ShaMaran Petroleum Corp. ("ShaMaran" or
the "Company") (TSX VENTURE: SNM) (OMX:
SNM) is pleased to announce its financial and operating
results for the three months ended March 31, 2018. Unless otherwise
stated all currency amounts indicated as “$” in this news release
are expressed in thousands of United States dollars.
- $26.5 million in revenues from Atrush oil sales with strong
operational cash flows.
- $6.06 average lifting cost per barrel.
- 20,300 bopd average production. 2018 guidance revised to
23,000 - 28,000 bopd.
- Significant additional well capacity demonstrated in testing of
Chiya Khere-7 (“CK-7”) development well.
- Atrush production expected to reach near plant capacity once
CK-7 tied in.
- 25% increase in 2P reserves announced in February.
- Company in an advanced state with plans to refinance bonds
before maturity.
Chris Bruijnzeels, President and CEO of
ShaMaran, commented “This is the first quarter ShaMaran has posted
a profit since Atrush began producing. Regular payments from the
KRG and a higher than forecasted oil price contributed to robust
operating cash flows. ShaMaran is now building up a healthy cash
balance, which allows us to resume paying for our bond coupon
interest with cash. Although production performance in the first
quarter of 2018 was not as strong as expected, I think we are
taking the right steps to resolve the recent production issues and
with the positive CK-7 well test results, I expect improved
production in the near future. ShaMaran is getting stronger by the
- In the first quarter of 2018 oil produced and exported from
Atrush for sale to the Kurdistan Regional Government (“KRG”) was
2.1 million barrels resulting in average production of 23,600
barrels of oil per day (“bopd”) which was an increase over average
daily production of 21,700 reported in the fourth quarter of 2017.
The Company’s entitlement share of first quarter exports was 518
thousand barrels which were sold at an average netback price1 of
$51.14 per barrel of oil which equates to revenues of $26.5 million
for the quarter. The first quarter production entitlement
exceeds the Company’s working interest production share mainly
because of the exceptional redistribution of cost oil revenues from
TAQA Atrush BV (“TAQA” and Operator of the Atrush Block) and
General Exploration Partners, Inc. (“GEP” and a wholly owned
subsidiary of the Company) under the Atrush Joint Operating
Agreement (“Atrush JOA”).2 Average lifting costs for the
quarter were $6.06/bbl, which is below the Company’s $6.80/bbl
guidance for 2018 provided on March 9, 2018.
- First quarter production was below the Company’s 2018 guidance
range of 25,000 to 30,000 bopd. Production in March 2018 averaged
20,300 bopd. Investigations revealed a partial blockage of the heat
exchanger by sediments. The production facilities were shut
down for four days in April during which time the sediments were
successfully removed. Sediment samples have been taken and are
being analysed. In anticipation of the final sediment analysis,
Atrush is currently producing at approximately 20,000 bopd, whilst
carefully being monitored.
- Three wells are currently producing, Atrush-2 (“AT-2”), Chiya
Khere-5 (“CK-5”) and Chiya Khere-8 (“CK-8”). The Atrush-4 (“AT-4”)
well is shut in due to low productivity and awaiting a workover to
install a smaller pump which now is planned for end Q3 2018.
- The Chiya Khere-7 (“CK-7”) was drilled in Q4 2017 and the
reservoir section was encountered approximately 114 meters
shallower than prognosis. In March and April 2018 three intervals
were successfully tested: the Mus, the Alan and the Lower Sargelu
formation all produced dry oil. CK-7 is now completed on the Alan
and Lower Sargelu formation with an electric submersible pump.
During the final completion test the well produced 27.5 API oil at
7,040 bopd at only 14 psi drawdown and based on the test results
the well is expected to be able to produce over 10,000 bopd.
CK-7 is now ready for production and will be commissioned upon
completion of the connecting pipeline which is expected early in
the third quarter of 2018.
Financial and Corporate
- The Company’s cash inflows in the first quarter of 2018 from
Atrush related activities are comprised of three elements:
- Entitlement share of Atrush PSC profit oil and cost oil: the
Company received payments totalling $14.0 million reflecting its
entitlement share of the $40.7 million in total payments received
by the Atrush Non-Government Contractors from the KRG for October
through December 2017 oil sales. A further $11.1 million was
received in April relating to January 2018 oil sales. The
relatively high January receipts is explained by the exceptional
redistribution of cost oil revenues from TAQA to GEP under the
Atrush JOA.
- Atrush Exploration Costs receivable3: over this same period the
Company collected a further $532 thousand of Atrush Exploration
Cost receivables from the KRG’s entitlement share of October
through December 2017 oil sales. A further $255 thousand was
received in April relating to January 2018 oil sales.
- The Atrush Development Cost Loan and the Atrush Feeder Pipeline
Cost Loan (“the KRG Loans”): In January 2018 the Non-Government
Contractors and the KRG agreed that substantially all the first two
instalments on the KRG Loans, which were due in November and
December of 2017, would be offset against amounts owed to the KRG
for security services which they provided for the Atrush
operations, and an Atrush production bonus. The KRG Loan balances
collected by the Company under the agreement was $2.6
million. The January 2018 invoice was paid in April 2018
which is in line with the current practice for crude oil sales
- In February 2018 a new sales agreement was concluded between
the Atrush Non-Government Contractors and the KRG for the sale of
Atrush oil whereby the KRG will buy oil exported from the Atrush
field by pipeline at the Atrush block boundary based upon the Dated
Brent oil price minus $15.73 ($16.04 under the previous agreement)
for quality discount and all local and international transportation
costs. This discount is based on the same principles as other oil
sales agreements in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and reflects a
better API gravity than was assumed in the previous sales
- On February 15, 2018 the Company reported estimated reserves
and contingent resources for the Atrush field as at December 31,
2017. Total Field Proven plus Probable (“2P”) Reserves on a
property gross basis for Atrush increased from 85.1 MMbbl reported
as at December 31, 2016 to 102.7 MMbbl which, when 2017 Atrush
production of 3.4 MMbbl is included, represents an increase of 25
percent. Total Field Unrisked Best Estimate Contingent Oil
Resources (“2C”)4 on a property gross basis for Atrush was
approximately the same as the 2016 estimate at 296 MMbbl. Total
discovered oil in place in the Atrush Block is a low estimate of
1.5 billion barrels, a best estimate of 2.1 billion barrels and a
high estimate of 2.9 billion barrels.
1. This includes a discount to Dated Brent for oil
quality and all local and international transportation costs.
2. TAQA and GEP have under the Atrush JOA agreed
a priority arrangement for sharing their combined initial $49.9
million share of exploration cost oil revenues such that TAQA
receives the initial $10.8 million and GEP receives the next $39.1
million, thereafter cost oil revenues for these two parties is
determined by their relative participating interests in the Atrush
PSC. The Company’s entitlement share of oil sold up to March 31,
2018 reflects a recovery of approximately $30.5 million of the
$39.1 million. The Company forecasts that its entitlement to the
remaining $8.6 million of priority recovery will occur in April to
June 2018 under current oil price and production assumptions.
3. The Exploration Costs Receivable is related
to the repayment of certain development costs that ShaMaran paid on
behalf of the KRG which, for purposes of repayment, are governed
under the Atrush PSC and the related Facilitation Agreement and
deemed to be Exploration Costs.
4. This estimate of remaining recoverable
resources (unrisked) includes contingent resources that have not
been adjusted for risk based on the chance of development. It is
not an estimate of volumes that may be recovered.
- Following the unexpected accumulation of solids in the
production facilities the production guidance for Atrush gross in
2018 has been reduced to 23,000 to 28,000 bopd while guidance for
2018 lifting costs remains unchanged at $6.80/bbl.
- Capital expenditure guidance remains unchanged at previous
estimate of $19.6 million (20.1% working interest in Atrush) which
- identify and install additional heat sources ahead of the next
winter months;
- continue with program to identify debottleneck opportunities to
further increase production capacity beyond 30,000 bopd;
- testing and completion of the CK-7 well;
- install the CK-7 flow line and bring CK-7 into production;
- drilling, testing and completion of Chiya Khere (“CK-10”), a
sixth development well;
- drilling and completion of Chiya Khere (“CK-9”), a dedicated
water disposal well; and
- conducting extended testing of the CK-6 well which is located
on the eastern side of the Atrush Block and which is outside the 2P
reserve area of Atrush. This would involve the installation of
temporary production facilities near the Chamanke–C well pad and
the delivery by truck of oil to the main Phase 1 Production
- Following the results of the CK-7 and CK-10 wells, the extended
well testing in CK-6 and sustained production from the Phase 1
Production Facilities the Company expects to further assess the
significant undeveloped Atrush resource base with the potential to
grow organically to approximately 100,000 bopd production.
- Coupon interest of $10.7 million under the outstanding Senior
and Super Senior Bond which is due May 13, 2018 will be paid in
cash from the Company’s cash reserves. Bond coupon interest
payments had been made in kind by issuing so-called PIK bonds since
the Company refinanced its bonds in May 2016.
- The Senior and Super Senior bonds are due to mature in November
2018. The Company is in an advanced state with its plans to
refinance the bonds before maturity.
ENDED MARCH 31, 2018
Oil production commenced on July 3, 2017 from
the Atrush Block located in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Atrush
production operations and work on the Atrush development program
continued throughout the first quarter of 2018.
Financial Results
The net income was primarily driven by the gross
margin on Atrush oil sales and interest income on Atrush cost loans
to the KRG and was reduced by general and administrative expenses
and finance cost, the substantial portion of which were expensed
borrowing costs on the Company’s Senior Bonds and Super Senior
Condensed Interim Statement of
Comprehensive Income
(Unaudited, expressed in thousands of United States Dollars)
For the three months ended March 31, |
2018 |
2017 |
Revenues |
26,501 |
- |
Cost of goods sold: |
Lifting costs |
(2,426) |
- |
Other costs of
production |
(202) |
- |
Depletion |
(9,540) |
- |
Gross margin on oil sales |
14,333 |
- |
Share based payments
expense |
- |
(11) |
Depreciation and amortisation
expense |
(4) |
(10) |
General and administrative
expense |
(925) |
(1,090) |
Income / (loss) from operating activities |
13,404 |
(1,111) |
Finance income |
443 |
352 |
cost |
(4,230) |
(1,503) |
Net finance cost |
(3,787) |
(1,151) |
Income / (loss) before
income tax expense |
9,617 |
(2,262) |
tax expense |
(16) |
(21) |
Income / (loss) for the period |
9,601 |
(2,283) |
Other comprehensive
income |
Items that may be reclassified
to profit or loss: Currency translation differences |
18 |
16 |
Total other comprehensive income |
18 |
16 |
Total comprehensive income / (loss) for the
period |
9,619 |
(2,267) |
Condensed Interim Consolidated
Balance Sheet
(Unaudited, expressed in thousands of United
States Dollars)
At March 31, 2018 |
At December 31, 2017 |
Assets |
assets |
Property, plant and
equipment |
178,558 |
184,921 |
Intangible assets |
89,324 |
89,119 |
Loans and receivables |
39,300 |
44,696 |
307,182 |
318,736 |
assets |
Loans and receivables |
50,507 |
32,277 |
Cash and cash equivalents,
restricted |
8,205 |
2,162 |
Cash and cash equivalents,
unrestricted |
3,145 |
3,094 |
Other current assets |
300 |
212 |
62,157 |
37,745 |
Total assets |
369,339 |
356,481 |
Liabilities and equity |
liabilities |
Borrowings |
185,902 |
185,692 |
Accrued interest expense on
bonds |
8,159 |
2,799 |
Accounts payable and accrued
expenses |
1,979 |
4,827 |
Current tax liabilities |
9 |
- |
196,049 |
193,318 |
liabilities |
Provisions |
9,892 |
9,427 |
Pension liability |
1,824 |
1,781 |
11,716 |
11,208 |
Total liabilities |
207,765 |
204,526 |
Equity |
Share capital |
637,538 |
637,538 |
Share based payments
reserve |
6,495 |
6,495 |
Cumulative translation
adjustment |
(12) |
(30) |
Accumulated deficit |
(482,447) |
(492,048) |
Total equity |
161,574 |
151,955 |
Total liabilities and equity |
369,339 |
356,481 |
Total assets increased in the first quarter of
2018 by $12.9 million due to a decrease in the accumulated deficit
by $9.6 million, related to the income generated in the period, and
increases in borrowings and accrued interest by $5.6 million and
other non-current liabilities by $0.5 million net of a decrease in
accounts payable and accrued expenses by $2.8 million.
Property, plant & equipment assets decreased
during the 3 months ended March 31, 2018 by $6.4 million which was
due to depletion and depreciation costs of $9.5 million net of
additions of $1.8 million in Atrush development costs and $1.3
million in capitalised borrowing costs. The increase in
intangible assets by $205 thousand during the first quarter of 2018
resulted from Atrush exploration and evaluation costs of $113
thousand and $95 thousand in capitalised borrowing costs net of $3
thousand in amortisation and revaluation of foreign currency item.
Loans and receivables increased by $12.8 million from accruing an
additional $12.5 million of accounts receivables on Atrush oil
sales, funding $0.4 million of Feeder Pipeline costs and accrued
interest of $0.4 million on the outstanding loan balances, net of
$0.5 million Atrush Exploration Cost Receivables collected.
Condensed Interim Consolidated Cash Flow
(Unaudited, expressed in thousands of United
States Dollars)
For the three months ended March 31, |
2018 |
2017 |
activities |
Income / (loss) for the
period |
9,601 |
(2,283) |
Adjustments for: |
Depreciation, depletion and amortisation expense |
9,544 |
10 |
Interest expense on borrowings – net |
4,156 |
1,466 |
Foreign exchange loss |
70 |
47 |
Share based payments expense |
- |
11 |
Unwinding discount on decommissioning provision |
5 |
(10) |
Interest income |
(443) |
(352) |
Changes in current tax liabilities |
9 |
- |
Changes in pension liability |
1 |
- |
Changes in other current assets |
(88) |
(44) |
Changes in accounts payable and accrued expenses |
(2,848) |
113 |
Changes in accounts receivables on Atrush oil sales |
(12,544) |
- |
Net cash inflows from / (outflows to) operating
activities |
7,463 |
(1,042) |
activities |
Loans and receivables –
payments received |
540 |
- |
Interest received on cash
deposits |
8 |
26 |
Purchases of intangible
assets |
(61) |
(30) |
Loans and receivables –
payments issued |
(394) |
(4,327) |
Purchase of property, plant
and equipment |
(1,449) |
(3,391) |
Net cash outflows to investing
activities |
(1,356) |
(7,722) |
activities |
Proceeds from shares
issued |
- |
27,281 |
Share issue related
transaction costs |
- |
(922) |
Net cash inflows from financing
activities |
- |
26,359 |
of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents |
(13) |
(5) |
Change in cash
and cash equivalents |
6,094 |
17,590 |
Cash and cash
equivalents, beginning of the period |
5,256 |
4,416 |
Cash and cash equivalents, end of the
period* |
11,350 |
22,006 |
The increase by $6.1 million in the cash
position of the Company in the first quarter of 2018 was due to
cash inflows of $22.9 million from operating activities after
G&A and other cash expenses plus cash from draw down of $0.5
million of accounts receivables and was offset by cash outflows of
$1.5 million on Atrush development activities, $0.4 million of
loans provided to the KRG, and negative cash adjustments of $15.4
million on accounts receivables, payables and other working capital
This information in this release is subject to
the disclosure requirements of ShaMaran Petroleum Corp. under the
EU Market Abuse Regulation and/or the Swedish Securities Market
Act. This information was publicly communicated on May 9, 2018 at
4:00 p.m. Vancouver Time.
ShaMaran Petroleum Corp. is a Kurdistan focused
oil development and exploration company with a 20.1% direct
interest in the Atrush oil discovery. The Atrush Block is currently
undergoing an appraisal and development campaign.
ShaMaran is a Canadian oil and gas company
listed on the TSX Venture Exchange and the NASDAQ Stockholm First
North Exchange (Sweden) under the symbol "SNM". Neither the TSX
Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term
is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts
responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. Pareto
Securities AB is the Company’s Certified Advisor on NASDAQ
Stockholm First North.
The Company's condensed interim consolidated
financial statements, notes to the financial statements and
management's discussion and analysis have been filed on SEDAR
( and are also available on the Company's website
This news release contains statements and
information about expected or anticipated future events and
financial results that are forward-looking in nature and, as a
result, are subject to certain risks and uncertainties, such as
legal and political risk, civil unrest, general economic, market
and business conditions, the regulatory process and actions,
technical issues, new legislation, competitive and general economic
factors and conditions, the uncertainties resulting from potential
delays or changes in plans, the occurrence of unexpected events and
management’s capacity to execute and implement its future plans.
Any statements that are contained in this news release that are not
statements of historical fact may be deemed to be forward-looking
information. Forward-looking information typically contains
statements with words such as "may", "will", "should", "expect",
"intend", "plan", "anticipate", "believe", "estimate", "projects",
"potential", "scheduled", "forecast", "outlook", "budget" or the
negative of those terms or similar words suggesting future
outcomes. The Company cautions readers regarding the reliance
placed by them on forward‐looking information as by its nature, it
is based on current expectations regarding future events that
involve a number of assumptions, inherent risks and uncertainties,
which could cause actual results to differ materially from those
anticipated by the Company.
Actual results may differ materially from those
projected by management. Further, any forward-looking information
is made only as of a certain date and the Company undertakes no
obligation to update any forward-looking information or statements
to reflect events or circumstances after the date on which such
statement is made or reflect the occurrence of unanticipated
events, except as may be required by applicable securities laws.
New factors emerge from time to time, and it is not possible for
management of the Company to predict all factors and to assess in
advance the impact of each such factor on the Company’s business or
the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may
cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in
any forward-looking information.
Reserves and resources:
ShaMaran Petroleum Corp.'s reserve and contingent resource
estimates are as at December 31, 2017, and have been prepared and
audited in accordance with National Instrument 51-101 Standards of
Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities ("NI 51-101") and the
Canadian Oil and Gas Evaluation Handbook ("COGE Handbook"). Unless
otherwise stated, all reserves estimates contained herein are the
aggregate of "proved reserves" and "probable reserves", together
also known as "2P reserves". Possible reserves are those additional
reserves that are less certain to be recovered than probable
reserves. There is a 10% probability that the quantities actually
recovered will equal or exceed the sum of proved plus probable plus
possible reserves.
Contingent resources:
Contingent resources are those quantities of petroleum estimated,
as of a given date, to be potentially recoverable from known
accumulations using established technology or technology under
development, but are not currently considered to be commercially
recoverable due to one or more contingencies. Contingencies may
include factors such as economic, legal, environmental, political
and regulatory matters or a lack of markets. There is no certainty
that it will be commercially viable for the Company to produce any
portion of the contingent resources.
BOEs: BOEs may be misleading,
particularly if used in isolation. A BOE conversion ratio of 6 Mcf
per 1 Bbl is based on an energy equivalency conversion method
primarily applicable at the burner tip and does not represent a
value equivalency at the wellhead.
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements
pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act
ShaMaran Petroleum (TSXV:SNM)
Gráfico Histórico do Ativo
De Fev 2025 até Mar 2025
ShaMaran Petroleum (TSXV:SNM)
Gráfico Histórico do Ativo
De Mar 2024 até Mar 2025