Interim Management Statement

Glencar Mining plc

       Interim Statement for the six months ended 30 June 2008
                           21 August 2008

Glencar Mining  plc ("Glencar"  or the  "Company"), the  AIM and  IEX
quoted company  with  gold  exploration interests  in  Africa,  today
announces its results for the six months ended 30 June, 2008.

Highlights from the Chairman's statement:

*          Independent Resource Estimation underway for the Komana
*          Excellent drilling results from Komana East and from Gonka
  target 4.5 kilometres to the south
*          Glencar continues to build on strong exploration results
  on three targets on Solona Concession
*          Drilling set to continue on Sankarani Project in joint
  venture with Gold Fields
*          Successful US$2 million fundraising completed in June 2008

Commenting on  the results,  Hugh  McCullough, Managing  Director  of
Glencar said:
"Intensive drilling on the Komana Concession continues to demonstrate
its strong potential to host  a significant commercial gold  deposit.
We are expecting  to receive the  SRK Consulting resource  estimation
for Komana before the end of  September and we have already  reserved
our drill rigs for  both reserve definition  and exploration for  the
coming season.  We expect it to be  just as exciting as the last  and
we are hopeful that its completion will see us well advanced  towards
the definition of our third commercial gold find in Africa.
"We are  also  delighted  to  have demonstrated  the  presence  of  a
significant mineralized  zone  over strike  lengths  of up  to  1,200
metres at each of three  targets that we have  drilled so far on  the
Solona Concession.  Taken  together  with the  very  exciting  recent
results returned  from Glencar's  adjoining Komana  Concession,  this
area as a whole  has emerged as a  highly prospective one, which  has
delivered significant intersections  wherever we  have drilled.   The
Sankarani Project joint venture with  a subsidiary of Gold Fields  is
also  moving  into  an  exciting  phase.   Gold  Fields  has  already
completed expenditures on this project which earns it a 51%  interest
in the project.
"We are pleased  to have completed  a financing for  US$2 million  in
June last.  This funding will allow us to continue our intensive  and
escalated drilling  programme in  Mali as  soon as  the rainy  season
comes to a close in October. "

Chairman's Statement
We have completed a  total of 50,350 metres  of drilling on our  Mali
projects during the last drilling season.  It is our expectation that
this metreage will be exceeded during the next drilling season  which
will commence  in October  next.   We have  experienced  considerable
success in the drilling to date,  most notably at Komana, Solona  and
at a number of the targets within the area being explored as part  of
the joint venture with a subsidiary of Gold Fields Limited.
The Komana  Concession hosts  the  Komana West  and the  Komana  East
deposits, which are separated from one another by a distance of seven
 8,500 metres of diamond and  reverse circulation drilling have  been
completed at Komana East and we have already identified a  persistent
zone of  ore  grade mineralisation,  extending  over a  known  strike
length of 1,600 metres but  with significant potential for  extension
along strike and  at depth.   The grades and  thicknesses within  the
Komana East ore zone  are very promising and  we are confident  that,
with additional drilling, the Komana East  ore zone will be shown  to
be a significant deposit, which, when combined with the nearby Komana
West deposit,  will mark  the Komana  region as  the next  centre  of
commercial mine development in Mali.
Rotary Air Blast ("RAB") drilling at the Gonka target, for  instance,
4.5 kilometres along strike to the south of Komana East,  intersected
14 metres  at 2.5  grams/tonne and  the hole  finished in  ore  grade
material.  There are at least  five other targets, with very  similar
geological and structural  settings to Komana  East and Gonka,  along
the 23  kilometres of  the  Sankarani Shear  Zone within  the  Komana
Drilling also continued at  the Komana West deposit  and, to date,  a
total of 21,120 metres of RC  and diamond drilling have been  carried
out there.  Targets to  the south of Komana  West at Soloba and  Kama
were also drilled.  The results of this additional drilling have been
incorporated in the database for both Komana East and West  deposits,
which has been given to SRK Consulting (UK) Limited, who are carrying
out a resource estimate for the Komana East deposit and a revision of
their resource evaluation study of the Komana West deposit, which was
completed in  October  2007.   The  results of  this  study  will  be
published when it is completed, expected before the end of September.
The Solona Licence is approximately 250 square kilometers in area and
is held 95%  by Glencar's Malian  subsidiary, Glencar Mali  s.a.r.l.
The area  is  just  east  of and  contiguous  with  Glencar's  Komana
Concession. The  licence  is  underlain  by  Birimian  metasediments,
metavolcanics   and   intrusive,   granitic   rocks.     Significant,
northeast-southwest trending shear  structures are  evident from  the
aeromagnetic surveys.
Surface rock  sampling and  mapping had  suggested that  the  Faliko,
Niechilela and  Badigo  Malikila  targets  are  prospective  and  the
recently completed RAB drilling programme was designed to investigate
such potential.  In all, 176 holes  were drilled to an average  depth
of 54m for a total of 9,422 drilled metres.  Significantly, ore-grade
gold mineralisation was intersected at all three targets.
At Faliko, towards  the north  of the  concession, disseminated  gold
mineralization has been located in an extensive alteration zone  over
a strike length  of 1,000  metres.  The gold  mineralisation is  open
both along strike and at  depth. Significant mineralisation has  been
encountered in four holes including the following intersections:

       Hole    From (m) (m) Width (m) Grade               (g/t)
     SARAB022     4      8      4                2.3
     SARAB030     24    28      4                3.1
     SARAB030     36    44      8                1.3
     SARAB033*    24    32      8                2.3

* Intersection previously reported
At Niechilela,  towards the  centre  of the  concession,  significant
mineralization extends over a  strike length of  1,200 metres and  is
open along strike  and at depth.   Including the previously  reported
hole  SARB096  which  intersected  4  metres  at  9.28   grams/tonne,
significant mineralisation was encountered in fifteen holes including
the following intersections:

        Hole     From (m) (m) Width (m) Grade               (g/t)
      SARAB083      0      4      4                3.3
      SARAB088      48    52      4                2.2
       SARAB096*    56    60      4                9.3
      SARAB097      28    32      4                2.0
      SARAB105      16    20      4                3.6
      SARAB112      24    36     12                3.2

* Intersection previously reported
At Badigo  Malikila,  where  the previously  reported  hole  SARAB114
intersected 4 metres at 154.7 grams/tonne, significant mineralization
was   encountered   in   nine    holes   including   the    following

       Hole    From (m) (m) Width (m) Grade               (g/t)
     SARAB114*    52    56      4               154.7
     SARAB157     44    52      8                1.1
     SARAB167     12    24     12                1.3
     SARAB192     48    56      8                1.1

* Intersection previously reported
SARAB114 was drilled on a fenceline some 400m north of the previously
drilled reverse circulation drillhole  SARC009 which had  intersected
two mineralized  horizons, 8m  at 2.6  grams/tonne between  6 and  14
metres depth and  2m at  25.2 grams/tonne  between 30  and 32  metres
All of the targets drilled to  date within the Solona concession  lie
on structures identifiable  in the  recently completed  aeromagnetics
survey data. RAB drilling is a first pass drilling technique used  to
identify broadly mineralized target zones which may then be  followed
up with reverse circulation ("RC")  drilling which we expect will  be
carried out during the next drilling season.
Plans showing the locations  of the holes referred  to above will  be
uploaded shortly onto the Company's website at
The Sankarani Project comprises three licences, at Bokoro, Sanioumale
and Farasaba.
These three licences are the subject of a Framework Agreement  signed
with a  subsidiary  of  Gold Fields  Limited,  ("Gold  Fields"),  the
world's third  largest  gold  producer.   Under  the  terms  of  that
agreement, the Gold Fields subsidiary, may earn up to a 65%  interest
in the licences through  exploration expenditures of US$12  million.
To date, over US$4 million has been spent on exploration and the Gold
Fields subsidiary has now earned a 51% interest in the project.
We have  completed a  total of  13,500 metres  of RAB  drilling  this
season and 12,570 metres of reverse circulation and diamond  drilling
last season.  The  Bokoro, Sanioumale Main  and Kabaya South  targets
continue to be the  focus of attention with  assay results from  hole
KSRAB162 at Kabaya South, for  example intersecting 3 metres at  75.0
grams/tonne between 0  and 3  metres depth.   Next season's  drilling
campaign is  currently being  finalised,  and an  ambitious  drilling
programme  is  planned,   comprising  diamond   coring  and   reverse
circulation and RAB  drilling.  In particular,  RAB drilling will  be
carried out on  some new, as  yet undrilled targets  which have  been
delineated  through  field  mapping,    geochemistry  and  the   high
resolution aeromagnetic survey completed in early 2008.
A further statement on the  Sankarani Project will be made  following
approval of the programme and budget for the 2008/09 drilling season.
We are  expecting  to complete  an  agreement shortly  on  a  farm-in
arrangement on our Asheba Project in Ghana.  Further details will  be
given when the agreement is signed.
We are expecting to complete  an agreement with Grey Crown  Resources
shortly on a farm-in arrangement  on our Makina Project in  southeast
Uganda.  Further details will be given when the agreement is signed.

Our Income Statement for the six  months ended 30 June, 2008 shows  a
marginally increased loss compared to the same period last year.  The
Balance Sheet and Cashflow Statement  do not reflect the proceeds  of
the US$2 million  placing which was  completed immediately after  the
end of the period under review.

Hugh McCullough, EurGeol., PGeo, Managing  Director of Glencar, is  a
member of the Institute of Geologists of Ireland.  He is a  qualified
person as  defined in  the  Guidance Note  for  Mining, Oil  and  Gas
Companies, March 2006, of the London Stock Exchange.  He has reviewed
and approved the technical information contained in this announcement

For further information please contact:

Glencar Mining plc
Hugh McCullough, Managing Director
Tel:         +353 1 661 9974

Bishopsgate Communications
Nick Rome/Michael Kinirons
Tel:    +44 20 7562 3350

Stephen Barry
Tel: +353 1 679 63 63



                                             Unaudited      Unaudited
                                              6 months       6 months
                                                 ended          ended
                                          30 June 2008   30 June 2007
                                                   US$            US$
ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES                      (297,194)      (369,552)

GAIN ON EXCHANGE                              (45,312)         32,743

BANK INTEREST RECEIVABLE                        45,265         66,466

INTEREST PAYABLE AND SIMILAR CHARGES          (13,000)        (9,650)

TAXATION                                     (310,240)      (279,993)

TAXATION                                             0              0

TAXATION                                     (310,240)      (279,993)

MINORITY INTEREST                                    0              0

LOSS FOR THE FINANCIAL PERIOD                (310,240)      (279,993)

LOSS PER SHARE (CENTS)                           (.12)          (.12)

DILUTED LOSS PER SHARE (CENTS)                   (.12)          (.11)

These results will be posted on the company's website. Copies of this
interim report will be available
from the Company's registered office at 71 Lower
Baggot Street, Dublin 2

For further information:

Glencar Mining plc
Hugh McCullough
Chief Executive
Tel:  +353 1 661 9974
Fax: +353 1 661 1205




AS AT 30 JUNE 2008
                                               Unaudited    Unaudited
                                            30 June 2008 30 June 2007
                                                     US$          US$
Non current assets
Intangible assets                             12,891,855    7,802,908
Property plant and equipment                     522,118      410,205
                                              13,413,973    8,213,113

Current assets
Debtors                                           14,647       73,192
Cash                                             495,885    4,686,511
                                                 510,532    4,759,703

Total assets                                  13,924,505   12,972,816

Capital and reserves attributable to the
Group's equity shareholders
Called up share capital                        9,457,194    9,457,194
Capital conversion reserve fund                   82,092       82,092
Share premium account                         41,617,993   41,638,593
Profit and loss account (deficit)           (41,846,667) (41,236,428)
                                               9,310,612    9,941,452
Minority interest                              3,899,008    2,386,230

Total equity                                  13,209,620   12,327,682

Non curent liabilities
Creditors and accrued expenses                   327,895      360,482

Current liabilities
Trade and other payables                         386,990      284,652
Current corporation tax liabilities                    0            0
                                                 386,990      284,652

Total liabilities                                714,884      645,134

Total equity and liabilities                  13,924,505   12,972,816




                                             Unaudited      Unaudited
                                        6 months ended 6 months ended
                                          30 June 2008   30 June 2007
Cash flows from operating activities               US$            US$
Cash used in operations                      (320,319)      (555,104)

Corporation tax paid                                 0              0

Net cash generated from operating
activities                                   (320,319)      (555,104)

Cash flows from investing activities
Purchase of intangible assets              (2,542,313)    (1,039,287)

Interest received                               45,265         66,467
                                           (2,497,048)      (972,820)

Cash flows from financing activities
Proceeds from the issuance of ordinary
shares                                               0      4,579,040

Net cash generated from financing
activities                                           0      4,579,040

Net increase in cash                       (2,817,366)      3,051,116

Cash at beginning of period                  3,313,251      1,635,394

Cash at end of period                          495,885      4,686,510


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