RNS Number:4312I
St. Barbara Mines Limited
07 March 2003


Interim Financial Result 2002/03 and Outlook

For a printable pdf version of this report, please go to our website at  http://


*            Post period end $9.8 million of new capital raised

*            Net loss after tax $22.0 million includes:

             -     change in accounting policy of $8.5 million

             -     non-cash charges of $15.6 million (including accelerated 
                   write-down of underground operations - $7.5 million)

*            Gold sales 59,865 ounces, up 24 percent

*            Realised gold price $577 per ounce, up $58 per ounce

             -     Net cash cost of production $460 per ounce



-      Gibraltar underground production ceased February 2003

-      Paddys Flat initial production from heavily weathered low grade
stockpiles commenced mid-February 2003.  Development plans for Paddys Flat high
grade Vivians, Consols and Prohibition orebodies progressing

             Hedge Position

-      nil at the date of this report

-      no foreign currency contracts


-      Reedys tenements farmed-out (minimum first year expenditure $1.0 million)
to Gold Fields

             Defiance Merger Proposal

-      Despatch of Explanatory Statement to shareholders late March 2003

-      Shareholder meetings late April 2003

The Company recorded a consolidated net loss of $22.0 million, with higher gold
sales offset by accelerated mine development writedown of underground operations
and a change in accounting policy.

Financial Performance

Gold revenue from operations at $34.6 million was $9.6 million higher than the
corresponding six month period, a result of higher gold sales (59,865 ounces, up
24 percent) and higher realised prices ($577 per ounce, up $58 per ounce).  The
higher realised price reflected improved hedge prices, minor spot sales and
closed-out positions.

The average realised price exceeded the average weighted spot price for the six
months of $575 per ounce.

Outstanding hedging at the year end was 10,254 ounces at a net realisable $588
per ounce (nil position at the date of this report).

The net operating cost of production (equivalent to the Gold Institute total
cash cost) at $617 per ounce reflected, in particular, difficulties with both
underground mines.  Great Northern Highway ceased operating one month earlier
than forecast, necessitating a $2.6 million write-down.  Gibraltar suffered a
significant disruption (25 days) and a change in mining method, sterilising
reserve ounces and necessitating accelerated amortisation of mine development

Other revenue, in the corresponding six month period, was dominated by the sale
of the shareholding in Goldfields Limited for $26.7 million, and a net profit of
$9.2 million.

A loss before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation of $1.5 million was
determined after state royalties ($0.8 million), exploration costs ($1.9
million) and an accounting change ahead of the proposed Defiance merger ($8.5
million).  The accounting change relates to previously capitalised exploration
and development expenditure.

Higher interest charges reflected an increased drawdown on the RCF loan and an
extension fee.

Simplified Statement of Financial Performance
for the year ended 31 December                           2002    2001

Gold revenue from operations....                       34,570  25,014

Other revenue .............................               760  28,747

Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and         7,047  12,078
amortisation and change in accounting policy..

Change in accounting policy......                     (8,532)       -

Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and       (1,485)  12,078

Depreciation.................................           (971) (1,156)

Amortisation of mine                                 (14,630) (8,854)

Earning/(loss) before interest and                   (17,086)   2,068

Interest (expense)/income...........                  (2,242) (1,374)

Income tax expense......................              (2,965)       -

Outside equity interests...............                 (252)    (77)

Net profit/(loss)............................        (22,041)     771

Prepared in accordance with Australian Generally Accepted Accounting

Segmental Analysis
for the year ended 31 December                     2002     2001

Results from Operations.......................    6,309    1,670

Amortisation and depreciation.............     (15,601) (10,010)

Profit on sale of shares and property, plant        738   10,408
and equipment..............................

Change in accounting policy                     (8,532)        -

Earnings/loss before interest and tax          (17,086)    2,068

Amortisation and depreciation includes:

-Gibraltar                                      (7,515)    (298)

-Great Northern Highway ...................     (2,557)     (43)

Cash Flow Statement

Available cash (net of security bonds) decreased through the six month period to
$0.3 million.

Capital allocations included on-going Great Northern Highway and Gibraltar
underground mine development ($3.9 million) and Mulla Mulla and regional
exploration ($1.9 million).

Additional security bonds ($1.5 million) previously secured by guarantee were
cash backed during the period.

Loan and finance repayments, principally the Taipan convertible note ($7.3
million) was financed from cash and a further drawdown of the RCF loan.

Financial Position

Total shareholders' equity decreased by $14.9 million, reflecting the change in
accounting policy and accelerated amortisation of underground mine development.

Working capital at the end of December was negative $3.2 million.

Interest bearing debt at $18.1 million was down $4.2 million.  This comprises
the RCF loan, fully drawn to an amended $12.0 million (previously $20.0 million)
and lease commitments.  RCF interest and extension fees were satisfied by the
issue of shares and options.

Current assets include the 12.3 percent investment in Dioro Exploration NL (the
49 percent owner of the Frogs Leg high grade gold project) at cost of $4.9

Simplified Cash Flow Statement
for the year ended 31 December                                 2002     2001

Operating Activities

Cash receipts.......................................         38,843   26,678

Payments - suppliers/employees.......                      (41,451) (21,159)

Other (net)...........................................        (544)    (958)

Net cash flow......................................         (3,152)    4,561

Investing Activities

Payments - exploration/evaluation/development.              (4,371) (22,239)

Payments - listed investments............                     (365)        -

Payments - increased security bond..                        (1,500)        -

Investment sold...................................                -   26,724

Payments -property/plant/equipment                             (46)    (401)

Net cash flow......................................         (6,282)    4,084

Financing Activities

Loan and finance repayments.............                    (8,699) (13,342)

Proceeds from borrowings................                      4,000    3,538

Issue of securities................................           5,361        -

Share buy-back....................................                -  (1,066)

Net cash flow......................................             662 (10,870)

Cash - beginning of period.................                   9,032    4,755

Net change in cash..............................            (8,772)  (2,225)

Cash - end of period...........................                 260    2,530

Simplified Statement of Financial Position

                                                    As at 31 December  30 June
                                                                 2002     2002


Current....................................................    19,390   24,384

Non-current............................................        57,425   77,654

Total.......................................................   76,815  102,038


Current....................................................    22,630   29,868

Non-current............................................         9,062   12,062

Total.......................................................   31,692   41,930

Net assets..............................................       45,123   60,108

Share capital & reserves........................              125,951  118,643

Accumulated losses...............................            (80,828) (58,787)

Outside equity interests.........................                   -      252

Total shareholders' equity.....................                45,123   60,108


Financial Position

The financial position of the Company was strengthened early in the second half
of the year with a placement of shares to fund the first Paddys Flat acquisition
instalment ($1.4 million) and an agreement to raise $8.4 million (convertible
note $2.8 million and convertible loan $5.6 million) to fund the remaining
instalments (a total of $3.0 million).

The total acquisition cost is expected to be recovered from the processing of
low grade stockpiles over an eighteen month period.

Meekatharra Production

Production for the second half of the 2002/03 financial year will comprise
remaining stope ore from Gibraltar with milling of ore completed by the end of
March 2003.

Milling of highly oxidised Paddys Flat low grade stockpiles commenced
mid-February 2003.

Whilst plans for the exploitation of the high grade Vivians, Consols and
Prohibition orebodies are well advanced, development ore would not be available
until next financial year.

Defiance Merger Proposal

A proposal to merge St Barbara with Midas Gold plc (London) and Geomaque
Explorations Limited (Toronto) was announced on 9 January 2003.  The proposal to
form Defiance Mining Corporation, subject to shareholder approval late April
2003, will create a company with two 100% owned operating mines  and two
development projects at Paulsens and Tasiast (Mauritania).

Shareholders will receive explanatory statements late March 2002 and are urged
to discuss the proposal with their financial advisors and company executives.
Shareholders from each company have at this stage indicated overwhelming support
for the merger proposal.

  CORPORATE INFORMATION                                                                                               

  Board of Directors/Executive Management       Issued Capital                      Shareholder Enquiries             

  S. W. Miller     Executive Chairman           As at the date of this report,      Matters related to shares held,   
  K. A. Dundo     Non-Executive Director        issued capital is 385,552,803       change of address and tax file    
  G. B. Speechly     Non-Executive Director     shares.                             numbers should be directed to:    
  H. G. Tuten     Non-Executive Director        There were 44,329,772 listed        Australia:                        
  J. T. McClements     Alternate to H. Tuten    options, exercisable at 30 cents    Advanced Share Registry Services  
  A. D. Rule     Chief Financial Officer        up until 29 February 2004 and       Level 7, 200 Adelaide Terrace     
                 and Company Secretary          46,130,634 unlisted options         Perth WA 6000                     
  Registered Office                             exercisable at various prices       Telephone:     .+61 8 9221 7288   
  Level 2, 16 Ord Street                        between 11 cents and 45 cents up    Facsimile:     +61 8 9221 7869    
  West Perth WA 6005                            to 8 January 2007.                  United Kingdom:                   
  Telephone:     +61 8 9476 5555                                                    Computershare Investor Services   
  Facsimile:     +61 8 9476 5500                                                    PLC                               
  Email:     perth@stbarbara.com.au             Major Shareholders                  PO Box 435, Owen House            
  Website:     www.stbarbara.com.au             National Nominees     11.96%        8 Bankhead Crossway North         
                                                Strata Mining Corporation           Edinburgh EH11 4BR                
  Stock Exchange Listings                       Ltd     8.35%                       Telephone:     +44 870 703 6088   
  Australian Stock Exchange                     ANZ Nominees     5.86%              Facsimile:      +44 870 703 6142  
  AIM Board of London Stock Exchange            Resource Capital Fund     4.71%     ADR Depositary                    
  Ticker Symbol: SBM                            Citicorp Nominees Pty               The Bank of New York              
                                                Ltd     4.43%                       101 Barclay Street                
                                                                                    New York NY10286 USA              
                                                Substantial Shareholders            Telephone:     +1 212 815 2218    
                                                Strata Mining Corporation                                             
                                                Ltd     9.39%                                                         
Enquiries regarding this report may be directed to: 

Stephen W. Miller Executive Chairman  

Telephone     (08) 9476 5555

Overseas     +61 8 9476 5555 


Colin G. Jackson

Investor Relations 

Telephone     0417 929 107 
St Barbara Mines Limited

Level 2, 16 Ord Street

West Perth

Western Australia 6005 

Telephone     (08) 9476 5555

Overseas     +61 8 9476 5555 

Dollar values in this report are Australian Dollars unless otherwise stated.  
Comparatives are six months to 31 December 2001. 
St Barbara is a dedicated gold company listed on both the Australian Stock Exchange and the AIM (London Stock
Exchange) - ticker symbol SBM - with over 12,000 shareholders. 
                              ST BARBARA MINES LIMITED
                                ABN 36 009 165 066 
                            HALF-YEAR FINANCIAL REPORT 
                     FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2002 
     CONTENTS                                             Page 
     Directors' report                                       3 
     Consolidated statement of financial performance         5 
     Consolidated statement of financial position            6 
     Consolidated statement of cash flows                    7 
     Notes to the consolidated financial statements          8 
     Directors' declaration                                 15 
     Independent review report to the members               16 



Your Directors present their report on the consolidated entity consisting of St
Barbara Mines Limited and the entities it controlled at the end of, or during,
the half year ended 31 December 2002.


The names of Directors who held office during or since the end of the half year:

          Name                              Position                                 Period of Directorship

Stephen Miller           Executive Chairman and Managing Director        Director since 12 March 1999

G. Brian Speechly        Non Executive Director                          Director since 9 July 1997

Kevin Dundo              Non Executive Director                          Director since 26 March 2002

Henderson Tuten          Non Executive Director                          Director since 26 March 2002

James McClements         Alternate Non Executive Director to Mr Tuten    Alternate Director since 26 March 2002

Review of Operations

The consolidated operating loss after tax for the half-year ended 31 December
2002 attributable to members of the Company was $22,041,000 (31 December 2001:
$771,000 profit). The current year loss includes the impact of a change in
accounting policy effective 1 July 2002 to write off a total of $8,532,000 in
current and previous exploration and evaluation expenditure as follows:

Cumulative effect of write off of exploration expenditure
incurred prior to 1 July 2002                                       4,422,000
Current period exploration expenditure written off

 - Exploration drilling and assay expenditure                       1,692,000

 - Exploration consultant expenditure                                 963,000

 - Other exploration expenditure items                              1,455,000


 Production and Sales Statistics          6 months to              6 months to              6 months to
                                        31 December 2002           30 June 2002           31 December 2001

        Ore Mined (tonnes)                  427,936                  609,791                  776,404
         Head grade (g/t)                     3.69                     2.66                     2.00
        Ore Milled (tonnes)                 931,896                  935,647                  953,182
         Head grade (g/t)                     2.18                     2.06                     1.64
           Recovery (%)                      92.6%                    92.6%                    91.8%
      Gold produced (ounces)                 60,393                   57,272                   46,010
        Gold sold (ounces)                   59,865                   57,654                   48,191

Ore mined was lower than the previous period due to difficulties at Gibraltar
resulting in mining delays and sterilising of ounces. These factors have had an
adverse impact on amortisation of Gibraltar which is exaggerated due to the
short remaining mine life. Stoping at Gibraltar was completed in February 2003.
Mill feed is now exclusively from low grade stockpiles including inaugural
material from Paddy's Flat.

Mining activity at Meekatharra is in transition.  Following the completion of
both Caledonian and Great Northern Highway four months ago and the imminent
completion of Gibraltar, the current focus is the on-going evaluation of a
number of resource positions, and the recent Paddy's Flat tenement acquisition.

Events subsequent to 31 December 2002

Since 31 December 2002 the following has occurred:

*         On 9 January 2003, the Company announced a proposed business
combination between the Company and Geomaque Explorations Ltd (which will
include Midas Gold plc) to create a new growth oriented, international gold
mining and exploration company to be named Defiance Mining Corporation and
incorporated in Canada.

*         On 3 February 2003, 15,000,000 fully paid ordinary shares at a price
of $0.11 per share were issued to raise $1.65 million (before issue expenses) to
assist in the acquisition of the Paddy's Flat area of interest. On 31 January
2003 the Company made the first payment for $1.4 million for the Paddy's Flat
acquisition with the remaining two payments of $1.5 million due 31 March 2003
and 30 April 2003.

*         On 20 February 2003, 5,600,000 fully paid ordinary shares at $0.11 per
share were issued in relation to the Paulsens native title agreement.

*         On 20 February 2003, 1,000,000 unlisted options with an exercise price
of $0.11 and an expiry date of 31 December 2005 were issued to Resource Capital
Fund II LP in satisfaction of the corporate debt facility extension fee.

*         On 27 February 2003, the Company announced that it had entered into 2
agreements to raise $8.4 million by way of St Barbara issuing $2.8 million of
unsecured Convertible Notes and $5.6 million through an unsecured Convertible
Loan.  The funds raised will be used to fund the Paddys Flat acquisition and
general working capital.  The repayment date for the Convertible Notes and the
Convertible loan is 31 December 2007 and both facilities carry interest at 12%.

Other than the matters discussed above, there has not arisen in the interval
between the end of the financial year and the date of this report any item,
transaction or event of a material and unusual nature likely, in the opinion of
the directors of the Company, to affect significantly the operations of the
economic entity, the results of those operations, or the state of affairs of the
economic entity, in future financial years.

Rounding Off

The Company is of a kind referred to in Class Order 98/0100 issued by the
Australian Securities and Investment Commission, relating to the "rounding off"
of amounts in the Directors' report and Financial report.  Amounts in the
Directors' report and the Financial report have been rounded off to the nearest
thousand dollars in accordance with that Class Order.

Signed in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Directors.


Dated at Perth this 6th day of March 2003



for the 6 months ended 31 December 2002

                                                                Note        Consolidated         Consolidated
                                                                             31 December          31 December
                                                                                2002                 2001
                                                                                $'000                $'000

Revenues from sale of gold                                                           34,570               25,014
Other revenues from outside operating activities                    3                   760               28,747
Revenue from ordinary activities                                                     35,330               53,761

 - cost of sale of investments                                                            -             (17,502)
 - changes in inventory - finished goods & work in progress                             700                (391)
 - raw materials and consumables used                                               (7,622)              (6,499)
 - employee expenses                                                                (4,536)              (5,255)
 - cost of sale of plant and equipment                                                 (22)                (837)
 - cost of contract mining                                                         (11,701)              (7,289)
 - cost of contract cartage                                                         (1,596)              (1,001)
 - cost of contract processing                                                      (1,397)              (1,074)

 - exploration drilling and assay expenditure                       1               (1,692)                    -

 - exploration consultant expenditure                               1                 (963)                    -
 - cumulative effect of exploration write off 1 July 2002           1               (4,422)                    -
 - other expenses from ordinary activities                                          (3,564)              (1,835)
Profit/(loss) before interest, tax, depreciation and                                (1,485)               12,078
amortisation (EBITDA)

 - depreciation                                                                       (971)              (1,156)
 - amortisation of mine development expenses                                       (14,630)              (8,854)
Profit/(loss) before interest and tax (EBIT)                                       (17,086)                2,068
 - borrowing cost expense                                                           (2,242)              (1,374)
Profit/(loss) from ordinary activities before income tax                           (19,328)                  694

Income tax expense                                                  4               (2,965)                    -
Profit/(loss) from ordinary activities after income tax                            (22,293)                  694

Net (loss) attributable to outside equity interests                                   (252)                 (77)
Net profit/(loss) attributable to members of St Barbara Mines
                                                                                   (22,041)                  771

Total changes in equity other than those resulting from
transactions with owners as owners
                                                                                   (22,041)                  771

Basic and diluted earnings/(loss) per share for St Barbara         11               (6.332)                0.359
Mines Limited

(cents per share)

The above statement of financial performance should be read in conjunction with
the accompanying notes.



as at 31 December 2002

                                                                   Note     Consolidated         Consolidated
                                                                             31 December          30 June
                                                                                2002                 2002
                                                                               $'000                $'000
Current assets
Cash and bank balances                                                                 260                9,032
Receivables                                                                          2,849                3,287
Other financial assets                                                               4,891                    -
Inventories                                                                          5,027                5,151
Assets held for resale                                                               4,857                5,409
Other                                                                                1,506                1,505
Total current assets                                                                19,390               24,384

Non-current assets
Restricted cash                                                                      3,337                1,837
Other financial assets                                                                   -                4,526
Property, plant & equipment                                                          9,424                9,906
Other                                                                                  188                  232
Deferred tax assets                                                                      -                2,965
Mining properties                                                                   44,476               58,188
Total non-current assets                                                            57,425               77,654
Total assets                                                                        76,815              102,038

Current liabilities
Payables                                                                             9,720               15,905
Interest bearing liabilities                                         9              11,845               12,926
Provisions                                                                           1,065                1,037
Total current liabilities                                                           22,630               29,868

Non-current liabilities
Interest bearing liabilities                                         9               6,251                9,393
Provisions                                                                           2,811                2,669
Total non-current liabilities                                                        9,062               12,062
Total liabilities                                                                   31,692               41,930
Net assets                                                                          45,123               60,108

Parent entity interest

  Contributed equity                                                 5             124,350              118,213

  Option reserves                                                    6               1,601                  430
  (Accumulated Losses)                                               7            (80,828)             (58,787)

Total Parent entity interest                                                        45,123               59,856
Outside equity interests in controlled entities                                          -                  252
Total equity                                                                        45,123               60,108

The above statement of financial performance should be read in conjunction with
the accompanying notes.



for the 6 months ended 31 December 2002

                                                                            Consolidated         Consolidated
                                                                          31 December          31 December
                                                                                2002                 2001
                                                                               $'000                $'000
Cash flows from operating activities:
Receipts in the course of operations (inclusive of GST)                             38,843               26,678
Payments in the course of operations (inclusive of GST)                           (41,451)             (21,159)
Interest received                                                                      202                   88
Borrowing costs paid                                                                 (746)              (1,046)
Net cash provided by / (used in) operating activities:                             (3,152)                4,561

Cash flows from investing activities:
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment                                    391                1,532
Proceeds on sale of investments in listed securities                                     -               26,724
Payments for investments in listed securities                                        (365)                    -
Payments in respect of exploration, evaluation & development

                                                                                   (4,371)             (22,239)
Payments to increase security bonds                                                (1,500)                    -
Payments for property, plant and equipment                                           (437)              (1,933)
Net cash provided by / (used in) investing activities:                             (6,282)                4,084

Cash flows from financing activities:
Proceeds from borrowings                                                             4,000                3,538
Repayment of borrowings                                                            (8,699)             (13,342)
Net proceeds from issues of shares                                                   5,361                    -
Payment for shares bought back                                                           -              (1,066)
Net cash provided by / (used in) financing activities:                                 662             (10,870)

Net (decrease) in cash held                                                        (8,772)              (2,225)

Cash at beginning of period                                                          9,032                4,755

Cash at end of period                                                                  260                2,530

The above statement of financial performance should be read in conjunction with
the accompanying notes.



for the 6 months ended 31 December 2002

Note 1  -  Basis of preparation of half-year consolidated financial report

This general purpose financial report for the interim half-year reporting period
ended 31 December 2002 has been prepared in accordance with Accounting Standard
AASB 1029 Interim Financial Reporting, other mandatory professional reporting
requirements (Urgent Issues Group Consensus Views), other authoritative
pronouncements of the Australian Accounting Standards Board and the Corporations
Act 2001.

This interim financial report does not include all the notes of the type
normally included in an annual financial report. Accordingly, this report is to
be read in conjunction with the annual report for the year ended 30 June 2002
and any public announcements by St Barbara Mines Limited and its Controlled
Entities during the interim reporting period in accordance with continuous
disclosure requirements of the Corporations Act 2001.

Unless otherwise stated the accounting policies adopted are consistent with
those of the previous financial year and corresponding interim reporting period.

These consolidated financial statements have been prepared on a going concern
basis.  At 31 December 2002, the consolidated entity's current liabilities
exceeded its current assets by $3.2 million after recording a loss for the 6
months of $22.0 million. Refer to note 12 - Events Subsequent to Balance Date
which sets out the financing arrangements put in place since 31 December 2002.

Furthermore, subsequent to period end, the company announced a proposed merger
to form Defiance Mining Corporation.  The proposed merger should enable the
Company to access the major resource capital markets and secure funding
commensurate with its needs.

Should the merger not proceed the Directors are of the view, based on past
experience, that the consolidated entity will be able to renegotiate its debt
structure, secure such additional equity funding as is necessary; and/or sell
such assets as are necessary to provide the required funding to enable the
Company and its operations to continue as a going concern.

Change in accounting policy for treatment of Exploration, Evaluation and
Development Expenditure

With effect from 1 July 2002 all exploration and evaluation expenditure incurred
by or on behalf of the Company up to the decision by the Board to proceed with
development of a mining property, will be expensed as incurred. Acquired
exploration assets are not written down below acquisition cost until such time
as the acquisition cost is not expected to be recovered.

Mining properties now consists only of acquired exploration assets and mineral
properties currently under development or in production together with related
mine development costs and capital assets. The cost of mineral properties
includes the cash consideration and/or the fair value of shares issued on the
date the property is acquired.

The recoverability of amounts shown for mining properties is dependent upon the
existence of economically recoverable reserves; the acquisition and maintenance
of appropriate permits, licenses and rights; the ability of the Company to
obtain financing to complete the development of the properties where necessary
and upon future profitable production; or, alternatively, upon the Company's
ability to recover its spent costs through a disposition of its interests.

Mine development costs relating to mineral properties are deferred until the
properties are brought into commercial production, at which time they are
amortised over the estimated useful life of the related property or on a
unit-of-production basis over proven and probable reserves. Pre-production
credits, including the value of marketable metals extracted during mine
development, are credited against costs incurred.

The above policy was adopted with effect from 1 July 2002 to align the
accounting policies of the Company with those of entities involved in the
proposed Defiance Mining Corporation business combination with Geomaque
Explorations Limited (a Canadian listed company).



for the 6 months ended 31 December 2002

Note 1  -  Basis of preparation of half-year consolidated financial report -

An adjustment of $8,532,000 was made on the statement of financial performance
as a result of this change in accounting policy:

Cumulative effect of write off of exploration expenditure incurred prior
to 1 July 2002                                                    4,422,000
Current period exploration expenditure written off

 - Exploration drilling and assay expenditure                     1,692,000

 - Exploration consultant expenditure                               963,000                                             
 - Other exploration expenditure items                            1,455,000


The previous accounting policy was to carry forward exploration and evaluation
expenditure to the extent that such activities in the area of interest had not
yet reached a stage which permitted a reasonable assessment of the existence or
otherwise of recoverable mineral resources.

The restatements of consolidated retained losses and non current assets
exploration, evaluation and development set out below show the information that
would have been disclosed had the new accounting policy always applied.

                                                                    Consolidated             Consolidated
                                                                     31 December              31 December
                                                                        2002                     2001
                                                                        $'000                    $'000
                                                                      Restated                 Restated

Restatement of consolidated statement of financial
performance (extract)

Profit from ordinary activities before income tax expense                  (15,656)                     (2,550)

Income tax expense                                                          (2,965)                           -

Net profit                                                                 (18,621)                     (2,550)

                                                                       Consolidated        Consolidated
                                                                       31 December
                                                                           2002                 30 June
                                                                          $'000                   2002

Restatement of non current assets - exploration, evaluation
and development expenditure

Previously reported carrying amount                                             44,476                 58,188

Adjustment for change in accounting policy                                           -                (4,422)

Restated carrying amount                                                        44,476                 53,766

Restatement of retained profits

Previously reported carrying amount                                           (80,828)               (58,787)

Adjustment for change in accounting policy                                           -                (4,422)

Restated carrying amount                                                      (80,828)               (63,209)

Note 2  -  Segment Information

The consolidated entity operates predominantly in the gold mining industry in

The consolidated entity's head office is in Australia.



for the 6 months ended 31 December 2002

                                                                   Consolidated              Consolidated
                                                                   31 December                  30 June
                                                                       2002                      2002
                                                                      $'000                      $'000
Note 3  -  Other revenue

Operating profit before income tax has been determined after
crediting as other revenues from outside operating activities:

- proceeds on sale of investment in listed securities                             -                26,724

- proceeds on sale of property plant & equipment                                391                 1,532

- interest revenue                                                              202                    88

- other revenue                                                                 167                   403

                                                                                760                28,747

                                                                     Consolidated         Consolidated
                                                                     31 December          31 December
                                                                         2002                  2001
                                                                        $'000                  $'000

Note 4  -  Income Tax

The Economic Entity adopts the liability method of tax-effect accounting.

       Tax expense

       The amount of income tax attributable to the
       financial year differs from the amount prima
       facie payable on the operating profit (loss). The
       differences are reconciled as follows:

       Operating (loss)                                                      (19,328)                 694

       Prima facie income tax expense (benefit) on the
       operating profit at 30% (2002: 30%)                                    (5,798)                 208
       Tax effect of permanent differences:

       Legal and other capital expenditure                                         64                  56

       Sundry items                                                                 9                   1

                                                                                   73                  57

       Income tax (benefit) adjusted for permanent                            (5,725)                 265

       Future income tax benefit not brought to account                         5,725                   -

       Future income tax benefits previously recognised,
       now written off
                                                                                2,965                   -
       Benefit of tax losses of prior year not
       previously recognised                                                        -               (265)

       Income tax expense/(benefit)                                             2,965                   -



for the 6 months ended 31 December 2002

                                                                   Consolidated            Consolidated
                                                                   31 December                30 June
                                                                       2002                    2002
                                                                      $'000                    $'000

Note 5  -  Contributed Equity

Ordinary Share Capital

Issued and paid up                                                 124,350                 118,213

These shares have no par value and are fully paid ordinary shares.  Ordinary
shares entitle the holder to participate in dividends and the proceeds on
winding up of the Company in proportion to the number of and amounts paid on the
shares held.  On a show of hands every holder of ordinary shares present at a
meeting in person or by proxy, is entitled to one vote, and upon a poll each
share is entitled to one vote.

Movements in Ordinary Share Capital:

Date               Details                  Notes              Number                 Issue             A$'000

                                                              of shares               price
30 June 02         Opening balance                              319,758,267                              118,213
11 July 02         Share issue               (i)                  1,210,052     $0.2037                      246
11 July 02         Share issue               (i)                    196,562     $0.2263                       44
11 July 02         Share issue               (ii)                 1,846,628               $0.2143            396
21 Aug 02          Placement                (iii)                34,333,332               $0.1650          5,665
21 Aug 02          Placement costs          (iii)                         -                     -          (994)
17 Oct 02          Share issue               (ii)                   280,140               $0.1973             55
2 Dec 02           Share issue               (i)                  1,562,000               $0.0960            150
31 Dec 02          Share issue               (i)                  1,067,616               $0.0843             90
31 Dec 02          Share issue               (i)                  4,261,200               $0.1021            435
31 Dec 02          Share issue               (i)                    437,006               $0.1136             50
31 Dec 02          Balance                                      364,952,803                              124,350

(i)      Share issue to Resource Capital Fund II LP for Facility interest and

(ii)     Share issue in accordance with an agreement with Grimwood Davies Pty
Ltd for conducting a drilling program in the Meekatharra area.

(iii)    Placement to raise working capital.



for the 6 months ended 31 December 2002

                                                                             Consolidated           Consolidated
                                                                             31 December              30 June
                                                                                 2002                   2002
                                                                                $'000                  $'000
Note 6  -  Option Reserve

Option Reserve

Balance                                                                           1,601                       430

The option reserve increased during the half year to 31 December 2002 due to the issue of 8,703,287
unlisted options and 22,166,666 listed options. The fair value of each option issued has been valued using
the Black-Scholes option pricing model after considering factors such as the term of the option, the risk
free interest rate and the volatility of the share price.

The options issued were as follows:

*         8,703,287 options issued to Resource Capital Fund II LP in lieu of debt facility fees and
interest. The value ascribed to these issues is $480,758; and

*         22,166,666 listed share options with a strike price of $0.30 and expiry of 29 February 2004
issued in conjunction with the placement of ordinary shares. The value ascribed to these issues is

Note 7 -   Accumulated Losses

Accumulated (losses) at the beginning of the financial                           (58,787)               (40,893)

Net (loss) attributable to members of St Barbara Mines                           (22,041)                   (17,894)

Accumulated (losses) at the end of the financial period                          (80,828)                   (58,787)

Note 8  -  Notes to Statement of Cash Flows

(i) Non Cash Financing and Investing Activities

During the half year the following transactions occurred which affected assets and liabilities and did not result in
cash flows:

*         The issue of 8,734,436 fully paid ordinary shares to RCF in satisfaction of the RCF interest and facility
fees. The value ascribed to this issue is $1,016,000.

*         The issue of 2,126,768 fully paid ordinary shares to Grimwood Davies Pty Ltd in satisfaction of a drilling
program. The value ascribed to this issue is $451,000.



for the 6 months ended 31 December 2002

                                                                               Consolidated              Consolidated
                                                                                31 December                 30 June
                                                                                   2002                      2002
                                                                                   $'000                     $'000

Note 9  -  Interest bearing liabilities
  - lease liability (a)                                                                  2,561               3,072
  - HP liability                                                                         1,284               1,285
  - other loans (b)                                                                      8,000               1,500
  - convertible notes (c)                                                                -                   7,069
                                                                                        11,845              12,926
  - HP liability                                                                        2,251               2,893
  - other loans (b)                                                                     4,000               6,500
                                                                                        6,251               9,393

  (a)      Secured by a fixed charge over the item of plant and equipment purchased by the funds advanced.  The lease
  liability is payable monthly with the last payment due in November 2004 however the entire liability is disclosed as a
  current liability as it relates to one of the assets held for resale which is disclosed as a current asset.

  (b)  On 8 January 2002, Resource Capital Fund II L.P. ("RCF") and the Company, Silkwest Holdings Pty Ltd and St 
  Pastoral Co. Pty Ltd entered into a financing facility of A$20 million ("RCF Facility").  Each of these companies have
  entered into deeds of fixed and floating charges with RCF to secure their obligations under the RCF Facility.  In
  addition, the Company granted RCF a share mortgage.  Silkwest Holdings Pty Ltd and St Barbara Pastoral Co. Pty Ltd 
  entered into deeds of guarantee and indemnity with RCF.

  The security provided to RCF constitutes a  first ranking security to RCF over any assets of the consolidated entity
  acquired by utilising funds drawn down under the RCF Facility and a second ranking charge over the consolidated entity
  assets generally.  This second ranking security is subordinated to the existing Macquarie Bank Limited security under 
  deed of priority.

  The RCF Facility was modified and extended on 10 September 2002 such that the facility of A$20 million was reduced to
  A$12 million on 1 January 2003. An extension fee of $390,000 was paid in cash and shares.

  The $8 million of the RCF Facility is repayable on 31 July 2003 with the balance of $4 million repayable on 1 January
  2004 or at a later date agreed to by the parties.  Should the proposed Defiance merger not be completed by 31 May 
  RCF have the right to review the timing of the $4 million repayment. Interest of 10 per cent per annum calculated 
  pursuant to the RCF Facility is payable on 31 July 2003.

  The RCF Facility provides RCF with an entitlement to be issued options.  The Company must, at the end of each quarter
  during the term, issue options to RCF calculated with reference to the funding portion which remains outstanding on
  each day.  The term of each option will be 48 months from the date of issue.  The options issued under the RCF 
  are not listed for trading on ASX.

  (c)   The convertible notes were issued to Perpetual Trustees Nominees Limited as trustee of the Golden Arrow Fund
  (GAF) and were secured by way of a fixed and floating charge over substantially all of the assets and undertakings of
  Taipan Resources NL.  The convertible notes each bear interest at 10% per annum compounded monthly.  St Barbara Mines
  Limited provided the funds to redeem the convertible notes in full on 29 November 2002.



for the 6 months ended 31 December 2002

Note 10  -  Contingent Liabilities

There have been  no changes to Contingent Liabilities disclosed since the Annual
Report for the year ended 30 June 2002.

Note 11  -  Earnings Per Share

                                                                              Consolidated   Consolidated

                                                                            31 December      31 December

                                                                                  2002             2001

                                                                                 $'000            $'000

Basic earnings/(loss) per share - cents per share                               (6.332)           0.359

Weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the 6              348,075,834      214,693,287
months used in calculation of basic EPS

Diluted earnings per share has not been calculated as the exercise price of the
89,110,406 options on issue were above the market price at balance date.

Note 12  -  Events Subsequent to Balance Date

Since 31 December 2002 the following has occurred:

*         On 9 January 2003, the Company announced a proposed business
combination between the Company, Geomaque Explorations Ltd (which will include
Midas Gold plc) to create an international gold mining and exploration company
to be named Defiance Mining Corporation and incorporated in Canada.

*         On 3 February 2003, 15,000,000 fully paid ordinary shares at a price
of $0.11 per share were issued to raise $1.65 million (before issue expenses) to
assist in the acquisition of the Paddy's Flat area of interest. On 31 January
2003 the Company made the first payment for $1.4 million for the Paddy's Flat
acquisition with the remaining two payments of $1.5 million due 31 March 2003
and 30 April 2003.

*         On 20 February 2003, 5,600,000 fully paid ordinary shares at $0.11 per
share were issued to Yamatji Marlpa Barna Baba Maaja Aboriginal Corporation in
trust for Puutu Kunti Kurrama Pinikura  in relation to the Puutu Kunti Kurrama
Pinikura native title agreement.

*         On 20 February 2003, 1,000,000 unlisted options with an exercise price
of $0.11 and an expiry date of 31 December 2005 were issued to Resource Capital
Fund II LP in satisfaction of the corporate debt facility extension fee.

*         On 27 February 2003, the Company announced that it had entered into 2
agreements to raise $8.4 million by way of St Barbara issuing $2.8 million of
unsecured Convertible Notes and $5.6 million through an unsecured Convertible
Loan.  The funds raised will be used to fund the Paddys Flat acquisition and
general working capital.  The repayment date for the Convertible Notes and the
Convertible loan is 31 December 2007 and both facilities carry interest at 12%.

Other than the matters discussed above, there has not arisen in the interval
between the end of the financial year and the date of this report any item,
transaction or event of a material and unusual nature likely, in the opinion of
the directors of the Company, to affect significantly the operations of the
economic entity, the results of those operations, or the state of affairs of the
economic entity, in future financial years.


Half-year financial statements for the 6 months ended 31 December 2002


The Directors declare that the Financial Statements and notes set out on pages 5
to 14:

(a)     comply with Accounting Standards, the Corporations Regulations 2001 and
other mandatory professional reporting requirements, and

(b)          give a true and fair view of the consolidated entity's financial
position as at 31 December 2002 and of its performance, as represented by the
results of its operations and its cash flows, for the half-year ended on that

In the directors' opinion:

(a)     the financial statements and notes are in accordance with the
Corporations Act 2001; and

(b)     there are reasonable grounds to believe that St Barbara Mines Limited
will be able to pay its debts as and when they become due and payable.

This declaration is made in accordance with a resolution of directors.



Dated at Perth this 6th day of March 2003

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange