Share Transfer by Trustee to Satisfy Sharesave Options
09 Janeiro 2004 - 7:23AM
UK Regulatory
CADBURY SCHWEPPES plc (the "Company")
Date of Transaction: 8 January 2004
Date Company Informed: 8 January 2004
On 8 January 2004 Cadbury Schweppes Group Trustees Limited, a wholly owned
subsidiary of the Company, as Trustee of the Cadbury Schweppes plc Qualifying
Employee Share Ownership Trust (the "QUEST") acquired by subscription, at a
price of �4.085 per share, a total of 125,473 Ordinary Shares of 12.5p each
(the "Shares") in the Company. Following this transaction, the QUEST held a
total of 181,156 shares in the Company.
Immediately following this transaction, the QUEST transferred all its shares to
participants, other than the executive directors named below, of the Company's
Savings-Related Share Option Scheme ("Sharesave") to satisfy the exercise of
options. Accordingly, as at close of business on 8 January 2004, the QUEST
holds a balance of Nil shares in the Company.
The QUEST is a discretionary trust, under which all employees, both current and
former, and executive directors of the Company are potentially beneficially
entitled to any shares which it acquires. Therefore, DJ Kappler, RJ Stack, HT
Stitzer and
JM Sunderland, as potential beneficiaries under the QUEST and as executive
directors of the Company, are deemed to be interested in the Shares, whilst
they are held in trust.
Name and signature of authorised company official responsible for making this
J M Mills
Group Deputy Secretary
Date of Notification: 9 January 2004
Name of contact and telephone number for queries:
Gina Brancher Tel: 020 7830 5181