This document is a translation of the original Corporate Governance Report in Japanese; in the event of
any discrepancy relating to the content of the Report, the Japanese version shall prevail.
The Board of Directors carries out decisions related to items that, either as a matter of law or pursuant to our Articles of Incorporation,
cannot be delegated to executive officers, such as management policies and basic policy on the internal control system, and other important items as determined by the regulations of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors monitors the
execution of duties by the directors and executive officers.
The Board of Directors sometimes delegates certain decision-making authority
regarding operational execution, except for matters decided by itself, to the representative executive officer to promote decision-making efficiency and operational execution.
Furthermore, the Board of Directors monitors basic policies decided by itself on a regular basis and receives reports from executive officers
and the three committees regarding execution status of their respective duties. Accordingly, the Board of Directors collects information and monitors the appropriateness of operational execution based on such information.
From April 1, 2023 through March 31, 2024, the Board of Directors met 8 times (*). The attendance rate of directors for these
meetings was 100%.
* Furthermore, the Board of Directors passed two deemed resolutions during fiscal 2024 based on Article 370 of the
Companies Act.
The Board of Directors as of the end of March 2024: 11 members, including 6 outside directors and 5 internal directors.
Chair: Internal director.
Members of the Board of Directors and attendance rate of each director are as follows.
Makoto Inoue (attended all meetings in the fiscal year ended March 2024)
Satoru Matsuzaki (attended all meetings in the fiscal year ended March 2024)
Stan Koyanagi (attended all meetings in the fiscal year ended March 2024)
Yasuaki Mikami (attended all meetings in the fiscal year ended March 2024)
Hidetake Takahashi (Member from June 2024)
Michael Cusumano (attended all meetings in the fiscal year ended March 2024)
Sakie Akiyama (attended all meetings in the fiscal year ended March 2024)
Hiroshi Watanabe (attended all meetings in the fiscal year ended March 2024)
Aiko Sekine (attended all meetings in the fiscal year ended March 2024)
Chikatomo Hodo (attended all meetings in the fiscal year ended March 2024)
Noriyuki Yanagawa (attended all meetings in the fiscal year ended March 2024)
During fiscal 2024, the Board of Directors determined the content of proposals to be submitted to the general meeting of shareholders and
basic management policy, elected executive officers, delegated decisions on the execution of operations to the representative executive officer, evaluated the effectiveness of the Board of Directors and monitored the execution of duties by executive
officers based on the reports from executive officers and the three committees.