Washington, D.C. 20549
Report of Foreign Private Issuer
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
For the month of May, 2024
Commission File Number 1-14668
(Exact name of registrant as specified in its
Energy Company of Paraná
(Translation of Registrant's name into English)
José Izidoro Biazetto, 158
81200-240 Curitiba, Paraná
Federative Republic of Brazil
+55 (41) 3331-4011
(Address of principal executive offices)
Indicate by check
mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover Form 20-F or Form 40-F. Form
20-F ___X___ Form 40-F _______
by check mark whether the registrant by furnishing the information contained in this Form is also thereby furnishing the information
to the Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
Yes _______ No ___X____
COMPANHIA PARANAENSE DE ENERGIA - COPEL Corporate Taxpayer’s ID (CNPJ/MF): 76.483.817/0001-20 PUBLICLY-HELD COMPANY CVM Registration 1431-1 Company Registry (NIRE): 41300036535 |
I hereby certify, for all legal purposes, that
the undersigned members of the Board of Directors (BoD) met on May 08, 2024, at 8:30 a.m. at Rua José Izidoro Biazetto, 158 - Bloco
A, in the City of Curitiba, State of Paraná, to discuss the items on the agenda of this meeting. Marcel Martins Malczewski, Chair
of the Board, welcomed everyone and invited me, Victória Baraldi Mendes Batista, to act as secretary.
The Board of Directors resolved on the matters
below, including other topics:
1. Deliberation on the Interim Financial Statements
for the 1st Quarter of 2024 (consolidated). Adriano Rudek de Moura, Chief Financial and Investors Relations Officer, and Robson Carlos
Nogueira, Accounting Superintendent, presented the financial results for the 1st quarter of 2024. They recorded that the quarterly information
is in the final phase of review by independent auditor Pricewaterhouse Coopers Auditores Independentes Ltda. - PWC, which should issue
its unqualified audit report on this date. Then, the Statutory Audit Committee (CAE) members were heard, who stated that they discussed
the matter in their 300th Meeting, held on May 7, 2024, and after analyzing the matter, stated that the Interim Financial Statements for
the 1st quarter of 2024 can be approved by the Board of Directors. Therefore, the Board of Directors, after: a) receiving
and analyzing the final version of the Interim Financial Statements for the 1st quarter of 2024; b) analyzing the information on
the Financial Statements provided by PWC; c) receiving the favorable opinion of the Executive Board of Copel (Holdco), expressed
in its 2600th Meeting, held on May 3, 2024; and d) receiving the favorable opinion expressed by the Statutory Audit Committee,
unanimously resolved to approve the Interim Financial Statements for the 1st quarter of 2024 of Copel (Holdco) and forward it to the
Fiscal Council for its analysis and opinion, to be then filed with the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission - CVM, under the rules
in force. ---------------------------------------------------------
2. Deliberation on the 2024 Reference Form
- RF. Adriano Rudek de Moura, Chief Financial and Investors Relations Officer, accompanied by his team, presented updated information
about the 2024 Reference Form - RF, prepared in accordance with CVM Resolution 80/2022 and other pertinent laws and regulations. He stated
that the document, which contains information about Copel, is at the disposal of the CVM and capital markets professionals and that it
can be used by financial institutions as the Company’s prospectus for future fundraising and the issue of shares. He also emphasized
key topics and changes made to the Reference Form, especially concerning updates reflecting the post-corporation scenario. Then, the Statutory
Audit Committee (CAE) members were heard, who stated that they discussed the matter in their 300th Meeting, held on May 7, 2024, and recommended
said Board approve it. After analyzing the information, discussing the topic, and providing clarification, and based on the favorable
opinion of the Executive Board in its 2600th Meeting, held on May 3, 2024, as well as the Statutory Audit Committee, as recorded above,
the Board of Directors unanimously approved the 2024 Reference Form - RF, under the terms of the material made available, which remains
in the custody of the Governance Bodies Secretariat, as well as authorized its filing with the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission,
and its disclosure on the pertinent channels.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. Deliberation on Integrated Report 2023.
Vicente Loiácono Neto, Deputy Governance, Risk and Compliance Officer, accompanied by his team, presented Copel Integrated Report
2023, which is based on the materiality revised and reinforced in 2023, and includes the material topics approved on November 1, 2023
by the Board of Directors - BoD, for the 2023/2024 reporting period, namely: Population Safety, Customer Satisfaction, Wellness, Health
and Safety for the Workforce, Social Commitment, Transformation of the Energy Sector, Economic and Financial Performance,
COMPANHIA PARANAENSE DE ENERGIA - COPEL Corporate Taxpayer’s ID (CNPJ/MF): 76.483.817/0001-20 PUBLICLY-HELD COMPANY CVM Registration 1431-1 Company Registry (NIRE): 41300036535 |
Sustainable Supplier Management, People Management,
Corporate Governance and Environmental Commitment. He also highlighted that the preparation of the document was supported by Report, a
specialized consultancy, and that the information contained in it was verified and assured by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Auditores Independentes
Ltda. - Deloitte. Then, the Sustainable Development Committee (CDS) members were heard, who stated that the matter was discussed in their
38th Meeting, held on May 07, 2024, and recommended the approval of the matter by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors, after
analyzing and discussing the matter, considering the favorable opinion of the Executive Board, in its 2600th Meeting, held on May 3, 2024,
as well as that of the CDS, as recorded above, unanimously approved Copel Integrated Report 2023, under the terms presented and the material
made available, which is in the custody of the Governance Bodies Secretariat, with disclosure to stakeholders linked to the issue of the
Letter of Assurance by external auditor Deloitte.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. Deliberation about the 2024 Governance Report.
Vicente Loiácono Neto, Deputy Governance, Risk and Compliance Officer, accompanied by his team, presented the 2024 Governance
Report, clarifying that the document was prepared in compliance with CVM Instruction 80/2022 and reflects the Company’s adherence
to best corporate governance practices set out in the Brazilian Code of Corporate Governance - Publicly-Held Companies. He also stressed
that the Company virtually applies all the recommended practices. Then, the Sustainable Development Committee (CDS) members were heard,
who stated that the matter was discussed during their 38th Meeting, held on May 07, 2024, and recommended the approval of the
matter by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors, after analyzing and discussing the matter, considering the favorable opinion
of the Executive Board, in its 2600th Meeting, held on May 3, 2024, as well as that of the CDS, as recorded above, unanimously approved
the 2024 Governance Report as presented and according to the material made available, which is in the custody of the Governance Bodies
Secretariat. ---------------
5. Election of Statutory Audit Committee member.
The Board of Directors unanimously resolved to elect, with abstention of the appointee, as member of the Statutory Audit
Committee, to complete the 2023-2025 office term: Pedro Franco Sales, Brazilian citizen, married, electrical production
engineer, holder of identification document (RG) number 11073177-5/IFP-RJ, inscribed in the register of individual taxpayers (CPF/MF)
under number 098.446.557-06, resident and domiciled at Alameda Casa Branca nº 1077, ap. 31, Jardim Paulista, CEP 01408-001, in the
city and state of São Paulo, replacing Marco Antônio Barbosa Cândido. It is registered herein that due to the election
recorded above, the Statutory Audit Committee of Companhia Paranaense de Energia - Copel will now be composed of the following members
for the 2023/2025 office term: Carlos Biedermann (Coordinator), Pedro Franco Sales, and Luiz Claudio Maia Vieira. ---------------------------
6. Election of Investment and Innovation Committee
member. The Board of Directors unanimously resolved to elect, with abstention of the appointee, as member of the Investment
and Innovation Committee, to complete the 2023-2025 office term: Pedro Franco Sales, Brazilian citizen, married, electrical
production engineer, holder of identification document (RG) number 11073177-5/IFP-RJ, inscribed in the register of individual taxpayers
(CPF/MF) under number 098.446.557-06, resident and domiciled at Alameda Casa Branca nº 1077, ap. 31, Jardim Paulista, CEP 01408-001,
in the city and state of São Paulo, replacing Geraldo Corrêa De Lyra Junior. It is registered herein that due to the election
recorded above, the Investment and Innovation Committee of Companhia Paranaense de Energia - Copel will now be composed of the following
members for the 2023/2025 office term: Marco Antônio Barbosa Cândido (Coordinator), Marcelo Souza Monteiro, and Pedro Franco
Sales. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
7. Election of Sustainable Development Committee
member and coordinator. The Board of Directors unanimously resolved to elect, with abstention of the appointee, as member
and coordinator of the Statutory Audit Committee, to complete the 2023-2025 office term: Geraldo Corrêa De Lyra Junior,
Brazilian citizen, married, air force lieutenant colonel, holder of identification document (RG) number 63.036.426-6/SSP-SP, inscribed
in the register of individual taxpayers
COMPANHIA PARANAENSE DE ENERGIA - COPEL Corporate Taxpayer’s ID (CNPJ/MF): 76.483.817/0001-20 PUBLICLY-HELD COMPANY CVM Registration 1431-1 Company Registry (NIRE): 41300036535 |
(CPF/MF) under number 050.877.478-09, resident
and domiciled at Rua Carneiro Lobo nº 153, ap. 702, Água Verde, CEP 80240-240, in the city of Curitiba, state of Paraná,
to fill the vacant position as a result of resignation. It is registered herein that due to the election recorded above, the Sustainable
Development Committee of Companhia Paranaense de Energia - Copel will now be composed of the following members for the 2023/2025 office
term: Geraldo Corrêa de Lyra Junior (Coordinator), Fausto Augusto de Souza, and Lavinia Rocha de Hollanda. --------------------------------
8. Election of People Committee (CDG) member.
The Board of Directors unanimously resolved to elect, with abstention of the appointee, as member of the People Committee,
to complete the 2023-2025 office term: Viviane Isabela De Oliveira Martins, Brazilian citizen, married, industrial mechanical
engineer, holder of identification document (RG) number 6815523/SSP-MG, inscribed in the register of individual taxpayers (CPF/MF) under
number 024.875.636-21, resident and domiciled at Rua Sansão Alves dos Santos nº 343, ap. 3701, Cidade Monções,
CEP 04571-090, in the city and state of São Paulo, to fill the vacant position as a result of resignation; and Mario Cunha Campos,
Brazilian citizen, single, economist, holder of identification document (RG) number 105.989.27-1/IFP-RJ, inscribed in the register of
individual taxpayers (CPF/MF) under number 045.350.647-09, resident and domiciled at Avenida Delfim Moreira nº 1172, ap. 401, Leblon,
CEP 22441-000, in the city and state of Rio de Janeiro, to fill the position intended for an external member with recognized professional
experience in matters under the charge of the Committee. Additionally, it is registered herein that Viviane Isabela de Oliveira Martins
has been chosen as the Coordinator of the People Committee. It is also registered herein that due to the election recorded above,
the People Committee of Companhia Paranaense de Energia - Copel will now be composed of the following members for the 2023/2025 office
term: Viviane Isabela de Oliveira Martins (Coordinator), Marcelo Souza Monteiro, and Mario Cunha Campos. ------------------------------------------------------------
9. Appointment of Ethics Committee member.
The Board of Directors unanimously decided that Viviane Isabela de Oliveira Martins will make up Copel’s Ethics Committee
(with abstention of said appointee).--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10. Deliberation about the non-exercise of
subscription rights for the acquisition of shares issued by Dona Francisca Energética S.A. Cassio Santana da Silva, New Business
Officer, accompanied by Milton Francisco dos Santos Junior, Superintendent of Generation, Transmission, Distribution, Mergers, Acquisitions,
and Divestments, presented information and negotiations related to the notice sent by Gerdau S.A. and Statkraft Energias Renováveis
S.A. about the exercise of subscription rights for the acquisition of shares issued by Dona Francisca Energética S.A. which are
held by Statkraft, as provided for in DFESA’s Bylaws. Then, the Investment and Innovation Committee (CII) members were heard, who
stated that the matter was discussed in their 51st Meeting, held on May 06, 2024, and recommended the approval of the matter by the Board
of Directors. The Board of Directors, after analyzing and discussing the matter, considering the favorable opinion of the Executive
Board, in its 2600th Meeting, held on May 3, 2024, as well as that of the CII, as recorded above, unanimously opted not to exercise subscription
rights for the acquisition of part of the shares held by Statkraft in Dona Francisca Energética S.A., according to the material
made available, which is in the custody of the Governance Bodies Secretariat.-----------
11. Deliberation on the start of the non-biding
phase - Optimus Project. Cassio Santana da Silva, New Business Officer, accompanied by Milton Francisco dos Santos Junior, Superintendent
of Generation, Transmission, Distribution, Mergers, Acquisitions, and Divestments, presented information about the business opportunity
related to the Optimus Project, i.e. the potential divestment of assets owned by Copel Geração e Transmissão S.A.
- Copel GeT with capacity lower than 50 MW: the Apucaraninha SHP, the Cavernoso SHP, the Cavernoso II SHP, the Chaminé SHP, the
Chopim I HGP, the Guaricana HPP, the Marumbi HGP, the Melissa HGP, the Pitangui HGP, the Salto do Vau HGP, the São Jorge HGP, the
Palmas WPP, and the Figueira TPP. Then, the Investment and Innovation Committee (CII) members were heard, who stated that the matter was
discussed in their 51st Meeting, held on May 06, 2024, and recommended the approval by the Board
COMPANHIA PARANAENSE DE ENERGIA - COPEL Corporate Taxpayer’s ID (CNPJ/MF): 76.483.817/0001-20 PUBLICLY-HELD COMPANY CVM Registration 1431-1 Company Registry (NIRE): 41300036535 |
of Directors. After analyzing the information,
discussing the matter, making clarifications and considering the favorable recommendation of the Executive Board, in its 2600th Meeting,
held on May 03, 2024, as well as that of the CII, as recorded above, the Board of Directors unanimously approved: i) the start
of the Non-Binding Phase of the operation, by making available the Teaser and the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), as well as releasing
the Notice to the Market on Copel’s potential divestment of the generation assets composed of HGPs, SHPs, HPP, WPP, and TPP;
and ii) the continuity of the process and negotiations along with potential buyers, under the terms of the material made available,
which is in the custody of the Governance Bodies Secretariat. ---------------
The other topics addressed at this meeting were
omitted from this certificate due to legitimate caution, based on the duty of confidentiality by Management, under the head provision
of Article 155 of Law 6,404/76, as they refer solely to the Company’s internal interests, therefore lying outside the scope of the
provision contained in Paragraph 1 of Article 142 of the aforementioned Law.
Secretary of Copel’s Governance Department
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly
Date May 22, 2024
By: |
Daniel Pimentel Slaviero
Daniel Pimentel Slaviero
Chief Executive Officer |
This press release may contain forward-looking statements.
These statements are statements that are not historical facts, and are based on management's current view and estimates of future
economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance and financial results. The words "anticipates", "believes",
"estimates", "expects", "plans" and similar expressions, as they relate to the company, are intended
to identify forward-looking statements. Statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the implementation of principal
operating and financing strategies and capital expenditure plans, the direction of future operations and the factors or trends
affecting financial condition, liquidity or results of operations are examples of forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect
the current views of management and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that the expected
events, trends or results will actually occur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic
and market conditions, industry conditions, and operating factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual
results to differ materially from current expectations.
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