Monthly IR Report June
17 Junho 2003 - 4:03AM
UK Regulatory
RNS Number:4027M
Takefuji Corporation
17 June 2003
1. Announcement of 36th Annual Shareholders' Meeting
The 36th Annual Shareholders' Meeting will be held on June 27, 2003 as details
below. We would like all shareholders to attend the meeting.
Date and Time: June 27 (Friday), 2003, 10:00 a.m.
Place: Our Head Office Grand Meeting Room
8-15-1 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Agenda for the Meeting:
Reporting for Accounting Figures, B/S and P/L of 36th Fiscal Year
No.1 Approval of Profit Appropriation
No.2 Acquisition of Treasury Stock
No.3 Amendment of the Article of Associations
No.4 Appointment of 14 New Directors
No.5 Appointment of 2 Corporate Auditors
No.6 Approval of Retirement Reward to Retired Directors and Corporate Auditor
2. Loan Business in May
Taking the recent economic conditions into consideration, we continue our
prudent loan business strategy and maintain the strict credit control. Moreover,
we intend to aggressively promote the reinforcement of our "Customer First"
principle under our new slogan of "Making our company the most attractive place
to work" to build up stronger and more stable business foundations.
The performance of the loan business for the month of May 2003 was as follows:
May 2002 May 2003 Ratio/Number of
Direct cash loans outstanding (*) 1,792,796 1,675,988 -6.5%
Installment accounts receivable (**) - 82 -
Number of loan customer accounts 2,971,779 2,824,697 -5.0%
Number of new loan customer accounts 40,680 26,444 -35.0%
Number of branch offices (***) 1,852 1,892 2.2%
Manned 529 529 (0)
Unmanned 1,322 1,362 (+40)
Internet 1 1 (0)
Number of unmanned loan contract 1,852 1,892 (+40)
machines (Yen-musubi machines)
* Unit: millions of yen.
** Installment accounts receivable: credit card balance. Unit: millions of yen.
*** Increase/decrease in branch offices is shown in terms of the number of
branch offices rather than the rate of increase/decrease.
3. Acquisition of Treasury Stock in FY2003
Takefuji Corporation (the "Company") announced on June 6, 2003, its intention to
implement a Tender Offer for Acquisition of its Treasury Stock, which was
resolved at the Board of Directors meeting held on June 6, 2003 in accordance
with Clause 210 of the Japanese Commercial Code, subject to resolution at the
36th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders to be held on June 27, 2003, as
1. Reason for the Acquisition of Treasury Stock
The Company intends to set up the ceiling of acquisition of treasury stock for
the purpose of activating capital strategies complying with the diversifying
business conditions.
2. Contents of the Acquisition
(1) Type of shares to be acquired: Common stock of Takefuji Corporation
(2) Maximum number of shares to be acquired: 13,000,000 shares
(8.8% of shares outstanding)
(3) Maximum amount of acquisition: 130 billion yen
Note: The Tender Offer for Acquisition of Treasury Stock shall be subject to
resolution at the 36th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders to be held on
June 27, 2003.
4. Announcement of the issuance of Yen38 billion Zero Coupon Convertible Bonds
due 2006.
Takefuji Corporation (the "Company") announced issuance of Yen 38 billion Zero
Coupon Convertible Bonds due 2006. The bonds drew a big attention from the
overseas institutional investors and was over subscribed. The Company feels it
significant in that it is deemed to be the result of capital market's appraisal
of the Company's strong business model. The following is the summary of the
bonds: Please also see news release on our home page for further details.
(Issue Summary)
Issue Amount Yen 38 billion
Issue Price 100 per cent
Offer Price 102 per cent
Coupon Zero
Conversion Price Yen 9,527 per share
Issue Date June 6, 2003
Maturity Date July 31, 2006
Listing London Stock Exchange
5. Takefuji Corporation ("the Company") comments on an attempt at extortion and
on recent press coverage
Takefuji Corporation deeply regrets the adverse publicity occasioned by a recent
attempt by a former employee, Mr. N, to extort money from the company, and by
the series of press articles released by publishing companies such as Shueisha
Inc. and Shinchosha Co., and by Mr. Y, editor-in-chief of the internet magazine
Tokyo Outlaws.
Mr. N is now under investigation for having stolen a number of the Company's
internal documents, altered their contents and then passed them on to certain
malicious journalists and magazines, with the intention of extorting money from
the Company.
The two named publishing companies above - without any regard for the basic
journalistic requirement to check the facts - published articles drawing heavily
on these materials, which Mr. N himself has acknowledged were stolen and then
falsified. It is totally unacceptable that publishing companies, who should
uphold high standards of behavior in public life, should be able to act in this
Takefuji Corporation vigorously and emphatically rejects this attempt to extort
money from it, and also the unfounded and slanderous allegations made against
the Company by those two publishing companies and Mr. Y, editor-in-chief of the
above magazine on the basis of Mr. N's forgeries.
For further details of the action that Takefuji Corporation takes in these
matters, please see our website.
Furthermore, Mr. N already involved himself in illegal gambling and was deeply
in debt during his service with the Company. Besides, we believe he had been
stealing the Company's internal documents by unlawful means for several years in
order to repay his debts pursing his own interests. On June 10, 2003, he was
rearrested for suspicion of embezzlement of corporate assets.
6. Takefuji Ranked No.9 "Ordinary Income" among Japanese Listed Companies
In the "Ordinary Income Raking for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2003 on a
Consolidated Basis" appeared in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, known as the "Nikkei",
as of May 24, 2003, Takefuji Corporation ranked No. 9 among all Japanese listed
companies. We are pleased to announce that our company was able to keep the same
position of No. 9 as the previous fiscal year despite of adverse economic
conditions in Japan.
Top 10 Companies by the Nikkei, May 24, 2003
Ranking Company Name Ordinary Income (bn. of
1 Toyota Motor Corporation 1,414
2 NTT (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone 1,405
3 Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. 710
4 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 609
5 Takeda Chemical Industries, Ltd. 405
6 Tokyo Electric Power Co., Inc. 271
7 Sony Corporation 247
8 JR EAST (East Japan Railway Company) 202
9 Takefuji Corporation 183
10 Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc. 174
National Branch Office Managers' Meeting held
Both on May 16 and 17, 2003, the Company's National Branch Office Managers'
Meeting was held in Tokyo. In this meeting, all branch office managers of the
total 529 branch offices gathered to review the performance of the loan business
for the previous fiscal year and have themselves fully understood the loan
business strategy for this fiscal year. Several branch office managers who
produced brilliant achievements last year made a presentation on know-how of
their own business management and human resources management, and showed other
managers how to run individual branches more efficiently and effectively.
Moreover, the attendance at the meeting also made a resolution afresh and
reconfirmed the stance to raise the level of the overall performance across all
the branch offices and to be sure to achieve the loan business targets in
thorough and strict compliance with the related rules and regulations under the
slogan of "Adhere to government and ministerial ordinance, and never form an
easy self-judgment" and other corporate slogans, which have been cultivated
through our longtime business experience, being hung out in the meeting room.
Chairman's Interview Article in Forbes Japanese Edition
The latest future article in the July issue of Forbes magazine, Japanese
edition, introduced several Japanese leading entrepreneurs who have established
a solid and firm business model and achieved excellent business results with
their visioned flexible ideas and energetic behavioral abilities in spite of
prolonged economic stagnation in Japan. In the article, the Company's Chairman
Yasuo Takei was also featured again this year and earnestly talked about the
importance of human resources development based on the principle of "Most
important asset for all companies is their own employees".
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange