1st day of dealings
06 Janeiro 2004 - 6:00AM
UK Regulatory
RNS Number:8726T
INVU, Inc.
06 January 2004
6 January 2004
INVU, Inc. ("INVU" or "the Company"), the document management software provider,
announces that its shares have today been admitted to trading on the Alternative
Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange ("AIM").
At the placing price, INVU is capitalised at approximately #8 million.
35,294,118 new Common Shares have been allocated to institutions and other
investors under the placing, raising the sum of approximately #2.47 million for
the Company (net of expenses). The newly issued shares represent approximately
37.5% of the Company's issued and to be issued Common Share capital upon
admission to trading on AIM. Arbuthnot Securities Limited is acting as
Nominated Adviser and Broker to the Company.
Commenting on the successful fundraising and flotation, David Morgan, Chief
Executive of INVU, said: "We see a significant opportunity for INVU to take
advantage of the growth opportunities in the document management market. This
is particularly true in the SME market where our products' ease of use and
affordability are proving attractive to companies. The funds raised will allow
us to continue to build our presence in this market, to expand our reseller
channel and to further develop the INVU brand."
INVU 01604 859893
Daniel Goldman, Chairman
David Morgan, Chief Executive
Arbuthnot Securities Limited 020 7002 4600
Guy Peters
Financial Dynamics 020 7831 3113
James Melville-Ross
Juliet Clarke
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Background information on INVU
INVU develops, markets and sells software (under the brand name of INVU) for the
electronic management of all types of information and documents, such as forms,
correspondence, literature, faxes, e-mail, technical drawings, electronic files
and web pages. INVU targets the small-to-medium size enterprise ("SME") market
and individual departments of larger organisations with a range of products
which the Directors believe strongly adhere to INVU's brand values of ease of
use, high quality and price performance. Founded in 1997 and based in
Northampton, INVU has 26 employees and operates in the UK, Ireland and Holland.
INVU's products have been sold to over 700 customers, representing approximately
12,000 licensed users. INVU has a proven reseller business model and has
established a network of more than 80 Value Added Resellers (VARs).
The market in document storage is driven by increasing amounts of paper and
information. In 2002 International Data Corporation estimated that the
international market for content and document management would grow to
approximately $24 billion in 2006. Document management solutions are typically
high-priced and require complex installation and implementation, which is not
necessarily appropriate for INVU's target market, the SMEs. The INVU Directors
believe that INVU's products offer functionality that is comparable to the most
established document and content management solutions, at a more affordable
price, which is designed specifically to target the SME market. The Directors
believe that the Company is strongly placed to exploit the growing awareness
amongst SMEs of the value of implementing document management.
* David Morgan, CEO, founded INVU in 1997 and has 13 years of software
industry experience
* John Agostini, CFO, joined INVU in 1999 from Porvair plc. John
qualified as chartered accountant in 1984
* Jon Halestrap, Director of Sales and Marketing, has 18 years'
experience in the IT industry and significant reseller experience
* Daniel Goldman, Non-executive Chairman, is Managing Director of
Goldman Investments and Non-Executive Director of BATM Advanced
* Tom Maxfield, Non-executive Director, was previously a main board
director at Sage and Sales Director of Sage's UK business for 13 years
Reasons for the Placing and use of Proceeds
The Company has raised approximately #2.47 million net of expenses under the
placing. These proceeds will help INVU achieve its objective of establishing
itself as a leading global supplier of information and document management
software and services by:
* focusing on its target markets;
* expanding and exploiting its existing distribution channels to
increase penetration in INVU's target markets;
* offering and continuing to develop products that will operate on,
and easily integrate with, a broad range of technology platforms; and
* maintaining and adhering to its core brand values of ease of use,
high quality and price performance.
This will be achieved by using the placing proceeds to:
* expand INVU's sales and marketing activities and product awareness
in the UK and the rest of Europe by increasing staffing levels;
* extend and develop distribution channels;
* appoint further VARs; and
* focus on further research and development of existing and new
products and solutions.
Placing Statistics
Placing price 81/2p
Number of new Common Shares being placed on behalf of the Company 35,294,118
Number of Common Shares in issue following the placing 93,994,595
Market capitalisation at the placing price #8 million
Gross proceeds of the placing #3 million
Net proceeds to be received by the Company #2.47 million
Percentage of enlarged issued Common Share capital being placed 37.5%
pursuant to the placing
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange