RNS Number : 4927S 
Nipro Corporation 
19 May 2009 

| Consolidated Financial Statements                      |                                                      | 
| For the year ended March 31, 2009                      |                                                      | 
| Company name: NIPRO CORPORATION                        |                                         May 15, 2009 | 
+                                                        +------------------------------------------------------+ 
|                                                        | Stock         | Tokyo and Osaka                      | 
|                                                        | Exchange      |                                      | 
|                                                        |  listed:      |                                      | 
| Code No:        | 8086                                 | URL:          | http://www.nipro.co.jp/              | 
| Representative: | Minoru Sano, President and           |               |                                      | 
|                 | Representative Director              |               |                                      | 
| Contact:        | Akihiko Yamabe, Director, General    | TEL           | (06)                                 | 
|                 | Manager of Accounting and            |               | 6372-2331                            | 
|                 | Corporative Planning Division        |               |                                      | 
| Date of the general shareholder's meeting to be held: June 26, 2009                                           | 
| Scheduled date of the annual securities report filing: June 26, 2009                                          | 
| Scheduled date to commence payment of dividends: -                                                            | 
1. Consolidated Results for the Year ended March 31, 2009 (From April 1, 2008 to 
March 31, 2009) 
(1) Consolidated Results of Operations            (Note: Amounts are truncated 
to 1 million yen) 
|                    |    Net Sales    |    Operating    |Recurring Income  |   Net Income    | 
|                    |                 |     Income      |                  |                 | 
|                    |     Millions of | Millions of yen |  Millions of yen | Millions of yen | 
|                    |         yen   % |               % |                % |               % | 
| Year ended March   | 175,944 |   2.2 |   14,775 |  8.0 |   9,890 |    2.3 |  4,530 |    1.7 | 
| 31, 2009           |         |       |          |      |         |        |        |        | 
| Year ended March   | 172,113 | (6.6) |   13,677 |  4.8 |   9,669 | (14.8) |  4,454 | (47.9) | 
| 31, 2008           |         |       |          |      |         |        |        |        | 
|                    |Earnings  | Diluted  | Ratio of Net  |   Ratio of    | Ratio of     | 
|                    |          |Earnings  |  Income to    |  Recurring    | Operating    | 
|                    |   per    |   per    |Shareholders'  |  income to    | Income to    | 
|                    |  Share   |  share   |    Equity     | Total Assets  | Net Sales    | 
|                    |      Yen |      Yen |             % |             % |            % | 
| Year ended March   |    71.41 |        - |           4.2 |           2.9 |          8.4 | 
| 31, 2009           |          |          |               |               |              | 
| Year ended March   |    70.17 |        - |           3.7 |           2.8 |          7.9 | 
| 31, 2008           |          |          |               |               |              | 
Note:    Equity in profit (loss) of affiliate:    Year ended March 31, 2009: 88 
million yen    Year ended March 31, 2008:15 million yen 
(2) Consolidated Financial Position 
|                     | Total Assets  |  Net Assets   | Equity Ratio  |  Net Assets   | 
|                     |               |               |               |  per Share    | 
|                     |   Millions of |   Millions of |             % |           Yen | 
|                     |           yen |           yen |               |               | 
| Year ended March    |       330,640 |        96,560 |          28.7 |      1,498.47 | 
| 31, 2009            |               |               |               |               | 
| Year ended March    |       349,302 |       119,544 |          33.8 |      1,861.79 | 
| 31, 2008            |               |               |               |               | 
Note:    Shareholders' equity:                 Year ended March 31, 2009: 
95,049 million yen  Year ended March 31, 2008: 118,155 million yen 
(3) Consolidated Cash Flows 
|                     |  Cash flows   |  Cash flows   |  Cash flows   |Cash and cash  | 
|                     |     from      |     from      |     from      |  equivalents  | 
|                     |  operating    |  investing    |  financing    |               | 
|                     |  activities   |  activities   |  activities   |               | 
|                     |   Millions of |   Millions of |   Millions of |   Millions of | 
|                     |           yen |           yen |           yen |           yen | 
| Year ended March    |        18,851 |      (21,186) |           786 |        45,352 | 
| 31, 2009            |               |               |               |               | 
| Year ended March    |         9,675 |      (30,072) |        22,267 |        47,656 | 
| 31, 2008            |               |               |               |               | 
2. Dividends 
|                |                          Annual dividends per share                           |  Annual   |    Pay-out     |    Ratio of    | 
|                |                                                                               | total of  |     ratio      |   dividends    | 
|                |                                                                               |dividends  |(Consolidated)  |    to Net      | 
|                |                                                                               |           |                |    Assets      | 
|                |                                                                               |           |                |(Consolidated)  | 
+                +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+           +                +                + 
|                |    First-      |           |                |                |Second-quarter  |  Third-   |    Year-end    |    Annual      | 
|                |    quarter     |           |                |                |                |  quarter  |   Dividends    |                | 
|                |                |           |                |                |                |           |                |   dividends    | 
|                |            Yen |       Yen |            Yen |            Yen |            Yen |  Millions |             %  |             %  | 
|                |                |           |                |                |                |    of yen |                |                | 
| Year ended     |       -        |  28.00    |       -        |      9.50      |     37.50      |  2,380    |      53.4      |      2.0       | 
| March 31, 2008 |                |           |                |                |                |           |                |                | 
| Year ended     |       -        |  32.00    |       -        |      0.00      |     32.00      |  2,030    |      44.8      |      1.9       | 
| March 31, 2009 |                |           |                |                |                |           |                |                | 
| Year ending    |       -        |  21.50    |       -        |     27.00      |     48.50      |           |      50.9      |                | 
| March 31, 2010 |                |           |                |                |                |           |                |                | 
| (Projected)    |                |           |                |                |                |           |                |                | 
3. Projected Consolidated Financial Results for the Year ending March 31, 
2010 (From April 1, 2009 to March 31, 2010) 
|                  |    Net Sales    |    Operating     |    Recurring      |    Net Income     |Earnings  | 
|                  |                 |      Income      |      Income       |                   |          | 
|                  |                 |                  |                   |                   |   per    | 
|                  |                 |                  |                   |                   |  Share   | 
|                  | Millions |    % | Millions |     % | Millions |      % | Millions |      % |      Yen | 
|                  |   of yen |      |   of yen |       |   of yen |        |   of yen |        |          | 
| Six months       |   87,300 |  0.8 |    6,400 | (8.0) |    5,200 | (25.0) |    2,250 | (33.9) |    35.46 | 
| ending Sept. 30, |          |      |          |       |          |        |          |        |          | 
| 2009             |          |      |          |       |          |        |          |        |          | 
| Year ending      |  180,000 |  2.3 |   15,000 |   1.5 |   13,000 |   31.4 |    6,050 |   33.5 |    95.35 | 
| March 31, 2010   |          |      |          |       |          |        |          |        |          | 
Note: The % displays in the line of six months ending Sept. 30, 2009 show 
increase/decrease ratio against the six months ended Sept.30, 
2008. The % displays in the line of Year ending March 31, 2010 show 
increase/decrease ratio against the year ended March 31, 2009 
4. Others 
(1) Change in significant subsidiaries during the year ended March 31, 2009 
     (Resulting in a change in scope of consolidation):  None 
(2) Changes in accounting principles, procedures or presentation related to the 
preparation of consolidated financial statements 
 (i.e., mentioned or referred to "Change in significant matter of basis of 
preparation for consolidated financial statements") 
    1) Changes due to adoption of new accounting standards: Yes 
    2) Changes other than those included in 1) above: None 
(3) Total number of common shares issued 
    1) Total number of common shares issued (Including treasury stock): 
| Year ended March 31, 2009:             | Year ended March 31, 2008:          | 
| 63,878,505 shares                      | 63,878,505 shares                   | 
    2) Total number of shares in treasury: 
| Year ended March 31, 2009:             | Year ended March 31, 2008: 415,037  | 
| 447,874 shares                         | shares                              | 
(Reference) Overview of Non-consolidated financial results 
1. Results for the year ended March 31, 2009 (From April 1, 2008 to March 31, 
(1) Results of Operations      (Note: % shows increase/decrease ratio against 
the previous year) 
|                    |    Net Sales      |  Operating Income   |  Recurring Income   | 
|                    |   Millions |   %  |   Millions |     %  |   Millions |     %  | 
|                    |     of yen |      |     of yen |        |     of yen |        | 
| Year ended March   |    135,256 |  0.2 |     10,161 | (17.2) |      8,265 |  (4.1) | 
| 31, 2009           |            |      |            |        |            |        | 
| Year ended March   |    135,035 |  6.0 |     12,273 |   14.7 |      8,618 | (21.9) | 
| 31, 2008           |            |      |            |        |            |        | 
|                    |    Net Income      |    Earnings      |Diluted Earnings  | 
|                    |                    |    per Share     |    per share     | 
|                    |  Millions |     %  |              Yen |              Yen | 
|                    |    of yen |        |                  |                  | 
| Year ended March   |       540 | (88.8) |             8.52 |               -  | 
| 31, 2009           |           |        |                  |                  | 
| Year ended March   |     4,848 | (53.5) |            76.39 |               -  | 
| 31, 2008           |           |        |                  |                  | 
(2) Financial Position 
|                    |  Total Assets   |  Net Assets   | Equity Ratio  |  Net Assets   | 
|                    |                 |               |               |  per Share    | 
|                    | Millions of yen |   Millions of |          %    |           Yen | 
|                    |                 |           yen |               |               | 
| Year ended March   |         282,408 |       109,206 |          38.7 |      1,721.67 | 
| 31, 2009           |                 |               |               |               | 
| Year ended March   |         309,863 |       124,172 |          40.1 |      1,956.60 | 
| 31, 2008           |                 |               |               |               | 
Note: Shareholders' equity: Year ended March 31, 2009:   109,206 million yenYear 
ended March 31, 2008:   124,172 million yen 
2. Projections for the Results of the Year ending March 31, 2010 (From April 1, 
2009 to March 31, 2010) 
|                    |    Net Sales     |    Operating      |    Recurring      |    Net Income     |Earnings  | 
|                    |                  |      Income       |      Income       |                   |          | 
|                    |                  |                   |                   |                   |   per    | 
|                    |                  |                   |                   |                   |  Share   | 
|                    | Millions |     % | Millions |      % | Millions |      % | Millions |      % |      Yen | 
|                    |   of yen |       |   of yen |        |   of yen |        |   of yen |        |          | 
| Six months ending  |   65,000 | (5.5) |    4,700 | (16.1) |    4,500 | (23.6) |    2,750 | (32.8) |    43.34 | 
| Sept. 30, 2009     |          |       |          |        |          |        |          |        |          | 
| Year ending March  |  135,000 | (0.2) |   10,400 |    2.3 |   10,400 |   25.8 |    6,200 |      - |    97.72 | 
| 31, 2010           |          |       |          |        |          |        |          |        |          | 
Note: The % displays in the line of six months ending Sept. 30, 2009 show 
increase/decrease ratio against the six months ended Sept.30, 
 2008. The % displays in the line of Year ending March 31, 2010 show 
increase/decrease ratio against the year ended March 31, 2009 
| *Disclaimer regarding projection information including appropriate use of     | 
| forecasted financial results, and other special notes                         | 
|                                                                               | 
| The projection figures shown above are based on information that was          | 
| available at the time of preparation and may contain certain uncertainties.   | 
| Actual performance and other factors may differ from these projections due to | 
| changes in circumstances and other developments.                              | 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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