RNS Number:4108I
Aegon N.V.
06 March 2003


                                                                   PRESS RELEASE


The additional deferred policy acquisition cost (DPAC) amortization 
('unlocking') and provisioning for guaranteed minimum benefits which resulted 
from lowering the equity return assumptions should be reported in our press 
release issued earlier today as follows:

                                                USA                  Canada

Additional amortization                         USD 77 mln           CAD 16 mln
Provision for guaranteed benefits               USD 84 mln           CAD 67 mln

This does not affect reported results.

We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience.
An amended version is attached.

The Hague, 6 maart 2003


Group Communications
Phone + 31 70 344 83 44

Additional information can be found on AEGON's website: www.aegon.com





(amounts in millions, except per share data)

    Fourth      Full                                   Fourth     Fourth               Full         Full
    quarter     year                                   quarter    quarter              year         year
      2002      2002                                     2002       2001               2002         2001
       USD       USD                                      EUR        EUR     %          EUR          EUR      %

       300     1,751    Income before tax                 285        809   -65        1,849        3,243    -43
       359     1,465    Net income                        355        640   -45        1,547        2,397    -35
      0.23      1.02    Net income per share             0.23       0.46   -50         1.08         1.76    -39
     5,245    20,220    Premium income                  5,219      5,518    -5       21,356       21,578     -1
     2,346     8,873    Investment income               2,339      2,570    -9        9,372        9,933     -6
     7,717    29,487    Total revenues                  7,685      8,177    -6       31,144       31,895     -2
     1,400     4,935    Commissions and expenses        1,403      1,209    16        5,212        4,574     14
       664     2,349    New life production               666        618     8        2,481        2,617     -5
     7,304    30,113    Gross deposits (1)              7,226      7,361    -2       31,805       30,643      4
              14,924    Shareholders' equity                                         14,231       15,923    -11
             249,807    Total assets                                                238,206      264,061    -10

1) Annuity, GIC and savings deposits are not included in

Chairman's statement

"In line with our November 2002 forecast, the full year 2002 net income was 35%
lower than 2001. Low interest rates, bond credit defaults and the volatile and
weak equity markets of the past several years have had a significant impact on
our bottom line results. Lower operating results were partially offset by a
lower effective tax rate. Nonetheless, we believe the Group is successfully
managing through the current challenges to the industry as evidenced by our
strong solvency position of over two times the EU minimum standard and our
recent new business results," said Don Shepard, CEO and Chairman of the
Executive Board. "Fourth quarter standardized life production was up in the
Americas, the Netherlands and the UK."

"By continuation of our strategy we are enhancing our distribution capabilities
in existing and new markets to reach more customers while improving the
operating efficiency of our organization. During 2002, we expanded distribution
in the United Kingdom with the acquisition of several high quality IFAs. In the
Netherlands, the acquisition of TKP Pensioen enhances our capability in managing
larger pension schemes; and in the United States we had a solid production year
in our major business units. We have also extended our footprint into France
through the partnership with La Mondiale. At the same time, cost reduction
initiatives in the US and the UK are on track."

Outlook 2003

AEGON remains strongly positioned and capitalized in the markets in which it
operates. Business operations are sound and we look forward to profitable new
business growth and lower expense levels. Nonetheless, weak and volatile
financial markets and geo-political uncertainty continue to create a difficult
operating environment for our businesses. AEGON's Executive Board remains
cautious in its outlook for 2003 and is not providing an earnings forecast at
this time.

Key points fourth quarter 2002

*         Standardized life production increased 12% in the Americas, 5% in the
Netherlands and 1% in the UK compared to the fourth quarter 2001. Total annuity
and GICs deposits increased 15% in the Americas, while off balance sheet
production was lower in the Americas (-13%) and Netherlands (-21%) but
significantly higher in the United Kingdom.

*         Default provisions in the USA were strengthened by USD 219 million
(EUR 219 million) compared to USD 482 million (EUR 538 million) in the fourth
quarter of 2001. The balance of the USA default provisions at December 31 was
USD 281 million.

*         Additional deferred policy acquisition cost (DPAC) amortization
(unlocking) and provisioning for guaranteed minimum benefits resulted from
lowering the equity return assumptions. Additional DPAC amortization on variable
annuities in the USA was USD 77 million (EUR 76 million) and CAD 16 million (EUR
9 million) in Canada. Provisions for variable and unit linked products with
guaranteed minimum benefits were strengthened by USD 84 million in the USA (EUR
86 million), CAD 67 million (EUR 45 million) in Canada and by EUR 25 million in
the Netherlands.

*         Fourth quarter 2001 results included a USD 307 million (EUR 343
million) profit on the sale of our operations in Mexico.

*         Net loss for Transamerica Finance Corporation was USD 15 million
compared to a USD 15 million profit in the fourth quarter 2001. The loss in the
fourth quarter was due primarily to credit loss provisions in commercial lending
and aircraft leasing, partially offset by stronger results in real estate
information services.

*         Interest charges and other were EUR 17 million lower reflecting lower
interest rates and debt levels and a release of the provision for the general
insurance run-off operations in the UK.

Key points full year 2002.

*         Results include an additional USD 89 million (EUR 94 million) pre-tax
earnings from the acquired J.C. Penney insurance operations.

*         Results for 2001 include USD 73 million (EUR 81 million) pre-tax
earnings from the divested operations in Mexico and a USD 307 million (EUR 343
million) gain on sale.

*         Additions to provision for defaults in the USA totaled USD 774 million
(EUR 817 million) compared to USD 565 million (EUR 631 million) for 2001.

*         Accelerated DPAC amortization (unlocking) was EUR 450 million compared
to positive unlocking of EUR 22 million for 2001.

*         Provisions for guaranteed minimum benefits were strengthened by EUR
482 million.

*         Currency influence on net income was -2% and on shareholders' equity
was EUR -2,190 million.

*         Shareholders' equity was EUR 14,231 million at December 31, 2002. As a
result of active balance sheet management, shareholders' equity increased from
70% in 2001 to 71% in 2002 of total capital base. As of December 31, 2002,
solvency for AEGON N.V. was in excess of two times the minimum EU capital
requirement. The EUR 1,692 million reduction in equity largely reflects currency
exchange rate influences and unrealized investment losses offset partly by
additional paid-in capital on preferred shares as a result of the transaction
with Association AEGON.

*         The effective tax rate for 2002 was 19% compared to 28% for 2001. The
lower effective tax rate is largely due to a reduction of the deferred tax
liability, favorable adjustments resulting from the filing of the 2001 corporate
tax returns in the US, lower taxable income relative to tax preferred
investments and tax-exempt income, and the use of tax losses in the UK.

The Hague, March 6, 2003

Group Communications                                     Investor Relations
Phone : +31 (0)70 344 83 44                          NL    +31 (0)70 344 83 05
                                                    USA    +1 410 576 45 77

Web site: www.aegon.com

Press conference

A press conference will be held this morning at AEGON's headquarters in The
Hague at 10.30 MET (09.30 GMT; 4.30 a.m. ET). This press conference will be
webcast live on AEGON's website homepage (www.aegon.com).

Conference call

An investor conference call will be held today at 15.00 MET (14.00 GMT; 09.00
a.m. ET) and will be webcast live on AEGON's website homepage. The numbers to
call to listen in on the conference call are as follows:
+31 (0)45 631 6905 (Netherlands)
+44 208 515 2359 (United Kingdom)
+1 416 646 3096 (United States, Canada)

                                                                 EARNINGS REPORT

Report of the Executive Board

Net income for 2002 of EUR 1,547 million was 35% lower than last year. Results
were adversely affected by additions to the provision for bond defaults (EUR 817
million), accelerated amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs (EUR 450
million) and increased provisions for products with guaranteed minimum benefit
(EUR 482 million). Comparison with the prior year's result is positively
influenced by the additional earnings from acquired J.C. Penney insurance
operations (EUR 94 million). The 2001 gain on the sale of operations in Mexico
(EUR 343 million) and the loss of earnings on these divested operations (EUR 81
million) negatively influences the comparison with the prior year. Adjusting for
the above items, pre-tax earnings would have been marginally higher in 2002 than
in 2001. The influence of currency exchange rates on net income was -2%.

Total revenues were 2% lower (1% higher, excluding currency influence) and gross
margin was 10% lower (excluding currency influence 6% lower). The decline in
gross margin is due primarily to lower investment returns, higher bond default
provisions and provisions for guaranteed minimum benefits. Commissions and
expenses were 14% above last year (19%, excluding currency influence), which
includes the higher DPAC amortization and the expenses of acquired operations.
Excluding the acquired operations and the additional DPAC amortization,
commissions and expenses were 3% higher.

The effective tax rate for 2002 was 19% compared to 28% for 2001. The lower
effective tax rate is largely due to a reduction of the deferred tax liability,
favorable adjustments resulting from the filing of the 2001 corporate tax
returns in the US, lower taxable income relative to tax preferred investments
and tax-exempt income, and a tax loss in the UK.

Results for Transamerica Finance Corporation were USD 48 million (EUR 51
million) as compared to USD 64 million (EUR 72 million) last year. This reflects
lower asset balances for 2002 as well as tax benefits and investment gains
included in 2001 results, which are non-recurring. Net loss for Transamerica
Finance Corporation was USD 15 million (EUR 17 million) compared to a USD 15
million (EUR 17 million) profit in the fourth quarter 2001. The loss in the
fourth quarter was due primarily to credit loss provisions in commercial lending
and leasing, partially offset by stronger results in real estate information

In light of the recent highly volatile financial market environment, we are
re-examining our product portfolio and pricing strategies in terms of risk and
reward, which may lead to modifications in product benefits and pricing.

The Americas

Net income totaled USD 916 million compared to USD 1,428 million for 2001.
Depressed equity and credit markets led to additions to asset default provisions
(USD 774 million), higher DPAC amortization (USD 407 million and CAD 31 million)
and an increase in guaranteed minimum benefits provisions (USD 203 million and
CAD 88 million). The acquired J.C. Penney insurance operations had a positive
impact of USD 89 million on pre-tax earnings while 2001 results included USD 307
million on the gain on the sale of divested operations in Mexico as well as USD
73 million of earnings from these operations.

AEGON USA applies return assumptions in its DPAC amortization methodology for
variable products. As equity markets do not move in a linear manner, AEGON uses
estimates giving consideration to the effect of short-term swings in the equity
markets. At the end of the third quarter of 2002, the equity market return
assumption was 14.5% for 5 years and 9.5% thereafter. In the fourth quarter
these assumptions were changed. AEGON USA currently assumes equity returns of
12.0% for five years and 9.0% thereafter. All returns quoted above are gross
returns before any asset management or insurance management and expense fees are
deducted. Such fees are deducted from the assumed market returns when projecting
the policyholder account values. Variable annuity fees range from approximately
1% to 2.5%. The effect of this change was a further increase of DPAC
amortization of USD 77 million in the USA and CAD 16 million in Canada and an
increase in the provision for guaranteed minimum benefits of USD 84 million in
the USA and CAD 67 million in Canada in the fourth quarter.

Standardized new premium life production in the Americas was flat for the year
at USD 984 million, but was 12% higher in the fourth quarter. The increase in
traditional life sales was primarily due to the solid production from the
Transamerica Insurance and Investment Group. Total annuity and GIC deposits
increased 14% to USD 26,907 million for the full year and were 15% higher in the
fourth quarter. The strong growth (67% in 2002) in variable annuity sales was
primarily driven by expansion of our distribution network as well as product
guarantee features. The risks arising from the product guarantee features are
continuously evaluated and if appropriate product features altered to limit or
mitigate risk. During the first quarter of 2003 AEGON discontinued the
guaranteed minimum income benefit (GMIB) feature on its variable annuity
product. Fixed annuity sales were positively affected by uncertain and volatile
equity markets, even while declining interest rates resulted in lower
policyholder crediting rates. Initial crediting rates on fixed annuities
declined to an average of 2.7%, which is the effective minimum guaranteed rate.
We have refiled products with many of the US state regulators, which would allow
us to lower the crediting rate to 2%. Many US states have already approved this
change to lower crediting rates on new sales. At the same time, we are leading
an industry effort in the United States to tie the level of guarantees to actual
interest rates. This effort is still in progress. Off-balance sheet production
was USD 18,842 million, a 4% increase for the full year.

Total revenues were 1% higher. Although new business production contributed to
the significant increase in general account assets, investment income was 1%
lower as a result of lower yields. Commissions and expenses increased 16% due to
higher production levels, the higher DPAC amortization and acquired businesses.
When adjusted for acquired businesses, operating expenses for the US operations
decreased by 4% from the prior year through the ongoing realization of
administrative and marketing efficiencies. The organizational restructuring
within the Agency Group and the creation of AEGON Financial Partners as an
internal service provider have contributed to the cost reduction.

Traditional life results of USD 813 million, up 3%, include USD 160 million of
bond defaults compared to USD 157 million for 2001. Fixed annuity results of USD
165 million, down 49%, include USD 401 million of bond defaults compared to USD
229 million for 2001. Fixed annuity results also include a net reduction of DPAC
amortization of USD 34 million compared to a positive unlocking of USD 20
million for 2001. GICs and funding agreement results of USD 257 million, up 33%,
include bond defaults of USD 174 million compared to USD 159 million for 2001.
Life for the account of policyholders results were USD 106 million, up 14%,
reflecting lower expense levels. Variable annuity reported a loss of USD 437
million compared to a profit of USD 107 million in 2001. Due to declining equity
markets and the adjustment of our equity return assumptions, additional DPAC
amortization of USD 327 million and CAD 31 million and guaranteed minimum
benefit provisions of USD 199 million and CAD 88 million were charged against
results. Fee business results were USD 5 million, USD 69 million lower than
2001. The 2001 results included earnings from divested pension operations in
Mexico. Accident and health results increased 60% to USD 233 million due to the
acquired insurance operations of J.C. Penney.

The Netherlands

Net income was EUR 523 million compared to EUR 696 million for 2001. Depressed
equity markets led to an additional provision for guaranteed minimum benefits of
EUR 209 million.

New life production was EUR 345 million, down 2% for the year, but reflecting a
5% increase for the fourth quarter. Off balance sheet production increased 41%
to EUR 1,223 million for the year while savings deposits and investment
contracts were 21% and 52% lower, respectively. Sales in retail markets were
lower due to fiscal changes and weak equity markets, while production in the
group pension business was higher.

Total revenues were level with the prior year at EUR 6,052 million, despite 2%
lower investment income on insurance activities, attributable to lower
investment yields.  Commissions and expenses increased 20% to EUR 666 million.
This includes EUR 60 million in investment costs that are recognized on a gross
instead of a net basis and which are offset by an equal amount in revenues. The
change in presentation is the result of the establishment of AEGON Asset
Management as a separate business unit to profile itself as a professional third
party investment manager.

Traditional life results of EUR 552 million were 10% lower than 2001 results due
to lower interest results and higher lapse rates. Life for the account of
policyholder results were EUR 49 million, down from EUR 192 million the prior
year. This is primarily due to the provisions for guaranteed minimum benefits of
EUR 209 million. Accident and health results of EUR 26 million were EUR 10
million lower than 2001 and reflect higher claims as well as lower investment
returns. General insurance results were EUR 24 million, down EUR 13 million from
the prior year, due to the October storm claims and lower investment returns.
Banking activities were EUR 8 million, down EUR 37 million from 2001, reflecting
lower production and investment spreads, as well as increased provisions for
credit risk.

United Kingdom

Net income was GBP 112 million compared to GBP 165 million for 2001. Net income
is lower as a direct result of weak equity markets leading to lower management
and fund related fees as well as the setting up of provisions to meet costs
associated with the expense reduction program.

Standardized new life production was GBP 588 million, 8% lower than 2001, but
reflecting a 1% increase in the fourth quarter. Off balance sheet production
increased to GBP 437 million, a 59% gain over 2001.

Total revenues increased 3%. Investment income increased GBP 30 million
reflecting higher general account assets and capital. Commissions and expenses
increased to GBP 314 million, up GBP 93 million due to setting up provisions for
restructuring costs, inclusion of operating costs of the acquired distribution
companies, additional costs associated with the completion of a major IT systems
project and the growth in our protection businesses.

Other Countries

Net income from other countries was EUR 52 million, a 15% decrease from 2001.
The lower result was due primarily to lower results in Spain and start-up
activities in Asia. Taiwan showed a modest profit for the first time.

Capital Gains

EUR 758 million was released as indirect return to income before tax compared
with EUR 723 million for 2001. The revaluation account balance at December 31,
2002 was EUR 2,598 million, of which realized gains of EUR 2,056 million and
unrealized gains of EUR 542 million.

With International Accounting Standards becoming AEGON's reporting standard in
2005, it is AEGON's intention to discontinue the indirect return system of
accounting for capital gains after 2003. Beginning with the first quarter 2004
capital gains will be reported as earnings when realized. Based on current stock
market levels, AEGON expects to recognize indirect income in 2003 of
approximately EUR 450 million. The remaining realized portion of the revaluation
reserve not recognized in 2003 will be transferred directly to the surplus fund
at year-end 2003.

Capital and Funding

Shareholders' equity was EUR 14,231 million compared to EUR 15,923 million at
December 31, 2001, which has been retroactively increased by EUR 631 million for
a change in accounting policy under Dutch law. The change in policy is that
dividends are no longer accrued until declared. The EUR 1,692 million decrease
is primarily due to the balance of: exchange rate losses of EUR 2,100 million; a
reduction in the revaluation reserve of EUR 2,042 million; net income after
preferred dividend of EUR 1,517 million; paid-in capital on preferred stock of
EUR 2,064 million; dividend payments of EUR 731 million; and the revaluation of
the total return swaps of EUR -318 million.

AEGON is committed to a strategy of continued financial strength as reflected by
the development of AEGON's capital base, which has kept leverage within our
prescribed tolerances. At December 31, 2002, equity capital represented 71% of
our total capital, while senior and dated subordinated debt raised to support
insurance operations comprised 19% of our total capital base. The remaining 10%
comprised capital securities, consisting primarily of perpetual subordinated

The capital adequacy of our operating units continues to be strong. Although we
manage our capital adequacy to a higher standard than required by the
regulators, as of December 31, 2002, solvency for AEGON N.V. was in excess of
two times the minimum EU capital requirement. Relative to NAIC requirements in
the United States, we held in excess of 350% the minimum required capital.


The Board has proposed a dividend of EUR 0.74 per common share for the year 2002
(2001:  EUR 0.83). After taking into account the interim dividend of EUR 0.37,
this represents a final dividend of EUR 0.37 per common share. The final
dividend will be paid entirely in stock. For every 25 shares held one new share
will be paid. The stock fraction for the share dividend has been based upon the
average price of the AEGON share on the Euronext Amsterdam stock Exchange for
the five trading days from February 27 up to and including March 5. AEGON shares
will be quoted ex-dividend on April 23, 2003. The dividend will be payable as of
May 13, 2003.

AEGON has proposed to pay the final 2002 dividend entirely in shares as a
measure of prudence and to retain financial flexibility in uncertain political
and economic times. Over the past years, approximately 45% of AEGON's dividends
have been paid in shares. AEGON recognizes the importance of offering its
shareholders a stable and adequate dividend, which is supported by the company's
cash flow and capital position. We consider to propose a dividend for 2003 of
EUR 0.40 to be paid in cash or shares depending upon the company's capital

Corporate governance

AEGON is currently preparing proposals for corporate governance changes to be
decided at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on April 17, 2003. Further
announcements will follow on March 20, 2003.


Forward-looking statements

The statements contained in this press release that are not historical facts are
forward-looking statements as defined in the U.S. Private Securities Litigation
Reform Act of 1995.  Words such as "believe", "estimate", "intend", "may",
"expect", "anticipate", "predict", "project", "counting on", "plan", "continue",
"want", "forecast", "should", "would", "is confident" and "will" and similar
expressions as they relate to us are intended to identify such forward-looking
statements. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and
involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict. We
undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking
statements. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these
forward-looking statements, which speak only as of their dates.

All forward-looking statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties
that could cause actual results to differ materially from expectations,
including, but not limited to, the following:

*         changes in general economic conditions, particularly in the United
          States, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom;

*         changes in the performance of financial markets, including emerging
          markets, including:

         *     the frequency and severity of defaults by issuers in our fixed 
               income investment portfolios; and

         *     the effects of corporate bankruptcies and/or accounting 
               restatements (such as Enron and WorldCom) on the financial 
               markets and the resulting decline in value of equity and debt 
               securities we hold;

*         the frequency and severity of insured loss events;

*         changes affecting mortality, morbidity and other factors that may
          affect the profitability of our insurance products;

*         changes affecting interest rate levels;

*         changes affecting currency exchange rates, including the euro/US
          dollar and euro/UK pound exchange rates;

*         increasing levels of competition in the United States, The
          Netherlands, the United Kingdom and emerging markets;

*         changes in laws and regulations, particularly those affecting our
          operations, the products we sell and the attractiveness of certain 
          products to our consumers;

*         regulatory changes relating to the insurance industry in the
          jurisdictions in which we operate;

*         acts of God, acts of terrorism and acts of war;

*         changes in the policies of central banks and/or foreign governments;

*         customer responsiveness to both new products and distribution

*         competitive, legal, regulatory, or tax changes that affect the
          distribution cost of or demand for our products; and

*         our failure to achieve anticipated levels of earnings or operational
          efficiencies as well as other cost saving initiatives.

                                                                                                              amounts in
      USD                                               EUR                           EUR                         
           Total year                                      Fourth quarter                     Total year              
         2002       2001      %                             2002     2001       %        2002       2001            % 
                                  Income by product                                                                   
        1.379      1.394     -1   Traditional life           362      226      60       1.457      1.557           -6 
          165        321    -49   Fixed annuities            -29      -65      55         174        358          -51 
          257        193     33   GICs and funding            68       16                 272        215           27 
          351        566    -38   Life for account            78      216     -64         371        632          -41 
         -437        107          Variable                  -177       32                -462        120              
            2         84    -98   Fee business                 2       29     -93           2         94          -98 
            -        307          Book profit                  -      343                   -        343              
        1.717      2.972    -42   Life insurance             304      797     -62       1.814      3.319          -45 
          263        187     41   Accident and                44       58     -24         278        209           33 
                                  health insurance                                                                    
           59         60     -2   General insurance            6       17     -65          62         67           -7 
        2.039      3.219    -37   Total insurance            354      872     -59       2.154      3.595          -40 
            8         40    -80   Banking                    -24       -1                   8         45          -82 
         -296       -355    -17   Interest charges           -45      -62     -27        -313       -397          -21 
                                  and other                                                                           
        1.751      2.904    -40   Income before tax          285      809     -65       1.849      3.243          -43 
         -334       -822    -59   Corporation tax             87     -186    -147        -353       -918          -62 
           48         64    -25   Transamerica               -17       17    -200          51         72          -29 
        1.465      2.146    -32   Net income                 355      640     -45       1.547      2.397          -35 

        1.142      2.034    -44   Americas                   145      512     -72       1.206      2.272          -47 
          624        827    -25   The Netherlands            125      232     -46         659        924          -29 
          221        333    -34   United Kingdom              43      106     -59         233        372          -37 
           60         65     -8   Other countries             17       21     -19          64         72          -11 
        2.047      3.259    -37   Income before tax          330      871     -62       2.162      3.640          -41 
                                  business units                                                                      
         -296       -355    -17   Interest charges           -45      -62     -27        -313       -397          -21 
                                  and other                                                                           
        1.751      2.904    -40   Income before tax          285      809     -65       1.849      3.243          -43 
         -334       -822    -59   Corporation tax             87     -186    -147        -353       -918          -62 
           48         64    -25   Transamerica               -17       17    -200          51         72          -29 
        1.465      2.146    -32   Net income                 355      640     -45       1.547      2.397          -35 

        6.686      7.000     -4   Gross margin             1.688    2.018     -16       7.061      7.817          -10 
        4.935      4.096     20   Commissions and          1.403    1.209      16       5.212      4.574           14 
                                  Amounts per common share                                                      
                                  of EUR 0.12                                                      
         1,02       1,58    -35   Net income 1              0,23     0,46     -50        1,08       1,76          -39 
         1,02       1,57    -35   Net income fully          0,23     0,45     -49        1,08       1,75          -38 
                                  diluted 1                                                                           
        As at      As at                                                                As at      As at              
      Dec. 31    Dec. 31                                                              Dec. 31    Dec. 31              
         2002       2001                                                                 2002       2001              
         8,99      10,06    -11   Shareholders'                                          8,57      11,41          -25 
                                  equity 2                                                                            
         9,54      10,50     -9   Shareholders' equity after                             9,10      11,91          -24 
                                  full conversion 2                                                                   

                                  Number of                                            26.659    25.663             4 

                                  common shares:                                                                      
                                  - Number of common shares                             1.445      1.422            2 
                                  - Weighted                                            1.402      1.357            3 
                                  average number                                                                      

1 Based on the weighted average number of common shares.  

Revenues and production                         
     USD                                                     EUR                           EUR                   
          Total year                                             Fourth quarter                 Total year         
        2002      2001       %                                   2002      2001       %        2002      2001       % 
       1.694     1.939     -13        Life general                379       561     -32       1.789     2.165     -17 
                                      account single                                                                  
       5.386     4.954       9        Life general              1.395     1.474      -5       5.689     5.533       3 
                                      account recurring                                                               
       5.900     5.697       4        Life policyholders        1.802     1.605      12       6.232     6.363      -2 
                                      account single                                                                  
       3.817     3.779       1        Life policyholders          807       991     -19       4.031     4.220      -4 
                                      account recurring                                                               
      16.797    16.369       3        Total life                4.383     4.631      -5      17.741    18.281      -3 
                                      insurance gross                                                                 
       2.697     2.290      18        Accident and                664       715      -7       2.848     2.558      11 
                                      health insurance                                                                
         726       662      10        General insurance           172       172       0         767       739       4 
      20.220    19.321       5        Total gross               5.219     5.518      -5      21.356    21.578      -1 
       8.829     8.811       0        Investment income         2.300     2.543     -10       9.325     9.840      -5 
                                      activities 1                                                                    
         394       344      15        Income from                 127        89      43         416       384       8 
                                      banking activities                                                              
      29.443    28.476       3        Total revenues            7.646     8.150      -6      31.097    31.802      -2 
                                      business units                                                                  
          44        83     -47        Income from other            39        27      44          47        93     -49 
      29.487    28.559       3        Total revenues            7.685     8.177      -6      31.144    31.895      -2 

                                      Revenues by                                                                     
                                      product segment                                                                 
      25.029    24.731       1        Life insurance            6.553     6.997      -6      26.435    27.620      -4 
       3.228     2.666      21        Accident and                785       874     -10       3.409     2.977      15 
                                      health insurance                                                                
         792       735       8        General insurance           181       190      -5         837       821       2 
         394       344      15        Banking activities          127        89      43         416       384       8 
          44        83     -47        Other activities             39        27      44          47        93     -49 
      29.487    28.559       3        Total revenues            7.685     8.177      -6      31.144    31.895      -2 

                                      Investment income                                                               
                                      for the account                                                                 
     -10.911    -8.520     -28        of policyholders          3.342     6.963     -52     -11.524    -9.515     -21 
                                      Standardized new                                                                
                                      premium production                                                              
                                      life insurance                                                                  
       6.677     7.465     -11        Single premiums           1.788     2.117     -16       7.052     8.337     -15 
       1.681     1.596       5        Recurring premiums          487       406      20       1.776     1.783       0 
       2.349     2.343       0        Total recurring             666       618       8       2.481     2.617      -5 
                                      plus 1/10 single                                                                
       7.178     6.756       6        Fixed annuities           1.568     2.443     -36       7.582     7.545       0 
       9.827    10.922     -10        GICs and funding          1.578     2.280     -31      10.379    12.198     -15 
       9.902     5.944      67        Variable annuities        3.393     1.707      99      10.458     6.638      58 
      26.907    23.622      14        Total                     6.539     6.430       2      28.419    26.381       8 
       3.206     3.816     -16        Savings deposits            687       931     -26       3.386     4.262     -21 
      30.113    27.438      10        Total production          7.226     7.361      -2      31.805    30.643       4 
                                      on balance sheet                                                                
                                      Net deposits                                                                    
       3.394     2.763      23        Fixed annuities            -304     1.585    -119       3.585     3.086      16 
       1.026     2.938     -65        GICs and funding         -1.226    -1.182      -4       1.084     3.281     -67 
       5.190       855                Variable annuities        2.431       289               5.481       955         
       9.610     6.556      47        Total                       901       692      30      10.150     7.322      39 
        -318       946    -134        Savings deposits           -372        44                -336     1.057    -132 
       9.292     7.502      24        Total net deposits          529       736     -28       9.814     8.379      17 
         372       731     -49        Investment                   82       168     -51         393       816     -52 
                                      Off balance sheet                                                               
      12.196    11.709       4        Synthetic GICs            3.621     4.296     -16      12.881    13.077      -1 
                                      Trusts and                                                                      
       8.639     7.629      13        other managed             2.456     3.144     -22       9.125     8.520       7 
      20.835    19.338       8        Total production          6.077     7.440     -18      22.006    21.597       2 
                                      off balance sheet                                                               
        718        647      11   1    Of which indirect           166       182      -9         758       723       5 
                                      income on shares                                                                
                                      and real estate                                                                 

USD                                                              USD                          EUR         
     Fourth quarter                                                   Total year                  Total year  

    2002     2001      %                                             2002      2001      %      2002      2001      % 
                           Income by product segment                                                                  
     211       76    178   Traditional life                           813       792      3       859       884     -3 
     -23      -58     60   Fixed annuities                            165       321    -49       174       358    -51 
      68       15          GICs and funding agreements                257       193     33       272       215     27 
      26       26      0   Life for account policyholders             106        93     14       112       104      8 
    -173       28          Variable annuities                        -437       107             -462       120        
       7       22    -68   Fee business                                 5        74    -93         5        83    -94 
       -      307          Book profit Mexico                           -       307                -       343        
     116      416    -72   Life insurance                             909     1.887    -52       960     2.107    -54 
      42       41      2   Accident and health insurance              233       146     60       246       164     50 
       0        1      -   General insurance                            0         1      -         0         1      - 
     158      458    -66   Total insurance                          1.142     2.034    -44     1.206     2.272    -47 
     298      382    -22   of which general account                 1.468     1.760    -17     1.551     1.965    -21 
    -140       76          of which policyholders account 1          -326       274             -345       307        
     158      458    -66   Income before tax                        1.142     2.034    -44     1.206     2.272    -47 
      92      -85          Corporation tax                           -226      -606    -63      -239      -677    -65 
     250      373    -33   Net income                                 916     1.428    -36       967     1.595    -39 
     232      394    -41   Life general account single premiums       942     1.047    -10       995     1.170    -15 
   1.144    1.179     -3   Life general account recurring           4.470     4.179      7     4.721     4.667      1 
     141      322    -56   Life policyholders account single          791     1.001    -21       835     1.118    -25 
     203      153     33   Life policyholders account recurring       631       712    -11       667       795    -16 
   1.720    2.048    -16   Total life insurance gross premiums      6.834     6.939     -2     7.218     7.750     -7 
     630      605      4   Accident and health insurance            2.469     2.093     18     2.608     2.337     12 
       0        6      -   General insurance premiums                   0        10      -         0        11      - 
   2.350    2.659    -12   Total gross premiums                     9.303     9.042      3     9.826    10.098     -3 
   1.803    1.872     -4   Investment income insurance              7.145     7.233     -1     7.546     8.078     -7 
   4.153    4.531     -8   Total revenues                          16.448    16.275      1    17.372    18.176     -4 
                           Investment income for the account                                                          
   1.683    2.999    -44   of policyholders                        -5.648    -5.329     -6    -5.965    -5.951      0 
                           Gross margin, commissions and expenses                                                     
   1.079    1.296    -17   Gross margin                             4.676     5.071     -8     4.939     5.664    -13 
     921      838     10   Commissions and expenses                 3.534     3.037     16     3.733     3.392     10 
                           Standardized new premium production                                                        
                           life insurance                                                                             
     337      668    -50   Single premiums                          1.578     1.924    -18     1.667     2.149    -22 
     241      179     35   Recurring premiums annualized              826       794      4       872       887     -2 
     275      245     12   Total recurring plus 1/10 single           984       986      0     1.039     1.102     -6 
   1.597    2.187    -27   Fixed annuities                          7.178     6.756      6     7.582     7.545      0 
   1.660    2.041    -19   GICs and funding agreements              9.827    10.922    -10    10.379    12.198    -15 
   3.346    1.528    119   Variable annuities                       9.902     5.944     67    10.458     6.638     58 
   6.603    5.756     15   Total production on balance sheet       26.907    23.622     14    28.419    26.381      8 
                           Off balance sheet production                                                               
   3.603    3.845     -6   Synthetic GICs                          12.196    11.709      4    12.881    13.077     -1 
                           Mutual funds/Collective Trusts and                                                         
   1.867    2.426    -23   other managed assets                     6.646     6.400      4     7.020     7.148     -2 
   5.470    6.271    -13   Total production off balance sheet      18.842    18.109      4    19.901    20.225     -2 

1 Includes also variable annuities and fees.                         

The Netherlands                                                      

        EUR                                                                         EUR         
               Fourth quarter                                                             Total year  
            2002     2001       %                                                       2002     2001      % 
                                    Income by product segment                                                
             142      134       6   Traditional life                                     552      614    -10 
               6       84     -93   Life for account policyholders                        49      192    -74 
             148      218     -32   Life insurance                                       601      806    -25 
               3        8     -63   Accident and health insurance                         26       36    -28 
              -2        7    -129   General insurance                                     24       37    -35 
             149      233     -36   Total insurance                                      651      879    -26 
             143      149      -4   of which general account                             602      687    -12 
               6       84     -93   of which policyholders account                        49      192    -74 
             -24       -1           Banking activities 1                                   8       45    -82 
             125      232     -46   Income before tax                                    659      924    -29 
             -25      -55     -55   Corporation tax                                     -136     -228    -40 
             100      177     -44   Net income                                           523      696    -25 
              48       69     -30   Life general account single premiums                 507      768    -34 
             116       90      29   Life general account recurring premiums              564      569     -1 
             413      254      63   Life policyholders account single premiums         1.171      814     44 
             105      325     -68   Life policyholders account recurring premiums      1.331    1.486    -10 
             682      738      -8   Total life insurance gross premiums                3.573    3.637     -2 
              21       23      -9   Accident and health insurance premiums               162      146     11 
              90       88       2   General insurance premiums                           447      422      6 
             793      849      -7   Total gross premiums                               4.182    4.205     -1 
             379      374       1   Investment income insurance activities             1.454    1.484     -2 
             127       89      43   Income from banking activities                       416      384      8 
           1.299    1.312      -1   Total revenues                                     6.052    6.073      0 
                                    Investment income for the account                                        
             210      844     -75   of policyholders                                  -1.165     -155        
                                    Gross margin, commissions and expenses                                   
             353      382      -8   Gross margin                                       1.325    1.479    -10 
             228      150      52   Commissions and expenses 2                           666      555     20 
                                    Standardized new premium production                                      
                                    life insurance                                                           
             417      365      14   Single premiums                                    1.536    1.625     -5 
              41       42      -2   Recurring premiums annualized                        191      188      2 
              83       79       5   Total recurring plus 1/10 single                     345      351     -2 
             687      931     -26   Savings deposits                                   3.386    4.262    -21 
             687      931     -26   Total production on balance sheet                  3.386    4.262    -21 
              82      168     -51   Investment contracts                                 393      816    -52 
                                    Off balance sheet production                                             
             320      405     -21   Mutual funds and other managed assets              1.223      868     41 
             320      405     -21   Total production off balance sheet                 1.223      868     41 

  1 Includes income on off balance sheet type products. 
  2 Includes the effect of a change in presentation of investments costs 
    from a net basis to a gross basis and from various provisions formed in 2002.                                       

United Kingdom                                                     
GBP                                                             GBP                         EUR                         
    Fourth quarter                                                     Total year                Total year             
    2002     2001      %                                             2002      2001      %      2002      2001      % 
                           Income by product segment                                                                  
       1        1      0   Traditional life                            12        14    -14        19        22    -14 
      30       64    -53   Life for account policyholders             140       215    -35       224       346    -35 
      -4        1          Fee business                                -6         2              -10         4        
      27       66    -59   Life insurance                             146       231    -37       233       372    -37 
       1        1      0   of which general account                    12        14    -14        19        22    -14 
      26       65    -60   of which policyholders account 1           134       217    -38       214       350    -39 
      27       66    -59   Income before tax                          146       231    -37       233       372    -37 
      -1      -20    -95   Corporation tax                            -34       -66    -48       -55      -107    -49 
      26       46    -43   Net income                                 112       165    -32       178       265    -33 
      66       28    136   Life general account single premiums       172       112     54       273       181     51 
      21        7          Life general account recurring              81        49     65       129        79     63 
     790      602     31   Life policyholders account single        2.636     2.710     -3     4.196     4.361     -4 
     282      278      1   Life policyholders account recurring     1.153     1.098      5     1.835     1.767      4 
   1.159      915     27   Total gross premiums                     4.042     3.969      2     6.433     6.388      1 
      55       25    120   Investment income insurance                110        80     38       176       129     36 
   1.214      940     29   Total revenues                           4.152     4.049      3     6.609     6.517      1 
                           Investment income for the account                                                          
     733    1.744    -58   of policyholders                        -2.680    -2.066    -30    -4.266    -3.325    -28 
                           Gross margin, commissions and expenses                                                     
     133      101     32   Gross margin                               460       452      2       733       728      1 
     106       35          Commissions and expenses                   314       221     42       500       356     40 
                           Standardized new premium production                                                        
                           life insurance                                                                             
     654      607      8   Single premiums                          2.390     2.763    -13     3.804     4.447    -14 
      79       82     -4   Recurring premiums annualized              349       362     -4       556       583     -5 
     144      142      1   Total recurring plus 1/10 single           588       638     -8       936     1.028     -9 
                           Off balance sheet production                                                               
      90        8          Mutual funds and other managed             437       275     59       696       442     57 
      90        8          Total production off balance sheet         437       275     59       696       442     57 

1 Includes also fee income.  

Other countries                                                                                                    in
          EUR                                                                        EUR                                
             Fourth quarter                                                              Total year                     
             2002    2001       %                                                      2002     2001       % 
                                    Income by product segment                                                
                9       7      29   Traditional life                                     27       37     -27 
               -3       0       0   Life for account of policyholders                   -14      -10     -40 
                2       2       0   Fee business                                          7        7       0 
                8       9     -11   Life insurance                                       20       34     -41 
                1       3     -67   Accident and health insurance                         6        9     -33 
                8       9     -11   General insurance                                    38       29      31 
               17      21     -19   Total insurance                                      64       72     -11 
               18      19      -5   of which general account                             71       75      -5 
               -1       2    -150   of which policyholders account 1                     -7       -3    -133 
               17      21     -19   Income before tax                                    64       72     -11 
               -2      -2       0   Corporation tax                                     -12      -11       9 
               15      19     -21   Net income                                           52       61     -15 
               -2       5    -140   Life general account single premiums                 14       46     -70 
              109      55      98   Life general account recurring premiums             275      218      26 
                6      21     -71   Life policyholders account single premiums           30       70     -57 
               53      46      15   Life policyholders account recurring premiums       198      172      15 
              166     127      31   Total life insurance gross premiums                 517      506       2 
               17      16       6   Accident and health insurance premiums               78       75       4 
               82      78       5   General insurance premiums                          320      306       5 
              265     221      20   Total gross premiums                                915      887       3 
               43      38      13   Investment income insurance activities              149      149       0 
              308     259      19   Total revenues                                    1.064    1.036       3 
                                    Investment income for the account                                        
               11     -30     137   of policyholders                                   -128      -84     -52 
                                    Gross margin, commissions and expenses                                   
               96      76      26   Gross margin                                        329      305       8 
               79      55      44   Commissions and expenses                            265      233      14 
                                    Standardized new premium production                                      
                                    life insurance                                                           
               10      26     -62   Single premiums                                      45      116     -61 
               80      31     158   Recurring premiums annualized                       157      125      26 
               81      34     138   Total recurring plus 1/10 single                    161      137      18 
                                    Off balance sheet production                                             
              124      16           Mutual funds and other managed assets               186       62         
              124      16           Total production off balance sheet                  186       62         

  1 Includes also fee income. 
  Explanatory notes                                                                                                   
  As of 2002, in line with accounting guidelines, shareholders                                                        
  dividend is not accrued until it is declared. All other                                                             
  accounting principles applied in this interim report are the                                                        
  same as those applied in the annual accounts 2001.                                                                  

  Traditional life includes income on traditional and fixed                                                           
  universal life products.                                                                                            

  Life insurance with investments for account of policyholders                                                        
  includes income on variable universal life, unitised                                                                
  pension (UK), other unit-linked products with investments for                                                       
  account of policyholders and with profit fund in the UK.                                                            

  Fee business includes income on off balance sheet type products.                                                    

  Gross margin is calculated as the sum of income before tax and                                                      
  commissions and expenses. 

  Investments, assets and capital geographically                                                                      
                                                                                                     amounts in million 
                                                                                                            EUR (unless 
                                                                                                       otherwise stated)

  Americas      Kingdom                                            The          United    Other     Total    Total  
  USD           GBP      As at December 31, 2002         Americas  Netherlands  Kingdom  countries   EUR      USD    
    105.544       980   Fixed income                      100.643    10.792     1.507    1.611    114.553    120.132 
      3.460        88   Equities and real estate            3.299     4.943       135      133      8.510      8.924 
    109.004     1.068   Total general account             103.942    15.735     1.642    1.744    123.063    129.056 
     11.952    15.401   Fixed income                       11.397    11.139    23.675      312     46.523     48.789 
     23.274    12.940   Equities and real estate           22.193     5.934    19.892      186     48.205     50.552 
     35.226    28.341   Total account policyholders        33.590    17.073    43.567      498     94.728     99.341 
    144.230    29.409   Total insurance activities        137.532    32.808    45.209    2.242    217.791    228.397 
          -         -   Banking activities                      -     7.167         -        -      7.167      7.516 
     51.008       806   Off balance sheet assets           48.639     1.689     1.239      471     52.038     54.572 
    195.238    30.215   Total assets business units       186.171    41.664    46.448    2.713    276.996    290.485 
                        Other investments                                                             378        397 
                        Total group                                                               277.374    290.882 
    149.948    29.864   Assets business units             142.985    42.750    45.910    2.541    234.186    245.591 
                        Other assets                                                                4.020      4.216 
                        Total assets on balance sheet                                             238.206    249.807 
     16.518     2.028   Capital in units                   15.751     2.605     3.117      399     21.872     22.937 
                        Total capital base                                                         20.058     21.035 
                        Other net liabilities                                                       1.814      1.902 
                        Total                                                                      21.872     22.937 
                        As at December 31, 2001                                                                      
     92.614       805   Fixed income                      105.087    11.411     1.323    1.401    119.222    105.070 
      4.265        89   Equities and real estate            4.840     6.290       147      155     11.432     10.075 
     96.879       894   Total general account             109.927    17.701     1.470    1.556    130.654    115.145 
     12.232    14.009   Fixed income                       13.879     6.024    23.022      354     43.279     38.142 
     26.477    16.879   Equities and real estate           30.044    12.014    27.739      196     69.993     61.685 
     38.709    30.888   Total account policyholders        43.923    18.038    50.761      550    113.272     99.827 
    135.588    31.782   Total insurance activities        153.850    35.739    52.231    2.106    243.926    214.972 
          -         -   Banking activities                      -     7.047         -        -      7.047      6.210 
     44.931       813   Off balance sheet assets           50.982     1.319     1.336      247     53.884     47.488 
    180.519    32.595   Total assets business units       204.832    44.105    53.567    2.353    304.857    268.670 
                        Other investments                                                             464        409 
                        Total group                                                               305.321    269.079 
    140.285    32.236   Assets business units             159.180    44.834    52.976    2.400    259.390    228.600 
                        Other assets                                                                4.671      4.117 
                        Total assets on balance sheet                                             264.061    232.717 
     13.920     1.771   Capital in units                   15.795     3.654     2.910      374     22.733     20.035 
                        Total capital base                                                         22.676     19.984 
                        Other net liabilities                                                          57         51 
                        Total                                                                      22.733     20.035 

Summarized consolidated income statements  

                                                                                                            amounts in
   USD                                                 EUR                           EUR                          
         Total year                                        Fourth quarter                Total year                     
        2002      2001      %                             2002     2001       %         2002      2001              % 
      20.220    19.321      5   Gross premiums           5.219    5.518      -5       21.356    21.578             -1 
       8.873     8.894      0   Investment               2.339    2.570      -9        9.372     9.933             -6 
         394       344     15   Income from                127       89      43          416       384              8 
      29.487    28.559      3   Total revenues           7.685    8.177      -6       31.144    31.895             -2 
                                Benefits and                                                                          
       2.397     1.665     44   Premiums to              1.332      504     164        2.532     1.859             36 
      18.722    18.563      1   Benefits paid            4.157    5.057     -18       19.774    20.731             -5 
                                and provided                                                                          
         179       222    -19   Profit sharing              34       65     -48          189       248            -24 
                                and rebates                                                                           
       4.935     4.096     20   Commissions and          1.403    1.209      16        5.212     4.574             14 
                                expenses for own                                                                      
         691       771    -10   Interest                   200      212      -6          730       862            -15 
         812       338    140   Miscellaneous              274      321     -15          858       378            127 
                                income and                                                                            
      27.736    25.655      8   Total benefits           7.400    7.368       0       29.295    28.652              2 
                                and expenses                                                                          
       1.751     2.904    -40   Income before              285      809     -65        1.849     3.243            -43 
        -334      -822    -59   Corporation tax             87     -186    -147         -353      -918            -62 
          48        64    -25   Transamerica               -17       17                   51        72            -29 
       1.465     2.146    -32   Net income                 355      640     -45        1.547     2.397            -35 

Income statement items: average rate 1 EUR = USD 0.9468 (2001: USD 0.8954)  

Condensed consolidated balance sheets                                       
     As at      As at                                                         As at      As at                        
   Dec. 31    Dec. 31                                                       Dec. 31    Dec. 31                        
      2002       2001                                                          2002       2001                        
       USD        USD      %                                                    EUR        EUR                      % 

   136.969    121.764     12          Investments                           130.608    138.165                     -5 
     3.729      2.891     29          Group companies and participations      3.556      3.280                      8 
    99.341     99.827      0          Investments for the account of         94.728    113.272                    -16 
     9.768      8.235     19          Other assets                            9.314      9.344                      0 
   249.807    232.717      7          Total assets                          238.206    264.061                    -10 
    14.924     14.033      6          Total shareholders' equity 1           14.231     15.923                    -11 
     2.106      1.852     14          Capital securities                      2.008      2.101                     -4 
       646        590      9          Subordinated (convertible) loans          616        670                     -8 
     3.359      3.509     -4          Senior debt related to insurance        3.203      3.982                    -20 
    21.035     19.984      5          Total capital base                     20.058     22.676                    -12 
   107.926     94.520     14          Technical provisions 2                102.914    107.251                     -4 
                                      Technical provisions with                                                       
                                      investments for                                                                 
    99.341     99.827      0          the account of policyholders 3         94.728    113.272                    -16 
    21.505     18.386     17          Other liabilities 4                    20.506     20.862                     -2 
   249.807    232.717      7          Total shareholders' equity and        238.206    264.061                    -10 
                                  #   Shareholders' equity January 1         15.923     13.424                        
                                      Retained earnings                       1.517      2.394                        
                                      Dividend paid                            -731       -541                        
                                      Paid in surplus / Issuance of new       2.053      1.685                        
                                      Currency exchange rate differences     -2.100        386                        
                                      Goodwill                                  -70       -286                        
                                      Repurchased and sold own shares             0        -21                        
                                      Change revaluation account             -2.042     -1.537                        
                                      Sale Mexico                                 -        602                        
                                      Other changes                            -319       -183                        
    14.924     14.033                 Shareholders' equity end of period5     14.231     15.923                        
                           %                                                                                       % 
    42.014     33.639     25     #   Of which fixed annuities               40.063     38.170                      5 
    25.961     24.626      5     #   Of which GICs and funding              24.755     27.943                    -11 
   -15.938    -14.511     10     #   Of which deferred policy              -15.198    -16.466                     -8 
                                      acquisition costs                                                               
    32.458     34.131     -5     #    Of which variable annuities            30.951     38.728                   -20 
     6.674      5.690     17     #    Of which savings accounts               6.364      6.456                    -1 
     2.725      4.089    -33     #    Including revaluation account           2.598      4.640                   -44 
     2.156      3.438    -37          of which realized gains                 2.056      3.901                   -47 

Balance sheet items: closing rate 1 EUR = USD 1.0487 (2001: 0.8813)  
Summarized information Transamerica Finance 
                                                                                                            amounts in
     USD                                                USD                         EUR                          
        Fourth quarter                                        Total year                   Total year                 
          2002    2001       %   INCOME STATEMENT          2002     2001      %         2002     2001               % 
           143     182     -21   Finance charges            636      823    -23          672      919             -27 
           110     107       3   Leasing revenues           420      438     -4          444      489              -9 
            63      65      -3   Real estate                240      253     -5          254      283             -10 
            32      51     -37   Other revenues             134      234    -43          141      261             -46 
           348     405     -14   Total revenues           1.430    1.748    -18        1.511    1.952             -23 
            48      84     -43   Interest and debt          239      421    -43          252      470             -46 
            80      81      -1   Salaries and               314      327     -4          332      365              -9 
                                 other employee                                                                       
            52      53      -2   Depreciation on            210      220     -5          222      246             -10 
                                 equipment held                                                                       
                                 for lease                                                                            
           183     168       9   Miscellaneous              552      667    -17          583      745             -22 
                                 income and                                                                           
           363     386      -6   Total expenses           1.315    1.635    -20        1.389    1.826             -24 
           -15      19    -179   Income before tax          115      113      2          122      126              -3 
             8       8       0   Corporation tax            -32       -1                 -34       -1                 
            -7      27    -126   Net income from             83      112    -26           88      125             -30 
                                 Net income by                                                                        
            -4      19    -121   Commercial                  89       78     14           94       87               8 
            -6       5           Leasing                     -9      -11     18           -9      -12              25 
            14       9      56   Real estate                 40       38      5           42       42               0 
           -11      -6     -83   Other                      -37        7                 -39        8                 
            -7      27    -126   Net income from             83      112    -26           88      125             -30 
                                 Income reported                                                                      
                                 by AEGON                                                                             
            -7      27    -126   Net income from             83      112    -26           88      125             -30 
            -8     -12     -33   Funding costs on           -35      -48    -27          -37      -53             -30 
                                 the related                                                                          
                                 raised debt                                                                          
           -15      15           Net income                  48       64    -25           51       72             -29 
                                 reported by AEGON                                                                    
Income statement items: average rate 1 EUR = USD 0.9468 (2001: USD 0.8954)  

            As at      As at                                                           As at      As at        
          Dec. 31    Dec. 31                                                         Dec. 31    Dec. 31        
             2002       2001                                                            2002       2001        
              USD        USD      %   BALANCE SHEET                                      EUR        EUR      % 

            6.007      6.931    -13   Finance receivables                              5.728      7.865    -27 
              102        114    -11   Equipment                                           97        129    -25 
            2.485      2.864    -13   Other assets                                     2.370      3.250    -27 
            8.594      9.909    -13   Total assets                                     8.195     11.244    -27 
            1.627      1.642     -1   Accounts payable and other liabilities           1.551      1.863    -17 
            6.052      7.145    -15   Debts                                            5.771      8.108    -29 
              915      1.122    -18   Shareholders' equity                               873      1.273    -31 
            8.594      9.909    -13   Total liabilities and shareholders' equity       8.195     11.244    -27 

Balance sheet items: closing rate 1 EUR = USD 1.0487 (2001: 0.8813)                                                
2 Based on the number of common shares outstanding at the end of the period, 
adjusted for repurchased own shares.