Monthly IR Report July
17 Julho 2003 - 4:02AM
UK Regulatory
RNS Number:6508N
Takefuji Corporation
17 July 2003
I. Summary of 36th Annual Shareholders' Meeting
Takefuji's 36th Annual Shareholders' Meeting was held on June 27, 2003 in the
Grand Meeting Room at our Head Office from 10:00 am as scheduled and ended at
10:51 am on the same day. All items on the agenda and resolutions were approved
by our shareholders. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all of
our shareholders for the valuable advice and warm support that was extended to
us. We would also like to ask for your continuous support as we are determined
to go forward with our business and pursue our goals in order to meet the
expectations of our customers and shareholders.
With regards to newly appointed board members and auditors, please see our News
II. Notification of Purchase of Treasury Stock
Please be informed that the Company acquired treasury stock in conformity with
Article 210 of the Japanese Commercial Code. Details of the Treasury Stock
Buyback are as follows:
Purchase Period: June 12, 2003 - June 25, 2003
Number of shares purchased: 736,000 shares
Total purchased value: Yen 4,784,990,600
Method of purchase: Purchase on the Tokyo Stock
Reason of purchase: The Company acquired its treasury stock in consideration of
its agile capital strategy from the viewpoint of its capital efficiency.
The share buyback program was approved at the 35th Annual Stockholders'
Meeting on June 27, 2002 as follows:
Type of shares to be acquired: Common stock of Takefuji Corporation
Maximum number of shares to be acquired: 13 million shares
Maximum amount of acquisition: 150 billion yen
Aggregate total amount of treasury stock purchased subsequent to the
resolution at the 35th Annual Stockholders' Meeting on June 27, 2002:
Aggregate total number of shares purchased: 4,550,000 shares
Aggregate total purchased value: Yen27,987,904,200
Agenda of tender offer for acquisition of Treasury Stock was resolved and
approved at the Takefuji's 36th Annual Shareholders' Meeting held on June 27,
1. Reason for the Acquisition of Treasury Stock:
The company acquires its treasury stock in consideration of pursuing active
capital that adapts to changing business conditions.
2. Contents of the Acquisition:
(1) Type of shares to be acquired: Common Stock of Takefuji
(2) Maximum number of shares to be acquired:13 million shares
(3) Maximum amount of acquisition: 130 billion yen
V. Further Improvement of Customer's Convenience through Expansion of
'Keitai-Kureka' (Takefuji's Mobile Credit Card Service)
Since its practical application as of April 14, 2003, Takefuji's
'Keitai-Kureka', the Company's credit card settlement service for designated
mobile phones using infra-red communication system, has gained popularity in
various fields and sectors. It has been rated as a new epoch-making service,
quick to respond to the needs of the present IT (Information Technology) Age.
This 'Keitai-Kureka' service will allow our 'TAKE BIG SEVEN MasterCard'
holders to pay for the taxi using their mobile phones, even if they have neither
cash nor credit card, on more than 10,000 taxicabs in both the Tokyo and Nagoya
areas, by the end of this year. We are making every effort to increase the level
of convenience for our customers through enhancements in a variety of new
services. Your understanding and support for the Company will be greatly
Note: Since June 2003 is the last month for the first quarter of the current
fiscal year, this month's report will not carry details of the performance of
our loan business. Instead, we will be releasing this information at the end of
July, simultaneously with our quarterly disclosure of financial results.
Takefui - Dedicated to Being Fully Accepted and Appreciated by Our Customers.
Under the basic IR policy of conveying the message of our top management clearly
and consistently, we have proactively engaged in various IR activities not only
in Japan but also overseas. In FY 2002, we held 121 IR meetings domestically and
also made IR tours to Europe and the US. In addition, we have filed full
disclosures at the London Stock Exchange, where Takefuji's stock is also
listed, on the same day as the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
As a part of this informative disclosure campaign, we have put up full-page
publicity in major international newspapers including the Financial Times and
the Asian Wall Street Journal. The publicity is subtitled 'Management
strategies adjusted to current needs', which clearly explains our 6 main
management policies.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange