Monthly IR Report August
18 Agosto 2003 - 4:04AM
UK Regulatory
RNS Number:7611O
Takefuji Corporation
18 August 2003
For release Immediately
Representative Akira Kiyokawa, President
Contact Investor Relations
Fax 81-3-3365-8070
Stock Listing Tokyo Stock Exchange, London Stock Exchange
Stock Code No. 8564 TYOSE
1.Administrative Sanction Imposed by the Kanto Regional Financial Bureau
As of August 1, 2003, Takefuji Corporation was instructed by the Kanto Regional
Financial Bureau, on the basis of Article 36 of the Law relating to Regulation
of the Money-lending Industry (No. 32 of 1983), to suspend all operations at our
Moriguchi Branch (excluding those related to the receipt of payments and
preservation of assets) for a period of 15 days from August 2nd to August 16th
2003. In April 2000, an employee who joined the Company as of April 1st, 1997,
continued to solicit loan repayments at his own judgment after a borrower had
applied for court mediation regarding terms of repayment. His understanding at
the time was that contacts with a borrower in such a position were permissible
up until the receipt of formal notice of mediation by the branch. But the
authorities have now ruled that this action violated Article 21 of the
Regulation of the Money-lending Industry: sanctions have therefore been imposed
against this branch office. We would like to apologize unreservedly for any
inconvenience caused in this matter particularly to our customers but also to
our shareholders and to any others who may be affected by this incident. We take
the sanction imposed by the authorities on this occasion with the utmost
seriousness, and will make every effort across our company as a whole to ensure
that there is no reoccurrence, and that our business operates to the highest
standards.Takefuji Corporation has striven to put the customer first in all its
activities right from its establishment. We have established clear and detailed
internal regulations and a thorough program of staff training to ensure that -
as they work day after day to serve our customers ?? our employees are able to
avoid errors of this kind.Although it is regrettable, that on this occasion the
authorities have found us in breach of a regulation, it provides us with a
further opportunity to strengthen our internal procedures to ensure compliance
with the Money Lending Business Law and other relevant rules, and to heighten
the level of awareness among our employees about the fundamental importance of
these issues. We intend to devote all our endeavors to ensure that the
repetition of such an incident will never occur. For further information, please
refer to the News Release section on our web site.
2. Loan Business in July 2003
Taking the recent economic conditions into consideration, we continue to pursue
a prudent loan business strategy and maintain strict credit control. Moreover,
we intend to aggressively promote the reinforcement of our "Customer First"
principle under our slogan of Making our company the most attractive place to
work, which was newly set at the beginning of this year, to build up a stronger
and more stable business foundation in preparation for improvements in the
Japanese economy.
The performance of the loan business for the month of July 2003 was as follows:
July 2002 July 2003 Rate (Number) of change
Outstanding cash loans (1) 1,786,637 1,657,748 -7.2%
Installment accounts - 118 -
receivable (2)
No.of loan customer 2,971,059 2,795,493 -5.9%
No. of new loan customer 33,581 24,994 -25.6%
No. of branch offices (3) 1,870 1,892 1.2%
Manned 529 529 (0)
Unmanned 1,340 1,362 (+22)
Internet 1 1 (0)
No. of unmanned loan 1,870 1,892 (+22)
contract machines
(Yen-musubi machines)
1 Unit: millions of yen.
2 Installment accounts receivable: credit card balance. Unit: millions of yen.
3 Increase/decrease in branch offices is shown in terms of the number of branch
offices rather than the rate of increase/decrease.
3. Summary of the 1Q Financial Results for FY ending March 2004
On July 31, 2003, Takefuji Corporation disclosed the financial results for the
end of the first quarter of the 37th fiscal year. We continue our loan business
policy of "Improvement in quality rather than increase of volume" and also lay
importance on asset quality based on our stricter and careful credit assessment
Summary of the 1Q Financial Results (Non-consolidated)
March 2003 June 2003 YTD
Outstanding loans (millions of yen) 1,675,625 1,655,933 -19,692
No. of loan customer A/C 2,814,665 2,794,716 -19,949
No. of A/C w/ shopping receivables 1,552 3,201 1,649
Operating revenues (millions of yen) 419,086 99,803 -
Average balance per A/C 595 593 -2
(thousands of yen) (-0.3%)
No. of new loan customer A/C 356,947 77,826 -
Please refer to Brief Statement of Q1 Financial Results for the FY ending March
2004 (Consolidated) and also Q1 Reports for the FY ending March 2004
4. New Annual Report and Fact Book on our Website
We are glad to inform you that our latest Annual Report and Facts Book for March
2003 can be viewed and downloaded from "IR & Corporate Information" on our
website. Please feel free to refer to these materials for detailed information
about Takefuji Corporation.
5. Report on our Overseas IR
Our 1st series of overseas IR presentation meetings for this fiscal year was
held with 20 companies in 4 European cities from July 14th to 18th, followed
immediately by the 2nd series of meetings with 27 companies in 4 cities in the
U.S.A. from July 21st to 25th, 2003. We believe that the reactions were
promising not only among current shareholders and investors, but also among
other institutional investors who are considering investment in the future, and
that our strong financial status, profitability and credibility have been fully
understood. We intend to continue proactive information disclosure and vigorous
IR activities so that we can deepen the understanding of Takefuji Corporation
among both overseas and domestic shareholders and investors.
Takefuji Sponsors a Campaign to "Register Mt. Fuji on the World Heritage List"
Takefuji Corporation has decided to sponsor an environmental protection campaign
led by Mr. Ken Noguchi, a world-renowned mountaineer, giving its support to the
"Mt. FUJI ACTION 3776 Program aiming at designating Mr. Fuji, the origin of our
company's name Take"fuji", as a World Heritage Site". Mt. Fuji, known as the
highest mountain in Japan, looks beautiful when viewed from a distance. However,
the mountain is littered with a pile of garbage and currently suffering from
serious environmental issues. We would like to contribute to the movement for
the nature conservation and the environmental protection through support of
activities to protect and preserve cultural heritage not only in Japan but also
throughout the world.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange