Executive Deferred Compensation Plan
As part of the 2008 Internal Revenue Code Section 409A amendments, the Executive Deferred Compensation Plan was separated into two plan documents. The grandfathered plan document applies to deferrals earned, determined and vested prior to January 1, 2005, while the 2008 plan document applies to deferrals earned, determined or vested on or after January 1, 2005.
Each NEO may elect to defer up to 75% of base salary. Each NEO may also elect to defer up to 85% of any annual incentive award earned or 100% of the cash portion (less the tax withholding due in connection with the deferral) of performance share payouts. All such deferrals are fully vested.
The Committee changed the Executive Deferred Compensation Plan effective January 1, 2018 to eliminate matching contributions, in order to simplify the plan and decrease the portion of executives’ compensation and benefits packages not tied directly to performance.
Amounts deferred (including earnings and matching contributions) accrue interest until paid. The interest crediting rate on each NEO’s account balance is the average monthly Moody’s Corporate Bond Yield for Baa Public Utility Bonds over a sixty-month period ending September 1. EIX established this interest rate for all plan participants and has discretion to change the interest rate on a prospective basis.
Payment of Grandfathered Benefits
Benefits under the grandfathered plan document may be deferred until a specified date, retirement, death or termination of employment. At the participant’s election, compensation deferred until retirement or death may be paid as a lump sum, in monthly installments over 60, 120, or 180 months, or in a combination of a partial lump sum and installments. Deferred compensation is paid as a single lump sum or in three annual installments upon any other termination of employment. However, if a participant’s employment is terminated without cause, the participant may elect to receive payment at such time or a later date when the participant turns age 55, and the same payment options available for retirement will generally be applicable.
Each NEO was permitted to elect at the time of deferral to receive payment of such deferral on a fixed date in accordance with procedures established under the grandfathered plan document, and deferred amounts may also be paid in connection with a change in control of EIX or SCE in certain circumstances.
Certain amounts deferred under the grandfathered plan document may be withdrawn at any time at the election of an NEO; however, any amounts withdrawn are subject to a 10% early withdrawal penalty. Emergency hardship withdrawals without penalty also may be permitted at EIX’s discretion.
Payment of 2008 Plan Benefits
Benefits under the 2008 plan document may be deferred until a specified date, death, or other separation from service. Participants have sub-accounts for each annual deferral for which payment may be elected in the form of a single lump-sum or annual installments.
Payments triggered by separation from service begin upon a specified time following the applicable triggering event. Payments are subject to certain administrative earliest payment date rules, and may be delayed or accelerated under the 2008 plan document if permitted or required under Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code.
Potential Payments Upon Termination or Change in Control
The following plans provide benefits that may become payable to NEOs, depending on the circumstances surrounding their termination of employment with the Company. When listing the potential payments to the NEOs under the plans described below, it is assumed that the applicable triggering event (retirement or other termination of employment) occurred on December 31, 2022 and that the price per share of EIX Common Stock is equal to the closing price as of the last NYSE trading day in 2022.
2008 Executive Severance Plan
EIX provides severance benefits and change-in-control benefits to executives, including all NEOs, under the 2008 Executive Severance Plan (the “Severance Plan”). In addition, severance benefits are provided through other plans or agreements included in the following description of severance benefits.
To receive any severance benefits, an NEO must release EIX and its affiliates from all claims arising out of the officer’s employment relationship and agree to certain confidentiality and non-solicitation restrictions in favor of EIX and its affiliates.