Interim Results
30 Setembro 2003 - 4:04AM
UK Regulatory
RNS Number:3259Q
Ashley (Laura) Hldgs PLC
30 September 2003
30 September 2003
("the Company")
Results for the 26 weeks to 26 July 2003
* Strong performance from the UK business
* UK like-for-like sales up 5%
- UK Home like-for-like sales up 6%
- UK Fashion like-for-like sales up 2%
* Exit from Continental Europe progressing on schedule. Turnover #12.0
million (2002: #16.7 million)
* Group turnover #137.9 million (2002: #140 million)
* #1.0 million (2002: #0.2 million) loss before tax and exceptional items,
of which #700,000 directly attributable to Continental Europe
* Fundamental restructuring of the Fashion business
Ainum Mohd-Saaid, Joint Chief Executive Officer said:
"We are seeing the benefit of our multi-channel retail approach covering stores,
mail order and the internet. We are encouraged by the progress we are making in
the UK business and look forward to growth in both Fashion and Home
Rebecca Navarednam, Joint Chief Executive Officer, added:
"2003 is a year of progress for Laura Ashley as we continue to negotiate our
exit from Continental Europe, implement fundamental changes to our Fashion
division and stabilise the business."
Laura Ashley Holdings plc 020 7404 5959 (30 Sept)
David Cook, Chief Financial Officer 020 7880 5100 (thereafter)
Diana Bourne, Head of Public Relations
Brunswick 020 7404 5959
Tom Buchanan
Katya Reynier
For the 26 weeks ended 26 July 2003, Laura Ashley recorded total Group turnover
of #137.9 million (2002: #140.0 million) a reduction of less than two percent
over the same period last year. The ongoing disposal programme in Continental
Europe and lower franchise sales accounted for this reduction. Overall retail
like-for-like sales for the period were up 2% (UK +5%, Continental Europe -26%).
Overheads are #3.0 million lower mainly due to the closure of stores in
Continental Europe. The Group recorded a loss before tax of #1.0 million (2002:
#0.2 million loss), of which #700,000 is directly attributable to Continental
Continental Europe
In January 2003, we announced our strategic decision to withdraw from our
European operations whilst securing franchise agreements for stores in
Continental Europe where possible.
In June 2003, we announced that we had entered into conditional Heads of Terms
for the disposal and franchise of six stores in Switzerland, Austria and Italy.
Discussions are ongoing to finalise the sale and purchase agreement.
We recently announced that the Group had completed the sale of its operations in
Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands to Laben Holding BV. This sale related
to companies owning three stores in Belgium, one in Luxembourg and seven in the
Netherlands. The purchaser has entered into a single, renewable franchise
agreement with the Group for an initial four and a half year period.
Since January 2003, the Group has closed 34 stores (one in Holland, one in
Belgium, four in Austria, eight in France, and 20 in Germany). The Group is
currently negotiating the franchise or closure of the remaining five stores in
Upon successful completion of all of the above negotiations, the remaining 11
stores will have either been closed or franchised and the Group will have then
completed its exit from Continental Europe.
Home Furnishings
In the first half, total retail Home Furnishings sales growth was 3% (UK +9%,
Continental Europe -39%). This was due to strong like-for-like growth in the UK,
the full year impact of new stores opened last year and the addition of three
new edge of town Home Furnishing stores in this period. Like-for-like sales for
the period were +3% (UK +6%, Continental Europe -29%). The growth in the UK has
come primarily from strong performances from cabinet furniture and accessories.
As we highlighted in May, management has focused on underlying product margins
in the Home Furnishings business by working with suppliers to reduce costs and
by managing purchasing in order to reduce the number of markdowns in store. As
a result, we have seen an increase of 1.5% in underlying product margins over
the first half, and we will continue to review our supply chain in order to
improve the margin rate.
The Design Service is showing strong growth, with average order value
increasing over the period. Our Commercial Design Service continues to win new
In the first half, total Fashion retail sales were down 4% (UK +3%, Continental
Europe -42%). Like-for-like sales were flat (UK +2%, Continental Europe -21%).
The closure of Continental European stores has clearly affected total sales
figures. In the UK business, however, we are encouraged by the improvement in
like-for-like sales.
The management team has undertaken a fundamental restructuring of the Fashion
business, by strengthening the design team and drawing upon the successes within
the Home Furnishings business to improve performance. We have initiated actions
to streamline the number of collections in store and review the buying strategy
and promotions. We are working with our suppliers to ensure we provide a quality
product that appeals to our customers. We believe that we have a good strategy
for improving the Fashion business over the medium to long term.
Mail Order and Internet
Mail Order's strong sales growth has continued at 38% compared to the first half
of last year, with Home Furnishings being the key driver. Fashion Mail Order,
which completed its first full year of trading last year, is progressing well.
We have again increased the number of pages in the catalogues and are investing
in acquiring new customers in order to grow both sides of the business.
Our Internet sales are ahead of our expectations. We have gained market share
and, in the first half of the year, the number of registered users has doubled
to more than 100,000.
Store Portfolio
We have undertaken a strategic review of our stores in order to determine the
best product mix for each store. Starting next year, an initial 19,000 square
feet of selling space will be reassigned as we change the ratio of Fashion and
Home Furnishings product to best utilise space in key stores. In trials this
year, we have seen increased sales densities in both Home Furnishings and
In the last 6 months, we have opened 4 new stores. We now have 31 edge of town
Home Furnishings stores which are largely located in residential areas and are
performing well. We anticipate a number of additional store openings next year.
We have also closed 8 stores, most of which were Homebase concessions. This has
resulted in a net decrease in overall selling space of 1%.
Franchising and Licensing
Our global franchise partners, in the USA, the Far East and the Middle East, had
a difficult first half, with SARS and the war in Iraq impacting sales and we
experienced a decline in franchise sales. As previously announced, our franchise
partner in North America is concentrating on licensing opportunities in this
territory and has therefore closed all of its stores. In Japan, our franchise
partner has negotiated alternative sourcing for some basic Fashion products,
reducing its contribution to sales but having only a negligible impact on
profits. We anticipate that new Continental European franchise agreements will
start contributing to Group profits in 2005.
The Licensing business performed to expectations. In the first half, we signed
licensing agreements for tiles and carpets in the UK and we are continuing to
work on new licensing arrangements.
In light of the current financial situation, the Directors consider that the
Company is not able to pay an interim dividend at this time.
Current trading
Trading for the eight weeks to 20 September 2003 is shown in the table below. In
line with a number of retailers, August and September have been difficult months
for Fashion, partly due to recent hot weather. Home Furnishings continues to
trade ahead this year. There has been a small decline in margins over the past
8 weeks, which we expect to recover over the full year.
Turnover - Current Like-For-Like Movements
8 Weeks To 20th September 2003
Fashion Home Total
UK -2.2% 3.5% 1.6%
Europe -27.0% 4.1% -7.5%
Total -3.1% 3.6% 1.3%
Group Profit and Loss Account
For the 26 weeks ended 26 July 2003
26 weeks to 26 weeks to 52 weeks to
26 July 2003 27 July 2002 25 January 2003
(unaudited) (unaudited) (audited)
Total Total Total
#m #m #m
___________________________________________________ _____________ _____________ ______________
Turnover 137.9 140.0 292.0
Cost of sales (82.5) (80.9) (174.3)
___________________________________________________ _____________ _____________ ______________
Gross profit 55.4 59.1 117.7
___________________________________________________ _____________ _____________ ______________
Operating expenses (56.4) (59.4) (122.2)
___________________________________________________ _____________ _____________ ______________
Operating loss (1.0) (0.3) (4.5)
Share of operating profit of associated undertaking 0.5 0.6 0.9
Losses on termination of operations - - (9.2)
___________________________________________________ _____________ _____________ ______________
(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities before (0.5) 0.3 (12.8)
Interest receivable 0.1 0.1 0.2
Interest payable (0.6) (0.6) (1.5)
___________________________________________________ _____________ _____________ ______________
Loss on ordinary activities before taxation (1.0) (0.2) (14.1)
Taxation on loss on ordinary activities (0.3) (0.7) (1.4)
___________________________________________________ _____________ _____________ ______________
Loss for the financial period (1.3) (0.9) (15.5)
___________________________________________________ _____________ _____________ ______________
Loss per share - basic and diluted (0.20)p (0.16)p (2.62)p
___________________________________________________ _____________ _____________ ______________
The Group's results shown above are derived entirely from continuing operations.
Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses
For the 26 weeks ended 26 July 2003
26 weeks to 26 weeks to 52 weeks to
26 July 2003 27 July 2002 25 January 2003
(unaudited) (unaudited) (audited)
#m #m #m
_________________________________________________ ___________ _____________ _____________
Loss on ordinary activities after taxation (1.3) (0.9) (15.5)
Exchange differences arising on translation of net
investments in overseas subsidiary undertakings (1.2) 0.2 (0.5)
_________________________________________________ ___________ _____________ _____________
Total recognised losses for the period (2.5) (0.7) (16.0)
================================================= =========== ============= =============
Group Balance Sheet
As at 26 July 2003
At 26 July At 27 July At 25 January
2003 2002 2003
(unaudited) (unaudited) (audited)
#m #m #m
_________________________________________________ ____________ _____________ _____________
Fixed assets
Tangible fixed assets 36.8 45.0 40.1
____________ _____________ _____________
Investment in associated undertaking 3.4 3.3 3.3
Own shares 0.8 0.8 0.8
____________ _____________ _____________
Total investments 4.2 4.1 4.1
_________________________________________________ ____________ _____________ _____________
41.0 49.1 44.2
_________________________________________________ ____________ _____________ _____________
Current assets
Stocks 52.0 53.5 47.0
Debtors 27.7 30.8 26.7
Short-term deposits and cash 11.4 5.2 11.8
_________________________________________________ ___________ _____________ _____________
91.1 89.5 85.5
_________________________________________________ ___________ _____________ _____________
Creditors: amounts due within one year
Trade and other creditors 63.6 59.2 62.0
_________________________________________________ ___________ _____________ _____________
Net current assets 27.5 30.3 23.5
_________________________________________________ ___________ _____________ _____________
Total assets less current liabilities 68.5 79.4 67.7
_________________________________________________ ___________ _____________ _____________
Creditors: amounts due after one year
Trade and other creditors 6.1 9.7 8.4
_________________________________________________ ___________ _____________ _____________
6.1 9.7 8.4
_________________________________________________ ___________ _____________ _____________
Provisions for liabilities and charges 3.9 1.9 6.8
_________________________________________________ ___________ _____________ _____________
Net assets 58.5 67.8 52.5
=========================================== =========== ============ ============
Capital and reserves
Share capital 37.3 29.8 29.8
Share premium account 86.7 85.7 85.7
Profit and loss account (65.5) (47.7) (63.0)
_________________________________________________ ___________ _____________ _____________
Equity shareholders' funds 58.5 67.8 52.5
=========================================== =========== ============ ============
Group Cash Flow Statement
For the 26 weeks ended 26 July 2003
26 weeks to 26 weeks to 52 weeks to
26 July 2003 27 July 2002 25 January 2003
(unaudited) (unaudited) (audited)
#m #m #m
_________________________________________________ ___________ _____________ _____________
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities (1.3) (2.8) 8.7
=========================================== ========== ============ ==========
Dividends received from associated undertaking 0.2 0.2 0.2
=========================================== ========== ============ ==========
Returns on investments and servicing of finance
Interest received 0.1 0.3 0.4
Interest paid (0.4) (0.3) (1.0)
Interest element of finance lease rental payments (0.2) (0.2) (0.4)
_________________________________________________ ___________ _____________ ____________
Net cash outflow for returns on investments and servicing
of finance (0.5) (0.2) (1.0)
=========================================== ========== ============ ==========
Net tax paid (0.1) (0.8) (2.0)
=========================================== ========== ============ ==========
Capital expenditure
Acquisition of tangible fixed assets (1.4) (11.4) (15.1)
Disposal of tangible fixed assets 1.5 - 0.1
_________________________________________________ ___________ _____________ ____________
Net cash inflow/(outflow) for capital expenditure and
financial investment 0.1 (11.4) (15.0)
=========================================== ========== ============ ==========
Net cash outflow before financing (1.6) (15.0) (9.1)
=========================================== ========== ============ ==========
Issue of ordinary share capital 9.0 - -
Expenses of share issue (0.5) - -
Loans (repaid)/taken out (6.2) 12.7 14.1
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from capital element of finance
leases (1.3) 0.4 (0.5)
_________________________________________________ ___________ _____________ ____________
Net cash inflow from financing 1.0 13.1 13.6
=========================================== ========== ============ ==========
Net (decrease)/increase in cash (0.6) (1.9) 4.5
=========================================== ========== ============ ==========
Reconciliation of Net Cash Flow to Movement in Net (Debt)/Funds
26 weeks to 26 weeks to 52 weeks to
26 July 2003 27 July 2002 25 January 2003
(unaudited) (unaudited) (audited)
#m #m #m
_________________________________________________ ___________ _____________ _____________
Net (decrease)/increase in cash (0.6) (1.9) 4.5
Cash outflow/(inflow) from changes in loans and leases 7.5 (13.1) (13.6)
_________________________________________________ ___________ _____________ _____________
Change in net cash resulting from cash flows 6.9 (15.0) (9.1)
Other non-cash items:
New finance leases - (0.1) -
Translation differences 0.3 0.1 0.3
_________________________________________________ ___________ _____________ _____________
Change in net funds during the period 7.2 (15.0) (8.8)
Net (debt)/funds at the beginning of the period (8.5) 0.3 0.3
_________________________________________________ ___________ _____________ _____________
Net debt at the end of the period (1.3) (14.7) (8.5)
================================================= =========== ============= =============
1 Basis of preparation
_____________________________________________ ___________ _____________ ______________
The unaudited results for the 26 weeks ended 26 July 2003 were approved by the
Board of Directors on 29 September 2003 and have been prepared in accordance
with applicable Accounting Standards in the United Kingdom. The accounting
principles applied are those set out in the Annual Report and Accounts for the
year ended 25 January 2003 together with any subsequent requirements thereafter.
The results for the year ended 25 January 2003 are extracted from the Group's
full statutory accounts for that year
The financial information in this statement does not constitute full statutory
acounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. Full
statutory accounts for the year ended 25 January 2003 incorporating an
unqualified auditors' report have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.
2 Segmental analysis
26 weeks to 26 weeks to 52 weeks to
26 July 2003 27 July 2002 25 January 2003
Total Total Total
(unaudited) (unaudited) (audited)
#m #m #m
______________________________________________ ____________ ____________ ______________
Retail 124.4 122.1 254.7
Non-retail 13.5 17.9 37.3
______________________________________________ ____________ ____________ ______________
137.9 140.0 292.0
========================================= ========== =========== ============
Retail turnover reflects sales through Laura Ashley managed stores, Mail Order and Internet.
Non-retail turnover includes Licensing, Franchising and Manufacturing.
Loss before taxation
Branch contribution
Retail 8.7 11.1 16.5
Non-retail 3.7 4.7 10.3
______________________________________________ ____________ ____________ _____________
12.4 15.8 26.8
Indirect overhead costs (13.4) (16.1) (31.3)
______________________________________________ ____________ ____________ _____________
Operating loss (1.0) (0.3) (4.5)
Share of profit of associated undertaking 0.5 0.6 0.9
Losses on termination of operations - - (9.2)
Net interest payable (0.5) (0.5) (1.3)
______________________________________________ ____________ ____________ _____________
Loss on ordinary activities before taxation (1.0) (0.2) (14.1)
========================================= ========== =========== ============
Net assets
Retail 43.6 52.7 37.6
Non-retail 14.9 15.1 14.9
______________________________________________ ____________ ____________ _____________
58.5 67.8 52.5
========================================= ========== =========== ============
Retail branch contribution reflects contribution through Laura Ashley managed stores, Mail Order
and Internet. Branch contribution is stated after deducting direct operating expenses but before
exceptional items, buying, marketing and administrative costs.
3 Principal exchange rates
__________________________ _______ __________ ________ _________ ________ ____________
26 weeks to 26 weeks to 52 weeks to
26 July 2003 27 July 2002 25 January 2003
__________________ ___________________ ______________________
Average Period end Average Period end Average Period end
___________________________ _______ __________ _________ _________ _________ ____________
US Dollar 1.61 1.62 1.46 1.57 1.51 1.63
Euro 1.45 1.41 1.60 1.58 1.58 1.51
Japanese Yen 192 193 186 186 188 192
___________________________ _______ __________ _________ _________ _________ ____________
4 Taxation
__________________________ _______ __________ ________ _________ ________ ____________
Taxation has been calculated by applying the rate of tax in the individual fiscal territories to the results
for this period.
5 Loss per share
Basic and diluted loss per share is calculated by dividing the loss
attributable to ordinary shareholders by the weighted average number of
ordinary shares during the year.
26 weeks to 26 weeks to 52 weeks to
26 July 2003 27 July 2002 25 January 2003
(unaudited) (unaudited) (audited)
___________________________________________________ ____________ ____________ _____________
Loss attributable to ordinary shareholders (#m) (1.3) (0.9) (15.5)
========================================== ========== ========== ============
Weighted average number of ordinary shares ('000) - basic
and diluted 659,925 594,340 594,340
========================================== ========== ========== ============
Loss per share (0.20)p (0.16)p (2.62)p
========================================= ========== ========== ============
6 Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds
26 weeks to 26 weeks to 52 weeks to
26 July 2003 27 July 2002 25 January 2003
(unaudited) (unaudited) (audited)
#m #m #m
Loss for the financial period (1.3) (0.9) (15.5)
Other ecognized (losses) and gains (net) (1.2) 0.2 (0.5)
New share capital subscribed, after issue costs of #0.5m 8.5 - -
________________________________________________ ___________ ___________ _____________
Net addition to/(decrease in) shareholders' funds 6.0 (0.7) (16.0)
Opening equity shareholders' funds 52.5 68.5 68.5
________________________________________________ ___________ ___________ _____________
Closing equity shareholders' funds 58.5 67.8 52.5
========================================== ========== ========== ============
7 Profit and loss account
________________________________________________ ____________ _____________ ____________
At 25 January 2003 (63.0)
Loss retained for the period (1.3)
Exchange differences arising on translation of net investments in overseas subsidiary
undertakings (1.2)
At 26 July 2003 (65.5)
================================================================== ==========
8 Reconciliation of operating loss to net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities
26 weeks to 26 weeks to 52 weeks to
26 July 2003 27 July 2002 25 January 2003
(unaudited) (unaudited) (audited)
#m #m #m
____________________________ __________________ ____________ _____________ ____________
Operating loss (1.0) (0.3) (4.5)
Depreciation charge 3.8 3.7 8.4
Profit on sale of fixed assets (0.6) - (0.1)
(Increase)/decrease in stocks (4.7) (1.6) 5.0
Increase in debtors (0.9) (4.2) (0.1)
Increase/(decrease) in 5.3 (0.2) 0.5
Movement on provisions (3.1) - (0.1)
Net cash outflow in respect of restructuring (0.1) (0.2) (0.4)
________________________________________________ ____________ ____________ _____________
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities (1.3) (2.8) 8.7
========================================== ========== ========== ============
9 Provisions
_________________________________ _____________ __________ ____________ _____________
Restructuring Pensions Deferred Tax Total
#m #m #m #m
_________________________________ _____________ ____________ ____________ _____________
At 25 January 2003 6.1 0.5 0.2 6.8
Utilisation (2.9) - - (2.9)
_________________________________ _____________ ____________ ____________ _____________
At 26 July 2003 3.2 0.5 0.2 3.9
============================= ============ ========== ========== ============
_________________________________ _______________ ___________ ____________ _______________
Restructuring provisions #m
Rationalisation of administrative functions 0.1
Rationalisation of store portfolio 0.3
Provision for termination of European operations 2.8
___________________________________________________________________________ _____________
================================================================== ============
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange