Employee Discontent Expected to Reach Crisis Level Next Year
19 Novembro 2009 - 1:15PM
PR Newswire (US)
PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 19 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Employee turnover
is expected to rise next year as a new survey shows that many
workers are unhappy with their present jobs. Sixty percent of
employees intend to leave and an additional one-in-four are
networking and updating their resumes, according to research from
Right Management. Right Management is the talent and career
management expert within Manpower, the global leader in employment
services. Right Management surveyed more than 900 workers in North
America and asked: Do you plan to pursue new job opportunities as
the economy improves in 2010? -- 60% - Yes, I intend to leave --
21% - Maybe, so I'm networking -- 6% - Not likely, but I've updated
my resume -- 13% - No, I intend to stay "The study provides a
barometer of employee engagement in the workplace, with results
that might alarm and surprise many employers," said Douglas J.
Matthews, President and Chief Operating Officer at Right
Management. "Employees are clearly expressing their pent up
frustration with how they have been treated through the downturn.
While employers may have taken the necessary steps to streamline
operations to remain viable, it appears many employees may have
felt neglected in the process. The result is a disengaged and
disgruntled workforce." Matthews cautions that the best workers are
mobile in any economy. "We know that people are attracted by career
development opportunities, attaining work/life balance and working
for an innovative company culture. If management doesn't provide
employees with these opportunities, then workers are going to take
their knowledge and skills elsewhere. Talented staff can change
jobs because they can and want to, not because they have to." "As
leaders, we need to accommodate different lifestyles and work
choices and find ways to balance these with business needs to
ensure high levels of productivity and performance," states
Matthews. "This influences how organizations attract, engage and
retain talent. A segmented, customized and flexible talent strategy
is critical to stem the alarming levels of employee turnover
anticipated next year." Right Management surveyed 904 employees in
North America via an online poll. The survey ran between October 19
and November 5, 2009. About Right Management Right Management is
the talent and career management expert within Manpower, the global
leader in employment services. Right Management helps clients win
in the changing world of work by designing and executing workforce
solutions that align talent strategy with business strategy. Our
expertise spans Talent Assessment, Leader Development,
Organizational Effectiveness, Employee Engagement, and Workforce
Transition and Outplacement. With offices in over 50 countries,
Right Management partners with companies of all sizes. More than
80% of Fortune 500 companies are currently working with us to help
them grow talent, reduce costs and accelerate performance.
DATASOURCE: Right Management CONTACT: Helene Cavalli, Right
Management, +1-215-640-7141, Web Site: http://www.right.com/