UNITED BUSINESS MEDIA PLC                           

                             FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                             

The Company was notified on 10 November 2003 of dealings in its Ordinary Shares
of 25p each ("United Shares") by the Trustee of the United Business Media
Qualifying Employee Share Ownership Trust (the "QUEST"), which is a
discretionary trust for the benefit of UK employees (including executive
directors) of the United Group, in connection with the exercise of SAYE

Date of transaction: 10 November 2003

Total shares transferred: 1680

The shares were transferred to employees who exercised options granted under
the group's SAYE Schemes at the above exercise prices, none of whom were main
board directors.

Following the above transaction, the Trustee of the QUEST holds a total of
241,812 United Shares, representing 0.07% of the Company's issued share
capital. Under paragraph 2 of Schedule 13 to the Companies Act 1985, the
executive directors are deemed to be interested in these shares.


Anne Siddell

Group Company Secretary