Managements Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of
The following discussion of our financial condition, changes in
financial condition and results of operations for the three months and the nine
months ended February 28, 2014 and 2013 should be read in conjunction with our
unaudited interim financial statements and related notes for the three months
and the nine months ended February 28, 2014 and 2013 included herewith and our
audited consolidated financial statements as at May 31, 2013, May 31, 2012 and
for the period from inception (January 5, 2004) to May 31, 2013 included in our
Annual Report on Form 10-K for our fiscal year ended May 31, 2013 as filed with
the SEC. All financial information in this Managements Discussion and Analysis
(MD&A or the discussion) is expressed and prepared in conformity with
U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. All dollar references are to the
U.S. dollar, the Companys reporting currency, unless otherwise noted. Some
numbers in this MD&A have been rounded to the nearest thousand for
discussion purposes.
This MD&A contains forward-looking statements that
involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions with respect to the Companys
activities and future financial results, which are made based upon managements
current expectations and beliefs. These forward-looking statements involve risks
and uncertainties, including statements regarding the Companys capital needs,
business plans and expectations. Our actual results may differ materially from
those anticipated in these forward-looking statements as a result of many
factors, including, but not limited to, those set forth under Risk Factors and
elsewhere in this annual report. Any statements contained herein that are not
statements of historical facts may be deemed to be forward-looking statements.
Management disclaims any obligation to publicly update these statements, or
disclose any difference between its actual results and those reflected in these
statements. Given these uncertainties, readers are cautioned not to place undue
reliance on such forward-looking statements.
We are an exploration stage company engaged in the acquisition
and exploration of mineral properties. Our principal area of focus is the
Handeni Gold Project located in the Handeni district, within the Tanga region of
the Republic of Tanzania in East Africa, in which we have interests in mineral
claims through prospecting licenses (PLs) and/or primary mining licenses
(PMLs) issued by the government of the Republic of Tanzania.
None of our mineral claims contain any substantiated mineral
deposits, resources or reserves of minerals to date. Exploration has been
carried out on these claims, in particular the 4 PLs in the Handeni District.
Accordingly, additional exploration of these mineral claims is required before
any conclusion can be drawn as to whether any commercially viable mineral
deposit may exist on any of our mineral claims. Our plan of operations is to
continue exploration and drilling work in order to ascertain whether our mineral
claims warrant further advanced exploration to determine whether they possess
commercially exploitable deposits of minerals. We will not be able to determine
whether or not any of our mineral claims contain a commercially exploitable
mineral deposit, resource or reserve, until appropriate exploratory work has
been completed and an economic evaluation based on that work concludes economic
We are considered an exploration or exploratory stage company,
because we are involved in the examination and investigation of land that we
believe may contain valuable minerals, for the purpose of discovering the
presence of ore, if any, and its extent. There is no assurance that a
commercially viable mineral deposit exists on the properties underlying our
mineral claim interests, and considerable further exploration will be required
before a final evaluation as to the economic and legal feasibility for our
future exploration is determined.
Our Mineral Claims
Handeni District Gold Project
Handeni PLs
Currently, our primary focus is on the Handeni District
Project. Effective September 21, 2010, our Board of Directors ratified the
entering into and immediate closing of a certain Mineral Property Acquisition
Agreement (the Acquisition Agreement) dated September 15, 2010 with IPP Gold
Limited (IPP Gold), pursuant to which we acquired an undivided 100% legal,
beneficial and registerable interest in and to four PLs, totaling approximately
800 square kilometers, located in the Handeni District of Tanzania and which
were owned or controlled by IPP Gold and its affiliates.
In accordance with the terms of the Acquisition Agreement,
effective September 21, 2010, IPP Gold has now become a major stakeholder in our
Company. Pursuant to the terms of the Acquisition Agreement, we issued
133,333,333 restricted shares of common stock to IPP Gold in exchange for 100%
interest in the four PLs of the Handeni Project, with no further payments in
shares or cash required.
The Commissioner for Minerals of Tanzania confirmed the
recording in the Central Register and the transfer of 100% of each of the
Prospecting License Nos. 6742/2010, 6743/2010, 6744/2010 and 6779/2010, which
comprise the Handeni Project, from IPP Gold to our Company, and that such
transfer has been duly recorded on the terms and conditions contained in such
Prospecting Licenses.
We obtained a Technical Report on the Handeni Property (the
Handeni Report), dated April 25, 2011, as prepared at our request by Avrom E.
Howard, MSc, FGA, PGeol (Ontario), Principal Consultant at Nebu Consulting LLC.
Mr. Howard is a Qualified Person in accordance with Canadian National Instrument
43-101 Standards for Disclosure of Mineral Projects and its Companion Policy
(collectively, NI 43-101) and is a Practicing Professional Geologist
registered with the Association of Professional Geoscientists of Ontario
(registration number 0380). The Handeni Report follows on the heels of a
detailed geological compilation and exploration report prepared in 2010 by Dr.
Reyno Scheepers, a South African professional geologist who has been a director
of our Company since 2010 and is our current Chief Executive Officer. Upon
independent review by, and to the satisfaction of Mr. Howard, much of the
content from Dr. Scheepers report has been referred to and referenced in the
Handeni Report.
Under Tanzanian law, 50% of the area of PLs need to be
relinquished following a period of three years after allocation of the PLs to
the Company (1998 Mining Act applicable to the Companies PLs). On August 16,
2013, the Company applied for renewal of two of the licenses that expired in
September 2013 and two of the licenses that expired in October 2013. The Company
has received four renewal PLs of the renewal areas under PL6742/2010,
PL6744/2010, PL6743/2010 and PL6779/2010 effective on October 5, 2013, September
13, 2013, October 13, 2013 and September 13, 2013, respectively. These four PLs
are valid until October 4, 2016, September 12, 2016, October 12, 2016 and
September 12, 2016, respectively. The total area occupied by the renewal
licenses is approximately 359.80 km
or 45% of the original area. In
addition to applying for the remainder of the license areas, the Company
submitted application for additional license areas taking our total license area
to approximately 52% of the original 800 km
. The outcome of these
applications is still pending.
Handeni District PMLs
On August 5, 2011, the Company entered a Mineral Property
Acquisition Agreement (the 2011 Acquisition Agreement) with Handeni Resources
Limited (Handeni Resources), a limited liability company registered under the
laws of Tanzania. The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company has an
existing ownership and/or beneficial interest(s) in Handeni Resources. Pursuant
to the 2011 Acquisition Agreement, the Company had an exclusive option to
acquire from Handeni Resources a 100% interest in mineral licenses covering an
area of approximately 2.67 square kilometers to the east of Magambazi Hill,
which is adjacent to the area covered by the Companys four existing prospecting
licenses in the Handeni District.
On November 30, 2011, the Company completed the 2011
Acquisition Agreement and issued 15,000,000 restricted common shares to Handeni
Resources as payment. As at November 30, 2011, the fair market price of the
Companys common stock was $0.11 per share; accordingly, the Company recorded a
total fair market value of $1,650,000 as the mineral licenses acquisition cost.
To comply with the laws and regulations of the Republic of
Tanzania whereby foreign companies may not own PMLs, on July 19, 2012, the
entered into an Addendum agreement to the 2011
Acquisition Agreement whereby Handeni Resources will administer the 32
PMLs until such time as a mining license (ML) on the 32 PMLs (2.67
) have been allocated; and
during this period Handeni Resources will be conducting
exploration and mining activities on the PMLs as directed by the
Handeni District Project
Much of the information regarding the Handeni District Project
as provided below is based on information provided in the Handeni Report.
The author of the Handeni Report visited the Handeni property
on February 26, 2011, accompanied by Dr. Scheepers. Given the almost total
absence of outcrop across the property area, on the one hand, and the abundance
of district to regional scale geological data, recent exploration data, intensive artisanal
mining activity in the boundary area between the Companys Handeni property and
the adjacent Magambazi property belonging to Canaco Resources Inc. (now East
Africa Metals Inc.) and their well-publicized news releases and developments, on
the other, the author of the Handeni Report determined that he was able to
complete a meaningful property visit within the timeframe of a single day to his
technical satisfaction sufficient for the purpose of preparing the Handeni
Location and Access
The Handeni property lies within the historic Handeni artisanal
gold mining district, located in Tanga Province, roughly 175 kilometers
northwest of Tanzanias largest city, Dar Es Salaam, and 100 kilometers
southwest of the more northerly coastal city of Tanga. The road from Dar Es
Salaam to Tanga is paved; the secondary road that heads northwest from this road
to the town of Handeni, a distance of 65 kilometers, is currently being upgraded
and paved. The Handeni property is located roughly 35 kilometers south of the
town of Handeni. From this point, a number of dirt roads head south across
various portions of the Handeni property and beyond. Driving time from Dar Es
Salaam is approximately five hours, depending on traffic and the weather.
Access during the dry season is not difficult and does not even
require a 4X4 vehicle. Roads within the licenses are mostly tracks, some of
which are not accessible during the rainy season. The area experiences two rainy
seasons, namely a short wet period during November and December and the main
rain season lasting from April to June. Exploration conditions during the rainy
periods may be difficult, specifically during the April to June period. Fuel is
available at a number of points along the north - south portion of the journey
and in Handeni town itself.
The average elevation in the Companys license area is 450
meters above sea level. The area is densely vegetated with tall trees and grass
over undulating hills of gneiss that comprise the main topographic feature in
the area. Muddy, slow moving rivers and creeks crisscross the valleys and
plains; some of the larger streams may experience high flow during intense
The area is scarcely populated with occasional small villages
where people are engaged in small scale mixed farming and artisanal gold mining.
Handeni town is a community of several thousand inhabitants haphazardly spread
over a series of small, rounded hills, where basic services and accommodation
are available.
Property Description
The following table provides details about each PL prior to the
renewal of the licenses in 2013 as described above.
List of Prospecting Licenses, Handeni Property (prior to the
2013 renewal of the licenses)
PL No.
(Sq Km)
Issue Date
Transfer Date
Transfer Date
(To Handeni
Diamonds Africa Ltd.
Gold Africa Ltd.
M-Mining Ltd.
Tanzania Gem Center Ltd.
Within the property are several, smaller areas that belong to
small scale artisanal miners, all of which are indicated in red in the license
map presented below. The areas found within PL 6742/2010 predate the arrival of
IPP Gold and remain in the hands of the local artisanal miners to whom Primary
Licenses, or what are informally known as Primary Mining Licenses or PMLs have
been issued. The rectangular area in red on PL6743/2010 is discussed below.
Artisanal gold mining activity remains ongoing in some of these areas.
License Map, Handeni Property Prospecting Licenses, showing
excluded areas in red
(Prior to the 2013 renewal of the licenses)
Toward the western edge of PL 6743/2010 are several more PMLs
that do not belong to the Company. The area colored in green in the figure below
is a unitized block of four PMLs that were acquired by Canaco Resources Inc.
(CRI) (now East Africa Metals Inc.) from their owners; this is where the most
intensive artisanal gold mining activity is currently taking place, with
laborers working at a variety of mining and milling sites adjacent to and up the
hill from a shanty town of huts that is found just north of Magambazi hill. It
is the Companys understanding that CRI has reached an agreement with the
original owners of these PMLs and the people currently working there which will
lead to their ceasing artisanal operations and vacating the site.
Ownership of a single, isolated claim block, depicted in
fuchsia below remains uncertain; and which is something that IPP Gold and the
Company are attempting to ascertain. Ownership of the smaller, rectangular red
block that overlies the CRI-Company boundary also remains unknown; and which again is
another matter that IPP Gold and the Company are currently pursuing. The
remaining block of 32 PMLs, shown as a grid of blue lines below, belongs to the
Company as described above.
Exclusion areas within PL6743/2010 (prior to the 2013 renewal
of the licenses)
Under Tanzanian law, 50% of the area of PLs need to be
relinquished following a period of three years after allocation of the PLs to
the Company (1998 Mining Act applicable to the Companies PLs). On August 16,
2013, the Company applied for renewal of two of the licenses that expired in
September 2013 and two of the licenses that expired in October 2013. The Company
has received four renewal PLs of the renewal areas under PL6742/2010,
PL6744/2010, PL6743/2010 and PL6779/2010 effective on October 5, 2013, September
13, 2013, October 13, 2013 and September 13, 2013, respectively. These four PLs
are valid until October 4, 2016, September 12, 2016, October 12, 2016 and
September 12, 2016, respectively. The total area occupied by the renewal
licenses is approximately 359.80 km
or 45% of the original area. In
addition to applying for the remainder of the license areas, the Company
submitted application for additional license areas taking our total license area
to approximately 52% of the original 800 km
. The outcome of these
applications is still pending.
Following the 2013 renewal of the properties, the Company now
holds interests in PLs with details as described in the Table and figure
Granted Date
Expiry Date
Area Size (km
Diagrammatic presentation of property outlines following 2013
Mining in Tanzania in the modern era dates back
over one hundred years, first under German colonial rule; during the First World
War a number of military engagements took place there. After the war ended
control of the area was ceded to the British, under whose colonial authority
mining and other activities continued and expanded. Mining focused on gold,
diamonds and a variety of colored gemstones, notably including the discovery and
development of the worlds largest diamondiferous kimberlite pipe (to date) by
Canadian geologist John Williamson, a deposit that remains in production to this
day. Shortly after achieving independence from the British in 1961, Tanzania
nationalized most private sector industries, in turn resulting in the exodus of
foreign investment and private capital and the consequent decline in economic
activity in all sectors, including mining. Finally, beginning in the 1990s, in
line with many other developing countries around the world, the Tanzanian
government instituted several reforms to move towards a free market economy,
privatize the mining industry and encourage both domestic and foreign investment
in all economic sectors. In the case of the mining industry, this was
supplemented, in 1998, through the passage of a new, more industry-friendly
mining code. This code has been streamlined under the Mining Act of 1998
(revised 2010) (the Mining Act) currently controlling exploration, mining and
related activities in the country.
Tanzania is a significant producer of gold, diamonds and a
variety of colored gemstones including tanzanite; the trade name for generally
heat treated, bluish-purple zoisite. The Merelani Hills, east of Arusha, is the
only place on earth where this gemstone variety of V-rich zoisite is found in
commercial quantities. A recently discovered uranium deposit is currently under
development, as well, in the southeast area of the country. Tanzania is Africas
third leading gold producer, after Ghana and South Africa, with several major
and junior companies producing and exploring for gold, mostly in northwestern
Tanzania, south of Lake Victoria, in an area informally known as the Lake
Victoria gold belt.
The Handeni Property.
Gold has been known in the Handeni
area for many years with some attributing its discovery to the Germans prior to
World War One; however, it was the increase in gold prices and consequent
increase in artisanal gold mining activity in the Handeni area that led to the
discovery of larger deposits of placer gold, in turn leading in 2003 to a
classic gold rush. The discovery and mining of lode deposits followed, soon
after, along with the growth of a shanty mining town at the northern base of
Magambazi Hill.
In 2005, the Companys majority shareholder, IPP Gold, entered
into negotiations with a group of 34 local artisanal miners that collectively
controlled four PMLs on and near Magambazi Hill, site of the areas known lode
mineralization, and upon failing in this endeavor acquired a number of PMLs east
of Magambazi Hill from other local owners. A portion of a large (1,200
) Prospecting Reconnaissance License (PLR) which belonged to
Midlands Minerals Tanzania Limited was also acquired by IPP Gold.
Between 2005 and 2010, IPP Gold carried out exploration over
its PLR leading to the upgrading of its holdings from one PLR to four PLs of 800
km2, in August 2010. Exploration work included airborne magnetic and radiometric
surveys, ground magnetic surveys, reconnaissance geological mapping, soil
sampling, pitting and trenching. It is these four PLs that were acquired by the Company from IPP Gold.
Geological Setting
Regional Geology.
The geological framework of Tanzania
reflects the geologic history of the African continent as a whole. Its present
appearance is a result of a series of events that began with the evolution of
the Archean shield, followed by its modification through metamorphic reworking
and accretion of other continental rocks, in turn covered by continentally
derived sediments. Pre-rift magmatism followed by active rifting has also left a
major mark upon the Tanzanian landscape.
Several regional geological mapping programs have been carried
out across the country over the past one hundred plus years, which has led to
the recognition of several major litho-structural provinces from Archean to
recent age. The Archean craton covers most of the western two thirds of the
country, roughly bounded to the east by the East African Rift. Archean rocks
host all of the countrys kimberlite pipes and contained lode diamond deposits,
and most of its lode gold deposits. The Archean basement terrain is bounded to
the east and west by a series of Proterozoic mobile belts; this area,
particularly that to the east, hosts most of the countrys wide variety of
colored gemstone deposits. Some recent research suggests that portions of this
assumed Proterozoic terrane may actually consist of Archean crust that has
undergone a later phase of higher grade metamorphism.
The Phanerozoic is represented by a series of sedimentary units
of Paleozoic to Mesozoic age, in turn followed by a pre-rift period of
kimberlitic and related, alkalic, mantle-derived intrusive and extrusive
activity that presaged active rifting. Rocks related to this event intrude up to
Upper Mesozoic and Lower Cenozoic sedimentary formations. Next came a period of
rift-related intrusive and extrusive activity concentrated in the Arusha area
to the northeast and Mbeya area to the southwest, which is responsible for
volcanoes such as Mt. Meru and Mt. Kilimanjaro. Finally, a wide variety of
recent and largely semi- to un-consolidated wind, water and weathering-derived
recent formations are found across the country, a number of which host placer
gold, diamond and colored gemstone deposits.
Property Geology.
The geology of the Handeni area
comprises amphibolite to granulite facies metamorphic rocks interpreted to
originally have formed a sequence of ultramafic to felsic volcanic flows, black
shales and quartz-bearing sedimentary rocks. High grade metamorphism has
converted these original lithologies to a variety of metamorphic equivalents,
including biotite-hornblende-garnet-pyroxene gneiss, migmatitic augen garnet-
hornblende-pyroxene gneiss, quartzo-feldspathic hornblende-biotite-pyroxene
gneiss, pyroxene-hornblende-biotite-garnet granulite and others. The entire
assemblage has been folded into a synform with a northwest-southeast axis,
complicated by numerous faults, some of which are spatially associated with gold
Recent research by geologists from the University of Western
Australia suggests that much of what has previously been considered to be of
Proterozic age (Usagaran System) may in fact be overprinted Archean crust. This
hypothesis has been invoked to help interpret the geology within which gold in
this area is found and as the basis for an analogy between this gold
mineralization and that found in less metamorphosed, bona fide Archean rocks in
the Lake Victoria gold district, a few hundred km to the northwest. However,
this is a hypothesis, only, one that may be used for exploration modeling
purposes but one that still requires more work.
The Handeni property is at an early stage of exploration. There
are no known mineral resources or reserves on the Handeni property, nor are
there any known deposits on the property.
Insufficient work has been completed on the Companys property
to be able to comment to any significant extent about the nature of gold
mineralization found and that may be found therein. However, comments regarding
mineralization may be made upon the basis of information released by CRI, the
Company that owns the immediately adjacent Magambazi gold deposit, a deposit
that remains the subject of an ongoing drilling program and geological studies
and which is considered to be the type occurrence/deposit for the evolving
Handeni district. The hill within which this deposit is found extends southeast
onto the Companys property.
According to the aforementioned report prepared by Dr.
Scheepers, gold is found within garnet-amphibolite zones within biotite-feldspar
gneiss at three locations in the Companys property, locations where historical
lode gold occurrences have been documented. Gold occurs in quartz veins as well
as within the garnet amphibolites adjacent to the quartz veins. Proof of this
association is informally corroborated by the testimony of local, artisanal
miners, who apparently recover gold both from quartz veins and gold-bearing
gneiss that is not quartz vein bearing. Gold in the Companys property has also
been documented in soils and placers, at a variety of locations, as well.
Exploration Activities
Whereas gold was known in the Handeni area prior to the arrival
in 2005 of the Companys predecessor, IPP Gold, there is no history of any
formal exploration in the area aside from limited work at Magambazi Hill itself.
IPP Golds initial work consisted of soil sampling and a ground magnetic survey
over an area of 200 square kilometers covering the area now located within
PL6743/2010 immediately east of Magambazi Hill. Over the five years that ensued,
this was followed by a series of exploration campaigns involving a variety of
exploration methods, in turn followed by interpretation and further work in an
iterative fashion. A table summarizing the work completed by IPP Gold (much of
which was completed under the supervision of Dr. Scheepers) may be found below.
Summary of Historical Exploration Work, Handeni Property
Trenching, Pitting & Sampling
Magambazi Hill
IPP Gold
Stream Sediment Sampling
Northeast quadrant of PL6744/2010
IPP Gold
Soil Sampling
East of Magambazi Hill
geophysically delineated zones in PL6779/2010 & PL6742/2010
IPP Gold
Airborne Magnetic & Radiometric Survey
PL6744/2010, PL6744/2010 &
South African Council for Geoscience
Geological Mapping
Over geochemically anomalous and
artisanal mining areas
IPP Gold
Ground Magnetic Survey
IPP Gold
Regional Structural Interpretation
Entire property
IPP Gold The Company
Several exploration targets were delineated on the basis of the
aforementioned work either based upon anomalous gold soil geochemical results
alone, or other features singly or in combination, that based upon gold deposit
models have been deemed significant. Paramount among these are structural
features are folds, shear zones, faults and thrust faults that have been
interpreted on the basis of the magnetic and radiometric data, particularly
where they have been seen to be coincident with anomalous gold in soils or
locations of historical artisanal mining. Regardless of the gold deposit model
one favors, structure is of fundamental significance as a conduit for and host
to gold bearing solutions and, in this light therefore, all locations where
anomalous gold has been found coincident with interpreted structures must be
considered significant, particularly at this early stage of exploration on the
Handeni property and in the district as a whole.
Conclusions and Recommendations
The author of the Handeni Report indicated that the most
important conclusions to be derived at this juncture are:
Based upon CRIs public disclosure, it appears as if a
bona fide gold deposit has been discovered at Magambazi Hill, a deposit
where ongoing drilling is finding more gold;
The southeast extension of Magambazi Hill and,
presumably, gold mineralization found within, continues onto the Companys
Historical placer and lode artisanal mining was a guide
to Magambazis potential;
There are a number of other locations where intensive
placer and artisanal gold mining took place within the Handeni property,
notably the Kwandege and Mjembe areas;
Processed airborne magnetic and radiometric data have
delineated linear features that have been interpreted to represent a
variety of structures such as shears, thrust faults and cross
Limited soil geochemical surveying, carried out across
some of these interpreted northwest-southeast trending structural
features, has revealed several locations hosting anomalous gold in soils
(statistically established to be gold values exceeding 10 parts per
Gold appears to be further concentrated at the
intersection between the northwest-southeast trending structural features
and northeast-southwest trending structural features, interpreted to
represent later cross faults; and
These associations suggest a relationship between
structures and gold, in turn providing a basis upon which
to select additional areas within the
Handeni property for more detailed gold exploration.
The Companys Exploration Activities Conducted in 2011/2012
During our fiscal year ended May 31, 2012, we achieved the
A helicopter based TEM electromagnetic and radiometric
aerial survey program was completed by FUGRO over the entire Company
licence area (800 km
) at 200 meter spaced flight lines in a
north-south direction. Electromagnetic (TEM) as well as radiometric data
for K (Potassium), U (Uranium), and Th (Thorium), as well as total count
was collected simultaneously for the 4740 line kilometres flown. Selected
areas were flown at a line spacing of 100 meters.
The interpreted data clearly delineated subsurface
geological features of importance to gold and base metal mineralization in
this high grade metamorphic terrain. The data proved to be invaluable in
the definition of structurally important sites and target
An intensive ground based geophysical program on the
Magambazi East as well as the Kwandege target zones was completed. This
data (combined with geochemical results) were used to create drill targets
on the two selected areas, the results of which are reported
A multi-element soil geochemical program was completed on
the Kwandege target delineating the extent of the mineralization zone and
assisting the interpretation of the geophysical data to locate drill
A large soil sampling program of two targets in
PL6743/2010 was initiated and is still continuing.
28 diamond core holes (5,347 meters) were drilled on the
Magambazi East and related targets (figure below). 20 of these holes (4228
m or 79.1% of the total 5347 meters of drilling) were drilled on the main
geophysical and geochemical anomaly considered to be an extension of the
main Magambazi Hill mineralization zone. A single hole (MZD 28; 159 m or
3.0%) was drilled on a potential mineralization zone north of the main
Magambazi mineralization trend and one hole (MZD 25; 201 m or 3.8%) was
drilled on a potential mineralization zone south of the main
mineralization zone. Both these zones were delineated by ground geophysics
and soil geochemistry producing well defined drill targets. Six holes (MZD
05, MZD 12, MZD 13, MZD 15, MZD 26 and MZD 27 totaling 445 m or 14.2%)
were drilled on targets potentially related to the Magambazi Hill
mineralization zones by faulting and / or folding.
Drill hole positions for the 28 drilled Magambazi core drill
The drilling program on the Magambazi
East targets outlined the following:
A gold enriched mineralization zone extends for a
distance of approximately 500 meters to the south east of the Magambazi
Hill mineralization as defined by CRI. Gold mineralization along the zone
is related to a folded sequence of garnet amphibolite and consists of free
gold closely related to quartz veins as well as gold related to sulphides
within this zone. The mineralization is structurally complex and is most
likely part of a synclinal structure plunging to the north west with
higher grade gold zones confined to the fold axis of steeply northwest
plunging secondary fold structures on the limbs of the syncline. The
repetition distances of these structures are unpredictable based on the
current results and drill spacing and an intensive and directed drilling
program will be needed to investigate their economic potential. The best
intersection achieved on the main zone was 4.2 g/t over 5
A mineralization zone to the north of the main zone (the
North eastern Zone) shows gold potential. The strike distance of this zone
on the Handeni Gold property is approximately 330 meters. Three
mineralized intersections were obtained. The zone may be interpreted as
refolded main zone on the north eastern flank of the syncline or a lower
amphibolite zone at a lower level of the main Magambazi synclinal
structure. The most promising intersection on this zone was 3.75 g/t over
1 meter.
A mineralization zone with a strike distance of
approximately 450 m to the south of the main zone (the South western Zone)
was intersected. The geological interpretation is the same as for the
North eastern zone. Four mineralized intersections were obtained in this
zone of which 1.31 g/t over 1 meter was the intersection
Evaluation of the economic potential of the three
mineralization zones will only be possible with closely spaced directional
drilling to follow out the mineralization. We will continue its evaluation
of the Magambazi East project based on a detailed interpretation of the
available drill core and an intensive program of close spaced ground
geophysics. The project will finally be ranked against 15 other already
identified targets (the decision to continue drilling on its Kwandege
project has already been taken) before a decision on a possible
continuation of the drilling program on Magambazi East will be taken.
Intercepts were reported as drilling widths due to extreme folding of
layers. More drilling will be needed to confirm true widths. For the holes
reported for this phase of the assay program sampling was conducted along
one meter continuous intervals of the core.
37 drill holes (4,989 meters in total) have been drilled
on the Kwandege mineralized zone, completing the first phase drilling
program on this project. The total number of drill holes on the main
Kwandege target for the first phase drilling phase were 33, including a
single hole abandoned due to bad drilling ground. 26 of the 32 drill holes
on the main Kwandege target yielded gold assay values of more than 0.5 g/t
over a one-meter interval or thicker intersection, whereas four of the
remaining holes had anomalous gold values of up to 0.49 g/t. Three holes
were drilled on a chargeability and radiometric target south of the main
Kwandege target and one on a potential south eastern extension of the main
Kwandege target (Figure below).
Kwandege drill hole positions.
Blue dots represent positions of
current artisanal workings and the area outlined in purple is an approximately
sulphide and radioelement enriched zone. Hole KW2_10 was drilled
on a potential south eastward extension of the main Kwandege mineralized zone.
Of the three drill holes drilled on the
chargeability zone (outlined in purple on figure above (KW3_01, KW3_02 and
KW3_03) (Fig. 1), all three intersected the zone associated with gold
mineralization in the Handeni area but only KW3_01 yielded anomalous gold values
of 0.24 g/t over 1 m intersections. Thus, despite large percentages of pyrite,
as well as some arsenopyrite being present in most of the core intersected on
the chargeability anomaly as outlined, general gold values over this anomaly are
unexpectedly low. The potential for gold on the perimeter of the chargeability
zone however remains high and further drilling is required.
Anomalous gold values were intercepted
over large portions of drill core in KW2_10, drilled on a potential south
eastern extension of the main Kwandege mineralization zone. Although no values
of economic grade are present in this single drill hole, the garnet amphibolite
(the favourable zone for gold mineralization) was intersected. The lower values
are most likely due to an unfavourable sub-surface structural intersection and
further drilling is necessary to assess the (new) south eastern extension of the
main Kwandege target.
The best intersections obtained on the
first phase of the Kwandege drilling project (32 holes) were:
KW2_01 with 4.40 g/t over 12 meters, including 29.5 g/t
over 1 m as well as 3.54 g/t over 1 m;
KW2_07 with 6.20 g/t over 5 m including 29.60 g/t over 1
KW1_08 with 1.1 g/t over 9 m including 5.67 g/t over 1
KW1_14 with 1.74 g/t over 6 m including 2.45 g/t over 2m
and 3.51 g/t over 1m;
KW1_07 and KW4_03 each with 2.11 g/t over 1 m,
KW2_08 with 3.70 g/t over 1 m.
An important feature of the Kwandege
target is the fact that low level gold values (0.5 g/t to 1 g/t) were
encountered in numerous intersections in the drill holes and also confirmed by
the latest assay results. Anomalous gold with some potentially economic
intersections have been encountered in an E - W (strike) direction of 1,501
meters (based on the results of the completed phase 1 drilling program). The
open ended nature of the mineralization in an E-W direction was confirmed. The
structural control on the gold mineralization is an important feature of
mineralization at Kwandege. Based on the current results, gold is particularly
enriched in the upper of two garnet amphibolite layers separated by a felsic
gneiss unit. Within the garnet amphibolite, gold is most likely concentrated
in the proximity of fold noses. The package of garnet amphibolite as well
as felsic gneiss units are contained within a SSW towards NNE thrust
A confined alluvial mining evaluation program was
initiated to investigate the potential to economically mine alluvial gold
on the prospecting licenses.
During our fiscal year ended May 31, 2013, the Company focused
its exploration efforts on:
the ranking of its seventeen identified targets and
upgrading of the most promising targets to drill target status;
detailed work on the Kwandege project to plan the second
phase of drilling; and
the evaluation of selected alluvial
During the fiscal year ended May 31, 2013, we:
collected a total of 5,050 soil samples (including blanks
and standards) from targets in PL6743 that are currently being analyzed by
XRF and prepared for submission to assay laboratories.
Conducted, in collaboration with the Tanzanian Geological
Survey, a soil sampling program on Target 6 on PL6779/2010 consisting of a
total of 2,658 soil samples and standards have been completed. The soil
samples are currently being analyzed.
received the results of the soil sampling program on
Target 5 which to date are highly encouraging with gold in soil values of
up to 200 ppb encountered. Au (gold) assay results were received for 2,331
samples. The geochemical target coincides with a magnetic and
electro-magnetic geophysical anomaly on surface over an area of
approximately 1.8 km (N-S) by 900 m (E-W). The anomalous gold zone
apparently dips E - SE as part of a large fold structure. High Au values
coincide with topographic highs. The evaluation of this target will be
continued by pitting, trenching and ground IP.
completed the field work to evaluate the alluvial
potential of the area selected in the vicinity of our Magambazi East
completed the geophysical evaluation of our four
completed a detailed structural investigation into
structural controls on gold mineralization on our 4 prospecting
completed the evaluation of the alluvial, eluvial and
colluvial mineralization of a target to the east of Magambazi hill. The
fluvial regime showed the highest potential but the average grade is not
high enough to warrant a full scale alluvial operation on this target. The
Company will continue its alluvial exploration program and the next target
on the list is the alluvial potential of targets surrounding the Kwandege
and Mjembe deposits.
completed a structural model on the 800km
license area and used this to modify the model and style of
mineralization envisaged for the Handeni district. The Company is
currently applying this model to better understand our current targets and
to assist the generation of drill positions for each target. Ground
geophysics will be utilized to support the structural model.
completed a ground geophysics investigation on the Mjembe
target to the southeast of Magambazi. The Company completed a soil
sampling program and the desk top XRF analyses of 5,028 samples and
standards on the Mjembe project. Combined with the geophysics and the
structural geology the geochemical signature of this mineralized area is
highly encouraging.
During the nine months ended February 28, 2014, we:
Completed our evaluation process of the application of
XRF to identify soil samples with a high likelihood to contain anomalous
gold values. This process was completed with the submission of 232 of 5028
soil samples for gold assay of which 57% returned anomalous
Completed the XRF analyses of 5,672 soil samples,
standards and blanks of target A. These samples will be treated
statistically and those with a high likelihood of anomalous gold will be
submitted for assays.
Engaged on a detailed structural interpretation of the
Kwandege target with the aim of completion the final recommendations for
the further drilling of this target.
Submitted 84 samples for gold assay as a pilot
investigation on one of the targets on PL6743/2010. In combination with
the large amount of XRF results conducted on this target the soil sampling
method will be adapted to yield the best possible results in the Handeni
Completed mapping and lithogeochemical sampling on Target
5 and submitted samples for gold assays.
Completed the preliminary structural interpretation on
our Mjembe target.
Completed a detailed geological map of the Mjembe
Completed a ground magnetic survey of the Mjembe
Conducted XRF analyses on approximately 75% of all core
samples assayed for gold to date.
Initiated mapping programs on Target
Mkuvia Alluvial Gold Project
The Mkuvia Alluvial Gold Project is comprised of four PLs
covering a total area of 380 square kilometers and is located in the Nachingwea
District, Lindi Region of the Republic of Tanzania. The Company is aware that
the four prospecting licenses expired during May and June of 2012. The Company
is currently evaluating whether any viable interest remains in these PLs, but no
final determination has been made as of yet.
Compliance with Government Regulation
We are subject to local laws and regulation governing the
exploration, development, mining, production, importing and exporting of
minerals; taxes; labor standards; occupational health; waste disposal;
protection of the environment; mine safety; toxic substances; and other matters.
We require licenses and permits to conduct exploration and mining operations.
Amendments to current laws and regulations governing operations and activities
of mining companies or more stringent implementation thereof could have a
material adverse impact on our Company. Applicable laws and regulations will
require us to make certain capital and operating expenditures to initiate new
operations. Under certain circumstances, we may be required to close an
operation once it is started until a particular problem is remedied or to
undertake other remedial actions. This would have a material adverse effect on
our results and financial condition.
Our mineral interests in Tanzania are currently held under PLs
granted pursuant to the Mining Act for an initial period of three years and are
renewable in two successive periods of two years only. The annual rental fees
following the first renewal will be US$150 per square kilometer per year and
following the second renewal the rental fee will be US$200 per square kilometer
per year. There is also an initial one-time preparation fee of $200 per
license. Upon renewal, we pay a fee of $300 per license. Renewals of our PLs can
take many months and even years to process by the regulatory authority in
All PLs in Tanzania require the holder to employ and train
local residents, typically amounting to $5,000 per year, and make exploration
expenditures, as set out in the Mining Act. At each renewal, at least 50% of our
licensed area must be relinquished. If we wish to keep the relinquished one-half
portion, we must file a new application for the relinquished portion.
The geographical area covered by a PL may contain one or more
previously granted PML. A PML is a mining license granted only to a Tanzanian
citizen consisting of an area of not to exceed 10 hectares. Once a PL is
granted, no additional PMLs can be granted within the geographical area covered
by the PL. The PL is subject to the rights of previously granted and existing
PMLs. The holder of a PL will have to work around the geographical area of the
PML unless the PL holder acquires the PML and any rights to the land covered by
the PML.
We must hold a mining license to carry on mining activities,
which are granted only to the holder of a PL covering a particular area. A
mining license is granted for a period of 25 years or the life of the mine. It
is renewable for a period not exceeding 15 years. Other than the PMLs being held
under Handeni Resources, we do not hold any mining licenses, only PLs. An
application for the 32 PMLs being held under agreement by Handeni Resources to
be changed into a mining license (ML) is underway. Prospecting and mining
license holders must submit regular reports in accordance with mining
regulations. Upon commercial production, the government of Tanzania imposes a
royalty on the gross value of all production at the rate of 3% of all gold
produced. The applicable regulatory body in Tanzania is the Ministry of Energy
and Minerals.
In July 1999, environmental management and protection
regulations under the Mining Act came into force. An environmental impact
statement and an environmental management plan must accompany special mining
license, mining license and gemstone mining license applications for mineral
rights. In addition to the establishment of environmental regulations, the
Tanzanian government has improved management procedures for effective monitoring
and enforcement of these regulations by strengthening the institutional
capacity, especially in the field offices. The government has provided rules for
the creation of reclamation funds to reinstate land to alternative uses after
mining and it has developed guidelines for mining in restricted areas, such as
forest reserves, national parks, near sources of water and other designated
areas. These regulations have not had any material effect on our operations to
We operate in a highly competitive industry, competing with
other mining and exploration companies, and institutional and individual
investors, which are actively seeking minerals exploration properties throughout
the world together with the equipment, labour and materials required to exploit
such properties. Many of our competitors have financial resources, staff and
facilities substantially greater than ours. The principal area of competition is
encountered in the financial ability to cost effectively acquire prime minerals
exploration prospects and then exploit such prospects. Competition for the
acquisition of minerals exploration properties is intense, with many properties
available in a competitive bidding process in which we may lack technological
information or expertise available to other bidders. Therefore, we may not be
successful in acquiring, exploring and developing profitable properties in the
face of this competition. No assurance can be given that a sufficient number of
suitable minerals exploration properties will be available for acquisition,
exploration and development.
Other than our directors and executive officers, we had, as of
February 28, 2014, approximately six full-time equivalent employees located in
Tanzania. We also retain independent geologists and consultants on a contract
basis to conduct the work programs on our mineral properties in order to carry
out our plan of operations.
Research and Development Expenditures
We have not incurred any research or development expenditures
since our incorporation.
The Company has two subsidiaries, both of which are Tanzanian
companies: (i) HG Limited (formerly DLM Tanzania Limited); and (ii) Douglas Lake
Tanzania Limited, which is inactive.
Plan of Operations
Our plan of operations is to continue to focus on the
exploration of our Handeni mineral property in Tanzania, and the budget for this
plan requires approximately $1.5 million for our plan of the exploration work
and $1.0 million for our general and administration expenses, professional and
consulting fees and other operating expenses.
Other exploration related activities currently under way on the
Companys Handeni licenses include:
Identification of potential alluvial mining areas other
than those currently know and being evaluated by utilizing remote sensing
A detailed interpretation of already collected
geophysical data.
A petrological, geochemical and mineralogical
investigation of the Kwandege drill core to understand the style of gold
mineralization at this locality.
A structural evaluation of the Kwandege target to
evaluate further drilling.
Continued work on development of other targets to drill
target status.
Detailed structural work on the Mjembe target as well as
on targets on PL6743/2010.
Adapting our soil sampling technique to yield the best
possible results under the conditions experienced in the Handeni district
further increasing exploration activity at a reduced cost.
On receiving our final license coordinates to adapt the
exploration plan to suit the new areas the best.
Evaluate the possibility of expanding our exploration
ground in the Handeni district.
The estimated budget for the completion of these exploration
programs is provided below:
Ground Geophysics
Mapping, trenching, sampling, etc.
Geologists, field personnel and general exploration
Sundry & contingencies
During the nine months ended February 28, 2014, we spent
approximately $181,000 cash on exploration, annual property rental and licenses
renewal fees. We were not able to make further expenditures to further our plan
of operations due to our funding limitation. We also spent approximately
$364,000 cash on other operating expenses.
After reviewing our planned budget, we decided to reduce our
general and administration expenditure budget to $200,000 and exploration budget
to $200,000 for our fourth fiscal quarter ending May 31, 2014.
We will continue our planned $1.5 million exploration and
drilling program through our next fiscal year ending May 31, 2015. As such, we
estimated that we will need approximately $2.9 million additional funds in order
to cover our working capital deficit of $0.6 million as at February 28, 2014 and
to continue pursuing our planned operations through our next fiscal year ending
May 31, 2015 ($1.4 million for our plan of the exploration work and $0.9 million
for our general and administration expenses). Our actual expenditures may exceed
our estimations.
We anticipate that we will not generate any revenues for so
long as we are an exploration stage company. Accordingly, we will be required to
obtain additional financing in order to pursue our plan of operations.
We believe that external debt financing will not be an
alternative for funding our next fiscal year exploration, as we do not have
significant tangible assets to secure any debt financing. Therefore, we
anticipate that additional funding will be in the form of equity financing from
the sale of our common stock and/or related parties debt financing. We cannot
provide investors with any assurance that we will be able to obtain sufficient
financing to fund our acquisition and exploration program going forward. In the
absence of sufficient funding, we will not be able to continue acquisition and
exploration of mineral claims and we will be forced to abandon our mineral
claims and our plan of operations. Even if we are successful in obtaining
financing to fund our acquisition and exploration program, there is no assurance
that we will obtain the funding necessary to pursue any advanced exploration of
any mineral claims.
Results of Operations
We have had no operating revenues since our inception (January
5, 2004) to February 28, 2014. The following table sets out our losses for the
periods indicated:
Accumulated from
the Three Months Ended,
the Nine Months Ended,
January 5, 2004
(Date of Inception) to
February 28, 2014
February 28, 2013
February 28, 2014
February 28, 2013
February 28, 2014
Consulting fees
Exploration expenses
Loss (Gain) on disposal or write-down
of equipment
General and administrative
Impairment of mineral property
Interest expenses
Travel and investor relations
Total Expenses
Loss From Operations
Other Income (Expenses)
Gain on write-down of accrued
Impairment of marketable securities (Note 6)
Interest income
Loss on sale of investment securities
Recovery (Loss) on write-down of
amounts receivable
Mineral property option payments received
Recovery of mineral property costs
for stock not issuable
Total other (Expenses) / Income
Net Loss
Other Comprehensive Loss
Unrealized gain (loss) on marketable
Comprehensive Loss
Three Months Ended February 28, 2014 Compared to Three
Months Ended February 28, 2013
Our net loss for the three months ended February 28, 2014 was
$322,000, compared to $549,000 for the same period ended February 28, 2013,
mainly due to the following operation expenses changes.
Our operating expenses for the three months ended February 28,
2014 decreased by $242,000 to $322,000 from $564,000 for the same period ended
February 28, 2013, as follows:
our consulting, general and administrative fees decreased by $80,000 to
$138,000 during the period ended February 28, 2014 (2013 - $218,000),
primarily due to decreases of $53,000 in consulting fees and $27,000 in
general and administrative fees as a result of continuing cost management; our
exploration expenses decreased by $135,000 to $71,000 during the three months
ended February 28, 2014 (2013 - $206,000) due to decreased exploration
activities caused by our funding limitation during the three months ended
February 28, 2014;
interest expenses increased to $23,000 during the three months ended
February 28, 2014 (2013 - $Nil), which represented deemed interest on interest
free unsecured loans from a related party. Such deemed interest was recorded
as donated capital;
our professional fees decreased by $26,000 to $16,000 during the three
months ended February 28, 2014 (2013 - $42,000) primarily due to continuing
decreased legal and accounting services as a result of more work performed in-
house by management to save the cost;
our rent expenses decreased by $5,000 to $18,000 during the three months
ended February 28, 2014 (2013 - $23,000) as a result of a 50% reduction in the
physical size of our Tanzania office.
our travel and investor relations expenses decreased by $20,000 to $10,000
during the three months ended February 28, 2014 (2013 - $30,000) primarily due
to continuing less travel expenses and cost management.
Nine Months Ended February 28, 2014 Compared to Nine
Months Ended February 28, 2013
Our net loss for the nine months ended February 28, 2014 was
$1,922,000, compared to $3,837,000 for the same period ended February 28, 2013,
mainly due to $1,000,000 (2013: $1,600,000) permanent impairment of marketable
securities and the following operation expenses changes.
Our operating expenses for the nine months ended February 28,
2014 decreased by $1,330,000 to $923,000 from $2,253,000 for the same period
ended February 28, 2013, as follows:
our consulting, general and administrative fees decreased by $767,000 to
$405,000 during the period ended February 28, 2014 (2013 - $1,172,000),
primarily due to decreases of $278,000 in cash expenditures and $489,000 in
stock- based compensation. The stock-based compensation included in
consulting, general and administrative fees was $Nil during the nine months
ended February 28, 2014 (2013 - $489,000); Excluding the stock-based
compensation, our other consulting, general and administrative fees decreased
by $278,000 to $405,000 during the nine months ended February 28, 2014 (2013 -
$683,000), primarily due to continuing cost management;
our exploration expenses decreased by $432,000 to $181,000 during the nine
months ended February 28, 2014 (2013 - $613,000) due to decreased exploration
and drilling activities caused by our funding limitation during the nine
months ended February 28, 2014;
interest expenses increased to $59,000 during the nine months ended
February 28, 2014 (2013 - $Nil), which represented deemed interest on interest
free unsecured loans from a related party. Such deemed interest was recorded
as donated capital;
our professional fees decreased by $102,000 to $52,000 during the nine
months ended February 28, 2014 (2013 - $154,000) primarily due to continuing
decreased legal and accounting services as a result of more work performed in-
house by management to save the cost;
our rent expenses increased by $1,000 to $70,000 during the nine months
ended February 28, 2014 (2013 - $69,000) mainly due to $25,200 rent included
in the nine months ended February 28, 2014 representing 60% of rental expense
associated with renting our Chief Executive Officers family house in Tanzania
pursuant to the Executive Services Agreement, offset by a decrease on the rent
on our Tanzania office as a result of a 50% reduction in the physical size of
such office. Such $25,200 rent for 2012 was paid in the fiscal year ended May
31, 2012.
our travel and investor relations expenses decreased by $80,000 to $15,000
during the nine months ended February 28, 2014 (2013 - $95,000) primarily due
to significantly less travel and investor relations expenses and cost
Liquidity and Capital Resources
The Company has been reviewing its budgets for its current
business needs and its further exploration. As outlined above under the heading
Plan of Operations, we estimate that our total expenditures through our next
fiscal year ending May 31, 2015 will be approximately $2.3 million. As at
February 28, 2014, we had cash of $141,000 and a working capital deficit of
$574,000. As such, we believe that we have insufficient capital to fund our plan
of operations and we estimate we will be required to obtain a minimum of $2.9
million additional funds in order to pursue our planned operations through to
our fiscal year ending May 31, 2015.
On December 7, 2012, we entered into a facility agreement with
IPP Ltd. a private company controlled by our Chairman of the Board of Directors.
The funding is in the form of an interest free unsecured loan to the Company of
up to $720,000 through and including June 2013. As of the date of this report,
we received a total of $695,683 which is due to be repaid on or before December
31, 2013 pursuant to this facility agreement. On September 4, 2013, the loan
repayment due date has been amended and extended from December 31, 2013 to June
30, 2014 by the Company and IPP Ltd.
On October 9, 2013, the Company entered into a facility
agreement with Consultancy & Finance Company Associates Ltd, a private
company controlled by the chairman of the Company. The facility agreement funds
the Companys working capital up to March 2014. The funding is in the form of an
interest free unsecured loan to the Company of up to $405,000 by way of monthly
drawdowns of a maximum amount of US$75,000 per calendar month. As of the date of
this report, we received a total of $325,000 which is due to be repaid on or
before June 30, 2014 pursuant to this facility agreement.
As at February 28, 2014, there was $571,000 (TZS 929 million)
of recoverable value added tax paid in Tanzania. Such recoverable amounts were
included in our working capital. On December 6, 2013, the Company received Notes
of Discussion signed by Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) to confirm that TRA
tax audit has been completed and the Company had been appropriately paid and
filed all requested taxes. This TRA tax audit was done in line with verification
of the Companys VAT refund claim for the period covering March 2012 to August
2012 amounting to approximately $550,000 (TZS 894,719,371). The Company is
expecting to receive this VAT refund from TRA shortly; however, at the date of
this report the Company has not received such refund from TRA.
We have not generated revenues since the date of inception on
January 5, 2004, and our cash has been generated primarily from the sale of our
securities. During the 12-month period following the date of this report, we
anticipate that we will not generate any revenue. We anticipate that additional
funding will be in the form of equity financing from the sale of our common
stock, debt financing, joint ventures or some combination of these or other
means. We believe that external debt financing will not be an alternative at
this stage for funding additional phases of our exploration as we do not have
significant tangible assets to secure any debt financing.
We cannot provide investors with any assurance that we will be
able to raise sufficient funding to continue our acquisition and exploration
program going forward. If we are not able to obtain financing in the amounts
required or on terms that are acceptable to us, we may be forced to scale back,
or abandon, our plan of operations. Even if we are successful in obtaining
equity and/or debt financing to fund our acquisition and exploration program,
there is no assurance that we will obtain the funding necessary to pursue any
advanced exploration of any mineral claims. If we do not continue to obtain
additional funding, we will be forced to abandon our mineral claims and our plan
of operations.
Net Cash Used in Operating Activities
Net cash used in operating activities was $545,000 during the
nine months ended February 28, 2014, as compared to $1,366,000 during the same
period in 2013. The significant lower cash expenditure during the nine months
ended February 28, 2014 was mainly due to the Company lower exploration and
operating expenses during the period. Net cash used in operating activities from
our inception on January 5, 2004 to February 28, 2014 was $19.8 million.
Net Cash Used in Investing Activities
Net cash provided in investing activities was $5,000 during the
nine months ended February 28, 2014, mainly due to proceeds from disposal of an
automobile vehicle. During the same period in 2013, net cash provided in
investing activities was $13,000 due to $22,000 of proceeds from disposal of an
automobile vehicle and $9,000 used in purchase of office equipment. Net cash
used in investing activities from our inception on January 5, 2004 to nine
months ended February 28, 2014 was $830,000 mainly used in purchase of property
and equipment.
Net Cash from Financing Activities
During the nine months ended February 28, 2014, we received a
$475,000 loans due to related parties, as compared to $396,000 loans received
from a related party and $500,000 net cash received from issuance of common
stock during the same period in 2013. From our inception on January 5, 2004 to
February 28, 2014, net cash provided by financing activities was $20,734,000. We
have funded our business to date primarily from sales of our common stock.
There are no assurances that we will be able to achieve further
sales of our common stock or any other form of additional financing. If we are
unable to achieve the financing necessary to continue our plan of operations,
then we will not be able to continue our exploration of the property underlying
our mineral claim interest and our venture will fail.
Going Concern
We have not attained profitable operations and are dependent
upon obtaining financing to pursue any extensive exploration activities. In
addition, we had a $574,000 working capital deficit as at February 28, 2014. For
these reasons our auditors stated in their report on our audited financial
statements for the year ended May 31, 2013 that they have substantial doubt we
will be able to continue as a going concern.
Future Financings
We anticipate continuing to rely on equity sales of our common
shares, debt financing from our related parties, and/or other financing in order
to continue to fund our business operations over next fiscal year ending May 31,
2015. Issuances of additional shares will result in dilution to our existing
shareholders. There is no assurance that we will achieve any additional sales of
our equity securities or arrange for debt or other financing to fund our planned
exploration activities.
Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements
We have no significant off-balance sheet arrangements that have
or are reasonably likely to have a current or future effect on our financial
condition, changes in financial condition, revenues or expenses, results of
operations, liquidity, capital expenditures or capital resources that is
material to stockholders.
Related Party Transactions
The details of related party transactions are disclosed in
footnote 9 of our Companys interim unaudited consolidated financial statements
for the fiscal quarter ended February 28, 2014 (Item 1, above).
Segment Disclosures
The Company operates in one reportable segment, located in
Tanzania Africa, being the acquisition and exploration of mineral properties.
The details of segment disclosures are disclosed in footnote 17 of our Companys
interim unaudited consolidated financial statements for the fiscal quarter ended
February 28, 2014 (Item 1, above).
We do not believe that inflation has had a significant impact
on our consolidated results of operations or financial condition.
Contractual Obligations
On December 7, 2012, the Company entered into a facility
agreement with IPP Ltd., a private company controlled by the chairman of
Handeni Gold Inc. The funding is in the form of an interest free unsecured
loan of up to $720,000 to the Company by way of monthly drawdowns of a
maximum amount of US$100,000 per calendar month up to and including June
2013. The total amount drawn down by the Company is due to be repaid on or
before June 30, 2014. As at February 28, 2014, IPP Ltd. had provided a
total of $695,683 to the Company pursuant to this facility
On October 9, 2013, the Company entered into a facility
agreement with Consultancy & Finance Company Associates Ltd.
(C&F), a private company controlled by the chairman of the Company.
The funding is in the form of an interest free unsecured loan to the
Company of up to $405,000 by way of monthly drawdowns of a maximum amount
of US$75,000 per calendar month. The facility agreement funds the
Companys working capital up to March 2014. The total amount drawn down by
the Company is due to be repaid on or before June 30, 2014. As at February
28, 2014, C&F had provided a total of $325,000 to the Company pursuant
to this facility agreement.
In May 2011, the Company entered a Vancouver office lease
agreement commencing October 1, 2011 for a term of three years expiring
September 30, 2014 and a base rent of Cdn $4,050 per month subject to 4%
increase each year; in the meantime, the Company had paid Cdn $192,853 as
deposit and prepaid rent. As at February 28, 2014, there was Cdn $28,568
of such prepaid rent and deposit remained.
Critical Accounting Policies
Our financial statements and accompanying notes have been
prepared in accordance with United States generally accepted accounting
principles applied on a consistent basis. The preparation of financial
statements in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles
requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported
amounts of assets and liabilities, the disclosure of contingent assets and
liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of
revenues and expenses during the reporting periods.
We regularly evaluate the accounting policies and estimates
that we use to prepare our financial statements. In general, managements
estimates are based on historical experience, on information from third party
professionals, and on various other assumptions that are believed to be
reasonable under the facts and circumstances. Actual results could differ from
those estimates made by management.
We believe the following critical accounting policies require
us to make significant judgments and estimates in the preparation of our
consolidated financial statements.
Basis of Presentation
The Companys consolidated financial statements and related
notes are presented in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted
in the United States, and are expressed in U.S. dollars. The Companys
consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the Company and its
subsidiaries described as follows. In June 2011, the Company incorporated in
Tanzania a new wholly-owned subsidiary, DLM Tanzania Limited (now known as HG
Limited), which undertakes mineral property exploration activities in Tanzania. The Company also
has a wholly-owned non-operating Tanzanian subsidiary (Douglas Lake Tanzania
All significant intercompany transactions and balances have
been eliminated. The Companys fiscal year-end is May 31.
Use of Estimates
The preparation of consolidated financial statements in
accordance with United States generally accepted accounting principles requires
management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of
assets and liabilities at the date of the consolidated financial statements and
the reported amounts of revenue and expenses in the reporting period. The
Company regularly evaluates estimates and assumptions related to the
recoverability and useful life of long-lived assets, mineral prospecting
licenses, stock-based compensation, deferred income tax asset valuation
allowances and contingent liabilities. The Company bases its estimates and
assumptions on current facts, historical experience and various other factors
that it believes to be reasonable under the circumstances, the results of which
form the basis for making judgments about the carrying values of assets and
liabilities and the accrual of costs and expenses that are not readily apparent
from other sources. The actual results experienced by the Company may differ
materially and adversely from the Companys estimates. To the extent there are
material differences between the estimates and the actual results, future
results of operations will be affected.
Basic and Diluted Net Income (Loss) Per Share
The Company computes net income (loss) per share in accordance
with ASC 260,
Earnings per Share
which requires presentation of both
basic and diluted earnings per share (EPS) on the face of the income
statement. Basic EPS is computed by dividing net income (loss) available to
common shareholders (numerator) by the weighted average number of shares
outstanding (denominator) during the period. Diluted EPS gives effect to all
dilutive potential common shares outstanding during the period using the
treasury stock method and convertible preferred stock using the if-converted
method. In computing diluted EPS, the average stock price for the period is used
in determining the number of shares assumed to be purchased from the exercise of
stock options or warrants. Diluted EPS excludes all dilutive potential shares if
their effect is anti-dilutive.
Comprehensive Income (Loss)
ASC 220,
Comprehensive Income
establishes standards for
the reporting and display of comprehensive income (loss) and its components in
the financial statements.
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents are carried at fair value and they
comprise cash on hand, deposits held with banks and other highly liquid
investments. Highly liquid investments are readily convertible to cash and
generally have maturities of three months or less from the time acquired. The
Company places its cash and cash equivalents with high quality financial
institutions which the Company believes limits credit risk.
Marketable Securities
The Company reports investments in marketable equity securities
at fair value based on quoted market prices. All investment securities are
designated as available for sale with unrealized gains and losses included in
stockholders equity. Unrealized losses that are other than temporary are
recognized in earnings. Realized gains and losses are accounted for on the
specific identification method.
The Company periodically reviews these investments for
other-than-temporary declines in fair value based on the specific identification
method and writes down investments to their fair value when an other-than-
temporary decline has occurred. When determining whether a decline is
other-than-temporary, the Company examines (i) the length of time and the extent
to which the fair value of an investment has been lower than its carrying value:
(ii) the financial condition and near-term prospects of the investee, including
any specific events that may influence the operations of the investee such as
changes in technology that may impair the earnings potential of the investee:
and (iii) the Companys intent and ability to retain its investment in the
investee for a sufficient period of time to allow for any anticipated recovery
in market value. The Company generally believes that an other-than-temporary
decline has occurred when the fair value of the investment is below the carrying
value for one year, absent of evidence to the contrary.
Property and Equipment
Equipment consists of office furniture and equipment,
automobiles, camp and equipment, and computer software recorded at cost and depreciated on a straight-line basis as follows:
3 years
Camp and equipment
3 years
Computer software
1 year
Office furniture and equipment
3 years
Mineral Property Costs
The Company has been in the exploration stage since its
inception on January 5, 2004 and has not yet realized any revenues from its
planned operations. It is primarily engaged in the acquisition and exploration
of mining properties. Mineral property exploration costs are expensed as
incurred. Mineral property acquisition costs are initially capitalized. The
Company assesses the carrying costs for impairment under ASC 360,
Plant, and Equipment
at each fiscal quarter end. When it has been determined
that a mineral property can be economically developed as a result of
establishing proven and probable reserves, the costs then incurred to develop
such property, are capitalized. Such costs will be amortized using the
units-of-production method over the estimated life of the probable reserve. If
mineral properties are subsequently abandoned or impaired, any capitalized costs
will be charged to operations.
Long-Lived Assets
In accordance with ASC 360,
Property Plant and Equipment
the Company tests long-lived assets or asset groups for recoverability when
events or changes in circumstances indicate that their carrying amount may not
be recoverable. Circumstances which could trigger a review include, but are not
limited to: significant decreases in the market price of the asset; significant
adverse changes in the business climate or legal factors; accumulation of costs
significantly in excess of the amount originally expected for the acquisition or
construction of the asset; current period cash flow or operating losses combined
with a history of losses or a forecast of continuing losses associated with the
use of the asset; and current expectation that the asset will more likely than
not be sold or disposed significantly before the end of its estimated useful
life. Recoverability is assessed based on the carrying amount of the asset and
its fair value which is generally determined based on the sum of the
undiscounted cash flows expected to result from the use and the eventual
disposal of the asset, as well as specific appraisal in certain instances. An
impairment loss is recognized when the carrying amount is not recoverable and
exceeds fair value.
Asset Retirement Obligations
The Company accounts for asset retirement obligations in
accordance with the provisions of ASC 440
Asset Retirement and Environmental
which requires the Company to record the fair value of an asset
retirement obligation as a liability in the period in which it incurs a legal
obligation associated with the retirement of tangible long-lived assets that
result from the acquisition, construction, development and/or normal use of the
Financial Instruments
ASC 825,
Financial Instruments
requires an entity to
maximize the use of observable inputs and the fair value of financial
instruments, which include cash and cash equivalents, restricted cash
equivalent, restricted marketable securities, accounts payable and loan from
related party were estimated to approximate their carrying values due to the
immediate or short-term maturities of these financial instruments.
The Companys operations are in Canada and Africa, which
results in exposure to market risks from changes in foreign currency rates. The
financial risk is the risk to the Companys operations that arise from
fluctuations in foreign exchange rates and the degree of volatility of these
rates. Currently, the Company does not use derivative instruments to reduce its
exposure to foreign currency risk.
Income Taxes
The Company accounts for income taxes using the asset and
liability method in accordance with ASC 740,
Income Taxes.
The asset and
liability method provides that deferred tax assets and liabilities are
recognized for the expected future tax consequences of temporary differences
between the financial reporting and tax bases of assets and liabilities, and for
operating loss and tax credit carry-forwards. Deferred tax assets and
liabilities are measured using the currently enacted tax rates and laws that
will be in effect when the differences are expected to reverse. The Company
records a valuation allowance to reduce deferred tax assets to the amount that
is believed more likely than not to be realized.
Foreign Currency Translation
The functional and reporting currency of the Company is the
United States dollar. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign
currencies are translated to United States dollars in accordance with ASC 830,
Foreign Currency Translation Matters
, using the exchange rate prevailing
at the balance sheet date. Non-monetary assets and liabilities denominated in
foreign currencies are translated at rates of exchange in effect at the date of
the transaction. Average rates are used to translate revenues and expenses.
Gains and losses arising on translation or settlement of
foreign currency denominated transactions or balances are included in the
determination of income. The Company has not, to the date of these financial
statements, entered into derivative instruments to offset the impact of foreign
currency fluctuations.
To the extent that the Company incurs transactions that are not
denominated in its functional currency, they are undertaken in Canadian dollars
and Tanzanian shillings. The Company has not, to the date of these financial
statements, entered into derivative instruments to offset the impact of foreign
currency fluctuations.
Stock-based Compensation
The Company records stock-based compensation in accordance with
ASC 718,
Compensation Stock Based Compensation
and ASC 505,
Based Payments to Non-Employees
, which requires the measurement and
recognition of compensation expense based on estimated fair values for all
share-based awards made to employees and directors, including stock options.
ASC 718 requires companies to estimate the fair value of
share-based awards on the date of grant using an option-pricing model. The
Company uses the Black-Scholes option-pricing model as its method of determining
fair value. This model is affected by the Companys stock price as well as
assumptions regarding a number of subjective variables. These subjective
variables include, but are not limited to the Companys expected stock price
volatility over the term of the awards, and actual and projected employee stock
option exercise behaviours. The value of the portion of the award that is
ultimately expected to vest is recognized as an expense in the statement of
operations over the requisite service period.
All transactions in which goods or services are the
consideration received for the issuance of equity instruments are accounted for
based on the fair value of the consideration received or the fair value of the
equity instrument issued, whichever is more reliably measurable.
Recent Issued Accounting Pronouncements
The Company has implemented all new accounting pronouncements
that are in effect and that may impact its consolidated financial statements and
does not believe that there are any other new accounting pronouncements that
have been issued that might have a material impact on its financial position or
results of operations.
Certain reclassifications have been made to the prior years
financial statements to conform to the current years presentation.