BW20030829002001  20030829T100949Z UTC

( BW)(ALTIN-AG)(AIA) Semi-Annual Report as at 30 June 2003

    Business Editors

    LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aug. 29, 2003--

          Semi-Annual Report as at 30 June 2003 (unaudited)

                        Consolidated balance sheet as at 30 June 2003
                        (in thousands of US-Dollars)

        6/30/03               12/31/02        


ASSETS                                 USD                      USD             
Current assets                                                                  
Cash and cash equivalents                  12,587                  4,865        
Available-for-sale securities                                                   
                                          260,854                232,196
Other current assets                        9,993                 23,544        
--------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
                                          283,434                260,605
                                  ----------------        ---------------
Total assets                              283,434                260,605        
--------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS'                                                   
Current liabilities                                                             
Accounts payable                            1,042                  5,873        
Short term loans                           62,600                 45,800        
Taxes payable                                  24                     23        
Accrued liabilities                         1,604                  1,572        
--------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
                                           65,270                 53,268
                                  ----------------        ---------------
Shareholders' equity                                                            
Share capital                              94,371                 94,371        
Legal reserves                             31,849                 31,638        
Less treasury shares                      (13,016)               (16,443)       
Retained earnings                         104,960                 97,771        
--------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
                                          218,164                207,337
                                  ----------------        ---------------
Total liabilities and                                                           
 shareholders' equity                     283,434                260,605        

Consolidated statement of income                                                                
January 1, - 30 June 2003                                              
(in thousands of US-                                                   
                                01/01/ -                    01/01/ -
                                 6/30/03                     6/30/02
Interest income                       45                          76   
Realised/unrealised gains                                              
 and losses                                                            
  on available-for-sale-                                               
   securities                     10,993                       7,285   
Other Income                           3                         227   
Foreign exchange gain                                                  
 (net)                                10                          87   
                                  11,051                       7,675
                           --------------              --------------
Interest expenses                    670                         727   
Investment management fees         2,132                       1,710   
General administrative                                                 
 expenses                          1,036                         670   
Taxes                                 24                          25   
                                   3,862                       3,132
                           --------------              --------------
Net income                         7,189                       4,543   
Earnings per share                                                     
Basic                               1.60                        0.96   


 Consolidated statement      .                                 
 of cash flows for the                                         
reporting Period ended                                         
 30 June                                                       
(in thousands of US-                                           
                               01.01. -              01.01. -
                                6/30/03               6/30/02
------------------------     ----------------------------------
Net income for the                                             
 period                           7 189                 4 543  
Adjustments for :                                              
         Net unrealised                              
          losses  on                                           
              securities            130               ( 2 515) 
         Net realised                                          
          gain on                                              
          securities           ( 11 123)              ( 4 770) 
          exchange gain            ( 10)                 ( 87) 
         Tax expense                 24                    25  
          expense                   670                   727  
Purchases of securities       ( 100 336)             ( 64 616) 
Proceeds from sales of                                         
 securities                      82 671                89 315  
(Increase)/Decrease in                                         
 other current assets            13 550               ( 3 563) 
Increase in accounts                                           
 payable and                                                   
          liabilities           ( 4 799)              ( 1 555) 
Tax paid                           ( 24)                 ( 25) 
Interest paid                     ( 669)                ( 806) 
                             -----------            ----------
Net cash from operating                                        
 activities                    ( 12 727)               16 673  
                             -----------            ----------
(Decrease)/increase of                                         
 bank loan                       16 800               ( 3 145) 
Purchases of treasury                                          
 shares                           ( 402)             ( 24 419) 
Sales of treasury shares          4 041                 4 828  
                             -----------            ----------
Net cash  used in                                              
 financing activities            20 439              ( 22 736) 
                             -----------            ----------
Net (decrease)/increase                                        
 in cash and cash                                              
 equivalents                      7 712               ( 6 063) 
                             -----------            ----------
Effect of exchange rate                                        
 changes on cash and                                           
    cash equivalents                 10                    87  
Cash and cash                                                  
 equivalents at                                                
 beginning of year                4 865                15 500  
                             -----------            ----------
Cash and cash                                                  
 equivalents at half-                                          
 year end                        12 587                 9 524  
                             ===========            ==========

Consolidated statement of  changes in
equity as at 30 June 2003
(in thousands of US-Dollars)

                     Share                   Share           Treasury         Retained        Total
                     capital                 premium          shares          earnings        Equity


 Balance at 1                                                                                 
 January 2003                 94 371            31 638       ( 16 443)        97 771        207 337  
of treasury                                                                                      
 shares                            -               211          3 427              -          3 638  
Net income for                                                                                 
 the period                        -                 -              -          7 189          7 189  
                    -----------------    -----------------   ---------       --------     ----------
Balance at 30                                                                                  
 June 2003                    94 371            31 849       ( 13 016)        104 960        218 164  
                    -----------------    -----------------   ---------        --------     ----------
Balance at 1                                                                                   
 January 2002                 94 371               33 539     ( 5 891)    85 628      207 647  
of treasury                                                                                    
 shares                            -              ( 1 094)   ( 18 495)         -     ( 19 589) 
Net income for                                                                                 
 the period                        -                    -           -      4 543        4 543  
                    -----------------    -----------------   ---------   --------   ----------
Balance at 30                                                                                  
 June 2002                    94 371               32 445    ( 24 386)    90 171      192 601  
                    -----------------    -----------------   ---------   --------   ----------
The following notes form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements


Notes to the consolidated financial
statements as per June 30, 2003
(in thousands of US-Dollars)

1.  The Company

The Company was incorporated on April 2, 1892 under the laws of
Switzerland as "Societe Financiere Franco-Suisse" with its registered
office in Geneva (Switzerland). The extraordinary general meeting of
shareholders of August 13, 1996 resolved to change the name to "Altin
AG" and to transfer the Company's registered office to Baar

The Company's objective is the investment of its assets and the
maximising of the long-term return to investors. The Company effects
the investment through its subsidiary, Altin (Cayman) Ltd., Grand
Cayman (the "Subsidiary") incorporated on July 26, 1996, which
allocates its assets to a range of alternative Fund Managers by using
a wide range of investment techniques and styles, mainly alternative
investment strategies, with the aim to achieve a diversified and
structured portfolio with a defined risk reward profile, a low
volatility and a low correlation to traditional financial markets.
Different styles of alternative investment strategies include
arbitrage, global macro, commodity trading advisors, long/short equity
funds and other styles.

The Subsidiary has in conjunction with the Company established
Investment Guidelines that set forth the investment objectives and
restrictions. Investment results may vary substantially over time and
there is no guarantee that the set forth objectives will be achieved.
The Board of Directors may alter at any time the Investment

As of December 31, 2002 the Group employs 3 persons (2001: 3) on a
consultancy basis and is located at Neuhofstrasse 8, Baar

The Company is listed at the SWX Swiss Exchange since August 2, 1996
and at the London Stock Exchange since December 31, 2001.

Notes to the consolidated financial
statements as per June 30, 2003
(in thousands of US-Dollars)

Summary of significant
accounting policies

Basis of presentation

The consolidated half-yearly financial statements have been prepared
in accordance with the yearly financial statements and comply with
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), especially IAS 34
(intermediary reporting). The consolidated financial statements are
prepared under the historical cost convention as modified by the
revaluation of available-for-sale securities and financial assets and
liabilities held for trading. Although the Company is registered in
Switzerland, the directors have adopted the US dollar rather than the
Swiss franc as the measurement and reporting currency because they
monitor the Company's performance against international US dollar
denominated benchmarks and most of the Group's assets are invested in
US dollar denominated funds.


The consolidated financial statements include the financial statements
of the Company and its wholly-owned subsidiary, Altin (Cayman) Ltd.,
Grand Cayman. All intercompany transactions, balances and unrealised
surpluses and deficits on transactions have been eliminated.

Translation of foreign currency amounts

Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are
translated at the year-end exchange rates. Foreign currency
transactions are accounted for at the exchange rates prevailing at the
date of the transaction. Gains and losses resulting from the
settlement of such transactions and from the translation of monetary
assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are
recognised in the income statement. Share capital increases are
recorded at the exchange rates prevailing at the date of the

Available-for-sale securities

At January 1, 2001 the Company adopted IFRS 39 and classified all its
investment securities as "available-for-sale". Available-for-sale
securities are intended to be held for an indefinite period of time
and may be sold in response to needs for liquidity or changes in
interest rates, exchange rates or equity prices. Management determines
the appropriate classification of its investments at the time of the
purchase and re-evaluate such designation on a regular basis.

Notes to the consolidated financial
statements as per June 30, 2003
(in thousands of US-Dollars)

All investment securities are initially recognised at cost (which
includes transaction costs). Available-for-sale assets are
subsequently re-measured at fair value. Fair value is determined on
the following basis:

Investments in securities which are traded on recognised exchanges
(including bonds, equities, futures contracts, warrants and mutual
funds) are valued at the last reported bid price on the valuation
date. Investments in securities traded in the over-the-counter market
and listed securities for which no trade is reported on the valuation
date are valued at the last reported bid and asked price for long and
short positions, respectively.

Investments for which market quotations are not readily available are
valued at their fair value as determined in good faith by the
Directors in consultation with the Investment Manager. In this
respect, these investments are normally valued at the underlying net
asset value as advised by the Fund Managers or administrators of these
investment companies, unless the Directors are aware of good reasons
why such a valuation would not be the most appropriate indicator of
fair value. The market for unlisted companies is highly illiquid and
subject to significant volatility in prices. These fair valuations may
differ significantly from values that will be realised in future
periods, and the differences could be material.

Investment securities held by the Group are subject to individual
review by the Directors. If the Directors believe that the carrying
amount of the investments (as established by reference to underlying
net assets or market price if available) may be higher than the amount
that would be recovered if the Group would dispose or otherwise
liquidate its investment, such carrying value is reduced to the
estimated recoverable amount.

All realised and unrealised gains and losses arising on
available-for-sale securities are recognised in the income statement
as they arise.


Borrowings are recognised initially at the proceeds received, net of
transaction costs incurred. In subsequent periods, borrowings are
stated at amortised cost using the effective yield method; any
difference between proceeds (net of transaction costs) and the
redemption value is recognised in the income statement over the period
of the borrowings.

Notes to the consolidated financial
statements as per June 30, 2003
(in thousands of US-Dollars)

Revenue and expense recognition

Interest income is recognised in the income statement for all interest
bearing instruments on an accrual basis using the effective yield
method. Dividend income is accrued on the ex-dividend date and
recorded net of any applicable non-recoverable withholding tax.

Interest expense and asset based fees due under service contracts are
recognised on an accrual basis. All expenses are charged to the income
statement except for expenses incurred on the acquisition of an
investment security which are included within the cost of that
investment. Expenses arising on the disposal of investments are
deducted from the disposal proceeds.


The Company is liable to cantonal/communal taxes on capital. The
Company intends to conduct most of its business through Altin (Cayman)
Ltd., Grand Cayman; at present, such activity will not be subject to
any income, withholding or capital gains taxes in the Cayman Islands.
Generally, the Company intends to conduct its affairs so as not to be
liable to taxation in any other jurisdiction; however, the Company or
its Subsidiary may invest in securities whose income is subject to
non-refundable foreign withholding taxes.

Cash and cash equivalents

For the purposes of the cash flow statement, cash and cash equivalents
comprise cash and short-term deposits with a maturity of three months
or less.

Treasury shares

Own shares of the Company held by the Company or its Subsidiary at the
balance sheet date are designated as treasury shares. These shares are
treated as a deduction from shareholders' equity. The gains and losses
on sales of own shares are charged to the share premium account.

Earnings per share, diluted earnings per share and net asset value per

Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the net income by
the weighted average number of registered shares in issue during the
year, excluding the average number of ordinary shares held as treasury

Notes to the consolidated financial
statements as per June 30, 2003
(in thousands of US-Dollars)

For diluted earnings per share the weighted average number of
registered shares in issue is adjusted to assume conversion of all
dilutive potential registered shares. Dilutive potential registered
shares include registered shares issuable under exercise of warrants.
A calculation is done to determine the number of shares that could
have been acquired at market price (determined as the average annual
share price of Company's shares) based on the exercise price of shares
issuable upon exercicse of warrants. This calculation serves to
determine the "unpurchased" registered shares outstanding for the
purposes of computing the dilution.

Net assets value per share is calculated by dividing the net assets at
the balance sheet date by the number of share outstanding at the
balance sheet date excluding treasury shares.

Available-for-sale securities

Most available-for-sale securities held during the period were
unlisted and invested with a number of non-traditional Fund Managers
using various investment strategies. Most of the assets are US Dollar
denominated. The securities have been pledged as security for bank
loan (Note 4).

The classifications of the available-for-sale securities between money
market, arbitrage, global macro, long/short equity and private equity
refer to the reporting period. Accordingly, there may be
reclassifications between categories from one year to another.

Movements in available-for-sales securities were as follows :

3.1  Inventory of investments as at June 30, 2003
     (in thousands of US-Dollars)

                                                           Number of       Balance as    Additions  Withdrawals  
                                                            Shares          per                               Realised
                                                                         31.12.2002                            profits
Money market investment funds
CS Money Market Fund CHF                                     0.00              -             -           -          -
CS Money Market Fund USD                                    15.00             40             -        ( 34)         -

                                                                              40             -        ( 34)         -

CND Volatility Opportunity, Cl. A                         1000.00            985             -           -          -
Contrarian Cap Offshore, Cl. A Ser. 3                     7389.37            743             -       ( 772)        50
Cooperneff CNV Strategies USD Cl.                        92541.18         10 452             -           -          -
Farallon Capital Offshore Cl. A                        2426868.80         15 511             -    ( 15 986)     7 335
Feingold O'Keefe, Cl. A Ser. 1                            8000.00          8 650             -           -          -
Feingold O'Keefe, Cl. A Ser. 6                               0.00              -         5 000           -          -
Framework Asset Investors, Cl. B Ser. 1 Roll up           7000.00          7 169             -           -          -
Framework Asset Investors, Cl. B Ser. 3                      0.00              -         5 000           -          -
Framework Asset Investors, Cl. B Ser. 1 2003                 0.00              -         3 000           -          -
Kensington Global Strategies, Cl. A                      10457.99         17 992             -           -          -
KBC Alpha SR Feeder Fd. Credit Arb., Cl. A                   0.00              -        13 502           -          -
Kingate Global Fund Ltd.                                 57115.00         15 816             -    ( 12 474)     5 451
Marathon Special Opportunity, Cl. B                      48806.09         13 335             -           -
Pharo Arbitrage Fund Ltd. Ser. 1                          6188.52          8 920             -        ( 30)         9
Pharo Arbitrage Fund Ltd. Ser. 2                             0.00              -         2 000           -          -
Polygon Global Opportunities Fund                            0.00              -        10 000           -          -
ZLP Offshore Utility Cl. B                               10441.80          3 846             -           -          -
ZLP Offshore Utility Cl. A                                2088.02            957             -       ( 316)       155

                                                                         104 376        38 502    ( 29 578)    13 000


Bluecrest Capital Internat. Ltd., Cl. F                  40000.00          4 518             -     ( 4 490)       480
Bluecrest Capital Internat. Ltd., Cl. D                  77211.12          9 932             -     ( 9 849)     1 095
Capital Fund Ltd., Equalization                         132573.52            133             -       ( 133)         -
 Fund Ltd.                                                3444.54          5 140           133           -          -
Fountain Fund Ltd., Cl. A                                    0.00              -        11 628           -          -
Fountain Fund Ltd., Equalisation Cl. A                       0.00              -           371           -          -
Graham Global Inv. Fund, FED Policy                      58072.01          8 868             -           -          -
Graham Global Inv. Fund, K4                                  0.00              -         4 000           -          -
Rubicon Global Fund, Ser. 1                              63281.52         14 272             -           -          -
Tudor BVI Global F. Ltd.                                   229.63         11 225             -           -          -

                                                                          54 088        16 132    ( 14 472)     1 575

Long/Short Equity Funds

Aries Select Ltd., Cl. A                                 48741.41          2 677             -           -          -
 Fund                                                     5171.72              -             -           -          -
Crabel Fund Ltd., Cl. C Ser. VI                           5000.00          4 965             -       ( 801)         1
Crabel Fund Ltd., Cl. C Ser. VII                             0.00              -         5 000           -          -
Eureka USD
 Fund Ltd.                                               26276.62          7 224             -           -          -
Five Point Offsh. F. Ltd., C6                              443.58             44             -           -          -
Five Point Offsh. F. Ltd., C10                            1010.67            101             -           -          -
Five Point Offsh. F. Ltd., C12                             504.93             51             -           -          -
Five Point Offsh. F. Ltd., C14                             168.31             17             -           -          -
Five Point Offsh. F. Ltd., C17                             603.34             15             -           -          -
Five Point Offsh. F. Ltd., C18                              63.76              2             -           -          -
Five Point Offsh. F. Ltd., C19                             531.03             53             -           -          -
Five Point Offsh. F. Ltd., C21                             131.54             13             -           -          -
Five Point Offsh. F. Ltd., C22                             145.58             15             -           -          -
Five Point Offsh. F. Ltd., C23                              41.05              4             -           -          -
Five Point Offsh. F. Ltd., C24                             197.77             20             -           -          -
Five Point Offsh. F. Ltd., C25                              61.80              6             -           -          -
Five Point Offsh. F. Ltd., C26                             576.40             58             -           -          -
Five Point Offsh. F. Ltd., C27                              35.57              4             -           -          -
Five Point Offsh. F. Ltd., C28                              28.19              3             -           -          -
Five Point Offsh. F. Ltd., C30                              21.09              2             -           -          -
Five Point Offsh. F. Ltd., A2                            33975.17          3 956             -           -          -
 Inc.                                                        0.00              -                   ( 2 641)        73
Lazard European Opport., Cl. A Ser. 13                   35000.00          3 355             -     ( 2 933)         -
Prism Offshore Fd. Ltd., Cl. A Ser. 1                    42221.37          8 297             -           -          -
Sprott Offshore Fund Ltd., Cl A Ser. 100                 10000.00            923             -           -          -
Sprott Offshore Fund Ltd., Cl A Ser. 010                 30000.00          3 078         2 003           -          -
Sprott Offshore Fund Ltd., Cl A Ser. 0203                    0.00              -         1 000           -          -
Standard Pacific Cap Offshore, Cl. B                     27071.28          7 505             -     ( 7 503)       328
Stanfield Offshore Leveraged, Cl. A                          0.00              -         1 005           -          -
Symmetry Europe Ltd., Cl. A Ser. 4                       60000.00          5 246             -     ( 5 246)         -
Verus Investment Fund Ltd., Cl. A Ser. 1                     0.00              -         7 000           -          -
Verus Investment Fund Ltd., Cl. A Ser. 2                     0.00              -         2 000
Viking Global Equities Ltd., Cl A Ser. 1E                  481.87          1 471             -         ( 1)         -
Wellington Mgt. Inv., Cl. A Ser. 14                     300000.00              -             -           -          -
Wellington Mgt. Inv., Cl. A Ser. 15                     300000.00              -             -           -          -
Wellington Mgt. Inv., Cl. A Ser. 1 2003                 600000.00          6 327         3 782           -          -
Wellington Mgt. Inv., Cl. A Ser. 16                          0.00              -         1 000           -          -
Wellington Mgt. Inv., Cl. A Ser. 17                          0.00              -         1 005           -          -
ZLP Offshore Utility F. Cl. A Ser. 1                     14170.92          5 175             -           -          -
ZLP Offshore Utility F. Cl. A11                           9594.34          1 269             -           -          -
ZLP Offshore Utility F. Cl. C3                              73.93              1             -           -          -
ZLP Offshore Utility F. Cl. C4                              73.92              2             -           -          -
ZLP Offshore Utility F. Cl. C5                              36.15              1             -           -          -
ZLP Offshore Utility F. Cl. C6                              26.09              1             -           -          -
ZLP Offshore Utility F. Cl. C7                              15.42              -             -           -          -
ZLP Offshore Utility F. Cl. C8                              32.39              -             -           -          -
ZLP Offshore Utility F. Cl. C9                             110.90             11             -           -          -

                                                                          61 892        23 795    ( 19 125)       402

 Equity *

Cerberus Asia Partners                                 2340000.00          4 554        12 338    ( 10 419)         -
 Investors                                                 679.16              -             -           -          -
Internet Partnership Gr.                                   115.00              -             -           -          -
Kiwi II Venture, common shares                             100.00              -             -           -          -
 II                                                       9000.00          6 428         7 335     ( 6 930)         -
 Technology                                               1109.53            216             -           -          -
 Venture II
 Ltd.                                                     1244.44            280         1 628     ( 1 548)         -
Venture Capital  accel.                                     42.00            322           606       ( 565)         -


                                                                          11 800        21 907    ( 19 462)         -

                                                                        ---------    ----------  ----------  ---------

Total                                                                    232 196       100 336    ( 82 671)    14 977
                                                                        =========    ==========  ==========  =========

*These investments may be regarded as long-term investments as they
 have redemption restrictions of more than one year and are therefore
 not readily marketable and not readily realisable.

3.1 Inventory of investments as at June
 30, 2003
       (in thousands of US-Dollars)

                                                                                       Balance as per   Number of shares
                           Positive              Realized             Negative           30.06.2003              
                          reversals              losses               reversals
                        in unrealised                                 in unrealized
                            profits                                     losses
Money market investment funds
CS Money Market
 Fund CHF                           -                    -                       -             -                   0.00
CS Money Market
 Fund USD                           -                  ( 1)                    ( 5)            -                   0.00

                                    -                  ( 1)                    ( 5)            -

CND Volatility
 Opportunity, Cl.
 A                                  -                    -                    ( 86)          899                1000.00
Contrarian Cap
 Offshore, Cl. A
 Ser. 3                             -                    -                    ( 21)            -                   0.00
Cooperneff CNV
 Strategies USD
 Cl.                              358                    -                       -        10 810               92541.18
Farallon Capital
 Offshore Cl. A                     -                    -                 ( 6 860)            -                   0.00
Feingold O'Keefe,
 Cl. A Ser. 1                     761                    -                       -         9 411                8000.00
Feingold O'Keefe,
 Cl. A Ser. 6                     440                    -                       -         5 440                5000.00
Framework Asset
 Investors, Cl. B
 Ser. 1 Roll up                     -                    -                    ( 70)        7 099                6956.54
Framework Asset
 Investors, Cl. B
 Ser. 3                             -                    -                   ( 342)        4 658                5000.00
Framework Asset
 Investors, Cl. B
 Ser. 1 2003                        -                    -                    ( 29)        2 971                3000.00
Kensington Global
 Strategies, Cl. A              1 213                    -                       -        19 205               10457.99
KBC Alpha SR
 Feeder Fd. Credit
 Arb., Cl. A                      582                    -                       -        14 084               12066.42
Kingate Global
 Fund Ltd.                          -                    -                 ( 5 189)        3 604               12543.00
Marathon Special
 Opportunity, Cl.
 B                              2 690                    -                       -        16 025               49219.82
Pharo Arbitrage
 Fund Ltd. Ser. 1                 958                    -                       -         9 857                6169.20
Pharo Arbitrage
 Fund Ltd. Ser. 2                 190                    -                       -         2 190                1370.93
Polygon Global
 Fund                              75                    -                       -        10 075              100000.00
ZLP Offshore
 Utility Cl. B                    406                    -                       -         4 252               10441.80
ZLP Offshore
 Utility Cl. A                      -                    -                    ( 67)          729                1432.66

                                7 673                    -                ( 12 664)      121 309


Bluecrest Capital
 Internat. Ltd.,
 Cl. F                              -                    -                   ( 508)            -                   0.00
Bluecrest Capital
 Internat. Ltd.,
 Cl. D                              -                    -                 ( 1 178)            -                   0.00
Capital Fund Ltd.,
 Equalization                       -                    -                       -             -                   0.00
 Fund Ltd.                        298                    -                       -         5 571                3533.38
Fountain Fund
 Ltd., Cl. A                        -                    -                   ( 850)       10 778               10141.76
Fountain Fund
 Equalisation Cl.
 A                                  -                    -                   ( 348)           23              371634.53
Graham Global Inv.
 Fund, FED Policy                 227                    -                       -         9 095               58072.01
Graham Global Inv.
 Fund, K4                         501                    -                       -         4 501               26780.93
Rubicon Global
 Fund, Ser. 1                   2 114                    -                       -        16 386               63281.52
Tudor BVI Global
 F. Ltd.                        1 443                    -                       -        12 668                 229.63

Long/Short Equity Funds          4 583                    -                 ( 2 884)       59 022

Aries Select Ltd.,
 Cl. A                          1 514                    -                       -         4 191               48741.41
 Fund                               -                    -                       -             -                5171.72
Crabel Fund Ltd.,
 Cl. C Ser. VI                     53                    -                       -         4 218                4200.00
Crabel Fund Ltd.,
 Cl. C Ser. VII                    49                    -                       -         5 049                5000.00
Eureka USD
 Fund Ltd.                        118                    -                       -         7 342               26276.62
Five Point Offsh.
 F. Ltd., C6                        -                    -                       -            44                 443.58
Five Point Offsh.
 F. Ltd., C10                       -                    -                   ( 101)            -                1010.67
Five Point Offsh.
 F. Ltd., C12                       -                    -                       -            51                 504.93
Five Point Offsh.
 F. Ltd., C14                       -                    -                    ( 17)            -                 168.31
Five Point Offsh.
 F. Ltd., C17                       -                    -                       -            15                 603.34
Five Point Offsh.
 F. Ltd., C18                       -                    -                       -             2                  63.76
Five Point Offsh.
 F. Ltd., C19                       -                    -                       -            53                 531.03
Five Point Offsh.
 F. Ltd., C21                       -                    -                    ( 13)            -                 131.54
Five Point Offsh.
 F. Ltd., C22                       -                    -                       -            15                 145.58
Five Point Offsh.
 F. Ltd., C23                       -                    -                     ( 4)            -                  41.05
Five Point Offsh.
 F. Ltd., C24                       -                    -                    ( 20)            -                 197.77
Five Point Offsh.
 F. Ltd., C25                       -                    -                       -             6                  61.80
Five Point Offsh.
 F. Ltd., C26                       -                    -                       -            58                 576.40
Five Point Offsh.
 F. Ltd., C27                       -                    -                       -             4                  35.57
Five Point Offsh.
 F. Ltd., C28                       -                    -                     ( 3)            -                  28.19
Five Point Offsh.
 F. Ltd., C30                       -                    -                       -             2                  21.09
Five Point Offsh.
 F. Ltd., A2                       68                    -                       -         4 024               33975.17
 Inc.                                                                         ( 92)      ( 2 660)            -200000.00
Lazard European
 Opport., Cl. A
 Ser. 13                          163                ( 585)                      -             -                   0.00
Prism Offshore Fd.
 Ltd., Cl. A Ser.
 1                                  -                    -                   ( 522)        7 775               42221.37
Sprott Offshore
 Fund Ltd., Cl A
 Ser. 100                           -                    -                   ( 132)          791               10000.00
Sprott Offshore
 Fund Ltd., Cl A
 Ser. 010                           -                    -                   ( 728)        4 353               30816.87
Sprott Offshore
 Fund Ltd., Cl A
 Ser. 0203                          -                    -                   ( 168)          832               10000.00
Standard Pacific
 Cap Offshore, Cl.
 B                                  -                    -                   ( 330)            -                   0.00
Stanfield Offshore
 Leveraged, Cl. A                   -                    -                     ( 5)        1 000                 821.23
Symmetry Europe
 Ltd., Cl. A Ser.
 4                                754                ( 754)                      -             -                   0.00
Verus Investment
 Fund Ltd., Cl. A
 Ser. 1                             -                    -                 ( 1 394)        5 606                 700.00
Verus Investment
 Fund Ltd., Cl. A
 Ser. 2                                                                      ( 391)        1 609                 200.00
Viking Global
 Equities Ltd., Cl
 A Ser. 1E                          -              ( 1 436)                   ( 34)            -                   0.00
Wellington Mgt.
 Inv., Cl. A Ser.
 14                                 -                    -                       -             -                   0.00
Wellington Mgt.
 Inv., Cl. A Ser.
 15                                 -                    -                       -             -                   0.00
Wellington Mgt.
 Inv., Cl. A Ser.
 1 2003                         2 023                    -                       -        12 132              312730.62
Wellington Mgt.
 Inv., Cl. A Ser.
 16                               171                    -                       -         1 171              100000.00
Wellington Mgt.
 Inv., Cl. A Ser.
 17                               174                    -                       -         1 179              100000.00
ZLP Offshore
 Utility F. Cl. A
 Ser. 1                         2 148                    -                       -         7 323               18126.71
ZLP Offshore
 Utility F. Cl.
 A11                              115                    -                       -         1 384                9594.34
ZLP Offshore
 Utility F. Cl. C3                  -                    -                       -             1                  73.93
ZLP Offshore
 Utility F. Cl. C4                  -                    -                       -             2                  73.92
ZLP Offshore
 Utility F. Cl. C5                  -                    -                       -             1                  36.15
ZLP Offshore
 Utility F. Cl. C6                  -                    -                       -             1                  26.09
ZLP Offshore
 Utility F. Cl. C7                  -                    -                       -             -                  15.42
ZLP Offshore
 Utility F. Cl. C8                  -                    -                       -             -                  32.39
ZLP Offshore
 Utility F. Cl. C9                  -                    -                    ( 11)            -                 110.90

                                7 350              ( 2 775)                ( 3 965)       67 574

 Equity *

Cerberus Asia
 Partners                           -                    -                   ( 438)        6 035             2340000.00
 Investors                          -                    -                       -             -                 679.16
 Partnership Gr.                    -                    -                       -             -                 115.00
Kiwi II Venture,
 common shares                  1 078              ( 1 078)                      -             -                   0.00
 II                                 -                    -                   ( 816)        6 017                9000.00
 Technology                         -                    -                    ( 42)          174                1109.53
 Venture II
 Ltd.                               -                    -                       -           360                   0.00
Venture Capital
 accel.                             -                    -                       -           363                   0.00


                                1 078              ( 1 078)                ( 1 296)       12 949

                  --------------------  -------------------   ---------------------    ----------

Total                          20 684              ( 3 854)               ( 20 814)      260 854
                  ====================  ===================   =====================    ==========

*These investments may be regarded as long-term investments as they
 have redemption restrictions of more than one year and are therefore
 not readily marketable and not readily realisable.

Notes to the consolidated financial
statements as per June 30, 2003
(in thousands of US-Dollars)

       4.   Bank loan

            The group maintains various credit lines
             with a
            number of banks up to a total amount of
            70,000. Total used credit lines as at June
             30, 2003
            amounted to USD 62,600.

            The group pledged its investment portfolio
            to USD 260,854 as security under the terms
             of these credit

       5.   Share Capital

            4,965,598 registered shares of nominal
   94 371   of CHF 23

       6.   Net asset value per share
            (excluding treasury shares)

  218 164   Net assets

            Number of shares outstanding (excluding
4 524 931   shares)

    48.21   Net Asset Value per share
            (excluding treasury shares)

       7.   Earnings/(Loss) per share

    7 189   Net income for the period

            Weighted average number of registered
    4 494   in issue (in thousands)

     1.60   Basic earnings per share

                                Notes to the consolidated financial
                                statements as per June 30, 2003
                                (in thousands of US-Dollars)

                          8.    Treasury shares

                                                                    Av. Price
                            Number      Total costs                  in USD

 Number of shares                                                                
 held by the Company               -                -                            
                            ---------      -----------
 Number of shares held                                                           
 by the subsidiary                                                               
 as at December 31, 2002     530 667           16 443                            
         April                10 000              402                   40.23    
        January             ( 40 000)         ( 1 531)                  38.29    
        March               ( 20 000)           ( 766)                  38.29    
        April               ( 20 000)           ( 766)                  38.29    
        May                 ( 20 000)           ( 766)                  38.29    
                            ---------      -----------
 As at June 30, 2003         440 667           13 016                            
 Total held by                                                                   
                            ---------      -----------
 the Group                   440 667           13 016                            
                            =========      ===========

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    CONTACT: Altin AG

    SOURCE: Altin AG

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