Managements Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of
The following discussion of our financial condition, changes in
financial condition and results of operations for the three months ended August
31, 2016 and 2015 should be read in conjunction with our unaudited interim
consolidated financial statements and related notes for the three months ended
August 31, 2016 and 2015 included herewith and our audited consolidated
financial statements as at May 31, 2016 and 2015 included in our Annual Report
on Form 10-K for our fiscal year ended May 31, 2016 as filed with the SEC. All
financial information in this Managements Discussion and Analysis (MD&A
or the discussion) is expressed and prepared in conformity with U.S. generally
accepted accounting principles. All dollar references are to the U.S. dollar,
the Companys reporting currency, unless otherwise noted. Some numbers in this
MD&A have been rounded to the nearest thousand for discussion purposes.
This MD&A contains forward-looking statements that
involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions with respect to the Companys
activities and future financial results, which are made based upon managements
current expectations and beliefs. These forward-looking statements involve risks
and uncertainties, including statements regarding the Companys capital needs,
business plans and expectations. Our actual results may differ materially from
those anticipated in these forward-looking statements as a result of many
factors, including, but not limited to, those set forth under Risk Factors and
elsewhere in this annual report. Any statements contained herein that are not
statements of historical facts may be deemed to be forward-looking statements.
Management disclaims any obligation to publicly update these statements, or
disclose any difference between its actual results and those reflected in these
statements. Given these uncertainties, readers are cautioned not to place undue
reliance on such forward-looking statements.
We are engaged in the acquisition and exploration of mineral
properties. Our principal area of focus is the Handeni Gold Project located in
the Handeni district, within the Tanga region of the Republic of Tanzania in
East Africa, in which we have interests in mineral claims through prospecting
licenses (PLs) and/or primary mining licenses (PMLs) issued by the
government of the Republic of Tanzania. None of our mineral claims contain any
substantiated mineral deposits, resources or reserves of minerals to date.
Exploration has been carried out on these claims, in particular the eight PLs in
the Handeni District. Accordingly, additional exploration of these mineral
claims is required before any conclusion can be drawn as to whether any
commercially viable mineral deposit may exist on any of our mineral claims. Our
plan of operations is to continue exploration and drilling work when funds are
available in order to ascertain whether our mineral claims warrant further
advanced exploration to determine whether they possess commercially exploitable
deposits of minerals. We will not be able to determine whether or not any of our
mineral claims contain a commercially exploitable mineral deposit, resource or
reserve, until appropriate exploratory work has been completed and an economic
evaluation based on that work concludes economic viability.
We are considered an exploration or exploratory stage company,
because we are involved in the examination and investigation of land that we
believe may contain valuable minerals, for the purpose of discovering the
presence of ore, if any, and its extent. There is no assurance that a
commercially viable mineral deposit exists on the properties underlying our
mineral claim interests, and considerable further exploration will be required
before a final evaluation as to the economic and legal feasibility for our
future exploration is determined.
Illegal artisanal activity on the Companys license areas is a
continuous and remaining concern to the companys interests in the Handeni
district. During the past 2 years illegal artisanal activities on our properties
seriously interfered with the companys exploration programs as outlined in our
quarterly reports. The Company has and is addressing this issue with responsible
local, regional and central government authorities on a continuous basis. The
Company was given assurances by the Ministry of Energy and Minerals (the MEM)
that illegal artisanal miners would be removed from our target areas, including
Mjembe and Target 5 following an agreed date of at first 24 November 2015, then
postponed to April 2, 2016.The Company can now gladly report that on 16 and 20
June 2016 illegal miners were removed by governmental authorities and the police
force from two of our target areas namely Ngwila and Mjembe. The Company is
establishing a base camp on the Mjembe site to continue with exploration and to
secure the site from interference by illegal artisanal miners. Although the
Company is relieved that the Tanzanian government acted to protect our legal
interests, we are of the opinion that much more needed to be done to address the
illegal artisanal problem with the aim of having a long term solution. The
Company will continue to follow all available legal structures to protect our
exploration assets whilst at the same time work with authorities and artisanal
miners to further the interest of both parties based on a secure legal
framework. Not Handeni Gold Inc.or Tanzania as a country can afford the
sterilization of its mining assets by unbridled illegal artisanal activity as it
is currently conducted.
Our Mineral Claims
Handeni District Gold Project
Location and Access
The Handeni Gold properties lie within the historic Handeni
artisanal gold mining district, located in Tanga Province, roughly 175 km
northwest of Tanzanias largest city, Dar Es Salaam, and 100 km southwest of the
more northerly coastal city of Tanga (Fig. 1). The road from Dar Es Salaam to
Tanga is paved; the secondary road that heads northwest from this road to the
town of Handeni, a distance of 65 km, has recently been paved. The Handeni
properties are located roughly 35 km south of the town of Handeni along a
secondary gravel road. From this point, a number of dirt roads head south across
various portions of the Handeni property and beyond. Driving time from Dar Es Salaam to the Handeni Gold
properties is approximately five hours, depending on traffic and the weather.
Prospecting Licenses (PLs)
Currently, our primary focus is on the undivided 100% legal,
beneficial and registerable interest in and to eight PLs, located in the Handeni
District of Tanzania. The total area held by the Company in the Handeni district
is now 423.03 km
(Fig. 2) (Table 1).
Table 1: List of Prospecting Licenses, Handeni Property (prior
to the 2013 renewal of the licenses)
PL No.
(Sq Km)
Issue Date
Original Recipient
Transfer Date
(To IPP Gold)
Transfer Date (To
Diamonds Africa Ltd.
Gold Africa Ltd.
M-Mining Ltd.
Tanzania Gem Center Ltd.
Following the 2013 renewal of the properties and acquisition of
PLs in the current period, the Company now holds interests in PLs with details
as described in Table 2, below.
Table 2: Handeni Gold Prospecting Licenses
PL Number
Granted Date
Expiry Date
Area Size (km
During September and October of 2016, the company will need to
(by Tanzanian law) reduce the areas of some of our PLs by 50% which will result
in the company holding an area of approximately 211 km
prospecting licenses.
To expand its operations to the Lake Victoria gold fields, the
company applied for a prospecting license (PL11157/2016) bordering an active
mining site with the ore zone potentially extending to the PL of interest.
Primary Mining Licenses (PMLs)
On November 30, 2011, the Company acquired from Handeni
Resources a 100% interest in primary mining licenses covering an area of
approximately 2.67 square kilometers to the east of Magambazi Hill (Figs. 2 and
4). To comply with the laws and regulations of the Republic of Tanzania whereby
foreign companies may not own PMLs, on July 19, 2012, the Company:
entered into an Addendum agreement to the 2011
Acquisition Agreement whereby Handeni Resources will administer the 32
PMLs until such time as a mining license (ML) on the 32 PMLs (2.67
) have been allocated; and
during this period Handeni Resources will be conducting
exploration and mining activities on the PMLs as directed by the
An enlargement of the excluded area as delineated on Fig. 2
is presented below (Fig. 3). An area within the outline of the 32 PMLs without
a PML number (Fig. 3) has now been confirmed to be part of PL6743/2010. The
block of 32 PMLs, shown in grey below, belongs to the Company as described above
and are being explored.
West of the western border of PL 6743/2010 are several more
PMLs that do not belong to the Company. The area colored in green (Fig. 3) is a
unitized block of four PMLs that were apparently acquired by Canaco Resources
Inc. (CRI) (now East Africa Metals Inc.) from their owners.
Handeni District Project
We obtained a Technical Report on the Handeni Property (the
Handeni Report), dated April 25, 2011, as prepared at our request by Avrom E.
Howard, MSc, FGA, PGeol (Ontario), Principal Consultant at Nebu Consulting LLC.
Mr. Howard is a Qualified Person in accordance with Canadian National Instrument
43-101 Standards for Disclosure of Mineral Projects and its Companion Policy
(collectively, NI 43-101) and is a Practicing Professional Geologist
registered with the Association of Professional Geoscientists of Ontario
(registration number 0380).
Subsequent to the publishing of the April 25, 2011 NI 43-101
report by Mr. Howard, the Company produced numerous in-house technical reports
and is in the process of compiling an updated NI 43-101 report that will include
the updated model for mineralization on our Handeni property. The drilling
conducted by the Company was done implementing and following Quality Control and
Quality Assessment procedures recommended by SRK (Stephen, Robertson and
Property Description
Exploration, mining and related activities is regulated and
controlled under the Mining Act of 1998 (revised in 2010) (the Mining Act).
Tanzania is Africas fourth leading gold producer, with several major companies
producing and exploring for gold, mostly in northwestern Tanzania, south of Lake
Victoria, in an area informally known as the Lake Victoria gold belt.
The Handeni Property
The increase in gold prices at the turn of the century and
consequent increase in artisanal gold mining activity in the Handeni area led to
the discovery of deposits of placer gold, in turn leading in 2003 to a classic
gold rush. The discovery and mining of lode deposits followed, soon after, along
with the growth of a shanty mining town at the northern base of Magambazi Hill.
Between 2005 and 2010, IPP Gold carried out exploration over
its Prospecting Reconnaissance License leading to the upgrading of its holdings
from one PLR to four PLs of 800 km
, in August 2010. Exploration
work included airborne magnetic and radiometric surveys, ground magnetic
surveys, reconnaissance geological mapping, soil sampling, pitting and
trenching. It is these four PLs that were acquired by the Company from IPP Gold
under the September 2010 agreement.
Geological Setting
Regional geological mapping programs led to the recognition of
several major litho-structural provinces from Archean to recent age in Tanzania.
The Archean craton covers most of the western two thirds of the country, roughly
bounded to the east by the East African Rift. Archean rocks host all of the
countrys kimberlite pipes and contained lode diamond deposits, and most of its
lode gold deposits. The Archean basement terrain is bounded to the east and west
by a series of Proterozoic mobile belts; this area, particularly that to the
east, hosts most of the countrys wide variety of colored gemstone deposits.
Some recent research suggests that portions of this assumed Proterozoic terrane
may actually consist of Archean crust that has undergone a later phase of higher
grade metamorphism.
The Handeni district forms part of the Tanzanian Mozambique
belt. The belt was subjected to four tectonothermal events at 830-800Ma, ~760Ma,
630-580Ma and 560-520Ma. All except the last attained upper amphibolite /
granulite grade metamorphic conditions.
Property Geology
The Handeni area
is situated in the Palaeoproterozoic, Usugaran/Ubendian Metamorphic Terrane of
Tanzania, along the northern extension of the north-trending Proterozoic
Mozambique Mobile Belt.
The geology of the Handeni area comprises amphibolite to
granulite facies metamorphic rocks interpreted to originally have formed a
sequence of ultramafic to felsic volcanic flows, black shales and quartz-bearing
sedimentary rocks. It is furthermore interpreted to comprise a
metamorphosed/overprinted eastern extension/remnant of the Lake Victoria
cratonic greenstone belt. High grade metamorphism has converted these original
lithologies to a variety of metamorphic equivalents, including
biotite-hornblende-garnet-pyroxene gneiss, migmatitic augen garnet-
hornblende-pyroxene gneiss, quartzo-feldspathic hornblende-biotite-pyroxene
gneiss, pyroxene-hornblende-biotite-garnet granulite and others.
Recent research by geologists from the University of Western
Australia suggests that much of what has previously been considered to be of
Proterozic age (Usagaran System) may in fact be overprinted Archean crust. This
hypothesis has been invoked to help interpret the geology within which gold in
this area is found and as the basis for an analogy between this gold
mineralization and that found in less metamorphosed, bona fide Archean rocks in
the Lake Victoria gold district, a few hundred km to the northwest. However,
this is a hypothesis only, one that may be used for exploration modeling
purposes but one that still requires more work.
The Handeni property is at an early stage of exploration. There
are no known mineral resources or reserves on the Handeni property, nor are
there any known economically mineable deposits on the property. Gold is found
within garnet-amphibolite zones within biotite-feldspar gneiss at three k n o w
n locations in the Companys property, locations where historical lode gold
occurrences have been documented. Gold occurs in quartz veins as well as within
the garnet amphibolites adjacent to the quartz veins. Proof of this association
is informally corroborated by the testimony of local, illegal artisanal miners,
who recover gold both from quartz veins and gold-bearing gneiss that is not
quartz vein bearing. Gold in the Companys property has also been documented in
soils and placers, at a variety of locations, as well.
Our geophysical and structural geological interpretation on
which the drilling program conducted in 2012 was based, supported the
mineralization model described above in broad terms.
Whereas gold was known in the Handeni area prior to the arrival
in 2005 of the Companys predecessor, IPP Gold, there is no history of any
formal exploration in the area aside from limited work at Magambazi Hill itself
and the work conducted in recent years by Canaco (East African Metals) in the
Handeni Golds intensive early exploration program following
the Companys September 2010 agreement with IPP achieved the following in terms
of mineralization on the properties:
It outlined a number of locations where intensive placer
and illegal artisanal gold mining took place within the Handeni property,
notably the Kwandege, Magambazi and Mjembe areas.
A helicopter based TEM electromagnetic and radiometric
aerial survey program clearly delineated subsurface geological features of
importance to gold and base metal mineralization in this high grade
metamorphic terrain. The data proved to be invaluable in the definition of
structurally important sites and target definition and was key in defining
areas for ground geophysical surveys including ground magnetics, -
radiometrics and I.P (Induced Polarization Surveys). Based on this
exploration, priority drill targets were selected including Magambazi East
as well as the Kwandege targets that were subsequently drilled.
Twenty-eight (28) diamond core holes (5,347 meters) were
drilled on the Magambazi East and related targets and delineated a gold
enriched mineralization zone extending for a distance of approximately 500
meters to the south east of the Magambazi Hill mineralization as defined
by CRI. Based on drill data and re-interpretation of this target we are
now convinced that the gold potential of this target may be proven or
disproven with drilling of 5 directional drill holes.
Thirty-seven (37) drill holes (4,989 meters in total)
have been drilled on the Kwandege mineralized zone, completing the first
phase drilling program on this project. Twenty-six of the 32 drill holes
on the main Kwandege target yielded gold assay values of more than 0.5 g/t
over a one-meter interval or thicker intersection, whereas four of the
remaining holes had anomalous gold values of up to 0.49 g/t. An important
feature of the Kwandege target is the fact that low level gold values (0.5
g/t to 1 g/t) were encountered in numerous intersections in the drill
holes and also confirmed by the latest assay results. Anomalous gold with
some potentially economic intersections have been encountered in an E - W
(strike) direction of 1,501 meters (based on the results of the completed
phase 1 drilling program). The open ended nature of the mineralization in
an E-W direction was confirmed. Recently acquired data confirms the
potential of the Kwandege target area as part of a much larger structure
with high gold potential. In terms of our new geological model continued
drilling on the Kwandege target is highly recommended.
The results of the soil sampling program on Target 5
yielded gold in soil values of up to 200 ppb. Au (gold) assay results
received for 2331 samples coincides with a magnetic and electro-magnetic
geophysical anomaly on surface over an area of approximately 1.8 km (N-S)
by 900 m (E-W). The evaluation of this target is to be continued by
pitting, trenching and ground IP. The exploration on this target was
interrupted by the on-going activity of illegal artisanal miners. The
activity of these miners and the fact that their activity might lead to
the sterilization of a potentially viable gold deposit forced the company
to avoid work on the site as our activities may provide clues as to our
interpretation of the mineralization. It is hoped that the evacuation of
miners from the Mjembe target by authorities as described above will
discourage illegal artisanal activity on Target 5.
Data collected from our intensive efforts to delineate
alluvial gold mineralization with economic potential yielded the
The fluvial environment has the largest potential for the
extraction of coarse grained gold in the Handeni area.
A large proportion of gold is contained as fine grained
gold. This conclusion was based on the fact that geochemically analyzed
samples of the same locations as the bulk sampled areas yielded
significantly higher gold values.
Some specific horizons in the fluvial horizon yield
higher values than others.
Allowing for a mere 50% efficiency of the applied
processes, the overburden, the grade as well as consistency of gold on the
alluvial targets evaluated thus far our results indicated that secondary
gold mineralization is not economically mineable.
Recent activities of illegal artisanal miners on our
Ngwila alluvial target provided a classic example of the disastrous effect
of illegal artisanal miners on a potential viable gold deposit. Within a
period of 2 months the activity of a thousand or more illegal miners led
to the almost certain sterilization of a low grade alluvial gold deposit
by unplanned pitting and excavation along a strike distance of more than 1
km. Although the illegal activity was stopped by authorities, exploration
and potential resource determination on this deposit will now require a
substantially larger exploration budget.
The exploration results on our Mjembe target defined a
significant potential gold mineralization zone with a high correlation
between geochemical, structural and geophysical data. Mjembe will be the
Companys primary target during the 2016/2017 field season. The potential
of this area has been exploited by illegal artisanal miners. As described
above the area has now been secured and our exploration activities are
Exploration conducted during the past three months
The company is currently focusing exploration on its Mjembe
target area (Target 7). Our evaluation of the Mjembe target areas is that gold
is present in rocks formed during ductile, transitional and brittle deformation
episodes a classical example of mobilization and remobilization of gold over a
long term period of geological deformation and metamorphism. Exploration on
Target 7 (Mjembe) was highly successful and 3 potential drill sites have been
delineated within the larger Mjembe target area. A limited grab sampling program
was conducted on illegal artisanal sites within the Mjembe target. The results
in these primary source rocks are highly encouraging with visible gold present
in many of the samples. Twelve grab samples (12 kg each) on illegal artisanal
mine dumps yielded gold values of between 2 and 7 grams per ton. These mine
dumps are providing minimum values for gold as they represent an un-concentrated
mixture of ore zone, hanging wall and foot wall material. HNDI is currently
planning an exploration shaft to enable the company to gain a better
understanding of the nature of the structural geology on the Mjembe-1 project as
well as to conduct bulk sampling on the mineralization zone. Whole rock samples
collected from a 60 m long and up to 10 m deep trench dug on our Mjembe-1 target
yielded gold values of up to 6,1 g/t on specific horizons. The trench provided
the necessary geological input to effectively determine the position of the
exploration shaft.
The Company is still experiencing illegal mining
activities on its Mjembe targets despite the fact that exploration on this
target is now continuing as reported above.
XRF analyses and evaluation of drill core on the
Magambazi East and Kwandege sites continued.
An updated NI43-101 is being compiled. Based on the
strategic and confidential nature of the results contained in this report
and the Companys experiences gained over the past three years related to
the securing of our exploration targets, it is deemed in the companys
interest not to publish this report at this stage.
The Company now has 5 high potential drill targets of the
17 areas investigated in detail on its approximately 423 km
license areas in the Handeni district. Significant anomalous results
have been achieved on 3 additional targets.
Detail geological mapping on the Gole sheath fold, a
structural feature of 11 km by 4.5 km (Targets 12, 13, 14 and 17), have
commenced and is continuing. Potential gold bearing amphibolite zones have
been identified, which will be the focus of further investigation. Due to
a lack of funding the Gole target will most likely not be further explored
during the 2016/2017 field season.
Further detailed mapping was conducted on Target 16. This
was followed by gold assays using specialized geochemical techniques to
test the potential of increasing the effectivity of the Companys soil
sampling program. The results were highly successful and the Company will
implement this technique on Target 10 when funds become available.
Compliance with Government Regulation
We are subject to local laws and regulation governing the
exploration, development, mining, production, importing and exporting of
minerals; taxes; labor standards; occupational health; waste disposal;
protection of the environment; mine safety; toxic substances; and other matters.
We require licenses and permits to conduct exploration and mining operations.
Amendments to current laws and regulations governing operations and activities
of mining companies or more stringent implementation thereof could have a
material adverse impact on our Company. Applicable laws and regulations will
require us to make certain capital and operating expenditures to initiate new
operations. Under certain circumstances, we may be required to close an
operation once it is started until a particular problem is remedied or to
undertake other remedial actions. This would have a material adverse effect on
our results and financial condition.
Four of our mineral interests in Tanzania are currently held
under PLs granted pursuant to the Mining Act for an initial period of three
years and are renewable in two successive periods of two years only. The
remaining four PLs are being held under the 2010 Mining Act and are valid for
an initial period of 4 years (the initial period expiring in 2018 (Table 2)).
Following this the first renewal is for 3 years and the second renewal for 2
years, each renewal accompanied by a mandatory relinquishment of at least 50% of
the license area. The application fees are $300 on initial application and $300
for each renewal. There is a preparation fee of $500 applicable on each license.
The annual rent for the licenses are $100/km
(initial period),
renewal) and $200/km
All PLs in Tanzania require the holder to employ and train
local residents, typically amounting to $5,000 per year, and make exploration
expenditures, as set out in the Mining Act. At each renewal, at least 50% of our
licensed area must be relinquished. If we wish to keep the relinquished one-half
portion, we must file a new application for the relinquished portion.
The geographical area covered by a PL may contain one or more
previously granted PMLs. A PML is a mining license granted only to a Tanzanian
citizen consisting of an area of not to exceed 10 hectares. Once a PL is
granted, no additional PMLs can be granted within the geographical area covered
by the PL. The PL is subject to the rights of previously granted and existing
PMLs. The holder of a PL will have to work around the geographical area of the
PML unless the PL holder acquires the PML and any rights to the land covered by
the PML.
We must hold a mining license to carry out mining activities,
which are granted only to the holder of a PL covering a particular area. A
mining license is granted for a period of 25 years or the life of the mine. It
is renewable after 10 years for a period not exceeding 15 years. Other than the
PMLs being held under Handeni Resources, we do not hold any mining licenses,
only PLs. An application for the 32 PMLs being held under agreement by Handeni
Resources to be changed into a mining license (ML) is underway. Prospecting and
mining license holders must submit regular reports in accordance with mining
regulations. Upon commercial production, the government of Tanzania imposes a
royalty on the gross value of all production at the rate of 3% of all gold
produced. The applicable regulatory body in Tanzania is the Ministry of Energy
and Minerals.
In July 1999, environmental management and protection
regulations under the Mining Act came into force. An environmental impact
statement and an environmental management plan must accompany special mining
license, mining license and gemstone mining license applications for mineral rights. In addition to the
establishment of environmental regulations, the Tanzanian government has
improved management procedures for effective monitoring and enforcement of these
regulations by strengthening the institutional capacity, especially in the field
offices. The government has provided rules for the creation of reclamation funds
to reinstate land to alternative uses after mining and it has developed
guidelines for mining in restricted areas, such as forest reserves, national
parks, near sources of water and other designated areas. These regulations have
not had any material effect on our operations to date.
We operate in a highly competitive industry, competing with
other mining and exploration companies, and institutional and individual
investors, which are actively seeking minerals exploration properties throughout
the world together with the equipment, labour and materials required to exploit
such properties. Many of our competitors have financial resources, staff and
facilities substantially greater than ours. The principal area of competition is
encountered in the financial ability to cost effectively acquire prime minerals
exploration prospects and then exploit such prospects. Competition for the
acquisition of minerals exploration properties is intense, with many properties
available in a competitive bidding process in which we may lack technological
information or expertise available to other bidders. Therefore, we may not be
successful in acquiring, exploring and developing profitable properties in the
face of this competition. No assurance can be given that a sufficient number of
suitable minerals exploration properties will be available for acquisition,
exploration and development.
Other than our directors and executive officers, we had
approximately four full-time equivalent employees and consultants located in
Tanzania as of August 31, 2016. We also utilize independent geologists and
consultants on a contract basis to conduct the work programs on our mineral
properties in order to carry out our plan of operations.
Research and Development Expenditures
We have not incurred any research or development expenditures
since our incorporation.
The Company has two subsidiaries, both of which are Tanzanian
companies: (i) HG Limited (formerly DLM Tanzania Limited); and (ii) Douglas Lake
Tanzania Limited, which is inactive.
Plan of Operations
Our plan of operations through our fiscal year ending May 31,
2017 is to continue to focus on the exploration of our Handeni mineral property
in Tanzania, and the budget for this plan requires approximately $0.6 million
for our plan of the exploration work, $100,000 for mineral licenses fees and a
minimum of $0.5 million for our general and administration expenses,
professional and consulting fees and other operating expenses.
Handeni Gold Inc. has clearly identifiable goals for its
exploration program in Tanzania, which has been adapted to reflect recent
changes in the situation on the ground and our exploration activities:
The company will now focus on its outlined drill targets
for the next financial year, including Mjembe, Targets 5 and Target
Intensive exploration on the larger Mjembe target area
will be conducted, including ground geophysics with the aim of outlining
additional drill targets on the structure.
Reduce the Companys license holding in the Handeni
district by at least 50% reduction of our currently held license
Acquire additional licenses bordering our target areas
for reconnaissance work for a one year period. Relinquish those with low
potential after one year.
Continue efforts to secure funding for drilling on drill
Other low cost exploration activities being conducted on a
continuous basis on the Companys Handeni licenses include:
Identification of potential alluvial mining areas other
than those currently known and being evaluated by utilizing remote sensing
A detailed interpretation of already collected
geophysical data.
A petrological, geochemical and mineralogical
investigation of the Kwandege drill core to understand the style of gold
mineralization at this locality.
The planning and siting of drill holes as a follow up
Reverse Circulation program to evaluate the near surface potential of
the Kwandege target.
The estimated budget for the completion of these exploration
programs is provided below:
Ground Geophysics
Mapping, trenching, sampling, etc.
Geologists, field personnel and general exploration
Sundry & contingencies
Our exploration efforts are severely restricted by a cash-flow
problem as well as by the efforts to curb the activity of illegal artisanal
mining activities. To this extent the company has only spent limited funding on
exploration of our planned 2017 and 2016 operations. Solving the illegal
artisanal mining situation on the Mjembe target has now enabled the company to
focus our efforts on this target which is well defined and the target that will
most likely yield further positive results with a relatively low input of cash.
For the three months ended August 31, 2016, the Company used
$118,000 cash in operating activities. At August 31, 2016, we had cash of
$80,000 and a working capital deficit of $428,000. In addition, we have a total
of $160,000 funds available to be withdrawn pursuant to a facility agreement
with a related party. We assume $457,000 of payables due to related parties
would not be demanded to pay in the next fiscal year. As such, we estimated that
we will still need a minimum of $1 million additional funds in order to cover
our planned operations over the fiscal year ending May 31, 2017. Our actual
expenditures may exceed our estimations.
We anticipate that we will not generate any revenues for so
long as we are an exploration stage company. Accordingly, we will be required to
obtain additional financing in order to pursue our plan of operations.
We believe that external debt financing will not be an
alternative for funding our next fiscal year exploration, as we do not have
significant tangible assets to secure any debt financing. Therefore, we
anticipate that additional funding will be in the form of further related
parties debt financing and/or equity financing from the sale of our common
stock. We cannot provide investors with any assurance that we will be able to
obtain sufficient financing to fund our acquisition and exploration program
going forward. In the absence of sufficient funding, we will not be able to
continue acquisition and exploration of mineral claims and we will be forced to
abandon our mineral claims and our plan of operations. Even if we are successful
in obtaining financing to fund our acquisition and exploration program, there is
no assurance that we will obtain the funding necessary to pursue any advanced
exploration of any mineral claims.
Results of Operations
We have had no operating revenues and accumulated net loss of
$118 million since our inception (January 5, 2004) to August 31, 2016. The
following table sets out our losses from operations for the periods indicated:
the Three Months Ended,
August 31, 2016
August 31, 2015
Consulting fees
Exploration expenses (Note 8 (b))
General and
administrative (Note 8 (c))
Interest expense (Note 8 (a))
Rent (Note 8 (b)
Travel and
investor relations
Total Expenses
Loss From Operations
Three Months Ended August 31, 2016 Compared to Three
Months Ended August 31, 2015
Our net loss for the three months ended August 31, 2016 was
$136,000, compared to $136,000 for the same period ended August 31, 2015, the
difference is mainly due to gain on disposal of equipment increased by $25,000
for the three months ended August 31, 2016 and our operating expenses for the
three months ended August 31, 2016 increased by $24,000 to $170,000 from
$146,000 for the same period ended February 29, 2015. The main operating
expenses changes are as follows:
our consulting, general and administrative fees decreased by $4,000 to
$45,000 during the period ended August 31, 2016 (three months ended August 31,
2015 - $49,000), primarily due to fund limitation and continuing cost
our exploration expenses increased by $9,000 to $29,000 during the three
months ended August 31, 2016 (three months ended August 31, 2015 - $20,000).
Our funding limitations caused our reduced exploration activities;
depreciation fees decreased by $700 to $100 during the three months ended
August 31, 2016 (three months ended August 31, 2015 - $800) mainly because the
majority of our equipment was fully depreciated;
interest expenses increased by $18,000 to $54,000 during the three months
ended August 31, 2016 (three months ended August 31, 2015 - $36,000), which
represented deemed interest on increased interest free unsecured loans from
related parties. Such deemed interest was recorded as donated capital;
our professional fees increased by $12,000 to $15,000 during the three
months ended August 31, 2016 (three months ended August 31, 2015 - $3,000)
primarily due to increased legal fees on capital reorganization;
our rent expenses were less than $500 during the three months ended August
31, 2016 and 2015 mainly due to our fund limitation caused our Tanzania and
Canadian office space limitation; Included in the rent for the three months
ended August 31, 2016, there was $26,400 (three months ended August 31, 2015:
$36,000) representing 60% of the rental expense associated with renting our
CEOs family house in Tanzania;
our travel and investor relations expenses were less than 200 during the
three months ended August 31, 2016 and 2015 mainly due to our funding
Liquidity and Capital Resources
The Company has been reviewing its budgets for its current
business needs and its further exploration. We estimate that our total
expenditures for our fiscal year ending May 31, 2017 will be approximately $1
million, as outlined above under the heading Plan of Operations. At August 31,
2016, we had cash of $80,000, a working capital deficit of $428,000. We believe
that we have insufficient capital to fund our plan of operations.
On January 16, 2016, the Company entered into a credit facility
agreement with a private company controlled by our Chairman of the Board of
Directors. The funding is in the form of an interest-free unsecured loan to the
Company of up to $360,000 due December 31, 2018. A maximum amount of $30,000 may
be drawn by the Company per calendar month. As of the date of this report, we
received a total of $200,000, with $160,000 available to be withdrawn pursuant
to this facility agreement.
We have not generated revenues since the date of inception on
January 5, 2004, and our cash has been generated primarily from the sale of our
securities. We anticipate that we will not generate any revenue in near future.
We anticipate that additional funding will be in the form of equity financing
from the sale of our common stock, related parties debt financing, joint
ventures or some combination of these or other means. We believe that external
debt financing will not be an alternative at this stage for funding additional
phases of our exploration as we do not have significant tangible assets to
secure any debt financing.
We cannot provide investors with any assurance that we will be
able to raise sufficient funding to continue our acquisition and exploration
program going forward. If we are not able to obtain financing in the amounts
required or on terms that are acceptable to us, we may be forced to scale back,
or abandon, our plan of operations. Even if we are successful in obtaining
equity and/or debt financing to fund our acquisition and exploration program,
there is no assurance that we will obtain the funding necessary to pursue any
advanced exploration of any mineral claims. If we do not continue to obtain
additional funding, we will be forced to abandon our mineral claims and our plan
of operations.
Net Cash Used in Operating Activities
Net cash used in operating activities decreased by $6,000 to
$118,000 during the three months ended August 31, 2016, as compared to $124,000
during the same period in 2015.
Net Cash Used in Investing Activities
Net cash provided in investing activities was $35,000 during
the three months ended August 31, 2016 (August 31, 2015: 10,000) due to proceeds
from disposal of automobile vehicles.
Net Cash from Financing Activities
During the three months ended August 31, 2016, we received
$110,000 (August 31, 2015: $135,000) in loans pursuant to facility agreements
with related parties. We have funded our business to date primarily from sales
of our common stock and loans from related parties.
There are no assurances that we will be able to achieve further
sales of our common stock or any other form of additional financing. If we are
unable to achieve the financing necessary to continue our plan of operations,
then we will not be able to continue our exploration of the property underlying
our mineral claim interest and our venture will fail.
Going Concern
We have not attained profitable operations and are dependent
upon obtaining financing to pursue any extensive exploration activities. The
Company has not generated any revenues and has accumulated losses of $118
million since inception to August 31, 2016. In addition, we had working capital
deficit of $428,000 as of August 31, 2016.
Future Financings
We anticipate continuing to rely on equity sales of our common
shares, debt financing from our related parties, and/or other financing in order
to continue to fund our business operations through our next fiscal year ending
May 31, 2017. Issuances of additional shares will result in dilution to our
existing shareholders. There is no assurance that we will achieve any additional
sales of our equity securities or arrange for debt or other financing to fund
our planned exploration activities.
Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements
We have no significant off-balance sheet arrangements that have
or are reasonably likely to have a current or future effect on our financial
condition, changes in financial condition, revenues or expenses, results of
operations, liquidity, capital expenditures or capital resources that is
material to stockholders.
Related Party Transactions
The details of related party transactions are disclosed in
footnote 8 of our Companys interim unaudited consolidated financial statements
for the fiscal quarter ended August 31, 2016 (Item 1, above).
Segment Disclosures
The Company operates in one reportable segment, located in
Tanzania Africa, being the acquisition and exploration of mineral properties.
The details of segment disclosures are disclosed in footnote 12 of our Companys
interim unaudited consolidated financial statements for the fiscal quarter ended
August 31, 2016 (Item 1, above).
We do not believe that inflation has had a significant impact
on our consolidated results of operations or financial condition.
Contractual Obligations
On December 7, 2012, and as amended on September 4, 2013,
June 18, 2014, March 20, 2015 and August 30, 2016, the Company entered
into a facility agreement with IPP Ltd., a private company controlled by
the Chairman of the Company. The funding is in the form of an interest
free unsecured loan to the Company of up to $720,000. During the current
period the due date has been extended from May 31, 2017 to December 31,
2018 without any interest or penalties. As of the date of this report, IPP
Ltd. has fully advanced $720,000 to the Company pursuant to this facility
On October 9, 2013, and as amended on June 18, 2014,
March 20, 2015 and August 30, 2016, the Company entered into a facility
agreement with Consultancy & Finance Company Associates Ltd.
(C&F), a private company controlled by the Chairman of the Company.
The funding is in the form of an interest free unsecured loan to the
Company of up to $405,000. During the current period the due date has been
extended from May 31, 2017 to December 31, 2018 without any interest or
penalties. As of the date of this report, C&F has fully advanced
$405,000 to the Company pursuant to this facility agreement.
On November 20, 2014, and as amended on August 30, 2016,
the Company entered into a facility agreement with C&F. The funding is
in the form of an interest-free unsecured loan to the Company of up to
$500,000. During the current period the due date has been extended from
May 31, 2017 to December 31, 2018 without any interest or penalties. As of
the date of this report, C&F has fully advanced $500,000 to the
Company pursuant to this facility agreement.
On January 16, 2016, the Company entered into an
additional facility agreement with C&F. The funding is in the form of
an interest-free unsecured loan to the Company of up to $360,000 due
December 31, 2018. A maximum amount of $30,000 may be drawn by the Company
per calendar month. As of the date of this report, C&F has advanced
$200,000 to the Company pursuant to this facility
Critical Accounting Policies
Our consolidated financial statements and accompanying notes
have been prepared in accordance with United States generally accepted
accounting principles applied on a consistent basis. The preparation of
consolidated financial statements in conformity with U.S. generally accepted
accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that
affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, the disclosure of
contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the consolidated financial
statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the
reporting periods.
We regularly evaluate the accounting policies and estimates
that we use to prepare our consolidated financial statements. In general,
managements estimates are based on historical experience, on information from
third party professionals, and on various other assumptions that are believed to
be reasonable under the facts and circumstances. Actual results could differ
from those estimates made by management.
The critical accounting policies are disclosed in footnote 2 of
our Companys interim unaudited consolidated financial statements for the fiscal
quarter ended August 31, 2016 (Item 1, above).
We believe the critical accounting policies require us to make
significant judgments and estimates in the preparation of our consolidated
financial statements.