Gerdau S.A. Consolidated - First 9 Months of 2007 Results (International accounting standard as delineated by the International
07 Novembro 2007 - 11:46AM
PR Newswire (US)
PORTO ALEGRE, Brazil, Nov. 7 /PRNewswire/ -- Gerdau S.A. announces
results for the first nine months of 2007. Output of crude steel
reaches 13 million metric tons in nine months, 9.4% more than the
volume produced in 2006. Gross sales revenue reaches R$ 25.1
billion in the period from January to September, 16.1% more than
the same period 2006. Of this amount, 61% consists of exports and
sales from overseas companies. Exports from the Gerdau companies in
Brazil contributed US$ 1.1 billion toward the consolidated sales
revenue reached up to September this year. Net profit reaches R$
3.4 billion in the first nine months of 2007, 7.6% more than the
same period for 2006. The net margin was 14.9%. Interest on capital
of the 3rd quarter will be paid on November 30. Shareholders from
Metalurgica Gerdau S.A. will receive R$ 0.56 per share and from
Gerdau S.A. R$ 0.34 per share. Cash from operations (EBITDA)
reached R$ 4.6 billion up to September this year, which is an
amount 2.2% higher than that reached in the same period of 2006.
The margin was 20.6%. Gerdau successfully implement its financing
plan for the acquisition of Chaparral. Payment was made on
September 14. Gerdau Ameristeel concluded a capital increase of
approximately US$ 1.35 billion with the issuance of 110 million
common shares at a price of US$ 12.25 per share. Gerdau concludes
the issuance of a 10-year bond in the international market. The
funds raised were US$ 1.0 billion with an interest rate of 7.25% a
year. Acominas puts into operations its no. 2 blast furnace at its
mill in Ouro Branco-MG. This equipment increases the plant's annual
installed capacity from 3 million metric tons to 4.5 million metric
tons of liquid steel. Gerdau is the winner of the 11th
"Anefac-Fipecafi-Serasa Award - Transparency Trophy" for its
financial statements in 2006. It was the 8th time in a row that the
Company was classified among the top ten companies that presented
the best financial statements and the first time that it received
the main award. The Gerdau Riograndense mill was one of the winners
of the National Quality Award, which is the highest recognition of
excellence in management for the Brazilian organizations. The award
ceremony will take place on November 26 in Sao Paulo. Acquisitions
announced this year represent investments of US$ 4.9 billion, and
an expansion in Gerdau's business to another four countries,
extending the company's footprint to thirteen countries. Gerdau's
internal controls structure receives full compliance 2006
certification under section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley act (SOX).
Fitch and Standard & Poor's rating agencies set Gerdau's risk
rating at Investment Grade. This rating was maintained at this
level even after acquisition of Chaparral Steel Company. Gerdau
signs agreements for new labor contracts with the United
Steelworkers - USW at various North American units. This year,
Gerdau celebrates 60 years as a participant in the capital markets
and uninterrupted payment of dividends to its shareholders.
DATASOURCE: Gerdau S.A. CONTACT: Carina Klein Castro,
+011-55-51-3323-2703, Web site: