Comments on Sanction by JDB
03 Setembro 2003 - 8:51AM
UK Regulatory
RNS Number:3364P
Takefuji Corporation
03 September 2003
For release Immediately
Representative Akira Kiyokawa, President
Contact Investor Relations
Tel: 81-3-3365-8011
Fax 81-3-3365-8070
Stock Listing Tokyo Stock Exchange, London Stock Exchange
Stock Code No. 8564 TYOSE
Comments on Sanction Imposed by Japan Data Bank
We have today received notification from JDB (Note 1) that they will temporarily
suspend the provision of personal credit information only to our head office's
loan administration department (Note 2), in response to the leaking of certain
personal credit data through our company obtained from JDB during March 1998
through June 2001.
The leak in question was the work of a single former employee, Mr. Kazuhiro
Nakagawa, who acted in contravention of our company's internal rules, and has
subsequently been arrested on May 20, 2003 on suspicion of attempting to extort
money and rearrested on June 10, 2003 on suspicion of misappropriation of
documents including credit information. We would like to apologise for any
concern caused to our customers and the public as a result of this unfortunate
We have already implemented a range of measures to ensure that customer data is
handled in a strictly confidential and professional manner, including IT system
security measures and thorough employee education. We have now taken further
steps to strengthen controls by restricting the number of employees who can
access the data bank, and by requiring the employee to confirm each time he or
she does so that the data requested is for an actual customer of our company and
that there is a genuine business reason for accessing it. Additionally, all
staff using the system will have to supply not only their employee ID number but
also a separate password. Through the introduction of measures such of these we
will strive to ensure that such events do not recur.
(1) JDB is one of 33 data banks which altogether form nationwide credit
information center in Japan and JDB covers only 5 Prefectures in Japan such as
Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama, Chiba and Ibaragi.
(2) Loan administration department at head office engages in collection of bad
debts previously written-off and does not engage in providing any loans to
clients at all. (For loan collection procedure, please refer to our Facts and
Figures of 2003, page 15, section 7 Debt collection on our home page.)
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange