management

22    Re-elect Oliver Stocken as Director     For       For          Management

23    Reappoint KPMG Audit plc as Auditors    For       For          Management

24    Authorise Board to Fix Remuneration of  For       For          Management


25    Approve EU Political Donations and      For       For          Management


26    Authorise Issue of Equity with          For       For          Management

      Pre-emptive Rights                                                       

27    Authorise Issue of Equity with          For       For          Management

      Pre-emptive Rights                                                        

28    Authorise Issue of Equity without       For       For          Management

      Pre-emptive Rights                                                       

29    Authorise Market Purchase of Ordinary   For       For          Management


30    Authorise Market Purchase of            For       For          Management

      Preference Shares                                                        

31    Authorise the Company to Call EGM with  For       For          Management

      Two Weeks' Notice                                                        

32    Approve Sharesave Plan                  For       For          Management





STEINHOFF INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LTD                                           


Ticker:       SHF            Security ID:  S81589103                           

Meeting Date: DEC 03, 2012   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  NOV 23, 2012                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports for the Year Ended                                     

      30 June 2012                                                             

2     Reappoint Deloitte & Touche as          For       For          Management

      Auditors of the Company and Appoint                                      

      Xavier Botha as the Individual                                           

      Registered Auditor                                                        

3.1   Approve Remuneration of Executive       For       For          Management


3.2.1 Approve Remuneration of Board Chairman  For       For          Management

3.2.2 Approve Remuneration of Board Members   For       For          Management

3.2.3 Approve Remuneration of Audit           For       For          Management

      Committee Chairman and Member                                            

3.2.4 Approve Remuneration of Human           For       For          Management

      Resources and Remuneration Committee                                     

      Chairman and Member                                                      

3.2.5 Approve Remuneration of Group Risk      For       For          Management

      Overview Committee Chairman and Member                                   

3.2.6 Approve Remuneration of Nominations     For       For          Management

      Committee Chairman and Member                                            

3.2.7 Approve Remuneration of Social and      For       For          Management

      Ethics Committee Chairman and Member                                     

4.1   Re-elect Dave Brink as Director         For       For          Management

4.2   Re-elect Claas Daun as Director         For       For          Management

4.3   Re-elect Len Konar as Director          For       For          Management

4.4   Re-elect Franklin Sonn as Director      For       For          Management

4.5   Re-elect Bruno Steinhoff as Director    For       For          Management

4.6   Re-elect Frikkie Nel as Director        For       For          Management

4.7   Re-elect Danie van der Merwe as         For       For          Management


5.1   Re-elect Steve Booysen as Chairman of   For       For          Management

      the Audit Committee                                                      

5.2   Re-elect Dave Brink as Member of the    For       For          Management

      Audit Committee                                                          

5.3   Re-elect Theunie Lategan as Member of   For       For          Management

      the Audit Committee                                                      

6     Place Authorised but Unissued Shares    For       For          Management

      under Control of Directors                                               

7     Place Authorised but Unissued Shares    For       For          Management

      under Control of Directors for the                                       

      Purposes of the Share Incentive Scheme                                   

8     Authorise Repurchase of Up to 20        For       For          Management

      Percent of Issued Share Capital                                          

9     Approve General Payment to              For       For          Management

      Shareholders from the Company's Share                                     

      Capital, Share Premium and Reserves                                      

10    Authorise Creation and Issue of         For       For          Management

      Convertible Debentures, Debenture                                         

      Stock and Bonds                                                          

11    Approve Remuneration Policy             For       For          Management

12    Approve Financial Assistance to         For       For          Management

      Related or Inter-related Companies                                       

13    Adopt New Memorandum of Incorporation   For       For          Management





SUBSEA 7 S.A.                                                                  


Ticker:                      Security ID:  L8882U106                           

Meeting Date: JUN 28, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAY 28, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Receive and Approve Board's and         For       Did Not Vote Management

      Auditor's Reports                                                         

2     Approve Financial Statements            For       Did Not Vote Management

3     Approve Consolidated Financial          For       Did Not Vote Management


4     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       Did Not Vote Management

      Dividends of $0.60 per Share                                             

5     Approve Discharge of Directors          For       Did Not Vote Management

6     Renew Appointment of Deloitte as        For       Did Not Vote Management


7     Approve Subsea 7 S.A. 2013 Long Term    For       Did Not Vote Management

      Incentive Plan                                                           

8     Reelect Allen Stevens as Director       For       Did Not Vote Management

9     Reelect Dod Fraser as Director          For       Did Not Vote Management





SUMITOMO MITSUI FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.                                          


Ticker:       8316           Security ID:  J7771X109                           

Meeting Date: JUN 27, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 31, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Allocation of Income, with a    For       For          Management

      Final Dividend of JPY 70                                                 

2     Amend Articles To Remove Provisions on  For       For          Management

      Class 6 Preferred Shares - Amend                                         

      Provisions on Preferred Shares to                                        

      Comply with Basel III                                                    

3.1   Elect Director Oku, Masayuki            For       For          Management

3.2   Elect Director Kunibe, Takeshi          For       For          Management

3.3   Elect Director Kubo, Ken                For       For          Management

3.4   Elect Director Ito, Yuujiro             For       For          Management

3.5   Elect Director Fuchizaki, Masahiro      For       For          Management

3.6   Elect Director Narita, Manabu           For       For          Management

3.7   Elect Director Ogino, Kozo              For       For          Management

3.8   Elect Director Iwamoto, Shigeru         For       For          Management

3.9   Elect Director Nomura, Kuniaki          For       For          Management

4.1   Appoint Statutory Auditor Minami,       For       For          Management


4.2   Appoint Statutory Auditor Uno, Ikuo     For       Against      Management

4.3   Appoint Statutory Auditor Ito, Satoshi  For       Against      Management

5     Appoint Alternate Statutory Auditor     For       For          Management

       Tsunoda, Daiken                                                          





SUN HUNG KAI PROPERTIES LTD.                                                    


Ticker:       00016          Security ID:  Y82594121                           

Meeting Date: NOV 15, 2012   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  NOV 09, 2012                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                         

2     Declare Final Dividend                  For       For          Management

3a1   Reelect Lui Ting, Victor as Director    For       For          Management

3a2   Reelect Leung Nai-pang, Norman as       For       For          Management


3a3   Reelect Leung Kui-king, Donald as       For       For          Management


3a4   Reelect Kwok Ping-kwong, Thomas as      For       For          Management


3a5   Reelect Lee Shau-kee as Director        For       For          Management

3a6   Reelect Yip Dicky Peter as Director     For       For          Management

3a7   Reelect Wong Yue-chim, Richard as       For       For          Management


3a8   Reelect Fung Kwok-lun, William as       For       For          Management


3a9   Reelect Kwan Cheuk-yin, William as      For       For          Management


3a10  Reelect Wong Yick-kam, Michael as       For       For          Management


3a11  Reelect Chan Kwok-wai, Patrick as       For       For          Management


3b    Approve Directors' Fees                 For       For          Management

4     Reappoint Auditors and Authorize Board  For       For          Management

      to Fix Their Remuneration                                                

5     Authorize Repurchase of Up to 10        For       For          Management

      Percent of Issued Share Capital                                           

6     Approve Issuance of Equity or           For       Against      Management

      Equity-Linked Securities without                                         

      Preemptive Rights                                                        

7     Authorize Reissuance of Repurchased     For       Against      Management


8     Adopt New Share Option Scheme of the    For       Against      Management

      Company and Terminate Its  Existing                                      

      Share Option Scheme                                                      

9     Adopt New Share Option Scheme of        For       For          Management

      SUNeVision Holdings Ltd. and Terminate                                   

      Its  Existing Share Option Scheme                                        





SWATCH GROUP AG                                                                 


Ticker:       UHR            Security ID:  H83949133                           

Meeting Date: MAY 29, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:                                                                    


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                         

2     Approve Discharge of Board and Senior   For       For          Management


3     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       For          Management

      Dividends of CHF 1.35 per Registered                                     

      Share and CHF 6.75 per Bearer Share                                      

4     Reelect Esther Grether, Nayla Hayek,    For       Against      Management

      Georges Hayek, Ernst Tanner, Claude                                      

      Nicollier, and Jean-Pierre Roth as                                       


5     Ratify PricewaterhouseCoopers AG as     For       For          Management






TADANO LTD.                                                                     


Ticker:       6395           Security ID:  J79002101                           

Meeting Date: JUN 25, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 31, 2013                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Allocation of Income, with a    For       For          Management

      Final Dividend of JPY 7                                                   

2.1   Elect Director Tadano, Koichi           For       For          Management

2.2   Elect Director Suzuki, Tadashi          For       For          Management

2.3   Elect Director Okuyama, Tamaki          For       For          Management

2.4   Elect Director Nishi, Yoichiro          For       For          Management

2.5   Elect Director Ito, Nobuhiko            For       For          Management

2.6   Elect Director Yoshida, Yasuyuki        For       For          Management







Ticker:       TEC            Security ID:  F90676101                           

Meeting Date: APR 25, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual/Special                      

Record Date:  APR 19, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Financial Statements and        For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

2     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       For          Management

      Dividends of EUR 1.68 per Share                                           

3     Approve Consolidated Financial          For       For          Management

      Statements and Statutory Reports                                         

4     Acknowledge Auditors' Special Report    For       For          Management

      Regarding Related-Party Transactions                                     

      Mentioning the Absence of New                                            

      Related-Party Transactions                                                

5     Ratify Appointment of Alexandra Bech    For       For          Management

      Gjorv as Director                                                        

6     Reelect Alexandra Bech Gjorv as         For       For          Management


7     Reelect Marie-Ange Debon as Director    For       For          Management

8     Reelect Gerard Hauser as Director       For       For          Management

9     Reelect Joseph Rinaldi as Director      For       For          Management

10    Elect Manisha Girotra as Director       For       For          Management

11    Elect Pierre-Jean Sivignon as Director  For       For          Management

12    Approve Remuneration of Directors in    For       For          Management

      the Aggregate Amount of EUR 800,000                                      

13    Authorize Repurchase of Up to 10        For       For          Management

      Percent of Issued Share Capital                                           

14    Authorize up to 0.50 Percent of Issued  For       For          Management

      Capital for Use in Restricted Stock                                      


15    Authorize Restricted Stock Plan         For       For          Management

      Reserved for Chairman and/or CEO and                                     

      Executives, Subject to Approval of                                        

      Item 14                                                                  

16    Authorize up to 0.30 Percent of Issued  For       For          Management

      Capital for Use in Stock Option Plan                                      

17    Authorize Stock Option Plan Reserved    For       For          Management

      for Chairman and/or CEO and                                              

      Executives, Subject to Approval of                                       

      Item 16                                                                  

18    Approve Employee Stock Purchase Plan    For       Against      Management

19    Authorize Filing of Required            For       For          Management

      Documents/Other Formalities                                              





TELECITY GROUP PLC                                                             


Ticker:       TCY            Security ID:  G87403112                           

Meeting Date: APR 16, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 12, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

2     Approve Final Dividend                  For       For          Management

3     Approve Remuneration Report             For       For          Management

4     Re-elect John Hughes as Director        For       For          Management

5     Re-elect Michael Tobin as Director      For       For          Management

6     Re-elect Brian McArthur-Muscroft as     For       For          Management


7     Re-elect Simon Batey as Director        For       For          Management

8     Re-elect Maurizio Carli as Director     For       For          Management

9     Re-elect John O'Reilly as Director      For       For          Management

10    Elect Claudia Arney as Director         For       For          Management

11    Elect Nancy Cruickshank as Director     For       For          Management

12    Reappoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP    For       For          Management

      as Auditors                                                              

13    Authorise Board to Fix Remuneration of  For       For          Management


14    Authorise Issue of Equity with          For       For          Management

      Pre-emptive Rights                                                        

15    Authorise Issue of Equity without       For       For          Management

      Pre-emptive Rights                                                       

16    Authorise Market Purchase of Ordinary   For       For          Management


17    Authorise the Company to Call EGM with  For       For          Management

      Two Weeks' Notice                                                         





TELENET GROUP HOLDING NV                                                       


Ticker:       TNET           Security ID:  B89957110                            

Meeting Date: SEP 13, 2012   Meeting Type: Special                             

Record Date:  AUG 30, 2012                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Authorize Additional Cancellation of    For       Did Not Vote Management

      Repurchased Shares                                                       





TREASURY WINE ESTATES LTD.                                                     


Ticker:       TWE            Security ID:  Q9194S107                           

Meeting Date: OCT 22, 2012   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  OCT 20, 2012                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

2     Approve the Remuneration Report         For       For          Management

3     Elect Peter Hearl as a Director         For       For          Management

4     Elect Garry Hounsell as a Director      For       For          Management

5     Elect Ed Chan as a Director             For       For          Management

6     Elect Michael Cheek as a Director       For       For          Management

7     Approve the Grant of 623,556            For       For          Management

      Performance Rights to David Dearie,                                      

      Chief Executive Officer of the Company                                    

8     Approve the Increase in Maximum         None      For          Management

      Aggregate Remuneration of                                                

      Non-Executive Directors                                                  





TRELLEBORG AB                                                                  


Ticker:       TRELB          Security ID:  W96297101                           

Meeting Date: APR 24, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 18, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Chairman of Meeting               For       Did Not Vote Management

2     Prepare and Approve List of             For       Did Not Vote Management


3     Designate Inspector(s) of Minutes of    For       Did Not Vote Management


4     Acknowledge Proper Convening of Meeting For       Did Not Vote Management

5     Approve Agenda of Meeting               For       Did Not Vote Management

6     Receive President's Report              None      None         Management

7     Receive Financial Statements and        None      None         Management

      Statutory Reports; Receive Auditor's                                      


8     Receive Report on Work of Board and     None      None         Management

      its Committees                                                            

9a    Approve Financial Statements and        For       Did Not Vote Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

9b    Approve Allocation of Income and        For       Did Not Vote Management

      Dividends of SEK 3.00 per Share                                          

9c    Approve Discharge of Board and          For       Did Not Vote Management


10    Receive Nominating Committee's Report   None      None         Management

11    Determine Number of Members (8) and     For       Did Not Vote Management

      Deputy Members (0) of Board                                              

12    Approve Remuneration of Directors in    For       Did Not Vote Management

      the Amount of SEK 1.1 Million for                                        

      Chairman and SEK 420,000 for Other                                       

      Members; Approve Remuneration for                                         

      Committee Work; Approve Remuneration                                     

      of Auditors                                                              

13    Reelect Helene Vibbleus Bergquist,      For       Did Not Vote Management

       Claes Lindqvist, Soren Mellstig                                          

      (Chairman), Hans Biorck, Nina Udnes                                      

       Tronstad, Bo Risberg, and Peter                                           

      Nilsson as Directors; Elect Jan                                          

      Carlson as New Director; Ratify                                          

      PricewaterhouseCoopers as Auditors                                       

14    Approve Remuneration Policy And Other   For       Did Not Vote Management

      Terms of Employment For Executive                                        


15    Authorize Representatives of Five of    For       Did Not Vote Management

      Company's Largest Shareholders to                                        

      Serve on Nominating Committee                                            

16    Close Meeting                           None      None         Management





TULLOW OIL PLC                                                                 


Ticker:       TLW            Security ID:  G91235104                           

Meeting Date: MAY 08, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAY 03, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

2     Approve Final Dividend                  For       For          Management

3     Approve Remuneration Report             For       For          Management

4     Elect Anne Drinkwater as Director       For       For          Management

5     Re-elect Tutu Agyare as Director        For       For          Management

6     Re-elect David Bamford as Director      For       For          Management

7     Re-elect Ann Grant as Director          For       For          Management

8     Re-elect Aidan Heavey as Director       For       For          Management

9     Re-elect Steve Lucas as Director        For       For          Management

10    Re-elect Graham Martin as Director      For       For          Management

11    Re-elect Angus McCoss as Director       For       For          Management

12    Re-elect Paul McDade as Director        For       For          Management

13    Re-elect Ian Springett as Director      For       For          Management

14    Re-elect Simon Thompson as Director     For       For          Management

15    Reappoint Deloitte LLP as Auditors      For       For          Management

16    Authorise the Audit Commitee to Fix     For       For          Management

      Remuneration of Auditors                                                 

17    Authorise Issue of Equity with          For       For          Management

      Pre-emptive Rights                                                       

18    Authorise Issue of Equity without       For       For          Management

      Pre-emptive Rights                                                        

19    Authorise the Company to Call EGM with  For       For          Management

      Two Weeks' Notice                                                        

20    Approve Tullow Incentive Plan           For       Against      Management

21    Approve Employee Share Award Plan       For       For          Management

22    Approve Share Incentive Plan            For       For          Management





TURK HAVA YOLLARI A.O.                                                         


Ticker:       THYAO          Security ID:  M8926R100                           

Meeting Date: OCT 10, 2012   Meeting Type: Special                             

Record Date:  OCT 09, 2012                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Open Meeting and Elect Presiding        For       Did Not Vote Management

      Council of Meeting                                                       

2     Authorize Presiding Council to Sign     For       Did Not Vote Management

      Minutes of Meeting                                                       

3     Amend Company Articles                  For       Did Not Vote Management

4     Elect Directors                         For       Did Not Vote Management

5     Appoint Internal Auditor                For       Did Not Vote Management

6     Wishes                                  None      None         Management





TURKIYE HALK BANKASI A.S.                                                      


Ticker:       HALKB          Security ID:  M9032A106                            

Meeting Date: MAR 29, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Open Meeting and Elect Presiding        For       For          Management

      Council of Meeting                                                       

2     Authorize Presiding Council to Sign     For       For          Management

      Minutes of Meeting                                                       

3     Accept Statutory Reports                For       For          Management

4     Accept Financial Statements             For       For          Management

5     Approve Discharge of Board and Auditors For       Against      Management

6     Authorize Issuance of Bonds and/or      For       Against      Management

      Commercial Papers                                                        

7     Amend Company Articles                  For       For          Management

8     Elect Directors                         For       For          Management

9     Approve Director Remuneration           For       For          Management

10    Appoint Internal Statutory Auditors     For       Against      Management

      and Approve Their Remuneration                                           

11    Ratify External Auditors                For       For          Management

12    Approve Working Principles of the       For       For          Management

      General Assembly                                                         

13    Approve Remuneration, Donation,         For       Against      Management

      Disclosure, Profit Distribution Policy                                    

14    Receive Information on                  None      None         Management

      Dematerialization of Shares                                              

15    Receive Information on Charitable       None      None         Management


16    Wishes                                  None      None         Management





UNILEVER NV                                                                    


Ticker:       UNA            Security ID:  N8981F271                           

Meeting Date: MAY 15, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 17, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Receive Report of Management Board      None      None         Management


2     Approve Financial Statements and        For       For          Management

      Allocation of Income                                                     

3     Approve Discharge of Executive Board    For       For          Management


4     Approve Discharge of Non-Executive      For       For          Management

      Board Members                                                             

5     Reelect P.G.J.M. Polman as CEO to       For       For          Management

      Board of Directors                                                       

6     Relect R.J.M.S. Huet as CFO to Board    For       For          Management

      of Directors                                                             

7     Reelect L.O. Fresco to Board of         For       For          Management


8     Reelect A.M. Fudge to Board of          For       For          Management


9     Reelect C.E. Golden to Board of         For       For          Management


10    Reelect B.E. Grote to Board of          For       For          Management


11    Reelect H. Nyasulu to Board of          For       For          Management


12    Reelect M. Rifkind to Board of          For       For          Management


13    Reelect K.J. Storm to Board of          For       For          Management


14    Reelect M. Treschow to Board of         For       For          Management


15    Reelect P.S. Walsh to Board of          For       For          Management


16    Elect L.M. Cha to Board of Directors    For       For          Management

17    Elect M.Ma to Board of Directors        For       For          Management

18    Elect J. Rishton to Board of Directors  For       For          Management

19    Ratify PricewaterhouseCoopers           For       For          Management

      Accountants NV as Auditors                                               

20    Grant Board Authority to Issue Shares   For       For          Management

      Up To 10 Percent of Issued Capital                                       

      Plus Additional 10 Percent in Case of                                    

      Takeover/Merger and                                                      

      Restricting/Excluding Preemptive Rights                                  

21    Authorize Repurchase of Up to 10        For       For          Management

      Percent of Issued Share Capital                                          

22    Approve Authorization to Cancel         For       For          Management

      Ordinary Shares                                                          

23    Allow Questions and Close Meeting       None      None         Management







Ticker:       FR             Security ID:  F96221126                           

Meeting Date: JUN 06, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual/Special                       

Record Date:  MAY 31, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Financial Statements and        For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

2     Approve Consolidated Financial          For       For          Management

      Statements and Statutory Reports                                         

3     Reelect Gerard Blanc as Director        For       For          Management

4     Reelect Michael Jay as Director         For       For          Management

5     Elect Sophie Dutordoir as Director      For       For          Management

6     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       For          Management

      Dividends of EUR 1.50 per Share                                          

7     Approve Auditors' Special Report on     For       For          Management

      Related-Party Transactions                                                

8     Authorize Repurchase of Up to 10        For       For          Management

      Percent of Issued Share Capital                                          

9     Authorize Issuance of Equity or         For       For          Management

      Equity-Linked Securities with                                            

      Preemptive Rights up to Aggregate                                        

      Nominal Amount of EUR 40 Million                                          

10    Authorize Issuance of Equity or         For       For          Management

      Equity-Linked Securities without                                         

      Preemptive Rights up to Aggregate                                         

      Nominal Amount of EUR 23 Million                                         

11    Authorize Capitalization of Reserves    For       For          Management

      of Up to EUR 30 Million for Bonus                                        

      Issue or Increase in Par Value                                           

12    Authorize Board to Increase Capital in  For       For          Management

      the Event of Additional Demand Related                                   

      to Delegations Submitted to                                              

      Shareholders Vote Above                                                  

13    Authorize Decrease in Share Capital     For       For          Management

      via Cancellation of Repurchased Shares                                   

14    Approve Employee Stock Purchase Plan    For       For          Management

15    Authorize Filing of Required            For       For          Management

      Documents/Other Formalities                                               







VISCOFAN S.A.                                                                  


Ticker:       VIS            Security ID:  E97579192                           

Meeting Date: APR 29, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual/Special                      

Record Date:  APR 22, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Individual and Consolidated     For       For          Management

      Financial Statements, Discharge                                          

      Directors, Allocation of Income, and                                     

      Distribution of Dividends                                                

2     Approve Balance Sheets                  For       For          Management

3     Renew Appointment of Ernst & Young as   For       For          Management


4     Amend Article 27 Re: Director           For       For          Management

      Independence Definition                                                  

5     Amend Articles 27 and 30 Re: Director   For       For          Management


6     Authorize Share Repurchase Program      For       For          Management

7     Authorize Board to Ratify and Execute   For       For          Management

      Approved Resolutions                                                      

8     Advisory Vote on Remuneration Policy    For       For          Management






VODAFONE GROUP PLC                                                             


Ticker:       VOD            Security ID:  G93882135                           

Meeting Date: JUL 24, 2012   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  JUL 20, 2012                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                         

2     Re-elect Gerard Kleisterlee as Director For       For          Management

3     Re-elect Vittorio Colao as Director     For       For          Management

4     Re-elect Andy Halford as Director       For       For          Management

5     Re-elect Stephen Pusey as Director      For       For          Management

6     Re-elect Renee James as Director        For       For          Management

7     Re-elect Alan Jebson as Director        For       For          Management

8     Re-elect Samuel Jonah as Director       For       For          Management

9     Re-elect Nick Land as Director          For       For          Management

10    Re-elect Anne Lauvergeon as Director    For       For          Management

11    Re-elect Luc Vandevelde as Director     For       For          Management

12    Re-elect Anthony Watson as Director     For       For          Management

13    Re-elect Philip Yea as Director         For       For          Management

14    Approve Final Dividend                  For       For          Management

15    Approve Remuneration Report             For       For          Management

16    Reappoint Deloitte LLP as Auditors      For       For          Management

17    Authorise the Audit and Risk Committee  For       For          Management

      to Fix Remuneration of Auditors                                          

18    Authorise Issue of Equity with          For       For          Management

      Pre-emptive Rights                                                        

19    Authorise Issue of Equity without       For       For          Management

      Pre-emptive Rights                                                       

20    Authorise Market Purchase of Ordinary   For       For          Management


21    Authorise EU Political Donations and    For       For          Management


22    Authorise the Company to Call EGM with  For       For          Management

      Two Weeks' Notice                                                        





VOLVO AB                                                                       


Ticker:       VOLVB          Security ID:  928856301                           

Meeting Date: APR 04, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                               

Record Date:  MAR 27, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Open Meeting                            None      None         Management

2     Elect Sven Unger as Chairman of Meeting For       Did Not Vote Management

3     Prepare and Approve List of             For       Did Not Vote Management


4     Approve Agenda of Meeting               For       Did Not Vote Management

5     Designate Inspector(s) of Minutes of    For       Did Not Vote Management


6     Acknowledge Proper Convening of Meeting For       Did Not Vote Management

7     Receive Board and Board Committee       None      None         Management


8     Receive Financial Statements and        None      None         Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

9     Approve Financial Statements and        For       Did Not Vote Management

      Statutory Reports                                                         

10    Approve Allocation of Income and        For       Did Not Vote Management

      Dividends of SEK 3.00 per Share                                          

11    Approve Discharge of Board and          For       Did Not Vote Management


12    Determine Number of Members (9) and     For       Did Not Vote Management

      Deputy Members of Board (0)                                              

13    Approve Remuneration of Directors in    For       Did Not Vote Management

      the Amount of SEK 2.25 Million for                                       

      Chairman and SEK 750,000 for Other                                       

      Members; Approve Remuneration for                                        

      Committee Work                                                           

14    Reelect Peter Bijur, Jean-Baptiste      For       Did Not Vote Management

       Duzan, Hanne de Mora, Anders Nyren,                                      

       Olof Persson, Carl-Henric Svanberg                                       

      (Chairman), Ravi Venkatesan, Lars                                        

      Westerberg, and Ying Yeh as Directors;                                   

15    Elect Chairman of the Board             For       Did Not Vote Management

      (Carl-Henric Svanberg), Carl-Olof By,                                    

      Lars Forberg, Hakan Sandberg, and                                         

      Yngve Slyngstad as Members of                                            

      Nominating Committee; Approve Omission                                   

      of Remuneration of Nominating Committee                                   

16    Approve Remuneration Policy And Other   For       Did Not Vote Management

      Terms of Employment For Executive                                        


17    Amend Articles Re: Auditor Tenure       For       Did Not Vote Management

18    Amend Articles Re: Insert Gender Quota  None      Did Not Vote Shareholder

      for Board of Directors                                                   

19    Request Board to Consider Increasing    None      Did Not Vote Shareholder






WESTPAC BANKING CORPORATION                                                    


Ticker:       WBC            Security ID:  Q97417101                           

Meeting Date: DEC 13, 2012   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  DEC 11, 2012                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

2     Approve the Adoption of the             For       For          Management

      Remuneration Report                                                       

3a    Elect Gordon Cairns as a Director       For       For          Management

3b    Elect Robert Elstone as a Director      For       For          Management

4a    Approve the Amendments to the           For       For          Management

      Company's Constitution Relating to                                       

      Preference Shares                                                        

4b    Approve the Amendments to the           For       For          Management

      Company's Constitution Relating to                                       

      General Meeting, Meetings of                                             

      Directors, and Other Matters                                             





====================== SMA Relationship Trust - Series S =======================



A. O. SMITH CORPORATION                                                        


Ticker:       AOS            Security ID:  831865209                           

Meeting Date: APR 15, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  FEB 18, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Gloster B. Current, Jr.  For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director William P. Greubel       For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Idelle K. Wolf           For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Gene C. Wulf             For       For          Management

2     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         

3     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

4     Increase Authorized Common Stock        For       For          Management

5     Reduce Authorized Class A Common Stock  For       For          Management





ARUBA NETWORKS, INC.                                                           


Ticker:       ARUN           Security ID:  043176106                           

Meeting Date: NOV 29, 2012   Meeting Type: Annual                               

Record Date:  OCT 08, 2012                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Dominic P. Orr           For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Keerti Melkote           For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Bernard Guidon           For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Emmanuel Hernandez       For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Michael R. Kourey        For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Willem P. Roelandts      For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Juergen Rottler          For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director Daniel Warmenhoven       For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                          





ATRICURE, INC.                                                                 


Ticker:       ATRC           Security ID:  04963C209                           

Meeting Date: MAY 23, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 01, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Michael H. Carrel        For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Mark A. Collar           For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Donald C. Harrison       For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Michael D. Hooven        For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Richard M. Johnston      For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Elizabeth D. Krell       For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Mark R. Lanning          For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director Karen P. Robards         For       For          Management

1.9   Elect Director Robert S. White          For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         

4     Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management





BANK OF HAWAII CORPORATION                                                     


Ticker:       BOH            Security ID:  062540109                           

Meeting Date: APR 26, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  FEB 28, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director S. Haunani Apoliona      For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Mary G.F. Bitterman      For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Mark A. Burak            For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Michael J. Chun          For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Clinton R. Churchill     For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director David A. Heenan          For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Peter S. Ho              For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director Robert Huret             For       For          Management

1.9   Elect Director Kent T. Lucien           For       For          Management

1.10  Elect Director Martin A. Stein          For       For          Management

1.11  Elect Director Donald M. Takaki         For       For          Management

1.12  Elect Director Barbara J. Tanabe        For       For          Management

1.13  Elect Director Raymond P. Vara, Jr.     For       For          Management

1.14  Elect Director Robert W. Wo             For       For          Management

2     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         

3     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





BANNER CORPORATION                                                              


Ticker:       BANR           Security ID:  06652V208                           

Meeting Date: APR 23, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 01, 2013                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Robert D. Adams          For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Connie R. Collingsworth  For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Robert J. Lane           For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Gary Sirmon              For       For          Management

2     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         

3     Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management

4     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

5     Amend Restricted Stock Plan             For       For          Management





BAZAARVOICE, INC.                                                              


Ticker:       BV             Security ID:  073271108                           

Meeting Date: OCT 09, 2012   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  AUG 23, 2012                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Neeraj Agrawal           For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Christopher A. Pacitti   For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         

4     Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   Three     Three Years  Management






BBCN BANCORP, INC.                                                              


Ticker:       BBCN           Security ID:  073295107                           

Meeting Date: MAY 30, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 03, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Steven D. Broidy         For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Louis M. Cosso           For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Jin Chul Jhung           For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Kevin S. Kim             For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Peter Y.S. Kim           For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Sang Hoon Kim            For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Chung Hyun Lee           For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director Jesun Paik               For       For          Management

1.9   Elect Director Scott Yoon-Suk Whang     For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                          

4     Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management

5     Adjourn Meeting                         For       For          Management





BE AEROSPACE, INC.                                                             


Ticker:       BEAV           Security ID:  073302101                           

Meeting Date: JUL 25, 2012   Meeting Type: Annual                               

Record Date:  MAY 29, 2012                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Richard G. Hamermesh     For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Amin J. Khoury           For       For          Management

2     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         

3     Change Company Name                     For       For          Management

4     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

5     Amend Omnibus Stock Plan                For       For          Management





BIG LOTS, INC.                                                                 


Ticker:       BIG            Security ID:  089302103                           

Meeting Date: MAY 30, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 01, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Jeffrey P. Berger        For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director James R. Chambers        For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Steven S. Fishman        For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Peter J. Hayes           For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Brenda J. Lauderback     For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Philip E. Mallott        For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Russell Solt             For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director James R. Tener           For       For          Management

1.9   Elect Director Dennis B. Tishkoff       For       For          Management

2     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         

3     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.                                                     


Ticker:       BIO            Security ID:  090572207                           

Meeting Date: APR 23, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  FEB 28, 2013                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Louis Drapeau            For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Albert J. Hillman        For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





BRAVO BRIO RESTAURANT GROUP, INC.                                               


Ticker:       BBRG           Security ID:  10567B109                           

Meeting Date: MAY 01, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 06, 2013                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1A    Elect Director Thomas J. Baldwin        For       For          Management

1B    Elect Director James S. Gulmi           For       For          Management

1C    Elect Director Saed Mohseni             For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





BROOKLINE BANCORP, INC.                                                        


Ticker:       BRKL           Security ID:  11373M107                           

Meeting Date: MAY 08, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 15, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director David C. Chapin          For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director John A. Hackett          For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director John L. Hall, II         For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Rosamond B. Vaule        For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         





C&J ENERGY SERVICES, INC.                                                      


Ticker:       CJES           Security ID:  12467B304                           

Meeting Date: MAY 20, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                               

Record Date:  APR 01, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Joshua E. Comstock       For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Randall C. McMullen, Jr. For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Darren M. Friedman       For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Michael Roemer           For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director H.H. Wommack, III        For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director C. James Stewart, III    For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Adrianna Ma              For       For          Management

2     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         

3     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





CADENCE DESIGN SYSTEMS, INC.                                                   


Ticker:       CDNS           Security ID:  127387108                           

Meeting Date: MAY 03, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 06, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Susan L. Bostrom         For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director James D. Plummer         For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Alberto                  For       For          Management


1.4   Elect Director George M. Scalise        For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director John B. Shoven           For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Roger S. Siboni          For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Young K. Sohn            For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director Lip-Bu Tan               For       For          Management

2     Amend Qualified Employee Stock          For       For          Management

      Purchase Plan                                                            

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         

4     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





CAMPUS CREST COMMUNITIES, INC.                                                 


Ticker:       CCG            Security ID:  13466Y105                           

Meeting Date: APR 22, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  FEB 27, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Ted W. Rollins           For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Michael S. Hartnett      For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Richard S. Kahlbaugh     For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Denis McGlynn            For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director William G. Popeo         For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Daniel L. Simmons        For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         





CINEMARK HOLDINGS, INC.                                                        


Ticker:       CNK            Security ID:  17243V102                           

Meeting Date: MAY 23, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 05, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Benjamin D. Chereskin    For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Lee Roy Mitchell         For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Raymond W. Syufy         For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         

4     Amend Omnibus Stock Plan                For       Against      Management

5     Amend Executive Incentive Bonus Plan    For       For          Management





CIRCOR INTERNATIONAL, INC.                                                      


Ticker:       CIR            Security ID:  17273K109                           

Meeting Date: MAY 01, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 15, 2013                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Jerome D. Brady          For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Peter M. Wilver          For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         





CITY NATIONAL CORPORATION                                                      


Ticker:       CYN            Security ID:  178566105                           

Meeting Date: APR 17, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  FEB 27, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Kenneth L. Coleman       For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Bruce Rosenblum          For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Peter M. Thomas          For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Christopher J. Warmuth   For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Russell Goldsmith        For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Ronald L. Olson          For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Robert H. Tuttle         For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Amend Omnibus Stock Plan                For       For          Management

4     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         





COINSTAR, INC.                                                                 


Ticker:       CSTR           Security ID:  19259P300                           

Meeting Date: JUN 27, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 29, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1a    Elect Director Nora M. Denzel           For       For          Management

1b    Elect Director Ronald B. Woodard        For       For          Management

2     Change Company Name                     For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         

4     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





COMPASS MINERALS INTERNATIONAL, INC.                                           


Ticker:       CMP            Security ID:  20451N101                            

Meeting Date: MAY 08, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 11, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Eric Ford                For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Francis J. Malecha       For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Paul S. Williams         For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         





CONMED CORPORATION                                                             


Ticker:       CNMD           Security ID:  207410101                           

Meeting Date: MAY 23, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 03, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Eugene R. Corasanti      For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Joseph J. Corasanti      For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Bruce F. Daniels         For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Jo Ann Golden            For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Stephen  M. Mandia       For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Stuart J. Schwartz       For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Mark E. Tryniski         For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                          





CROCS, INC.                                                                    


Ticker:       CROX           Security ID:  227046109                           

Meeting Date: JUN 12, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 16, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Raymond D. Croghan       For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Peter A. Jacobi          For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Doreen A. Wright         For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         





CYTEC INDUSTRIES INC.                                                          


Ticker:       CYT            Security ID:  232820100                           

Meeting Date: APR 18, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  FEB 22, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1a    Elect Director Chris A. Davis           For       For          Management

1b    Elect Director Shane D. Fleming         For       For          Management

1c    Elect Director Louis L. Hoynes, Jr.     For       For          Management

1d    Elect Director William P. Powell        For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         





DAWSON GEOPHYSICAL COMPANY                                                     


Ticker:       DWSN           Security ID:  239359102                           

Meeting Date: JAN 22, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  NOV 23, 2012                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Paul H. Brown            For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Craig W. Cooper          For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Gary M. Hoover           For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Stephen C. Jumper        For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Jack D. Ladd             For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Ted R. North             For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Tim C. Thompson          For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                          





DEMANDWARE, INC.                                                               


Ticker:       DWRE           Security ID:  24802Y105                            

Meeting Date: MAY 29, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 04, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Thomas D. Ebling         For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Jitendra Saxena          For       For          Management

2     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         

3     Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management

4     Approve Qualified Employee Stock        For       For          Management

      Purchase Plan                                                             

5     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





EAST WEST BANCORP, INC.                                                         


Ticker:       EWBC           Security ID:  27579R104                           

Meeting Date: MAY 28, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 29, 2013                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Iris S. Chan             For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Rudolph I. Estrada       For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Julia S. Gouw            For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Paul H. Irving           For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Andrew S. Kane           For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Tak-Chuen Clarence Kwan  For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director John Lee                 For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director Herman Y. Li             For       For          Management

1.9   Elect Director Jack C. Liu              For       For          Management

1.10  Elect Director Dominic Ng               For       For          Management

1.11  Elect Director Keith W. Renken          For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         





ESTERLINE TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION                                             


Ticker:       ESL            Security ID:  297425100                           

Meeting Date: MAR 06, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  JAN 08, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Paul V. Haack            For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Scott E. Kuechle         For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director R. Bradley Lawrence      For       For          Management

2     Approve Omnibus Stock Plan              For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         

4     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





EVERBANK FINANCIAL CORP                                                        


Ticker:       EVER           Security ID:  29977G102                           

Meeting Date: MAY 23, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 28, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Gerald S. Armstrong      For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Joseph D. Hinkel         For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Robert J. Mylod, Jr.     For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Russell B. Newton, III   For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





EVERCORE PARTNERS INC.                                                          


Ticker:       EVR            Security ID:  29977A105                           

Meeting Date: JUN 19, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 22, 2013                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Roger C. Altman          For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Pedro Aspe               For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Richard I. Beattie       For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Francois de Saint Phalle For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Gail B. Harris           For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Curt Hessler             For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Robert B. Millard        For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director Anthony N. Pritzker      For       For          Management

1.9   Elect Director Ralph L. Schlosstein     For       For          Management

2     Amend Omnibus Stock Plan                For       Against      Management

3     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





EXACTTARGET, INC.                                                              


Ticker:       ET             Security ID:  30064K105                           

Meeting Date: JUN 11, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 15, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Julie M.B. Bradley       For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Scott M. Maxwell         For       For          Management

2     Approve Qualified Employee Stock        For       For          Management

      Purchase Plan                                                             

3     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





FINISAR CORPORATION                                                             


Ticker:       FNSR           Security ID:  31787A507                           

Meeting Date: DEC 03, 2012   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  OCT 10, 2012                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Michael C. Child         For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Roger C. Ferguson        For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         





GOLUB CAPITAL BDC, INC.                                                        


Ticker:       GBDC           Security ID:  38173M102                           

Meeting Date: FEB 05, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  DEC 07, 2012                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Lawrence E. Golub        For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director William M. Webster, IV   For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





GREATBATCH, INC.                                                               


Ticker:       GB             Security ID:  39153L106                           

Meeting Date: MAY 21, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                               

Record Date:  APR 05, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Pamela G. Bailey         For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Anthony P. Bihl, III     For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Joseph W. Dziedzic       For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Thomas J. Hook           For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Rudy A. Mazzocchi        For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Kevin C. Melia           For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Joseph A. Miller, Jr.    For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director Bill R. Sanford          For       For          Management

1.9   Elect Director Peter H. Soderberg       For       For          Management

1.10  Elect Director William B. Summers, Jr.  For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         





GUIDEWIRE SOFTWARE, INC.                                                       


Ticker:       GWRE           Security ID:  40171V100                           

Meeting Date: DEC 05, 2012   Meeting Type: Annual                               

Record Date:  OCT 08, 2012                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Kenneth W. Branson       For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Craig Ramsey             For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Marcus S. Ryu            For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





H.B. FULLER COMPANY                                                            


Ticker:       FUL            Security ID:  359694106                           

Meeting Date: APR 11, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  FEB 13, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Dante C. Parrini         For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director John C. van Roden, Jr.   For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director James J. Owens           For       For          Management

2     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         

3     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

4     Approve Omnibus Stock Plan              For       For          Management





HILL-ROM HOLDINGS, INC.                                                        


Ticker:       HRC            Security ID:  431475102                            

Meeting Date: MAR 08, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  DEC 31, 2012                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Rolf A. Classon          For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director James R. Giertz          For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Charles E. Golden        For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director John J. Greisch          For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director W August Hillenbrand     For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director William H. Kucheman      For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Ronald A. Malone         For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director Eduardo R. Menasce       For       For          Management

1.9   Elect Director Joanne C. Smith          For       For          Management

2     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         

3     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





HUB GROUP, INC.                                                                


Ticker:       HUBG           Security ID:  443320106                           

Meeting Date: MAY 09, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                               

Record Date:  MAR 14, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director David P. Yeager          For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Mark A. Yeager           For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Gary D. Eppen            For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Charles R. Reaves        For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Martin P. Slark          For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Jonathan P. Ward         For       For          Management

2     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         





HUDSON PACIFIC PROPERTIES, INC.                                                


Ticker:       HPP            Security ID:  444097109                           

Meeting Date: MAY 17, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 22, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Victor J. Coleman        For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Howard S. Stern          For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Theodore R. Antenucci    For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Richard B. Fried         For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Jonathan M. Glaser       For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Mark D. Linehan          For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Robert M. Moran, Jr.     For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director Barry A. Porter          For       For          Management

1.9   Elect Director Patrick Whitesell        For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         





ICU MEDICAL, INC.                                                              


Ticker:       ICUI           Security ID:  44930G107                           

Meeting Date: MAY 10, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 18, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director George A. Lopez          For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Robert S. Swinney        For       For          Management

2     Amend Executive Incentive Bonus Plan    For       For          Management

3     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

4     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         





IGNITE RESTAURANT GROUP, INC.                                                  


Ticker:       IRG            Security ID:  451730105                           

Meeting Date: JUN 04, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                               

Record Date:  APR 24, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Zane Leshner             For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Joseph N. Stein          For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





INFOBLOX INC.                                                                  


Ticker:       BLOX           Security ID:  45672H104                           

Meeting Date: DEC 19, 2012   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  OCT 31, 2012                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Laura C. Conigliaro      For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Fred M. Gerson           For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





INNERWORKINGS, INC.                                                             


Ticker:       INWK           Security ID:  45773Y105                           

Meeting Date: JUN 20, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 22, 2013                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Eric D. Belcher          For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Jack M. Greenberg        For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Linda S. Wolf            For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Charles K. Bobrinskoy    For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director J. Patrick Gallagher,    For       For          Management


1.6   Elect Director David Fisher             For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Julie M. Howard          For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





KAYAK SOFTWARE CORPORATION                                                     


Ticker:       KYAK           Security ID:  486577109                           

Meeting Date: MAR 04, 2013   Meeting Type: Special                             

Record Date:  JAN 24, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Merger Agreement                For       For          Management

2     Adjourn Meeting                         For       For          Management





KNIGHT TRANSPORTATION, INC.                                                    


Ticker:       KNX            Security ID:  499064103                           

Meeting Date: MAY 16, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 28, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Kevin P. Knight          For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Randy Knight             For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Michael Garnreiter       For       For          Management

2     Elect Director Richard C. Kraemer       For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         

4     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





KODIAK OIL & GAS CORP.                                                         


Ticker:       KOG            Security ID:  50015Q100                           

Meeting Date: JUN 19, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAY 09, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Lynn A. Peterson         For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director James E. Catlin          For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Rodney D. Knutson        For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Herrick K. Lidstone, Jr. For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director William J. Krysiak       For       For          Management

2     Ratify Ernst & Young LLP as Auditors    For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         





LASALLE HOTEL PROPERTIES                                                        


Ticker:       LHO            Security ID:  517942108                           

Meeting Date: APR 30, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  FEB 20, 2013                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Denise M. Coll           For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Stuart L. Scott          For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         





LIFELOCK, INC.                                                                 


Ticker:       LOCK           Security ID:  53224V100                           

Meeting Date: MAY 13, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 22, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Todd Davis               For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director David Cowan              For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





LMI AEROSPACE, INC.                                                            


Ticker:       LMIA           Security ID:  502079106                           

Meeting Date: JUN 26, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                               

Record Date:  APR 25, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Ronald S. Saks           For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Joseph Burstein          For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         





MACK-CALI REALTY CORPORATION                                                   


Ticker:       CLI            Security ID:  554489104                           

Meeting Date: MAY 15, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 03, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Kenneth M. Duberstein    For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Vincent Tese             For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Roy J. Zuckerberg        For       For          Management

2     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         

3     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

4     Approve Omnibus Stock Plan              For       Against      Management





MASTEC, INC.                                                                    


Ticker:       MTZ            Security ID:  576323109                           

Meeting Date: MAY 23, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 18, 2013                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Robert J. Dwyer          For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Frank E. Jaumot          For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Jose S. Sorzano          For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Approve Qualified Employee Stock        For       For          Management

      Purchase Plan                                                            

4     Approve Omnibus Stock Plan              For       For          Management





MOVADO GROUP, INC.                                                              


Ticker:       MOV            Security ID:  624580106                           

Meeting Date: JUN 13, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 17, 2013                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Margaret Hayes Adame     For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Richard Cote             For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Efraim Grinberg          For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Alan H. Howard           For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Richard Isserman         For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Nathan Leventhal         For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Alex Grinberg            For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director Maurice Reznik           For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         

4     Amend Omnibus Stock Plan                For       For          Management

5     Amend Deferred Share Bonus Plan         For       For          Management





NATIONAL BEVERAGE CORP.                                                        


Ticker:       FIZZ           Security ID:  635017106                           

Meeting Date: OCT 05, 2012   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  AUG 20, 2012                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Joseph G. Caporella      For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Samuel C. Hathorn, Jr.   For       For          Management





NETGEAR, INC.                                                                  


Ticker:       NTGR           Security ID:  64111Q104                            

Meeting Date: MAY 31, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 01, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Patrick C.S. Lo          For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Jocelyn E. Carter-Miller For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Ralph E. Faison          For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director A. Timothy Godwin        For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Jef Graham               For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Linwood A. Lacy, Jr.     For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Gregory J. Rossmann      For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director Barbara V. Scherer       For       For          Management

1.9   Elect Director Julie A. Shimer          For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         

4     Amend Executive Incentive Bonus Plan    For       For          Management





NORDSON CORPORATION                                                            


Ticker:       NDSN           Security ID:  655663102                           

Meeting Date: FEB 26, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  DEC 28, 2012                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Lee C. Banks             For       Did Not Vote Management

1.2   Elect Director Randolph W. Carson       For       Did Not Vote Management

1.3   Elect Director Michael F. Hilton        For       Did Not Vote Management

1.4   Elect Director Victor L. Richey, Jr.    For       Did Not Vote Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       Did Not Vote Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       Did Not Vote Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         

4     Approve Omnibus Stock Plan              For       Did Not Vote Management







ON SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION                                                   


Ticker:       ONNN           Security ID:  682189105                           

Meeting Date: MAY 15, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 28, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director J. Daniel McCranie       For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Emmanuel T. Hernandez    For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Teresa M. Ressel         For       For          Management

2     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         

3     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

4     Amend Qualified Employee Stock          For       For          Management

      Purchase Plan                                                             





ORTHOFIX INTERNATIONAL N.V.                                                    


Ticker:       OFIX           Security ID:  N6748L102                            

Meeting Date: JUN 20, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 26, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director James F. Gero            For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Guy J. Jordan            For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Michael R. Mainelli      For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Bradley R. Mason         For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Maria Sainz              For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Davey S. Scoon           For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Walter P. von Wartburg   For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director Kenneth R. Weisshaar     For       For          Management

2     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports (Voting)                                               

3     Ratify Ernst & Young LLP as Auditors    For       For          Management

4     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                          





PATTERSON COMPANIES, INC.                                                      


Ticker:       PDCO           Security ID:  703395103                           

Meeting Date: SEP 10, 2012   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  JUL 13, 2012                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Scott P. Anderson        For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Ellen A. Rudnick         For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Harold C. Slavkin        For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director James W. Wiltz           For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Jody H. Feragen          For       For          Management

2     Declassify the Board of Directors       For       For          Management

3     Amend Omnibus Stock Plan                For       For          Management

4     Amend Qualified Employee Stock          For       For          Management

      Purchase Plan                                                            

5     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         

6     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

7     Restore or Provide for Cumulative       Against   Against      Shareholder






PENNANTPARK INVESTMENT CORPORATION                                              


Ticker:       PNNT           Security ID:  708062104                           

Meeting Date: FEB 26, 2013   Meeting Type: Special                             

Record Date:  DEC 11, 2012                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Issuance of Shares Below Net    For       For          Management

      Asset Value (NAV)                                                         





PENNANTPARK INVESTMENT CORPORATION                                             


Ticker:       PNNT           Security ID:  708062104                            

Meeting Date: FEB 26, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  DEC 11, 2012                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Arthur H. Penn           For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





PERFORMANT FINANCIAL CORPORATION                                               


Ticker:       PFMT           Security ID:  71377E105                           

Meeting Date: MAY 30, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 18, 2013                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Todd R. Ford             For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Brian P. Golson          For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY                                               


Ticker:       POR            Security ID:  736508847                           

Meeting Date: MAY 22, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 18, 2013                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director John W. Ballantine       For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Rodney L. Brown, Jr.     For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Jack E. Davis            For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director David A. Dietzler        For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Kirby A. Dyess           For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Mark B. Ganz             For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Corbin A. McNeill, Jr.   For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director Neil J. Nelson           For       For          Management

1.9   Elect Director M. Lee Pelton            For       For          Management

1.10  Elect Director James J. Piro            For       For          Management

1.11  Elect Director Robert T. F. Reid        For       For          Management

2     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         

3     Amend Omnibus Stock Plan                For       For          Management

4     Approve Executive Incentive Bonus Plan  For       For          Management

5     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





PROSPERITY BANCSHARES, INC.                                                     


Ticker:       PB             Security ID:  743606105                           

Meeting Date: APR 16, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 08, 2013                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Leah Henderson           For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Ned S. Holmes            For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director David Zalman             For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director W.R. Collier             For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         





PSS WORLD MEDICAL, INC.                                                        


Ticker:       PSSI           Security ID:  69366A100                           

Meeting Date: AUG 16, 2012   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  JUN 15, 2012                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Director Jeffrey C. Crowe         For       For          Management

2     Elect Director A. Hugh Greene           For       For          Management

3     Elect Director Steven T. Halverson      For       For          Management

4     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

5     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         





QUALYS, INC.                                                                    


Ticker:       QLYS           Security ID:  74758T303                           

Meeting Date: JUN 04, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 10, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Sandra E. Bergeron       For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Yves B. Sisteron         For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





REACHLOCAL, INC.                                                               


Ticker:       RLOC           Security ID:  75525F104                           

Meeting Date: MAY 22, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 27, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Zorik Gordon             For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Robert Dykes             For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Alan Salzman             For       For          Management

2     Amend Omnibus Stock Plan                For       Against      Management

3     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





REALPAGE, INC.                                                                 


Ticker:       RP             Security ID:  75606N109                           

Meeting Date: MAY 31, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                               

Record Date:  APR 01, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Stephen T. Winn          For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Jason A. Wright          For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





REGAL BELOIT CORPORATION                                                       


Ticker:       RBC            Security ID:  758750103                           

Meeting Date: APR 29, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 11, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1a    Elect Director Christopher L. Doerr     For       For          Management

1b    Elect Director Mark J. Gliebe           For       For          Management

1c    Elect Director Curtis W. Stoelting      For       For          Management

2     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                          

3     Approve Omnibus Stock Plan              For       For          Management

4     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





REGIS CORPORATION                                                              


Ticker:       RGS            Security ID:  758932107                           

Meeting Date: OCT 25, 2012   Meeting Type: Annual                               

Record Date:  AUG 28, 2012                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Daniel G. Beltzman       For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Joseph L. Conner         For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director James P. Fogarty         For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Daniel J. Hanrahan       For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Michael J. Merriman      For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Jeffrey C. Smith         For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Stephen E. Watson        For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director David P. Williams        For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         





SOLERA HOLDINGS, INC.                                                          


Ticker:       SLH            Security ID:  83421A104                           

Meeting Date: NOV 15, 2012   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  OCT 01, 2012                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Tony Aquila              For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Arthur F. Kingsbury      For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Kenneth A. Viellieu      For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Thomas C. Wajnert        For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Stuart J. Yarbrough      For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         





SS&C TECHNOLOGIES HOLDINGS, INC.                                               


Ticker:       SSNC           Security ID:  78467J100                           

Meeting Date: MAY 29, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 11, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Allan M. Holt            For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director William C. Stone         For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





STERIS CORPORATION                                                              


Ticker:       STE            Security ID:  859152100                           

Meeting Date: JUL 26, 2012   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAY 29, 2012                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Richard C. Breeden       For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Cynthia L. Feldmann      For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Jacqueline B. Kosecoff   For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director David B. Lewis           For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Kevin M. McMullen        For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Walter M Rosebrough, Jr. For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Mohsen M. Sohi           For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director John P. Wareham          For       For          Management

1.9   Elect Director Loyal W. Wilson          For       For          Management

1.10  Elect Director Michael B. Wood          For       For          Management

2     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         

3     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





SUMMIT HOTEL PROPERTIES, INC.                                                   


Ticker:       INN            Security ID:  866082100                           

Meeting Date: JUN 12, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 26, 2013                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Kerry W. Boekelheide     For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Daniel P. Hansen         For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Bjorn R. L. Hanson       For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director David S. Kay             For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Thomas W. Storey         For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Wayne W. Wielgus         For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         





TENNECO INC.                                                                   


Ticker:       TEN            Security ID:  880349105                           

Meeting Date: MAY 15, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 18, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Thomas C. Freyman        For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Dennis J. Letham         For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Hari N. Nair             For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Roger B. Porter          For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director David B. Price, Jr.      For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Gregg M. Sherrill        For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Paul T. Stecko           For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director Jane L. Warner           For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Amend Omnibus Stock Plan                For       For          Management

4     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         





THE COOPER COMPANIES, INC.                                                     


Ticker:       COO            Security ID:  216648402                           

Meeting Date: MAR 21, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  JAN 25, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director A. Thomas Bender         For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Michael H. Kalkstein     For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Jody S. Lindell          For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Gary S. Petersmeyer      For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Donald Press             For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Steven Rosenberg         For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Allan E. Rubenstein      For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director Robert S. Weiss          For       For          Management

1.9   Elect Director Stanley Zinberg          For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         





UNS ENERGY CORPORATION                                                         


Ticker:       UNS            Security ID:  903119105                           

Meeting Date: MAY 03, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 11, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Paul J. Bonavia          For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Lawrence J. Aldrich      For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Barbara M. Baumann       For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Larry W. Bickle          For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Robert A. Elliott        For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Daniel W.L. Fessler      For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Louise L. Francesconi    For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director Ramiro G. Peru           For       For          Management

1.9   Elect Director Gregory A. Pivirotto     For       For          Management

1.10  Elect Director Joaquin Ruiz             For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         





VAIL RESORTS, INC.                                                             


Ticker:       MTN            Security ID:  91879Q109                           

Meeting Date: NOV 29, 2012   Meeting Type: Annual                               

Record Date:  OCT 04, 2012                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1a    Elect Director Roland A. Hernandez      For       For          Management

1b    Elect Director Robert A. Katz           For       For          Management

1c    Elect Director Richard D. Kincaid       For       For          Management

1d    Elect Director John T. Redmond          For       For          Management

1e    Elect Director Hilary A. Schneider      For       For          Management

1f    Elect Director John F. Sorte            For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         





VALIDUS HOLDINGS, LTD.                                                          


Ticker:       VR             Security ID:  G9319H102                           

Meeting Date: MAY 01, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 08, 2013                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Edward J. Noonan         For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Mahmoud Abdallah         For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Jeffrey W. Greenberg     For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director John J. Hendrickson      For       For          Management

2     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         

3     Ratify PricewaterhouseCoopers Hamilton  For       For          Management

      Bermuda as Independent Auditors                                          





VALUECLICK, INC.                                                               


Ticker:       VCLK           Security ID:  92046N102                           

Meeting Date: MAY 07, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 11, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director James R. Zarley          For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director David S. Buzby           For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Martin T. Hart           For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Jeffrey F. Rayport       For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director James R. Peters          For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director  James A. Crouthamel     For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director John Giuliani            For       For          Management

2     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named           For       For          Management

      Executive Officers' Compensation                                         





WATSCO, INC.                                                                   


Ticker:       WSO            Security ID:  942622200                           

Meeting Date: MAY 20, 2013   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 05, 2013                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Director David C. Darnell         For       For          Management





====================== SMA Relationship Trust - Series A =======================


Did not vote any securities during the reporting period



====================== SMA Relationship Trust - Series M =======================


Did not vote any securities during the reporting period



====================== SMA Relationship Trust - Series T =======================


Did not vote any securities during the reporting period





Pursuant to the requirements of the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


SMA Relationship Trust


Mark E. Carver *


SMA Relationship Trust

Managing Director

UBS Global Asset Management (Americas) Inc


========== END NPX REPORT





Pursuant to the requirements of the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.



SMA Relationship Trust



By  (Signature and Title)*

/s/ Mark E. Carver*




Mark E. Carver








*(Signature affixed by Joseph J. Allessie by Power of Attorney effective July 26, 2012 and filed herewith).




August  7, 2013


*Print the name and title of each signing officer under his or her signature.



UBS Cashfund Inc.

UBS Investment Trust

UBS Money Series

UBS Managed Municipal Trust

UBS Master Series, Inc.

UBS Municipal Money Market Series

UBS RMA Money Fund, Inc.

UBS RMA Tax-Free Fund, Inc.

PACE Select Advisors Trust

Master Trust

Global High Income Fund Inc.

Managed High Yield Plus Fund Inc.

Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

The UBS Funds

SMA Relationship Trust

Fort Dearborn Income Securities Inc.

UBS Relationship Funds


Power of Attorney


Mark E. Carver, whose signature appears below, does hereby constitute and appoint Joseph J. Allessie, Keith Weller, Tammie Lee and Eric Sanders, each an officer of the above named investment companies (each hereafter the “Company” ) individually with power of substitution or resubstitution, his true  and lawful attorney-in-fact and agent ( “Attorney-in-Fact” ) with full power of substitution and resubstitution for him in his name, place and stead, in any and all capacities, to file with the Securities and Exchange Commission the Company’s proxy voting record on Form N-PX with all exhibits and any amendments thereto, and sign Form N-PX and any amendments thereto in the name and on behalf of the undersigned as President and/or principal executive officer of the Company any and any other instruments or documents related thereto, and the undersigned does hereby ratify and confirm all that said Attorney-in-Fact shall do or cause to be done by virtue thereof.


This Power of Attorney shall be revocable at any time by a writing signed by the undersigned and shall terminate automatically with respect to the Attorney-in-Fact named above if such Attorney-in-Fact ceases to be an officer of the Company and with respect to the Attorney-in-Fact named above if the undersigned ceases to be President and/or principal executive officer of the Company.


Effective Date:

July 26, 2012



/s/ Mark E. Carver



Mark E. Carver



Managed High Yield Plus Fund, Inc. (NYSE:HYF)
Gráfico Histórico do Ativo
De Fev 2025 até Mar 2025 Click aqui para mais gráficos Managed High Yield Plus Fund, Inc..
Managed High Yield Plus Fund, Inc. (NYSE:HYF)
Gráfico Histórico do Ativo
De Mar 2024 até Mar 2025 Click aqui para mais gráficos Managed High Yield Plus Fund, Inc..