Glencar Mining plc

Interim Results for the six months ended 30 June 2006


  * Drilling to recommence on Komana West deposit in October 2006

  * Resource estimate for the Komana West deposit planned for mid
  * Drilling to start at Kabaya South target at end October 2006
  * Several new targets to be advanced to drill ready status by early
  * Company has cash reserves of US$2.44 million.

Chief Executive's Review

Dear Shareholder,

Our exploration programmes in Mali  have progressed very well  indeed
during the period under review.

We have announced some exceptionally positive assay results from  our
Komana West drilling programme on  the Yanfolila Project in  southern
Mali and we are now about to embark on a sustained drilling  campaign
there designed  to  permit  the calculation  of  a  mineral  resource

On the Sankarani Project, we have signed a Framework Agreement with a
subsidiary of  Gold  Fields  Limited ("Gold  Fields"),  whereby  Gold
Fields may spend  up to US$12  million on exploration  over the  next
five years on three of our five licences in southern Mali.   Drilling
has  already  taken  place  under  this  agreement  and  considerable
additional exploration  work,  including further  drilling,  will  be
undertaken on up to six additional targets on these licences  between
now and the end of 2007.

There will be a team  of 30 people including geologists,  technicians
and support  staff working  on  our two  Malian projects  during  the
upcoming field  season  and we  expect  to make  rapid  and  exciting
progress.  We will be reporting the results over the next 3-6  months
as our planned programmes are carried out.

We are hopeful that this additional exploration work will lead to the
delineation of further significant gold mineralization at a number of
targets, while at Komana West, we are already growing in confidence
that what we have discovered there will emerge as a commercial
deposit whose ultimate size is yet to be established.


The southern Mali region is a highly prospective part of the prolific
West African, gold hosting Birimian System.  Mali itself hosts some
of Africa's most profitable mines, such as those at Sadiola, Morila,
Yatela and Loulo. Nearby, in neighbouring Guinea, but in the same
Birimian geological environment, is the Anglo Ashanti - owned Siguiri
gold mine.  Glencar's licence holding in southern Mali represents one
of the larger holdings in this largely unexplored part of the

The Yanfolila project incorporates the 95% owned Komana and Solona
licences.  The Sankarani Project incorporates the Bokoro, Sanioumale
and Farasaba licences and these are the licences included within the
Framework Agreement with Gold Fields.

Yanfolila Project

At Komana West  during the  past field season, we have completed  two
reverse circulation drilling programmes, totalling 4,720 metres,  and
the next phase of  drilling, expected to commence  before the end  of
October  2006,  will  involve  diamond  core  drilling  as  well   as
additional reverse circulation drilling.   The diamond core  drilling
is  designed   to  give   us  detailed   structural  and   geological
information. The drilling completed  by the end  of the coming  field
season will provide the  basis for the  initial resource estimate  at
Komana West.   We expect  that drilling at  Komana West  will now  be
sustained throughout the coming field season.  We are very encouraged
by results so far and we  are now looking forward to the  advancement
of this project through the resource definition stage of development.

At Komana East, the previous licencees had reported an unclassified
resource of 280,000 ounces of gold within brecciated, siliceous
metasediments.   The Komana East target lies within a major regional
shear zone which shows extensive, high grade mineralization within
the sheared metasediments.  Our geological and geophysical
reinterpretation of this area suggests that further drilling is
required to adequately test this exciting target and we expect to be
able to commence this drilling programme during the coming field

In the  Solona Licence,  our field  work has  already established  at
least three targets which will also require drilling.

Sankarani Project

We have recently drilled the Sanankoro target on the Bokoro licence
and intersected encouraging mineralization of 20 metres grading 1.12
grams/tonne.  Further work is underway to expand our knowledge of the
controls on this mineralization and we plan complete a geophysical
induced polarisation survey there shortly, prior to embarking on
further drilling.

On the  Farasaba  licence,  we  have advanced  five  of  the  targets
identified by our reconnaissance work, some of which will be  drilled
during the coming  field season.   The first of  these is the  Kabaya
South target.  This  is a shear  hosted target, displaying  extensive
kaolin  alteration,  porphyry  development  and  both  east-west  and
north-south quartz veining.  There is extensive artisanal activity in
this zone.   We  have excavated  two trenches  on this  target  which
intersected  gold  mineralization   over  considerable  widths.   The
north-south trench intersected  107 metres  grading 0.63  grams/tonne
while  the  east-west  trench  intersected  28  metres  grading   0.7
grams/tonne.  These are  very significant grades  and widths in  this
environment and we  plan to commence  a reverse circulation  drilling
programme on this target  before the end of  October 2006.    Further
targets have  been  discovered  and progressed  towards  drilling  at
Farasaba South, Farasaba West and Farasaba Main.  It is expected that
at least one  of these  three targets  will be  drilled with  reverse
circulation drilling during the coming field season.

On the  Sanioumale  licence,  we  will shortly  be  carrying  out  an
orientation  drilling  programme  prior  to  embarking  on  extensive
concession-wide surveys  to  test areas  where  previously  completed
regolith  studies  have   identified  laterite   cover  masking   the
underlying geology and its geochemical response.


We  have  continued  to  evaluate  the  results  of  our  exploration
programmes on the Asheba concession in southwestern Ghana.  While the
results obtained have delineated significant ore development, we have
not embarked on  a drilling  campaign to  follow up  on the  positive
results from our  2005 drilling programme.   We have  taken the  view
that our  drilling budget  may be  more profitably  focussed for  the
present on the Komana West target.  We do still hope, however, to  be
able to recommence drilling  the Asheba target  as soon as  possible.
Under the provisions of  the Ghanaian Mining  Code, we have  recently
shed 50% of the original licence area in the course of renewal of the
licence.   The  ground shed  is  almost entirely  within  the  Forest
Reserve area.  The retained area  of the licence contains all of  the
priority target areas  worked on in  recent years, including  Atinasi
North and South, Cheriaman and Tanaya.


We have carried  out some further  pitting and sampling  on the  Tira
licence, in southeastern Uganda.   We are awaiting the assay  results
from this sampling before deciding on the next phase of exploration.


A considerable amount of drilling has been done on our Laois licences
in the  period up  to 2005.    While the  technical results  of  that
drilling  were  favourable,   no  significant   quantities  of   zinc
mineralization were found.     No fieldwork  was carried  out in  the
period under review.


The Company's unaudited profit and loss account, appended below,  for
the six months ended 30 June 2006  shows a loss of US$781,312.   This
loss includes, for the first time,  the imputed cost of the issue  of
share options  to  directors and  others  under the  Company's  share
option scheme.   From 1 January 2006, Glencar has implemented FRS  20
Share Based  Payments,  which increased  administrative  expenses  by
US$643,328 in the current period, being a notional charge in  respect
of employee and director share options.  Since there was no issue  of
options in the  corresponding period  last year, there  is no  charge
arising in the comparative figures. The notional charge has no impact
on net assets,  since the charge  in the profit  and loss account  is
balanced by a credit in reserves. Group cashflow is also  unaffected.
Excluding the notional charge  in respect of  the share options,  the
loss for the  period was US$137,984,  which represents a  significant
reduction on the corresponding period  last year.  This reduction  in
loss is accounted for by  gains on currency exchange, increased  bank
interest received and  the contribution received  from the  Sankarani
Joint Venture to administrative costs.

In February 2006, we completed a private placement of 18,002,000  new
shares at  a  price of  Stg�0.07  per  share for  total  proceeds  of
Stg�1.26 million  (US$ 2.19  million).   These funds  were raised  to
allow continuation of  the Company's exploration  programme in  Mali,
and Komana in particular. At 30 June 2006, the Company had cash funds
of US$2.44 million which, together with the exploration  expenditures
being contributed by Gold Fields under the Framework Agreement,  will
permit  the  continuation  of  our  planned,  aggressive  exploration
programmes with a substantial  drilling component, beyond the  middle
of 2007.


Our exploration programmes in Mali  are now entering a very  exciting
phase. Diamond and  reverse circulation drilling  starting at  Komana
West in October 2006 will  represent the commencement of  substantial
additional drilling  programmes which  will be  carried out  on  this
deposit, with the objective of providing sufficient data to calculate
a mineral resource by  mid 2007.     Intensive exploration work  will
also be commenced at the nearby Komana East target, to test potential
extensions  to  the  already  delineated,  unclassified  resource  of
280,000 ounces of gold.  Further drilling programmes will be  carried
out on  the  Sankarani  Project  under the  terms  of  the  Framework
Agreement with Gold  Fields.  The  coming field season  will be  very
interesting indeed,  and  we expect  to  be able  to  report  regular
progress through to mid 2007, with attendant increase in  shareholder

Hugh McCullough
Chief Executive

For further information, please contact:

Glencar Mining plc
Hugh McCullough, Chief Executive
Tel:         +353 1 661 9974

Heneghan PR
Rachel Watchorn
Tel:      +353 1 6607395

                         GLENCAR MINING PLC
                  FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 30 JUNE 2006

                             Unaudited Unaudited              Audited
                              6 months  6 months            Full year
                                 ended     ended                Ended
                             30-Jun-06 30-Jun-05          31 Dec 2005
                                   US$       US$                  US$
ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES      (282,135) (300,792)            (725,654)

GAIN (LOSS) ON EXCHANGE        108,278  (46,461)             (19,422)

BANK INTEREST RECEIVABLE        44,672    16,055               37,269

COST OF SHARE AWARDS         (643,328)         -                    -

CHARGES                        (8,799)   (8,000)             (23,213)

BEFORE TAXATION              (781,312) (339,198)            (731,020)

TAXATION                             0         0                (892)

AFTER TAXATION               (781,312) (339,198)            (731,912)

MINORITY INTEREST                    0         0                    0

PERIOD                       (781,312) (339,198)            (731,912)

(CENTS)                          (.36)     (.20)                (.39)

(CENTS)                          (.29)     (.19)                (.36)


                                  Unaudited    Unaudited      Audited
                               30 June 2006 30 June 2005  31 Dec 2005
                                        US$          US$          US$
Non current assets
Intangible assets                 4,365,129    2,783,639    3,183,205
Property plant and equipment         28,447       34,421       28,447
                                  4,393,576    2,818,060    3,211,652

Current assets
Debtors                              21,752       12,553       18,841
Cash                              2,444,491      435,841    1,152,402
                                  2,466,243      448,394    1,171,243

Total assets                      6,859,819    3,266,454    4,382,895

Capital and reserves
attributable to the Group's
equity shareholders
Called up share capital           8,130,079    6,167,555    7,420,009
Capital conversion reserve
fund                                 82,092       82,092       82,092
Share premium account            37,669,125   36,136,693   36,215,883
Profit and loss account
(deficit)                       (40,286784) (39,755,013) (40,148,801)
                                  5,594,512    2,631,327    3,569,183
Minority interest                 (112,910)    (112,910)    (112,910)

Total equity                      5,481,602    2,518,417    3,456,273

Non current liabilities
Creditors and accrued expenses    1,081,975      436,156      436,156

Current liabilities
Trade and other payables            296,242      311,881      490,466
Current corporation tax
Bank overdraft
                                    296,242      311,881      490,466

Total liabilities                 1,378,217      748,037      926,622

Total equity and liabilities      6,859,819    3,266,454    4,382,895


                             Unaudited      Unaudited         Audited
                        6 months ended 6 months ended Full year ended
                          30 June 2006   30 June 2005     31 Dec 2005
                                   US$            US$             US$
Cash flows from
operating activities
Cash generated from
(used in) operations           266,028      (387,228)       (621,067)

Corporation tax paid                 -              -           (869)

Net cash generated from
operating activities           266,028      (387,228)       (621,936)

Cash flows from
investing activities
Purchases of property,
plant and equipment                  -              -         (2,020)
Purchase of intangible
assets                     (1,181,923)      (194,731)       (578,422)
Interest received               44,672         16,055          37,269
                           (1,137,251)      (178,676)       (543,173)

Cash flows from
financing activities
Proceeds from the
issuance of ordinary
shares                       2,163,312              -       1,315,767
Net cash generated from
financing activities         2,163,312              -       1,315,767

Net increase in cash
and bank overdrafts          1,292,089      (565,904)         150,657

Cash and bank
overdrafts at beginning
of year                      1,152,402      1,001,745       1,001,745

Cash and bank
overdrafts at end of
year                         2,444,491        435,841       1,152,402

These results will be posted on the company's website. Copies of this
interim report  will  be available  from  the Company's    registered
office at 71 lower Baggot Street, Dublin 2, Ireland.


Copyright � Hugin ASA 2006. All rights reserved.

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