K92 Mining Inc. (“
K92” or the
Company”) (TSXV:
KNTNF) is pleased to provide an
update on exploration at the Blue Lake Porphyry Prospect (Kotampa
Project) located approximately 4 kms southwest of the Company’s
Kora deposit at the Kainantu gold mine in Papua New Guinea (see
Figure 1).
K92 has now completed all ten planned drilled
holes along a prescribed section at Blue Lake, with the objective
to identify vectors towards porphyry mineralization.
The drilling confirms the presence of a large
gold-copper mineralized porphyry system, where an advanced argillic
lithocap overlies extensive prograde porphyry style alteration and
mineralization. The fence, mostly drilled at 200m spacing, returned
significant gold/copper intercepts in several holes and the width
of the mineralized halo (c. 0.2% Cu) is interpreted to be
approximately 800m in diameter.
A detailed assessment of the drill core and
surface exposures was undertaken by consultants, both on site and
externally, including comprehensive petrological studies,
spectrometer alteration mapping and geochemical/structural
modelling. All appraisals collectively support the Company’s
recognition of a major intrusive complex at the Blue Lake Prospect,
constituting the root of a flow-banded, fractured dacite dome cut
by hydrothermal breccias and late mineral porphyritic dacite dykes
trending north-east. Intense, layered advanced argillic alteration
extends down (c. 300m) to approximately 1300 m elevation. Beneath
the lithocap, prograde alteration (predominately propylitic and
phyllic assemblages of magnetite-chlorite-epidote-sericite), is
distinctly zoned. Porphyry stockwork quartz veins are common,
increasing in intensity with depth in each of the drill holes.
An abundance of porphyry features, including
gold-copper mineralization, suggests that a quality target may
occur at an accessible depth. Consequently, a further drill
campaign scheduled to commence in 2020 Q1 will aim to delineate the
lateral extent of the gold-copper mineralized shell at shallow to
moderate levels, before embarking on a series of deeper holes
targeting the inferred higher grade porphyry core.
Chris Muller, K92 Vice President Exploration,
stated, “The Blue Lake porphyry system is demonstrated to be
substantially large and fertile, with an impressive proliferation
of overprinting hydrothermal alteration and characteristic porphyry
stockwork quartz/sulphide veins, as well as disseminated
mineralization. Multiple vectors identified suggest the presence of
a higher grade core at depth, which will be targeted in a follow-up
program entailing additional fences of holes, together with deeper,
targeted drilling.”
Blue Lake (Kotampa Project)
Surficial Au-Ag-Cu mineralization, associated
with enargite-bearing breccia and vuggy silica, was identified by
K92 geologists in the Blue Lake area (EL470) during September 2017.
Detailed mapping and sampling ensued, with the identification of a
large (1.2 x 0.8 km) coincident Au-Cu soil geochemical anomaly.
Drilling commenced in January 2019 and the first drill hole,
KTDD0001, returned an open-ended intercept of 174.6m @ 0.28 g/t Au,
0.22 % Cu, from 259.3m and was terminated in mineralization at
433.9m (see March 27, 2019 Press Release - K92 Mining Exploration
Update – Blue Lake Porphyry Prospect).
An initial six hole program (including one hole
off section), with hole depths of 400 – 600m depth, was planned to
be drilled in a fence across the prospect, through the centre of
the primary geochemical anomaly, on 200m centres. Three additional
short holes targeted shallow gold mineralization in the lithocap.
The objective of the program was to characterize the hypogene
mineral assemblages, multi-element grade shells and structures, in
order to build a geological model that would assist in locating the
conceptual core of the porphyry.
Commensurate with the completion of the drill
hole fence, in October 2019, petrological analysis of 37 drill core
samples was undertaken by Applied Petrologic Services and Research
(Wanaka, New Zealand). Plus Minerals Consultants (Ulaanbaatar,
Mongolia) analysed all ten drill holes (3,147 metre point
measurements), 531 rock chips, and 83 coarse reject trench samples
from Blue Lake Prospect, by Short Wave Infra-red (SWIR) alteration
mapping, using a TerraSpec Hi-Res Spectrometer. The main aim was to
interpret the geology and alteration zonation of advanced argillic
rocks with associated Au-enargite mineralization and provide
vectors to target deeper porphyry Cu-Au mineralization. All Blue
Lake Prospect drill core and multiple outcrops were also
investigated by porphyry consultant Greg Corbett (Sydney,
Findings of these separate investigations are
outlined in this news release and data has been used to plan the
next program of drilling at Blue Lake Porphyry Prospect.
Results of Drilling Program
A total of ten diamond drill holes were
completed at Blue Lake, three (KTDD0002, KTDD0003, KTDD0004) of
which were short (c. 50m length) holes and another (KTDD0005) which
failed well before target depth, being re-drilled as KTDD0006.
Results from holes KTDD0001 to KTDD0007, were previously reported
(see March 27, 2019 Press Release - K92 Mining Exploration Update –
Blue Lake Porphyry Prospect, and; June 18, 2019 Press Release - K92
Mining Exploration Update – Blue Lake Porphyry Prospect). Table 1
details the hole parameters.
Several significant gold and gold-copper
intercepts were yielded, as outlined in Table 2 and depicted in
Fig. 3.
Table 1. Blue
Lake Hole Parameters
Hole_ID |
Easting(AGD66) |
Northing(AGD66) |
mRL |
Bearing(AMG) |
Bearing(Magnetic) |
Inclination |
Depth(m) |
KTDD0001 |
371391 |
9316122 |
1639 |
120 |
115 |
-60 |
433.9 |
KTDD0002 |
371391 |
9316122 |
1639 |
120 |
115 |
-75 |
51 |
KTDD0003 |
371391 |
9316122 |
1639 |
120 |
115 |
-90 |
51 |
KTDD0004 |
371391 |
9316122 |
1639 |
120 |
115 |
-50 |
50.8 |
KTDD0005 |
371254 |
9316057 |
1746 |
120 |
115 |
-55 |
106.0 |
KTDD0006 |
371254 |
9316057 |
1746 |
120 |
115 |
-60 |
604.6 |
KTDD0007 |
371235 |
9316275 |
1563 |
128 |
123 |
-60 |
493.3 |
KTDD0008 |
371568 |
9316011 |
1692 |
128 |
123 |
-60 |
514.4 |
KTDD0009 |
371072 |
9316391 |
1476 |
128 |
123 |
-60 |
546.10 |
KTDD0010 |
370931 |
9316509 |
1487 |
133 |
128 |
-60 |
600.10 |
Table 2. Blue Lake – Significant
Hole_ID |
From(m) |
To(m) |
Interval(m) |
Goldg/t |
Silverg/t |
Copper% |
Gold Equivalentg/t |
Comments |
KTDD0001 |
5.0 |
20.0 |
15.0 |
0.63 |
4 |
0.02 |
0.7126 |
KTDD0001 |
259.3 |
433.9 |
174.6 |
0.28 |
2 |
0.22 |
0.6426 |
Ended in Mineralization |
KTDD0002 |
7.0 |
22.0 |
15.0 |
1.17 |
3 |
0.03 |
1.2549 |
~50m hole testing lithocap |
KTDD0003 |
8.0 |
20.0 |
12.0 |
0.44 |
1 |
0.06 |
0.5448 |
~50m hole testing lithocap |
KTDD0004 |
6.9 |
31.1 |
24.2 |
0.48 |
3 |
0.03 |
0.5649 |
~50m hole testing lithocap |
KTDD0006 |
385.0 |
604.6 |
219.6 |
0.16 |
1 |
0.11 |
0.3413 |
Ended in Mineralization |
including |
456.9 |
519.9 |
63.0 |
0.27 |
1 |
0.16 |
0.5278 |
including |
596.0 |
604.6 |
8.6 |
0.38 |
1 |
0.22 |
0.7296 |
KTDD0007 |
190.0 |
493.3 |
303.3 |
0.22 |
2 |
0.14 |
0.4602 |
Ended in Mineralization |
including |
328.0 |
493.3 |
165.3 |
0.22 |
2 |
0.21 |
0.5673 |
KTDD0009 |
428.0 |
471.8 |
43.8 |
0.04 |
2 |
0.40 |
0.6689 |
Ended in Mineralization |
Prospect Geology
Host rocks in the Blue Lake Prospect area are
dominated by mid Miocene (18-7 my) Akuna granodiorite. A voluminous
flow-banded porphyritic dacite cropping out extensively at surface
and intersected in the upper parts of KTDD0001, KTDD0006 and
KTDD0008 (Figs 2, 4) is interpreted as a possible dacitic dome
(Pdac). Several generations of later north-east trending
porphyritic dacite dykes are present within this dome complex.
Milled breccias, typical of phreatomagmatic or
diatreme breccia pipes, are associated with the dacite intrusions
at Blue Lake Prospect (Fig. 4). Such breccias would have provided
permeability for enhanced fluid flow as an aid to development of
the extensive advanced argillic lithocap. There is likely a
component of structural control to the acid altered lithocap, with
a number of major structures mapped at surface and recognized in
drill core within the dacite dome.
Pebble dykes, typical porphyry related features,
are present at intervals in Blue Lake drill core and are commonly
used as vectors towards increasing gold-copper mineralization.
Shingle breccias, characterised by stacked tabular clasts with
variably massive sulphide matrix, were intersected over broad
intervals in holes KTDD0009 (Fig. 6e) and KTDD0010. These are
interpreted to represent a lens shaped body, formed by collapse
following the escape of volatiles from underlying magmatic source
rocks. They are thus also considered important mineralized porphyry
Hydrothermal alteration at the Blue Lake
Prospect is genetically related to the (7-9 my) Elandora porphyry
dacite intrusions and associated milled matrix (phreatomagmatic)
breccias, which in drill core are overprinted by enargite-pyrite
vein-breccias in steep dipping structures (Corbett, 2019).
The lithocap of advanced argillic alteration is
described in detail by Kavalieris and Bat-Erdene (2019) as a
horizontal hilltop remnant of silica-alunite grading down to
pyrophyllite-dickite and kaolinite mineral assemblages (Fig. 5).
The Blue Lake lithocap, based on currently known samples is
moderately to deeply eroded, and characterized by
pyrophyllite-diaspore overprinting paragonite-muscovite (sericite),
and cut by vuggy silica and alunite-pyrite-enargite feeder zones as
narrow veins and hydrothermal breccias. Therefore this type of
alteration is typical of high sulphidation epithermal gold
Alunite is primarily K-rich but includes some
Na-alunite (Kavalieris and Bat-Erdene, 2019). The coarse
crystalline alunite in vugs and veins associated with
pyrite-enargite is undoubtedly magmatic hydrothermal (hypogene).
Na-alunite may reflect higher temperature magmatic-hydrothermal
fluids (Kavalieris and Bat-Erdene, 2019) and indicate proximity to
the porphyry source.
Other characteristic minerals identified in the
Blue Lake lithocap include topaz, dumortierite, lazulite, dickite,
nacrite and kaolinite, with the latter three minerals representing
a low temperature overprint. Deep anhydrite (gypsum line)
encountered commonly in Blue Lake drill holes is also likely to be
due to late descending acid sulfate fluids (Kavalieris and
Bat-Erdene, 2019).
Silica-sericite-pyrite (phyllic) alteration (Fig. 6c) is
prevalent as pervasive alteration and as selvages to veins.
Prograde mineral assemblages, pervasive beneath
and surrounding the lithocap, are dominated by propylitic
chlorite-magnetite-epidote and rare actinolite, with variable
additional pyrite-chalcopyrite. Abundant magnetite is considered an
important directly porphyry-related feature, where it is invariably
associated with anomalous gold-copper, and occurs as disseminated
replacement of primary mafic minerals,
magnetite-pyrite-chalcopyrite fracture fill and larger lode-like
veins as well as magnetite matrix breccias.
Potassic alteration is represented, with
certainty, only by patchy biotite in the lower reaches of KTDD0001
and KTDD0006, both of which ended in mineralization.
Enargite-pyrite veins and breccia fill, typical
of high sulphidation epithermal Au-Ag mineralization, is recognized
at the surface as narrow veins and within narrow structurally
controlled zones of high sulphidation epithermal Au mineralization
within the advanced argillic lithocap. The pyrite-enargite feeder
zones are linked to underlying porphyry Cu-Au mineralization and
are an important exploration guide (Kavalieris and Bat-Erdene,
Quartz-sulphide veins, typical of porphyry and
wall rock settings, include well-developed B veins, characterised
by sulphide filled centres and sericite selvages, as well as wall
rock hosted D veins (pyrite center, minor quartz, sericite selvage)
and rare A veins (Corbett, 2019). Quartz-magnetite veins and lodes
(Fig. 6a, b, d), with variable quantities of pyrite, chalcopyrite
and hematite occur with high frequency in drill holes KTDD0001,
KTDD0006 and KTDD0007. Chalcopyrite, bornite and molybdenite occur
both in veins and as disseminations. Within shingle breccias,
a paragenetic succession of sulphides (pyrite, chalcopyrite,
bornite, chalcocite, covellite and enargite) commonly fill voids
between the tabular clasts (Fig. 6f).
Where observed (KTDD0006, 548.0m), native gold
is enclosed by chalcopyrite intergrown with bornite, K-feldspar and
minor amounts of granoblastic quartz of
magmatic-hydrothermal/porphyry-style (Coote, 2019).
Vectors to Porphyry Core
Many features throughout the Blue Lake drill
intercepts are typical of those expected in a porphyry environment
marginal to a speculated buried intrusion source (Corbett, 2019).
Certain physical and chemical attributes of these features may
provide information on the cooling directions and thus the inverse
direction of the source fluid.
Zoned mineral assemblages within the lithocap,
dominated by pyrophyllite-diaspore, underlying mainly
silica-alunite alteration, indicate that the deeper roots of the
original lithocap are already exposed. For exploration of the
causative mineralized porphyry, this is considered positively since
the top of the system should be closer to surface and therefore
readily accessible by drilling.
Quartz-sulphide vein style and density show
vectors towards the centre of the drilled section (i.e., proximal
to, or beneath KTDD0001, KTDD0006 and KTDD0007), with B veins
(occasionally also A veins) predominating in those drill holes,
whereas D veins (generally considered more distal to a source) are
widespread. Notably, the stockwork vein density increases towards
the lower reaches of KTDD0001, KTDD0006 and KTDD0007. It is
anticipated that the quartz veins, which contain much of the
already recognized gold-copper mineralization at Blue Lake, would
potentially increase in intensity with depth beneath the limit of
the drilling to date.
Porphyry systems typical exhibit an inward
zonation from FeMg-chlorite to Mg-chlorite. Therefore chlorite
provides a vector towards the core of the porphyry system at Blue
Lake. Chlorite compositions vary from Mg-chlorite to Fe-chlorite,
with most samples classified as intermediate (FeMg) (Kavalieris and
Bat-Erdene (2019). In drill core, Mg-chlorite mainly occurs in the
bottom of KTDD0001 and KTDD0006, thus presenting a further vector
towards the porphyry core.
Potassic alteration, commonly associated with the highest
gold-copper grades in mineralized porphyry systems, is represented
only by patchy biotite in the lower reaches of KTDD0001 and
KTDD0006. This implies that a greater proportion of potassic
mineral assemblages, and potentially associated gold-copper
mineralization, might occur at depth beneath these drill holes.
Future Program
Extensive evidence of porphyry style alteration
and gold-copper mineralization revealed by the recently completed
drill program at Blue Lake warrants immediate follow-up, to better
define the shape and extent of the mineralized shell already
identified, and to target the inferred porphyry core.
The initial fence of drill holes at Blue Lake
has shown extensive mineralization in the centre of the section
(KTDD0001, KTDD0006, KTDD0007), which could be tested at depth with
the compelling information at hand. However, the deeper program
would likely be more successful with additional data from similar
sections designed at 200m either side of the existing section. Such
a scope of work is planned for execution early in 2020, including
deeper drilling.
Kavalieris, I., Bat-Erdene, K. 2019. SWIR
Spectrometer Alteration of the Blue Lake Project. Plus Minerals
internal unpublished report. 26 pps.
Corbett, G. 2019. Comments on the exploration
potential of the Blue Lake Prospect, Bilimoia, Papua New Guinea.
Internal unpublished report. 29 pps.
Coote, A. 2019. Petrologic Studies of Drill Core
from KTDD001, KTDD006, KTDD007 & KTDD008, Blue Lake Project,
Eastern Highlands, Papua New Guinea. Internal unpublished report.
60 pps.
K92 Vice President Exploration, Mr. Chris
Muller, PGeo, a Qualified Person under the meaning of National
Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects,
has reviewed and is responsible for the technical content of this
news release. Data verification by Mr. Muller includes significant
time onsite reviewing drill core, soil and outcrop sampling,
artisanal workings, as well as discussing work programs and results
with geology personnel and external consultants.
About K92 Mining
K92 Mining is currently engaged in the
production of gold, copper and silver from the Kora/Kora North
deposit from the Kainantu Gold Mine in Papua New Guinea, as well as
exploration and development of mineral deposits in the immediate
vicinity of the mine. The Company declared commercial
production from Kainantu in February 2018 and announced planned
expansion of the mine in March 2019. An updated Preliminary
Economic Assessment on the property was published in January
John Lewins Chief Executive Officer and Director
For further information, please contact the
Company at +1-604-687-7130.
INFORMATION: This news release includes certain “forward-looking
statements” under applicable Canadian securities legislation.
Forward-looking statements are necessarily based upon a number of
estimates and assumptions that, while considered reasonable, are
subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other
factors which may cause the actual results and future events to
differ materially from those expressed or implied by such
forward-looking statements. All statements that address future
plans, activities, events, or developments that the Company
believes, expects, or anticipates will or may occur are
forward-looking information, including statements regarding the
realization of the preliminary economic analysis for the Kainantu
Project, expectations of future cash flows, the proposed plant
expansion, potential expansion of resources and the generation of
further drilling results which may or may not occur.
Forward-looking statements and information contained herein are
based on certain factors and assumptions regarding, among other
things, the market price of the Company’s securities, metal prices,
exchange rates, taxation, the estimation, timing and amount of
future exploration and development, capital and operating costs,
the availability of financing, the receipt of regulatory approvals,
environmental risks, title disputes, failure of plant, equipment or
processes to operate as anticipated, accidents, labour disputes,
claims and limitations on insurance coverage and other risks of the
mining industry, changes in national and local government
regulation of mining operations, and regulations and other
matters.. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove
to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ
materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly,
readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking
statements. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to
update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a
result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as
required by law.
Figure 1. Blue Lake Porphyry
Figure 2. Blue Lake Prospect
Figure 3. Blue Lake Prospect –
Section, viewed south-west. Drill holes showing downhole gold and
copper grades and the approximate 0.2% Cu
Figure 4. Blue Lake Prospect –
Section, viewed south-west. Drill holes showing downhole lithology,
together with quartz vein intensity (latter for holes KTDD0001,
KTDD0006 and KTDD0007
Figure 5. Blue Lake Prospect –
Section, viewed south-west. Drill holes showing alteration,
together with quartz vein intensity (latter for holes KTDD0001,
KTDD0006 and KTDD0007
Figure 6. Blue Lake Prospect
mineralogy in drill core; a) KTDD0001, 413.2m,
quartz-chalcopyrite-magnetite B veins amid pervasive
chlorite/albite, 0.17 g/t Au, 0.28% Cu; b) KTDD0006, 526.0m,
multi-phase quartz-magnetite veins, with chlorite overprinting
biotite, 0.27 g/t Au, 0.53% Cu; c) KTDD0007, 434.3m, intense
sericite (phyllic) overprint of chlorite-magnetite, with
disseminated chalcopyrite, 0.29 g/t Au, 0.38% Cu; d) KTDD0007,
434.3m, quartz-magnetite vein, 0.29 g/t Au, 0.38% Cu; e) KTDD0009,
443.2m, shingle breccia with characteristic tabular clasts and
anhydrite-chalcopyrite-pyrite infill, 0.03 g/t Au, 0.40% Cu; f)
KTDD0009, 452.3m, breccia fill with pyrite, bornite, chalcopyrite,
chalcocite, covellite (in paragenetic sequence), 0.03 g/t Au, 0.80%
Cu. Scale bar =
K92 Mining (TSXV:KNT)
Gráfico Histórico do Ativo
De Dez 2024 até Jan 2025
K92 Mining (TSXV:KNT)
Gráfico Histórico do Ativo
De Jan 2024 até Jan 2025