Drilling Update - Komana East

                         Glencar Mining plc

                           Drilling Update

                            26 March 2008

  Glencar intersects significant, extensive ore zone in Komana East
                         drilling programme

* Significant, persistant ore grade mineralisation intersected at
  Komana East over one kilometre strike length to date along the
  regional Sankarani Shear Zone
* 19 metres at 4.92 grams/tonne intersected in the southernmost hole
  drilled to date
* 8 metres at 3.92 grams/tonne intersected in northernmost drillhole
* 20 metres at 4.36 grams/tonne intersected in the central zone
  indicating continuity of mineralization through this zone
* Mineralisation open in each direction along strike and at depth
* Main Sankarani Shear Zone extends for a further 20 kilometres to
  the south within Glencar's Komana licence.
* Drilling continued at Komana West deposit and Solona targets;
  update expected shortly.

Glencar Mining plc,  ("Glencar" or  "the Company"), the  AIM and  IEX
listed company with gold exploration interests in Africa, is  pleased
to announce  assay  results from the first phase of drilling at   its
Komana East target  in southern Mali.

The Komana  East    target  is approximately  7  kilometres  east  of
Glencar's Komana West deposit and drilling by the previous  licencee,
Randgold, in the area in the 1990s had already outlined a non -  JORC
compliant resource of 280,000  ounces of gold.  The objective of  the
current programme  is to  enable the  completion of  an ore  resource
estimate for  Komana  East in  combination  with the  update  of  the
resource estimate for Komana West following completion of the current
drilling campaign in June next.

Glencar's first borehole at Komana East was drilled in November  2007
to gain structural information relating  to the projected ore zone.
This structural information was used in the design of Glencar's first
main phase of drilling at  Komana East which comprises holes  drilled
on a northwest-southeast axis compared to the east-west axis used  by
Randgold in its drilling campaign.  This phase, which is  continuing,
commenced on  19 January  2008  and comprises  to  date of  16  holes
totaling 1,941 metres of reverse circulation drilling and 147  metres
of diamond drilling.

Twelve of the holes  were drilled along the  projected shear zone  in
four fencelines.  One additional  hole (KERC137) was drilled  between
fencelines. The  remaining three  holes were  drilled on  a  separate
target some 800  metres to the  west to test  a separate  geochemical
anomaly.  On each  of the four fencelines,  one hole intersected  the
mineralized  structure,  with  consistently  good  gold  grades  over
significant widths.

The  northernmost  fenceline  included  the  earlier  hole   KEDD126,
reported in January 2008, which  intersected 8 metres at 3.92  grams/
tonne between 102 and 110 metres downhole depth.

The second fenceline, 250 metres to the south, contained hole KERC138
which  showed  the   following  intersections:  2   metres  at   2.41
grams/tonne between  55 and  57 metres  downhole; 15  metres at  1.86
grams/tonne between 72 and 87 metres  downhole and 22 metres at  2.81
grams/tonne between  94  and 116  metres  downhole depth.    On  this
fenceline, another hole, KWRC345, was  drilled from the west side  of
the projected  structure to  an azimuth  precisely opposite  that  of
 hole  KERC138, i.e.  135 degrees, and  it confirmed our  geologists'
initial   interpretation of  a  sub vertical  ore  zone.   This  hole
intersected the  following mineralized  intervals;  5 metres  at  1.7
grams /tonne between  37 and  42 metres  downhole; 4  metres at  4.95
grams/tonne between  49 and  53  metres downhole;  2 metres  at  2.66
grams/tonne between  57 and  59  metres downhole;  6 metres  at  5.51
grams/tonne between 62 and 68 metres  downhole and 20 metres at  4.36
grams/tonne between 75 and 95 metres downhole.

The third  fenceline, 200  metres further  south, contained  borehole
KWRC140, which intersected the  mineralized structure over 12  metres
grading 2.45 grams/tonne between 112 and 124 metres downhole depth.

The fourth  fenceline, 600  metres further  south, included  borehole
KWRC142 which intersected  19 metres at  4.92 grams/tonne between  42
and 61 metres downhole depth.

The  single   borehole   KERC137  did   not   encounter   significant
mineralization and further  drilling at this  location is planned  to
test whether  the hole  actually penetrated  through the  main  shear

The results obtained to date  are particularly encouraging.  We  have
intersected consistent  ore  grade  gold mineralization  over  a  one
kilometre strike length and the mineralized zone is open along strike
in both directions and at depth.

We are continuing to drill along the southerly strike continuation of
the mineralized zone on fencelines 100m apart.  Geological logging of
holes drilled  in the  past  week suggests  we have  intersected  the
mineralized structure on  our next stepout  fenceline, a further  100
metres to the south of those boreholes reported above.

The  mineralization  is  contained  within  a  brecciated,  silicious
metasediment.  The  grades of gold  seen in the  mineralised zone  at
Komana  East  are  consistent  and  average  at  in  excess  of     3
grams/tonne.  Details of the assays received for the main mineralized
intervals are  given in  the  table below  and  details of  the  hole
locations will  be  published shortly  on  the Company's  website  at

This is a very exciting  development in Glencar's exploration of  the
general Yanfolila/Sankarani  region.   The  consistent tenor  of  the
mineralization encountered to  date suggests  a strongly  mineralised
system  persistent  over  the  strike  length  so  far  drilled.  The
mineralised zone seems to be particularly strong at the southern  end
of the  currently drilled  area.   The area  currently being  drilled
falls along the main  Sankarani Shear Zone,  a major, regional  shear
structure which  extends for  a further  20 kilometres  to the  south
within Glencar's Komana licence.

At Komana  West,  drilling  has  continued aimed  at  adding  to  the
resource statement  for that  deposit.   In addition  we continue  to
receive exploration drilling results  from the Company's  exploration
licence over the neighbouring Solona  area.  While the current  assay
reporting times are  still significantly longer  that those  achieved
during previous field seasons we anticipate having sufficient data to
be in a position to report an update on Komana West and Solona  drill
programmes within the next four weeks.

Hugh McCullough, EurGeol., PGeo, Managing  Director of Glencar, is  a
member of the Institute of Geologists of Ireland.  He is a  qualified
person as  defined in  the  Guidance Note  for  Mining, Oil  and  Gas
Companies, March 2006, of the London Stock Exchange.  He has reviewed
and  approved   the   technical   information   contained   in   this

|  Fenceline   |    Hole     |  From   |   To   |  Width  |  Grade  |
|              |             |    m    |   m    |    m    |   g/t   |
|      1       |   KEDD126   |   102   |  110   |    8    |  3.92   |
|      1       |   KEDD126   |   116   |  118   |    2    |  2.01   |
|      2       |   KERC138   |   55    |   57   |    2    |  2.41   |
|      2       |   KERC138   |   72    |   87   |   15    |  1.86   |
|      2       |   KERC138   |   94    |  116   |   22    |  2.81   |
|      2       |  KEDD344*   |   54    |   61   |    7    |  1.15   |
|      2       |  KEDD344*   |   68    |   76   |    8    |  0.71   |
|      2       |  KEDD345*   |   37    |   42   |    5    |  1.70   |
|      2       |  KEDD345*   |   49    |   53   |    4    |  4.95   |
|      2       |  KEDD345*   |   57    |   59   |    2    |  2.66   |
|      2       |  KEDD345*   |   62    |   68   |    6    |  5.51   |
|      2       |  KEDD345*   |   75    |   95   |   20    |  4.36   |
|      3       |   KERC140   |   112   |  124   |   12    |  2.45   |
|      4       |   KERC142   |   42    |   61   |   19    |  4.92   |
|      4       |  KERC143*   |   20    |   22   |    2    |  4.85   |
|      -       |   KERC137   |   39    |   44   |    5    |  0.75   |
|      -       |   KERC137   |   57    |   62   |    5    |  0.81   |
|      -       |   KERC137   |   67    |   68   |    1    |  1.30   |
|      -       |   KERC145   |    6    |   7    |    1    |  1.26   |
| The following drillholes did not intersect significant grades     |
| above 0.5g/t:                                                     |
|                                                                   |
| KERC135, KERC136,  KERC139*, KERC141, KERC144*, KERC146*,         |
| KERC147*                                                          |
|                                                                   |
| * Holes marked with an asterisk have some assay data outstanding. |
|                                                                   |

Notes to Editors

Glencar is  a  Dublin-based  exploration  company  with  a  focus  on
exploration and development of gold  deposits in Africa. Glencar  has
found major gold deposits in Ghana, West Africa in both the 1980s and
in the 1990s. The  Company has operations in  Mali and Ghana in  West
Africa and in Uganda in East Africa

For further information please contact:

Glencar Mining plc
Hugh McCullough, Managing Director
Kieran Harrington, Technical Director
Tel:          +353 1 661 9974
e-mail:       info@glencarmining.ie

Brian Corr, Associate Director
Tel:      +353 1 679 6363

Bishopsgate Communications
Nick Rome/Fran Read
Tel:    +44 20 7562 3350
e-mail: nick@bishopsgatecommunications.com


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