Announcement of Annual Results

                         GLENCAR MINING PLC

                   Announcement of Annual Results

                             30 May 2008

Glencar Mining plc ("Glencar" or the "Company") today announces its
results for the year ended 31 December 2007.

Highlights from the Chairman's statement:

  * 2008 saw the emergence of the Komana East deposit which has the
    potential to grow in size rapidly
  * Results of drilling at Komana East show the mineralised zone to
    extend over a strike length of at least 1,600 metres and the
    deposit is open along strike in each direction and also at depth
  * Significant increase in Komana resource anticipated
  * Komana West drilling has been carried out to improve resource
    estimate and results are awaited
  * 4 metres at 155 grams/tonne intersected in drilling at Badogo
    Malikila on Solona exploration licence
  * Sankarani Joint Venture with Gold Fields subsidiary progressing
  * Audited results for the financial year ending December 2007 show
    a reduced loss of US$579,992.

 Glencar's  progress has  been quite remarkable  in the period  under
review.  We have completed  a total of 43,682  metres of drilling  on
our Mali properties and, in  particular, we have advanced the  Komana
property to the point where we can clearly anticipate the development
of a producing mine between Komana  East and West deposits, with  the
possible addition of other nearby deposits in this highly prospective
region of southern Mali.

A preliminary JORC compliant resource  of 520,000 ounces has  already
been reported in October  2007 for the Komana  West deposit, and  the
drilling carried out  since then  at both  the Komana  East and  West
deposits leads us to believe that the next resource update for Komana
will show  a  significant  increase over  that  initial  figure.  The
drilling campaign at  Komana East  during 2008  has demonstrated  the
presence of a  gold deposit  which, at this  relatively early  stage,
displays the potential to grow in size rapidly, given the  consistent
nature of the thickness and  grades being encountered in the  current
drilling programme.

We are  now  very well  established  in  Mali, with  offices  in  the
capital, Bamako, a bustling city straddling the Niger River. We  have
two main field camps, at Komana and Kabaya, the latter being the base
camp for our joint venture with a subsidiary of Gold Fields  Limited.
Our largest  camp  is  at Komana  which  provides  accommodation  and
catering facilities for  approximately fifty  staff. Mali  is a  good
country to work in, with a stable democratic government which  firmly
supports the exploration  and mining  industry as  a fundamental  and
important component of the Nation's economy.

Komana Licence
We are satisfied with the progress on the Komana West deposit arising
from our drilling programmes there, but it's the recent results  from
the Komana East target which have been really exciting. The style  of
mineralisation there is very consistent  with good grades and  widths
being intersected over  the entire  strike length  of 1.6  kilometres
drilled to date. The deposit is entirely open both to north and south
and also  at depth.  Within the  Komana Licence,  Glencar controls  a
further 23 kilometres of strike length along this highly  prospective
Sankarani Shear Zone. An additional nine kilometers of strike  length
to the north is contained within Glencar's Sanioumale Licence,  which
is one of the three licences  being operated in joint venture with  a
subsidiary of Gold  Fields Limited. We  regard the Sankarani  region,
containing as it does, the major  Sankarani Shear Zone, to be one  of
the most prospective areas in West  Africa for the discovery of  new,
potentially world  class gold  deposits.  Glencar holds  a  strategic
ground position  in  the area  and  is particularly  well  placed  to
benefit from the emergence of this relatively new mining centre.

Assays have been received for  fifteen further drillholes  at  Komana
East, which are referred to in the 2007 Annual Report to be posted to
shareholders today and which have not been previously reported. Seven
of the holes were drilled across the projected main ore zone and  the
main mineralised intersections  are detailed in  the annual  report.
These intersections confirm the  continuity of the  main ore zone  in
the area drilled to  date. These holes are  KERC 366, 371, 386,  391,
418 and KEDD392 and 417.

Seven holes were drilled outside the projected main mineralised  zone
and did not encounter any significant mineralisation. These holes are
KERC367, KERC370, KERC372, KERC373, KERC385, KERC387 and KERC390.

One hole, KEDD346, was drilled across the projected ore zone but  did
not encounter significant mineralisation due to the encroachment of a
metavolcanic intrusive body into the  mineralised shear zone at  this

Once we have  received all  the outstanding assays  from our  current
drilling campaign from the laboratory,  we will commission an  update
from SRK Consulting of  the resource study for  the Komana area as  a
whole to include both Komana West  and East deposits. We expect  this
study to be completed  by September next. We  do expect that it  will
show a significant increase in the resource for the Komana area.

Solona Licence
We have completed aircore  drilling programmes totaling 9,400  metres
of drilling on our Solona Licence, adjacent to the Komana Licence. We
have  drilled  three  targets,  at  Faliko,  Niechilela  and   Badogo
Malikila. We  have  intersected  gold  mineralisation  in  all  three
targets, and at Badogo Malikila in particular, some excellent results
have been obtained from our initial drilling programmes there.

We will  be  following up  each  of  these three  targets  with  more
detailed reverse  circulation  drilling programmes  during  the  next
drilling season.

Gold Fields Joint Venture
Our joint  venture  with  a  subsidiary of  Gold  Fields  Limited  is
progressing well. The Gold Fields  subsidiary has spent in excess  of
US$3.5 million on exploration to date, and it is expected that before
the end of  2008, it will  have expended over  US$4 million,  thereby
entitling it to a 51% interest in the Sankarani Project covering  the
three licences of  Bokoro, Sanioumale and  Farasaba. An  aeromagnetic
survey has recently been flown over all five of the licence areas and
the  results  of  the   survey  have  provided  valuable   additional
information which will assist in the interpretation of the structural
controls on gold mineralisation in the region and will also assist in
the  delineation  of  new  drill  targets.  Aircore  lithogeochemical
drilling on the Sanioumale  licence commenced in  mid April 2008  and
drilling on targets in  Farasaba and Bokoro  will continue until  the
rains in mid June 2008.

We have  been in  active  discussions with  a  number of  parties  in
relation to joint  venturing our  Asheba Project in  Ghana. There  is
considerable interest  in  the  project  and we  expect  to  agree  a
mutually attractive deal in the near future.

We have recently  announced the signing  of a Letter  of Intent  with
Grey Crown Resources Limited, a company affiliated with the  Canadian
company, IBI Corporation. IBI  Corporation (TSX-Venture), is  engaged
in the exploration and development  of the vast and largely  untapped
high-value minerals wealth of Uganda  and East Africa. The Letter  of
Intent  provides  for  an  all-share  transaction  under  which,   in
consideration of the  issue of  Can$100,000 worth of  shares in  Grey
Crown to  Glencar, Grey  Crown  would secure  an exclusive  30  month
option to explore/develop Glencar's Makina gold project in  southeast

The Letter of Intent  also provides that  within the 30-month  option
period, Grey  Crown would  have a  further option  to acquire  a  60%
controlling  interest  in  the  Makina  property  for  an  additional
Can$400,000 worth of Grey  Crown shares, issued  at the then  current

Glencar would then  have the option  to contribute its  40% share  of
further exploration costs or to sell  its 40% interest to Grey  Crown
for Can$200,000 worth of Grey Crown  shares plus a 2% NSR royalty  on
any production from the property.

Community Affairs
We are  proud of  the strength  of our  relationship with  the  local
communities in the areas  in which we operate.  We work closely  with
all stakeholders and we  have implemented many initiatives  including
the provision of  teachers in  local schools and  the recruitment  of
resident fulltime, medically trained nurses  for each of four of  the
local villages in our exploration area  in Mali. We will continue  to
provide an  increasing level  of support  for our  local  communities
commensurate with  the  pace  and progress  of  our  exploration  and
development programmes there.

The audited accounts for the financial  year show a reduced loss  for
the period  of US$579,992  (2006 US$1,450,961),  notwithstanding  the
decline of the  US Dollar over  the period which  has resulted in  an
increase in US  Dollar terms  of those  of our  costs denominated  in

The gold price has maintained its relatively high levels of late  and
there is  nothing  in the  immediately  foreseeable future  which  is
likely to  contribute to  a significant  decline in  the gold  price.
Global production has fallen, and importantly, so also has the  level
of global gold reserves held by the major producers. There has been a
relative dearth  of significant  new gold  discoveries and  there  is
increasing  competition  amongst  the  major  producers  to   acquire
interests in any  new, emerging  exploration targets  which have  the
potential to grow to world class size.

I am very appreciative  of the hard work  and diligence displayed  by
our staff and, in particular, by our exploration teams in Mali.  They
have worked tirelessly to bring  our projects there to their  current
advanced and successful stage. Our Project Manager, Mr. Lazare  Par�,
a geologist and metallurgist, is in overall supervision of all day to
day exploration  and drilling  activities on  the Komana  and  Solona
projects. He has done a remarkable job over the last three years  and
I offer him our congratulations and  gratitude for all that has  been
achieved there in that time.

With the recent  very successful drilling  campaigns at Komana  East,
and with the already established success at Komana West, we are  well
advanced towards the discovery of  our third commercial gold  deposit
in Africa.  It  is our  intention  to ensure  that  the  shareholders
benefit to the maximum possible extent from this notable success.

Our Annual General Meeting will be held at the Conrad Dublin Hotel at
11.30 a.m. on 27 June 2008.

Sean Finlay
29 May 2008.

GLENCAR                                                        MINING


                                                  2007           2006
                                                   US$            US$
ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES                      (755,888)      (630,492)

COST OF SHARE AWARDS                                 -      (643,328)

GAIN ON EXCHANGE                                26,814        214,001
                                         ------------- --------------

OPERATING LOSS                               (729,074)    (1,059,819)

EXCEPTIONAL ITEM                                     -      (455,198)

BANK INTEREST RECEIVABLE                       179,181         90,612

INTEREST PAYABLE                              (28,284)       (24,822)

                                         ------------- --------------

ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION                   (578,177)    (1,449,227)
Taxation                                       (1,815)        (1,734)
                                        --------------   ------------

LOSS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR                  (579,992)    (1,450,961)
                                             =========      =========

LOSS PER SHARE (CENTS)                          (0.23)         (0.64)
                                             =========       ========

DILUTED LOSS PER SHARE                          (0.22)         (0.62)
(CENTS)                                      =========      =========



                                           2007                  2006
                                            US$                   US$
Non current assets
Property, plant and                     525,932               410,203
Intangible assets                     9,331,764             5,536,924
                                  -------------         -------------
                                      9,857,696             5,947,127
                                  -------------         -------------
Current assets
Debtors                                  19,407                 9,465
Cash                                  3,313,251             1,635,395
                                  -------------         -------------
                                      3,332,658             1,644,860
                                  -------------         -------------

Total assets                         13,190,354             7,591,987
                                       ========              ========
Capital and reserves
attributable to the Group's
Equity holders
Share capital                         9,457,194             8,507,021
Share premium                        41,617,993            38,009,726
Capital conversion reserve               82,092                82,092
Retained losses                    (41,536,426)          (40,956,434)
                                ---------------      ----------------
                                      9,620,853             5,642,405

Minority interest                     2,881,231             1,159,531
                                ---------------      ----------------
Total equity                         12,502,084             6,801,936
                                ---------------      ----------------
Non-current liabilities
Creditors and accrued                   330,853               342,818
                                   ------------          ------------
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables                357,417               447,233
                                  -------------         -------------
Total liabilities                       688,270               790,051
                                  -------------         -------------

Total equity and                     13,190,354             7,591,987
                                       ========              ========

GLENCAR                                                        MINING


                                        2007                     2006
                                        US$                       US$
Cash flows from
operating activities
Cash used in operations            (859,783)                (560,954)

Corporation tax paid                 (1,815)                  (1,755)
                                ------------              -----------
Net cash used in                   (861,598)                (562,709)
operating activities
                               -------------              -----------

Cash flows from
investing activities
Purchases of property,             (200,367)                (389,289)
plant and equipment

Purchases of intangible          (1,997,800)              (1,113,300)

Interest received                    179,181                   90,612
                                ------------              -----------
Net cash used in                 (2,018,986)              (1,411,977)
investing activities
                                ------------              -----------

Cash flows from
financing activities
Proceeds from the                  4,558,440                2,457,679
issuance of ordinary
                               -------------             ------------
Net cash generated from            4,558,440                2,457,679
financing activities
                                ------------             ------------

Net increase in cash               1,677,856                  482,993

Cash at beginning of the           1,635,395                1,152,402
                               -------------            -------------
Cash at end of the year            3,313,251                1,635,395
                                ------------            -------------

Hugh McCullough, EurGeol., PGeo, Managing  Director of Glencar, is  a
member of the Institute of Geologists of Ireland.  He is a  qualified
person as  defined in  the  Guidance Note  for  Mining, Oil  and  Gas
Companies, March 2006, of the London Stock Exchange.  He has reviewed
and  approved   the   technical   information   contained   in   this

Notes to Editors
Glencar is  a  Dublin-based  exploration  company  with  a  focus  on
exploration and development of gold  deposits in Africa. Glencar  has
found major gold deposits in Ghana, West Africa in both the 1980s and
in the 1990s. The  Company has operations in  Mali and Ghana in  West
Africa and in Uganda in East Africa

For further information please contact:

Glencar Mining plc
Hugh McCullough, Managing Director
Tel:          +353 1 661 9974

Bishopsgate Communications
Nick Rome/Michael Kinirons
Tel:           +44 20 7562 3350

Davy Corporate Finance
Brian Corr, Associate Director
Tel:            +353 1 679 6363


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