Monthly IR Report Oct.2003
22 Outubro 2003 - 10:16AM
UK Regulatory
RNS Number:1804R
Takefuji Corporation
22 October 2003
For release Immediately
Representative Akira Kiyokawa, President
Contact Investor Relations
Tel: 81-3-3365-8011
Fax 81-3-3365-8070
Stock Listing Tokyo Stock Exchange, London Stock Exchange
Stock Code No. 8564 TYOSE
1. 37 TH Interim-closing Announcement and IR Meeting
We would like to inform you of schedule and venue of our 37th Interim-closing
announcement and IR Meeting. The details are as follows:
Interim-closing Announcement
Date : October 28, 2003 (Tuesday)
Place : Tokyo Stock Exchange
IR Meeting
Date : October 29, 2003 (Wednesday)
Time : 10: 45 am to 11:45 am
Place : LEVEL XXI Tokyo Kaikan
Address: Urbannet Otemachi Bldg. 21st FL., 2-2-2 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
104-0004 Telephone : 03-5255-1515
For further information, please contact Investors Relations.
2. Notification of Purchase of Treasury Stock
We would like to announce that Takefuji Corporation ("the Company") acquired
its treasury stock in conformity with Article 210 of the Japanese Commercial
Code. Details of Treasury Stock Buyback are as follows:
Purchase period: September 1, 2003 ?? September 22, 2003
Number of shares purchased: 695,000 shares
Total purchased value: Yen 4,972,025,400
Method of purchase: Purchase on the TSE
Reason of purchase: The Company acquired its treasury stock in consideration of
its agile capital strategy from the viewpoint of its capital efficiency.
A program of buying back shares was approved at the 36th Annual Stockholder's
Meeting on June 27, 2003 as follows:
Type of shares to be acquired: Common stock of Takefuji Corporation
Maximum number of shares to be acquired: 13 million shares
Maximum amount of acquisition: 130 billion yen
Aggregate total of treasury stock purchased after the resolution at the 36th
Annual Stockholder's Meeting on June 27, 2003:
Aggregate total number of shares purchased: 695,000 shares
Aggregate total purchase value: Yen 4,972,025,400
Aggregate total of treasury stock purchased as of September 30, 2003
Total number of shares issued: 147,295,200 shares
Total number of shares purchased: 5,245,000 shares
3. IR Publicity on Financial Times Asia
In order to proactively disclose our present business results and future
prospects, and to convey the message of our top management clearly, we have been
engaging in various IR activities in Japan and overseas. As a part of such
informative disclosure program, we have given publicity to both the front and
the profile pages of our 2003 Annual Report in the Financial Times Asia as of
October 14 and October 20, 2003.
Since the Financial Times is globally subscribed by a great number of readers,
especially those in financial industry, we hope that this publicity will create
opportunities to promote a better understanding of our company among a wide
range of investors.
Note: Since September 2003 is the last month for the interim-closing of the
current fiscal year, this month's IR report will not carry details of the
performance of our loan business in September. Instead, we will be releasing
such information on October 28, 2003 with our interim disclosure of financial
For your general interest, operating revenues of Takefuji Corporation slightly
declined by 0.97% from the record level of 423.2 billion yen in FY ended March
2002 to 419.1 billion yen in FY ended 2003. We projected it at 397.4 billion yen
at the beginning of this fiscal year for FY ending March 2004 and it would be
only 5.5% decline against previous year.
We would like to emphasize that we have been able to achieve solid earnings and
stay highly profitable even after taking cautious loan business strategy in
assessing credit criteria of borrower and conducting prudent management since
last fiscal year.
We believe our company's profitability and stable customer base will continue.
Topics / Takefuji Bamboo Update
Autumn Camp Training with the Team Uralochka in Russia:
Takefuji Bamboo, our professional volleyball team, revisited Ekaterinburg in
Russia from October 1 (Wed.) to 11 (Sat.), 2003 for the second time since last
year to experience a training camp with the Team Uralochka, a Russian team with
a distinguished record and history in various women's volleyball tournaments.
The Team Uralochka is one of the world-class volleyball teams, and consists of
many players of the Russian National Team.
Every player of Takefuji Bamboo was fully able to improve her spiritual
strength, skills and technique through a series of joint training and practice
matches with the Team Uralochka this time. On October 13 (Mon.), the team was
invited to Khabarovsk to get into the city's "Diamond (60th) Anniversary
Match" sponsored by a Russian company, Amur. We believe such event also added
precious experience to the players before competing for the 10th V league cup,
which will open in coming December 6 (Sat.).
We are looking forward to seeing our team, Takefuji Bamboo ensuring continued
growth and making further progress to be a champion by utilizing their
experience of finishing second in the previous V league tournament. We would
like to ask you to continuously support our team with vigorous cheers.
2 ND Takefuji Bamboo Cup in Fukaya City
Following the last year's 1st tournament, "2nd Takefuji Bamboo Volleyball Cup
Tournament" is held both on October 19 (Sun.) and November 3 (Mon.), 2003 at
the Municipal General Gymnasium in our Chairman Takei's hometown, Fukaya City
of Saitama prefecture where a club to support Takefuji Bamboo was organized last
year. Teams consist of married women gets into the games in October and general
male and female players will take part in those in November respectively.
Overall, about fifty amateur volleyball teams in the city will participate in
the tournament to show their technique and to promote mutual friendship.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange