Alpine 4 Technologies Announces Q3 2018 Revenue Growth of 115% Over
Q3 2017
AZ --
December 4,
2018 -- InvestorsHub
-- Alpine 4 Technologies Ltd. (OTCQB:
ALPP) today announced financial results for its
ending September 30, 2018. The company posted quarterly revenue of
$4.79 million, which is growth of 115% over Q3 2017's revenue of
$2.22 million.
Kent B. Wilson, CEO of
Alpine 4, had this to say: "The growth for 2018 has been
remarkable. Capitalizing on that growth in Q2 and Q4 2018, Alpine 4
began a set of initiatives to enhance our infrastructure both at
the corporate level and at our subsidiary level. While these
initiatives have a causal effect on our profit and loss statement,
they will also allow Alpine 4 to more than double in size over the
next 12 months and release what we call Kinetic Profit at each of
our subsidiaries. Many of you have heard about our acquisition
model of DSF (Driver Stabilizer and Facilitator), but we also
employ what we call Optimization vs. Asset Producing
as a means
to define where a subsidiary
is at in its life-cycle with Alpine 4. When a new subsidiary is
acquired, it goes through a period of Optimization where we as a
company define the "What Is", "What Should Be" and "What Will Be".
This process is designed to deliver two main things. First, gained
efficiency through enhanced management training and second, to
release a company's potential profit or what we call Kinetic
Profit. In 2018, we have made great strides towards moving
all of
subsidiaries into what we call Asset Producing.
Earnings by Subsidiary
Quality Circuit Assembly
(QCA): QCA's electronics contract manufacturing sales accounted for
61% of Alpine 4's quarterly revenue with $2.91 million in sales.
QCA posted an EBITDA profit of $582k and a net profit of $337k for
Q3 2018.
American Precision
Fabricators (APF): APF's precision sheet metal manufacturing sales
accounted for 25% of Alpine 4's quarterly revenue with $1.2 million
in sales.
Venture West Energy
Services (VWES): VWES had 10% of revenue or $452k
ALTIA: ALITA rounded the
remaining revenue at $231,212 or 4%.
Alpine 4 is providing the
following revenue guidance for its Q4 2018:
Anticipated revenue
between $3.7 million and $4.1 million.
The information
disclosed in this press release is made as of the date hereof and
reflects Alpine 4's most current assessment of its historical
financial performance and its future revenues. Actual financial
results may differ from those contained herein. These
forward-looking statements are not guaranteeing
of future
performance and are subject to uncertainties and other factors that
could cause actual results to differ materially from those
expressed in the forward-looking statements including, without
limitation, the risks, uncertainties, including the uncertainties
surrounding the current market volatility, and other factors that
the Company identifies from time to time in its filings with the
SEC. Although Alpine 4 believes that the assumptions on which these
forward-looking statements are based are reasonable, any of those
assumptions could prove to be inaccurate and, as a result, the
forward-looking statements based on those assumptions also could be
incorrect. You should not place undue reliance on these
forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements
contained in this release are made as of the date hereof, and
Alpine 4 disclaims any intention or obligation to update the
forward-looking statements for subsequent events.
Ken Wilson
Alpine 4 Technologies