RNS Number:3135P
03 September 2003

                                 PRESS RELEASE
3 September 2003


SIG plc is the market leading specialist distributor of insulation, commercial
interiors and roofing products in Europe. It has 366 branches located in the UK,
Republic of Ireland, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Poland and the USA.

*  Sales increased by 13.5% to #612m (2002: #539m) with an encouraging
   like for like sales increase of 9.1%.

     *  UK and Republic of Ireland sales increased by 15.5% with particularly
        strong performances in Insulation and Roofing (up 18% and 23% 
        respectively).  In Commercial Interiors the level of sales was 
        maintained despite a decline in market demand.

     *  Sales in mainland Europe increased by 15% (in Sterling).

*  Operating profit before goodwill amortisation increased by 9.3% to
   #27.6m (2002: #25.3m) with a particularly strong performance in the UK and
   Republic of Ireland where operating profits were up 10.5%.

*  Profit before tax increased by 10.1% to #21.8m (2002: #19.8m).
   Earnings per share increased by 7.1% to 12.1p (2002: 11.3p).

*  Cash flow improved considerably following increased focus on working capital 
   management.  Gearing down to 46% (63% at 31 December 2002) and interest
   cover improved to 7.4 times (2002: 7.0 times).

*  Interim dividend up 5.1% to 4.1p (2002: 3.9p).

Barrie Cottingham, Chairman, commented:

"The Group has made encouraging progress in the first half of 2003, having
achieved record sales and operating profits compared with the corresponding
period in prior years.

We anticipate that the mixed conditions encountered in the first half of 2003
will continue into the second half, however the Group is focused on
strengthening the business against the background of these conditions. Trading
since the end of June has been satisfactory and further progress is expected."


David Williams, Chief Executive      SIG plc        today         020 7020 4000
Gareth Davies, Finance Director                     thereafter    0114 285 6300
Faeth Birch / Gordon Simpson         Finsbury                     020 7251 3801

Full Interim Results information, including a webcast of the presentation, is
available on www.sigplc.co.uk/results


The Group has made encouraging progress in the first half of 2003, having
achieved record sales and operating profits compared with the corresponding
period in prior years.

The leading position which the Group occupies in many of its areas of activity
has enabled growth to be achieved, against the background of flat or reduced
market demand in all sectors other than the UK structural insulation market.

The action taken in 2002 to reduce costs and improve efficiencies, combined with
the investments in new branches and additional sales staff in the first half of
that year, have had a positive effect during the period.  There has also been a
contribution from the acquisitions made during 2002.

In line with SIG's stated objectives, increased emphasis and attention has been
placed on working capital management throughout the Group.  As a result, cash
flow has improved considerably during the period, reducing gearing and further
strengthening the Group's balance sheet.

Results and Key Performance Ratios

For the six months to 30 June 2003 compared with the corresponding period in

*  Sales were up 13.5%, an increase of #73m to #612m.  Like for like
   sales (i.e. eliminating the impact of acquisitions made since December 2001)
   increased by 9.1%.

*  Excluding the impact of foreign exchange, sales growth was 10.6% and
   like for like sales growth was 6.2%.

*  Operating profit before goodwill amortisation increased by 9.3% to
   #27.6m (2002: #25.3m).

*  Goodwill amortisation increased to #2.4m (2002: #2.1m) and interest
   charges increased marginally to #3.4m (2002: #3.3m).

*  Profit before tax was 10.1% higher at #21.8m (2002: #19.8m).

*  Earnings per share were 7.1% higher at 12.1p (2002: 11.3p).

*  Balance sheet gearing at 30 June 2003 was 46%.  This compares with 74% at 30 
   June 2002 and 63% at 31 December 2002.  Cash flow from trading was strong
   at #56.0m (#28.1m in the first half of 2002).  Interest cover was improved
   further to 7.4 times (2002 30 June:  7.0 times).


An interim dividend of 4.1p (2002: 3.9p) has been declared, an increase of 5.1%,
with dividend cover at 2.9 times.  The dividend is payable on 21 November 2003
to shareholders on the register at 24 October 2003.

Review of Operations

UK and Republic of Ireland

Sales in the UK and Republic of Ireland increased by 15.5% to #397m (2002:
#344m) and like for like sales increased by 9.4%.

Operating profits improved by 10.5%.  As indicated in the July Trading
Statement, the operating margin reduced slightly to 6.3% (2002: 6.6%), due to an
adverse movement in the sales mix, chiefly within Commercial Interiors.

Sales in the Insulation and Related Products division rose by 18% in the UK and
Republic of Ireland, almost entirely through like for like growth.  Recent
changes to the building regulations continue to drive increased demand for
insulation.  This factor, combined with modest price inflation, created good
market conditions. The smaller industrial insulation market declined slightly as
investment levels remained very low in petro-chemical and power generation

Sales in the Roofing division grew by 23% in total in the period, benefiting
from the 2002 acquisitions, with like for like sales increasing by 7%.  Overall,
market demand was broadly flat with some mild price inflation.

In Commercial Interiors, overall sales in the UK and Republic of Ireland were
flat compared with the first half of 2002, despite the fact that market demand,
as anticipated, declined further.  Sales in the period were boosted by two large
projects in Ireland and the Middle East.

New construction and refurbishment projects in the retail, health, education and
other public sectors held up reasonably well.  Against this, demand for the
higher margin office interiors products declined further. Efforts to reposition
certain products, together with the introduction of new product ranges, all had
a positive impact on sales volume, albeit at margins presently below the
historical norm for this business.

In the Safety Products distribution business, SIG increased sales and margins
and reduced costs.  New marketing initiatives, changes to the product range and
a re-focused sales operation all contributed to strengthening the business.

The Construction Specialities operations increased sales by 4% like for like,
and 67% in total following the acquisition in this sector in June 2002.

Mainland Europe

Sales in mainland Europe in the first half of the year increased by 15.3% (in
sterling) to #183m and operating profits increased by 16.9%.  Sales in local
currencies grew by 5%.

In Germany, against a particularly weak performance in the first half of 2002,
sales in euros were up by 4%. This increase in sales and market share is against
the background of a further decline in general construction activity in Germany.
Operating profits were up in the period over first half 2002.

In France, sales grew by 9% in euros and operating profits were increased.
Whilst market conditions remained challenging, progress was made in Insulation,
Commercial Interiors and the fledgling Roofing operations.  Investments have
been made to increase SIG's geographic reach by opening two new locations.
Within Insulation, progress has been made in extending the product range,
especially in the growing air handling market.

In The Netherlands, sales increased by 11% in euros, due to the increased impact
of the Insulation business acquired in March 2002. Market conditions in the main
Commercial Interiors business remain very difficult, and sales and operating
profits declined slightly.

Sales in SIG's small Polish business declined by 9% in local currency as market
conditions continued to be extremely difficult and, whilst this was partly
offset by an improvement in the gross margin, a small operating loss was


Demand in the main petro-chemical and related industrial markets in the USA
continued to be very sluggish and SIG's sales fell by 3% in US dollars and 13%
in sterling.  Despite cost reductions, operating profit declined by #0.4m
compared with the first half of 2002.


There have been two small acquisitions in the first half of the year, one in the
UK  (Insulation) and one in France (Commercial Interiors).    Total
consideration is #1.6m with annualised sales of approximately #4m.

In July SIG acquired a UK roofing business for a consideration of up to #0.9m in
cash, with annualised sales of c.#2m.


SIG anticipates that the mixed conditions encountered in the first half of 2003
will continue into the second half.

General building activity is expected to remain broadly stable in the UK and
Republic of Ireland, and this should benefit Insulation in particular.  There
are signs that the rate of decline in Commercial Interiors is slowing, but SIG
does not see a recovery in either volume or margins in this sector this year.

Overseas market conditions are expected to remain difficult and some further
weakening of demand in mainland Europe is anticipated.

The Group is focused on strengthening the business against the background of
these conditions. Trading since the end of June has been satisfactory and
further progress is expected.

Summary Consolidated Profit and Loss Account                              
for the six months ended 30 June 2003                                     
                                                   Unaudited                    Unaudited                     Audited
                                            Six months ended             Six months ended                  Year ended
                                                     30 June                      30 June                 31 December 
                                             2003       2003              2002       2002           2002         2002 
                          Note              #'000      #'000             #'000      #'000          #'000        #'000 
  Turnover                   3                       611,738                      538,847                   1,154,968 
  Operating profit                         27,623                       25,282                    57,923              
  before amortisation                                                                                                 
  of goodwill                                                                                                         
  Amortisation of                           2,398                        2,132                     4,524              
  Operating profit           3                        25,225                       23,150                      53,399 
  Net interest payable                                 3,426                        3,348                       7,051 
  Profit on ordinary                                  21,799                       19,802                      46,348 
  activities before                                                                                                   
  Tax on profit on                                     7,106                        6,258                      14,646 
  ordinary activities                                                                                                 
  Profit on ordinary                                  14,693                       13,544                      31,702 
  activities after                                                                                                    
  Minority interest                                      213                          137                         294 
  (all equity)                                                                                                        
  Equity dividends                                     4,932                        4,682                      13,917 
  Retained profit for                                  9,548                        8,725                      17,491 
  the period                                                                                                          
  Earnings per share                                                                                                  
  Basic earnings per         4                         12.1p                        11.3p                       26.3p 
  Fully diluted              4                         12.0p                        11.1p                       26.1p 
  earnings per share                                                                                                  
  Earnings per share                                                                                                  
  before goodwill                                                                                                     
  Basic earnings per         4                         14.1p                        13.1p                       30.1p 
  Fully diluted              4                         14.0p                        12.9p                       29.9p 
  earnings per share                                                                                                  

Consolidated Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses              
for the six months ended 30 June 2003                                    
                                                                         Unaudited           Unaudited        Audited
                                                                  Six months ended    Six months ended           Year
                                                                           30 June             30 June          ended
                                                                                                          31 December 
                                                                              2003                2002           2002 
                                                                             #'000               #'000          #'000 
  Profit on ordinary activities after taxation and minority                 14,480              13,407         31,408 
  Gain/(loss) on foreign currency translation                                  809               (778)        (1,101) 
  Tax credit arising on repayment of overseas intercompany                      -                   -           4,572 
  Tax credit arising on foreign exchange losses                              1,315                 405          1,370 
  Total recognised gains and losses for the period                          16,604              13,034         36,249 
  Prior period adjustment                                                       -                (506)          (506) 
  Total recognised gains and losses since last annual report                16,604              12,528         35,743 

Reconciliation of Movement in Consolidated Shareholders' Funds              
for the six months ended 30 June 2003                                       
                                                                               Unaudited     Unaudited        Audited
                                                                        Six months ended    Six months           Year
                                                                                 30 June         ended          ended
                                                                                               30 June    31 December 
                                                                                    2003          2002           2002 
                                                                                   #'000         #'000          #'000 
  Profit on ordinary activities after taxation and minority                       14,480        13,407         31,408 
  Dividends                                                                      (4,932)       (4,682)       (13,917) 
                                                                                   9,548         8,725         17,491 
  New share capital issued                                                            83         1,241          1,735 
  Gain/(loss) on foreign currency translation                                        809         (778)        (1,101) 
  Tax credit arising on repayment of overseas intercompany loans                      -             -           4,572 
  Tax credit arising on foreign exchange losses                                    1,315           405          1,370 
  Credit to L-TIP reserve                                                             94            90            174 
  Adjustment to goodwill                                                              -             -           4,835 
  Net addition to shareholders' funds                                             11,849         9,683         29,076 
  Opening shareholders' funds as previously stated                               194,056       165,486        165,486 
  Prior period adjustment                                                             -          (506)          (506) 
  Opening shareholders' funds as restated                                        194,056       164,980        164,980 
  Closing shareholders' funds                                                    205,905       174,663        194,056 

Summary Consolidated Balance Sheet              
as at 30 June 2003                              
                                                   Unaudited            Unaudited        Audited
                                                     30 June              30 June    31 December 
                                                        2003                 2002           2002 
                                                       #'000                #'000          #'000 
  Fixed Assets                                                                                   
  Intangible assets                                   79,103               78,748         80,693 
  Tangible assets                                     71,288               68,729         71,717 
                                                     150,391              147,477        152,410 
  Current assets                                                                                 
  Stocks                                              94,289               90,931         88,876 
  Debtors                                            255,522              236,263        221,974 
  Cash at bank and in hand                            22,567               14,146         13,558 
                                                     372,378              341,340        324,408 
  Amounts falling due within one year              (202,929)            (204,058)      (172,242) 
  Net Current assets                                 169,449              137,282        152,166 
  Total assets less current liabilities              319,840              284,759        304,576 
  Amounts falling due after more than one year     (109,565)            (106,039)      (105,920) 
  Provision for liabilities and charges              (4,157)              (3,920)        (4,306) 
  Net assets                                         206,118              174,800        194,350 
  Shareholders' funds (all equity)                   205,905              174,663        194,056 
  Minority interest                                      213                  137            294 
  Total capital employed                             206,118              174,800        194,350 

Summary Consolidated Cash Flow Statement                  
for the six months ended 30 June 2003                     
                                                              Unaudited    Unaudited        Audited
                                                                30 June      30 June    31 December 
                                                                   2003         2002           2002 
                                                      Note        #'000        #'000          #'000 
  Net cash inflow from operating activities              5       55,990       28,113         64,699 
  Returns on investments and servicing of finance               (3,763)      (3,473)        (7,055) 
  Tax paid                                                      (3,487)      (6,321)       (14,323) 
  Capital expenditure                                           (6,114)      (9,704)       (20,224) 
  Acquisitions                                                    (552)      (4,809)       (22,057) 
  Equity dividends paid                                         (9,283)      (8,696)       (13,363) 
  Financing                                                    (10,118)        4,209         12,344 
  Increase/(decrease) in cash in the period              6       22,673        (681)             21 

Notes to the Unaudited Interim Results 

1. Basis of preparation of interim financial information 

The interim financial information has been prepared in accordance with the
accounting policies included in the Annual Report for the year ended 31 December
2002, which have been applied consistently throughout the current and preceding
The interim financial information was approved by the Board of Directors on 3 
September 2003. 

2. Publication of non statutory accounts 

The financial information included in this statement does not constitute
statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.
The interim results to 30 June 2003 and 2002 are neither audited nor reviewed.
The financial information for the full preceding year is based on the statutory
accounts for the financial year ended 31 December 2002. Those accounts, upon
which the auditors issued an unqualified opinion, have been delivered to the
Registrar of Companies. The auditors' report contained no statement under
Section 237(2) or 237(3) of the Companies Act 1985. 

3. Segmental information 
                                        Unaudited           Unaudited        Audited
                                 Six months ended    Six months ended           Year
                                          30 June             30 June          ended
                                                                         31 December 
  Geographical analysis                      2003                2002           2002 
                                            #'000               #'000          #'000 
  - UK & Republic of Ireland              396,869             343,549        734,537 
  - Europe                                183,107             158,832        349,821 
  - USA                                    31,762              36,466         70,610 
  Total operations                        611,738             538,847      1,154,968 
  Operating Profit                                                                   
  - UK & Republic of Ireland               25,067              22,692         51,448 
  - Europe                                  3,384               2,896          7,718 
  - USA                                       528                 941          1,501 
  - Parent company                        (1,356)             (1,247)        (2,744) 
  - Amortisation of goodwill              (2,398)             (2,132)        (4,524) 
  Total operations                         25,225              23,150         53,399 
Turnover and operating profit by destination is not materially different from
these amounts. Turnover and operating  profit from acquisitions during the
period have not been reported separately due to their immateriality to the      
Group results.                                                                  
4. Earnings per share 

                                                   Basic and diluted                         Basic and diluted before 
                                                                                               goodwill amortisation
                                            Unaudited        Audited                          Unaudited        Audited
                                     Six months ended           Year                   Six months ended           Year
                                             30 June           ended                           30 June           ended
                                                        31 December                                       31 December 
                                      2003      2002           2002                2003           2002           2002 
                                     #'000     #'000          #'000               #'000          #'000          #'000 
  Profit on ordinary                14,693    13,544         31,702              14,693         13,544         31,702 
  activities after                                                                                                    
  Minority interests                 (213)     (137)          (294)               (213)          (137)          (294) 
  Goodwill amortisation                 -         -              -                2,398          2,132          4,524 
                                    14,480    13,407         31,408              16,878         15,539         35,932 
  Weighted average                                                                           Unaudited        Audited
  number of shares                                                                    Six months ended           Year
                                                                                               30 June          ended
                                                                                                          31 December 
                                                                                   2003           2002           2002 
                                                                                 Number         Number         Number 
  For basic earnings                                                        119,743,323    118,970,539    119,309,596 
  per share                                                                                                           
  Exercise of share                                                           1,006,237      1,487,836        935,230 
  For diluted earnings                                                      120,749,560    120,458,375    120,244,826 
  per share                                                                                                           
Earnings per share before goodwill amortisation is presented in order to give an
indication of the underlying performance of the Group.                   

5. Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating activities 
                                                       Unaudited           Unaudited        Audited
                                                Six months ended    Six months ended           Year
                                                         30 June             30 June          ended
                                                                                        31 December 
                                                            2003                2002           2002 
                                                           #'000               #'000          #'000 
   Operating profit                                       25,225              23,150         53,399  
   Depreciation and amortisation                          10,828               9,989         20,552  
   Profit on sale of tangible fixed assets                  (193)               (233)          (451) 
   Changes in working capital                             20,130              (4,793)        (8,801) 
   Net cash inflow from operating activities              55,990              28,113         64,699  
6. Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt 

                                                            Unaudited           Unaudited        Audited
                                                     Six months ended    Six months ended           Year
                                                              30 June             30 June          ended
                                                                                             31 December 
                                                                 2003                2002           2002 
                                                                #'000               #'000          #'000 
   Increase/(decrease) in cash in the period                   22,673               (681)             21 
   Cash outflow/(inflow) from movement in debt                 10,201             (2,968)       (10,609) 
   Changes in net debt resulting from cash flows               32,874             (3,649)       (10,588) 
   Acquisitions                                                  (21)            (12,021)          (151) 
   Exchange differences                                       (4,345)             (3,572)        (3,313) 
   Movement in net debt in the period                          28,508            (19,242)       (14,052) 
   Net debt at start of the period                          (123,380)           (109,328)      (109,328) 
   Net debt at the end of the period                         (94,872)           (128,570)      (123,380) 

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange