BW20030602002106  20030602T152038Z UTC

( BW)(SONY-CORP.)(SON) Final Results - Part 4

    Business Editors

    TOKYO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 2, 2003--


During the year ended March 31, 2003, YEN7,665 million ($64 million)
of foreign currency translation adjustments was transferred from other
comprehensive income and charged to income as a result of the
liquidation of certain foreign subsidiaries.

17. Stock-based compensation plans

Sony has four types of stock-based compensation plans as incentive
plans for directors and selected employees.

(1) Warrant plan:

Upon issuance of unsecured bonds with detachable warrants which are
described in Note 12, Sony Corporation has purchased all of the
detachable warrants and distributed them to the directors and selected
employees of Sony. By exercising a warrant, directors and selected
employees can purchase the common stock or subsidiary tracking stock
of Sony Corporation, the number of which is designated by each plan.
The warrants generally vest ratably over a period of three years, and
are generally exercisable up to six years from the date of grant.

(2) Convertible Bond plan:

In April 2000, Sony adopted an equity-based compensation plan for
selected executives of Sony's United States of America subsidiaries
using U.S. dollar-denominated non-interest bearing convertible bonds
which have characteristics similar to that of an option plan. Each
convertible bond can be converted into 100 shares of the common stock
of Sony Corporation at an exercise price based on the prevailing
market rate shortly before the date of grant. The convertible bonds
vest ratably over a three-year period and are exercisable up to ten
years from the date of grant. As the convertible bonds were issued in
exchange for a non-interest bearing employee loan, no accounting
recognition was given to either the convertible bonds or the employee
loans in Sony's consolidated balance sheet as a right of offset exists
between the convertible bonds and the employee loans.

(3) Stock Acquisition Rights:

During the year ended March 31, 2003, Sony adopted an equity-based
compensation plan that issues common stock acquisition rights for the
purpose of granting stock options to the directors and selected
employees of Sony, and subsidiary tracking stock acquisition rights
for the purpose of granting stock options to the directors and
selected employees of Sony Communication Network Corporation, pursuant
to the Commercial Code of Japan. The stock acquisition rights
generally vest ratably over a three-year period and are exercisable up
to ten years from the date of grant.

Presented below is a summary of the activity for common stock warrant,
convertible bond and stock acquisition rights plans for the years

                                              Year ended March 31
                                 2001                 2002                               2003
                  -------------------- -------------------- ----------------------------------
                             Weighted-            Weighted-            Weighted-   Weighted-
                              average              average              average     average
                  Number of  exercise  Number of  exercise  Number of  exercise    exercise
                    Shares     price     Shares     price     Shares     price       price
                  ---------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- --------- -------------
                                Yen                  Yen                  Yen       Dollars
                             ---------            ---------            --------- -------------
Outstanding at
 beginning of year1,531,573  YEN6,456  2,800,270  YEN9,911  5,853,892  YEN8,648        $72.07
Granted           1,420,900    12,788  3,397,300     6,877  3,874,100     5,313         44.28
Exercised          (111,103)    5,341     (8,294)    6,264
Forfeited           (41,100)   12,544   (335,384)    6,384    (87,100)    8,306         69.22
                  ----------           ----------           ----------

Outstanding at end
 of year          2,800,270  YEN9,911  5,853,892  YEN8,648  9,640,892  YEN7,832        $65.27
                  ==========           ==========           ==========

Exercisable at end
of year             825,265  YEN6,332  2,082,640  YEN8,127  4,314,292  YEN9,773        $81.44

A summary of common stock warrants, convertible bond options and stock
acquisition rights outstanding and exercisable at March 31, 2003 is as

                               Outstanding                             Exercisable
                ------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------
                           Weighted- Weighted-  Weighted-              Weighted-   Weighted-
                            average   average    average                average     average
Exercise price  Number of  exercise  exercise  remaining    Number of  exercise    exercise
     range        Shares     price     price       life       Shares     price       price
--------------- ---------- --------- --------- -----------  ---------- --------- -------------
      Yen                     Yen     Dollars     Years                   Yen       Dollars
---------------            --------- --------- -----------             --------- -------------

YEN4,38810,000 8,277,792  YEN6,948    $57.90        7.57   3,358,792  YEN8,774        $73.12
 10,00114,757  1,363,100    13,201    110.01        4.71     955,500    13,282        110.68
                ----------                                  ----------

YEN4,38814,757 9,640,892  YEN7,832    $65.27        7.17   4,314,292  YEN9,773        $81.44
                ==========                                  ==========

A summary of subsidiary tracking stock warrants and stock acquisition
rights outstanding and exercisable at March 31, 2003 is as follows:

                               Outstanding                             Exercisable
               -------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------
                         Weighted-  Weighted-   Weighted-             Weighted-    Weighted-
               Number     average    average     average    Number     average      average
Exercise price    of     exercise   exercise   remaining       of     exercise     exercise
     range      Shares     price      price        life      Shares     price        price
-------------- --------  ---------  ---------  -----------  --------  ---------  -------------
     Yen                    Yen      Dollars      Years                  Yen        Dollars
-------------- --------  ---------  ---------  -----------  --------  ---------  -------------

YEN1,0083,300  90,500   YEN2,148     $17.90         7.77    14,850   YEN3,300         $27.50

As the exercise prices for the warrant, convertible bond and stock
acquisition rights plans were determined based on the prevailing
market price shortly before the date of grant, the compensation
expense for these plans were not significant for the years ended March
31, 2001, 2002 and 2003, respectively.

The weighted-average fair value per share at the date of grant for
common stock warrants, convertible bond options and stock acquisition
rights granted during the years ended March 31, 2001, 2002 and 2003
was YEN4,111, YEN2,554 and YEN1,707 ($14.23), respectively. The fair
value of common stock warrants, convertible bond options and stock
acquisition rights granted on the date of grant, which is amortized to
expense over the vesting period in determining the pro forma impact,
is estimated using the Black-Scholes option-pricing model with the
following weighted-average assumptions:

                                    Year ended March 31
 assumptions                     2001         2002          2003
                           -----------  -----------  ------------

Risk-free interest rate     2.68     %   2.58     %   1.73      %
Expected lives              3.26 years   3.28 years   3.30 years
Expected volatility        44.07     %  50.81     %  44.54      %
Expected dividend           0.21     %   0.40     %   0.49      %

(4) SAR plan:

Sony grants stock appreciations rights ("SARs") in Japan, Europe and
the United States of America for selected employees. Under the terms
of these plans, employees on exercise receive cash equal to the amount
that the market price of Sony Corporation's common stock exceeds the
strike price of the SARs. The SARs generally vest ratably over a
period of three years, and are generally exercisable up to six to ten
years from the date of grant. Sony holds treasury stock for the SAR
plan in Japan to minimize cash flow exposure associated with the SARs.
In addition, Sony uses various strategies to minimize the compensation
expense associated with the SAR plans in the United States of America
and Europe.

In December 2001, Sony granted options under its convertible bond plan
to certain employees in exchange for the employees agreeing to cancel
an equal number of outstanding SARs. Under FASB Interpretation No. 44
"Accounting for Certain Transactions Involving Stock Compensation - an
interpretation of APB Opinion No. 25", no compensation charge was
recorded as the number and terms of the new options under the
convertible bond plan were substantially the same as the SARs that
were cancelled.

The status of the SAR plans is summarized as follows:

                                              Year ended March 31
                                 2001                  2002                              2003
                  -------------------- --------------------- ---------------------------------
                             Weighted-             Weighted-            Weighted-  Weighted-
                              average               average              average    average
                  Number of  exercise  Number of   exercise  Number of  exercise    exercise
                     SARs      price       SARs      price      SARs      price      price
                  ---------- --------- ----------- --------- ---------- --------- ------------
                                Yen                   Yen                  Yen      Dollars
                             ---------             ---------            --------- ------------
Outstanding at
 beginning of year4,046,490  YEN5,443   3,565,246  YEN6,218  2,410,394  YEN6,644       $55.37
Granted             154,700     9,801     141,525     7,813     28,750     6,323        52.69
Exercised          (588,092)    5,198     (91,330)    5,862    (11,800)    5,727        47.73
Cancelled                            (1,192,672)    5,951
Expired or
 forfeited          (47,852)    5,869     (12,375)    8,520    (84,316)    7,274        60.62
                  ----------           -----------           ----------

Outstanding at end
 of year          3,565,246  YEN6,218   2,410,394  YEN6,644  2,343,028  YEN6,341       $52.84
                  ==========           ===========           ==========

Exercisable at end
of year           1,397,216  YEN5,966   1,864,928  YEN6,282  2,176,319  YEN6,211       $51.76

A summary of SARs outstanding and exercisable at March 31, 2003 is as

                               Outstanding                             Exercisable
                ------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------
                           Weighted- Weighted-  Weighted-              Weighted-   Weighted-
                            average   average    average                average     average
Exercise price  Number of  exercise  exercise  remaining    Number of  exercise    exercise
     range         SARs      price     price       life        SARs      price       price
--------------- ---------- --------- --------- -----------  ---------- --------- -------------
      Yen                     Yen     Dollars     Years                   Yen       Dollars
---------------            --------- --------- -----------             --------- -------------

YEN3,6155,000    242,534  YEN4,455    $37.12        1.79     241,601  YEN4,455        $37.13
 5,00110,000   2,046,369     6,393     53.28        2.17   1,896,036     6,298         52.48
 10,00115,000     54,125    12,823    106.86        6.56      38,682    12,940        107.83
                ----------                                  ----------

YEN3,61515,000 2,343,028  YEN6,341    $52.84        2.23   2,176,319  YEN6,211        $51.76
                ==========                                  ==========

In accordance with APB No. 25 and its related interpretations, the
SARs compensation expense is measured as the excess of the quoted
market price of Sony Corporation's common stock over the SARs strike
price, which is consistent with the accounting treatment prescribed
for SAR plans in FAS No. 123. For the years ended March 31, 2001, 2002
and 2003, Sony recognized a reduction in SARs compensation expense of
YEN5,587 million, YEN4,748 million and YEN670 million ($6 million),
respectively, due to the decline in Sony's stock price during the

18. Restructuring charges and asset impairments

As part of its effort to improve the performance of the various
businesses, Sony has undertaken a number of restructuring initiatives
within the Electronics, Music and Pictures businesses. For the years
ended March 31, 2001, 2002 and 2003, Sony recorded total restructuring
charges of YEN34,718 million, YEN106,974 million and YEN106,251
million ($885 million), respectively. Significant restructuring
charges and asset impairments include the following:

Electronics Segment

In an effort to improve the performance of the Electronics segment,
Sony has undergone a number of restructuring efforts to reduce its
operating costs. For the years ended March 31, 2001, 2002 and 2003,
Sony recorded total restructuring charges of YEN20,620 million,
YEN86,852 million and YEN72,473 million ($604 million), respectively,
within the Electronics segment. Significant restructuring activities
are the following:

Shutdown of computer display CRT operations -

In the year ended March 31, 2002, as flat panel monitors became more
popular in the marketplace, the demand for computer display CRTs was
drastically reduced. In this situation, Sony decided to abandon
certain manufacturing equipments for computer display CRTs mainly in
the U.S. in the second quarter of the year ended March 31, 2002.
Restructuring charges totaling YEN19,639 million consisted of non-cash
equipment write-downs of YEN6,261 million, costs related to the
buy-out and cancellation of operating leases totaling YEN11,264
million and other costs related to the disposal of equipment of
YEN2,114 million. Of the total restructuring charges recorded, YEN946
million was recorded in cost of sales and YEN18,693 million was
included in selling, general and administrative expense in the
consolidated statements of income. The restructuring activity was
completed in the year ended March 31, 2003, and all reserve balances
were fully utilized as of March 31, 2003.

In the year ended March 31, 2003, due to further market shrinkage and
demand shift from CRT displays to LCDs, Sony made a decision to
discontinue certain computer display CRT manufacturing operations in
Japan and Southeast Asia to rationalize production facilities and
downsize its business. Restructuring charges totaling YEN6,902 million
($58 million) consisted of personnel related costs of YEN1,208 million
($10 million), non-cash equipment write-downs of YEN4,010 million ($34
million) and contract termination and other costs of YEN1,684 million
($14 million). Of the total restructuring charges, YEN1,264 million
($11 million) was recorded in cost of sales and YEN5,638 million ($47
million) was included in selling, general and administrative expense
in the consolidated statements of income. The remaining reserve
balance as of March 31, 2003 was YEN383 million ($3 million) and will
be utilized in the year ending March 31, 2004.

Aiwa Co. Ltd. restructuring -

In the year ended March 31, 2002, in response to a decline in
performance of Aiwa Co., Ltd., and its subsidiaries ("Aiwa"), Aiwa
underwent a drastic restructuring program to eliminate the causes of
this downward trend and to return to be profitable. Aiwa recorded
restructuring charges totaling YEN25,484 million in the year ended
March 31, 2002, which included a reduction of unprofitable product
lines, plant closures and a reduction of the work forces. These
charges consisted of non-cash equipment write-downs of YEN10,244
million, personnel related costs of YEN8,209 million, and other costs
of YEN7,031 million including the devaluation of inventory. Among
these charges YEN5,734 million was recorded in cost of sales and
YEN19,750 million was included in selling, general and administrative
expense in the consolidated statements of income. Aiwa eliminated its
employees from various employee levels, business functions, operating
units and geographic regions.

Due to the continued decline in the operating results of Aiwa, the
restructuring program that was initiated in the year ended March 31,
2002 was accelerated and additional restructuring charges of YEN23,007
million ($192 million) were recorded in the year ended March 31, 2003.
Additional restructuring included further cuts in staffing levels and
shutdown of remaining production facilities. These charges consisted
of non-cash equipment write-downs of YEN3,504 million ($29 million),
personnel related costs of YEN7,647 million ($64 million), devaluation
of inventory of YEN6,144 million ($51 million), operating lease
termination costs of YEN3,823 million ($32 million) and other costs of
YEN1,889 million ($16 million). Among these charges YEN13,791 million
($115 million) was recorded in cost of sales and YEN9,216 million ($77
million) was included in selling, general and administrative expense
in the consolidated statements of income. The restructuring program
was completed in the year ended March 31, 2003 and no reserve existed
as of March 31, 2003. Aiwa Co., Ltd. was merged into Sony Corporation
as of December 1, 2002. No further costs are expected to be incurred
for the Aiwa restructuring.

Closing of a semiconductor plant in the U.S. -

Due to a significant decline in the business conditions of the U.S.
semiconductor industry, Sony made a decision in the fourth quarter of
the year ended March 31, 2003, to close a semiconductor plant in the
U.S. The total estimated cost of the restructuring program is YEN8,148
million ($68 million), of which YEN5,856 million ($49 million) was
incurred through March 31, 2003. These restructuring charges consisted
of accelerated depreciation of equipments of YEN3,128 million ($26
million), personnel related costs of YEN1,329 million ($11 million),
the devaluation of inventory and other costs of YEN1,399 million ($12
million). These charges were all recorded in cost of sales in the
consolidated statements of income. This restructuring activity is
expected to complete in the year ending March 31, 2004. The remaining
reserve balance as of March 31, 2003 was YEN1,452 million ($12

Early retirement program in Japan -

In addition to the restructuring efforts disclosed above, Sony has
undergone several headcount reduction programs to further reduce
operating costs in the Electronics segment. As a result of these
programs, Sony recorded restructuring charges totaling YEN14,440
million, YEN12,252 million and YEN10,932 million ($91 million) for the
years ended March 31, 2001, 2002 and 2003, respectively, and these
charges were included in selling, general and administrative expense
in the consolidated statements of income. These staff reductions were
achieved through the implementation of early retirement programs in
Japan. The remaining reserve balance as of March 31, 2003 was YEN1,009
million ($8 million) and will be utilized through the year ending
March 31, 2004.

Music Segment

Due to the continued contraction of the worldwide music market due to
slow worldwide economic growth, the saturation of the CD market, the
effects of piracy and other illegal duplication, parallel imports,
pricing pressures and the diversification of customer preferences,
Sony has been actively repositioning the Music segment for the future
by looking to create a more effective and profitable business model.
As a result, the Music segment has undergone a worldwide restructuring
program to reduce staffing and other costs through the consolidation
and rationalization of facilities worldwide. For the years ended March
31, 2001, 2002 and 2003, Sony recorded total restructuring charges of
YEN7,908 million, YEN8,599 million and YEN22,350 million ($186
million), respectively, within the Music segment. The total estimated
costs of the worldwide restructuring program are YEN43,371 million
($361 million), of which YEN38,857 million ($324 million) was incurred
through March 31, 2003. At March 31, 2003, the remaining reserve
balance was YEN11,522 million ($96 million). This reserve balance will
be utilized over the next two to three years, with most of the
payments being made during the year ending March 31, 2004. The
worldwide restructuring program is expected to complete by the year
ending March 31, 2006. Significant restructuring activities included
the following:

In the year ended March 31, 2001, the Music segment initiated its
worldwide restructuring program with the shutdown of a CD and audio
cassette manufacturing plant in the U.S., as part of its effort to
consolidate manufacturing operations, and staff reductions in other
areas. As a result, Sony recorded restructuring charges totaling
YEN7,908 million in the year ended March 31, 2001. The restructuring
charges consisted of personnel related costs of YEN3,540 million,
non-cash asset write-downs of YEN3,160 million and other costs of
YEN1,208 million including lease termination costs. Of the total
restructuring charges, YEN779 million was recorded in cost of sales
and YEN7,129 million was included in selling, general and
administrative expense in the consolidated statements of income.

In the year ended March 31, 2002, Sony recorded additional
restructuring charges totaling YEN8,599 million. Restructuring
activities included the rationalization of digital media initiative
and portfolio investment businesses in order to focus on core music
activities and staff reductions. Charges incurred in the year ended
March 31, 2002 consisted of personnel related costs of YEN5,100
million, non-cash asset write-downs of YEN787 million, and other costs
of YEN2,712 million including lease termination costs. These charges
were included in selling, general and administrative expense in the
consolidated statements of income.

In the year ended March 31, 2003, restructuring charges related to the
worldwide restructuring of the Music segment totaled YEN22,350 million
($186 million). Restructuring activities included the further
consolidation of operations through the shutdown of a cassette and CD
manufacturing and distribution center in Holland and a second CD
manufacturing facility in the U.S. as well as further staff reductions
in other areas. The restructuring charges consisted of personnel
related costs of YEN14,932 million ($124 million), non-cash asset
write-downs of YEN3,256 million ($27 million) and other costs of YEN
4,162 million ($35 million) including lease termination costs. These
charges were included in selling, general and administrative expense
in the consolidated statements of income. Employees were eliminated
across various employee levels, business functions, operating units,
and geographic regions during this phase of the worldwide
restructuring program.

Pictures Segment

Due to changes within the television production and distribution
business, the competition to obtain customers between the major
television networks and other production and distribution companies is
becoming more intense. This competitive environment has resulted in
fewer opportunities to produce shows for the networks and a shorter
lifespan for ordered shows that do not immediately achieve favorable
ratings. Consistent with this trend, Sony has seen an increase in the
number of new programs being distributed yet canceled in their first
or second season and that are generally less profitable, and a
decrease in the number of network programs that are able to achieve
syndication and that are generally more profitable. As a result, in
the year ended March 31, 2002, Sony decided to consolidate its
television operations and downsize the network television production
business in the Pictures segment. Sony recorded restructuring charges
totaling YEN8,452 million which consisted of personnel related costs
of YEN1,753 million, non-cash asset write-downs of YEN1,767 million,
and other costs of YEN4,932 million including those relating to the
buy-out of term deal commitments. These restructuring charges were all
recorded in cost of sales in the consolidated statements of income. In
the year ended March 31, 2003, additional restructuring charges
totaling YEN480 million ($4 million) were recorded. These costs were
included in cost of sales in the consolidated statements of income.
The remaining reserve balance as of March 31, 2003 was YEN947 million
($8 million). The restructuring plan is expected to complete by the
second quarter of the year ending March 31, 2005 and all reserves will
be utilized over the next two years.

The following table displays the balance of the accrued restructuring
charges recorded for the years ended March 31, 2001, 2002 and 2003.

                                                   Yen in millions
                          Employee         Non-cash          Other
                        termination        write-down       associated           Total
                          benefits                           costs
                        -------------    -------------    -------------    ------------------

Balance at March 31,
 2000                           YEN58               -          YEN2,131              YEN2,189

 Restructuring costs          19,200         YEN14,070           1,448                34,718
 Non-cash charges                  -          (14,070)               -               (14,070)
 Cash payments               (18,142)               -           (2,617)              (20,759)
 Adjustments                     145                -              126                   271

                        -------------    -------------    -------------    ------------------
Balance at March 31,
 2001                          1,261                -            1,088                 2,349

 Restructuring costs          38,123           39,598           29,253               106,974
 Non-cash charges                  -          (39,598)               -               (39,598)
 Cash payments               (33,291)               -          (16,907)              (50,198)
 Adjustments                     150                -              203                   353

                        -------------    -------------    -------------    ------------------
Balance at March 31,
 2002                          6,243                -           13,637                19,880

 Restructuring costs          46,953           42,768           16,530               106,251
 Non-cash charges                  -          (42,240)               -               (42,240)
 Cash payments               (38,548)               -          (23,172)              (61,720)
 Adjustments                     136             (528)          (1,208)               (1,600)

                        -------------    -------------    -------------    ------------------
Balance at March 31,
 2003                       YEN14,784               -          YEN5,787             YEN20,571
                        =============    =============    =============    ==================

                                                 Dollars in millions
                          Employee         Non-cash          Other
                         termination       write-down       associated           Total
                          benefits                           costs
                        -------------    -------------    -------------    ------------------
Balance at March 31,
 2002                            $52                -             $113                  $165

 Restructuring costs             391             $356              138                   885
 Non-cash charges                  -             (352)               -                  (352)
 Cash payments                  (321)               -             (193)                 (514)
 Adjustments                       1               (4)             (10)                  (13)

                        -------------    -------------    -------------    ------------------
Balance at March 31,
 2003                           $123                -              $48                  $171
                        =============    =============    =============    ==================

19. Research and development costs, advertising costs and shipping and
handling costs

(1) Research and development costs:

Research and development costs charged to cost of sales for the years
ended March 31, 2001, 2002 and 2003 were YEN416,708 million,
YEN433,214 million and YEN443,128 million ($3,693 million),

(2) Advertising costs:

Advertising costs included in selling, general and administrative
expenses for the years ended March 31, 2001, 2002 and 2003 were
YEN389,359 million, YEN401,960 million and YEN442,741 million ($3,690
million), respectively.

(3) Shipping and handling costs:

Shipping and handling costs for finished goods included in selling,
general and administrative expenses for the years ended March 31,
2001, 2002 and 2003 were YEN104,155 million, YEN98,800 million and
YEN98,195 million ($818 million), respectively, which included the
internal transfer costs of finished goods.

20. Gain on issuances of stock by equity investees

In August 2000, Monex Inc., which provides on-line security trading
services in Japan, issued 150,000 shares at YEN41,850 per share valued
at YEN6,278 million in connection with its initial public offering. As
a result of this issuance, Sony recorded a gain of YEN1,900 million
and provided deferred taxes on this gain. This issuance reduced Sony's
ownership interest from 36.6% to 32.8%.

In August 2000, Crosswave Communications Inc., which provides
high-capacity/high-speed network services in Japan, issued 101,960
shares at YEN304,360 per share valued at YEN28,958 million after the
deduction of stock issue costs in connection with its initial public
offering. As a result of this issuance, Sony recorded a gain of
YEN6,406 million and provided deferred taxes on this gain. This
issuance reduced Sony's ownership interest from 30.0% to 23.9%.

In October 2000, SKY Perfect Communications Inc., which provides
satellite broadcasting services in Japan, issued 400,000 shares at
YEN304,000 per share valued at YEN121,600 million in connection with
its initial public offering. In connection with this issuance, Sony
recorded a gain of YEN9,551 million and provided deferred taxes on
this gain. This issuance reduced Sony's ownership interest from 9.9%
to 8.1%. As a result of this transaction, SKY Perfect Communications
Inc. is no longer accounted for under the equity method, as Sony no
longer has significant influence.

In addition to the above transactions, for the year ended March 31,
2001, Sony recognized YEN173 million of other gains on issuances of
stock by equity investees resulting in total gains of YEN18,030
million. Total gains on issuances of stock by equity investees were
YEN503 million for the year ended March 31, 2002. There were no gains
on issuances of stock for equity investees for the year ended March
31, 2003. These gains resulted from stock issued by equity investees
or otherwise. These transactions were not part of a broader corporate
reorganization and the reacquisition of such shares was not
contemplated at the time of issuance.

21. Income taxes

Income before income taxes and income tax expense comprise the

                                                                               Dollars in
                                                    Yen in millions              millions
                                          -----------------------------------  -----------
                                                                               Year ended
                                                  Year ended March 31           March 31,
                                               2001         2002        2003         2003
                                          ----------  ----------- -----------  -----------

Income (loss) before income taxes:
  Sony Corporation and subsidiaries in
   Japan                                  YEN158,987  YEN(5,103)  YEN(7,998)         $(67)
  Foreign subsidiaries                      106,881       97,878     255,619        2,131
                                          ----------  ----------- -----------  -----------

                                          YEN265,868  YEN92,775   YEN247,621       $2,064
                                          ==========  =========== ===========  ===========

Income taxes - Current:
  Sony Corporation and subsidiaries in
   Japan                                  YEN89,708   YEN55,641   YEN69,311          $578
  Foreign subsidiaries                       31,405       59,289     109,536          913
                                          ----------  ----------- -----------  -----------

                                          YEN121,113  YEN114,930  YEN178,847       $1,491
                                          ==========  =========== ===========  ===========

Income taxes - Deferred:
  Sony Corporation and subsidiaries in
   Japan                                  YEN(106)    YEN(46,082) YEN(90,016)       $(750)
  Foreign subsidiaries                       (5,473)      (3,637)     (8,000)         (67)
                                          ----------  ----------- -----------  -----------

                                          YEN(5,579)  YEN(49,719) YEN(98,016)       $(817)
                                          ==========  =========== ===========  ===========

Sony is subjected to a number of different income taxes. Due to
changes in Japanese income tax regulations, a consolidated tax filing
system was introduced on April 1, 2002. Sony applied to file its
return under the consolidated tax filing system beginning with the
year ending March 31, 2004. Under the Japanese consolidated tax filing
system, a 2% surtax will be imposed only for the year ending March 31,
2004. As a result, the statutory tax rate will be approximately 44%
for the year ending March 31, 2004.

For the year ending March 31, 2005, a corporation size-based
enterprise tax will be introduced which will supersede the current
enterprise tax. As a result, the statutory tax rate for the year
ending March 31, 2005 will be approximately 41% effective April 1,
2004. The respective newly enacted rates were used in calculating the
future expected tax effects of temporary differences as of March 31,
2003. The effect of the changes in the tax rates on the balance of
deferred tax assets and liabilities was insignificant.

Reconciliation of the differences between the statutory tax rate and
the effective income tax rate is as follows:

                                                         Year ended March 31
                                                      2001         2002          2003
                                                -----------  -----------  ------------

Statutory tax rate                                    42.0%        42.0%         42.0%

Increase (reduction) in taxes resulting from:
  Income tax credits                                  (1.7)        (2.1)         (1.9)
  Change in valuation allowances                      14.2         55.5           5.5
  Decrease in deferred tax liabilities on
   undistributed earnings of foreign
    subsidiaries                                      (6.5)       (21.6)        (14.8)
  Reversal of foreign tax reserves                       -         (6.5)            -
  Other                                               (4.5)         3.0           1.8
                                                -----------  -----------  ------------

Effective income tax rate                             43.5%        70.3%         32.6%
                                                ===========  ===========  ============

The significant components of deferred tax assets and liabilities are
as follows:

                                                                         Dollars in
                                                   Yen in millions         millions
                                              -------------------------  -----------
                                                      March 31            March 31,
                                                    2002          2003         2003
                                              -----------  ------------  -----------

Deferred tax assets:
  Accrued pension and severance costs         YEN125,745   YEN213,284        $1,777
  Operating loss carryforwards for tax
   purposes                                      155,979       130,473        1,087
  Warranty reserve and accrued expenses           59,979        64,094          534
  Future insurance policy benefits                28,552        34,734          289
  Inventory - intercompany profits and
   write-down                                     41,294        34,423          287
  Film costs                                      41,917        33,907          283
  Tax credit carryforwards                        16,004        33,762          281
  Accrued bonus                                   31,060        32,694          272
  Reserve for doubtful accounts                   16,401        20,256          169
  Depreciations                                   19,067        15,724          131
  Other                                          134,373       119,671          998
                                              -----------  ------------  -----------
       Gross deferred tax assets                 670,371       733,022        6,108
       Less:  Valuation allowance               (252,208)     (116,068)        (967)
                                              -----------  ------------  -----------
       Total deferred tax assets                 418,163       616,954        5,141
                                              -----------  ------------  -----------

Deferred tax liabilities:
  Insurance acquisition costs                   (111,570)     (118,689)        (989)
  Undistributed earnings of foreign
   subsidiaries                                  (72,713)      (46,449)        (387)
  Intangible assets acquired through
   exchange offerings                            (40,580)      (38,882)        (324)
  Gain on securities contribution to
retirement benefit trust                         (29,313)      (17,438)        (145)
  Unrealized gains on securities                 (21,487)      (11,672)         (97)
  Other                                          (55,169)      (81,374)        (679)
                                              -----------  ------------  -----------
       Gross deferred tax liabilities           (330,832)     (314,504)      (2,621)
                                              -----------  ------------  -----------

Net deferred tax assets                       YEN87,331    YEN302,450        $2,520
                                              ===========  ============  ===========

The valuation allowance mainly relates to deferred tax assets of Sony
Corporation and certain consolidated subsidiaries with operating loss
carryforwards and tax credit carryforwards for tax purposes that are
not expected to be realized. The net changes in the total valuation
allowance were increases of YEN86,422 million and YEN53,595 million
for the years ended March 31, 2001 and 2002, respectively, and a
decrease of YEN136,140 million ($1,135 million) for the year ended
March 31,2003.

As discussed in Note 10, YEN 33,525 million ($279 million) of the
decrease in the valuation allowance relates to the realization of tax
benefits from operating loss carryforwards that were acquired in
connection with Sony's acquisition of companies within the
Electronics, Music and Pictures businesses. The reversal of the
valuation allowance upon realization of tax benefit from operating
loss carryforwards resulted in the reduction of goodwill.

During the year ended March 31, 2003, approximately YEN19,000 million
($158 million) of tax benefits have been realized through utilization
of operating loss carryforwards.

Net deferred tax assets are included in the consolidated balance
sheets as follows:

                                                                      Dollars in
                                                Yen in millions         millions
                                           -------------------------  -----------
                                                   March 31            March 31,
                                                 2002          2003         2003
                                           -----------  ------------  -----------

Current assets - Deferred income taxes     YEN134,299   YEN143,999        $1,200
Other assets - Deferred income taxes          120,168       328,091        2,734
Current liabilities - Other                    (7,563)      (10,561)         (88)
Long-term liabilities - Deferred income
 taxes                                       (159,573)     (159,079)      (1,326)
                                           -----------  ------------  -----------

         Net deferred tax assets           YEN87,331    YEN302,450        $2,520
                                           ===========  ============  ===========

At March 31, 2003, no deferred income taxes have been provided on
undistributed earnings of foreign subsidiaries not expected to be
remitted in the foreseeable future totaling YEN813,923 million ($6,783
million), and on the gain of YEN61,544 million on a subsidiary's sale
of stock arising from the issuance of common stock of Sony Music
Entertainment (Japan) Inc. in a public offering to third parties in
November 1991, as Sony does not anticipate any significant tax
consequences on possible future disposition of its investment based on
its tax planning strategies. The unrecognized deferred tax liabilities
as of March 31, 2003 for such temporary differences amounted to
YEN200,103 million ($1,668 million).

Operating loss carryforwards for tax purposes of Sony Corporation and
certain consolidated subsidiaries at March 31, 2003 amounted to
YEN304,634 million ($2,539 million) and are available as an offset
against future taxable income. With the exception of YEN64,315 million
($536 million) with no expiration period, total available operating
loss carryforwards expire at various dates primarily up to 6 years.
Tax credit carryforwards for tax purposes at March 31, 2003 amounted
to YEN33,762 million ($281 million). With the exception of YEN9,969
million ($83 million) with no expiration period, total available tax
credit carryforwards expire at various dates primarily up to 10 years.
Realization is dependent on such companies generating sufficient
taxable income prior to expiration of the loss carryforwards and tax
credit carryforwards. Although realization is not assured, management
believes it is more likely than not that all of the deferred tax
assets, less valuation allowance, will be realized. The amount of such
net deferred tax assets considered realizable, however, could be
changed in the near term if estimates of future taxable income during
the carryforward period are changed.

22. Reconciliation of the differences between basic and diluted net
income per share ("EPS")

(1) Income before cumulative effect of accounting changes and net
income allocated to each class of stock:

                                                                                    Year ended
                                                 Year ended March 31                 March 31,
                                            2001           2002             2003          2003
                                    -------------  -------------  ---------------   -----------
                                                   Yen in millions                  in millions
                                    ---------------------------------------------   -----------
Income before cumulative effect of
    accounting changes allocated to
    common stock                       YEN121,227       YEN9,381       YEN115,648         $964
Income before cumulative effect of
    accounting changes allocated to
    subsidiary tracking stock                  -            (49)            (129)           (1)
                                    -------------  -------------  ---------------   -----------
Income before cumulative effect of
    accounting changes                 YEN121,227       YEN9,332       YEN115,519         $963
                                    =============  -------------  ===============   ===========

Net income allocated to the
    common stock                        YEN16,754      YEN15,359       YEN115,648         $964
Net income allocated to the
    subsidiary tracking stock                  -            (49)            (129)           (1)
                                    -------------  -------------  ---------------   -----------
Net income                              YEN16,754      YEN15,310       YEN115,519         $963
                                    =============  =============  ===============   ===========

As discussed in Note 2, the earnings allocated to the subsidiary
tracking stock are determined based on the subsidiary tracking stock
holders' economic interest.

The statutory retained earnings of SCN (the subsidiary tracking stock
entity as discussed in Note 16) available for dividends to the
shareholders were YEN209 million as of March 31, 2002, which decreased
by YEN374 million during the year ended March 31, 2002.

The accumulated losses of SCN were YEN779 million ($6 million) as of
March 31, 2003. The accumulated losses increased by YEN989 million ($8
million) during the year ended March 31, 2003.

(2) EPS attributable to common stock:

   Basic and diluted EPS as well as the number of shares in the
following table have been adjusted to reflect the two-for-one stock
split that was completed on May 19, 2000. Reconciliation of the
differences between basic and diluted EPS for the years ended March
31, 2001, 2002 and 2003 is as follows:

                                                                                    Year ended
                                                 Year ended March 31                March 31,
                                            2001           2002             2003          2003
                                    -------------  -------------  ---------------  ------------
                                                   Yen in millions                 in millions
                                    ---------------------------------------------  ------------
Income before cumulative effect of
    accounting changes allocated to    YEN121,227       YEN9,381       YEN115,648
    common stock                                                                          $964
Effect of dilutive securities:
    Convertible bonds                      2,417              -            2,398            20
                                    -------------  -------------  ---------------  ------------
Income before cumulative effect of
    accounting changes allocated to
    common stock                       YEN123,644       YEN9,381       YEN118,046
    for diluted EPS computation                                                           $984
                                    =============  =============  ===============  ============

                                                 Thousands of shares

Weighted-average shares                  913,932        918,462          919,706
Effect of dilutive securities:
    Warrants                                 472            108               12
    Convertible bonds                     79,830          2,664           78,873
                                    -------------  -------------  ---------------
Weighted-average shares
    for diluted EPS computation          994,234        921,234          998,591
                                    =============  =============  ===============
                                                         Yen                         Dollars
                                    ---------------------------------------------  ------------

Basic EPS                               YEN132.64       YEN10.21        YEN125.74        $1.05
                                    =============  =============  ===============  ============

Diluted EPS                             YEN124.36       YEN10.18        YEN118.21        $0.99
                                    =============  =============  ===============  ============

In accordance with FAS No. 128, "Earnings per Share", the computation
of diluted EPS for the years ended March 31, 2001 and 2002 uses the
same weighted-average shares used for the computation of diluted
income before cumulative effect of accounting changes per share, and
reflects the effect of assumed conversion of convertible bonds in
diluted net income.

For the year ended March 31, 2002, 75,201 thousand shares of potential
common stock upon the conversion of convertible bonds were excluded
from the computation of diluted EPS due to their antidilutive effect.

Potential common stock upon the exercise of warrants and stock
acquisition rights, which were excluded from the computation of
diluted EPS since they have an exercise price in excess of the average
market value of Sony's common stock during the fiscal year, were 1,329
thousand shares, 2,665 thousand shares, and 4,141 thousand shares for
the years ended March 31, 2001, 2002 and 2003, respectively.

Warrants and stock acquisition rights of subsidiary tracking stock for
the years ended March 31, 2002 and 2003, which have a potentially
dilutive effect by decreasing net income allocated to common stock,
were excluded from the computation of diluted EPS since they did not
have a dilutive effect.

Stock options issued by affiliated companies accounted for under the
equity method for the years ended March 31, 2001, 2002 and 2003, which
have a potentially dilutive effect by decreasing net income allocated
to common stock, were excluded from the computation of diluted EPS
since such stock option did not have a dilutive effect.

On October 1, 2002, Sony implemented a share exchange as a result of
which Aiwa became a wholly-owned subsidiary. As a result of this share
exchange, Sony issued 2,502 thousand shares. The shares were included
in the computation of basic and diluted EPS.

(3) EPS attributable to subsidiary tracking stock:

Weighted-average shares used for computation of EPS attributable to
subsidiary tracking stock for the years ended March 31, 2002 and 2003
were 3,072 thousand shares. As discussed in Note 2, there were no
potentially dilutive securities for EPS of subsidiary tracking stock
outstanding at March 31, 2002 and 2003.

23. Variable Interest Entities

Sony has, from time to time, entered into various arrangements with
VIEs. These arrangements consist of facilities which provide for the
leasing of certain property, the financing of film production, the
development and operation of a multi-use real estate complex and the
implementation of a stock option plan for Japanese employees. As
discussed below, certain of these entities are currently not
consolidated by Sony. As described in Note 2, the FASB issued FIN No.
46, which will require the consolidation or disclosure of VIEs.
Although Sony continues to evaluate the impact of FIN No. 46 on Sony's
results of operations and financial position, the potential VIEs that
may be consolidated or disclosed are described as follows:

Sony leases the headquarters of its U.S. subsidiary from a VIE, which
was not consolidated by Sony at March 31, 2002 and 2003. Effective
July 1, 2003, Sony will be required to consolidate this entity. Assets
and liabilities are expected to increase by approximately YEN30,600
million ($255 million). Upon consolidation of the VIE, Sony will
record a cumulative effect of accounting change of YEN1,800 million
($15 million). The impact on net income for the year ending March 31,
2004 will be a decrease of YEN840 million ($7 million). Sony has the
option to purchase the building at any time during the lease term
which expires in December 2008 for YEN30,600 million ($255 million).
At the end of the lease term, Sony has agreed to either renew the
lease, purchase the building or remarket it to a third party on behalf
of the owner. If the sales price is less than YEN30,600 million ($255
million), Sony is obligated to make up the lesser of the shortfall or
YEN25,727 million ($214 million). At March 31, 2003, the fair value of
the building exceeded YEN30,600 million ($255 million).

A subsidiary in the Pictures business entered into a joint venture
agreement with a VIE for the purpose of funding the acquisition of
certain international film rights. The subsidiary is required to
distribute the product internationally, for contractually defined fees
determined as percentages of gross receipts, as defined, and is
responsible for all distribution and marketing expenses, which are
recouped from such distribution fees. The VIE was capitalized with
total financing of YEN48,720 million ($406 million). Of this amount,
YEN1,320 million ($11 million) was contributed by the subsidiary,
YEN11,400 million ($95 million) was provided by unrelated third party
investors and the remaining funding is provided through a YEN36,000
million ($300 million) bank credit facility of which YEN1,320 million
($11 million) was outstanding as of March 31, 2003. Effective July 1,
2003, Sony will be required to consolidate this entity. Assets and
liabilities are expected to increase by YEN7,080 million ($59
million); however, there will be no impact to net income. Under the
agreement, the subsidiary's YEN1,320 million ($11 million) equity
investment is the last equity to be repaid. Additionally, it must pay
to the third party investors up to YEN2,280 million ($19 million) of
any losses out of a portion of its distribution fees. Any losses
incurred by the VIE over and above the YEN3,600 million ($30 million)
will be shared by the other investors. The subsidiary is obligated to
acquire the international distribution rights, as defined, for twelve
pictures meeting certain minimum requirements within a 3.5 to 4.5 year
period and transfer those rights to the VIE at cost plus a 5 percent
fee. If the subsidiary is unable to deliver twelve pictures to the VIE
and the bank credit facility or the third party equity investors are
not paid in full by March 10, 2008 (or earlier upon the occurrence of
certain events), the subsidiary is required to reimburse the VIE to
the extent necessary to repay the bank credit facility in full and pay
certain minimum returns to the third party equity investors. At March
31, 2003, the maximum exposure amount is YEN30,574 million ($255

Sony utilized a VIE to erect and operate a multi-use real estate
complex in Berlin, Germany, which was accounted for under the equity
method by Sony at March 31, 2002 and 2003. Effective July 1, 2003,
Sony will be required to consolidate this entity. Upon consolidation,
Sony's assets and liabilities are expected to increase by YEN59,662
million ($497 million). However, there will be no impact to Sony's net
income. The VIE was initially capitalized with YEN90,790 million ($757
million) of total funding, YEN32,561 million ($271 million) was
provided by the equity investors with the remaining funding of
YEN58,229 million ($485 million) being provided through a syndicated
bank loan which matures in November 2004. The syndicated bank loan is
secured by the multi-use real estate complex. Should the VIE be unable
to meet its obligations under the syndicated bank loan, Sony would be
exposed to the potential impairment of its investment in the VIE which
was YEN12,840 million ($107 million) at March 31, 2003.

Sony has utilized a VIE to implement a stock option plan for Japanese
selected employees. The VIE has been consolidated by Sony since its
establishment. There will be no impact to Sony's results of operations
and financial position upon the adoption of FIN No. 46. Under the
terms of the stock option plan, upon exercise, Japanese employees on
exercise receive cash equal to the amount that the market price of
Sony Corporation's common stock exceeds the strike price of the plan.
In order to minimize cash flow exposure associated with the plan, Sony
holds treasury stock through the VIE. The VIE purchased the common
stock with funding provided by the employee's cash contribution and a
bank loan which has been guaranteed by Sony Corporation. If the market
value of common stock is below the price that Sony acquired the
treasury stock for at the time of settlement of stock option plan,
Sony is required to reimburse the VIE for repayment of the bank loan.
At March 31, 2003, the balance of the bank loan was YEN6,909 million
($58 million).

24. Commitments and contingent liabilities

(1) Commitments:

Commitments outstanding at March 31, 2003 amounted to YEN297,768
million ($2,481 million). The major components of the commitments are
as follows:

In the ordinary course of business, Sony makes commitments for the
purchase of property, plant and equipment. As of March 31, 2003, such
commitments outstanding were YEN30,814 million ($257 million).

Certain subsidiaries in the Music business have entered into long-term
contracts with recording artists and companies for the production
and/or distribution of prerecorded music and videos. These contracts
cover various periods mainly through March 31, 2006. As of March 31,
2003, these subsidiaries were committed to make payments under such
long-term contracts of YEN54,508 million ($454 million).

Certain subsidiaries in the Pictures business have entered into
agreements under which the subsidiaries acquire completed films, or
certain rights therein, from third parties. These agreements cover
various periods through March 31, 2005. As of March 31, 2003, these
subsidiaries were committed to make payments under such contracts of
YEN40,116 million ($334 million).
A subsidiary in the Pictures business has also entered into a
distribution agreement with a third party to distribute, in certain
markets and territories, all feature length films produced or acquired
by the third party during the term of the agreement. The distribution
agreement expires on December 31, 2006 if a minimum of 36 films have
been delivered as of that date. If 36 films have not been delivered by
December 31, 2006, the distribution agreement expires on the earlier
of the delivery of the 36th film or May 25, 2007. The subsidiary has
the right to distribute the films for 15 years from the initial
theatrical release of the film. Under the terms of the distribution
agreement, the subsidiary must fund a portion of the production cost
and is responsible for all distribution and marketing expenses. As of
March 31, 2003, 17 films have been released or funded by the
subsidiary. The subsidiary's estimated commitment to fund the
production of the remaining films under this agreement is YEN88,024
million ($734 million).

Aggregate amounts of year-by-year payment schedule of commitments
during the next five years and thereafter are as follows:

Year ending                           Dollars in
   March 31      Yen in millions        millions
-------------    ----------------    --------------

        2004     YEN140,935                 $1,174
        2005              70,045               584
        2006              51,744               431
        2007               8,777                73
        2008               9,146                76
 Thereafter               17,121               143

                 ----------------    --------------
    Total        YEN297,768                 $2,481
                 ================    ==============

(2) Contingent liabilities:

Contingent liabilities including guarantees given in the ordinary
course of business have a maximum exposure of YEN139,119 million
($1,159 million) at March 31, 2003. The major components of the
contingent liabilities are as follows:

Sony has issued loan guarantees to related parties comprised of
affiliated companies accounted for under the equity method and
unconsolidated subsidiaries. The terms of these guarantees are mainly
up to 3 years. Sony would be required to perform under these
guarantees upon non-performance of the primary borrowers. The maximum
exposure of these guarantees is YEN49,078 million ($409 million) and
is not recorded on the balance sheet as of March 31, 2003.

As discussed in Note 23, in connection with the lease of the
headquarters of Sony's U.S. subsidiary, Sony has guaranteed residual
value to a VIE. The maximum exposure of the guarantee is YEN25,727
million ($214 million). This guarantee is secured by the underlying
leased asset and is not recorded on the balance sheet as of March 31,

As discussed in Note 23, a subsidiary in the Pictures business entered
into a joint venture agreement with a VIE. At March 31, 2003, the
maximum exposure associated with this arrangement is YEN30,574 million
($255 million).

Sony has agreed to indemnify certain third parties against tax losses
resulting from transactions entered into in the normal course of
business. The maximum amount of potential future payments under these
guarantees cannot be estimated at this time. These guarantees are not
recorded on the balance sheet as of March 31, 2003.

Sony Corporation and certain of its subsidiaries are defendants in
several pending lawsuits. However, based upon the information
currently available to both Sony and its legal counsel, management of
Sony believes that damages from such lawsuits, if any, would not have
a material effect on Sony's consolidated financial statements.

The changes in product warranty liability for the year ended March 31,
2003 are as follows:

                                       Yen in      Dollars in
                                       millions      millions
                                     ------------  ------------
                                     Year ended    Year ended
                                       March 31      March 31
                                            2003          2003
                                     ------------  ------------

Balance at beginning of year            YEN53,671         $447
Provision for warranty reserve            47,260           394
Settlements (in cash or in kind)         (46,628)         (389)
Changes in estimate for pre-existing
  warranty reserve                        (2,032)          (17)
Translation adjustment                      (379)           (3)

                                     ------------  ------------
Balance at end of year                  YEN51,892         $432
                                     ============  ============

25. Business segment information

Effective for the year ended March 31, 2003, Sony has partly changed
its business segment configuration as described below.

Related businesses in the Network Application and Contents Service
Sector ("NACS"), established in April 2002 to enhance network
businesses, are included in the Other segment. In addition to Sony
Communications Network Corporation, which was originally contained in
the Othersegment, NACS-related businesses include an internal
information system related business, and an IC card business formerly
contained in the "Other" category of the Electronics segment.

As a result, business segment information for the years ended March
31, 2001 and 2002 have been restated to conform to the presentation
for the year ended March 31, 2003.

The Electronics segment designs, develops, manufactures and
distributes audio-visual, informational and communicative equipment,
instruments and devices throughout the world. The Game segment
designs, develops and sells PlayStation and PlayStation 2 game
consoles and related software mainly in Japan, the United States of
America and Europe, manufactures semiconductors used in the game
consoles in Japan, and licenses to third party software developers.
The Music segment is mainly engaged worldwide in the development,
production, manufacture, and distribution of recorded music, in all
commercial formats and musical genres. The Pictures segment develops,
produces and manufactures image-based software, including film, video,
and television mainly in the United States of America, and markets,
distributes and broadcasts in the worldwide market. The Financial
Services segment represents the insurance-related underwriting
business, primarily individual life insurance and non-life insurance
businesses in the Japanese market, leasing and credit financing
businesses and bank business in Japan. The Other segment consists of
various operating activities, primarily including a business focused
on network service business including Internet-related services,
advertising agency business in Japan. Sony's products and services are
generally unique to a single operating segment.

The operating segments reported below are the segments of Sony for
which separate financial information is available and for which
operating profit or loss amounts are evaluated regularly by executive
management in deciding how to allocate resources and in assessing

Business segments -

Sales and operating revenue:

                                                                        Dollars in
                                           Yen in millions                millions
                                --------------------------------------  -----------
                                                                        Year ended
                                         Year ended March 31             March 31,
                                       2001         2002         2003         2003
                                ------------ ------------ ------------  -----------

Sales and operating revenue:
  Electronics -
   Customers                    YEN4,982,432 YEN4,772,550 YEN4,543,313     $37,861
   Intersegment                     472,082      513,631      397,137        3,309
                                ------------ ------------ ------------  -----------
         Total                    5,454,514    5,286,181    4,940,450       41,170
  Game -
   Customers                        646,147      986,529      936,274        7,802
   Intersegment                      14,769       17,185       18,757          156
                                ------------ ------------ ------------  -----------
         Total                      660,916    1,003,714      955,031        7,958
  Music -
   Customers                        571,003      588,191      559,042        4,659
   Intersegment                      41,110       54,649       77,256          644
                                ------------ ------------ ------------  -----------
         Total                      612,113      642,840      636,298        5,303
  Pictures -
   Customers                        555,227      635,841      802,770        6,690
   Intersegment                           0            0            0            0
                                ------------ ------------ ------------  -----------
         Total                      555,227      635,841      802,770        6,690
  Financial Services -
   Customers                        447,147      483,313      512,641        4,272
   Intersegment                      31,677       28,932       27,878          232
                                ------------ ------------ ------------  -----------
         Total                      478,824      512,245      540,519        4,504
  Other -
   Customers                        112,868      111,834      119,593          996
   Intersegment                      93,942       91,977      130,721        1,090
                                ------------ ------------ ------------  -----------
         Total                      206,810      203,811      250,314        2,086
  Elimination                      (653,580)    (706,374)    (651,749)      (5,431)
                                ------------ ------------ ------------  -----------

Consolidated total              YEN7,314,824 YEN7,578,258 YEN7,473,633     $62,280
                                ============ ============ ============  ===========

Electronics intersegment amounts primarily consist of transactions
with the Game business. Music intersegment amounts primarily consist
of transactions with the Game and Pictures businesses. Other
intersegment amounts primarily consist of transactions with the
Electronics business.

Segment profit or loss:

                                                                        Dollars in
                                           Yen in millions               millions
                                --------------------------------------  -----------
                                                                        Year ended
                                         Year ended March 31             March 31,
                                      2001         2002          2003         2003
                                -----------  -----------  ------------  -----------

Operating income (loss):
  Electronics                   YEN251,146   YEN(1,158)   YEN41,380           $345
  Game                             (51,118)      82,915       112,653          939
  Music                             20,502       20,175        (8,661)         (72)
  Pictures                           4,315       31,266        58,971          491
  Financial Services                17,432       22,134        23,338          194
  Other                            (13,715)     (16,604)      (31,950)        (266)
                                -----------  -----------  ------------  -----------
         Total                     228,562      138,728       195,731        1,631
  Elimination                       13,781       17,148        15,894          132
  Unallocated amounts:
   Corporate expenses              (16,997)     (21,245)      (26,185)        (218)
                                -----------  -----------  ------------  -----------
Consolidated operating income      225,346      134,631       185,440        1,545

Other income                       167,654       96,328       157,528        1,313
Other expenses                    (127,132)    (138,184)      (95,347)        (794)
                                -----------  -----------  ------------  -----------

Consolidated income before
income taxes                    YEN265,868   YEN92,775    YEN247,621        $2,064
                                ===========  ===========  ============  ===========

Operating income is sales and operating revenue less costs and
operating expenses. Unallocated corporate expenses include stock-based
compensation expenses (Note 17).


                                                                        Dollars in
                                           Yen in millions               millions
                                --------------------------------------  -----------
                                               March 31                  March 31,
                                       2001         2002         2003         2003
                                ------------ ------------ ------------  -----------

Total assets:
  Electronics                   YEN3,421,624 YEN3,089,791 YEN2,848,492     $23,737
  Game                              690,737      722,021      673,208        5,610
  Music                             747,360      739,283      668,702        5,573
  Pictures                          887,806      960,266      868,395        7,237
  Financial Services              2,074,234    2,496,052    2,910,434       24,254
  Other                             255,495      240,329      273,169        2,276
                                ------------ ------------ ------------  -----------
         Total                    8,077,256    8,247,742    8,242,400       68,687

  Elimination                      (437,330)    (270,374)    (261,761)      (2,181)
  Corporate assets                  188,040      208,427      389,906        3,249
                                ------------ ------------ ------------  -----------

Consolidated total              YEN7,827,966 YEN8,185,795 YEN8,370,545     $69,755
                                ============ ============ ============  ===========

Unallocated corporate assets consist primarily of cash and cash
equivalents, marketable securities and property, plant and equipment
maintained for general corporate purposes.

Other significant items:

                                                                              Dollars in
                                                 Yen in millions               millions
                                      --------------------------------------  -----------
                                                                              Year ended
                                               Year ended March 31             March 31,
                                            2001         2002          2003         2003
                                      -----------  -----------  ------------  -----------

Depreciation and amortization:
  Electronics                         YEN209,616   YEN211,910   YEN190,836        $1,590
  Game                                    37,497       49,655        53,496          446
  Music                                   34,648       34,835        33,650          280
  Pictures                                11,853       10,619         8,552           71
  Financial Services, including
   deferred insurance acquisition
   costs                                  44,995       37,227        52,041          434
  Other                                    6,184        6,568         9,112           76
                                      -----------  -----------  ------------  -----------
         Total                           344,793      350,814       347,687        2,897

  Corporate                                3,475        3,321         4,238           36
                                      -----------  -----------  ------------  -----------

Consolidated total                    YEN348,268   YEN354,135   YEN351,925        $2,933
                                      ===========  ===========  ============  ===========

Capital expenditures for segment
  Electronics                         YEN281,660   YEN220,032   YEN170,323        $1,419
  Game                                   108,168       47,822        40,986          342
  Music                                   37,776       21,535        21,875          182
  Pictures                                11,020       11,501         7,138           60
  Financial Services                       9,341       16,023         3,655           30
  Other                                   13,538        5,208        15,402          128
                                      -----------  -----------  ------------  -----------
         Total                           461,503      322,121       259,379        2,161

  Corporate                                3,706        4,613         1,862           16
                                      -----------  -----------  ------------  -----------

Consolidated total                    YEN465,209   YEN326,734   YEN261,241        $2,177
                                      ===========  ===========  ============  ===========

The capital expenditures in the above table represent the additions to
fixed assets of each segment.

The following table is a breakdown of Electronics sales and operating
revenue to external customers by product category. The Electronics
business is managed as a single operating segment by Sony's
management. Effective for the year ended March 31, 2003, Sony has
partly changed its product category configuration. The main changes
are that the projector product group, which includes business
projectors and home-use projectors has been moved from "Information
and Communications" to "Television", and the server product groups
which includes network servers and data storage systems has been moved
from "Component" to "Information and Communications". Accordingly,
sales and operating revenue for the years ended March 31, 2001 and
2002 have been restated to conform to the presentation for the year
ended March 31, 2003.

                                                                           Dollars in
                                              Yen in millions                millions
                                   --------------------------------------  -----------
                                                                           Year ended
                                            Year ended March 31             March 31,
                                          2001         2002         2003         2003
                                   ------------ ------------ ------------  -----------

Audio                              YEN756,393   YEN747,469   YEN682,517        $5,688
Video                                  791,465      806,401      823,354        6,861
Televisions                            797,618      842,388      846,139        7,051
Information and Communications       1,260,531    1,167,328      958,556        7,988
Semiconductors                         237,668      182,276      204,710        1,706
Components                             569,478      525,568      537,358        4,478
Other                                  569,279      501,120      490,679        4,089
                                   ------------ ------------ ------------  -----------
       Total                       YEN4,982,432 YEN4,772,550 YEN4,543,313     $37,861
                                   ============ ============ ============  ===========

Geographic information -

Sales and operating revenue which are attributed to countries based on
location of customers for the years ended March 31, 2001, 2002 and
2003 and long-lived assets as of March 31, 2001, 2002 and 2003 are as

                                                                     Dollars in
                                        Yen in millions                millions
                             --------------------------------------  -----------
                                                                     Year ended
                                      Year ended March 31             March 31,
                                    2001         2002         2003         2003
                             ------------ ------------ ------------  -----------

Sales and operating
  Japan                      YEN2,400,777 YEN2,248,115 YEN2,093,880     $17,449
  U.S.A.                       2,179,833    2,461,523    2,403,946       20,033
  Europe                       1,473,780    1,609,111    1,665,976       13,883
  Other                        1,260,434    1,259,509    1,309,831       10,915
                             ------------ ------------ ------------  -----------

         Total               YEN7,314,824 YEN7,578,258 YEN7,473,633     $62,280
                             ============ ============ ============  ===========

                                                                     Dollars in
                                        Yen in millions                millions
                             --------------------------------------  -----------
                                            March 31                  March 31,
                                    2001         2002         2003         2003
                             ------------ ------------ ------------  -----------

Long-lived assets:
  Japan                      YEN1,433,038 YEN1,462,709 YEN1,365,160     $11,376
  U.S.A.                         766,148      812,309      713,524        5,946
  Europe                         188,174      156,560      164,459        1,371
  Other                          160,249      174,070      148,616        1,238
                             ------------ ------------ ------------  -----------

         Total               YEN2,547,609 YEN2,605,648 YEN2,391,759     $19,931
                             ============ ============ ============  ===========

There are not any individually material countries with respect to the
sales and operating revenue and long-lived assets included in Europe
and Other areas.

Transfers between reportable business or geographic segments are made
at arms-length prices.

There are no sales and operating revenue with a single major external
customer for the years ended March 31, 2001, 2002 and 2003.

The following information shows sales and operating revenue and
operating income by geographic origin for the years ended March 31,
2001, 2002 and 2003. In addition to the disclosure requirements under
FAS No. 131, Sony discloses this supplemental information in
accordance with disclosure requirements of the Japanese Securities and
Exchange Law, to which Sony, as a Japanese public company, is subject.

                                                                     Dollars in
                                        Yen in millions               millions
                             --------------------------------------  -----------
                                                                     Year ended
                                      Year ended March 31             March 31,
                                    2001         2002         2003         2003
                             ------------ ------------ ------------  -----------

Sales and operating
  Japan -
   Customers                 YEN2,753,063 YEN2,498,641 YEN2,247,030     $18,725
   Intersegment                2,322,037    2,312,718    2,433,998       20,283
                             ------------ ------------ ------------  -----------
       Total                   5,075,100    4,811,359    4,681,028       39,008
  U.S.A. -
   Customers                   2,315,985    2,637,861    2,632,176       21,935
   Intersegment                  184,581      184,966      189,502        1,579
                             ------------ ------------ ------------  -----------
       Total                   2,500,566    2,822,827    2,821,678       23,514
  Europe -
   Customers                   1,305,013    1,440,281    1,520,930       12,674
   Intersegment                   48,991       91,329      121,598        1,013
                             ------------ ------------ ------------  -----------
       Total                   1,354,004    1,531,610    1,642,528       13,687
  Other -
   Customers                     940,763    1,001,475    1,073,497        8,946
   Intersegment                  852,648      853,324      789,444        6,579
                             ------------ ------------ ------------  -----------
       Total                   1,793,411    1,854,799    1,862,941       15,525

  Elimination                 (3,408,257)  (3,442,337)  (3,534,542)     (29,454)
                             ------------ ------------ ------------  -----------

Consolidated total           YEN7,314,824 YEN7,578,258 YEN7,473,633     $62,280
                             ============ ============ ============  ===========

Operating income:
  Japan                      YEN155,674   YEN36,188    YEN11,444            $95
  U.S.A.                          23,131       30,704       98,762          823
  Europe                          11,641       24,460       62,206          518
  Other                           71,059       76,061       63,773          532
  Corporate and elimination      (36,159)     (32,782)     (50,745)        (423)
                             ------------ ------------ ------------  -----------

Consolidated total           YEN225,346   YEN134,631   YEN185,440        $1,545
                             ============ ============ ============  ===========

Report of Independent Accountants

To the Stockholders and Board of Directors of
Sony Corporation (Sony Kabushiki Kaisha)

In our opinion, the accompanying consolidated balance sheets and the
related consolidated statements of income, cash flows and changes in
stockholders' equity present fairly, in all material respects, the
financial position of Sony Corporation and its consolidated
subsidiaries at March 31, 2002 and 2003, and the results of their
operations and their cash flows for each of the three years in the
period ended March 31, 2003, in conformity with accounting principles
generally accepted in the United States of America. These financial
statements are the responsibility of the Company's management; our
responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements
based on our audits. We conducted our audits of these statements in
accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United
States of America, which require that we plan and perform the audit to
obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are
free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test
basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the
financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and
significant estimates made by management, and evaluating the overall
financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a
reasonable basis for our opinion.

As discussed in Note 2 to the consolidated financial statements, the
Company changed its method of film accounting in the year ended March
31, 2001, and its methods of accounting for derivative instruments and
hedging activities and for goodwill and other intangible assets in the
year ended March 31, 2002.


May 21, 2003

Report of Independent Accountants

Management                                                                         As of April 24, 2003

Nobuyuki Idei      (Born: November 22, 1937)
              1960 Entered Sony Corporation
              1979 General Manager, Audio Division, Audio Group, Sony Corporation
              1988 Senior General Manager, Home Video Group, Sony Corporation
              1989 Director, Sony Corporation
                   Senior General Manager, Advertising & Marketing Communication Strategy Group,
              1990  Sony Corporation
              1994 Senior General Manager, Creative Communication Division, Sony Corporation
                   President and Representative Director, Chief Operating Officer, Sony
              1995  Corporation
                   President and Representative Director, Chief Executive Officer, Sony
              1999  Corporation
  1999 to present  Director, General Motors Corporation, U.S.A.
                   Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Representative Director, Sony
              2000  Corporation
  2001 to present  Director, Nestle S.A., Switzerland
  2003 to present  Chairman and Group Chief Executive Officer, Representative Director, Sony

Kunitake Ando      (Born: January 1, 1942)
              1969 Entered Sony Corporation
                   Managing Director, Sony Prudential Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (later renamed
              1979  Sony Life Insurance Co., Ltd.)
                   Deputy President, Sony Prudential Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (later renamed
              1985  Sony Life Insurance Co., Ltd.)
                   President & Chief Operating Officer, Sony Engineering and Manufacturing of
              1990  America
              1994 Director, Sony Corporation
              1996 President, Information Technology Company, Sony Corporation
                   President & Chief Operating Officer, Personal IT Network Company, Sony
              1999  Corporation
                   President and Chief Operating Officer, Representative Director, Sony
              2000  Corporation
  2003 to present  President and Group Chief Operating Officer, Electronics Chief Executive
                    Officer, Representative Director, Sony Corporation

Teruhisa Tokunaka  (Born: August 9, 1945)
              1969 Entered Sony Corporation
              1989 Deputy Senior General Manager, Corporate Strategy Group, Sony Corporation
              1993 Executive Deputy President, Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
              1995 President, Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
              1999 Senior Managing Director and Chief Financial Officer, Sony Corporation
                   Executive Deputy President and Chief Financial Officer, Representative
              2000  Director, Sony Corporation
  2003 to present  Executive Deputy President and Group Chief Strategy Officer, Representative
                   Officer in charge of Network Application & Content Service Sector, Personal
                    Solution Business Company, Sony Corporation

Minoru Morio       (Born: May 20, 1939)
              1963 Entered Sony Corporation
              1988 Senior General Manager, Personal Video Systems Group, Sony Corporation
              1988 Director, Sony Corporation
              1990 Senior General Manager, Home Video Group, Sony Corporation
              1993 Executive Deputy President, Sony Corporation
              1994 President, Consumer A&V Products Company, Sony Corporation
              1995 Chief Technology Officer, Sony Corporation
  2000 to present  Vice Chairman, Director, Sony Corporation
              2001 Chairman, Sony EMCS Corporation
  2001 to present  Chairman, Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications Japan, Inc.
  2001 to present  Director, Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd.
              2002 Chief Production Officer, Sony Corporation
  2003 to present  Representative of Sony Group East Asia, Group Chief Production Officer, Sony

Teruo Masaki       (Born: August 7, 1943)
              1971 Entered Sony Corporation
              1987 General Manager, Legal Division, Sony Corporation
                   Deputy Senior General Manager, Legal and Intellectual Property Group, Sony
              1992  Corporation
              1997 Executive Vice President, Sony Corporation of America
              1999 Senior Managing Director, Sony Corporation
  2000 to present  Corporate Senior Executive Vice President, Director, Sony Corporation
                   Group General Counsel, Officer in charge of Legal Matters, Intellectual
              2002  Property & Compliance, Sony Corporation
  2003 to present  Group General Counsel, Officer in charge of Legal Matters and Compliance,
                    Sony Corporation

Howard Stringer    (Born: February 19, 1942)
              1986 President, CBS News, U.S.A.
              1988 President, CBS Broadcast Group, CBS Inc., U.S.A.
              1995 Chairman and CEO, TELE-TV, U.S.A.
              1997 President, Sony Corporation of America
  1998 to present  Chairman, Sony Electronics Inc.
              1998 Chairman, Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc.
  1998 to present  Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Sony Corporation of America
  1999 to present  Director, Sony Corporation
  2000 to present  President, Sony Broadband Entertainment Inc.
  2003 to present  Vice Chairman, Sony Corporation, Representative of Sony Group Americas,
                   Head of the Entertainment Business Group
(Continued on following page.)

Ken Kutaragi       (Born: August 2, 1950)
              1975 Entered Sony Corporation
              1991 Manager, PS Project, Video Disc Player Group, Sony Corporation
              1993 Senior Director, Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
              1999 Executive President, Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
  2000 to present  Director, Sony Corporation
  2001 to present  President & Chief Executive Officer, Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
  2003 to present  Executive Deputy President, Head of Game Business Group, Officer in charge of
                    Broadband Network
                   Company, Sony Corporation

Iwao Nakatani      (Born: January 22, 1942)
              1973 Received Ph.D. in Economics from Harvard University
              1984 Professor, Faculty of Economics, Osaka University
              1991 Professor, Faculty of Commerce, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo
  1999 to present  Director, Sony Corporation
              1999 Professor, School of Management and Information Sciences, Tama University
  2000 to present  Director of Research, SRIC Corporation (later renamed UFJ Institute Ltd.)
  2001 to present  President, Tama University

Goran Lindahl      (Born: April 28, 1945)
              1983 President, ASEA Transformers AB, Sweden
              1985 President, ASEA Transmission AB, Sweden
              1997 President and Chief Executive Officer, Asea Brown Boveri Ltd., Switzerland
              1999 Director, LM Ericsson Telephone Co., Sweden
  1999 to present  Director, E.I. DuPont de Nemours, U.S.A.
  2001 to present  Director, Sony Corporation
  2001 to present  Director, Anglo American plc, U.K.
  2003 to present  Representative of Sony Group Europe

Akishige Okada     (Born: April 9, 1938)
              1963 Joined the Mitsui Bank, Ltd.
              1991 Director, The Mitsui Taiyo Kobe Bank, Ltd.
              1995 Managing Director, The Sakura Bank, Ltd.
              1996 Senior Managing Director, The Sakura Bank, Ltd.
              1997 President, The Sakura Bank, Ltd.
  2001 to present  Chairman, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp.
  2002 to present  Director, Sony Corporation
  2002 to present  Chairman, Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Inc.

Statutory Auditors
Akihisa Ohnishi    (Born: March 10, 1937)
              1961 Entered Sony Corporation
              1977 Managing Director, Hispano Sony S.A.
              1988 Senior General Manager, Accounting Group, Sony Corporation
              1989 Director, Sony Corporation
                   Senior General Manager, Corporate Planning Group, Sony Corporation
              1989  (concurrent with prior position)
  1993 to present  Standing Statutory Auditor, Sony Corporation

Takafumi Abe       (Born: July 20, 1938)
              1986 General Manager, Singapore Branch, The Mitsui Bank, Ltd.
              1989 Director, The Mitsui Bank, Limited
                   Managing Director, and General Manager, New York Branch, The Sakura Bank,
              1992  Ltd.
              1996 Counsellor, The Sakura Bank, Ltd.
              1997 President, Sakura Asset Management Co., Ltd.
              1997 President, Sakura Investment Management Co., Ltd.
  2000 to present  Standing Statutory Auditor, Sony Corporation

Tadasu Kawai       (Born: May 7, 1941)
              1964 Entered Sony Shoji Co., Ltd. (Sony's domestic sales company)
              1980 General Manager, Sony Overseas S.A. (Swiss entity)
              1995 President and Chief Operating Officer, Sony of Canada Ltd.
              1996 Deputy President, Sony Corporation of America
              1997 Corporate Vice President, Sony Corporation
                   Corporate Senior Vice President, Officer in charge of Customer Service Center
                    (later renamed Customer
              1999 Satisfaction Center), Sony Corporation
  2002 to present  Officer in charge of Global Audit, Senior General Manager, International
                    Marketing Center,
                   Sony Corporation
  2002 to present  Standing Statutory Auditor, Sony Corporation

Masasuke Ohmori    (Born: May 11, 1937)
              1978 Manager, Civil Affairs Bureau of the Ministry of Justice/Prosecutor
              1982 Counselor, Civil Affairs Bureau of the Ministry of Justice/Prosecutor
              1983 Counselor, The Law Branch of the Cabinet
              1992 Deputy Director-General, The Law branch of the Cabinet
              1996 Director-General, The Law branch of the Cabinet
  2000 to present  Guest Professor, Department of Law, Waseda University
  2001 to present  Statutory Auditor, Sony Corporation

Excluding certain cases, company names indicated are as of the specified date.

Investor Information
- 66 -

Sony Corporation
7-35, Kitashinagawa 6-chome, Shinagawa-ku,
Tokyo 141-0001, Japan
Phone:       03-5448-2111
Facsimile:   03-5448-2244

Investor Relations Offices
If you have any questions or would like a copy of our
Form 20-F filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission or our Annual Report to shareholders,
please direct your request to:

Sony Corporation
Investor Relations
7-35, Kitashinagawa 6-chome, Shinagawa-ku,
Tokyo 141-0001
Phone:       03-5448-2180
Facsimile:   03-5448-2183

Sony Corporation of America
Investor Relations
550 Madison Avenue, 27th Floor,
New York, NY 10022-3211
Phone:       - U.S. and Canada
             - 800- 556-3411
             - International
             - 402-573-9867
Facsimile:   212-833-6938

Sony Global Treasury Services Plc.
Investor Relations
St. Helens, 1 Undershaft, London EC3A 8EE
Phone:       020-7444-9713
Facsimile:   020-7444-9763

Sony on the Internet
Sony's Investor Relations Home Pages on the World Wide Web offer a wealth of corporate information, including the
latest annual report and financial results.

Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders will be held in June in Tokyo.

Independent Accountants
Tokyo, Japan

Depositary, Transfer Agent, and Registrar for
  American Depositary Receipts
JPMorgan Chase Bank
270 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10017-2070

             Contact Address
             JPMorgan Service Center
             JPMorgan Chase Bank
             P.O. Box 43013
             Providence, RI 02940-3013
             Phone:       - U.S.
                          - 800-360-4522
                          - International
                          - 781-575-4328

Co-Transfer and Co-Registrar Agent
CIBC Mellon Trust Company
2001 University Street, 16th Floor,
Montreal, Quebec, H3A 2A6, Canada
Phone:       514-285-3600

Transfer Agent of Common Shares Handling Office
UFJ Trust Bank
Corporate Agency Department
10-11, Higashisuna 7-chome, Koto-ku,
Tokyo 137-8081, Japan
Phone:       03-5683-5111

Overseas Stock Exchange Listings
New York, Pacific, Chicago, Toronto, London, Paris,
Frankfurt, D�sseldorf, Brussels, Vienna, and Swiss
stock exchanges

Japanese Stock Exchange Listings
Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Fukuoka, and Sapporo stock

Number of Shareholders
(As of March 31, 2003)

Report on Social & Environmental Activities
If you would like a copy of the above report, please
direct your request to:
Sony Corporation
Corporate Social & Environmental Affairs
Phone:       03-5448-3533
Facsimile:   03-5448-7838
This report is also available on the World Wide Web.
Sony's environmental showroom, "Sony Eco Plaza," can
also be visited at the same URL.

   Short Name: Sony Corp.
   Category Code: FR
   Sequence Number: 00005358
   Time of Receipt (offset from UTC): 20030602T155753+0100

    --30--KO/uk* AC/uk MH/uk

    CONTACT: Sony Corporation

    SOURCE: Sony Corp.

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