Tsakos Energy Navigation Announces Two-Year Time Charter For Four MR1 Product Tankers
30 Novembro 2009 - 12:00PM
PR Newswire (US)
Charter to generate at least $32 million in gross revenue ATHENS,
Greece, Nov. 30 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Tsakos Energy Navigation
Limited ("TEN" or the "Company") (NYSE:TNP) today announced two
year time-charters with profit sharing for four 2005-built handymax
MR product tankers to an international oil entity starting
promptly. The minimum revenue expected from these fixtures is
estimated at $32 million. Prior to these fixtures, the vessels were
operating in the spot market. Following these charters, TEN's fixed
employment including pool vessels for 2010 and 2011 is
approximately 70% and 50%, respectively. "We are pleased to
announce the commencement of a long term relationship with a well
known international oil client and look forward to a successful and
productive cooperation together. This cooperation based on flexible
time charters, the cornerstone in TEN's employment policy, further
assists in safeguarding our company against market downturns while
allowing for profit participation in market ups," said Mr. Nikolas
P. Tsakos, President and CEO of TEN. "It is encouraging that major
users are entering the market and offering long-term charters to
quality vessels. We are confident that TEN, with its modern fleet,
quality operations and long track record, will be one of the prime
beneficiaries of this recent trend," Mr. Tsakos concluded. ABOUT
TSAKOS ENERGY NAVIGATION TEN's pro forma fleet consists of 51
double-hull vessels of 5.5 million dwt and includes two DNA-aframax
crude carriers and two suezmax tankers currently under construction
totalling 526,000 dwt. TEN's balanced fleet profile is reflected in
26 crude tankers ranging from VLCCs to aframaxes and 24 product
carriers ranging from aframaxes to handysize and one LNG. TEN's
employment profile: Type of Employment Vessels Period Employment -
Fixed, fixed w/profit share & min max 32 CoA - market related 2
Pool - market related 6 Spot - market related 7 TEN's current
newbuilding program: Aframax DWT Hull Type / Design Delivery 1.
Sapporo Princess 105,000 DH / DNA Q1 2010 2. Uraga Princess 105,000
DH / DNA Q3 2010 3. S2034 158,000 DH Q3 2011 4. S2035 158,000 DH Q3
2011 DH: Double Hull DNA: Design New Aframax FORWARD-LOOKING
STATEMENTS Except for the historical information contained herein,
the matters discussed in this press release are forward-looking
statements that involve risks and uncertainties that could cause
actual results to differ materially from those predicted by such
forward-looking statements. TEN undertakes no obligation to
publicly update any forward-looking statement, whether as a result
of new information, future events, or otherwise. CONTACTS: Company
Investor Relations Tsakos Energy Navigation, Ltd. CJP
Communications George Saroglou, COO Thomas J. Rozycki, Jr. Tel:
+30210 94 07 710 Tel: +212 279 3115 (x208) Marketing Advisor
Capital Link, Inc. Nicholas Bornozis Tel: +212 661 7566 Visit our
company website at: http://www.tenn.gr DATASOURCE: Tsakos Energy
Navigation Limited CONTACT: George Saroglou, COO, Tsakos Energy
Navigation, Ltd., +30210-94-07-710, ; or Investor Relations, Thomas
J. Rozycki, Jr., CJP Communications, +1-212-279-3115 (x208), ; or
Marketing Advisor, Nicholas Bornozis, Capital Link, Inc.,
+1-212-661-7566, Web Site: http://www.tenn.gr/