RNS No 8780m
15th June 1998

                     Partners Holdings plc
     Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 March 1998
Partners  Holdings plc, the operator of 103 specialist  retail
stationery stores, today announces preliminary results for the
year ended 31 March 1998.

*    From an enlarged estate of 103 stores, turnover increased
     16% to #35.6m.

*    Proposed final dividend of 1.0p per ordinary share, which
     together with the interim dividend of 0.5p makes a  total
     dividend for the year of 1.5p.

*    Review of brand positioning, merchandise ranges and store
     layout to be completed later this year.

*    New Board structure in place.

*    Relocation of distribution centre to new purpose built

*    EPOS implementation in all stores.

Michael Scorey, Chairman, said:

"Despite a difficult year a great deal has happened within the
group  that  will benefit future performance.  We are  in  the
process  of  refining our retail concept and this  with  other
initiatives  will  position the company for future  growth  in
sales and profits."


Partners Holdings Plc
Michael Scorey, Chairman       Tel: 0171 589 4020
Peter Davey, Chief Executive   Tel: 01270 505 888
Alan Goodwin, Finance Director Tel: 01270 505 888

College Hill                   Tel: 0171 457 2020
Matthew Smallwood

                     Partners Holdings plc
                     Chairman's Statement

As  anticipated  at  the  time of our  interim  and  Christmas
trading statements, profits for the year were held back  as  a
result of a sales performance which was below our expectations
and  a planned increase in costs in respect of new stores  and
the relocation of our distribution centre.

23  new stores were opened during the year, an increase of  12
over  the 11 stores opened in 1997.  The results also  include
costs  relating  to a marketing consultancy assignment,  which
was  commissioned to re-assess Partners' image  and  marketing
strategies for the future.

Turnover at #35.6 million increased by 16.0%.  Pre tax  profit
for the year was #755,000, compared with #2,003,000 last year.

Share Capital
On the 28 April 1997 the Company successfully placed 5,626,666
ordinary  shares on the London Stock Exchange  raising  a  net
#3.01 million for the Company.

An interim dividend of 0.5p per ordinary share was declared by
the Board at the half year and a final dividend of 1.0p is now
proposed  which,  subject to shareholders' approval,  will  be
paid on 31 August 1998.

In the year to 31st March 1997, principally as a result of the
capital reorganisation, total dividends of #954,000 were  paid
being  #200,000  on "A" and "B" ordinary shares,  #600,000  on
preferred ordinary shares and #154,000 on preference shares.

I  am delighted to welcome Alan Goodwin, Finance Director  and
Mark Tompkins, Non-Executive Director to our Board.  These new
Directors  will  strengthen  our Board  bringing  both  retail
experience  and a strong strategic and operational balance  to
our team.

I  would  also like to express my thanks to Nicholas Ward  for
his contribution to the business during the past year.

Current Developments
As  indicated above the Board has commissioned a marketing and
design  consultancy assignment to reassess the  image  of  our
stores  and  help  determine our future marketing  strategies.
This   will   involve  a  review  of  our  Brand  positioning,
merchandise  ranges, store layouts and marketing  systems  and
will  be completed later this year.  Until then the Group  has
scaled  back  its  planned  store opening  programme  and  now
anticipates  that  6  new stores will  open  in  1998/99.   In
addition 3 under-performing stores will be closed.

I  am  pleased  to  report  that our EPOS  system,  which  was
installed  in  stores during last year, is  fully  operational
throughout  the  Group.  It is now being  used  to  carry  out
automatic replenishment to stores on volume lines and will  be
expanded to include all lines within the next few months.

Despite a difficult year a great deal has happened within  the
Group   that  will  benefit  future  performance.    We   have
strengthened  our  Board,  and the  efficiencies  of  our  new
distribution centre and implementation of EPOS, whilst  adding
short  term  cost  will provide the platform  for  our  future
growth.  The marketing consultancy assignment currently  being
undertaken will help us refine our retail concept and allow us
to grow the business on a solid foundation.

The current year has started satisfactorily with overall sales
increasing  by 18% to the end of May and like for  like  sales
showing positive growth on the previous year.   However,  this
year  will  nonetheless be a year of transition as  the  Group
positions itself for future growth in both sales and profits.

Michael Scorey

                     Partners Holdings plc
                   Chief Executive's Review

The  year  ended  March  1998 has been  a  difficult  one  for
everyone at Partners with under-performance in our sales,  the
relocation  of our distribution centre, the implementation  of
EPOS  all closely following our flotation last year.   Despite
an  increase  in sales of 16.0% to #35.6 million our  pre  tax
profits  were #755,000 compared with #2,003,000 last year.   A
disappointing  result for a Company that  had  achieved  seven
consecutive  years  of profits growth up to  1997.   Net  cash
inflow for the year from operating activities was #283,000 and
group  net  assets were #5.9 million.  Capital investment  for
the   year  was  #4.6  million  incurred  principally  in  the
acquisition  of new stores, the relocation of our distribution
centre and the implementation of EPOS.

As  announced in our post Christmas trading statement we  have
scaled  back our planned store opening programme in  order  to
refocus   our  marketing  strategy.   Additionally   we   have
recognised  other issues that the Group faces and  have  taken
steps to address each area as detailed in the review below.

PLC Board Structure
Since the year end a number of appointments have been made  to
the  Board  of  Partners Holdings plc.  Alan Goodwin  FCA  was
appointed as Group Finance Director, having previously held  a
similar  position  at  Thorntons  PLC.   Mark  Tompkins,   was
appointed as a Non-Executive Director following the retirement
of  Nicholas  Ward  in April 1998.  Alan  and  Mark  have  had
extensive  experience in retail and their appointment  to  our
board  will both strengthen and add balance to our  team.   We
are also in the process of recruiting a Marketing Director.

Our   sales   performance  in  like  for   like   stores   was
disappointing,  being partly affected by  management  staffing
issues  and some disruption in the supply chain following  the
relocation  of the distribution centre.  We have taken  action
to   resolve   staffing   issues  by   implementing   enhanced
recruitment procedures including candidate profiling  and  new
store  open  days.   These  have now  improved  the  situation

During  the  year  we planned to open 20 stores  and  actually
opened 23 bringing the total number of stores at the year  end
to 103.  This represented an increase of 23% in selling space.
Additionally  we  reopened  our Manchester  store,  which  was
closed  for over 12 months following the bombing of  the  city
centre in 1996.

Our  policy continues to be to fit-out new stores  to  a  very
high  specification.   Coupled with our perceived  ability  to
encourage  customer  "foot-fall",  this  has  reinforced   our
attractiveness  to  developers and  landlords  alike.   As  in
previous  years, we have maintained a continuous programme  of
keeping older units fully up to date.

Following the scaling back of our acquisition programme we now
plan  to  open 6 stores in the current financial  year  whilst
closing  three  under-performing stores including  our  Hanley
Potteries  Centre  store  which closed  in  April  1998.   The
slowing down of our expansion plan has been achieved with  the
full  co-operation  of our landlords, with  whom  we  maintain
excellent relationships.

During the year the Group relocated its distribution centre to
a  purpose built, computer controlled facility in Crewe.  This
facility was designed to provide capacity  to support business
growth over the next few years.

We  have  also appointed a logistics specialist to  facilitate
further  efficiencies  in  the logistics  area  by  maximising
automation  and  improving our procedures in  automatic  store

In  view  of  the  short term scaling back of  our  new  store
programme  we  shall have excess capacity in our  distribution
centre for a period.  To minimise costs it is our intention in
the  short  term to sub-let approximately 33% of our available
pallet spaces.

Electronic Point of Sale
During  the year EPOS equipment, has been introduced into  all
stores within the Group.

The implementation was completed prior to the "Back to School"
promotion  in 1997 and consequently detailed sales information
has  now been collected for both our major sales periods  last
year.   This detailed level of  information is invaluable  for
management and is allowing us to plan in the current year with
greater certainty.

Automatic  allocation of stock is now being  utilised  in  all
stores  on high volume selling lines and on all lines  in  two
stores.   Initial indications are encouraging and  we  intend,
once  fully operational across all product lines, to  minimise
store  stockholdings  with consequent  improvements  in  space
utilisation and working capital requirements.

The benefits of this extensive investment programme will start
to  be  seen  in the current year.  However, it is  in  future
years  that  the  full benefits will be seen through  improved
service,  reduced stockholdings and reduced administration  in
our stores.

Partly  in  response to our sales performance  last  year  the
Board   commissioned  a  firm  of  marketing  consultants   to
undertake a research project into our retail positioning.  The
research embraced branding, merchandise ranging, store layouts
and  image.   The  initial findings of this research  are  now
available  and  are  being evaluated by  management  prior  to
further consultancy work being undertaken.

We  have however already taken initial steps, in line with the
research  findings, to rationalise and strengthen our existing
product range whilst optimising space management.

Partners'  TV  advertising campaign during both the  "Back  to
School" and Christmas promotions was not as successful as  had
been  anticipated  and  the decision  has  been  made  not  to
continue with this method of advertising in the current  year.
We  will  continue  to  advertise on  a  local  basis  through
leaflets and newspapers.

Our  buying team have continued to work aggressively  both  in
the UK and abroad to source high quality products that can  be
sold  at  competitive  prices whilst  enhancing  our  margins.
Direct  importing  has successfully been expanded  during  the
year.   It remains a key priority of the buying team to pursue
this  approach in the future utilising, where cost  justified,
the  increased capacity of our new warehouse facility to  hold
imported merchandise.

Management and Staff
I  would  like to acknowledge the exceptional efforts  of  all
management and staff for their hard work and continued loyalty
throughout  what has been probably the most eventful  year  in
the Group's history.

After  the disappointment of our results for 1997/98  we  have
implemented  considerable change in  our  business,  from  the
strengthening  of  our  Board to  the  review  of  our  retail
marketing  strategies.  The current year will  be  a  year  of
consolidation  as we seek to implement further change  in  the
business  to meet the demanding requirements of our  customers
in the future.

I  believe that we have created a solid foundation for  future
growth  and  all  our  energies must now  be  concentrated  on
achieving  the  sales and profit growth that the  business  is
capable of delivering.

Peter Davey
Chief Executive

                     Partners Holdings plc
                 Group Profit And Loss Account
               for the year ending 31 March 1998

                                          Year to    Year to
                                         31 March   31 March
                                           1998       1997                    
                                 Notes    #'000      #'000
Turnover                                  35,641     30,713
Cost of sales                            (32,352)   (26,750)
Gross Profit                               3,289      3,963
Distribution costs                          (369)      (296)
Administration expenses                   (2,232)    (1,693)
                                             688      1,974
Other net operating income                    40         42
Operating Profit                             728      2,016
Interest receivable                           49         15
Interest payable                             (22)       (28)
Profit On Ordinary Activities                       
Before Taxation                    1         755      2,003
Tax   on   profit  on   ordinary            (286)      (762)
Profit For The Financial Year                469      1,241
Dividends on non-equity shares                -        (154)
Dividends on equity shares                  (280)      (800)
                                             189        287
Other  appropriations:   premium                    
on   redemption  of   preference              -         (40)
Retained Profit For The Year                 189        247
Earnings per share                 2         2.5p       7.0p

There  are no recognised gains or losses other than the profit
for the year.

                     Partners Holdings plc
                      Group Balance Sheet
                      as at 31 March 1998

                                       Year to    Year to 
                                      31 March   31 March      
                                          1998       1997
                                         #'000      #'000
Fixed Assets                                      
Tangible assets                          7,157      3,941
Current Assets                                    
Stock                                    4,763      3,570
Debtors                                  1,958      2,495
Cash at bank and in hand                    57         94
                                         6,778      6,159
Creditors:  amounts falling due within  (6,895)    (6,275)
one year
Net Current Liabilities                   (117)      (116)
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities    7,040      3,825
Provisions For Liabilities And Charges            
Deferred Taxation                         (253)      (139)
Accurals And Deferred Income                      
Deferred income                           (840)      (905)
                                        (1,093)    (1,044)
                                         5,947      2,781
Capital And Reserves                              
Called up share capital                    187         50
Share premium account                    5,691      2,851
Revaluation reserve                        -          -
Capital redemption reserve                   9          9
Goodwill write-off reserve                (883)      (883)
Profit and loss account                    943        754
Shareholders' funds                               
Equity                                   5,947        814
Non-equity                                 -        1,967
                                         5,947      2,781
                     Partners Holdings plc
                   Group Cash Flow Statement
               for the year ending 31 March 1998

                                           Year to    Year to
                                          31 March   31 March
                                              1998       1997
                                             #'000      #'000
Net Cash Inflow From Operating Activities      283      2,658
Returns On Investments And Servicing                 
Of Finance
Non equity dividends paid                       -        (154)
Interest paid                                  (22)       (28)
Interest received                               49         15
Redemption  premium  paid  on  preference       -         (40)
Net Cash Inflow/(Outflow) From Returns On            
Investments And Servicing Of Finance            27       (207)
Corporation tax paid (including ACT)          (574)      (629)
Capital Expenditure And Financial                    
Purchase of tangible fixed assets           (4,505)    (1,308)
Sale of tangible fixed assets                  882         26
Net Cash Outflow From Investing             (3,623)    (1,282)
Equity Dividends Paid                          (93)      (800)
Issue of ordinary shares                     5,500         -
Share issue costs                             (521)        -
Deferred ordinary share issue costs            (35)        -
Issue of Deferred ordinary shares               -       1,967
Redemption of Deferred ordinary shares      (1,967)        -
New loans raised                                -          99
Repayments of capital element of  finance            
lease  rentals and hire purchase contract      (39)       (20)
Repayment of loans                            (320)      (164)
Redemption of Preference shares                 -      (2,047)
Net Cash Inflow/(Outflow) From Financing     2,618       (165)
Decrease In Cash                            (1,362)      (425)


1.   Taxation                               March 98   March 97
                                             #'000      #'000
  Based on the profit for the year:
  UK Corporation tax                           210        750
  Deferred tax                                 114         (2)
                                               324        748
  Adjustments relating to prior years:
  Corporation  tax  (over)/under provided 
  in  earlier  periods                         (38)        14
                                               286        762

2.   Earnings   per   share                 March 98   March 97
                                             #'000      #'000
  The calculation of earnings per 
  ordinary share is based upon the 

  Profit for the year after preference 
  dividends of #nil (1997:#0.154 million) 
  and other appropriations of #nil  
  (1997:  #0.04  million) but before 
  ordinary  dividends                          469      1,047
  Weighted average number of shares 
  adjusted for the bonus  issue  of  
  shares in April 1997 (shares  000's)      18,667     15,000
  Earnings per share                           2.5p       7.0p
3.   Dividends
  An  interim dividend of 0.5p per ordinary share was paid  on
  31  December 1997.  The Directors recommend a final dividend
  of  1.0p  per ordinary share making a total for the year  of
  If  approved, the final dividend will be paid on  31  August
  1998,  to  shareholders  on the register  at  the  close  of
  business on 3 August 1998.

4.   Annual Report 1998

  The  summary  of  results  is an  abridged  version  of  the
  Company's  full  consolidated  accounts,  which  have   been
  reported  on  by the Company's auditors.  The Annual  Report
  will be posted to shareholders on 25 June 1998.
  Copies  for  general release are available from The  Company
  Secretary,  Partners Holdings plc, Savoy House, Savoy  Road,
  Crewe, Cheshire CW1 6NA.



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