Registered Office: `Dare House' Parry's Corner, Chennai - 600 001.
Audited Financial Results for the year ended March 31, 2003

                                                  Rs.in  Crores

                                      Stand-alone Company  Consolidated

                        Un-audited               Audited        Audited
                           Quarter ended        Year ended       Year
                9 Months                                         ended
                  Dec.     March    March    March     March     March
                   31,      31,      31,       31,      31,       31, 
                  2002     2003     2002      2003     2002       2003
1.   Net Sales                                                          
/Income from                                                            
Gross of Excise                                                         
Duty             1040.21   304.31   341.92   1344.52   1506.56   1591.50

Excise Duty      (43.14)  (11.46)  (10.32)   (54.60)   (57.51)   (59.03)
from Operations                                                         
- Net of Excise                                                         
Duty              997.07   292.85   331.60   1289.92   1449.05   1532.47

2. Other Income    25.47     6.37     7.06     31.84     20.57     43.56

Total Income     1022.54   299.22   338.66   1321.76   1469.62   1576.03
3. Total
Expenditure :

a) (Accretion)/    
Decretion to
Stock              55.58  (59.66)  (30.03)    (4.08)     53.78   (23.19)

b) Consumption    
of Raw
Materials         340.45   139.73   141.82    480.18    495.80    822.82

c) Purchase of    
Goods for
resale            316.12   110.64    97.04    426.76    457.11    110.96

d) Staff cost      51.80    15.83    15.71     67.63     62.72    103.75

e) Other          
Expenditure       175.93    60.47    70.13    236.40    245.08    371.82

                  939.88   267.01   294.67   1206.89   1314.49   1386.16
4. Gross Profit    82.66    32.21    43.99    114.87    155.13    189.87
5. Interest                                                             
(Net)              26.76     6.06     9.18     32.82     52.78     47.65

Depreciation       33.76    11.26    11.19     45.02     43.69     61.89

7.   Profit        
before Taxation    22.14    14.89    23.62     37.03     58.66     80.33

8.   Provision                                                          
for Taxation

Current Tax         1.80     1.20     1.50      3.00      3.90     19.21
Deferred Tax        8.25   (1.05)     9.93      7.20     19.93     13.16
9. Net Profit      
after Taxation
(PAT) before
interest and
share of
from Associate
Companies          12.09    14.74    12.19     26.83     34.83     47.96

10. Share of                                                      
from Associate
Companies                                                         (0.28)

11. Minority                                                        
Interest                                                            6.06

12. Net Profit                                                     
after Taxation
(PAT) after
interest and
share of
from Associate
Companies                                                          41.62

13. Paid up        
Equity Share
value - Rs.10
per Equity
Share)             17.84    17.84    17.84     17.84     17.84     17.84

14. Reserves                                  
Reserve                                       370.95    356.20    458.56

15. Earnings       
per Share (EPS)
- Basic and
Diluted (Not
per Equity
Share)              6.77     8.26     6.83     15.03     19.48     23.32

16. Aggregate                               
of Non-promoter
Number of
Shares                                      10580103  10638379  10580103

% of                                            
Shareholding                                    59.3      59.6      59.3

1.   The above Audited Financial results for the year ended March 31,
2003 for the company and the Consolidated Financial Results of the
Company prepared as per the Accounting Standards AS-21, AS-23 & AS-27
with its Subsidiaries/Associates/Joint Ventures were approved by the
Board of Directors at their meeting held on May 12, 2003.

2.   Government of India has announced a revised policy on adhoc
concession to complex Fertilisers retrospectively  effective from April
01,2002. This has the effect of adversely impacting profits by Rs.14.73
crores for the year ended March 31,2003 and has been fully provided for.

3.   Details of dividend payable for the year on Equity
   Shares of Rs.10 each

                                   Per Share      %

         Proposed Dividend            6          60

4.a. During the year ended March 31, 2003, the company has incurred
Rs.3.82 crores towards Employees' Voluntary Retirement/Separation
Schemes. In line with the Income Tax Law, this will be amortised over a
period of five years as against the past practice of absorbing the cost
in the year of payment. Had the past practice been followed, the profit
for the year would have been lower by Rs.3.06 crores.

b.   Staff cost for the year ended March 31, 2003 includes amount
charged-off  against Employees' Voluntary Retirement/Separation scheme
payments amounting to Rs.0.76 Crore.

5.   The Board of Directors approved a restructuring proposal of
demerging its fetilisers and pesticides division into its subsidiary,
Coromandel Fertilisers Limited and amalgamating wholly owned
subsidiaries Parry & Company Limited and The Mofussil Warehouse and
Trading Company Limited, with EID Parry (India) Limited with effect from
1st April 2003.

6.        Previous year  figures have been regrouped wherever necessary.

                                                  On behalf of the Board
Chennai                                           M.V. Subbiah
May 12, 2003                                      Executive Chairman

  E.I.D.PARRY (INDIA )  LIMITED                                                         
         Segment Reporting under Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement with
            Stock Exchange for the Year ended 31st March, 2003          
                                    Quarter      Year ended         
                                      Mar       Mar      Mar       Mar
                                   31,2003   31,2002  31,2003   31,2002
                                   Rs.Crores Rs.CroresRs.Crores Rs.Crores
( Net Sales/Income
 from each Segment Gross
 of Excise)

 a.Farm Inputs                        183.70   184.55    735.56    838.68

 b.Sugar                               88.50   123.70    476.75    539.02

 c.Parryware                           34.15    31.15    141.87    129.41

 d.Bio-products                         3.92    10.37      8.87     16.59

 e.Others                               3.65     2.26     22.46     11.02

                        Sub-total     313.92   352.03   1385.51   1534.72

    Less : Intersegmental Revenue       3.24     3.05      9.15      7.59

      Net Sales                      
   /Income from
     Operations                       310.68   348.98   1376.36   1527.13
  Results ( Profit (+)/ Loss (-)
  before Tax and Interest from each segment )

 a.Farm Inputs                          2.37    12.85     19.84     44.87

 b.Sugar                               13.38    15.50     21.83     52.91

 c.Parryware                            4.20     3.36     16.97     10.44

 d.Bio-products                         1.19     3.90    (1.41)      2.52

                         Sub-total     21.14    35.61     57.23    110.74

 Less :                               
(i) Interest ( Net )                  (6.06)   (9.18)   (32.82)   (52.78)
 (ii) Other un-allocable expendit-    
     ure net of un- allocable income  (0.19)   (2.81)     12.62      0.70

 Total Profit Before Tax               14.89    23.62     37.03     58.66
(Segment Assets - Segment Liabilities)

 a.Farm Inputs                        235.06   214.52    235.06    214.52

 b.Sugar                              361.18   401.34    361.18    401.34

 c.Parryware                           79.86    86.12     79.86     86.12

 d.Bio-products                        36.25    41.81     36.25     41.81

 e.Others (Including Investments)     105.00   108.23    105.00    108.23

                         Total        817.35   852.02    817.35    852.02