0001421204 false Q2 --12-31 0001421204 2023-01-01 2023-06-30 0001421204 2023-08-13 0001421204 2023-06-30 0001421204 2022-12-31 0001421204 us-gaap:NonrelatedPartyMember 2023-06-30 0001421204 us-gaap:NonrelatedPartyMember 2022-12-31 0001421204 us-gaap:RelatedPartyMember 2023-06-30 0001421204 us-gaap:RelatedPartyMember 2022-12-31 0001421204 us-gaap:ConvertiblePreferredStockMember 2023-06-30 0001421204 us-gaap:ConvertiblePreferredStockMember 2022-12-31 0001421204 us-gaap:SeriesAPreferredStockMember 2023-06-30 0001421204 us-gaap:SeriesAPreferredStockMember 2022-12-31 0001421204 us-gaap:SeriesBPreferredStockMember 2023-06-30 0001421204 us-gaap:SeriesBPreferredStockMember 2022-12-31 0001421204 us-gaap:SeriesCPreferredStockMember 2023-06-30 0001421204 us-gaap:SeriesCPreferredStockMember 2022-12-31 0001421204 us-gaap:SeriesDPreferredStockMember 2023-06-30 0001421204 us-gaap:SeriesDPreferredStockMember 2022-12-31 0001421204 us-gaap:SeriesEPreferredStockMember 2023-06-30 0001421204 us-gaap:SeriesEPreferredStockMember 2022-12-31 0001421204 us-gaap:SeriesFPreferredStockMember 2023-06-30 0001421204 us-gaap:SeriesFPreferredStockMember 2022-12-31 0001421204 2023-04-01 2023-06-30 0001421204 2022-04-01 2022-06-30 0001421204 2022-01-01 2022-06-30 0001421204 us-gaap:PreferredStockMember us-gaap:ConvertiblePreferredStockMember 2021-12-31 0001421204 us-gaap:CommonStockMember 2021-12-31 0001421204 us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember 2021-12-31 0001421204 us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember 2021-12-31 0001421204 2021-12-31 0001421204 us-gaap:PreferredStockMember us-gaap:ConvertiblePreferredStockMember 2022-03-31 0001421204 us-gaap:CommonStockMember 2022-03-31 0001421204 us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember 2022-03-31 0001421204 us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember 2022-03-31 0001421204 2022-03-31 0001421204 us-gaap:PreferredStockMember us-gaap:ConvertiblePreferredStockMember 2022-12-31 0001421204 us-gaap:CommonStockMember 2022-12-31 0001421204 us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember 2022-12-31 0001421204 us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember 2022-12-31 0001421204 us-gaap:PreferredStockMember us-gaap:ConvertiblePreferredStockMember 2023-03-31 0001421204 us-gaap:CommonStockMember 2023-03-31 0001421204 us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember 2023-03-31 0001421204 us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember 2023-03-31 0001421204 2023-03-31 0001421204 us-gaap:PreferredStockMember us-gaap:ConvertiblePreferredStockMember 2022-01-01 2022-03-31 0001421204 us-gaap:CommonStockMember 2022-01-01 2022-03-31 0001421204 us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember 2022-01-01 2022-03-31 0001421204 us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember 2022-01-01 2022-03-31 0001421204 2022-01-01 2022-03-31 0001421204 us-gaap:PreferredStockMember us-gaap:ConvertiblePreferredStockMember 2022-04-01 2022-06-30 0001421204 us-gaap:CommonStockMember 2022-04-01 2022-06-30 0001421204 us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember 2022-04-01 2022-06-30 0001421204 us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember 2022-04-01 2022-06-30 0001421204 us-gaap:PreferredStockMember us-gaap:ConvertiblePreferredStockMember 2023-01-01 2023-03-31 0001421204 us-gaap:CommonStockMember 2023-01-01 2023-03-31 0001421204 us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember 2023-01-01 2023-03-31 0001421204 us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember 2023-01-01 2023-03-31 0001421204 2023-01-01 2023-03-31 0001421204 us-gaap:PreferredStockMember us-gaap:ConvertiblePreferredStockMember 2023-04-01 2023-06-30 0001421204 us-gaap:CommonStockMember 2023-04-01 2023-06-30 0001421204 us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember 2023-04-01 2023-06-30 0001421204 us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember 2023-04-01 2023-06-30 0001421204 us-gaap:PreferredStockMember us-gaap:ConvertiblePreferredStockMember 2022-06-30 0001421204 us-gaap:CommonStockMember 2022-06-30 0001421204 us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember 2022-06-30 0001421204 us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember 2022-06-30 0001421204 2022-06-30 0001421204 us-gaap:PreferredStockMember us-gaap:ConvertiblePreferredStockMember 2023-06-30 0001421204 us-gaap:CommonStockMember 2023-06-30 0001421204 us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember 2023-06-30 0001421204 us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember 2023-06-30 0001421204 us-gaap:IntellectualPropertyMember 2023-01-01 2023-06-30 0001421204 us-gaap:WarrantMember 2023-01-01 2023-06-30 0001421204 us-gaap:WarrantMember 2022-01-01 2022-06-30 0001421204 us-gaap:ConvertibleDebtSecuritiesMember 2023-01-01 2023-06-30 0001421204 us-gaap:ConvertibleDebtSecuritiesMember 2022-01-01 2022-06-30 0001421204 us-gaap:ConvertiblePreferredStockMember 2023-01-01 2023-06-30 0001421204 us-gaap:ConvertiblePreferredStockMember 2022-01-01 2022-06-30 0001421204 us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel1Member 2023-06-30 0001421204 us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel2Member 2023-06-30 0001421204 us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel3Member 2023-06-30 0001421204 us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel1Member 2022-12-31 0001421204 us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel2Member 2022-12-31 0001421204 us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel3Member 2022-12-31 0001421204 us-gaap:MeasurementInputExpectedDividendRateMember 2023-06-30 0001421204 us-gaap:MeasurementInputExpectedDividendRateMember 2022-12-31 0001421204 srt:MinimumMember us-gaap:MeasurementInputPriceVolatilityMember 2023-06-30 0001421204 srt:MaximumMember us-gaap:MeasurementInputPriceVolatilityMember 2023-06-30 0001421204 srt:MinimumMember us-gaap:MeasurementInputPriceVolatilityMember 2022-12-31 0001421204 srt:MaximumMember us-gaap:MeasurementInputPriceVolatilityMember 2022-12-31 0001421204 srt:MinimumMember us-gaap:MeasurementInputRiskFreeInterestRateMember 2023-06-30 0001421204 srt:MaximumMember us-gaap:MeasurementInputRiskFreeInterestRateMember 2023-06-30 0001421204 srt:MinimumMember us-gaap:MeasurementInputRiskFreeInterestRateMember 2022-12-31 0001421204 srt:MaximumMember us-gaap:MeasurementInputRiskFreeInterestRateMember 2022-12-31 0001421204 srt:MinimumMember us-gaap:MeasurementInputExpectedTermMember 2023-06-30 0001421204 srt:MaximumMember us-gaap:MeasurementInputExpectedTermMember 2023-06-30 0001421204 srt:MinimumMember us-gaap:MeasurementInputExpectedTermMember 2022-12-31 0001421204 srt:MaximumMember us-gaap:MeasurementInputExpectedTermMember 2022-12-31 0001421204 RBSH:SeriesCPreferredStockOneMember 2023-06-30 0001421204 RBSH:JuneTwentyTwentyOneDebentureMember 2021-06-18 2021-06-18 0001421204 RBSH:JuneTwentyTwentyOneDebentureMember 2021-06-18 0001421204 RBSH:JuneTwentyTwentyOneDebentureMember 2022-01-01 2022-06-30 0001421204 RBSH:JuneTwentyTwentyOneDebentureMember 2023-06-30 0001421204 RBSH:JuneTwentyTwentyOneDebentureMember 2022-04-01 2022-06-30 0001421204 RBSH:OctoberTwentyTwentyDebenturesMember 2020-10-23 2020-10-23 0001421204 RBSH:OctoberTwentyTwentyDebenturesMember 2020-10-23 0001421204 RBSH:OctoberTwentyTwentyDebenturesMember 2023-06-30 0001421204 RBSH:SeptemberTwentySeventeenthDebenturesMember 2017-09-12 0001421204 RBSH:SeptemberTwentySeventeenthDebenturesMember us-gaap:SeriesAPreferredStockMember 2017-09-12 2017-09-12 0001421204 RBSH:SeptemberTwentySeventeenthDebenturesMember us-gaap:SeriesAPreferredStockMember 2017-09-12 0001421204 RBSH:SeptemberTwentySeventeenthDebenturesMember us-gaap:SeriesBPreferredStockMember 2017-09-12 2017-09-12 0001421204 RBSH:SeptemberTwentySeventeenthDebenturesMember us-gaap:SeriesBPreferredStockMember 2017-09-12 0001421204 RBSH:SeptemberTwentySeventeenthDebenturesMember 2017-09-12 2017-09-12 0001421204 RBSH:SeptemberTwentySeventeenthDebenturesMember 2023-06-30 0001421204 RBSH:SilvestreLawGroupPCMember 2021-09-01 2021-09-30 0001421204 RBSH:SilvestreLawGroupPCMember 2023-04-01 2023-06-30 0001421204 RBSH:SilvestreLawGroupPCMember 2023-01-01 2023-06-30 0001421204 RBSH:SilvestreLawGroupPCMember 2022-04-01 2022-06-30 0001421204 RBSH:SilvestreLawGroupPCMember 2022-01-01 2022-06-30 0001421204 RBSH:SilvestreLawGroupPCMember us-gaap:ServiceOtherMember 2023-01-01 2023-06-30 0001421204 RBSH:SilvestreLawGroupPCMember 2023-06-30 0001421204 RBSH:SilvestreLawGroupPCMember 2022-12-31 iso4217:USD xbrli:shares iso4217:USD xbrli:shares xbrli:pure






Washington, D.C. 20549




(Mark one)




For the Quarterly Period Ended June 30, 2023






Commission File Number: 000-55331



(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)


Delaware   20-0438951
State or other jurisdiction of   (I.R.S. Employer
incorporation or organization   Identification No.)


2629 Townsgate Road, Suite 215    
Westlake Village, CA   91361
(Address of principal executive offices)   (Zip Code)


Registrant’s telephone number, including area code (818) 597-7552


Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:


Title of Class   Trading Symbol   Name of Each Exchange on Which Registered
N/A   N/A   N/A


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days. ☒ Yes ☐ No


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has submitted electronically every Interactive Data File required to be submitted pursuant to Rule 405 of Regulation S-T (§232.405 of this chapter) during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to submit such files). ☒ Yes ☐ No


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large accelerated filer, an accelerated filer, a non-accelerated filer, smaller reporting company, or emerging growth company. See the definitions of “large accelerated filer,” “accelerated filer,” “smaller reporting company,” and “emerging growth company” in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act.


Large accelerated filer Accelerated filer
Non-accelerated filer Smaller reporting company
Emerging Growth Company    


If an emerging growth company, indicate by check mark if the registrant has elected not to use the extended transition period for complying with any new or revised financial accounting standards provided pursuant to Section 13(a) of the Exchange Act. ☐


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a shell company (as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act) ☐ Yes ☒ No


As of August 13, 2023, the issuer had 32,132,907 common shares, $0.0001 par value, issued and outstanding.







Table of Contents


Item 1. Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (unaudited)   1
  Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets as of June 30, 2023 (unaudited) and December 31, 2022   1
  Condensed Consolidated Statements of Losses (unaudited) for the three and six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2022   2
  Condensed Consolidated Statements of Stockholders’ Deficit (unaudited) for the three and six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2022   3
  Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (unaudited) for the six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2022   4
  Notes to Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements   5
Item 2. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations   11
Item 3. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk   17
Item 4. Controls and Procedures   17
Item 1. Legal Proceedings   18
Item 1A. Risk Factors   18
Item 2. Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities and Use of Proceeds   31
Item 3. Defaults Upon Senior Securities   31
Item 4. Mine Safety Disclosure   31
Item 5. Other Information   31
Item 6. Exhibits   31







We urge you to read this entire Quarterly Report, including the financial statements and related notes included herein as well as our 2022 Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2022, which also includes “Risk Factors,” filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission or SEC on March 31, 2023. As used in this Quarterly Report, unless the context otherwise requires, the words “we,” “us”, “our,” “the Company,” and “Rebus Holdings” refer to Rebus Holdings, Inc. (formerly known as Inspyr Therapeutics, Inc.) Also, any reference to “common shares,” or “common stock,” refers to our $0.0001 par value common stock. Also, any reference to “preferred stock” or “preferred shares” refers to our $0.0001 par value Series A preferred stock, our $0.0001 par value series B preferred stock, our $0.0001 par value Series C preferred stock, our $.0.0001 par value Series D preferred stock, our $0.0001 par value Series E Preferred Stock, and our $0.0001 par value Series F Preferred Stock.


We prepare our interim financial statements in accordance with United States generally accepted accounting principles. Our financials and results of operation for the three and six month periods ended June 30, 2023 are not necessarily indicative of our prospective financial condition and results of operations for the pending full fiscal year ending December 31, 2023. The interim financial statements and other information presented in this Quarterly Report should be read together with the reports, statements and information filed by us with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission or SEC.







This Quarterly Report includes “forward-looking” statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or the Securities Act, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, or the Exchange Act. These statements relate to our business development plans, clinical trials, regulatory reviews, timing, strategies, expectations, anticipated expense levels, business prospects and positioning with respect to the market for our proposed products, business outlook, technology spending and various other matters (including contingent liabilities and obligations and changes in accounting policies, standards and interpretations), express our current intentions, beliefs, expectations, strategies or predictions, as well as historical information. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause our actual results, performance or achievements, to be materially different from anticipated results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. When used in this report, statements that are not statements of current or historical fact may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. Without limiting the foregoing, the words “plan,” “intend,” “may,” “will,” “expect,” “believe,” “could,” “anticipate,” “estimate,” or “continue” or similar expressions or other variations or comparable terminology are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. Although we believe that the assumptions on which the forward-looking statements contained herein are based are reasonable, any of those assumptions could prove to be inaccurate given the inherent uncertainties as to the occurrence or nonoccurrence of future events. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict. Our future operating results are dependent upon many factors which are outside our control. You should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements may not be realized due to a variety of factors, including, without limitation, our ability to:


  continue to increase our corporate operations;


  attract, build and retain a senior management team;


  manage our business given continuing operating losses and negative cash flows;


  obtain sufficient capital or a strategic business arrangement to fund our operations and expansion plans;


  build the infrastructure necessary to support the growth of our business;


  manage competitive factors and developments beyond our control;


  manage scientific and medical developments which may be beyond our control;


  manage the governmental regulation of our business including state, federal and international laws;


  maintain and protect our intellectual property;


  obtain patents based on our current and/or future patent applications;


  obtain and maintain other rights to technology required or desirable to conduct or expand our business;


  achieve any potential strategic benefits of licensing transactions, collaborations, acquisitions, or in-licensing of new technologies, if any;


  successfully integrate the assets previously licensed to Ridgeway Therapeutics, Inc. pursuant to the termination of such license in October 2020; and


  manage any other factors discussed in the “Risk Factors” section, and elsewhere in this Quarterly Report.


All forward-looking statements attributable to us are expressly qualified in their entirety by these and other factors. We undertake no obligation to update or revise these forward-looking statements, whether to reflect events or circumstances after the date initially filed or published, to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events or otherwise, except to the extent required by federal securities laws. The risks discussed in this report should be considered in evaluating our business and future prospects.












(in thousands, except share and per share data)


   June 30, 2023   December 31, 2022 
Current assets:          
Cash  $5   $5 
Prepaid expenses   4    - 
Total current assets   9    5 
Total assets  $9   $5 
Current liabilities:          
Accounts payable  $1,809   $1,664 
Accounts payable - related party   370    310 
Accrued expenses   2,120    2,078 
Convertible debentures   20    20 
Convertible debentures - related party   290    290 
Derivative liability   1,010    880 
Total current liabilities   5,619    5,242 
Total liabilities   5,619    5,242 
Commitments and contingencies (Note 7)   -    - 
Stockholders’ deficit:          
Convertible preferred stock, undesignated, par value $.0001 per share; 29,978,846 shares authorized, no shares issued and outstanding, respectively   -    - 
Convertible preferred stock Series A, par value $.0001 per share; 1,854 shares authorized, 134 shares issued and outstanding, respectively   -    - 
Convertible preferred stock Series B, par value $.0001 per share; 1,000 shares authorized, 71 shares issued and outstanding, respectively   -    - 
Convertible preferred stock Series C, par value $.0001 per share; 300 shares authorized, 290 shares issued and outstanding, respectively   -    - 
Convertible preferred stock Series D, par value $.0001 per share; 5,000 shares authorized, 5,000 shares issued and outstanding, respectively   -    - 
Convertible preferred stock Series E, par value $.0001 per share; 5,000 shares authorized, 5,000 shares issued and outstanding, respectively   -    - 
Convertible preferred stock Series F, par value $.0001 per share; 8,000 shares authorized, 8,000 shares issued and outstanding, respectively   -    - 
Common stock, par value $.0001 per share; 1,000,000,000 shares authorized, 32,132,907 and 32,132,907 shares issued and outstanding, respectively   3    3 
Additional paid-in capital   60,065    60,057 
Accumulated deficit   (65,678)   (65,297)
Total stockholders’ deficit   (5,610)   (5,237)
Total liabilities and stockholders’ deficit  $9   $5 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements.








(in thousands, except share and per share data)


   2023   2022   2023   2022 
   Three Months Ended June 30,   Six Months Ended June 30, 
   2023   2022   2023   2022 
Operating expenses:                    
Research and development  $16   $174   $38   $192 
General and administrative   93    110    205    242 
Total operating expenses   109    284    243    434 
Loss from operations   (109)   (284)   (243)   (434)
Other income (expense):                    
Gain (loss) on change in fair value of derivative liability   156    (1,060)   (130)   (1,459)
Loss on conversion of debt   -    -    -    (24)
Interest expense, net   (4)   (21)   (8)   (54)
Income (loss) before provision for income taxes   43    (1,365)   (381)   (1,971)
Provision for income taxes   -    -    -    - 
Net income (loss)  $43   $(1,365)  $(381)  $(1,971)
Net income (loss) per common share, basic  $0.00   $(0.04)  $(0.01)  $(0.06)
Net loss per common share, diluted  $0.00  $(0.04)  $(0.01)  $(0.06)
Weighted average shares outstanding, basic   32,132,907    32,132,907    32,132,907    31,500,860 
Weighted average shares outstanding, diluted   160,664,535    32,132,907    32,132,907    31,500,860 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements.









(in thousands, except share and per share data)


   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount   Capital   Deficit   Deficit 


Preferred Stock

   Common Stock  



   Accumulated   Stockholders’ 
   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount   Capital   Deficit   Deficit 
Balance, December 31, 2021   18,495   $-    11,769,221   $1   $59,254   $(64,277)  $(5,022)
Conversion of notes   -    -    20,363,686    2    788    -    790 
Net loss   -    -    -    -    -    (606)   (606)
Balance, March 31, 2022 (unaudited)   18,495    -    32,132,907    3    60,042    (64,883)   (4,838)
Net loss   -    -    -    -    -    (1,365)   (1,365)
Balance, June 30, 2022 (unaudited)   18,495   $        -    32,132,907   $3   $60,042   $(66,248)  $(6,203)




Preferred Stock

   Common Stock  



   Accumulated   Stockholders’ 
   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount   Capital   Deficit   Deficit 
Balance, December 31, 2022   18,495   $-    32,132,907   $3   $60,057   $(65,297)  $(5,237)
Imputed interest on notes   -    -    -    -    4    -    4 
Net loss   -    -    -    -    -    (424)   (424)
Balance, March 31, 2023 (unaudited)   18,495    -    32,132,907    3    60,061    (65,721)   (5,657)
Imputed interest on notes   -    -    -    -    4    -    4 
Net income   -    -    -    -    -    43    43 
Balance, June 30, 2023 (unaudited)   18,495   $       -    32,132,907   $3   $60,065   $(65,678)  $(5,610)


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements.








(in thousands)


   2023   2022 
   Six Months Ended June 30, 
   2023   2022 
Cash flows from operating activities:          
Net loss  $(381)  $(1,971)
Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash used in          
operating activities:          
Loss on change in fair value of derivative liability   130    1,459 
(Gain) loss on conversion of debt   -    24 
Imputed interest on notes payable   8      
Amortization of debt discount   -    54 
Increase in operating liabilities:          
Prepaid expenses   (4)   4 
Accounts payable and accrued expenses   187    (32)
Accounts payable - related party   60    16 
Cash used in operating activities   -    (446)
Cash flows from financing activities:          
Proceeds from sale of debentures   -    - 
Cash provided by financing activities   -    - 
Net increase (decrease) in cash   -    (446)
Cash, beginning of period   5    711 
Cash, end of period  $5   $265 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements.







JUNE 30, 2023 AND 2022




Rebus Holdings, Inc. (“we”, “us”, “our company”, “our”, “Rebus,” “Rebus Holdings,” or the “Company”) was formed under the laws of the State of Delaware in November 2003, and has its principal office in Westlake Village, California. We are focused on the research and development of novel targeted precision therapeutics for the treatment of cancer.


Our approach utilizes our proprietary delivery technology to better enhance immuno-modulation for improved therapeutic outcomes. Our potential first-in-class immune-oncology lead asset, RT-AR001, an adenosine receptor A2B antagonist, is differentiated by its novel microparticle formulation that allows for better tumor infiltration and enhanced outcomes when administered intra-tumorally. Our patented portfolio of adenosine receptor antagonists provides flexibility to optimize treatment based on the specific targets found in each type of cancer.


The adenosine receptor modulators include A 2B antagonists, dual A 2A /A 2B antagonists, and A 2A antagonists that have broad development applicability including indications within immuno-oncology and inflammation. Adenosine is implicated in immunosuppression in the tumor microenvironment. Adenosine receptor antagonists may boost the host immune response against the tumor as a single-agent and in combination with other existing immuno-oncology agents leading to enhanced tumor killing and inhibition of metastasis. Adenosine also has anti-inflammatory properties in the acute and chronic setting. Adenosine receptor antagonists may promote a decreased inflammatory response and can potentially treat a broad range of inflammatory and autoimmune based diseases and conditions (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis, joint injury, Crohn’s disease, psoriasis) as well as improve wound healing and decrease pain.


In October 2020, pursuant to the cancellation of a license agreement whereby we previously licensed US Patent 9,593,118, we reacquired the exclusive right to such patent that covers both A2B and dual A2A/A2B antagonists. Accordingly, going forward our major focus will be to: (i) further characterization of the anti-cancer activity of our unique pipeline delivery platform containing A2B and dual A2A/A2B antagonists, leading to selection of a clinical candidate or candidates for an Investigative New Drug or IND enabling studies; and (ii) licensing and/or partnering our delivery platform and the A2B and dual A2A/A2B antagonists for further development.


Our ability to execute the business plan is contingent upon our ability to raise the necessary funds. We are currently using such funds to maintain our SEC reporting requirements, pay legal accounting and other professional fees, and to retain consultants and other personnel to develop the adenosine A2R antagonists and in preparation for an IND filing related to our unique delivery platform and portfolio of adenosine A2R antagonists for the treatment of certain solid tumors. Should we fail to further raise sufficient funds to execute our business plan, our priority would be to maintain our intellectual property portfolio and seek business development opportunities with potential development partners and/or acquirors.




We have prepared our unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements on the basis that we will continue as a going concern, which contemplates the realization of assets and satisfaction of liabilities in the normal course of business. We have incurred losses from operations since inception, we have a working capital deficit of $5.6 million and we have an accumulated deficit of $66 million as of June 30, 2023. We anticipate incurring additional losses for the foreseeable future until such time, if ever, that we can generate significant sales from our therapeutic product candidates which are currently in development or we enter into cash flow positive business development transactions.


To date, we have generated no sales or revenues, have incurred significant losses and expect to incur significant additional losses as we advance our product candidates through development. Consequently, our operations are subject to all the risks inherent in the establishment of a pre-revenue business enterprise as well as those risks associated with a company engaged in the research and development of pharmaceutical compounds.


Our cash balances at June 30, 2023 were approximately $5,000, representing 56% of our total assets. Based on our current expected level of operating expenditures we expect to be able to fund our operations into the third quarter of 2023. We will require additional cash to fund and continue our operations beyond that point. This period could be shortened if there are any unanticipated increases in planned spending on development programs or other unforeseen events. We anticipate raising additional funds through public or private sales of debt or equity securities, or some combination thereof. There is no assurance that any such financing will be available when needed in order to allow us to continue our operations, or if available, on terms favorable or acceptable to us.


In the event additional financing is not obtained, we may pursue cost-cutting measures as well as explore the sale of assets to generate additional funds. If we are required to significantly reduce operating expenses and delay, reduce the scope of, or eliminate any of our development programs or clinical trials, these events could have a material adverse effect on our business, results of operations, and financial condition. These factors raise substantial doubt about our ability to continue as a going concern. The consolidated financial statements do not include any adjustments relating to recoverability and classification of recorded asset amounts or the amounts and classification of liabilities that might be necessary should we be unable to continue as a going concern.


Our current cash level raises substantial doubt about our ability to continue as a going concern past the third quarter of 2023. If we do not obtain additional funds by such time, we may no longer be able to continue as a going concern and will cease operation which means that our shareholders will lose their entire investment.




Basis of Presentation


The accompanying condensed consolidated financial statements are unaudited. The unaudited interim consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States (“GAAP”) and pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”). Certain information and note disclosures normally included in annual financial statements prepared in accordance with GAAP have been condensed or omitted pursuant to those rules and regulations, although the Company believes that the disclosures made are adequate to make the information not misleading.





These interim consolidated financial statements as of and for the three and six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2022 are unaudited; however, in the opinion of management, such statements include all adjustments (consisting of normal recurring accruals) necessary to present fairly the financial position, results of operations and cash flows of the Company for the periods presented. The results for the three and six months ended June 30, 2023 are not necessarily indicative of the results to be expected for the year ending December 31, 2023 or for any future period. All references to June 30, 2023 and 2022 in these footnotes are unaudited.


These unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements should be read in conjunction with our audited financial statements and the notes thereto for the year ended December 31, 2022, included in the Company’s annual report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC on March 31, 2023.


The consolidated balance sheet as of December 31, 2022 has been derived from the audited consolidated financial statements at that date but does not include all disclosures required by the accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.


Principles of Consolidation


The unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the parent company, Rebus Holdings, Inc., (fka Inspyr Therapeutics, Inc.) and its wholly-owned subsidiaries, Inspyr Therapeutics, Inc., Lewis & Clark Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and Ridgeway Therapeutics, Inc. (a California corporation). All significant intercompany accounts and transactions have been eliminated.


Use of Estimates


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts reported in the financial statements and accompanying disclosures. Significant estimates include the fair value of derivative instruments, stock-based compensation, recognition of clinical trial costs and other accrued liabilities. Actual results may differ from those estimates.


Research and Development


Research and development costs are charged to expense as incurred. Our research and development expenses consist primarily of expenditures for pre-clinical research, toxicology and other studies, manufacturing, clinical trials, compensation and consulting costs associated therewith.


We incurred research and development expenses of approximately $0.02 million and $0.2 million for the three months ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, respectively. We incurred research and development expenses of approximately $0.04 million and $0.2 million for the six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, respectively.


Cash Equivalents


For purposes of the statements of cash flows, we consider all highly liquid debt instruments purchased with a maturity date of three months or less to be cash equivalents. We maintain our cash in bank deposit accounts which, at times, may exceed applicable government mandate insurance limits. We have not experienced any losses in our accounts. We did not have any cash equivalents at June 30, 2023 or December 31, 2022.


Concentrations of Credit Risk


Financial instruments and related items, which potentially subject the Company to concentrations of credit risk, consist primarily of cash and cash equivalents. The Company places its cash and temporary cash investments with credit quality institutions. At times, such investments may exceed applicable government mandated insurance limits. Cash was $5,000 and $5,000 at June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022, respectively. As of June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022, there was no cash over the federally insured limit.


Income (Loss) per Share


Basic income (loss) per share is calculated by dividing net income (loss) and net income (loss) attributable to common shareholders by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding for the period.


The following potentially dilutive securities have been excluded from the computations of diluted weighted average shares outstanding as of June 30, 2023 and 2022, as they would be anti-dilutive:


   2023   2022 
   Six Months Ended June 30, 
   2023   2022 
Shares underlying warrants outstanding   1    1 
Shares underlying convertible notes outstanding   27,223,191    20,339,299 
Shares underlying convertible preferred stock outstanding   131,804,100    128,626,878 
Anti-dilutive weighted average shares outstanding   159,027,292    148,966,178 





Diluted loss per share for the three months ended June 30, 2023 is calculated as follows:


   Three months ended 
   June 30, 2023 
Net income attributable to common shareholders  $43 
Income attributable to convertible instruments   (179)
Diluted loss attributable to common shareholders  $(136)
Basic shares outstanding   32,132,907 
Dilutive convertible instruments   128,531,628 
Diluted shares outstanding   160,664,535 
Diluted loss per share  $(0.00)


Derivative Liability


The Company has financial instruments that are considered derivatives or contain embedded features subject to derivative accounting. Embedded derivatives are valued separately from the host instrument and are recognized as derivative liabilities in the Company’s balance sheet. The Company measures these instruments at their estimated fair value and recognizes changes in their estimated fair value in results of operations during the period of change. The Company values its derivative liabilities using the Black-Scholes option valuation model. The resulting liability is valued at each reporting date and the change in the liability is reflected as change in derivative liability in the statement of operations.


Fair Value of Financial Instruments


Our short-term financial instruments, including cash, accounts payable and other liabilities, consist primarily of instruments with maturities of one year or less when acquired. We believe that the fair values of our current assets and current liabilities approximate their reported carrying amounts.


The derivative liabilities consist of our convertible notes and Series F preferred stock with variable conversion features. The Company uses the Black-Scholes option-pricing model to value its derivative liabilities which incorporate the Company’s stock price, volatility, U.S. risk-free interest rate, dividend rate, and estimated life.


Fair Value Measurements


The U.S. GAAP Valuation Hierarchy establishes a valuation hierarchy for disclosure of the inputs to valuation used to measure fair value. This hierarchy prioritizes the inputs into three broad levels as follows. Level 1 inputs are quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities. Level 2 inputs are quoted prices for similar assets and liabilities in active markets or inputs that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly through market corroboration, for substantially the full term of the financial instrument. Level 3 inputs are unobservable inputs based on our own assumptions used to measure assets and liabilities at fair value. A financial asset or liability’s classification within the hierarchy is determined based on the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement.


The Company has recorded a derivative liability for its convertible notes and preferred stock with variable conversion features as of June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022. The tables below summarize the fair values of our financial liabilities as of June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022 (in thousands):


   2023   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3 
   Fair Value at
June 30,
   Fair Value Measurement Using 
   2023   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3 
Convertible notes  $297           $297 
Preferred stock   713            713 
Derivative liability  $1,010   $   $   $1,010 


   2022   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3 
   Fair Value at
December 31,
   Fair Value Measurement Using 
   2022   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3 
Convertible notes  $285           $285 
Preferred stock   595            595 
Derivative liability  $880   $   $   $880 


The reconciliation of the derivative liability measured at fair value on a recurring basis using unobservable inputs (Level 3) is as follows (in thousands):


   2023   2022 
   Six Months Ended June 30, 
   2023   2022 
Balance at beginning of year  $880   $1,124 
Additions to derivative instruments        
Reclassification on conversion       (507)
Loss on change in fair value of derivative liability   130    1,459 
Balance at end of period  $1,010   $2,076 





Income Taxes


Income taxes are accounted for under the asset and liability method. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized for the future tax consequences attributable to differences between the financial statement carrying amounts of existing assets and liabilities and their respective tax bases and operating loss and tax credit carryforwards. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured using enacted tax rates expected to apply to taxable income in the years in which those temporary differences are expected to be recovered or settled. The effect on deferred tax assets and liabilities of a change in tax rates is recognized in operations in the period that includes the enactment date. A valuation allowance is provided when it is more likely than not that some portion or all of a deferred tax asset will not be realized. The ultimate realization of deferred tax assets is dependent upon the generation of future taxable income and the reversal of deferred tax liabilities during the period in which the related temporary difference becomes deductible.


Recent Accounting Pronouncements


There have not been any recent changes in accounting pronouncements and Accounting Standards Update (ASU) issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) during the six months ended June 30, 2023 that are of significance or potential significance to the Company.




The following table contains additional information for the periods reported (in thousands).


   2023   2022 
   Six Months Ended June 30, 
   2023   2022 
Non-cash financial activities:          
Common stock issued on conversion of notes payable and derivative liability  $   $790 
Debentures converted to common stock       462 
Derivative liability extinguished upon conversion of notes payable       507 


There was no cash paid for interest and income taxes for the six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2022.




Accrued expenses consist of the following (in thousands):



   June 30, 2023   December 31, 2022 
Accrued compensation and benefits  $1,326   $1,326 
Accrued research and development   233    233 
Accrued other   561    519 
Total accrued expenses  $2,120   $2,078 




We account for equity-linked financial instruments, such as our convertible preferred stock, convertible debentures and our common stock warrants as either equity instruments or derivative liabilities depending on the specific terms of the respective agreement. Equity-linked financial instruments are accounted for as derivative liabilities, in accordance with ASC Topic 815 – Derivatives and Hedging, if the instrument allows for cash settlement or issuance of a variable number of shares. We classify derivative liabilities on the balance sheet at fair value, and changes in fair value during the periods presented in the statement of operations, which is revalued at each balance sheet date subsequent to the initial issuance of the stock warrant.


We have issued convertible debentures and preferred stock which contain variable conversion features, anti-dilution protection and other conversion price adjustment provisions. As a result, the Company assessed its outstanding equity-linked financial instruments and concluded that the convertible notes and preferred stock are subject to derivative accounting. The fair value of the conversion feature is classified as a liability in the consolidated financial statements, with the change in fair value during the periods presented recorded in the consolidated statement of losses.


During the three months ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, we recorded income of approximately $0.2 million and expense of approximately $1.1 million, respectively, related to the change in fair value of the derivative liabilities during the periods. During the six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, we recorded expense of approximately $0.1 million and $1.5 million, respectively. For purpose of determining the fair market value of the derivative liability, the Company used Black Scholes option valuation model. The significant assumptions used in the Black Scholes valuations of the derivatives at June 30, 2023 and 2022 are as follows:


   For the Six Months Ended June 30, 
   2023   2022 
Expected dividends   0%    0% 
Expected volatility   183% - 261%    198% - 260% 
Risk free interest rate   5.43% - 5.47%    0.22% - 2.86% 
Expected term   36 Months    321 Months 





As of June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022, the derivative liability recognized in the financial statements was approximately $1.0 million and $0.9 million, respectively.




Operating Leases


The Company currently does not have any ongoing leases for office space. It has availability to office space on an as needed basis. Its employees work on a remote basis.


There was no rent expense for the three and six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2022


Legal Matters


The Company is subject at times to legal proceedings and claims, which arise in the ordinary course of its business. Although occasional adverse decisions or settlements may occur, the Company believes that the final disposition of such matters should not have a material adverse effect on its financial position, results of operations or liquidity.


Uncertainty Due to Geopolitical Events


Due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which began in February 2022, and the resulting sanctions and other actions against Russia and Belarus, there has been uncertainty and disruption in the global economy. Although the Russian war against Ukraine did not have a material adverse impact on the Company’s financial results for the year ended December 31, 2022, at this time the Company is unable to fully assess the aggregate impact the Russian war against Ukraine will have on its business due to various uncertainties, which include, but are not limited to, the duration of the war, the war’s effect on the economy, its impact to the business of the Company, and actions that may be taken by governmental authorities related to the war.


COVID-19 Uncertainty


On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared a pandemic related to the rapidly spreading coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, which has led to a global health emergency. The extent of the public-health impact of the outbreak is currently unknown and rapidly evolving, and the related health crisis could adversely affect the global economy, resulting in an economic downturn. Any disruption of the Company’s facilities or those of our suppliers could likely adversely impact the Company’s operations. At this time, there is significant uncertainty relating to the potential effect of the novel coronavirus on our business.




Preferred Stock


As of June 30, 2023, there were outstanding 134 shares of Series A Preferred Stock, 71 shares of Series B Preferred Stock, 290 shares of Series C Preferred Stock, 5,000 shares of Series D Preferred Stock, 5,000 shares of Series E Preferred Stock and 8,000 shares of Series F Preferred Stock.


As a result of past equity financings and conversions of debentures, the conversion prices of (i) our Series A Preferred Stock has been reduced to $29,812.50 per share at June 30, 2023, (ii) our Series B Preferred Stock has been reduced to $0.0217 per share at June 30, 2023, (iii) 200 shares of our Series C preferred stock has been reduced to $1,125.00 per share at June 30, 2023, (iv) 90.43418 shares of our Series C Preferred Stock has been reduced to $562.50 per share at June 30, 2023.


Common Stock


The Company is authorized to issue 1,000,000,000 shares of common stock. There were 32,132,907 shares of common stock outstanding at June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022, respectively.


Common Stock Activity


During the six months ended June 30, 2022, we issued a total of 20,363,686 shares of common stock, valued at $789,699, upon the conversion of $461,972 principal amount of our convertible debentures. We recorded loss on conversion of debt of $0 and $23,746 during the three and six months ended June 30, 2022, respectively.




June 2021 Debentures


On June 18, 2021, the Company sold an aggregate of $600,000 of senior convertible debentures (“June Debentures”) for (i) $500,000 in cash and (ii) $100,000 in cancellation of outstanding indebtedness to existing accredited and institutional investors of the Company. The June Debentures (i) are non-interest bearing, (ii) have a maturity date of June 18, 2022, (iii) are convertible into shares of Common Stock at the election of the holders at any time, subject to a beneficial ownership limitation of 9.99%, and (iv) have a conversion price equal to the lesser of $24.75 and 85% of the lowest Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) during the five (5) trading days immediately prior to the conversion date, subject to adjustment, as described therein. The maturity date of the debentures has been extended to December 31, 2023. There were no other modifications to the June 2021 Debentures.


During the six months ended June 30, 2022, $461,972 of June Debentures have been converted to Common Stock. June Debentures in the amount of $100,000 remains outstanding at June 30, 2023.





We have amortized $21,440 and $54,292 of discount to interest expense during the three and six months ended June 30, 2022, respectively and $203,458 of discount has been charged off against loss upon the conversion of the June Debentures during the six months ended June 30, 2022.


October 2020 Debentures


On October 23, 2020, the Company sold an aggregate of $600,000 of senior convertible debentures (“October Debentures”) for (i) $500,000 in cash and (ii) $100,000 in cancellation of outstanding indebtedness to existing accredited and institutional investors of the Company.


The October Debentures (i) are non-interest bearing, (ii) have a maturity date of October 23, 2021, (iii) are convertible into shares of common stock at the election of the holders at any time, subject to a beneficial ownership limitation of 9.99%, and (iv) have a conversion price equal to the lesser of (i) $24.75 and (ii) 85% of the lowest volume-weighted average price during the five trading days immediately prior to the date of conversion. The maturity date of the debentures has been extended to December 31, 2023. There were no other modifications to the October Debentures.


October Debentures in the amount of $100,000 remain outstanding at June 30, 2023.


September 2017 Debentures


On September 12, 2017, we entered into an exchange agreement (“Exchange Agreement”) with certain holders of our Series A Preferred Stock and Series B Preferred Stock. Pursuant to the terms of the Exchange Agreement, we issued to the investors approximately $2.5 million in principal amount of senior convertible debentures (the “September 2017 Debentures”) in exchange for 1,614.8125 shares of Series A Preferred Stock with a stated value of approximately $1.6 million and 890 shares of Series B Preferred Stock with a stated value of approximately $0.9 million.


On September 12, 2017, we sold an aggregate of $320,000 of our September 2017 Debentures. The sale consisted of $250,000 in cash and the cancellation of $70,000 of obligations of the Company.


The maturity date of the September 2017 Debentures has been extended to December 31, 2023. There were no other modifications to the September 2017 Debentures. September Debentures in the amount of $110,072 remain outstanding at June 30, 2023.




In September of 2021, we began paying $10,000 per month to Silvestre Law Group, P.C. (“SLG”), our outside corporate counsel, for our SEC compliance legal work (“Monthly Fee”). Mr. Silvestre, our CEO since August 16, 2021, is a principal of SLG. Additionally, SLG bills us at their standard rates for additional services outside of the scope of the Monthly Fee. For the three and six months ended June 30, 2023, we accrued $30,000 and $60,000, respectively, in legal fees to SLG, and made no payments during those periods. For the three and six months ended June 30, 2022, we accrued $30,000 and $65,843, respectively, in legal fees to Silvestre Law Group. We paid Silvestre Law Group $40,000 for the Monthly Fee and recorded an additional $25,843 in legal fees for other services not covered by the Monthly Fee during the six months ended June 30, 2022.


The company had a balance due to Silvestre Law Group of $369,848 and $309,848 at June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022, respectively. Silvestre Law Group also holds $290,000 of our convertible debentures at June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022. During the three and six months ended June 30, 2023, we recorded imputed interest of $3,625 and $7,250, respectively, on the debentures.







The following Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations contains forward-looking statements regarding our business development plans, pre-clinical and clinical studies, regulatory reviews, timing, strategies, expectations, anticipated expenses levels, business prospects and positioning with respect to market, demographic and pricing trends, business outlook, technology spending and various other matters (including contingent liabilities and obligations and changes in accounting policies, standards and interpretations) and express our current intentions, beliefs, expectations, strategies or predictions. These forward-looking statements are based on a number of assumptions and currently available information and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. Our actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements as a result of various factors, including those set forth under “Special Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements” and under “Risk Factors” and elsewhere in this quarterly report. The following discussion should be read in conjunction with Part I, Item 1 of this Quarterly Report as well as the financial statements and related notes thereto included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2022, filed with the SEC on March 31, 2023.


Our Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations (“MD&A”) is provided in addition to the accompanying financial statements and notes to assist readers in understanding our results of operations, financial condition, and cash flows. MD&A is organized as follows:


  Company Overview - Discussion of our business plan and strategy in order to provide context for the remainder of MD&A.


  Critical Accounting Policies - Accounting policies that we believe are important to understanding the assumptions and judgments incorporated in our reported financial results and forecasts.


  Results of Operations - Analysis of our financial results comparing the three and six months ended June 30, 2023 to the comparable periods of 2022.


  Liquidity and Capital Resources - Liquidity discussion of our financial condition and potential sources of liquidity.


Company Overview




We are a pharmaceutical company focused on the research and development of novel targeted precision therapeutics for the treatment of cancer. Our approach utilizes our proprietary delivery technology to better enhance immuno-modulation for improved therapeutic outcomes. Our potential first-in-class immune-oncology lead asset, RT-AR001, an adenosine A2B receptor antagonist, is differentiated by its intratumoral delivery of nano- or microparticle formulations that allows for better tumor infiltration. The adenosine A2 Receptor is one of many T-cell surface immune checkpoint proteins. Our patented portfolio of adenosine receptor antagonists provides flexibility to optimize treatment based on the specific adenosine targets found in each type of cancer.


Adenosine Receptor Modulators


The adenosine receptor modulators include A2A, A2B and dual A2A/A2B antagonists, that have broad development applicability including indications within immuno-oncology. Very high concentrations of adenosine are produced in the tumor microenvironment which prevents the host’s own immune cells from attacking the tumor. Adenosine receptor antagonists as single-agents and in combination with other existing immuno-oncology agents may overcome this immunosuppression and boost the host immune response leading to enhanced anti-tumor activity as well as inhibition of metastasis. Preclinical data has shown the direct effects with our drug candidates on certain types of cancer cells.


We have completed the manufacture of our novel platform delivery system of nano- or microparticle formulations that will be used in toxicology studies anticipated to begin in the second half of 2023, that will support the submission of an IND in 2024.


While we believe that the data from our nonclinical studies appear encouraging, the outcome of our ongoing or future studies may ultimately be unsuccessful.


We have manufactured sufficient amounts of nano- or microparticle formulations, to take us through the IND and initial clinical studies.





Rebus Holdings/ Ridgeway Licensing Agreement


Pursuant to our recent termination of license with Ridgeway Therapeutics, Inc., we reacquired the rights to certain intellectual property, discussed above, and are currently focusing on a pipeline of small molecule adenosine receptor modulators. In October 2020, pursuant to the cancellation of a license agreement whereby we previously licensed US Patent 9,593,118, we reacquired the exclusive right to such patent that covers both A2B and dual A2A/A2B antagonists. Accordingly, going forward our major focus will be: (i) further characterization of the anti-cancer activity of our unique pipeline delivery platform containing A2A, A2B and dual A2A/A2B antagonists, leading to selection of a clinical candidate or candidates for an Investigative New Drug or IND enabling studies; and (ii) licensing and/or partnering our delivery platform and the A2B and dual A2A/A2B antagonists for further development.


Our ability to execute the business plan is contingent upon our ability to raise the necessary funds. We have cash on hand of approximately $5,000 as of June 30, 2023. Given our limited cash reserves, we will need to raise additional capital in order to meet our ongoing obligations and the future capital requirements to implement our business plan. We are currently using our remaining funds to maintain our SEC reporting requirements, pay outstanding invoices to our independent registered accounting firm, legal fees, and to retain consultants and other personnel in preparation for an Investigational New Drug Application (“IND”) filing related to our unique delivery platform and portfolio of adenosine A2R antagonists for the treatment of certain solid tumors. While we have historically been able to raise capital to meet our ongoing needs, there can be no assurances that we will continue to be able to raise capital in order to meet our ongoing obligations. Should we fail to further raise sufficient funds to execute our business plan, our priority would be to maintain our intellectual property portfolio and seek business development opportunities with potential development partners and/or acquirors.




We are a pre-revenue, early-stage company that has not achieved profitability, and has no product revenues. Additionally, we have no approved products for sale.




To date, we have devoted substantially all of our efforts and financial resources to the development of our proposed drug candidates. We have not received FDA approval to market, distribute or sell any products. We have recently begun working on developing IND approved studies for our adenosine receptor technology platform.


Since our inception in 2003, we have generated no revenue from product sales and have funded our operations principally through the private and public sales of our equity securities. We have never been profitable and as of June 30, 2023, we had an accumulated deficit of approximately $65.7 million. We expect to continue to incur significant operating losses for the foreseeable future as we continue the development of our product candidates and advance them through clinical trials.


Our cash balances at June 30, 2023 were approximately $5,000 representing 56% of total assets. Based on our current expected level of operating expenditures and current cash balance as of the date of this report, we expect to be able to fund our operations into the third quarter of 2023. This period could be shortened if there are any increases in spending that were not anticipated or other unforeseen events.


We anticipate raising additional cash through the private or public sales of equity or debt securities to continue to fund our operations and the development of our product candidates. There is no assurance that any such collaborative arrangement will be entered into or that financing will be available to us when needed in order to allow us to continue our operations, or if available, on terms acceptable to us. If we do not raise sufficient funds in a timely manner, we may be forced to curtail operations, delay or stop our ongoing pre-clinical studies and potential clinical trials, cease operations altogether, or file for bankruptcy. We currently do not have commitments for future funding from any source.


Going Concern


Our auditors’ report on our December 31, 2022 consolidated financial statements expressed an opinion that our capital resources as of the date of their Audit Report were not sufficient to sustain operations or complete our planned activities for the upcoming year unless we raised additional funds. Upon the cancellation of the Ridgeway license, we resumed preclinical development. Our current cash level raises substantial doubt about our ability to continue as a going concern. If we do not obtain additional funds, we may no longer be able to continue as a going concern and will cease operation which means that our shareholders will lose their entire investment.





Critical Accounting Policies and Use of Estimates


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States requires management to make significant judgments and estimates that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of expenses during the reporting period. Management bases these significant judgments and estimates on historical experience and other assumptions it believes to be reasonable based upon information presently available. Actual results could differ from those estimates under different assumptions, judgments or conditions. There were no material changes to our critical accounting policies and use of estimates previously disclosed in our 2022 Annual Report on Form 10-K, filed with the SEC on March 31, 2023.


Recent Accounting Pronouncements


There have not been any recent changes in accounting pronouncements and Accounting Standards Update (ASU) issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) during the six months ended June 30, 2023 that are of significance or potential significance to the Company.


Result of Operations


Three Months Ended June 30, 2023 Compared to Three Months Ended June 30, 2022


Our results of operations have varied significantly from year to year and quarter to quarter and may vary significantly in the future. We did not have revenue during the three months ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, and we do not anticipate generating any revenues during 2023. Net income for the three months ending June 30, 2023 was approximately $0.04 million and net loss was approximately $1.4 million for the three months ended June 30, 2022, resulting from the operational activities described below.


Operating Expenses


Operating expense totaled approximately $0.1 million and $0.3 million during the three months ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, respectively. The decrease in operating expenses is the result of the following factors .



Three months ended June 30,


Change in 2023 versus 2022

   2023   2022   $   % 
   (amount in thousands)         
Operating Expenses                    
Research and development  $16   $174   $(158)   (91)%
General and administrative   93    110    (17)   (15)%
Total operating expenses  $109   $284   $(175)   (62)%


Research and Development Expenses


Research and development expenses totaled approximately $0.02 million and $0.2 million for the three months ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, respectively.


Our current research and development expenses currently consist primarily of consulting fees and development expense related to development of the adenosine A2R antagonists and preparation for an IND filing. Research and development costs have decreased in the current period primarily due to the lack of cash, as we explore new financing opportunities.





General and Administrative


General and administrative expenses totaled approximately $0.1 million and $0.1 million for the three months ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, respectively. The decrease of approximately $0.02 million, or 15%, for the three months ended June 30, 2023 compared to the same period in 2022, was primarily due to a decrease in franchise tax expense.


Our general and administrative expenses currently consist primarily of expenditures related to legal, accounting and tax, other professional services, and general operating expenses.


Other Income (Expense)


Other income (expense) totaled approximately $0.2 million of income and $1.1 million of expense for the three months ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, respectively.



Three Months Ended June 30,


Change in 2023 Versus 2022

   2023   2022   $   % 
   (amount in thousands)         
Gain (loss) on change in fair value of derivative liability  $156   $(1,060)  $1,216    115%
Interest (expense), net   (4)   (21)   17    81%
Total other (expense)  $152   $(1,081)  $1,233    114%


Gain (loss) on change in fair value of derivative liability


As a result of a change in the fair value of our derivative liability, we realized income of $0.2 million and loss of $1.1 million during the three months ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, respectively. The change in the fair value of our derivative liability was the result of our convertible debentures and notes issued in September 2017, October 2020, and June 2021, where we issued convertible notes with variable conversion rates, and to the issuance of our Series F preferred stock in October 2020, which is convertible into a variable number of shares of common stock. Refer to Note 6 in our unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements for further discussion on our derivative liability.


Interest income (expense)


We had net interest expense of $4,000 for the three months ended June 30, 2023 compared to expense of $0.02 million for the three months ended June 30, 2022. The decrease of $0.2 million was attributable to a decrease in the cost associated with derivative instruments issued with a value in excess of proceeds received.


Six Months Ended June 30, 2023 Compared to Six Months Ended June 30, 2022


Our results of operations have varied significantly from year to year and quarter to quarter and may vary significantly in the future. We did not have revenue during the six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, and we do not anticipate generating any revenues during 2023. Net losses for the six months ending June 30, 2023 and 2022 were approximately $0.4 million and $2.0 million, respectively, resulting from the operational activities described below.





Operating Expenses


Operating expense totaled approximately $0.2 million and $0.4 million during the six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, respectively. The decrease in operating expenses is the result of the following factors.



Six months ended June 30,


Change in 2023 versus 2022

   2023   2022   $   % 
   (amount in thousands)         
Operating Expenses                    
Research and development  $38   $192   $(154)   (80)%
General and administrative   205    242    (37)   (15)%
Total operating expenses  $243   $434   $(191)   (44)%


Research and Development Expenses


Research and development expenses totaled approximately $0.04 million and $0.2 million for the six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, respectively.


Our current research and development expenses currently consist primarily of consulting fees and development expense related to development of the adenosine A2R antagonists and preparation for an IND filing. Research and development costs have decreased in the current period primarily due to the lack of cash, as we explore new financing opportunities.


General and Administrative


General and administrative expenses totaled approximately $0.2 million and $0.2 million for the six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, respectively. The decrease of approximately $0.04 million, or 15%, for the six months ended June 30, 2023 compared to the same period in 2022, was primarily due to decreased professional fees and services and franchise tax expense.


Our general and administrative expenses currently consist primarily of expenditures related to legal, accounting and tax, other professional services, and general operating expenses.


Other Income (Expense)


Other income (expense) totaled approximately $0.1 million and $1.5 million of expense for the six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, respectively.



Six Months Ended June 30,


Change in 2023 Versus 2022

   2023   2022   $   % 
   (amount in thousands)         
Loss on change in fair value of derivative liability  $(130)  $(1,459)  $1,329    91%
(Loss) gain on conversion of debt   -    (24)   24    100%
Interest (expense), net   (8)   (54)   46    85%
Total other (expense)  $(138)  $(1,537)  $1,399    91%


Loss on change in fair value of derivative liability


As a result of a change in the fair value of our derivative liability, we realized loss of $0.1 million and $1.5 million during the six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, respectively. The change in the fair value of our derivative liability was the result of our convertible debentures and notes issued in September 2017, October 2020, and June 2021, where we issued convertible notes with variable conversion rates, and to the issuance of our Series F preferred stock in October 2020, which is convertible into a variable number of shares of common stock. Refer to Note 6 in our unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements for further discussion on our derivative liability.





(Loss) Gain on conversion of debt


There was a loss on conversion of debentures of approximately $0.02 million during the six months ended June 30, 2022, with no conversion of debt in the current six months ended June 30, 2023. Gain or loss on conversion of debt results from the difference between the fair value of common stock issued upon conversion and the carrying amount of the debt converted.


Interest income (expense)


We had net interest expense of $8,000 in the six months ended June 30, 2023 compared to expense of $0.1 million for the six months ended June 30, 2022. The decrease of $0.05 million was attributable to a decrease in the cost associated with derivative instruments issued with a value in excess of proceeds received.


Liquidity and Capital Resources


We have incurred losses since our inception in 2003 as a result of significant expenditures on operations, research and development and the lack of any approved products to generate revenue. We have an accumulated deficit of $65.7 million as of June 30, 2023 and anticipate that we will continue to incur additional losses for the foreseeable future. To date, we have funded our operations through the private sale of our equity securities, convertible debentures, and exercise of options and warrants, resulting in gross proceeds of approximately $39.1 million. Cash at June 30, 2023 was approximately $5,000.


Our auditors’ report on our December 31, 2022 financial statements expressed an opinion that our capital resources as of the date of their Audit Report were not sufficient to sustain operations or complete our planned activities for the upcoming year unless we raised additional funds. Based on our current level of expected operating expenditures, we expect to be able to fund our operations into the third quarter of 2023. This assumes that we spend minimally on general operations and only continue conducting our ongoing clinical trials, and that we do not encounter any unexpected events or other circumstances that could shorten this time period. If we do not obtain additional funds by such time, we may no longer be able to continue as a going concern and may be required to cease operations, which means that our shareholders will lose their entire investment.


We are actively seeking sources of financing to fund our continued operations and research and development programs. To raise additional capital, we may sell equity or debt securities, or enter into collaborative, strategic and/or licensing transactions. There can be no assurance that we will be able to complete any financing transaction in a timely manner or on acceptable terms or otherwise. If we are not able to raise additional cash, we may be forced to further delay, curtail, or cease development of our product candidates, or cease operations altogether.



Six Months Ended June 30,


Change in 2023 versus 2022

   2023   2022   $   % 
   (amount in thousands)         
Cash at beginning of period  $5   $711   $(706)   (99)%
Net cash used in operating activities   -    (446)   446    100%
Net cash provided by investing activities   -    -    -    -%
Net cash provided by financing activities   -    -    -    -%
Cash at end of period  $5   $265   $(260)   (98)%





Cash totaled approximately $5,000 and $0.3 million as of June 30, 2023 and 2022, respectively. The decrease of approximately $0.3 million at June 30, 2023 compared to the same period in 2022 was primarily attributable to cash used in operations.


Net Cash Used in Operating Activities


Net cash used in operating activities was approximately $0 and $0.4 million for the six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, respectively. Cash used for operations decreased by approximately $0.4 million, or 100%, during the six months ended June 30, 2023, compared to the same period in 2022. The decrease in cash used was primarily attributable to a decrease in our net loss (after adjusting for noncash items) of approximately $0.2 million and by changes in accounts payable and accrued expenses of approximately $0.2 million.


Net Cash Provided by Investing Activities


There was no cash provided by or used in investing activities for the six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2022.


Net Cash Provided by Financing Activities


There was no cash provided by financing activities for the six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2022.




We are not required to provide the information required by this item as we are considered a smaller reporting company, as defined by Rule 229.10(f)(1).




Evaluation of Disclosure Controls and Procedures and Changes in Internal Control over Financial Reporting


Our management, with the participation of our principal executive officer and principal accounting officer (both positions are held by our Chief Executive Officer), evaluated the effectiveness of our disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rules 13a-15(e) of the Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the Exchange Act)), as of June 30, 2022. Based on that evaluation, management has concluded that due to limited resources and limited number of employees, its internal control over financial reporting was ineffective as of June 30, 2023 to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements in accordance with U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. To mitigate the current limited resources and employees, we rely heavily on direct management oversight of transactions, along with the use of legal and accounting professionals. As we grow, we expect to increase the number of employees, which would enable us to implement adequate segregation of duties within the internal control framework.


Changes in Internal Control Over Financial Reporting


There were no changes in the Company’s internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 13a-15f of the Exchange Act) that occurred during the three month period ending June 30, 2023 that has materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, the Company’s internal control over financial reporting.


Limitations on Internal Controls


In designing and evaluating the disclosure controls and procedures, management recognizes that any controls and procedures, no matter how well designed and operated, can provide only reasonable assurance of achieving the desired control objectives. In addition, the design of disclosure controls and procedures must reflect the fact that there are resource constraints and that management is required to apply its judgment in evaluating the benefits of possible controls and procedures relative to their costs.















We have described below a number of uncertainties and risks which, in addition to uncertainties and risks presented elsewhere in this Quarterly Report, may adversely affect our business, operating results and financial condition. The uncertainties and risks enumerated below as well as those presented elsewhere in this Quarterly Report should be considered carefully in evaluating us, our business and the value of our securities. The following important factors, among others, could cause our actual business, financial condition and future results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements made in this Quarterly Report or presented elsewhere by management from time to time. In these circumstances, the market price of our common stock could decline, and you could lose your entire investment.


Risks Related to our Financial Position, Need to Raise Additional Capital, and Series F Preferred Stock


We were forced to curtail our operations due to a lack of operating capital and we will not be able to continue as a going concern if we do not obtain additional financing.


Since our inception, we have funded our operations through the sale of our securities. Our cash balances at June 30, 2023 were approximately $5,000. Our ability to continue as a going concern is still wholly dependent upon obtaining sufficient capital to fund our operations. We have no committed sources of additional capital and our access to capital funding is always uncertain. Accordingly, despite our ability to secure capital in the past, we cannot assure you that we will be able to secure additional capital through financing transactions, including issuance of debt, or through other means such as the licensing of our technology or grants. In the event that we are not able to secure additional funding, we may be forced to curtail operations, delay or stop ongoing clinical trials, cease operations altogether or file for bankruptcy.


Our auditors have expressed substantial doubt about our ability to continue as a going concern.


Our auditors’ report on our December 31, 2022 consolidated financial statements expressed an opinion that our capital resources as of the date of their audit report were not sufficient to sustain operations or complete our planned activities for the upcoming year unless we raised additional funds. Our current cash level raises substantial doubt about our ability to continue as a going concern past the third quarter of 2023. If we do not obtain additional funds by such time, we may no longer be able to continue as a going concern and may need to cease operations which means that our shareholders will lose their entire investment.


If we do not raise sufficient capital, we may lose rights to certain intellectual property which is the basis of our lead product candidates.


In October 2020, pursuant to the cancellation of a license agreement, we reacquired the rights to US Patent 9,593,118, which covers both A2B and dual A2A/A2B antagonists. The intellectual property contained in US Patent 9,593,118 is the basis of our lead product candidates. As a condition to the cancelation of the license, we are required to raise an aggregate of $5 million prior to October of 2023. As of the date of this Quarterly Report, we have raised approximately $1,500,000 in capital beginning from October 5, 2020 (the date of the termination of license agreement). If we are unable to raise such capital or come to another agreement with Ridegway Therapeutics (the prior licensee), the license cancelation will be revoked, and the license will be reinstated in exchange for the return of the common shares and Series F Preferred Stock that were previously issued to Ridgeway Therapeutics. In such event, we will lose all rights to the technology which forms the basis of our lead product candidate which will have a material adverse effect on our business and prospects. Notwithstanding, the Company has begun discussions with Ridgeway Therapeutics to either extend the date of the capital raising requirement or otherwise determine an alternate way to maintain the license cancellation.





Our shareholders will experience substantial dilution upon the conversion of our Series F Preferred Stock.


On October 5, 2020, we reacquired the rights to certain intellectual property that is the basis of our lead proposed product. In exchange for the cancelation of the prior license, which resulted in our reacquisition of such technology, we issued 8,000 shares of Series F Preferred Stock to Ridgeway Therapeutics. The 8,000 shares of Series F Preferred Stock are convertible into an aggregate amount that will equal 80% of our issued and outstanding Common Stock immediately post conversion. Upon conversion, our shareholders will experience substantial dilution.


Risks Relating to Our Stage of Development and Business


If we are unable to successfully attract and retain a new management team and secure additional members and employees, our business could be harmed.


On August 16, 2021, we appointed Raul Silvestre as interim chief executive officer and principal accounting officer. We will need to augment senior management as well as engage additional personnel to execute our business plan and grow our business. Our success depends largely on the development and execution of our business strategy by our management team. The recent transitions in our executive team may be disruptive to our business, and if we are unable to manage an orderly transition, our business may be adversely affected. Additionally, since our management team consists of only one individual, Mr. Silvestre, the loss of Mr. Silvestre would likely harm our ability to implement our business strategy and respond to the rapidly changing market conditions in which we operate. There may be a limited number of persons with the requisite skills to serve in these positions, and we cannot assure you that we would be able to identify or employ such qualified personnel on acceptable terms, if at all. Additionally, we cannot assure you that management will succeed in working together as a team. In the event that we are unsuccessful, our business and prospects could be harmed.


We are an early-stage company, have no product revenues, are not profitable and may never be profitable.


From inception through June 30, 2023, we have raised approximately $39.1 million through the sale of our securities and exercise of outstanding warrants. During this same period, we have recorded an accumulated deficit of approximately $65.7 million. Our net loss for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022 was $1,020,000. We recognized $2,698,000 of income for the year ended December 31, 2021 (resulting from net noncash income of $3,720,000 related to our convertible notes payable and related derivatives). Our increase in net loss is primarily the result of a reduction in gain from the change in fair value of our derivative instruments and a reduction in gains from conversion of debt, partially offset by reductions in interest expense and operating expenses. None of our products in development have received approval from the United States Food and Drug Administration or FDA, or other regulatory authorities; we have no sales and have never generated revenues nor do we expect to for the foreseeable future. We are currently focusing our efforts on the development of our adenosine receptor modulators. We expect to incur significant operating losses for the foreseeable future as we continue the research, pre-clinical and clinical development of our product candidates as well as the possible in-licensing of additional clinical and pre-clinical assets. Accordingly, we will need additional capital to fund our continuing operations and any expansion plans. Since we do not generate any revenue, the most likely sources of such additional capital include the sale of our securities, a strategic licensing collaboration transaction or joint venture involving the rights to one or more of our product candidates, or from grants. To the extent that we raise additional capital by issuing equity securities, our stockholders are likely to experience dilution with regard to their percentage ownership of the company, which may be significant. If we raise additional funds through collaborations or licensing arrangements, we may be required to relinquish some or all the rights to our technologies, product candidates, or grant licenses on terms that are not favorable to us. If we raise additional capital by incurring debt, we could incur significant interest expense and become subject to covenants that could affect the manner in which we conduct our business, including securing such debt obligations with our assets.


Our product candidates are at various stages of early development and significant financial resources are required to develop commercially viable products and obtain regulatory approval to market and sell such products. We will need to devote significantly more research and development efforts, financial resources and personnel to develop commercially viable products and obtain regulatory approvals. We may encounter hurdles and unexpected issues as we proceed in the development of our other product candidates. While initial data from our research appear promising, the outcome of the pre-clinical and development work is uncertain and future trials may ultimately be unsuccessful. If we fail to develop and successfully commercialize our product candidates, our business may be materially harmed and could fail.





We have a limited operating history as a company and may not be able to effectively operate our business.


Our limited staff and operating history mean that there is a high degree of uncertainty regarding our ability to:


  develop and commercialize our technologies and proposed products;


  obtain regulatory approval to commence the marketing of our products;


  identify, hire and retain the needed personnel to implement our business plan;


  manage growth;


  achieve market acceptance or insurance reimbursement for any of our proposed products, if successfully developed; or


  respond to competition.


No assurances can be given as to exactly when, if at all, we will be able to fully develop, and take the necessary steps to derive any revenues from our proposed product candidates.


We rely on technologies that we may not be able to commercially develop, which will prevent us from generating revenues, operating profitably or providing investors any return on their investment.


We have refocused our development on our adenosine receptor modulator technologies and our ability to generate revenue and operate profitably will depend on us being able to develop these technologies for human applications. We cannot guarantee that the results obtained in clinical evaluation of our therapies will be sufficient to warrant approval by the FDA for clinical use. Even if our therapies are approved for use by the FDA, there is no guarantee that they will exhibit an enhanced efficacy relative to competing products such that they will be adopted by the medical community. Without significant adoption by the medical community our product candidates will have limited commercial potential which will likely result in the loss of your entire investment.


Inability to complete pre-clinical and clinical testing and trials will impair the viability of the Company.


We are in the development stage and have not yet applied for approval by the FDA to conduct clinical trials. Even if we successfully file an IND application and receive clearance from the FDA to commence trials, the outcome of pre-clinical, clinical and product testing of our product candidates is uncertain, and if we are unable to satisfactorily complete such testing, or if such testing yields unsatisfactory results, we will be unable to commercially produce our proposed products. Before obtaining regulatory approvals for the commercial sale of any potential human products, our product candidates will be subjected to extensive pre-clinical and clinical testing to demonstrate their safety and efficacy in humans. No assurances can be given that the clinical trials of our product candidates, or those of licensees or collaborators, will demonstrate the safety and efficacy of such product candidates at all, or to the extent necessary to obtain appropriate regulatory approvals, or that the testing of such product candidates will be completed in a timely manner, if at all, or without significant increases in costs, program delays or both, all of which could harm our ability to generate revenues. In addition, our product candidates may not prove to be more effective for treating disease than current therapies. Accordingly, we may have to delay or abandon efforts to research, develop or obtain regulatory approval to market our product candidates. Many companies involved in biotechnology research and development have suffered significant setbacks in advanced clinical trials, even after promising results in earlier trials. The failure to adequately demonstrate the safety and efficacy of a therapeutic product under development could delay or prevent regulatory approval of the product and could harm our ability to generate revenues, operate profitably or produce any return on an investment in our company.





Raising capital may be difficult as a result of our history of losses and limited operating history in our current stage of development.


When making investment decisions, investors typically look at a company’s management, earnings and historical performance in evaluating the risks and operations of the business and the business’s future prospects. Our history of losses, new senior management team and relatively limited operating history in our current stage of development makes such evaluation, as well as any estimation of our future performance, substantially more difficult. As a result, investors may be unwilling to invest in us or on terms or conditions which are acceptable. If we are unable to secure additional financing, we may need to materially scale back our business plan and/or operations or cease operations altogether.


A pandemic, epidemic or outbreak of an infectious disease in the markets in which we operate or that otherwise impacts our facilities or advisors could adversely impact our business.


If a pandemic, epidemic, or outbreak of an infectious disease including the recent outbreak of respiratory illness caused by a novel coronavirus (COVID-19) or other public health crisis were to affect our facilities or those of our suppliers, our business could be adversely affected. A pandemic typically results in social distancing, travel bans and quarantine, and this may limit access to our facilities, management, support staff and professional advisors. These factors, in turn, may not only materially impact our operations and financial condition, but our overall ability to react timely to mitigate the impact of this event. Also, it may hamper our efforts to comply with our filing obligations with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


Business or economic disruptions or global health concerns could seriously harm our development efforts and increase our costs and expenses.


Broad-based business or economic disruptions could adversely affect our ongoing or planned research and development activities. For example, in November 2019 an outbreak of a novel strain of coronavirus originated in Wuhan, China, and has since spread around the world, including to the United States. To date, this outbreak has already resulted in extended shutdowns of many businesses around the world, including in the United States. Global health concerns, such as coronavirus, could also result in social, economic, and labor instability in the countries in which we or the third parties with whom we engage operate. We cannot presently predict the scope, severity and longevity of any potential business shutdowns or disruptions, but if we or any of the third parties with whom we engage or plan to engage, including the suppliers, clinical trial sites, regulators and other third parties with whom we conduct business or plan to conduct business, were to experience shutdowns or other business disruptions, our ability to conduct our business in the manner and on the timelines presently planned could be materially and negatively impacted. It is also possible that global health concerns such as this one could disproportionately impact the hospitals and clinical sites in which we conduct or plan to conduct any of our clinical trials, which could have a material adverse effect on our business and our results of operation and financial condition.


Risks Related to Commercialization


The market for our proposed products is rapidly changing and competitive.


The pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries are subject to rapid and substantial technological change and innovation. Developments by others may render our proposed products non-competitive or obsolete, or we may be unable to keep pace with technological developments and other market factors. Competition from pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, universities, governmental entities and others diversifying into the field is intense and is expected to increase.


As a pre-revenue company, our resources are limited, and we may experience challenges inherent in the early development of novel therapeutics. Competitors have developed or are in the process of developing technologies that are, or in the future may be, the basis for competition. Some of these technologies may have an entirely different approach or means of accomplishing similar therapeutic efforts compared to our proposed products. Our competitors may develop therapies that are safer, more effective and less costly than our proposed products and therefore, present a serious competitive threat to us.


The acceptance of therapies that are alternatives to ours may limit market acceptance of our proposed products, even if commercialized. Many of our targeted diseases and conditions can also be treated by other medications and treatments. These treatments may be widely accepted in medical communities and have a longer history of use. The established use of other competing therapies may limit the potential for our proposed products, even if commercialized.





Our proposed products may not be accepted by the healthcare community.


Our proposed products, if approved for marketing, may not achieve market acceptance by the healthcare community since hospitals, physicians, patients, or the medical community in general may decide not to utilize them. We are attempting to develop products that are likely to be first approved for marketing as a treatment for late-stage cancer where there is no truly effective standard of care. If approved for use in late-stage cancer, our proposed products might then be evaluated in earlier stages where they could represent a substantial departure from established treatment methods and would most likely compete with a number of more conventional drugs and therapies which are manufactured and marketed by major pharmaceutical companies. It is too early in the development cycle of our proposed products for us to predict our major competitors. The degree of market acceptance of our products, if developed, will depend on a number of factors, including but not limited to:


  our ability to demonstrate the clinical efficacy and safety of our proposed products to the medical community;


  our ability to create products that are superior to alternative products;


  our ability to establish in the medical community the potential advantage of our treatments over alternative treatment methods; and


  the reimbursement policies of government and third-party payors.


If the healthcare community does not accept our products, our business could be materially harmed.


Our potential competitors in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries have significantly greater resources than we have.


We compete against numerous companies, many of which have substantially greater resources than we have. Several such competitors have research programs and/or efforts to treat the same diseases we target. Companies that may compete with us have substantially greater financial, research, manufacturing and marketing resources than we do. As a result, such competitors may find it easier to compete in our industry and bring competing products to market.


Risks Related to the Development and Manufacturing of Our Product Candidates


We intend to rely exclusively upon third-party FDA-regulated manufacturers and suppliers for our proposed products.


We currently have no internal manufacturing capability and intend to rely exclusively on FDA-approved licensees, strategic partners or third-party contract manufacturers or suppliers for the foreseeable future. Because manufacturing facilities are subject to regulatory oversight and inspection, the failure of any of our third-party FDA regulated manufactures or suppliers to comply with regulatory requirements could result in material manufacturing delays and product shortages, which could delay or otherwise negatively impact our clinical trials and product development plans. Should we be forced to manufacture our proposed products, we cannot give any assurance that we would be able to develop internal manufacturing capabilities or secure third-party suppliers for raw materials. In the event that we seek third party suppliers or alternative manufacturers, they may require us to purchase a minimum amount of materials or could require other unfavorable terms. Any such event could materially impact our business prospects and could delay the development of our proposed products. Moreover, we cannot give any assurance that the contract manufacturers or suppliers that we select will be able to supply our products in a timely or cost-effective manner or in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements or our own specifications.





We may not be able to establish or maintain the third-party relationships that are necessary to develop or potentially commercialize our product candidates.


As needed, we plan to rely heavily on third party collaborators, partners, licensees, clinical research organizations, clinical investigators, vendors or other third parties to support our research and development efforts and to conduct clinical trials for our product candidates. We cannot guarantee that we will be able to successfully negotiate agreements for, or maintain relationships with, these third parties on a commercially reasonable basis, if at all. Additionally, to commercialize our proposed products, we intend to rely on third party licensees or the outright sale of our proposed products to pharmaceutical partner(s). If we fail to establish or maintain such third-party relationships as anticipated, our business could be adversely affected.


We are dependent upon third parties to develop our product candidates, and such parties are, to some extent, outside of our control.


We depend and plan to depend upon independent contract research organizations, investigators, and collaborators, such as universities and medical institutions, to conduct our pre-clinical and clinical studies. These individuals and/or entities are not our employees and we cannot control the amount or timing of resources that they devote to our programs. These third parties may not assign as great a priority to our programs or pursue them as diligently as we would if we were undertaking such programs ourselves. If these third parties fail to devote sufficient time and resources to our programs, or if their performance is substandard, the development of our drug candidates and corresponding FDA approval could be delayed or fail entirely.


Our therapeutic compounds may not be able to be manufactured profitably on a large enough scale to support commercialization.


To date, our therapeutic compounds have only been manufactured at a scale which is adequate to supply our research activities and early-stage clinical trials. There can be no assurance that the procedures currently used to manufacture our therapeutic compounds will work at a scale which is adequate for commercial needs. In the event our therapeutic compounds cannot be manufactured in sufficient quantities for commercialization, our future prospects could be significantly impacted, and our financial prospects would be materially harmed.


Risks Relating to our Intellectual Property


Our competitive position is dependent on our intellectual property and we may not be able to withstand challenges to our intellectual property rights.


We rely on our intellectual property, including our issued and applied for U.S. and foreign patents as the foundation of our business. If our intellectual property rights are challenged, no assurances can be given that our patents or licenses would survive claims alleging invalidity or infringement on other patents and/or licenses. In addition, disputes may arise regarding inventorship of our intellectual property. It is possible that our intellectual property may be infringing upon existing patents that we are not currently unaware of. As the number of participants in the marketplace grows, the possibility of patent infringement claims against us increases. It is difficult, if not impossible, to determine how such disputes would be resolved. Furthermore, because of the substantial amount of discovery required in connection with patent litigation, there is a risk that some of our confidential information could be required to be publicly disclosed. Any litigation claims against us may cause us to incur substantial costs and could place a significant strain upon our financial resources, divert the attention of management or restrict our core business or result in the public disclosure of confidential information.


We may incur substantial costs as a result of litigation or other proceedings relating to patent and other intellectual property rights and we may be unable to protect our rights to, or use of, our technology.


Some or all of our patent applications may not issue as patents, or the claims of any issued patents may not afford meaningful protection for our technologies or products. In addition, patents issued to us or our licensors, if any, may be challenged and subsequently narrowed, invalidated or circumvented. Patent litigation is widespread in the biotechnology industry and could harm our business. Litigation might be necessary to protect our patent position or to determine the scope and validity of third-party proprietary rights. If we choose to go to court to stop someone else from using the inventions claimed in our patents, that individual or company would have the right to ask the court to rule that such patents are invalid and/or should not be enforced against that third party. These lawsuits are expensive, and we may not have the required resources to pursue such litigation or to protect our patent rights. In addition, there is a risk that the court might decide that these patents are not valid and that we do not have the right to stop the other party from using the inventions. There is also the risk that, even if the validity of these patents is upheld, the court could refuse to stop the other party on the ground that such other party’s activities do not infringe on our rights contained in these patents.





Furthermore, a third party may claim that we are using inventions covered by their patent rights and may go to court to stop us from engaging in our normal operations and activities, including making or selling our product candidates. These lawsuits are costly and could materially increase our operating expenses and divert the attention of managerial and technical personnel. There is a risk that a court would decide that we are infringing the third party’s patents and would order us to stop the activities covered by the patents. In addition, there is a risk that a court would order us to pay the other party damages for having violated the other party’s patents. The biotechnology industry has produced a proliferation of patents, and it is not always clear to industry participants, including us, which patents cover various types of products or methods of use. The coverage of patents is subject to interpretation by the courts, and the interpretation is not always uniform.


Because some patent applications in the United States may be maintained in secrecy until the patents are issued, patent applications in the United States and many foreign jurisdictions are typically not published until eighteen months after filing, and publications in the scientific literature often lag behind actual discoveries, we cannot be certain that others have not filed patent applications for technology covered by our issued patents or our pending applications or that we were the first to invent the technology. Our competitors may have filed, and may in the future file, patent applications covering technology similar to ours. Any such patent application may have priority over our patent applications and could further require us to obtain rights to issued patents covering such technologies.


If another party has filed a United States patent application on inventions similar to ours, we may have to participate in an interference or other proceeding in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, or the PTO, or a court to determine priority of invention in the United States. The costs of these proceedings could be substantial, and it is possible that such efforts would be unsuccessful, resulting in a loss of our United States patent position with respect to such inventions.


Some of our competitors may be able to sustain the costs of complex patent litigation more effectively than we can because they have substantially greater resources. In addition, any uncertainties resulting from the initiation and continuation of any litigation could have a material adverse effect on our ability to raise the capital necessary to continue our operations.


Obtaining and maintaining our patent protection depends upon compliance with various procedural, documentary, fee payment and other requirements imposed by governmental patent agencies, and our patent protection could be reduced or eliminated for non-compliance with these requirements.


The PTO and various foreign governmental patent agencies require compliance with a number of procedural, documentary, fee payment and other provisions during the patent process. There are situations in which noncompliance can result in abandonment or lapse of a patent or patent application, resulting in partial or complete loss of patent rights in the relevant jurisdiction. In such an event, competitors might be able to enter the market earlier than would otherwise have been the case.


We may not be able to adequately protect our intellectual property.


We rely in part on trade secret protection in order to protect our proprietary trade secrets and unpatented know-how. However, trade secrets are difficult to protect, and we cannot be certain that others do not develop the same or similar technologies on their own. Additionally, research with regard to our technologies has been performed in countries outside of the United States, and we also anticipate conducting joint ventures, collaborations and future clinical trials outside the US. The laws in some of these countries may not provide protection for our trade secrets and intellectual property. We have taken steps, including entering into confidentiality agreements with our employees, consultants, service providers, and potential strategic partners to protect our trade secrets and unpatented know-how. These agreements generally require that the other party keep confidential and not disclose to third parties all confidential information developed by the party or made known to the party by us during the course of the party’s relationship with us. We also typically obtain agreements from these parties which provide that inventions conceived by the party in the course of rendering services to us are our property. However, these agreements may not be honored, including in foreign countries in which we conduct research, and may not effectively assign intellectual property rights to us. Enforcing a claim that a party illegally obtained and is using our trade secrets or know-how is difficult, expensive and time consuming, and the outcome is unpredictable. In addition, courts outside the United States may be less willing to protect trade secrets or know-how. The failure to obtain or maintain trade secret protection could adversely affect our competitive position.





We may be subject to claims that our employees or consultants have wrongfully used or disclosed alleged trade secrets of their former employers.


As is common in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries, we may employ and hire individuals and/or entities who were previously employed at other biotechnology or pharmaceutical companies, including our competitors or potential competitors. Although no claims against us are currently pending, we may be subject to claims that these individuals, entities or that we have inadvertently or otherwise used or disclosed trade secrets or other proprietary information of their former employers. Litigation may be necessary to defend against these claims. Even if we are successful in defending against these claims, litigation could result in substantial costs and be a distraction to management.


Risks Relating to Marketing Approval and Government Regulations


Data obtained from clinical trials are susceptible to varying interpretations and may not be sufficient to support approval of our proposed products by the FDA.


The design of our potential clinical trials will be based on many assumptions about the expected effect of our product candidates and if those assumptions are incorrect, our potential clinical trials may not produce statistically significant results. Preliminary results may not be confirmed on full analysis of the detailed results of early clinical trials. Data already obtained, or in the future obtained, from pre-clinical studies and clinical trials do not necessarily predict the results that may be obtained from later trials. Moreover, pre-clinical and clinical data are susceptible to varying interpretations, which could delay, limit or prevent regulatory approval. A number of companies in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries have suffered significant setbacks in advanced clinical trials, even after promising results in earlier trials. The failure to adequately demonstrate the safety and effectiveness of a proposed formulation or product under development could delay or prevent regulatory clearance of the potential drug. Our products may not prove to be safe and effective in clinical trials and may not meet all regulatory requirements needed to receive regulatory approval. While data from our completed trials appear promising, the outcome of the current trials is uncertain, and these trials or future trials may ultimately be unsuccessful. Our clinical trials may among other things, not demonstrate sufficient levels of safety and efficacy necessary to obtain the requisite regulatory approvals for our drugs, and thus our proposed drugs may not be approved for marketing.


Our proposed products may not receive FDA or other regulatory approvals.


The FDA and comparable government agencies in foreign countries impose substantial regulations on the manufacture and marketing of pharmaceutical products through expensive, lengthy and detailed laboratory, pre-clinical and clinical testing procedures, sampling activities and other costly and time-consuming procedures. Satisfaction of these regulations typically takes several years or more and varies substantially based upon the type, complexity and novelty of the proposed product. Our proposed products are subject to extensive regulation and/or acceptance by numerous governmental authorities in the United States, including the FDA, and authorities in other countries. Most of our proposed products will require governmental approval before they can be commercialized. Our failure to receive the regulatory approvals in the United States or foreign countries will materially impact our business.


Our proposed products may not have favorable results in clinical trials or receive regulatory approval.


Encouraging results from our studies to date should not be relied upon as evidence that our planned pre-clinical and clinical trials will ultimately be successful, or our products approved for marketing. Even though the results of our studies to date may seem promising in certain respects, we will be required to demonstrate through further pre-clinical and clinical trials that our product candidates are safe and effective for use in a diverse population before we can seek regulatory approvals for their commercial sale. There is typically an extremely high rate of attrition from the failure of product candidates as they proceed through clinical trials. If any product candidate fails to demonstrate sufficient safety and efficacy in any clinical trial, then we could experience potentially significant delays in, or be required to abandon, development of that product candidate. While initial data from our preliminary studies appear promising, the outcome of any clinical trials is uncertain and such trials or future trials may ultimately be unsuccessful.





If users of our proposed products are unable to obtain adequate reimbursement from third-party payors, market acceptance of our proposed products may be limited, and we may not achieve revenues or profits.


The continuing efforts of governments, insurance companies, health maintenance organizations and other payers of healthcare costs to contain or reduce costs of health care may affect our future revenues and profitability as well as the future revenues and profitability of our potential customers, suppliers and collaborative partners in addition to the availability of capital. In other words, our ability to commercialize our proposed products depends in large part on the extent to which appropriate reimbursement levels for the cost of our proposed formulations, products and related treatments are obtained by the health care providers of these products and treatments. At this time, we cannot predict the precise impact that recently adopted or future laws will have on these reimbursement levels.


We may be unable to comply with our reporting and other requirements under federal securities laws.


The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, as well as related new rules and regulations implemented by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC, and the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, require changes in the corporate governance practices and financial reporting standards for public companies. These laws, rules and regulations, including compliance with Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 relating to internal control over financial reporting, would be expected to materially increase the Company’s legal and financial compliance costs and make some activities more time-consuming and more burdensome. Presently we qualify as a non-accelerated filer. Accordingly, we are exempt from the requirements of Section 404(b) and our independent registered public accounting firm is not required to audit the design and operating effectiveness of our internal controls and management’s assessment of the design and the operating effectiveness of such internal controls. In the event that we become an accelerated filer, we will be required to expend substantial capital in connection with compliance.


We do not have effective internal controls over our financial reporting.


Because of our limited resources, management has concluded that our internal control over financial reporting may not be effective in providing reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. Effective internal controls over financial reporting and disclosure controls and procedures are necessary for us to provide reliable financial and other reports and effectively prevent fraud. If we cannot provide reliable financial or SEC reports or prevent fraud, investors may lose confidence in our SEC reports, our operating results and the trading price of our common stock could suffer materially, and we may become subject to litigation.


Compliance with changing regulation of corporate governance and public disclosure may result in additional expenses and will divert time and attention away from revenue generating activities.


Changing laws, regulations and standards relating to corporate governance and public disclosure, including the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and related SEC regulations, have created uncertainty for public companies and significantly increased the costs and risks associated with accessing the public markets and public reporting. Our management team invests significant time and financial resources to comply with both existing and evolving standards for public companies, which will lead to increased general and administrative expenses and a diversion of management time and attention from developing our business to compliance activities which could have an adverse effect on our business.





Risks Relating to our Securities


Our common stock price may be particularly volatile because of our stage of development and business.


The market prices for the securities of biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies in general, and early-stage drug development companies in particular, such as ours, have been highly volatile and may continue to be highly volatile in the future. The following may have a significant impact on the market price of our common stock:


  our ability to retain and augment our current management team and workforce, which currently consists of only one employee, our chief executive officer;


  the development status of our drug candidates, particularly the results of our clinical trials;


  market conditions or trends related to the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries, or the market in general;


  announcements of technological innovations, new commercial products, or other material events by our competitors or us;


  disputes or other developments concerning our proprietary rights;


  changes in, or failure to meet, securities analysts’ or investors’ expectations of our financial and developmental performance;


  additions or departures of key personnel;


  loss of any strategic relationship;


  discussions of our business, products, financial performance, prospects, or stock price by the financial and scientific press and online investor communities such as chat rooms;


  industry developments, including, without limitation, changes in healthcare policies or practices or third-party reimbursement policies;


  public concern as to, and legislative action with respect to, testing or other research areas of biopharmaceutical and pharmaceutical companies, the pricing and availability of prescription drugs, or the safety of drugs;


  regulatory developments in the United States or foreign countries; and


  economic, political and other external factors.


Broad market fluctuations may cause the market price of our common stock to decline substantially. Additionally, fluctuations in the trading price or liquidity of our common stock may materially and adversely affect, among other things, the interest of investors to purchase our common stock on the open market and, generally, our ability to raise capital.


Our board of directors has broad discretion to issue additional securities, in the event that we have adequate authorized capital to issue such securities.


We are authorized under our certificate of incorporation to issue up to 1,000,000,000 shares of common stock and 30,000,000 “blank check” shares of preferred stock. Shares of our blank check preferred stock provide the board of directors with broad authority to determine voting, dividend, conversion, and other rights. As of August 1, 2023, we have issued and outstanding 32,132,907 shares of common stock. We have also authorized 1,853 shares of Series A 0% Convertible Preferred Stock, of which 133.8125 are outstanding, 1,000 shares of Series B 0% Convertible Preferred Stock, of which 71 are outstanding, 290.43148 shares of Series C 0% Convertible Preferred Stock, that are all outstanding, 5,000 shares of Series D 0% Convertible Preferred Stock, all of which are outstanding, 5,000 shares of Series E 0% Convertible Preferred Stock, all of which are outstanding, and 8,000 shares of Series F 0% Convertible Preferred Stock, all of which are outstanding. Accordingly, we are entitled to issue 967,867,093 shares of common stock, and 29,981,505 additional shares of “blank check” preferred stock. Notwithstanding, all of our Series F Convertible Preferred Stock is convertible into 80% of our issued and outstanding common stock immediately prior to issuance. Our board may generally issue those common and preferred shares, or convertible securities to purchase those shares, without further approval by our shareholders. Any additional preferred shares we may issue could have such rights, preferences, privileges, and restrictions as may be designated from time-to-time by our board, including preferential dividend rights, voting rights, conversion rights, redemption rights and liquidation provisions.





It is likely that we will issue a large number of additional securities to raise capital in order to further our business plans. It is also likely that we will issue a large number of additional securities to directors, officers, employees and consultants as compensatory grants in connection with their services, both in the form of stand-alone grants or under our various stock plans. Any issuances could be made at a price that reflects a discount to, or a premium from, the then-current market price of our common stock. These issuances would dilute the percentage ownership interest of our current shareholders, which would have the effect of reducing your influence on matters on which our stockholders vote, and might dilute the net tangible book value per share of our common stock.


Future sales of our common stock could cause our stock price to fall.


Transactions that result in a large amount of newly issued shares become readily tradable, or other events that cause current stockholders to sell shares, could place downward pressure on the trading price of our common stock. In addition, the lack of a robust trading market may require a stockholder who desires to sell a large number of shares of common stock to sell the shares in increments over time to mitigate any adverse impact of the sales on the market price of our stock. If our stockholders sell, or the market perceives that our stockholders intend to sell for various reasons, substantial amounts of our common stock in the public market, including shares issued upon the exercise of outstanding options or warrants, the market price of our common stock could fall. Sales of a substantial number of shares of our common stock may make it more difficult for us to sell equity or equity-related securities in the future at a time and price that we deem reasonable or appropriate. We may become involved in securities class action litigation that could divert management’s attention and harm our business.


As of August 1, 2023, we had 1,000,000,000 shares of common stock authorized and 32,132,907 shares outstanding, 1,853 shares of Series A 0% Convertible Preferred Stock authorized and 133.8125 Series A 0% Convertible Preferred Stock outstanding, 1,000 shares of Series B 0% Convertible Preferred Stock authorized and 71 Series B 0% Convertible Preferred Stock outstanding, 290.43148 shares of Series C 0% Convertible Preferred Stock authorized and outstanding, 5,000 shares of Series D 0% Convertible Preferred Stock authorized and outstanding, 5,000 shares of Series E 0% Convertible Preferred Stock authorized and outstanding, and 8,000 shares of Series F 0% Convertible Preferred Stock authorized and outstanding. We additionally have outstanding, an aggregate of $310,072 of senior convertible debentures and convertible notes that are convertible into common stock at any time. Substantially all of the common shares and common shares underlying the Series A 0% Convertible Preferred, Series B 0% Convertible Preferred, Series C 0% Convertible Preferred, Series D 0% Convertible Preferred, Series E 0% convertible Preferred, and Series F 0% Convertible Preferred are available for public sale, subject in some cases to volume and other limitations or delivery of a prospectus. As of August 1, 2023, we were obligated to reserve for issuance (i) 5 shares of our common stock issuable upon the conversion of 133.8125 shares of Series A 0% Convertible Preferred Stock including an additional number of common shares we are contractually obligated to reserve pursuant to our December 2015 offering; (ii) 6,543,778 shares of our common stock issuable upon the conversion of 71 shares of Series B 0% Convertible Preferred Stock including an additional number of common shares we are contractually obligated to reserve pursuant to our December 2016 offering; (iii) 678 shares of our common stock issuable upon the conversion of 290.43148 shares of Series C 0% Convertible Preferred Stock including an additional number of common shares we are contractually obligated to reserve pursuant to our March 2017 offering, (iv) 18 shares of common stock issuable upon the conversion of 5,000 shares of Series D 0% Convertible Preferred Stock, (v) 222 shares of common stock issuable upon the conversion of 5,000 shares of Series E 0% Convertible Preferred Stock, (vi) an indeterminate number of shares of common stock issuable upon the conversion of 8,000 shares of Series F 0% Convertible Preferred Stock (such amount will equal 80% of the common stock post conversion), (vii) 1 share of our common stock issuable upon exercise of outstanding warrants at a weighted average exercise price of $244,688 per share, and (viii) 32,864,032 shares of our common stock issuable upon conversion of our outstanding convertible notes/debentures. Subject to applicable vesting requirements and holding periods, upon conversion or exercise of the outstanding convertible notes and warrants, the underlying shares may be resold into the public market. We cannot predict if future issuances or sales of our common stock, or the availability of our common stock for sale, would harm the market price of our common stock or our ability to raise capital.





The market for our common stock has historically been illiquid and our investors may be unable to sell their shares.


Our common stock has historically traded with limited volume on the pink sheets of the OTC Markets Group Inc. Accordingly, although there has been an increased public market for our common stock, it still has historically been relatively illiquid compared to that of a seasoned issuer. Prior to making an investment in our securities, you should consider the historically limited market for our common stock. No assurances can be given that the trading volume of our common stock will increase or remain the same.


We have not paid cash dividends in the past and do not expect to pay cash dividends in the foreseeable future.


We have never paid cash dividends on our common stock and do not anticipate paying cash dividends on our common stock in the foreseeable future. If we do not pay dividends, our common stock may be less valuable because a return on your investment will only occur if the market price of our common stock appreciates.


Provisions of Delaware law and executive employment agreements may prevent or delay a change of control, which could depress the trading price of our common stock.


We are subject to the Delaware anti-takeover laws regulating corporate takeovers. These anti-takeover laws prevent Delaware corporations from engaging in a merger or sale of more than 10% of its assets with any stockholder, including all affiliates and associates of the stockholder, who owns 15% or more of the corporation’s outstanding voting stock, for three years following the date that the stockholder acquired 15% or more of the corporation’s assets unless:


  the Board of Directors approved the transaction in which the stockholder acquired 15% or more of the corporation’s assets;


  after the transaction in which the stockholder acquired 15% or more of the corporation’s assets, the stockholder owned at least 85% of the corporation’s outstanding voting stock, excluding shares owned by directors, officers and employee stock plans in which employee participants do not have the right to determine confidentially whether shares held under the plan will be tendered in a tender or exchange offer; or


  on or after this date, the merger or sale is approved by the Board of Directors and the holders of at least two-thirds of the outstanding voting stock that is not owned by the stockholder.


A Delaware corporation may opt out of the Delaware anti-takeover laws if its certificate of incorporation or bylaws so provides. We have not opted out of the provisions of the anti-takeover laws. As such, these laws could prohibit or delay mergers or other takeover or change of control transactions and may discourage attempts by other companies to acquire us.


In addition, employment agreements with certain executive officers provide for the payment of severance and accelerated vesting of options and restricted stock in the event of termination following a change of control. These provisions could have the effect of discouraging potential takeover attempts even if it would be beneficial to shareholders.


Our certificate of incorporation and bylaws contain provisions that could discourage a third-party from acquiring us.


Our certificate of incorporation and bylaws, as applicable, among other things (i) provide our board with the ability to alter the bylaws without stockholder approval and (ii) provide that vacancies on our board of directors may be filled by a majority of directors in office. These provisions, while designed to reduce vulnerability to an unsolicited acquisition proposal, and to discourage certain tactics used in proxy fights, may negatively impact a third-party’s decision to acquire us even if it would be beneficial to shareholders.





If securities or industry analysts do not publish research or reports or if they publish unfavorable research or reports, an active market for our common stock may not develop and the price of our common stock could decline.


We are a small company which is relatively unknown to stock analysts, stock brokers, institutional investors and others in the investment community that generate or influence sales volume. Even if we come to the attention of such persons, they may be reluctant to follow or recommend an unproven company such as ours until such time as we became more seasoned and viable. Generally, the trading market for a company’s securities depends in part on the research and reports that securities or industry analysts publish. We currently have limited research coverage by securities and industry analysts. As a consequence, there may be periods of time when trading activity in our shares is minimal or non-existent, as compared to a seasoned issuer with significant research coverage. We cannot give you any assurance that a broader or more active public trading market for our common stock will develop or if developed, will be sustained, or that current trading levels could be sustained or not diminish. In addition, in the event any analysts downgrades our securities, the price of our shares would likely decline. If one or more of these analysts ceases to cover us or fails to publish regular reports on us, interest in the purchase of our securities could decrease, which could cause the price of our common stock and its trading volume, if any, to decline.


If securities or industry analysts do not publish research or reports or if they publish unfavorable research or reports, an active market for our common stock may not develop and the price of our common stock could decline.


We are a small company which is relatively unknown to stock analysts, stockbrokers, institutional investors and others in the investment community that generate or influence sales volume. Even if we come to the attention of such persons, they may be reluctant to follow or recommend an unproven company such as ours until such time as we became more seasoned and viable. Generally, the trading market for a company’s securities depends in part on the research and reports that securities or industry analysts publish. We currently have limited research coverage by securities and industry analysts. As a consequence, there may be periods of time when trading activity in our shares is minimal or non-existent, as compared to a seasoned issuer with significant research coverage. We cannot give you any assurance that a broader or more active public trading market for our common stock will develop or if developed, will be sustained, or that current trading levels could be sustained or not diminish. In addition, in the event any analysts downgrades our securities, the price of our shares would likely decline. If one or more of these analysts ceases to cover us or fails to publish regular reports on us, interest in the purchase of our securities could decrease, which could cause the price of our common stock and its trading volume, if any, to decline.


Our common stock is considered a “penny stock,” and is subject to additional sale and trading regulations that may make it more difficult to sell.


Our common stock is considered a “penny stock.” The principal result or effect of being designated a penny stock is that securities broker-dealers participating in sales of our common stock are subject to the penny stock regulations set forth in Rules 15g-2 through 15g-9 promulgated under the Exchange Act. For example, Rule 15g-2 requires broker-dealers dealing in penny stocks to provide potential investors with a document disclosing the risks of penny stocks and to obtain a manually signed and dated written receipt of the document at least two business days before effecting any transaction in a penny stock for the investor’s account. Moreover, Rule 15g-9 requires broker-dealers in penny stocks to approve the account of any investor for transactions in such stocks before selling any penny stock to that investor. This procedure requires the broker-dealer to (i) obtain from the investor information concerning his or her financial situation, investment experience and investment objectives; (ii) reasonably determine, based on that information, that transactions in penny stocks are suitable for the investor and that the investor has sufficient knowledge and experience as to be reasonably capable of evaluating the risks of penny stock transactions; (iii) provide the investor with a written statement setting forth the basis on which the broker-dealer made the determination in (ii) above; and (iv) receive a signed and dated copy of such statement from the investor, confirming that it accurately reflects the investor’s financial situation, investment experience and investment objectives. Compliance with these requirements may make it more difficult and time-consuming for holders of our common stock to resell their shares to third parties or to otherwise dispose of them in the market or otherwise.


The number of brokerage firms depositing and transacting trades for penny stock companies is very limited.


Currently, our Common Stock is traded on the OTC Markets Pink Tier. Many traditional brokerage firms and on-line brokerages refuse to accept for deposit and trade any penny stocks generally. For those that do, the time, effort and costs associated with depositing common stock in companies such as ours which has recently had sub-penny bid and ask are onerous, time consuming and costly. This may present material concerns and obstacles to those persons beneficially owning our common stock in certificate or book entry form, and wish to deposit same into a brokerage account.















Not applicable.








The exhibits listed in the accompanying index to exhibits are filed or incorporated by reference as part of this Form 10-Q.







In accordance with the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has caused this report to be signed by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.


Date: August 21, 2023 /s/ Raul Silvestre
  Chief Executive Officer
  (Principal Executive Officer, Principal Financial Officer and Principal Accounting Officer)







        Filed   Incorporated by Reference  
Exhibit No.   Description   Herewith   Form   Exhibit No.   File No.   Filing Date  
2.01   Form of agreement and Plan of Merger among Inspyr Therapeutics, Inc., Rebus Holdings, Inc., and Rebus Sub, Inc. dated September 28, 2021.       8-K   3.01   000-55331   10/4/21  
3.01(i)   Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation dated September 4, 2013       8-K   3.01   333-153829   9/6/13  
3.02(i)   Amendment to the Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation, effective August 1, 2016       8-K   3.01   333-153829   8/2/16  
3.03(i)   Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation dated October 21, 2016       8-K   3.01(i)   000-55331   11/10/16  
3.04(i)   Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation, effective September 30, 2019       8-K   3.01(i)   000-55331   9/30/19  
3.05(i)   Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation, effective June 26, 2020       8-K   3.01(i)   000-55331   6/29/20  
3.06(ii)   Amended and Restated Bylaws       8-K   3.02   333-153829   1/11/10  
3.07(i)   Certificate of Designation of Preferences, Rights and Limitations of Series A 0% Convertible Preferred Stock       8-K   3.01   000-55331   12/23/15  
3.08(i)   Certificate of Designation of Preferences, Rights and Limitations of Series B 0% Convertible Preferred Stock       8-K   3.01   000-55331   12/12/16  
3.09(i)   Certificate of Designation of Preferences, Rights and Limitations of Series C 0% Convertible Preferred Stock       8-K   3.01   000-55331   3/20/17  
3.10(i)   Certificate of Designation of Preferences, Rights and Limitations of Series D 0% Convertible Preferred Stock       10-K   3.08(i)   000-55331   4/26/19  
3.11(i)   Certificate of Designation of Preferences, Rights and Limitations of Series E 0% Convertible Preferred Stock       10-K   3.10(i)   000-55331   5/14/20  
3.12(i)   Certificate of Designation of Preferences, Rights and Limitations of Series F 0% Convertible Preferred Stock       8-K   3.01(i)   000-55331   10/8/20  
3.13(i)   Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation Effective November 27, 2020       8-K   3.01(i)   000-55331   11/27/20  
3.14(i)   Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation of Inspyr Therapeutics, Inc. effecting 1-for-75 Reverse Stock Split       8-K   3.01(i)   000-55331   10/4/21  
3.15(i)   Certificate of Merger between Inspyr Therapeutics, Inc. and Rebus Sub, Inc.       8-K   3.02(i)   000-55331   10/4/21






3.16(ii)   Rebus Holdings Bylaws dated November 11, 2021       10-Q   3.16(ii)   000-55331   11/12/21  
4.01   Specimen of Common Stock Certificate       S-1   4.01   333-153829   10/03/08  
4.02   Form of Series A Preferred Stock Certificate       8-K   4.01   000-55331   12/23/15  
4.03   Form of Series B Preferred Stock Certificate       8-K   4.01   000-55331   12/12/16  
4.04   Form of Series C Preferred Stock Certificate       8-K   4.01   000-55331   3/20/17  
4.05   Form of Series D and E Common Stock Purchase Warrants for July 2015 Private Placement       8-K   10.03   000-55331   7/6/15  
4.06   Form of Securities Purchase Agreement for December 2016 Private Placement       8-K   10.01   000-55331   12/12/16  
4.07   Form of Series J, K and L Warrants for December 2016 Private Placement       8-K   10.03   000-55331   12/12/16  
4.08   Form of Securities Purchase Agreement for March 2017 – April 2017 Private Placement       8-K   10.01   000-55331   3/20/16  
4.09   Form of Series M, N and O warrants for March 2017 – April 2017 Private Placement       8-K   10.02   000-55331   3/20/17  
4.10   Form of Series D Preferred Stock Certificate       10-K   4.45   000-55331   4/26/19  
4.11   Form of Series E Preferred Stock Certificate       10-K   4.36   000-55331   5/14/20  
10.01   Exclusive Supply Agreement between GenSpera and Thapsibiza dated April 2012 that expires April 6, 2022       10-K   10.01   333-153829   3/29/13  
10.02   Form of Indemnification Agreement with Directors and Officers       8-K   10.01   000-55331   9/12/16  
10.03   Form of Proprietary Information, Inventions and Competition Agreement       8-K   10.02   000-55331   8/10/16  
10.04   Form of Share Exchange Agreement between Inspyr Therapeutics and Lewis & Clark Pharmaceuticals       8-K   10.01   000-55331   8/03/17  
10.05   Form of Exchange Agreement for September 2017 Private Placement       8-K   10.01   000-55331   9/12/17  
10.06   Form of Senior Convertible Debenture initially due 9/12/18 issued pursuant to Exchange Agreement       8-K   10.02   000-55331   9/12/17  





10.07   Form of Securities Purchase Agreement for September 2017 Private Placement       8-K   10.01   000-55331   9/12/17  
10.08   Form of Senior Convertible Debenture initially due 9/12/18 issued pursuant to Securities Purchase Agreement       8-K   10.02   000-55331   9/12/17  
10.10   Form of Securities Purchase Agreement for July 2018 Private Placement       8-K   10.01   000-55331   7/3/18  
10.11   Form of Debenture for July 2018 Private Placement       8-K   10.02   000-55331   7/3/18  
10.12   Form of Securities Purchase Agreement for January 2019 Preferred Stock Offering       10-K   10.23   000-55331   4/26/19  
10.13   Form of Debenture for March 2020 Private Placement       8-K   10.01   000-55331   3/6/20  
10.14   Form of Securities Purchase Agreement for May 2020 Preferred Stock Offering       10-K   10.25   000-55331   5/14/20  
10.15   Termination of Licensing Agreement with Ridgeway Therapeutics, Inc. dated October 5, 2020       8-K   10.01   000-55331   10/8/20  
10.16   Form of Debenture for October 2020 Private Placement       8-K   10.01   000-55331   10/29/20  
10.17   Conversion Price Adjustment Agreement with Sabby Entities dated November 25, 2020       8-K   10.01   000-55331   11/27/20  
10.18   Form of Convertible Debenture for January 2021 Private Placement       8-K   10.01   000-55331   1/12/21  
10.19   Form of Convertible Debenture for June 2021 Private Placement       8-K   10.01   000-55331   6/21/21  
31.1   Certification of the Principal Executive Officer Pursuant to Section 3.02 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.   *                  
31.2   Certification of the Principal Financial Officer Pursuant to Section 3.02 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.   *                  
32.1   Certification of Principal Executive Officer pursuant to 18 U.S.C § 1350.   *                  
32.2   Certification of Principal Financial Officer pursuant to 18 U.S.C § 1350.   *                  
99.01   Audit Committee Charter       10-K   99.01   000-55331   4/26/19  
99.02   Leadership Development and Compensation Committee Charter       10-K   99.02   000-55331   4/26/19  
99.03   Nominating and Governance Committee Charter       10-K   99.03   000-55331   4/26/19  
101.INS   Inline XBRL Instance Document   *                  
101.SCH   Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Schema   *                  
101.INS   Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Calculation Linkbase   *                  
101.INS   Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Definition Linkbase   *                  
101.INS   Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Label Linkbase   *                  
101.INS   Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Presentation Linkbase   *                  
104   Cover Page Interactive Data File (embedded within the Inline XBRL document)   *                  


* Filed Herein


** Management contracts or compensation plans or arrangements in which directors or executive officers are eligible to participate.









I, Raul Silvestre, certify that:


(1) I have reviewed this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q of Rebus Holdings, Inc.;


(2) Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;


(3) Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;


(4) The registrant’s other certifying officer(s) and I am responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f)) for the registrant and have:


(a) Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its unconsolidated investments, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;


(b) Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;


(c) Evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation; and


(d) Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant’s most recent fiscal quarter that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting; and


(5) The registrant’s other certifying officer(s) and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial reporting, to the registrant’s auditors and the audit committee of the registrant’s board of directors:


(a) All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant’s ability to record, process, summarize and report financial information; and


(b) Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.


Date: August 21, 2023 By: /s/ Raul Silvestre
    Raul Silvestre, Chief Executive Officer









I, Raul Silvestre, certify that:


(1) I have reviewed this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q of Rebus Holdings, Inc.;


(2) Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;


(3) Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;


(4) The registrant’s other certifying officer(s) and I am responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f)) for the registrant and have:


(a) Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its unconsolidated investments, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;


(b) Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;


(c) Evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation; and


(d) Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant’s most recent fiscal quarter that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting; and


(5) The registrant’s other certifying officer(s) and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial reporting, to the registrant’s auditors and the audit committee of the registrant’s board of directors:


(a) All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant’s ability to record, process, summarize and report financial information; and


(b) Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.


Date: August 21, 2023 By: /s/ Raul Silvestre
    Raul Silvestre, Principal Financial Officer
and Principal Accounting Officer







18 U.S.C. SECTION 1350 AND EXCHANGE ACT RULES 13a-14(b) AND 15d-14(b)

(Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002)


In connection with the Quarterly Report of Rebus Holdings, Inc. (the “Company”) on Form 10-Q for the period ending June 30, 2023, as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on the date hereof (the “Report”), I, Raul Silvestre, certify, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, that, to the best of my knowledge and belief:


  (1) The Report fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and


  (2) The information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of the operation of the Company.


Date: August 21, 2023


/s/ Raul Silvestre  
Chief Executive Officer  
Rebus Holdings, Inc.  


This certification accompanies the Report pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and shall not, except to the extent required by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, be deemed filed by the Company for purposes of Section 18 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.


A signed original of this written statement required by Section 906 has been provided to the Company and will be retained by the Company and furnished to the Securities and Exchange Commission or its staff upon request.








18 U.S.C. SECTION 1350 AND EXCHANGE ACT RULES 13a-14(b) AND 15d-14(b)

(Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002)


In connection with the Quarterly Report of Rebus Holdings, Inc. (the “Company”) on Form 10-Q for the period ending June 30, 2023, as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on the date hereof (the “Report”), I, Raul Silvestre, certify, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, that, to the best of my knowledge and belief:


  (1) The Report fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and
  (2) The information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of the operation of the Company.


Date: August 21, 2023


/s/ Raul Silvestre  
Principal Financial and Principal Accounting Officer  
Rebus Holdings, Inc.  


This certification accompanies the Report pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and shall not, except to the extent required by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, be deemed filed by the Company for purposes of Section 18 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.


A signed original of this written statement required by Section 906 has been provided to the Company and will be retained by the Company and furnished to the Securities and Exchange Commission or its staff upon request.



Cover - shares
6 Months Ended
Jun. 30, 2023
Aug. 13, 2023
Cover [Abstract]    
Document Type 10-Q  
Amendment Flag false  
Document Quarterly Report true  
Document Transition Report false  
Document Period End Date Jun. 30, 2023  
Document Fiscal Period Focus Q2  
Document Fiscal Year Focus 2023  
Current Fiscal Year End Date --12-31  
Entity File Number 000-55331  
Entity Registrant Name REBUS HOLDINGS, INC.  
Entity Central Index Key 0001421204  
Entity Tax Identification Number 20-0438951  
Entity Incorporation, State or Country Code DE  
Entity Address, Address Line One 2629 Townsgate Road  
Entity Address, Address Line Two Suite 215  
Entity Address, City or Town Westlake Village  
Entity Address, State or Province CA  
Entity Address, Postal Zip Code 91361  
City Area Code 818  
Local Phone Number 597-7552  
Entity Current Reporting Status Yes  
Entity Interactive Data Current Yes  
Entity Filer Category Non-accelerated Filer  
Entity Small Business true  
Entity Emerging Growth Company false  
Entity Shell Company false  
Entity Common Stock, Shares Outstanding   32,132,907
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets - USD ($)
Jun. 30, 2023
Dec. 31, 2022
Current assets:    
Cash $ 5,000 $ 5,000
Prepaid expenses 4,000
Total current assets 9,000 5,000
Total assets 9,000 5,000
Current liabilities:    
Accrued expenses 2,120,000 2,078,000
Derivative liability 1,010,000 880,000
Total current liabilities 5,619,000 5,242,000
Total liabilities 5,619,000 5,242,000
Commitments and contingencies (Note 7)
Stockholders’ deficit:    
Common stock, par value $.0001 per share; 1,000,000,000 shares authorized, 32,132,907 and 32,132,907 shares issued and outstanding, respectively 3,000 3,000
Additional paid-in capital 60,065,000 60,057,000
Accumulated deficit (65,678,000) (65,297,000)
Total stockholders’ deficit (5,610,000) (5,237,000)
Total liabilities and stockholders’ deficit 9,000 5,000
Convertible Preferred Stock [Member]    
Stockholders’ deficit:    
Convertible preferred stock value
Series A Preferred Stock [Member]    
Stockholders’ deficit:    
Convertible preferred stock value
Series B Preferred Stock [Member]    
Stockholders’ deficit:    
Convertible preferred stock value
Series C Preferred Stock [Member]    
Stockholders’ deficit:    
Convertible preferred stock value
Series D Preferred Stock [Member]    
Stockholders’ deficit:    
Convertible preferred stock value
Series E Preferred Stock [Member]    
Stockholders’ deficit:    
Convertible preferred stock value
Series F Preferred Stock [Member]    
Stockholders’ deficit:    
Convertible preferred stock value
Nonrelated Party [Member]    
Current liabilities:    
Accounts payable 1,809,000 1,664,000
Convertible debentures 20,000 20,000
Related Party [Member]    
Current liabilities:    
Accounts payable 370,000 310,000
Convertible debentures $ 290,000 $ 290,000
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets (Parenthetical) - $ / shares
Jun. 30, 2023
Dec. 31, 2022
Common stock, par value $ 0.0001 $ 0.0001
Common stock, shares authorized 1,000,000,000 1,000,000,000
Common stock, shares issued 32,132,907 32,132,907
Common stock, shares outstanding 32,132,907 32,132,907
Convertible Preferred Stock [Member]    
Preferred stock, par value $ 0.0001 $ 0.0001
Preferred stock, shares authorized 29,978,846 29,978,846
Preferred stock, shares issued 0 0
Preferred stock, shares outstanding 0 0
Series A Preferred Stock [Member]    
Preferred stock, par value $ 0.0001 $ 0.0001
Preferred stock, shares authorized 1,854 1,854
Preferred stock, shares issued 134 134
Preferred stock, shares outstanding 134 134
Series B Preferred Stock [Member]    
Preferred stock, par value $ 0.0001 $ 0.0001
Preferred stock, shares authorized 1,000 1,000
Preferred stock, shares issued 71 71
Preferred stock, shares outstanding 71 71
Series C Preferred Stock [Member]    
Preferred stock, par value $ 0.0001 $ 0.0001
Preferred stock, shares authorized 300 300
Preferred stock, shares issued 290 290
Preferred stock, shares outstanding 290 290
Series D Preferred Stock [Member]    
Preferred stock, par value $ 0.0001 $ 0.0001
Preferred stock, shares authorized 5,000 5,000
Preferred stock, shares issued 5,000 5,000
Preferred stock, shares outstanding 5,000 5,000
Series E Preferred Stock [Member]    
Preferred stock, par value $ 0.0001 $ 0.0001
Preferred stock, shares authorized 5,000 5,000
Preferred stock, shares issued 5,000 5,000
Preferred stock, shares outstanding 5,000 5,000
Series F Preferred Stock [Member]    
Preferred stock, par value $ 0.0001 $ 0.0001
Preferred stock, shares authorized 8,000 8,000
Preferred stock, shares issued 8,000 8,000
Preferred stock, shares outstanding 8,000 8,000
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Losses (Unaudited) - USD ($)
$ in Thousands
3 Months Ended 6 Months Ended
Jun. 30, 2023
Jun. 30, 2022
Jun. 30, 2023
Jun. 30, 2022
Operating expenses:        
Research and development $ 16 $ 174 $ 38 $ 192
General and administrative 93 110 205 242
Total operating expenses 109 284 243 434
Loss from operations (109) (284) (243) (434)
Other income (expense):        
Gain (loss) on change in fair value of derivative liability 156 (1,060) (130) (1,459)
Loss on conversion of debt (24)
Interest expense, net (4) (21) (8) (54)
Income (loss) before provision for income taxes 43 (1,365) (381) (1,971)
Provision for income taxes
Net income (loss) $ 43 $ (1,365) $ (381) $ (1,971)
Net income (loss) per common share, basic $ 0.00 $ (0.04) $ (0.01) $ (0.06)
Net loss per common share, diluted $ 0.00 $ (0.04) $ (0.01) $ (0.06)
Weighted average shares outstanding, basic 32,132,907 32,132,907 32,132,907 31,500,860
Weighted average shares outstanding, diluted 160,664,535 32,132,907 32,132,907 31,500,860
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Deficit (Unaudited) - USD ($)
$ in Thousands
Preferred Stock [Member]
Convertible Preferred Stock [Member]
Common Stock [Member]
Additional Paid-in Capital [Member]
Retained Earnings [Member]
Balance at Dec. 31, 2021 $ 1 $ 59,254 $ (64,277) $ (5,022)
Beginning balance, shares at Dec. 31, 2021 18,495 11,769,221      
Conversion of notes $ 2 788 790
Conversion of notes, shares   20,363,686      
Net income (loss) (606) (606)
Balance at Mar. 31, 2022 $ 3 60,042 (64,883) (4,838)
Ending balance, shares at Mar. 31, 2022 18,495 32,132,907      
Balance at Dec. 31, 2021 $ 1 59,254 (64,277) (5,022)
Beginning balance, shares at Dec. 31, 2021 18,495 11,769,221      
Net income (loss)         (1,971)
Balance at Jun. 30, 2022 $ 3 60,042 (66,248) (6,203)
Ending balance, shares at Jun. 30, 2022 18,495 32,132,907      
Balance at Mar. 31, 2022 $ 3 60,042 (64,883) (4,838)
Beginning balance, shares at Mar. 31, 2022 18,495 32,132,907      
Net income (loss) (1,365) (1,365)
Balance at Jun. 30, 2022 $ 3 60,042 (66,248) (6,203)
Ending balance, shares at Jun. 30, 2022 18,495 32,132,907      
Balance at Dec. 31, 2022 $ 3 60,057 (65,297) (5,237)
Beginning balance, shares at Dec. 31, 2022 18,495 32,132,907      
Net income (loss) (424) (424)
Imputed interest on notes 4 4
Balance at Mar. 31, 2023 $ 3 60,061 (65,721) (5,657)
Ending balance, shares at Mar. 31, 2023 18,495 32,132,907      
Balance at Dec. 31, 2022 $ 3 60,057 (65,297) (5,237)
Beginning balance, shares at Dec. 31, 2022 18,495 32,132,907      
Net income (loss)         (381)
Balance at Jun. 30, 2023 $ 3 60,065 (65,678) (5,610)
Ending balance, shares at Jun. 30, 2023 18,495 32,132,907      
Balance at Mar. 31, 2023 $ 3 60,061 (65,721) (5,657)
Beginning balance, shares at Mar. 31, 2023 18,495 32,132,907      
Net income (loss) 43 43
Imputed interest on notes 4 4
Balance at Jun. 30, 2023 $ 3 $ 60,065 $ (65,678) $ (5,610)
Ending balance, shares at Jun. 30, 2023 18,495 32,132,907      
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (Unaudited) - USD ($)
$ in Thousands
3 Months Ended 6 Months Ended
Jun. 30, 2023
Jun. 30, 2022
Jun. 30, 2023
Jun. 30, 2022
Cash flows from operating activities:        
Net loss $ 43 $ (1,365) $ (381) $ (1,971)
Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash used in        
Loss on change in fair value of derivative liability (156) 1,060 130 1,459
(Gain) loss on conversion of debt 24
Imputed interest on notes payable     8  
Amortization of debt discount     54
Increase in operating liabilities:        
Prepaid expenses     (4) 4
Accounts payable and accrued expenses     187 (32)
Accounts payable - related party     60 16
Cash used in operating activities     (446)
Cash flows from financing activities:        
Proceeds from sale of debentures    
Cash provided by financing activities    
Net increase (decrease) in cash     (446)
Cash, beginning of period     5 711
Cash, end of period $ 5 $ 265 $ 5 $ 265
6 Months Ended
Jun. 30, 2023
Organization, Consolidation and Presentation of Financial Statements [Abstract]  



Rebus Holdings, Inc. (“we”, “us”, “our company”, “our”, “Rebus,” “Rebus Holdings,” or the “Company”) was formed under the laws of the State of Delaware in November 2003, and has its principal office in Westlake Village, California. We are focused on the research and development of novel targeted precision therapeutics for the treatment of cancer.


Our approach utilizes our proprietary delivery technology to better enhance immuno-modulation for improved therapeutic outcomes. Our potential first-in-class immune-oncology lead asset, RT-AR001, an adenosine receptor A2B antagonist, is differentiated by its novel microparticle formulation that allows for better tumor infiltration and enhanced outcomes when administered intra-tumorally. Our patented portfolio of adenosine receptor antagonists provides flexibility to optimize treatment based on the specific targets found in each type of cancer.


The adenosine receptor modulators include A 2B antagonists, dual A 2A /A 2B antagonists, and A 2A antagonists that have broad development applicability including indications within immuno-oncology and inflammation. Adenosine is implicated in immunosuppression in the tumor microenvironment. Adenosine receptor antagonists may boost the host immune response against the tumor as a single-agent and in combination with other existing immuno-oncology agents leading to enhanced tumor killing and inhibition of metastasis. Adenosine also has anti-inflammatory properties in the acute and chronic setting. Adenosine receptor antagonists may promote a decreased inflammatory response and can potentially treat a broad range of inflammatory and autoimmune based diseases and conditions (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis, joint injury, Crohn’s disease, psoriasis) as well as improve wound healing and decrease pain.


In October 2020, pursuant to the cancellation of a license agreement whereby we previously licensed US Patent 9,593,118, we reacquired the exclusive right to such patent that covers both A2B and dual A2A/A2B antagonists. Accordingly, going forward our major focus will be to: (i) further characterization of the anti-cancer activity of our unique pipeline delivery platform containing A2B and dual A2A/A2B antagonists, leading to selection of a clinical candidate or candidates for an Investigative New Drug or IND enabling studies; and (ii) licensing and/or partnering our delivery platform and the A2B and dual A2A/A2B antagonists for further development.


Our ability to execute the business plan is contingent upon our ability to raise the necessary funds. We are currently using such funds to maintain our SEC reporting requirements, pay legal accounting and other professional fees, and to retain consultants and other personnel to develop the adenosine A2R antagonists and in preparation for an IND filing related to our unique delivery platform and portfolio of adenosine A2R antagonists for the treatment of certain solid tumors. Should we fail to further raise sufficient funds to execute our business plan, our priority would be to maintain our intellectual property portfolio and seek business development opportunities with potential development partners and/or acquirors.


6 Months Ended
Jun. 30, 2023
Organization, Consolidation and Presentation of Financial Statements [Abstract]  



We have prepared our unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements on the basis that we will continue as a going concern, which contemplates the realization of assets and satisfaction of liabilities in the normal course of business. We have incurred losses from operations since inception, we have a working capital deficit of $5.6 million and we have an accumulated deficit of $66 million as of June 30, 2023. We anticipate incurring additional losses for the foreseeable future until such time, if ever, that we can generate significant sales from our therapeutic product candidates which are currently in development or we enter into cash flow positive business development transactions.


To date, we have generated no sales or revenues, have incurred significant losses and expect to incur significant additional losses as we advance our product candidates through development. Consequently, our operations are subject to all the risks inherent in the establishment of a pre-revenue business enterprise as well as those risks associated with a company engaged in the research and development of pharmaceutical compounds.


Our cash balances at June 30, 2023 were approximately $5,000, representing 56% of our total assets. Based on our current expected level of operating expenditures we expect to be able to fund our operations into the third quarter of 2023. We will require additional cash to fund and continue our operations beyond that point. This period could be shortened if there are any unanticipated increases in planned spending on development programs or other unforeseen events. We anticipate raising additional funds through public or private sales of debt or equity securities, or some combination thereof. There is no assurance that any such financing will be available when needed in order to allow us to continue our operations, or if available, on terms favorable or acceptable to us.


In the event additional financing is not obtained, we may pursue cost-cutting measures as well as explore the sale of assets to generate additional funds. If we are required to significantly reduce operating expenses and delay, reduce the scope of, or eliminate any of our development programs or clinical trials, these events could have a material adverse effect on our business, results of operations, and financial condition. These factors raise substantial doubt about our ability to continue as a going concern. The consolidated financial statements do not include any adjustments relating to recoverability and classification of recorded asset amounts or the amounts and classification of liabilities that might be necessary should we be unable to continue as a going concern.


Our current cash level raises substantial doubt about our ability to continue as a going concern past the third quarter of 2023. If we do not obtain additional funds by such time, we may no longer be able to continue as a going concern and will cease operation which means that our shareholders will lose their entire investment.


6 Months Ended
Jun. 30, 2023
Accounting Policies [Abstract]  



Basis of Presentation


The accompanying condensed consolidated financial statements are unaudited. The unaudited interim consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States (“GAAP”) and pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”). Certain information and note disclosures normally included in annual financial statements prepared in accordance with GAAP have been condensed or omitted pursuant to those rules and regulations, although the Company believes that the disclosures made are adequate to make the information not misleading.



These interim consolidated financial statements as of and for the three and six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2022 are unaudited; however, in the opinion of management, such statements include all adjustments (consisting of normal recurring accruals) necessary to present fairly the financial position, results of operations and cash flows of the Company for the periods presented. The results for the three and six months ended June 30, 2023 are not necessarily indicative of the results to be expected for the year ending December 31, 2023 or for any future period. All references to June 30, 2023 and 2022 in these footnotes are unaudited.


These unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements should be read in conjunction with our audited financial statements and the notes thereto for the year ended December 31, 2022, included in the Company’s annual report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC on March 31, 2023.


The consolidated balance sheet as of December 31, 2022 has been derived from the audited consolidated financial statements at that date but does not include all disclosures required by the accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.


Principles of Consolidation


The unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the parent company, Rebus Holdings, Inc., (fka Inspyr Therapeutics, Inc.) and its wholly-owned subsidiaries, Inspyr Therapeutics, Inc., Lewis & Clark Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and Ridgeway Therapeutics, Inc. (a California corporation). All significant intercompany accounts and transactions have been eliminated.


Use of Estimates


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts reported in the financial statements and accompanying disclosures. Significant estimates include the fair value of derivative instruments, stock-based compensation, recognition of clinical trial costs and other accrued liabilities. Actual results may differ from those estimates.


Research and Development


Research and development costs are charged to expense as incurred. Our research and development expenses consist primarily of expenditures for pre-clinical research, toxicology and other studies, manufacturing, clinical trials, compensation and consulting costs associated therewith.


We incurred research and development expenses of approximately $0.02 million and $0.2 million for the three months ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, respectively. We incurred research and development expenses of approximately $0.04 million and $0.2 million for the six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, respectively.


Cash Equivalents


For purposes of the statements of cash flows, we consider all highly liquid debt instruments purchased with a maturity date of three months or less to be cash equivalents. We maintain our cash in bank deposit accounts which, at times, may exceed applicable government mandate insurance limits. We have not experienced any losses in our accounts. We did not have any cash equivalents at June 30, 2023 or December 31, 2022.


Concentrations of Credit Risk


Financial instruments and related items, which potentially subject the Company to concentrations of credit risk, consist primarily of cash and cash equivalents. The Company places its cash and temporary cash investments with credit quality institutions. At times, such investments may exceed applicable government mandated insurance limits. Cash was $5,000 and $5,000 at June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022, respectively. As of June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022, there was no cash over the federally insured limit.


Income (Loss) per Share


Basic income (loss) per share is calculated by dividing net income (loss) and net income (loss) attributable to common shareholders by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding for the period.


The following potentially dilutive securities have been excluded from the computations of diluted weighted average shares outstanding as of June 30, 2023 and 2022, as they would be anti-dilutive:


   2023   2022 
   Six Months Ended June 30, 
   2023   2022 
Shares underlying warrants outstanding   1    1 
Shares underlying convertible notes outstanding   27,223,191    20,339,299 
Shares underlying convertible preferred stock outstanding   131,804,100    128,626,878 
Anti-dilutive weighted average shares outstanding   159,027,292    148,966,178 



Diluted loss per share for the three months ended June 30, 2023 is calculated as follows:


   Three months ended 
   June 30, 2023 
Net income attributable to common shareholders  $43 
Income attributable to convertible instruments   (179)
Diluted loss attributable to common shareholders  $(136)
Basic shares outstanding   32,132,907 
Dilutive convertible instruments   128,531,628 
Diluted shares outstanding   160,664,535 
Diluted loss per share  $(0.00)


Derivative Liability


The Company has financial instruments that are considered derivatives or contain embedded features subject to derivative accounting. Embedded derivatives are valued separately from the host instrument and are recognized as derivative liabilities in the Company’s balance sheet. The Company measures these instruments at their estimated fair value and recognizes changes in their estimated fair value in results of operations during the period of change. The Company values its derivative liabilities using the Black-Scholes option valuation model. The resulting liability is valued at each reporting date and the change in the liability is reflected as change in derivative liability in the statement of operations.


Fair Value of Financial Instruments


Our short-term financial instruments, including cash, accounts payable and other liabilities, consist primarily of instruments with maturities of one year or less when acquired. We believe that the fair values of our current assets and current liabilities approximate their reported carrying amounts.


The derivative liabilities consist of our convertible notes and Series F preferred stock with variable conversion features. The Company uses the Black-Scholes option-pricing model to value its derivative liabilities which incorporate the Company’s stock price, volatility, U.S. risk-free interest rate, dividend rate, and estimated life.


Fair Value Measurements


The U.S. GAAP Valuation Hierarchy establishes a valuation hierarchy for disclosure of the inputs to valuation used to measure fair value. This hierarchy prioritizes the inputs into three broad levels as follows. Level 1 inputs are quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities. Level 2 inputs are quoted prices for similar assets and liabilities in active markets or inputs that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly through market corroboration, for substantially the full term of the financial instrument. Level 3 inputs are unobservable inputs based on our own assumptions used to measure assets and liabilities at fair value. A financial asset or liability’s classification within the hierarchy is determined based on the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement.


The Company has recorded a derivative liability for its convertible notes and preferred stock with variable conversion features as of June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022. The tables below summarize the fair values of our financial liabilities as of June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022 (in thousands):


   2023   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3 
   Fair Value at
June 30,
   Fair Value Measurement Using 
   2023   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3 
Convertible notes  $297           $297 
Preferred stock   713            713 
Derivative liability  $1,010   $   $   $1,010 


   2022   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3 
   Fair Value at
December 31,
   Fair Value Measurement Using 
   2022   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3 
Convertible notes  $285           $285 
Preferred stock   595            595 
Derivative liability  $880   $   $   $880 


The reconciliation of the derivative liability measured at fair value on a recurring basis using unobservable inputs (Level 3) is as follows (in thousands):


   2023   2022 
   Six Months Ended June 30, 
   2023   2022 
Balance at beginning of year  $880   $1,124 
Additions to derivative instruments        
Reclassification on conversion       (507)
Loss on change in fair value of derivative liability   130    1,459 
Balance at end of period  $1,010   $2,076 



Income Taxes


Income taxes are accounted for under the asset and liability method. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized for the future tax consequences attributable to differences between the financial statement carrying amounts of existing assets and liabilities and their respective tax bases and operating loss and tax credit carryforwards. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured using enacted tax rates expected to apply to taxable income in the years in which those temporary differences are expected to be recovered or settled. The effect on deferred tax assets and liabilities of a change in tax rates is recognized in operations in the period that includes the enactment date. A valuation allowance is provided when it is more likely than not that some portion or all of a deferred tax asset will not be realized. The ultimate realization of deferred tax assets is dependent upon the generation of future taxable income and the reversal of deferred tax liabilities during the period in which the related temporary difference becomes deductible.


Recent Accounting Pronouncements


There have not been any recent changes in accounting pronouncements and Accounting Standards Update (ASU) issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) during the six months ended June 30, 2023 that are of significance or potential significance to the Company.


6 Months Ended
Jun. 30, 2023
Supplemental Cash Flow Elements [Abstract]  



The following table contains additional information for the periods reported (in thousands).


   2023   2022 
   Six Months Ended June 30, 
   2023   2022 
Non-cash financial activities:          
Common stock issued on conversion of notes payable and derivative liability  $   $790 
Debentures converted to common stock       462 
Derivative liability extinguished upon conversion of notes payable       507 


There was no cash paid for interest and income taxes for the six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2022.


6 Months Ended
Jun. 30, 2023
Payables and Accruals [Abstract]  



Accrued expenses consist of the following (in thousands):



   June 30, 2023   December 31, 2022 
Accrued compensation and benefits  $1,326   $1,326 
Accrued research and development   233    233 
Accrued other   561    519 
Total accrued expenses  $2,120   $2,078 


6 Months Ended
Jun. 30, 2023
Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities Disclosure [Abstract]  



We account for equity-linked financial instruments, such as our convertible preferred stock, convertible debentures and our common stock warrants as either equity instruments or derivative liabilities depending on the specific terms of the respective agreement. Equity-linked financial instruments are accounted for as derivative liabilities, in accordance with ASC Topic 815 – Derivatives and Hedging, if the instrument allows for cash settlement or issuance of a variable number of shares. We classify derivative liabilities on the balance sheet at fair value, and changes in fair value during the periods presented in the statement of operations, which is revalued at each balance sheet date subsequent to the initial issuance of the stock warrant.


We have issued convertible debentures and preferred stock which contain variable conversion features, anti-dilution protection and other conversion price adjustment provisions. As a result, the Company assessed its outstanding equity-linked financial instruments and concluded that the convertible notes and preferred stock are subject to derivative accounting. The fair value of the conversion feature is classified as a liability in the consolidated financial statements, with the change in fair value during the periods presented recorded in the consolidated statement of losses.


During the three months ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, we recorded income of approximately $0.2 million and expense of approximately $1.1 million, respectively, related to the change in fair value of the derivative liabilities during the periods. During the six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, we recorded expense of approximately $0.1 million and $1.5 million, respectively. For purpose of determining the fair market value of the derivative liability, the Company used Black Scholes option valuation model. The significant assumptions used in the Black Scholes valuations of the derivatives at June 30, 2023 and 2022 are as follows:


   For the Six Months Ended June 30, 
   2023   2022 
Expected dividends   0%    0% 
Expected volatility   183% - 261%    198% - 260% 
Risk free interest rate   5.43% - 5.47%    0.22% - 2.86% 
Expected term   36 Months    321 Months 



As of June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022, the derivative liability recognized in the financial statements was approximately $1.0 million and $0.9 million, respectively.


6 Months Ended
Jun. 30, 2023
Commitments and Contingencies Disclosure [Abstract]  



Operating Leases


The Company currently does not have any ongoing leases for office space. It has availability to office space on an as needed basis. Its employees work on a remote basis.


There was no rent expense for the three and six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2022


Legal Matters


The Company is subject at times to legal proceedings and claims, which arise in the ordinary course of its business. Although occasional adverse decisions or settlements may occur, the Company believes that the final disposition of such matters should not have a material adverse effect on its financial position, results of operations or liquidity.


Uncertainty Due to Geopolitical Events


Due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which began in February 2022, and the resulting sanctions and other actions against Russia and Belarus, there has been uncertainty and disruption in the global economy. Although the Russian war against Ukraine did not have a material adverse impact on the Company’s financial results for the year ended December 31, 2022, at this time the Company is unable to fully assess the aggregate impact the Russian war against Ukraine will have on its business due to various uncertainties, which include, but are not limited to, the duration of the war, the war’s effect on the economy, its impact to the business of the Company, and actions that may be taken by governmental authorities related to the war.


COVID-19 Uncertainty


On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared a pandemic related to the rapidly spreading coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, which has led to a global health emergency. The extent of the public-health impact of the outbreak is currently unknown and rapidly evolving, and the related health crisis could adversely affect the global economy, resulting in an economic downturn. Any disruption of the Company’s facilities or those of our suppliers could likely adversely impact the Company’s operations. At this time, there is significant uncertainty relating to the potential effect of the novel coronavirus on our business.


6 Months Ended
Jun. 30, 2023
Equity [Abstract]  



Preferred Stock


As of June 30, 2023, there were outstanding 134 shares of Series A Preferred Stock, 71 shares of Series B Preferred Stock, 290 shares of Series C Preferred Stock, 5,000 shares of Series D Preferred Stock, 5,000 shares of Series E Preferred Stock and 8,000 shares of Series F Preferred Stock.


As a result of past equity financings and conversions of debentures, the conversion prices of (i) our Series A Preferred Stock has been reduced to $29,812.50 per share at June 30, 2023, (ii) our Series B Preferred Stock has been reduced to $0.0217 per share at June 30, 2023, (iii) 200 shares of our Series C preferred stock has been reduced to $1,125.00 per share at June 30, 2023, (iv) 90.43418 shares of our Series C Preferred Stock has been reduced to $562.50 per share at June 30, 2023.


Common Stock


The Company is authorized to issue 1,000,000,000 shares of common stock. There were 32,132,907 shares of common stock outstanding at June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022, respectively.


Common Stock Activity


During the six months ended June 30, 2022, we issued a total of 20,363,686 shares of common stock, valued at $789,699, upon the conversion of $461,972 principal amount of our convertible debentures. We recorded loss on conversion of debt of $0 and $23,746 during the three and six months ended June 30, 2022, respectively.


6 Months Ended
Jun. 30, 2023
Debt Disclosure [Abstract]  



June 2021 Debentures


On June 18, 2021, the Company sold an aggregate of $600,000 of senior convertible debentures (“June Debentures”) for (i) $500,000 in cash and (ii) $100,000 in cancellation of outstanding indebtedness to existing accredited and institutional investors of the Company. The June Debentures (i) are non-interest bearing, (ii) have a maturity date of June 18, 2022, (iii) are convertible into shares of Common Stock at the election of the holders at any time, subject to a beneficial ownership limitation of 9.99%, and (iv) have a conversion price equal to the lesser of $24.75 and 85% of the lowest Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) during the five (5) trading days immediately prior to the conversion date, subject to adjustment, as described therein. The maturity date of the debentures has been extended to December 31, 2023. There were no other modifications to the June 2021 Debentures.


During the six months ended June 30, 2022, $461,972 of June Debentures have been converted to Common Stock. June Debentures in the amount of $100,000 remains outstanding at June 30, 2023.



We have amortized $21,440 and $54,292 of discount to interest expense during the three and six months ended June 30, 2022, respectively and $203,458 of discount has been charged off against loss upon the conversion of the June Debentures during the six months ended June 30, 2022.


October 2020 Debentures


On October 23, 2020, the Company sold an aggregate of $600,000 of senior convertible debentures (“October Debentures”) for (i) $500,000 in cash and (ii) $100,000 in cancellation of outstanding indebtedness to existing accredited and institutional investors of the Company.


The October Debentures (i) are non-interest bearing, (ii) have a maturity date of October 23, 2021, (iii) are convertible into shares of common stock at the election of the holders at any time, subject to a beneficial ownership limitation of 9.99%, and (iv) have a conversion price equal to the lesser of (i) $24.75 and (ii) 85% of the lowest volume-weighted average price during the five trading days immediately prior to the date of conversion. The maturity date of the debentures has been extended to December 31, 2023. There were no other modifications to the October Debentures.


October Debentures in the amount of $100,000 remain outstanding at June 30, 2023.


September 2017 Debentures


On September 12, 2017, we entered into an exchange agreement (“Exchange Agreement”) with certain holders of our Series A Preferred Stock and Series B Preferred Stock. Pursuant to the terms of the Exchange Agreement, we issued to the investors approximately $2.5 million in principal amount of senior convertible debentures (the “September 2017 Debentures”) in exchange for 1,614.8125 shares of Series A Preferred Stock with a stated value of approximately $1.6 million and 890 shares of Series B Preferred Stock with a stated value of approximately $0.9 million.


On September 12, 2017, we sold an aggregate of $320,000 of our September 2017 Debentures. The sale consisted of $250,000 in cash and the cancellation of $70,000 of obligations of the Company.


The maturity date of the September 2017 Debentures has been extended to December 31, 2023. There were no other modifications to the September 2017 Debentures. September Debentures in the amount of $110,072 remain outstanding at June 30, 2023.


6 Months Ended
Jun. 30, 2023
Related Party Transactions [Abstract]  



In September of 2021, we began paying $10,000 per month to Silvestre Law Group, P.C. (“SLG”), our outside corporate counsel, for our SEC compliance legal work (“Monthly Fee”). Mr. Silvestre, our CEO since August 16, 2021, is a principal of SLG. Additionally, SLG bills us at their standard rates for additional services outside of the scope of the Monthly Fee. For the three and six months ended June 30, 2023, we accrued $30,000 and $60,000, respectively, in legal fees to SLG, and made no payments during those periods. For the three and six months ended June 30, 2022, we accrued $30,000 and $65,843, respectively, in legal fees to Silvestre Law Group. We paid Silvestre Law Group $40,000 for the Monthly Fee and recorded an additional $25,843 in legal fees for other services not covered by the Monthly Fee during the six months ended June 30, 2022.


The company had a balance due to Silvestre Law Group of $369,848 and $309,848 at June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022, respectively. Silvestre Law Group also holds $290,000 of our convertible debentures at June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022. During the three and six months ended June 30, 2023, we recorded imputed interest of $3,625 and $7,250, respectively, on the debentures.

6 Months Ended
Jun. 30, 2023
Accounting Policies [Abstract]  
Basis of Presentation

Basis of Presentation


The accompanying condensed consolidated financial statements are unaudited. The unaudited interim consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States (“GAAP”) and pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”). Certain information and note disclosures normally included in annual financial statements prepared in accordance with GAAP have been condensed or omitted pursuant to those rules and regulations, although the Company believes that the disclosures made are adequate to make the information not misleading.



These interim consolidated financial statements as of and for the three and six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2022 are unaudited; however, in the opinion of management, such statements include all adjustments (consisting of normal recurring accruals) necessary to present fairly the financial position, results of operations and cash flows of the Company for the periods presented. The results for the three and six months ended June 30, 2023 are not necessarily indicative of the results to be expected for the year ending December 31, 2023 or for any future period. All references to June 30, 2023 and 2022 in these footnotes are unaudited.


These unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements should be read in conjunction with our audited financial statements and the notes thereto for the year ended December 31, 2022, included in the Company’s annual report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC on March 31, 2023.


The consolidated balance sheet as of December 31, 2022 has been derived from the audited consolidated financial statements at that date but does not include all disclosures required by the accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.


Principles of Consolidation

Principles of Consolidation


The unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the parent company, Rebus Holdings, Inc., (fka Inspyr Therapeutics, Inc.) and its wholly-owned subsidiaries, Inspyr Therapeutics, Inc., Lewis & Clark Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and Ridgeway Therapeutics, Inc. (a California corporation). All significant intercompany accounts and transactions have been eliminated.


Use of Estimates

Use of Estimates


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts reported in the financial statements and accompanying disclosures. Significant estimates include the fair value of derivative instruments, stock-based compensation, recognition of clinical trial costs and other accrued liabilities. Actual results may differ from those estimates.


Research and Development

Research and Development


Research and development costs are charged to expense as incurred. Our research and development expenses consist primarily of expenditures for pre-clinical research, toxicology and other studies, manufacturing, clinical trials, compensation and consulting costs associated therewith.


We incurred research and development expenses of approximately $0.02 million and $0.2 million for the three months ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, respectively. We incurred research and development expenses of approximately $0.04 million and $0.2 million for the six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, respectively.


Cash Equivalents

Cash Equivalents


For purposes of the statements of cash flows, we consider all highly liquid debt instruments purchased with a maturity date of three months or less to be cash equivalents. We maintain our cash in bank deposit accounts which, at times, may exceed applicable government mandate insurance limits. We have not experienced any losses in our accounts. We did not have any cash equivalents at June 30, 2023 or December 31, 2022.


Concentrations of Credit Risk

Concentrations of Credit Risk


Financial instruments and related items, which potentially subject the Company to concentrations of credit risk, consist primarily of cash and cash equivalents. The Company places its cash and temporary cash investments with credit quality institutions. At times, such investments may exceed applicable government mandated insurance limits. Cash was $5,000 and $5,000 at June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022, respectively. As of June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022, there was no cash over the federally insured limit.


Income (Loss) per Share

Income (Loss) per Share


Basic income (loss) per share is calculated by dividing net income (loss) and net income (loss) attributable to common shareholders by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding for the period.


The following potentially dilutive securities have been excluded from the computations of diluted weighted average shares outstanding as of June 30, 2023 and 2022, as they would be anti-dilutive:


   2023   2022 
   Six Months Ended June 30, 
   2023   2022 
Shares underlying warrants outstanding   1    1 
Shares underlying convertible notes outstanding   27,223,191    20,339,299 
Shares underlying convertible preferred stock outstanding   131,804,100    128,626,878 
Anti-dilutive weighted average shares outstanding   159,027,292    148,966,178 



Diluted loss per share for the three months ended June 30, 2023 is calculated as follows:


   Three months ended 
   June 30, 2023 
Net income attributable to common shareholders  $43 
Income attributable to convertible instruments   (179)
Diluted loss attributable to common shareholders  $(136)
Basic shares outstanding   32,132,907 
Dilutive convertible instruments   128,531,628 
Diluted shares outstanding   160,664,535 
Diluted loss per share  $(0.00)


Derivative Liability

Derivative Liability


The Company has financial instruments that are considered derivatives or contain embedded features subject to derivative accounting. Embedded derivatives are valued separately from the host instrument and are recognized as derivative liabilities in the Company’s balance sheet. The Company measures these instruments at their estimated fair value and recognizes changes in their estimated fair value in results of operations during the period of change. The Company values its derivative liabilities using the Black-Scholes option valuation model. The resulting liability is valued at each reporting date and the change in the liability is reflected as change in derivative liability in the statement of operations.


Fair Value of Financial Instruments

Fair Value of Financial Instruments


Our short-term financial instruments, including cash, accounts payable and other liabilities, consist primarily of instruments with maturities of one year or less when acquired. We believe that the fair values of our current assets and current liabilities approximate their reported carrying amounts.


The derivative liabilities consist of our convertible notes and Series F preferred stock with variable conversion features. The Company uses the Black-Scholes option-pricing model to value its derivative liabilities which incorporate the Company’s stock price, volatility, U.S. risk-free interest rate, dividend rate, and estimated life.


Fair Value Measurements

Fair Value Measurements


The U.S. GAAP Valuation Hierarchy establishes a valuation hierarchy for disclosure of the inputs to valuation used to measure fair value. This hierarchy prioritizes the inputs into three broad levels as follows. Level 1 inputs are quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities. Level 2 inputs are quoted prices for similar assets and liabilities in active markets or inputs that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly through market corroboration, for substantially the full term of the financial instrument. Level 3 inputs are unobservable inputs based on our own assumptions used to measure assets and liabilities at fair value. A financial asset or liability’s classification within the hierarchy is determined based on the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement.


The Company has recorded a derivative liability for its convertible notes and preferred stock with variable conversion features as of June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022. The tables below summarize the fair values of our financial liabilities as of June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022 (in thousands):


   2023   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3 
   Fair Value at
June 30,
   Fair Value Measurement Using 
   2023   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3 
Convertible notes  $297           $297 
Preferred stock   713            713 
Derivative liability  $1,010   $   $   $1,010 


   2022   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3 
   Fair Value at
December 31,
   Fair Value Measurement Using 
   2022   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3 
Convertible notes  $285           $285 
Preferred stock   595            595 
Derivative liability  $880   $   $   $880 


The reconciliation of the derivative liability measured at fair value on a recurring basis using unobservable inputs (Level 3) is as follows (in thousands):


   2023   2022 
   Six Months Ended June 30, 
   2023   2022 
Balance at beginning of year  $880   $1,124 
Additions to derivative instruments        
Reclassification on conversion       (507)
Loss on change in fair value of derivative liability   130    1,459 
Balance at end of period  $1,010   $2,076 



Income Taxes

Income Taxes


Income taxes are accounted for under the asset and liability method. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized for the future tax consequences attributable to differences between the financial statement carrying amounts of existing assets and liabilities and their respective tax bases and operating loss and tax credit carryforwards. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured using enacted tax rates expected to apply to taxable income in the years in which those temporary differences are expected to be recovered or settled. The effect on deferred tax assets and liabilities of a change in tax rates is recognized in operations in the period that includes the enactment date. A valuation allowance is provided when it is more likely than not that some portion or all of a deferred tax asset will not be realized. The ultimate realization of deferred tax assets is dependent upon the generation of future taxable income and the reversal of deferred tax liabilities during the period in which the related temporary difference becomes deductible.


Recent Accounting Pronouncements

Recent Accounting Pronouncements


There have not been any recent changes in accounting pronouncements and Accounting Standards Update (ASU) issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) during the six months ended June 30, 2023 that are of significance or potential significance to the Company.

6 Months Ended
Jun. 30, 2023
Accounting Policies [Abstract]  

The following potentially dilutive securities have been excluded from the computations of diluted weighted average shares outstanding as of June 30, 2023 and 2022, as they would be anti-dilutive:


   2023   2022 
   Six Months Ended June 30, 
   2023   2022 
Shares underlying warrants outstanding   1    1 
Shares underlying convertible notes outstanding   27,223,191    20,339,299 
Shares underlying convertible preferred stock outstanding   131,804,100    128,626,878 
Anti-dilutive weighted average shares outstanding   159,027,292    148,966,178 


Diluted loss per share for the three months ended June 30, 2023 is calculated as follows:


   Three months ended 
   June 30, 2023 
Net income attributable to common shareholders  $43 
Income attributable to convertible instruments   (179)
Diluted loss attributable to common shareholders  $(136)
Basic shares outstanding   32,132,907 
Dilutive convertible instruments   128,531,628 
Diluted shares outstanding   160,664,535 
Diluted loss per share  $(0.00)


   2023   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3 
   Fair Value at
June 30,
   Fair Value Measurement Using 
   2023   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3 
Convertible notes  $297           $297 
Preferred stock   713            713 
Derivative liability  $1,010   $   $   $1,010 


   2022   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3 
   Fair Value at
December 31,
   Fair Value Measurement Using 
   2022   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3 
Convertible notes  $285           $285 
Preferred stock   595            595 
Derivative liability  $880   $   $   $880 

The reconciliation of the derivative liability measured at fair value on a recurring basis using unobservable inputs (Level 3) is as follows (in thousands):


   2023   2022 
   Six Months Ended June 30, 
   2023   2022 
Balance at beginning of year  $880   $1,124 
Additions to derivative instruments        
Reclassification on conversion       (507)
Loss on change in fair value of derivative liability   130    1,459 
Balance at end of period  $1,010   $2,076 
6 Months Ended
Jun. 30, 2023
Supplemental Cash Flow Elements [Abstract]  

The following table contains additional information for the periods reported (in thousands).


   2023   2022 
   Six Months Ended June 30, 
   2023   2022 
Non-cash financial activities:          
Common stock issued on conversion of notes payable and derivative liability  $   $790 
Debentures converted to common stock       462 
Derivative liability extinguished upon conversion of notes payable       507 
6 Months Ended
Jun. 30, 2023
Payables and Accruals [Abstract]  

Accrued expenses consist of the following (in thousands):



   June 30, 2023   December 31, 2022 
Accrued compensation and benefits  $1,326   $1,326 
Accrued research and development   233    233 
Accrued other   561    519 
Total accrued expenses  $2,120   $2,078 
6 Months Ended
Jun. 30, 2023
Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities Disclosure [Abstract]  

   For the Six Months Ended June 30, 
   2023   2022 
Expected dividends   0%    0% 
Expected volatility   183% - 261%    198% - 260% 
Risk free interest rate   5.43% - 5.47%    0.22% - 2.86% 
Expected term   36 Months    321 Months 
BACKGROUND (Details Narrative)
6 Months Ended
Jun. 30, 2023
Intellectual Property [Member]  
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets [Line Items]  
Description of cancellation of a license agreement In October 2020, pursuant to the cancellation of a license agreement whereby we previously licensed US Patent 9,593,118, we reacquired the exclusive right to such patent that covers both A2B and dual A2A/A2B antagonists. Accordingly, going forward our major focus will be to: (i) further characterization of the anti-cancer activity of our unique pipeline delivery platform containing A2B and dual A2A/A2B antagonists, leading to selection of a clinical candidate or candidates for an Investigative New Drug or IND enabling studies; and (ii) licensing and/or partnering our delivery platform and the A2B and dual A2A/A2B antagonists for further development.
Jun. 30, 2023
Dec. 31, 2022
Organization, Consolidation and Presentation of Financial Statements [Abstract]    
Working capital deficit $ 5,600,000  
Accumulated deficit 65,678,000 $ 65,297,000
Cash balances $ 5,000 $ 5,000
Percentage of total assets 56.00%  
6 Months Ended
Jun. 30, 2023
Jun. 30, 2022
Antidilutive Securities Excluded from Computation of Earnings Per Share [Line Items]    
Anti-dilutive weighted average shares outstanding 159,027,292 148,966,178
Warrant [Member]    
Antidilutive Securities Excluded from Computation of Earnings Per Share [Line Items]    
Anti-dilutive weighted average shares outstanding 1 1
Convertible Debt Securities [Member]    
Antidilutive Securities Excluded from Computation of Earnings Per Share [Line Items]    
Anti-dilutive weighted average shares outstanding 27,223,191 20,339,299
Convertible Preferred Stock [Member]    
Antidilutive Securities Excluded from Computation of Earnings Per Share [Line Items]    
Anti-dilutive weighted average shares outstanding 131,804,100 128,626,878
3 Months Ended
Jun. 30, 2023
USD ($)
$ / shares
Accounting Policies [Abstract]  
Net income attributable to common shareholders | $ $ 43
Income attributable to convertible instruments | $ (179)
Diluted loss attributable to common shareholders | $ $ (136)
Basic shares outstanding | shares 32,132,907
Dilutive convertible instruments | shares 128,531,628
Diluted shares outstanding | shares 160,664,535
Diluted loss per share | $ / shares $ (0.00)
$ in Thousands
Jun. 30, 2023
Dec. 31, 2022
Platform Operator, Crypto-Asset [Line Items]    
Convertible notes $ 297 $ 285
Preferred stock 713 595
Derivative liability 1,010 880
Fair Value, Inputs, Level 1 [Member]    
Platform Operator, Crypto-Asset [Line Items]    
Convertible notes
Preferred stock
Derivative liability
Fair Value, Inputs, Level 2 [Member]    
Platform Operator, Crypto-Asset [Line Items]    
Convertible notes
Preferred stock
Derivative liability
Fair Value, Inputs, Level 3 [Member]    
Platform Operator, Crypto-Asset [Line Items]    
Convertible notes 297 285
Preferred stock 713 595
Derivative liability $ 1,010 $ 880
$ in Thousands
6 Months Ended
Jun. 30, 2023
Jun. 30, 2022
Accounting Policies [Abstract]    
Balance at beginning of year $ 880 $ 1,124
Additions to derivative instruments
Reclassification on conversion (507)
Loss on change in fair value of derivative liability 130 1,459
Balance at end of period $ 1,010 $ 2,076
3 Months Ended 6 Months Ended
Jun. 30, 2023
Jun. 30, 2022
Jun. 30, 2023
Jun. 30, 2022
Dec. 31, 2022
Accounting Policies [Abstract]          
Research and development expenses $ 16,000 $ 174,000 $ 38,000 $ 192,000  
Cash $ 5,000   $ 5,000   $ 5,000
$ in Thousands
6 Months Ended
Jun. 30, 2023
Jun. 30, 2022
Non-cash financial activities:    
Common stock issued on conversion of notes payable and derivative liability $ 790
Debentures converted to common stock 462
Derivative liability extinguished upon conversion of notes payable $ 507
6 Months Ended
Jun. 30, 2023
Jun. 30, 2022
Supplemental Cash Flow Elements [Abstract]    
Cash paid for interest $ 0 $ 0
Cash paid for income taxes $ 0 $ 0
$ in Thousands
Jun. 30, 2023
Dec. 31, 2022
Payables and Accruals [Abstract]    
Accrued compensation and benefits $ 1,326 $ 1,326
Accrued research and development 233 233
Accrued other 561 519
Total accrued expenses $ 2,120 $ 2,078
Jun. 30, 2023
Dec. 31, 2022
Measurement Input, Expected Dividend Rate [Member]    
Derivative [Line Items]    
Derivative liability measurement input 0 0
Measurement Input, Price Volatility [Member] | Minimum [Member]    
Derivative [Line Items]    
Derivative liability measurement input 183 198
Measurement Input, Price Volatility [Member] | Maximum [Member]    
Derivative [Line Items]    
Derivative liability measurement input 261 260
Measurement Input, Risk Free Interest Rate [Member] | Minimum [Member]    
Derivative [Line Items]    
Derivative liability measurement input 5.43 0.22
Measurement Input, Risk Free Interest Rate [Member] | Maximum [Member]    
Derivative [Line Items]    
Derivative liability measurement input 5.47 2.86
Measurement Input, Expected Term [Member] | Minimum [Member]    
Derivative [Line Items]    
Expected term 3 months 3 months
Measurement Input, Expected Term [Member] | Maximum [Member]    
Derivative [Line Items]    
Expected term 6 months 21 months
DERIVATIVE LIABILITY (Details Narrative) - USD ($)
$ in Thousands
3 Months Ended 6 Months Ended
Jun. 30, 2023
Jun. 30, 2022
Jun. 30, 2023
Jun. 30, 2022
Dec. 31, 2022
Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities Disclosure [Abstract]          
Income on change in fair value of the derivative liability $ 156 $ (1,060) $ (130) $ (1,459)  
Expenses on change in fair value of the derivative liability (156) $ 1,060 130 $ 1,459  
Derivative liability $ 1,000   $ 1,000   $ 900
3 Months Ended 6 Months Ended
Jun. 30, 2022
Jun. 30, 2023
Jun. 30, 2022
Dec. 31, 2022
Class of Stock [Line Items]        
Conversion price, description   As a result of past equity financings and conversions of debentures, the conversion prices of (i) our Series A Preferred Stock has been reduced to $29,812.50 per share at June 30, 2023, (ii) our Series B Preferred Stock has been reduced to $0.0217 per share at June 30, 2023, (iii) 200 shares of our Series C preferred stock has been reduced to $1,125.00 per share at June 30, 2023, (iv) 90.43418 shares of our Series C Preferred Stock has been reduced to $562.50 per share at June 30, 2023.    
Common stock, shares authorized   1,000,000,000   1,000,000,000
Common stock, shares outstanding   32,132,907   32,132,907
Shares issued     20,363,686  
Value issued     $ 789,699  
Principal amount     461,972  
Loss on conversion of debt   $ 23,746  
Series A Preferred Stock [Member]        
Class of Stock [Line Items]        
Preferred stock, shares outstanding   134   134
Conversion price   $ 29,812.50    
Series B Preferred Stock [Member]        
Class of Stock [Line Items]        
Preferred stock, shares outstanding   71   71
Conversion price   $ 0.0217    
Series C Preferred Stock [Member]        
Class of Stock [Line Items]        
Preferred stock, shares outstanding   290   290
Conversion price   $ 1,125.00    
Series D Preferred Stock [Member]        
Class of Stock [Line Items]        
Preferred stock, shares outstanding   5,000   5,000
Series E Preferred Stock [Member]        
Class of Stock [Line Items]        
Preferred stock, shares outstanding   5,000   5,000
Series F Preferred Stock [Member]        
Class of Stock [Line Items]        
Preferred stock, shares outstanding   8,000   8,000
Series C Preferred Stock One [Member]        
Class of Stock [Line Items]        
Conversion price   $ 562.50    
3 Months Ended 6 Months Ended
Jun. 18, 2021
Oct. 23, 2020
Sep. 12, 2017
Jun. 30, 2022
Jun. 30, 2023
Jun. 30, 2022
Dec. 31, 2022
Short-Term Debt [Line Items]              
Conversion price, description         As a result of past equity financings and conversions of debentures, the conversion prices of (i) our Series A Preferred Stock has been reduced to $29,812.50 per share at June 30, 2023, (ii) our Series B Preferred Stock has been reduced to $0.0217 per share at June 30, 2023, (iii) 200 shares of our Series C preferred stock has been reduced to $1,125.00 per share at June 30, 2023, (iv) 90.43418 shares of our Series C Preferred Stock has been reduced to $562.50 per share at June 30, 2023.    
Series A Preferred Stock [Member]              
Short-Term Debt [Line Items]              
Stated value of the preferred shares          
Series B Preferred Stock [Member]              
Short-Term Debt [Line Items]              
Stated value of the preferred shares          
June 2021 Debenture [Member]              
Short-Term Debt [Line Items]              
Convertible debentures $ 600,000            
Cash received 500,000            
Cancellation amount $ 100,000            
Maturity date Jun. 18, 2022            
Beneficial ownership percentage 9.99%            
Conversion price, description have a conversion price equal to the lesser of $24.75 and 85% of the lowest Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) during the five (5) trading days immediately prior to the conversion date, subject to adjustment, as described therein.            
Debt conversion amount           $ 461,972  
Outstanding, convertible debentures         100,000    
Interest expense       $ 21,440   54,292  
Amortization of debt discount           $ 203,458  
October 2020 Debentures [Member]              
Short-Term Debt [Line Items]              
Convertible debentures   $ 600,000          
Cash received   500,000          
Cancellation amount   $ 100,000          
Beneficial ownership percentage   9.99%          
Conversion price, description   have a conversion price equal to the lesser of (i) $24.75 and (ii) 85% of the lowest volume-weighted average price during the five trading days immediately prior to the date of conversion.          
Outstanding, convertible debentures         100,000    
September 2017 Debentures [Member]              
Short-Term Debt [Line Items]              
Convertible debentures     $ 320,000        
Cash received     250,000        
Cancellation amount     $ 70,000        
Maturity date     Dec. 31, 2023        
Outstanding, convertible debentures         $ 110,072    
Principal amount     $ 2,500,000        
September 2017 Debentures [Member] | Series A Preferred Stock [Member]              
Short-Term Debt [Line Items]              
Exchange of shares     1,614.8125        
Stated value of the preferred shares     $ 1,600,000        
September 2017 Debentures [Member] | Series B Preferred Stock [Member]              
Short-Term Debt [Line Items]              
Exchange of shares     890        
Stated value of the preferred shares     $ 900,000        
1 Months Ended 3 Months Ended 6 Months Ended
Sep. 30, 2021
Jun. 30, 2023
Jun. 30, 2022
Jun. 30, 2023
Jun. 30, 2022
Dec. 31, 2022
Silvestre law group PC [Member]            
Related Party Transaction [Line Items]            
Payment for services $ 10,000          
Legal fees   $ 30,000 $ 30,000 $ 60,000 $ 65,843  
Convertible debentures   290,000   290,000   $ 290,000
Imputed interest   3,625   7,250    
Silvestre law group PC [Member] | Service, Other [Member]            
Related Party Transaction [Line Items]            
Payment for services       40,000    
Legal fees       25,843    
Related Party [Member]            
Related Party Transaction [Line Items]            
Balance due   $ 369,848   $ 369,848   $ 309,848

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