Sony Corporation

The following executive appointments have been made effective November
1, 2003.

- Corporate Executive Officers (*denotes new appointment)

Vice Chairman       Howard Stringer
                    Sony Group Americas Representative,
                    COO* in charge of Entertainment Business Group,
                    Chairman and CEO of Sony Corporation of America        
Executive Deputy President      Shizuo Takashino
                                COO* in charge of IT & Mobile 
                                Solutions Network Company, Chairman, 
                                Sony EMCS Corporation*

Executive Deputy President      Ken Kutaragi
                                COO* in charge of Home Network 
                                Company*, Game Business Group and 
                                Broadband Network Company, NC 
                                President, Semiconductor Solutions 
                                Network Company*, President and CEO 
                                of Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc.

- Executive Officer

Yoshihide Nakamura      Senior Vice President (new appointment)
                        Presently Group Executive Officer,
                        Senior General Manager, Intellectual Property
                        Division (continues), Chairman, Sony Chemicals 
Reference: Responsibilities of Corporate Executive Officers from
November 1 are as follows:

- Representative Corporate Executive Officers

Nobuyuki Idei       Chairman
                    Group CEO

Kunitake Ando       President
                    Group COO

Teruhisa Tokunaka   Executive Deputy President
                    Group CSO, In charge of Personal Solutions 
                    Business Group and Network Application and Content
                    Service Sector (NACS)

- Corporate Executive Officers

Minoru Morio        Vice Chairman
                    Sony Group East Asia Representative, Group CPO

Howard Stringer     Vice Chairman
                    Sony Group Americas Representative
                    COO in charge of Entertainment Business Group
                    Chairman and CEO of Sony Corporation in America

Shizuo Takashino    Executive Deputy President
                    COO in charge of IT & Mobile Solutions Network
                    Company, Chairman, Sony EMCS Corporation

Ken Kutaragi        Executive Deputy President
                    COO in charge of Home Network Company
                    Game Business Group and Broadband Network Company
                    NC President, Semiconductor Solutions Network 
                    Company, President and CEO of Sony Computer 
                    Entertainment, Inc.

Teruo Masaki        Corporate Senior Executive Vice President
                    Group General Counsel

Akira Kondoh        Corporate Senior Executive Vice President
                    Group CIO
Takao Yuhara        Corporate Senior Vice President
                    Group CFO
Goran Lindahl       Sony Group Europe Representative, Chairman of Sony 
                    Group in Europe

Nicole Seligman     Group Deputy General Counsel