Registered Office: `Dare House' Parry's Corner, Chennai - 600 001.
     Unaudited Financial Results (Provisional) for the quarter ended June 30, 2003

                                                                                 Rs. Crore
                                                              Un-audited           Audited
                                                             First Quarter ended   Year ended
                                                        June 30,      June 30,      March 31,
                                                                 2003          2002           2003

1.  Net Sales/Income from Operations-Gross of Excise Duty      194.03        315.35        1344.52
    Less:   Excise Duty                                         14.77         16.25          54.60
                                                              _______       _______        _______
    Net sales/Income from Operations - Net of Excise Duty      179.26        299.10        1289.92
2.  Other Income                                                 1.31          0.89          31.84
                                                              _______       _______        _______      
    Total Income                                               180.57        299.99        1321.76
                                                              _______       _______        _______
3.  Total Expenditure :
  a) (Accretion) / Decretion to Stock                          (77.69)       (27.79)         (4.08)
  b) Consumption of Raw Materials                              119.65        158.95         480.18
  c) Purchase of  Goods for resale                              48.10         59.22         426.76
  d) Staff cost                                                 17.09         17.01          67.63
  e) Other Expenditure                                          55.09         66.38         236.40
                                                              _______       _______        _______
                                                               162.24        273.77        1206.89
                                                              _______       _______        _______

4.  Gross Profit                                                18.33         26.22         114.87
5.  Interest (Net)                                               4.42         11.38          32.82
6.  Depreciation                                                11.26         11.16          45.02
7.  Profit before Taxation (PBT)                                 2.65          3.68          37.03
8.  Provision for Taxation
         Current Tax                                             0.60          0.30           3.00
         Deferred Tax (Net)                                      0.30          1.00           7.20
9.  Net Profit after Taxation (PAT)                              1.75          2.38          26.83
10. Paid up Equity Share Capital                                17.84         17.84          17.84
      (Face value - Rs.10 per Equity Share)
11. Reserves excluding Revaluation Reserve                                                  370.95
12. Earnings per Share (EPS) - Basic and Diluted                 0.98          1.33          15.03 
    (Not annualised)(Rs. per Equity Share)


1.  Due to the nature of Sugar and Fertiliser Businesses which are seasonal, the first quarter
    results are not indicative of overall profitability for the year.

2.  Pending announcement by GOI of final rates of concession on Fertiliser, profit has been 
    determined on the basis of estimates, as per extant Accounting Policy.

3.  The Company has filed a Scheme of Arrangement under Sections 391,394 of the Companies Act, 1956
    in the High Court of Madras in relation to the demerger of the business of the Farm Inputs Division
    (FIND) to Coromandel Fertilisers Limited and the merger of Parry & Company Limited and the Mofussil
    Warehouse and Trading Company Limited (wholly owned subsidiaries of the Company) with the Company
    effective 01-04-2003 which is pending approval of the shareholders and sanction of the High Court. 
    The effect of the Scheme has not been considered in the above results.

4.  The Basic minimum  price of sugarcane for the sugar year 2002 - 03 notified by the Central Government
    on 9th January, 2003 is being legally challenged by the South Indian Sugar Mills Association (of which
    the company is a member), and the matter is sub-judice. Based on legal advice, pending disposal of the
    case, no provision has been considered in the above results.

5.  The Statutory Auditors of the Company have carried out a Limited Review of Unaudited Financial Results
    for the quarter ended June 30, 2003.

6.  During the quarter, five investor complaints were received and were disposed -off. There were no 
    complaints pending both at the beginning and end of the quarter.

7.  The above statement of Unaudited Financial Results (Provisional) for the quarter ended June, 30 2003 
    was approved by the Board of Directors at their meeting held on July 21,2003.

8.  Figures for the previous year have been regrouped wherever necessary.

                                                                                On  behalf of the Board
Chennai                                                                                    M.V. Subbiah
July 21, 2003                                                                       Executive Chairman


 Segment Reporting under Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement with
 Stock Exchange for the quarter ended 30th June,
                                                                                For the
                                                            Quarter ended and year to      Year ended
                                                                June            June            Mar
                                                            30, 2003         30,2002        31,2003
                                                         Rs.in Crore     Rs.in Crore    Rs.in Crore
 1.Segment Revenue ( Net Sales/Income from each Segment Gross of Excise)

 a.Farm Inputs                                                 65.51          117.52         735.56
 b.Sugar                                                       89.90          163.90         476.75
 c.Parryware                                                   40.16           35.96         141.87
 d.Bio-products                                                 1.52            1.37           8.87
 e.Others                                                       0.11            0.14          22.46
                                                             _______         _______        _______
                                Sub-total                     197.20          318.89        1385.51
 Less : Intersegmental Revenue                                  1.86            2.65           9.15
 Net Sales /Income from Operations                            195.34          316.24        1376.36

 2.Segment Results ( Profit (+)/ Loss (-) before Tax and Interest from each segment)

 a.Farm Inputs                                                 (0.60)           4.77          19.84
 b.Sugar                                                        5.73           10.25          21.83
 c.Parryware                                                    4.43            2.92          16.97
 d.Bio-products                                                (1.51)          (1.09)         (1.41)
                                                             _______         _______        _______
                                Sub-total                       8.05           16.85          57.23
 Less : (i)  Interest (Net)                                    (4.42)         (11.38)        (32.82)
        (ii) Other un-allocable expenditure net 
             of un-allcable income                             (0.79)          (1.79)         12.62
                                                             _______         _______        _______ 
 Total Profit Before Tax                                        2.84            3.68          37.03
                                                             _______         _______        _______
3.Capital Employed (Segment Assets - Segment Liabilities)

 a.Farm Inputs                                                272.15          289.24         235.06
 b.Sugar                                                      419.08          410.25         361.18
 c.Parryware                                                   76.83           78.08          79.86
 d.Bio-products                                                35.41           40.38          36.25
 e.Others (Including Investments)                              90.24          135.55         105.00
                                                             _______         _______        _______
                                   Total                      893.71          953.50         817.35
                                                             _______         _______        _______