GA -- May 2, 2016 -- InvestorsHub NewsWire -- GeckoSystems
Intl. Corp. (Pink
Sheets: GOSY | http://www.geckosystems.com/)
announced today that two of their Japanese business partners will
be demonstrating their BaseBot(tm), "Lou," to a new business
partner prior to the CEO's trip to Japan.
For over eighteen years GeckoSystems
has dedicated itself to development of "AI Mobile Robot Solutions
for Safety, Security and Service(tm)."
"I am pleased to report that due to
the continued hard work of one of our Japanese representatives,
Mr. Fujii Katsuji, we have again achieved
demonstrable progress securing viable joint ventures in Japan. This
latest demonstration to one of several joint ventures being
entertained, is particularly significant due to the breadth and
depth of the robotics expertise of ICCL (http://www.ic-corp.jp/) and their insistence
we meet them as soon as is prudent in Japan to sign the JV
agreement," commented Martin Spencer, CEO, GeckoSystems Intl.
demonstration of GeckoSystems' BaseBot, "Lou," is scheduled for May
13th in Japan. Spencer will be traveling to Japan on May 20th and
expects to return early to mid June in order to have sufficient
time to meet with present JV partners, support ICCL in their
million-dollar grant submission to the Japanese government, and
meet with potential new licensees, such as the Japanese trading
company earlier mentioned.
Here is a
third party video demonstrating the high level of mobile safety
that GeckoSystems' advanced, proprietary, AI centric sense and
avoid mobile robot technology can provide for drones, self driving
cars, AGV's, and mobile robots of all forms due to the human quick
reaction time (Worst Case Execution Time) of their
GeckoNavä AI navigation system:
Late last
year, GeckoSystems had their white paper on Worst Case Execution
(reflex or reaction) Time sufficient for mobile service robots'
safe usage proximate to humans, translated into Japanese. Mr.
Katsuji has been presenting that seminal discussion to many
Japanese companies.
That paper explains the importance
of GeckoSystems' breakthrough, proprietary, and exclusive AI
software and why this premier Japanese robotics company, ICCL,
desires to enter a contractual joint venture relationship with
In order to understand the
importance of GeckoSystems' breakthrough, proprietary, and
exclusive AI software and why another Japanese company desires a
business relationship with GeckoSystems, it’s key to acknowledge
some basic realities for all forms of automatic, non-human
intervention, vehicular locomotion and steering.
1. Laws of Physics such as Conservation of Energy, inertia, and
momentum, limit a vehicle’s ability to stop or maneuver. If, for
instance, a car’s braking system design cannot generate enough
friction for a given road surface to stop the car in 100 feet after
brake application, that’s a real limitation. If a car cannot
corner at more than .9g due to a combination of suspension design
and road conditions, that, also, is reality. Regardless how
talented a NASCAR driver may be, if his race car is inadequate,
he’s not going to win races.
2. At the same time, if a car driver
(or pilot) is tired, drugged, distracted, etc. their reflex time
becomes too slow to react in a timely fashion to unexpected
direction changes of moving obstacles, or the sudden appearance of
fixed obstacles. Many car "accidents" result from drunk driving due
to reflex time and/or judgment impairment. Average reflex time
takes between 150 & 300ms. http://tinyurl.com/nsrx75n
3. In
robotic systems, "human reflex time" is known as Worst Case
Execution Time (WCET). Historically, in computer systems engineering,
WCET of a computational task is the maximum
length of time the task could take to execute on a specific
hardware platform. In big data,
this is the time to load up the data to be processed, processed,
and then outputted into useful distillations, summaries, or common
sense insights. GeckoSystems' basic AI self-guidance
navigation system processes 147 megabytes of data per second using
low cost, Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) Single Board Computers
4. Highly
trained and skilled jet fighter pilots have a reflex time (WCET) of
less than 120ms. Their "eye to hand" coordination time is a
fundamental criterion for them to be successful jet fighter
pilots. The same holds true for all high performance forms of
transportation that are sufficiently pushing the limits of the Laws
of Physics to require the quickest possible reaction time for safe
human control and/or usage.
GeckoSystems' WCET is less than 100ms, or as quick, or quicker than
most gifted jet fighter pilots, NASCAR race car drivers, etc. while
using low cost COTS and SBC's
6. In
mobile robotic guidance systems, WCET has 3 fundamental
a. Sufficient Field Of View (FOV) with appropriate granularity,
accuracy, and update rate.
b. Rapid processing of that contextual data such that common sense
responses are generated.
c. Timely physical execution of
those common sense responses.
In order for any companion robot to
be utilitarian for family care, it must be a "three legged milk
stool." For any mobile robot to move in close proximity to
humans, it must have (1) human quick reflex time to avoid moving
and/or unmapped obstacles, (2) verbal interaction with a sense of
date and time, and (3) the ability to automatically find and follow
designated parties such that verbal interaction can occur routinely
with video and audio monitoring of the care receiver
At this time, there are
approximately 2,200,000 million Japanese over 65 living alone.
Their greatest fear is to die alone and that their demise not be
known to others for a few days. For this reason and many others,
the Japanese government pays 90% of the cost of personal robots
used for eldercare such that concern would be well addressed.
Further, the Japanese government is paying 75% of the R&D costs
to develop robotic healthcare solutions for greater productivity to
provide more economic care giving for their extraordinarily large
senior population. This recent article further underscores Japan's
commitment to eldercare capable, 'welfare' robots: "Japan govt to
urge nursing care robot development" http://tinyurl.com/oehxdba
"We are
very much looking forward to meet with Mr. Spencer and discuss the
large Japanese market for 'welfare robots,'" stated Mr. Takashi
Nabeta, CEO, ICCL.
GeckoSystems has already done
primary market research, focus group market research, and the most
extensive in home personal robot trials in the world.
Due to GeckoSystems' world's first
in home personal mobile robot trials that have been conducted and
documented, management is confident they have the "right stuff" to
be very synergistic with ICCL, as does ICCL, in readily satisfying
the Japanese government's requirements for an eldercare capable
mobile robot R&D grant.
GeckoSystems' world's first in home trials began
in 2009:
Home Elder Care Robot Trials Begin
Care Robot Trials Begun
GeckoSystems' Elder Care Robot Trials, Week
Grandma Reacts to GeckoSystems' Elder Care Robot
Grandma Interacts During GeckoSystems' Elder
Care Robot Trials
Safety Applauded During GeckoSystems' Elder Care Robot
GeckoSystems' Elder Care Robot Trials Reveal
Grandma's Hearing Loss
into 2010:
GeckoSystems' Elder Care Robot Trials Resume
After Holiday Break
GeckoSystems' Elder Care Robot Trials Revealing
Unexpected Family Benefits
GeckoSystems Employs Sensor Fusion in Elder Care
Robot Trials
GeckoSystems Discusses Expansion and Duration of
Elder Care Robot Trials
GeckoSystems' Develops New GeckoScheduler(tm)
for Elder Care Robot Trials
GeckoSystems' Representative Comments on
Japanese Interest in Elder Care Robot
GeckoSystems' Elder Care Robot Trials Result in
More Japanese Interest
GeckoSystems Improves Elder Care Robot
GeckoSystems Advances Technologies Due to Elder
Care Robot Trials
GeckoSystems Improves AI Savant Management Due
to Elder Care Robot Trials
GeckoSystems Cost Reduces Sensor Fusion
GeckoSPIO(tm) Due to Elder Care Robot
GeckoSystems Releases World's First Elder Care
Robot Trial Videos
GeckoSystems' CEO Updates Stockholders on
Progress Due to Elder Care Robot
GeckoSystems Improves CareBot(tm) Due to Elder
Care Robot Trials
GeckoSystems' Elder Care Robot Trials' Caregiver
Praises New GeckoScheduler(tm)
GeckoSystems' Elder Care Robot Trial Caregiver
Shares New Insights
GeckoSystems' Elder Care Robot Trial Caregiver
"Looks in" on Mother While Shopping
GeckoSystems Improves Sensor Fusion Due to Elder
Care Robot Trials
GeckoSystems Advances Artificial Intelligence
Due to Elder Care Robot Trials
GeckoSystems Reduces Sensor Fusion Costs Due to
Elder Care Robot Trials
GeckoSystems' Sensor Fusion Breakthrough Lowers
Personal Robot Costs
benefit of a companion robot capable of safely running errands
and/or automatically following the care receiver requires real time
sense and avoid of moving and/or unmapped obstacles. This is a
functional necessity for a sufficient value proposition for ready
adoption and sales. This linchpin requirement is why ICCL is jointly
submitting with GeckoSystems.
GeckoSystems developed their SafePath(tm) AI mobile robot
navigation technologies some years ago to address those very
important requirements for any mobile robot to be truly utilitarian
(convenient like a home appliance), while being cost effective,
with their breakthrough AI mobile robot technology, GeckoNav(tm).
Prior to this agreement to form a JV
to jointly migrate GeckoSystems AI mobile robot self-driving
solutions to the Japanese marketplace, ICCL signed an NDA with
GeckoSystems that includes this necessary Safety Clause:
Both parties understand and agree
with the general concerns that mobile robot solutions may be used
to lethally harm persons, other living things, property, and a
country's infrastructure if terrorists, criminals, or other private
or public enemies of peace, security, and tranquility were to
secure access to and/or use of them. Therefore, both parties
completely agree that MSR safety is of the greatest importance in
the utilization of MSR technologies. All MSR technologies shared by
both parties in any manner will be treated with the utmost secrecy
and respect due to that reality and potential.
GeckoSystems has been acknowledged
routinely by an internationally recognized market research firm one
or more time in each of the last five years and being anywhere from
the top one in three to the top one in eight in the world in
service robotics.
2015: GeckoSystems Featured as One of Five Key Vendors
in Mobile Robotics Market
2014: GeckoSystems Featured as One of Six Key Market
Players in Mobile Robotics Industry
2013: GeckoSystems, an AI Mobile Robot Company,
Receives 1 of 3 Recognition
2012: GeckoSystems Named One of Eight Key Market
Players in Service Robotics Industry
While GeckoSystems' AI mobile robot
solutions have been largely unnoticed in the US, many ongoing
negotiations continue in Japan and Europe due to the company's AI
mobile robot solutions robust utility and portability to virtually
any and all forms of mobile robots whether air, land, or sea. That
includes drones, self-driving cars, and essentially all mobility
systems requiring complete safety from hitting any obstacles in
those situations in which the reflexes of a highly skilled and
experienced jet fighter pilot could readily evade.
GeckoSystems has had their safety clause Non
Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with iXs Research Corp. since April of 2013 and with
Fubright Communications, Ltd. since April of 2015. IC Corp. Ltd.
has been under NDA since December of 2015.
"During these unforeseen delays, due
to the continued hard work of two of our Japanese representatives,
Mssrs. Fujii Katsuji and Tsunenori Kato, CEO, Ifoo Company
Limited, we have again achieved demonstrable progress
securing viable licensing agreements in Japan. This latest, one of
several being negotiated, is particularly significant due to the
breadth, depth and heritage of this nearly 100-year-old Japanese
trading company," stated Spencer.
companies are certain that their advanced mobile service robot will
contribute to Japan's rapidly aging society by helping seniors live
safer and easier and will be recognized by the Japanese reviewers
by their approval of this $1,000,000 grant
a premier Japanese government trade organization has expressed
interest in assisting GeckoSystems exporting to the Japanese
market. A near term meeting in Atlanta, Georgia is being scheduled
to learn their probable level of assistance.
"Certainly, on both sides of the
Pacific, we are doing as much as is prudent and/or feasible to
maximize the benefit of the monetary costs and time in going to
Japan. This demonstration being performed prior to my arrival
allows us to proceed in our multi-faceted negotiations forthwith
during my stay there. After many years of patience by our current
1300+ stockholders, they can continue to be completely confident
that the present management will update them routinely and to work
to maximize their investments in GeckoSystems, whether by organic
growth or being acquired at a rewarding premium," concluded
Recent third party market
Service Robotics Market
(Professional and Personal), by Application (Defense, Agriculture,
Medical, Domestic & Entertainment), & by Geography -
Analysis Forecast (2014 - 2020)
systems are looked at as the future assistants that are designed to
help people to do what they want to do in a natural and spontaneous
manner. Moreover, with the emergence of ubiquitous computing and
communication environments, robots will be able to call upon an
unlimited knowledge base and coordinate their activities with other
devices and systems. Additionally, the growing spread of ubiquitous
computing will lead to robot technologies being embedded into
ubiquitous ICT networks to become human agents of physical actions,
enhancing and extending the physical capabilities and
The report
focuses on giving a detailed view of the complete service robotics
industry with regards to the professional and personal applications
as well as the geography market. Apart from the market
segmentation, the report also includes the critical market data and
qualitative information for each product type along with the
qualitative analysis; such as Porter’s Five Force analysis, market
time-line analysis, industry breakdown analysis, and value chain
analysis. The global service robotics market is estimated to reach
up to $19.41 billion by 2020 growing at a CAGR of 21.5% from 2014
to 2020.
Global Service Robot Market
2014-2018: Key Vendors are GeckoSystems, Honda Motor, iRobot and
Toyota Motor
Worldwide Service Robot
Market 2018 Analysis & Forecasts
The report
recognizes the following companies as the key players in the Global
Service Robot Market: GeckoSystems Intl. Corp., Honda Motor Co.
Ltd., iRobot Corp. and Toyota Motor Corp.
Investors Take Note, The
Next Big Thing Will Be Robots
BusinessInsider makes some key
* The
multibillion-dollar global market for robotics, long dominated by
industrial and logistics uses, has begun to see a shift toward new
consumer and office applications. There will be a $1.5
billion market for consumer and business robots by 2019.
* The
market for consumer and office robots will grow at a CAGR of 17%
between 2014 and 2019, seven times faster than the market for
manufacturing robots.
Note: BusinessInsider.com 's
forecasts do not include pent up demand for family care social
robots anywhere in the world.
GeckoSystems has been developing
innovative robotic technologies for over eighteen years. It
is CEO Martin Spencer's dream to make people's lives better through
AI robotic technology.
An overview of GeckoSystems'
progress containing over 700 pictures and 120 videos can be found
at http://www.geckosystems.com/timeline/.
These videos illustrate the
development of the technology that makes GeckoSystems a world
leader in Service Robotics development. Early CareBot prototypes
were slower and frequently pivoted in order to avoid a static or
dynamic obstacle; later prototypes avoided obstacles without
pivoting. Current CareBots avoid obstacles with a
graceful “bicycle smooth” motion. The latest videos
also depict the CareBot's ability to automatically go faster or
slower depending on the amount of clutter (number of obstacles)
within its field of view. This is especially important
when avoiding moving obstacles in “loose crowd” situations like a
mall or an exhibit area.
In addition to the timeline videos,
GeckoSystems has numerous YouTube videos. The most popular of which
are the ones showing room-to-room automatic self-navigation of the
CareBot through narrow doorways and a hallway of an old 1954 home.
You will see the CareBot slow down when going through the doorways
because of their narrow width and then speed up as it goes across
the relatively open kitchen area. There are also videos of
the SafePath(tm) wheelchair, which is a migration of the CareBot AI
centric navigation system to a standard power wheelchair, and
recently developed cost effective depth cameras were used in this
recent configuration. SafePath navigation is now available to
OEM licensees and these videos show the versatility of
GeckoSystems' fully autonomous navigation
The company has successfully
completed an Alpha trial of its CareBot personal assistance robot
for the elderly. It was tested in a home care setting and
received enthusiastic support from both caregivers and care
receivers. The company believes that the CareBot will
increase the safety and well being of its elderly charges while
decreasing stress on the caregiver and the family.
CareBot has incorporated Microsoft
Kinect depth cameras that result in a significant cost
Kinect Enabled Personal Robot video
Above, the CareBot demonstrates
static and dynamic obstacle avoidance as it backs in and out of a
narrow and cluttered alley. There is no joystick control or
programmed path; movements are smoother that those achieved using a
joystick control. GeckoNav creates three low levels of
obstacle avoidance: reactive, proactive, and contemplative.
Subsumptive AI behavior within GeckoNav enables the CareBot to
reach its target destination after engaging in obstacle
More information on the CareBot AI
mobile companion robot:
GeckoSystems stock is quoted in the
U.S. over-the-counter (OTC) markets under the ticker symbol
GOSY. http://ih.advfn.com/stock-market/USOTC/geckosystems-intl-corp-pl-GOSY/stock-price
GeckoSystems uses LinkedIn and
Twitter as its primary social media site for investor
LinkedIn.com profile Spencer
tweets as @GrandpaRobot
Main number: +1
Fax: +1 678-413-9247
Website: http://www.geckosystems.com/
Statements regarding financial
matters in this press release other than historical facts are
"forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of
the Securities Act of 1933, Section 21E of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934, and as that term is defined in the Private Securities
Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The Company intends that such
statements about the Company's future expectations, including
future revenues and earnings, technology efficacy and all other
forward-looking statements be subject to the Safe Harbors created
thereby. The Company is a development stage firm that continues to
be dependent upon outside capital to sustain its existence. Since
these statements (future operational results and sales) involve
risks and uncertainties and are subject to change at any time, the
Company's actual results may differ materially from expected
Source: GeckoSystems Intl.
Geckosystems (CE) (USOTC:GOSY)
Gráfico Histórico do Ativo
De Fev 2025 até Mar 2025
Geckosystems (CE) (USOTC:GOSY)
Gráfico Histórico do Ativo
De Mar 2024 até Mar 2025