Notice of the Annual General Meeting of HMS Networks AB
The shareholders of HMS Networks AB (publ), Reg. no.
556661-8954, are hereby invited to the Annual General Meeting,
which will be held at 10.30 a.m on Tuesday April 25, 2023 at the
HMS head office, Stationsgatan 37, Halmstad. Registration for the
Annual General Meeting will begin at 9.30 a.m.
Right to participate in the Annual General
MeetingShareholders who wish to participate in the Annual
General Meeting must be registered in the share register kept by
Euroclear Sweden AB (the Swedish Central Securities Depository) on
Monday April 17, 2023 and give notice of their intention to
participate in the Annual General Meeting no later than on
Wednesday April 19, 2023 preferably before 4 p.m.
Notification shall be made by phone +46 (0)8 402 92 16, in
writing to HMS Networks AB, ”Annual General Meeting”, c/o Euroclear
Sweden AB, P.O. Box 191, SE-101 23 Stockholm, Sweden or via the
website: The notification should include
name, personal ID number/CIN, address, daytime telephone number
and, when applicable, information on assistants (no more than
ProxiesIf a shareholder is represented by a
proxy, a proxy should be issued with a power of attorney for the
proxy. Anyone representing a legal entity must present a copy of
the registration certificate, or other document demonstrating the
signatory’s authority to sign for the legal entity. The power of
attorney may not be more than one year old, unless a longer period
of validity is stated in the power of attorney (no more than five
years). The power of attorney in original and, if applicable,
registration certificate must be sent to HMS Networks AB, ”Annual
General Meeting”, c/o Euroclear Sweden AB, P.O. Box 191, SE-101 23
Stockholm, Sweden or by email to, well in advance of the Annual
General Meeting. A form of power of attorney is available on the
HMS website and at the company’s head
Nominee registered sharesIn order to be
entitled to participate in the Annual General Meeting, a
shareholder whose shares are registered in the name of a nominee
must, in addition to giving notice of participation in the Annual
General Meeting, register its shares in its own name so that the
shareholder is listed in the presentation of the share register as
of Monday April 17, 2023. Such registration may be temporary
(so-called voting rights registration), and request for such voting
rights registration shall be made to the nominee in accordance with
the nominee’s routines at such a time in advance as decided by the
nominee. Voting rights registrations that have been made by the
nominee no later than Wednesday April 19, 2023, will be taken into
account in the presentation of the share register.
Proposed agenda
- Opening of the Meeting
- Election of Chairman of the Meeting
- Preparation and approval of the voting list
- Approval of the Agenda
- Election of one or two persons to approve the minutes
- Determination as to whether the Meeting has been duly
- Presentation of
- the Annual Report, Auditors’ Report and the Consolidated
Accounts and Consolidated Auditors’ Report
- the statement by the auditor on the compliance with the current
guidelines for remuneration to senior executives
- the Board of Directors’ proposals according to items 14-16
- Report by the CEO
- Resolution concerning
- the adoption of the Income Statement and Balance Sheet, and of
the Consolidated Income Statement and Consolidated Balance
- the allocation of the company's profit as set forth in the
adopted Balance Sheet
- the discharge of liability for Board Members and CEO
- Determination of the number of Board Members and Deputies and
- Determination of fees payable to Board Members and Auditor
- Election of Board Members
- Election of Auditor
- Resolution on approval of remuneration report
- Resolution on the Board of Directors’ proposal for
authorisation of the Board of Directors to resolve on new share
- Resolution on the Board of Directors’ proposal for (a)
implementation of a performance-based Share Saving Plan 2024-2027
for all employees, (b) authorisation of the Board of Directors to
resolve on repurchase of own shares within Share Saving Plan
2024-2027 and (c) transfer of own shares to participants in Share
Saving Plan 2024-2027
- Closing of the Meeting
The Nomination Committee’s
proposalsElection of Chairman of the Meeting,
determination of the number of Board Members and Deputies and
Auditors, determination of fees payable to Board Members and
Auditor and election of Board Members and election of Auditor (item
2 and 10-13)The Nomination Committee for 2023, comprising
Chairman Johan Menckel (Investment AB Latour), Staffan Dahlström
(own holding), Tomas Risbecker (AMF Funds), Patrik Jönsson (SEB
Funds) and Charlotte Brogren (Chairman of the Board) proposes:
- that Charlotte Brogren shall be appointed Chairman of the
Annual General Meeting (item 2);
- that the Board of Directors shall consist of six Board Members
elected by the General Meeting, without any deputies and that a
registered public accounting firm shall be elected as Auditor (item
- that fees to the Board Members shall amount to a total of SEK
2,085,000 (2,025,000), excluding committee fees, of which SEK
695,000 (675,000) shall be paid to the Chairman, and SEK 278,000
(270,000) to each other Board Member elected by the General
Meeting, that the fee for work in the Audit Committee shall amount
to SEK 114,000 (110,000) to the Chairman and SEK 57,000 (55,000) to
each other member in the Audit Committee and that no fees shall be
paid for work in other committees. The fees to the Auditor shall be
paid according to approved invoices (item 11);
- that the Board Members Charlotte Brogren, Fredrik Hansson,
Anders Mörck, Cecilia Wachtmeister, Niklas Edling and Anna Kleine
shall be re-elected as Board Members and that Charlotte Brogren
shall be re-elected as Chairman of the Board (item 12); and
- that, in accordance with the Audit Committee’s recommendation,
Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers AB is re-elected as the company’s
auditor, with Johan Palmgren as auditor in charge for a mandate
period of one year (item 13).
Proposals from the Board of
DirectorsResolution concerning the allocation of
the company's profit as set forth in the adopted Balance Sheet
(item 9b)The Board of Directors proposes a dividend for
the 2022 financial year of SEK 4.00 per share. The proposed record
date for the dividend is Thursday April 27, 2023. If the Annual
General Meeting resolves in accordance with the proposal, the
estimated date for payment of the dividend from Euroclear Sweden is
Wednesday May 3, 2023.
Resolution on the Board of Directors’ proposal for
authorisation of the Board of Directors to resolve on new share
issues (item 15)The Board of Directors proposes that the
Annual General Meeting resolves to authorise the Board of Directors
to resolve on new share issues in accordance with the following
- The authorisation may be exercised on one or several occasions
up to the Annual General Meeting 2024.
- Maximum 2,340,943 shares, corresponding to approximately 5 per
cent of the company’s share capital, may be issued.
- An issue may be made with or without deviation from the
shareholders’ preferential right.
- An issue may be made against cash payment, by set-off or by
contribution in kind.
- The subscription price shall, at deviation from the
shareholders’ preferential right, be determined in accordance with
market practice. The Board of Directors shall be entitled to
determine other terms of the issue.
The purpose of the authorisation, and the reason for the
deviation from the shareholders’ preferential right, is to enable
the company to finance or carry out, in whole or in part, company
acquisitions with the company’s own shares. There have been
requests from sellers of companies to receive shares in HMS
Networks as payment in conjunction with acquisitions and in case of
acquisitions of smaller entrepreneurial companies it might work as
an important incentive for the seller to receive shares in HMS
Under the Swedish Companies Act, the resolution of the General
Meeting on authorisation for the Board of Directors to resolve on
new share issues requires the support of shareholders representing
at least two-thirds of both the number of votes cast and the shares
represented at the Meeting in order to be valid.
Resolution on the Board of Directors’ proposal on (a)
implementation of a performance-based Share Saving Plan 2024-2027
for all employees, (b) authorisation of the Board of Directors to
resolve on repurchase of own shares within Share Saving Plan
2024-2027 and (c) transfer of own shares to participants in Share
Saving Plan 2024-2027 (item 16)
A. Implementation of performance-based Share Saving Plan
2024-2027 for all employees
The Board of Directors proposes that the Annual General Meeting
resolves on implementation of the below described Share Saving Plan
2024-2027 to all employees, comprising a maximum of 70,000 shares
in the company, according to the following principal
- All permanent employees within the
group as per 31 December 2023 (approximately 830 persons) will be
offered to participate in the program. In order to participate in
the program, the participant must, with own funds, make an
investment of minimum 1% and maximum between 3% and 6% (depending
on position, se item 2 below) of his or her annual fixed gross
salary in shares in the company at market price over Nasdaq
Stockholm (“Saving Shares”). Notification of participation in Share
Saving Program 2024-2027 shall be made no later than 31 December
2023. The investment shall take place during 2024 and shall be made
to an amount corresponding to minimum 1% of the gross salary for
2023, with the possibility to further investment up to the fixed
maximum amount.
- For senior executives (approximately
100 persons), it is required that the own investment amounts to a
minimum of 1% and a maximum of 6% of the gross salary for 2023. For
other employees (approximately 730 persons), it is required that
the own investment amounts to a minimum of 1% and maximum of 3% of
the gross salary for 2023.
- Each Saving Share entitles the
participant to receive free of charge a maximum of two (2) shares
in the company, based on the achievement of certain performance
conditions (“Performance Share”). The performance conditions are
based on the development of earnings per share according to
determined objectives by the Board of Directors during the
financial years 2025-2027 (the “Measurement Period”). The
performance condition that has to be achieved of exceeded relates
to average annual growth of the company’s earnings per share during
the Measurement Period, whereby Performance Shares is received
linearly between the interval 0-20% and an average annual growth
during the Measurement Period of 20% corresponds to maximum
allotment, i.e. two (2) Performance Shares. Through the connection
to earnings per share throughout the measurement period, the
performance conditions contribute to the company’s long-term value
- Upon achievement of the performance
conditions, Performance Shares will be received within 60 days
after the day of the publishing of the year-end report regarding
the financial year 2027. Subject to customary exceptions, the
participant does not receive Performance Shares if the participant
does not acquire Saving Shares according to determined minimum
level, does not hold all of his or her Saving Shares up to and
including 31 December 2027, or does not remain in his or her
employment or equivalent within the group as per this date.
- A small number of selected
consultants with assignments of essential importance for the
company should be offered to, on comparable terms and conditions,
participate in Share Saving Plan 2024-2027.
- The Board of Directors shall be
responsible for the detailed terms and conditions of Share Saving
Plan 2024-2027 within the scope the above stated principal terms
and conditions, as well as such reasonable adjustments of the
program which are deemed appropriate or efficient due to legal or
administrative conditions. In addition, the Board of Directors
shall have the right to make minor adjustments to the terms and
conditions and the administration of the share saving plan, in
order to comply with local rules, market practice and
administrative circumstances, in a cost-effective manner in some of
the group's jurisdictions other than Sweden.
B. Authorisation for the Board of Directors to resolve on
repurchase of own shares within Share Saving Plan 2024-2027
To enable the company’s delivery of Performance Shares according
to Share Saving Plan 2024-2027, the Board of Directors proposes
that the Annual General Meeting resolves to authorise the Board of
Directors to resolve on repurchase of own shares in accordance with
the following conditions:
- The repurchase of shares shall take place on Nasdaq
- The authorisation may be exercised on one or several occasions
until the Annual General Meeting 2024.
- The repurchase shall as a maximum comprise the number of shares
required for delivery of Matching and Performance Shares to the
participants in Share Saving Plan 2024-2027, however no more than
- Repurchase shall be made at a price within the share price
interval registered from time to time, where share price interval
means the difference between the highest buying price and the
lowest selling price.
- Payment of the repurchased shares shall be made in cash.
- The Board of Directors shall have the right to resolve on other
terms and conditions for the repurchase.
The repurchase is expected to take place on one or several
occasions in conjunction with the notification and investment
periods during 2023 and 2024. To the extent that repurchase must be
made after the Annual General Meeting 2024 in order to ensure
delivery of shares according to the program’s maximum amount, a new
authorisation for repurchase of shares is required by the next
Annual General Meeting.
C. Transfer of own shares to participants in the Share Saving
Plan 2024-2027
To be able to deliver Performance Shares under Share Saving Plan
2024-2027, the Board of Directors proposes that the Annual General
Meeting resolves on transfer of own shares in accordance with the
following conditions:
- A maximum number of 70,000 shares may be transferred free of
charge to participants in Share Saving Plan 2024-2027.
- With deviation from the shareholders’ preferential rights, the
right to acquire shares free of charge shall comprise persons
within the group participating in Share Saving Plan 2024-2027, with
a right for each of the participant to acquire the maximum number
of shares stipulated in the terms and conditions of the Share
Saving Plan 2024-2027.
- Transfer of shares shall be made free of charge at the time
for, and according to the terms for, the allotment of shares to
participants in Share Saving Plan 2024-2027.
- The number of shares that may be transferred under Share Saving
Plan 2024-2027 may be recalculated due to any intervening split or
reverse share split, bonus issue, preferential issue and/or similar
corporate actions.
The reason for deviation from the shareholders' preferential
rights is to enable the company to transfer Performance Shares to
the participants in Share Saving Plan 2024-2027.
Shares that have been acquired by the company, and which are not
transferred to participants in the Share Saving Plan 2024-2027 may
be transferred to participants in previous share saving plans or
future share saving plans decided on by the General Meeting of the
company. Also such shares acquired by the company within previous
years' share saving plans may be transferred to participants in the
Share Saving Plan 2024-2027, previous share saving plans or future
share saving plans decided on by the General Meeting. Transfer
shall take place in accordance with applicable rules for the
current share saving plan.
Estimated costsThe program will generate costs related to the
application of IFRS 2 “Share-related remuneration” amounting to
approximately MSEK 26 and costs for social security contributions
of approximately MSEK 9 for the shares which are allotted free of
charge. The total effect on the income statement is estimated to
amount to approximately MSEK 35, distributed over the years
Costs according to IFRS 2 do not affect the cash flow or equity
during the duration of the Share Saving Plan. The acquisition cost
of the shares is estimated to approximately MSEK 26 and will affect
the cash flow and equity in connection with acquisition of the
shares. The social security contributions effect the equity
continuously, but the cash flow only in 2028, after that the shares
has been allotted. Administrative costs for the program are
estimated to amount to MSEK 0.8 during the duration of the
The above cost-estimate is based on assumptions that just over
half of the employees participate in the program, that all
participants remain until the end of the program, an investment
level per participant based on historical outcome and a maximum
outcome on the performance conditions corresponding to two (2)
Performance Shares per Saving Share. For the share price at the end
of the program, a development corresponding to the outcome of the
performance condition earnings per share has been assumed.
Reason for the proposalThe Board of Directors’ reason for the
abovementioned proposal on Share Saving Plan 2024-2027 is that a
personal long-term owner commitment in the company by the employees
is expected to stimulate an increased interest for the company’s
operation and earnings, and to increase the motivation and affinity
with the company. The offering and participation in the Share
Saving Plan shall be considered as a part of the total remuneration
package. Therefore, the Board of Directors assesses that the Share
Saving Plan is favourably for both the company and its
shareholders. It is the Board of Directors’ intention to annually
return to the Annual General Meeting with proposals for share
saving plans with equivalent conditions and effects. In case the
conditions for the assumptions on number of employees that may be
offered to participate in the share saving program or otherwise
that is the basis for the calculations of the maximum size of the
program change, the Board of Directors’ intends to return with a
supplementary proposal to the Annual General Meeting 2024 regarding
repurchase and transfer of own shares within Share Saving Plan
2024-2027, in order to ensure that all employees as per 31 December
2023 who wish to participate in the program can do so.
Effects on key ratiosAs per the date of the Board of Directors’
proposal, the number of shares in the company amounts to
46,818,868. The Share Saving Plan 2024-2027 is expected to result
in acquisition and transfer of a total of approximately 70,000
shares, which corresponds to approximately 0.15% of the total
number of outstanding shares and votes. The key ratio earnings per
share is not expected to be affected substantially.
Majority resolutionDecision on the Board of Directors’ proposal
under items A, B and C shall be made as a joint decision. The
proposal, to be valid, must be supported by shareholders holding at
least nine-tenths of both the number of votes cast, as well as of
the number of shares represented at the meeting.
Shareholders’ right to receive informationThe
Board of Directors and CEO shall at the Annual General Meeting, if
any shareholder so requests and the Board of Directors believes
that it can be done without material harm to the company, provide
information regarding circumstances that may affect the assessment
of an item on the agenda, circumstances that may affect the
assessment of the company’s or its subsidiaries’ financial
situation and the company’s relation to another company within the
Available documentsThe Nomination Committee’s
reasoned statement and form of power of attorney are available at
the company and on the company’s website,
The Annual Report and Auditor’s Report for the parent company
and the group for the 2022 financial year, the Board of Directors
reasoned statement regarding the proposal for dividend and the
Board of Directors complete proposal regarding items 14-16 and the
auditors’ statement on whether the current guidelines for
remuneration to senior executives have been complied with, will be
available at the company and on the company’s website, , no later than April 4, 2023.
The documents will be sent free of charge to shareholders who so
request and state their postal address. A printed version of the
Annual Report may be received by sending address details to
Number of shares and votes in the companyAs per
March 10, 2023, the total number of shares and votes in the company
amounts to 46,818,868. As of the same date, the company’s holding
of own shares amounts to 162,880 which do not entitle to any voting
right as long as the company is the holder of the shares.
Processing of personal dataFor information on
processing of personal data, see
Halmstad, March 2023HMS Networks AB
(publ)The Board of Directors
For more information please contact:
CEO Staffan Dahlström, phone: +46-35-17 29 01 CFO Joakim
Nideborn, phone: +46-35-710 69 83
HMS Networks AB (publ) is a market-leading provider of solutions
in industrial information and communication technology (Industrial
ICT). HMS develops and manufactures products under the Anybus®,
Ixxat®, Ewon® and Intesis® brands. Development takes place at the
headquarter in Halmstad and also in Ravensburg, Nivelles, Igualada,
Wetzlar, Buchen, Delft, Sibiu, Rotterdam and Bilbao. Local sales
and support are handled by branch offices in Germany, USA, Japan,
China, Singapore, Italy, France, Spain, the Netherlands, India, UK,
Sweden, South Korea, Australia and UAE, as well as through a
worldwide network of distributors and partners. HMS employs over
780 people and reported sales of SEK 2,506 million in 2022. HMS is
listed on the NASDAQ OMX in Stockholm in the Large Cap segment and
Telecommunications sector.
- PRM - HMS Notice of the Annual General Meeting 2023
Hms Networks Ab (LSE:0RPZ)
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De Jan 2025 até Fev 2025
Hms Networks Ab (LSE:0RPZ)
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