1st Quarter Results
01 Agosto 2003 - 8:46AM
UK Regulatory
RNS Number:2417O
Takefuji Corporation
01 August 2003
For release Immediately
Represenative Akira Kiyokawa, President
Contact Investor Relations
Tel 81-3-33658011
Fax 81-3-33658070
Stock Code No. 8564TSE
Stock Listing Tokyo Stock Exchange, London Stock Exchange
Brief Statement of First Quarter Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ending
March 2004 (Consolidated)
1. Items relating to the preparation of the Brief Statement of First Quarter
Financial Results
Changes in accounting policies and the scope of consolidation related to
Operating Revenues: None
2. Consolidated Business Results for the First Quarter Accounting Period from
April 1, 2003 to June 30,2003
(1) Consolidated Operating Revenues 1st qtr.2003 100,650 million Yen
Consolidated Operating Revenues 1st qtr.2002 N/A
Ref.Consolidated Operating Revenues as of March 2003 421,974 million Yen
Notes: The figures are rounded off to the closest million yen.
Figures on the previous first quarter and Year-on-Year growth rate are not
given, as the preparation of the consolidated quarterly financial statements was
initiated this year.
Supplementary information:
Looking back at the 1st quarter of the fiscal year ending March 2004, while
there were some signs of recovery in certain economic aspects such as the
revitalization of the stock market and an upward tendency in long term lending
interest rates indicating that the market had hit bottom, the Japanese economy
is still suffering from severe unemployment and a continuous low level of
personal consumption.
In the current economic climate, the Company has maintained its business policy
of improvement in asset quality rather than a quantitative expansion in order to
mitigate the impact of the increasing trend of bankruptcies and delinquencies on
the business. In addition, the Company has been preparing to take advantage of
an upturn in the country's economy.
As a result of these measures, Takefuji's consolidated operating revenues in
the 1st quarter of fiscal year ending March 2004 were 100,650 million yen.
(2) Events that significantly influenced the group's financial status and
business results for 1st quarter of fiscal year ending March 2004 -None
(3) Forecasts for the fiscal year ending March 2004 (from April 1, 2003 to March
31, 2004)
The Company maintains its original estimates at this point of time for fiscal
year ending March 2004, as announced on April 30, 2003.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange