Indochina Capital Vietnam Holdings Limited 
For immediate release 
16 April 2010 
Not for distribution, directly or indirectly, in or into the United States or 
any jurisdiction in which such distribution would be unlawful. 
           Indochina Capital Vietnam Holdings Limited (the "Company") 
               Annual results for the year ended 31 December 2009 
The Company is today releasing  its audited results for the year ended 31 
December 2009 
The Company 
The  Company is a closed-end investment fund formed for the purpose of investing 
primarily  in Vietnamese securities. The Company  was formed as an international 
business  company limited by shares established under the International Business 
Companies  Act  1984 (Cap.  291) of  the  British  Virgin Islands ("BVI") on 16 
February 2006. The Company was admitted to the Official List of the London Stock 
Exchange  on 7 March 2007 and  was listed under  Chapter 14 of the Listing Rules 
made  by  the  UK  Listing  Authority  under  section  73A of the United Kingdom 
Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. 
Before 3 September 2009 
The  investment objective  of the  Company was  to achieve  medium and long-term 
capital appreciation by adhering to the following investment guidelines: 
  * The Company invests primarily in Vietnamese securities 
  * The Company may invest in a wide range of instruments, including equity 
    securities, debt securities, convertible instruments and derivative 
  * The Company may invest in companies in any industry sector, but will not 
    make any direct investments in real-estate 
  * No more than 10% of Net Asset Value may be invested in any single company, 
    at the time of investment, without the approval of the Manager's Advisory 
    Committee and, in any event, no more than 15% of Net Asset Value may be 
    invested in any single investment at the time of investment 
  * No more than 30% of Net Asset Value may be invested in any single industry 
    sector at the time of investment 
  * The Company does not and will not manage, operate or control any company or 
    enterprise it invests in 
After 3 September 2009 
As  the  result  of  the  EGM  on  3 September 2009 the Board decided to put the 
Company  on a liquidation footing and to begin the orderly realisation of all of 
its  portfolio.  Indochina  Capital  Advisors  Limited (the "Manager'") has been 
entrusted with the orderly realisation of the Company's portfolio. 
The  Company has  as at  31 December 2009 five  board members consisting of five 
independent  non-executive  directors  (including  an  independent non-executive 
Chairman).  The  board  members  are  Gordon  Lawson (Chairman), Francis Finlay, 
Hugues  Lamotte, Eric Brock and Eitan Milgram. Detailed biographies can be found 
on page 40 to page 41 
The   Board  has  also  appointed  other  third  party  providers  to  undertake 
operational  and recording functions. Under the  terms of a management agreement 
(the  "Management  Agreement")  dated  2 March  2007 which has been entered into 
between  the Company and Indochina Capital Advisors Limited (the "Manager"), the 
Manager has the responsibility, subject to the overall control of the Board, for 
the  day-to-day management of  the Company's investment  portfolio in accordance 
with  the Company's investment objective,  policy and guidelines. The Management 
Agreement is terminable by the Company on a minimum of 6 months' notice expiring 
at  any time after the second anniversary of the admission of the Company to the 
Official List of the London Stock Exchange. 
Capital Structure 
Ordinary Shares 
Placing  (7  March 2007): 
Over-allotment  (1  April  2007): 
Share repurchases (during the period commencing on 
7 March 2007 and ending 
on   31 December   2009 (both   inclusive)   : 
Compulsory    repurchases    of    shares: 
shares:                                                              5,579,105 
Financial Highlights 
NAV/share increased during 2009 from $ 4.66 to $ 4.71 (+1.07%) 
Net profit after tax of                   $ 38,476,824 
Equity investments valued at       $ 25,296,617 
Cash and bank balances of         $ 1,165,238 
Financial Data 
at                            As at                  % change 
                                                                          31 Dec 
2008                  31 Dec 2009 
Net          asset          value                                              $ 
212,818,422                $ 26,275,647        - 87.7% 
Outstanding                                shares 
45,631,229                    5,579,105 
Net asset value per share                       $ 4.66 
$ 4.71                    +1.07% 
Ordinary    share    price          `                         $   2.48 
                 $3.68                     +48.4% 
Discount  of  share  price  to NAV               (46.8%) 
2009 was  an eventful year in financial  markets and especially for shareholders 
in  Indochina Capital Vietnam Ltd (ICV).   I suspect you had more communications 
to consider than most investors receive in a decade! 
Early  in the year a proposal was  put forward that the investment management of 
ICV  be  transferred  to  a  new  joint  venture  set  up between ICA and Dragon 
Capital.    After  this  failed  to  receive  shareholder  approval,  it  became 
increasingly  clear that  there were  two quite  distinct groups of shareholders 
with  very different objectives.  First, there were  those who wished to realise 
the  value of the  underlying assets as  soon as possible  and second, those who 
wished  to  continue  to  be  invested  in  Vietnam  for the long term. Numerous 
discussions  were held  with both  groups to  try to  find a mutually acceptable 
A proposal was finally submitted to create two classes of share in an attempt to 
satisfy   each  group:  a  realisation  class  and  a  continuation  class  with 
shareholders being given the opportunity to choose which class they wished to be 
invested  in. In light of the fixed  costs required to maintain the continuation 
class,  the proposal provided that where more than 65% of the shareholders opted 
to  realize their investment,  then the Fund  would instead move  to realize the 
entire  portfolio.  At  the  EGM,  67.7% of  the  shareholders  elected  for the 
realisation  class and accordingly, the Fund began an orderly realisation of all 
of its portfolio. 
At the end of June 2009, the net assets of the Fund were $243.3m. Since then the 
Fund  has returned  a total  of $  222.8m to shareholders  by way of two capital 
distributions.  As of end of 2009, the remainder of the portfolio consists of 6 
private  equity and one OTC investment, whose sale is ongoing through the public 
auction  with  KPMG  acting  as  exclusive  financial  advisor  and  one  listed 
investment  which  the  Fund  is  restricted  from  selling  until August 2010. 
Dependent  on the progress with the sale of the remaining portfolio investments, 
the  Board intends to make  further distributions through compulsory repurchases 
of shares during 2010. 
The  performance of  the Vietnamese  stock market  during the year was extremely 
volatile, with the VNIndex hitting a low of 236 in February and a high of 624 in 
I  would  like  to  thank  the  Board,  and in particular Francis Finlay who has 
decided  not to stand for re-election, the  fund manager and the Fund's advisors 
for the enormous amount of work they all put in last year, including the various 
constructive proposals and the development of the complex process for the return 
of net realisation proceeds through compulsory repurchases of shares. 
Gordon Lawson 
16 April 2010 
The Market Review 
Vietnam's  stock markets  experienced unprecedented  volatility during 2009 as a 
result of the fall-out from the global financial crisis. At the beginning of the 
year  the  VNIndex  fell  to  2005 levels,  reaching  as low as 236 in February. 
Liquidity  and  daily  trading  values  dropped  to  as low as US$ 10mm on a few 
trading days during the first quarter. 
In  a reversal of fortunes and aided  by proactive fiscal measures and resilient 
domestic  demand, Vietnam's  stock market  has embarked  on an  impressive rally 
since  the beginning of the second quarter, turning Vietnam into one of the best 
performing  stock markets in Asia. The VNIndex climbed to a 52 week high of 624 
on  22 October and enjoyed increasing liquidity  from the beginning of the third 
quarter  reaching  an  all-time  high  of  US$ 494mm daily trading value on both 
exchanges combined on 23 October. 
The  VNIndex has since then corrected  as domestic investors have started taking 
profits   and  unwinding  their  leveraged  positions  in  anticipation  of  the 
Government  stimulus program being wound down and as other asset classes such as 
gold  and real estate started providing better prospects for upside. Towards the 
year  end, the  credit tightening  policy and  the unexpected devaluation of the 
local  currency have had an impact on  the VNIndex.  As of 31 December 2009, the 
VNIndex  closed  at  495, an  increase  of  57% year-on-year  with average daily 
trading volume of US$127 mm on both exchanges combined. 
There  are a  number of  reasons for  the extraordinary  reversal of fortune for 
Vietnam's  stock markets. The government's swift  and strong policy responses to 
the  crisis  allowed  Vietnam's  economy  to  weather the global economic crisis 
better  than most  other countries.  The government  was helped by sharply lower 
commodity  prices which reduced inflationary pressures. This gave the government 
more  leeway to implement expansionary fiscal and monetary measures sooner. From 
today's  standpoint  it  is  clear  that  the  stimulus  program has been highly 
effective  with Personal Income Tax  exemptions allowing domestic consumption to 
remain  resilient  and  with  interest  rate  subsidies  breathing  much  needed 
liquidity  into the  operations of  companies. The  stimulus program came with a 
steep  price tag  to the  government's budget  and it  appears that  some of the 
liquidity provided found its way to the stock market fuelling in part the rally. 
Equally  important,  with  investors'  sentiment  turning  positive  and markets 
rallying Vietnam's stock market finally was able to welcome new companies to the 
board  again  with  the  listing  of  blue  chip  companies such as Vietcombank, 
Vietinbank, Bao Viet Holdings, Vietnam Import and Export Bank and others helping 
to  increase  capitalization  to  US$  33bn (compared  to US$ 13bn at the end of 
2008). As  always, challenges remain and the  pressure points for the Vietnamese 
economy  are  a  widening  trade  deficit  and  fiscal deficit as well as rising 
inflation concerns. 
In  2009, the State Bank of Vietnam  devalued the official VND/USD exchange rate 
on  two separate occasions  for a combined  devaluation of 5.7%. However, at the 
end  of 2009, there was still a 5% gap  between the market rate and the official 
exchange  rate. This put pressure on the State  Bank to devalue the VND again in 
Feb 2010, subsequent to which the off-market exchange rate has moved towards the 
official exchange rate and stabilized. 
Portfolio Activities 
From  the  beginning  of  the  financial  year to September 3rd, the Manager was 
restricted from changing asset allocations and making new investments because of 
a realization proposal put forward at the EGM on 11 May 2009. This prevented the 
Fund from participating in the listed market rally. 
Given  the above  mentioned constraints  the Manager  focused on rebalancing the 
portfolio  with  a  view  to  optimizing  performance.  In  view  of the gradual 
depreciation of the local currency during the first half of 2009 and the absence 
of  suitable  hedging  instruments  in  Vietnam,  the Manager converted - to the 
extent that foreign exchange liquidity permitted - its VND cash holdings to USD. 
And  when liquidity surged during the  second quarter the Manager took advantage 
of  the rally to  replace formerly illiquid  corporate bonds with liquid shorter 
term bonds and to selectively rebalance its listed portfolio. Over the course of 
2009, the  off-market VND/USD rate went up 11%. However, by converting cash into 
USD  throughout the year, the  Manager was able to  limit the Fund's exposure to 
As  a result of the Extraordinary  General Meeting on September 3rd, the Manager 
was  mandated to realize the entire portfolio. Taking the advantage of the stock 
market  rally and  high liquidity,  during September  the Manager  sold into the 
rising  market an amount of US$67 mm  of listed equities that represented 66% of 
the  listed portfolio or  25% of the Net  Asset Value as  at September 1. By the 
middle  of December, the Manager had  completed liquidating all listed positions 
except  373,338 shares  of  Dien  Quang  Corporation,  which are locked up until 
August 20, 2010. On December 8, the Manager successfully divested My Xuyen Bank, 
a private equity holding, and collected US$2.9 mm from the sale. 
Given  pressure on the exchange rate, the Manager quickly converted the proceeds 
in  VND generated  from the  divestments into  USD to  minimize foreign exchange 
loss.  By the end of November, the  Manager had successfully converted more than 
US$90 million. 
The  Company distributed US$ 205.3 million on 22 October and US$ 17.5 million on 
15 December  to ICV shareholders. Further distributions will be made as and when 
progress is made with the divestment of the remaining holdings of ICV. 
The  Manager will do its best to  exit the remaining six private equity holdings 
and  one OTC holding at the market value. The process is estimated to take 6-12 
months.  The remaining listed equity position  will be divested when the lock-up 
expires in August 2010. 
Any  proceeds raised will be distributed  to shareholders as per the realisation 
document of 2009. 
Indochina Capital Advisors Limited 
Richmond Mayo-Smith III, CEO 
16 April 2010 
The   Directors  present  their  report  together  with  the  audited  financial 
statements of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2009 
Business Review 
This  section of the Directors' Report provides a fair review and description of 
the  Company's business and  describes the principal  risks and uncertainties it 
Business of the Company 
The Company is a closed-end investment fund which was formed as an international 
business  company limited by shares established under the International Business 
Companies Act 1984 (Cap. 291) of the British Virgin Islands on 16 February 2006 
for  the purpose of  investing primarily in  securities issued by companies that 
(i)  are  organized, or for which the principal securities trading market is, in 
Vietnam  or  (ii)  derive  or  are  expected  to derive a significant portion of 
revenue  or turnover from goods produced in, sales made into, services performed 
in or other activities related to 
Vietnam, and may also acquire participations and other interests in syndicated 
loans and other debt related assets where the borrower is a company that falls 
in (i) or (ii) (collectively, "Vietnamese Securities"). 
Investment Objective 
Prior to 3 September 2009 the investment objective of the Company was to achieve 
medium and long-term capital appreciation through investing primarily in 
Vietnamese securities. At the EGM held on 3 September 2009, shareholders voted 
to change the Company's investment policy and commence the orderly realization 
of its entire portfolio. 
Principal Risks and Uncertainties 
The  Board confirms that there is an ongoing process for identifying, evaluating 
and  managing  the  principal  risks  which  fall  under the general headings of 
strategic, business and operational risks. This process is regularly reviewed by 
the Board. 
An internal control report and the assessment of risks applicable to the Company 
is  prepared  by  the  Manager  and  considered  by  the Governance & Compliance 
Committee.  Risks are identified and graded  and this process, together with the 
policies  and procedures for  the mitigation of  risks, is updated and regularly 
1. Market risks 
The  inevitable uncertainty about prices and the Manager's success or failure to 
protect and increase the Company's assets against this background is core to the 
Company's continued justification. Other factors affected by market forces, such 
as  exchange and bond rates or interest rates, contribute to risks which have to 
be taken as part of the Company's normal business. 
2. Performance risk 
The  achievement of the  Company's performance objective  relative to the market 
requires  the acceptance of risk. Strategy, asset allocation and stock selection 
might  lead to under performance of the  market. Management of the risks set out 
above  is carried out by the Manager  which, at each Board meeting, presents the 
asset  allocation  of  the  portfolio  and  the risks associated with particular 
investments  and  industry  sectors  within  the  parameters  of  the investment 
objective.  The  Manager  is  responsible  for actively monitoring the portfolio 
selected  in accordance with the asset allocation parameters and seeks to ensure 
that  individual stocks  meet an  acceptable risk-reward  profile. The Net Asset 
Value is published on a monthly basis. 
3. Income risk 
The  Company's objective of long term capital growth relies on generating income 
to  meet expenses and  provide adequate reserves  which are subject  to the risk 
that  income generation from  its investments fails  to meet the level required. 
The Board monitors this risk through the receipt of detailed income reports and 
forecasts which are provided by the Manager on a monthly basis. 
4. Share price risk 
The  price of the Company's shares and its  discount to NAV are not factors that 
the  Company is able to control. Some short term influence over the discount may 
be exercised by the use of share repurchases at acceptable prices. The Company's 
share  price is monitored  daily by the  Manager and considered  by the Board at 
each of its meetings. 
5. Gearing risk 
The  Company has the  option to borrow  up to 25% of  the Net Asset  Value. In a 
rising market the Company would benefit but in a falling market the impact would 
be  detrimental. In order to  manage the level of  gearing, any borrowing by the 
Company must be approved by the Board. 
6. Control systems risk 
The  Company is  dependent on  the Manager's  control systems  and those  of its 
Custodian and Registrars, both of which are monitored and managed by the Manager 
in the context of the Company's assets and interests on behalf of the Board. The 
security  of  the  Company's  assets,  dealing  procedures  and  risk management 
procedures  rely on  effective operations  of such  systems. These are regularly 
tested  and  a  programe  of  internal  audits  is carried out by the Manager to 
maintain standards. 
Other risks 
Other  risks to which the  Company is exposed and  which form part of the Market 
risks  referred to  above are  included in  Note 14 to  the financial statements 
together  with the  summaries of  the policies  for managing  these risks. These 
comprise:  credit risk, liquidity risk, interest risk, foreign currency risk and 
price risk. 
Net Asset Value 
The  Company's Net Asset  Value amounted to  $26,275,647 as at 31 December 2009 
resulting in a NAV per ordinary share of $4.71 
The Income Statement for 2009 shows a net profit after tax of $38,476,824. 
Share Capital 
At launch, the Company issued 47,066,671 shares of par value of $ 0.01 each at $ 
10 per  share. The  excess of  funds received  over the  par value of the shares 
issued,  less underwriting and over-allotment fees  paid to the Company's global 
coordinator and book runner, was recorded as a share premium. 
Compulsory of  Repurchases 
As  the  result  of  Extraordinary  General  Meeting  on  3 September  2009, the 
Company's  shareholders resolved  to arrange  an orderly  realisation of the its 
investment  portfolio,  and  the  distribution  of  the related proceeds through 
compulsory  repurchase  and  cancellation  of  the Company's ordinary shares, in 
accordance with Article 3A (2) of the Company. 
On  22 October  2009, the  Company  acquired  36,596,245 shares, at the price of 
$5.61  per  share,  for  cancellation  by  way of compulsory repurchase of 80.2 
percent of each shareholder's holding of shares. On 15 December 2009 the Company 
acquired  a  further  3,455,879 shares,  at  the  price  of $5.06 per share, for 
cancellation  by way of a compulsory  repurchase of 38.3% of each shareholder' s 
holding  of shares. Following these  compulsory repurchases and cancellations of 
the   Company's   issued   share  capital  comprised  5,579,105 ordinary  shares 
(excluding 1,435,442 ordinary shares are held in treasury by the Company). 
The Company has no borrowings as at 31 December 2009. 
Payment of Creditors 
The Company's principal service provider is the Manager which is paid monthly in 
arrears within 15 days of each Valuation Day in accordance with the terms of the 
Management Agreement (see "The Manager" immediately below). 
The Manager 
Before  September 3(rd), 2009, under the terms of the Management Agreement dated 
2 March  2007, the Manager had been given responsibility, subject to the overall 
control  of the Board, for the day-to-day management of the Company's investment 
portfolio  in  accordance  with  the  Company's investment objective, policy and 
The Management Agreement provides for the Manager to receive a management fee at 
a rate of 1.5% per annum of Net Asset Value, payable monthly in arrears. The fee 
is  based on the  Net Asset Value  as at each  monthly Valuation Day  and is due 
within  15 days of each Valuation Day. The Manager is also entitled to an annual 
incentive fee equal to 
15% of  the increase in Net  Asset Value, subject to  a high water mark, in each 
financial year. 
The  Company may terminate the Management Agreement  on a minimum of six months' 
notice  and may terminate without notice in the event that the Manager commits a 
material  breach  or  if  the  Manager  ceases  to hold, or fails to obtain, any 
authorisation necessary or, in the reasonable opinion of the Board, appropriate, 
to  perform  its  obligations  under  the  Management Agreement, or a regulatory 
authority directs the Company to terminate the Management Agreement. 
The Management Agreement also contains an indemnity in favour of the Manager and 
its employees against losses and claims other than as a result of the claimant's 
gross negligence, bad faith or wilful misconduct. 
The  Company has also  undertaken to cease  using the "Indochina Capital" name 
entirely,  including changing  its name  to remove  any reference to "Indochina 
Capital",  within 90 calendar days of the  effective date of termination of the 
Management Agreement for any reason, unless otherwise approved by the Manager. 
The Manager may delegate any of its duties under the Management Agreement to any 
other member of the Indochina Capital Group with the consent of the Company, but 
any  such delegation  will not  affect the  liability of  the Manager  under the 
Management Agreement. 
After  the  EGM  on  3 September  2009, the  Manager has been entrusted with the 
orderly realisation of the Company's portfolio. The management fees were reduced 
from 3 September 2009 to a fee of 0.75 per cent of Net Asset Value for the first 
year reducing to 0.50 per cent for the second year and 0.25 per cent Thereafter, 
plus  a fee of 1 per cent of  each distribution to Shareholders (both before and 
after  any liquidation commences) in the first year, 0.75 per cent in the second 
year  and 0.5 per cent. Thereafter, together with  an incentive fee equal to 10 
per  cent of any sum that a Shareholders receives by way of liquidation dividend 
in  excess of the Net Asset Value per  Share on the last business day before the 
change in investment policy became effective. 
The Directors who served during the year to 31 December 2009 are listed in the 
Corporate Information section together with a brief description of their careers 
which indicates their qualifications for Board membership. 
Directors' Fees 
Prior  to 11 May 2009, the  Independent Directors received  an annual fee of not 
more  than $60,000,  plus $10,000  for membership  of each Committee, payable in 
equal  quarterly installments, in  arrears, the exact  sum to be  decided by the 
Nominating  and Remuneration Committee.  The Chairman received  a further annual 
fee  of $15,000, while  the Chairman of  the Compliance and Governance Committee 
received a further annual fee of $15,000. 
From  11 May 2009, the Independent Directors received  an annual fee of not more 
than  $30,000, plus  $5,000 for  membership of  each Committee, payable in equal 
quarterly  installments,  in  arrears,  the  exact  sum  to  be  decided  by the 
Nominating  and Remuneration Committee.  The Chairman receives  a further annual 
fee  of $7,500,  while the  Chairman of  the Compliance and Governance Committee 
receives a further annual fee of $7,500. 
The  Company also  reimburses the  Directors for  all reasonable  and authorized 
business  expenses.  The  Company  does  not  provide  Directors  with  pension, 
retirement  or similar benefits.  It is intended  that this policy will continue 
for the year ending 31 December 2010. 
Compliance and Governance Committee 
The Compliance and Governance Committee is responsible for, among other things: 
 ·         Reviewing matters involving conflict of interests, including but not 
limited to the entering of proposed transactions by the Company in which any 
Director, the Manager or Indochina Capital and/or any of their affiliates have a 
direct or indirect interest. 
 ·         Reviewing related party transactions including, but not limited to, 
the payment terms, payment period(s) and settlement of related party 
 ·         Appointing a third party, with the necessary experience and expertise, 
to conduct a review to determine if the Manager has performed its duties in 
accordance with the Management Agreement. 
 ·         Reviewing the trade allocations carried out by the Manager. 
Each member of the Compliance and Governance Committee is to abstain from voting 
on any resolution in respect of matters in which he is interested. 
Gordon William Lawson is the Chairman of the Compliance and Governance Committee 
from 1 December 2008. 
The other members of the Compliance and Governance Committee are Francis Finlay 
and Hugues Lamotte who have served in this role since the admission of the 
Company to the Official List of the London Stock Exchange. 
Nominating and Remuneration Committee 
The Nominating and Remuneration Committee is responsible for, among other 
<li> Reviewing and approving the remuneration for non-executive directors. 
<li> Reviewing and assessing candidates for directorships. 
Each member of the Nominating and Remuneration Committee is to abstain from 
voting in the review and approval process relating to any matter in which he has 
an interest. 
After Peter Ryder stepped down as Chairman no replacement Chairman was appointed 
in view of the Company's efforts to restructure the Company. 
Directors and Officers' Liability Insurance 
The Company maintained, in addition to the Manager's combined Directors and 
Officers' Liability and Personal Indemnity Insurance, insurance cover for its 
Directors under its own Directors and Officers' Liability Insurance. 
On  page 36 of this  document you will  find the notice  convening the Company's 
2010 Annual General Meeting (the "AGM"). 
Resolutions  2 to 4 (inclusive) propose the  re-election of certain directors of 
the  Company. Under  Article 85 of  the Company's  articles of  association (the 
"Articles")  any director appointed by shareholders  during the year must retire 
at the next annual general meeting and shall then be eligible for re-election at 
that  meeting. Accordingly, Mr. Eitan  Milgram and Mr. Eric  Brock retire at the 
AGM  and seek re-election.  Additionally, under Article  86, a proportion of the 
directors are required to retire by rotation at the AGM. There are two directors 
who are retiring by rotation this year, namely Mr. Francis Finlay and Mr. Hugues 
Lamotte. Mr. Francis Finlay decided not to stand for re-election. 
Resolution  5 proposes  the  re-appointment  of  KPMG  Limited  as the Company's 
auditors, who have expressed their willingness to continue. This resolution also 
gives  the directors  the power  to determine  the auditors' remuneration, which 
will be disclosed in the next accounts of the Company. 
For and on behalf of the Board 
Gordon Lawson 
16 April 2010 
The Directors are responsible for preparing the consolidated financial 
statements of Indochina Capital Vietnam Holdings Limited and Subsidiaries ("the 
Group") for each financial period.  To the best of the Directors' knowledge the 
consolidated financial statements give a true and fair view of assets, 
liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the Group for the period 
then ended.  In preparing those consolidated financial statements, the Directors 
are required to: 
 ·         select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; 
 ·         make judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; and 
 ·          state whether applicable  International Financial Reporting Standards 
have  been followed, subject to any  material departures disclosed and explained 
in the consolidated financial statements. 
The Directors are also responsible for: 
 ·          ensuring that proper accounting records are kept which disclose, with 
reasonable accuracy at any time, the financial position of the Group; and 
 ·          safeguarding the assets of the  Group and for taking reasonable steps 
for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities. 
The Board of Directors confirms that they have complied with the above 
requirements in preparing the consolidated financial statements. 
On behalf of the Board of Directors 
Mr. Gordon William Lawson 
12 February 2010 
Brief Description of the Remaining Portfolio 
Mai Linh Group ("MLG") 
Industry: Transportation 
Mai Linh is the leading passenger transportation service company in Vietnam. The 
Company owns over 6,000 vehicles and operates the largest nation-wide taxi fleet 
and  medium distance bus  service. The Company  has operations in  60 out of 64 
provinces in Vietnam. 
International Transportation and Trading Joint Stock Company ("ITC") 
Industry: Transportation 
Established  in  2001, ITC  is  one  of  the leading private shipping companies. 
Primarily  services the construction  materials industry. The  Company has seven 
dry bulk ships having a total capacity of 280,000 DWT. Management is growing the 
business through the expansion into port services with new port projects near Ho 
Chi Minh City. 
AA Corporation ("AA") 
Industry: Furniture and home furnishing 
AA  Corporation is  a joint  stock company  founded in  1990. AA has  three main 
business units: (1) interior design and fit?out to residential, office buildings 
and  retail  outlets;  (2)  contract  manufacturing of furniture principally for 
export;  and, (3)  furniture retailing  for its  own brands.   AA's products and 
services  target the high-end market sector.  Its key export markets are the US, 
Middle East and Europe. 
Mobile Solution Services Joint Stock Company ("MSS") 
Industry: Telecommunications 
Established  in  2006, Mobile  Solution  Services  Joint  Stock Company provides 
mobile  value added  services ("VAS")  in Vietnam.   The Company's  key services 
involve  (1) mobile content  distribution; (2) SMS  entertainment services; and, 
(3) mobile marketing solutions.  MSS won the Red Herring 100 Asia award in 2007 
for excellence in management quality, financial performance, strategy execution, 
ecosystem integration and technology innovation for the Asia Pacific region. 
Navigos Group Ltd 
Industry: Consumer Services 
Navigos  is the leading human resources services company in Vietnam. It owns and 
operates  four  main  businesses:  (1)  VietnamWorks.com,  an online recruitment 
website  (2) Executive Search  and Selection, placement  services for middle and 
upper management positions (3) Outsourcing and payroll services (4) Caravat.com, 
a networking website for management-level professionals. 
Viet Fashion JSC ("Viet Fashion") 
Industry: Apparel 
Viet Fashion is one of the leading fashion retailer in Vietnam with a nationwide 
presence.Viet  Fashion  has  a  vertically  integrated business which includes a 
design  house,  a  manufacturing  plant  and  a nation-wide store network and is 
therefore  able to effectively control quality  and costs. Established in 1998, 
Viet Fashion has successfully developed a number of strong fashion brands in the 
casual  wear segment, including MaxxStyle,  Ninomaxx, and N&M. Conceptualized as 
casual  products  for  active  young  people,  Viet  Fashion's products are very 
popular  with young Vietnamese  consumers from 16 to  35 years old. Viet Fashion 
currently has 120 stores mainly located in big cities. 
BIM Seafood JSC ("BIM") 
Industry: Aquaculture 
Established  as a  private company  in 1999, BIM  is the  first domestic seafood 
company   to   have  a  vertically  integrated  business  model  which  includes 
hatcheries,  farming,  processing  and  distribution. BIM operates approximately 
1,500 hectares  of farmland and a processing facility with a maximum capacity of 
9,000 tons a year. 
Dien Quang Lamp Joint Stock Company ("DQC") 
DQC   is   Vietnam's  leading  domestic  household  light-bulb  brand  name  and 
manufacturer.   The   Company   is   currently  the  market-leading  light  bulb 
manufacturer  for the domestic household segment where it claims to control more 
than 30% of the market with concentration in the southern areas of Vietnam. 
Corporate Information 
Certificate of incorporation       The Company was incorporated on 16 February 
2006 in the British Virgin Islands ("BVI"). 
Board of Directors                    Gordon William Lawson 
Chairman/Independent Director 
(from 11 May 2009) 
                                                Miles Q. Morland 
Chairman/Independent Director 
                                                                     (until 11 
May 2009) 
                                                Gordon William Lawson 
Independent Director 
(until 11 May 2009) 
                                                Peter R. 
Ryder                     Independent Director 
(until 11 May 2009) 
                                                David Francis Kerr Finlay 
Independent Director 
                                                Hugues Lamotte 
Independent Director 
Milgram                      Independent Director 
(from 27 May 2009) 
Brock                           Independent Director 
               (from 27 May 2009) 
Registered Office                  c/o Tricor Services (BVI) Ltd. 
                                             Palm Grove House 
                                             PO Box 3340 
                                             Road Town 
                                             British Virgin Islands 
Auditors                                KPMG Limited 
We hereby approve the accompanying consolidated financial statements which give 
a true and fair view of the consolidated financial position of the Group as of 
31 December 2009 and of its consolidated results, consolidated changes in equity 
and consolidated cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with 
International Financial Reporting Standards. 
On behalf of the Board of Directors 
Mr. Gordon William Lawson 
12 February 2010 
To the Shareholders 
Indochina Capital Vietnam Holdings Limited and Subsidiaries 
We  have audited the accompanying consolidated financial statements of Indochina 
Capital  Vietnam  Holdings  Limited  and  Subsidiaries  ("the  Group") as of 31 
December 2009 which comprise the consolidated statement of financial position as 
at  31 December  2009 and  the  related  consolidated statement of comprehensive 
income,  changes in equity and cash flows for the year then ended, and a summary 
of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes. 
Management's responsibility for the consolidated financial statements 
Management  is responsible  for the  preparation and  fair presentation of these 
consolidated  financial  statements  in  accordance with International Financial 
Reporting  Standards.  This responsibility includes: designing, implementing and 
maintaining  internal controls relevant to the preparation and fair presentation 
of  consolidated financial statements that are free from material misstatements, 
whether  due to  fraud or  error; selecting  and applying appropriate accounting 
policies;   and   making   accounting  estimates  that  are  reasonable  in  the 
Auditors' responsibility 
Our  responsibility is  to express  an opinion  on these  consolidated financial 
statements  based  on  our  audit.   We  conducted  our audit in accordance with 
International  Standards on  Auditing.  Those  standards require  that we comply 
with  relevant ethical  requirements and  plan and  perform the  audit to obtain 
reasonable  assurance whether the consolidated  financial statements are free of 
material misstatement. 
An  audit  involves  performing  procedures  to  obtain audit evidence about the 
amounts   and   disclosures  in  the  consolidated  financial  statements.   The 
procedures  selected depend  on our  judgement, including  the assessment of the 
risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether 
due  to fraud or error.  In making  those risk assessments, we consider internal 
control  relevant  to  the  entity's  preparation  and  fair presentation of the 
consolidated  financial statements in order to  design audit procedures that are 
appropriate  in  the  circumstances,  but  not  for the purpose of expressing an 
opinion  on the effectiveness  of the entity's  internal control.  An audit also 
includes  evaluating the appropriateness  of accounting principles  used and the 
reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating 
the overall presentation of the consolidated financial statements. 
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and 
appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. 
Audit opinion 
In  our opinion, the consolidated financial statements give a true and fair view 
of  the consolidated financial position of the Group as at 31 December 2009, and 
of  its consolidated financial  performance and its  consolidated cash flows for 
the  year  then  ended  in  accordance  with  International  Financial Reporting 
Without  qualifying our  opinion, we  draw attention  to Note 1 to the financial 
statements.  The  Company's  shareholders  resolved  at an Extraordinary General 
Meeting  on 3 September 2009 to arrange an orderly realisation of its investment 
portfolio,  and  the  distribution  of  the  related proceeds through compulsory 
repurchase  and  cancellation  of  the  Company's  ordinary  shares,  to  enable 
liquidation of the Company as soon as practically possible. 
KPMG Limited 
Ho Chi Minh City 
12 February 2010 
                                                 Note          2009          2008 
                                                                USD           USD 
Cash and bank balances                            4   1,165,238     64,277,390 
Debt investments held-for-trading                 5   -             34,320,925 
Equity investments held-for-trading               5   25,296,617    109,588,544 
     Interest, dividends and other receivables        19,436        5,352,499 
Total Assets                                          26,481,291    213,539,358 
Accrued expenses                                  6   (205,644)     (720,936) 
Total Liabilities                                     (205,644)     (720,936) 
Net assets attributable to ordinary shareholders      26,275,647    212,818,422 
Represented by: 
Issued capital                                    7   70,145        470,667 
Share premium                                     7   226,494,085   451,113,162 
Treasury shares                                   7   (10,262,576)  (10,262,576) 
Accumulated losses                                    (190,026,007) (228,502,831) 
                                                      26,275,647    212,818,422 
Net asset value per share (based on shares                     4.71          4.66 
outstanding, excluding treasury shares) 
                                     Note          2009            2008 
                                                    USD             USD 
 Interest income                      9     2,244,848     11,284,391 
 Dividend income                            1,852,621     3,568,488 
 Gains/(losses) on investments        10    46,585,479    (243,864,270) 
 Net foreign exchange losses                (6,225,415)   (3,326,555) 
 Net investment income/(loss)               44,457,533    (232,337,946) 
 Investment management fees           11    (2,597,104)   (4,622,124) 
 Custodian fees                             (69,293)      (108,082) 
 Administration fees                        (135,748)     (206,140) 
 Transaction costs                          (313,234)     (339,665) 
 Professional fees                          (219,425)     (333,587) 
 Directors' fees                      11    (235,611)     (337,354) 
 Withholding tax                            (257,776)     (516,026) 
 Capital reorganisation fees          12    (1,742,122)   - 
 Other operating expenses                   (410,396)     (596,223) 
 Operating expenses                         (5,980,709)   (7,059,201) 
 Profit/(loss) before tax                   38,476,824    (239,397,147) 
 Corporate income tax                       -             - 
 Net profit/(loss) after tax                38,476,824    (239,397,147) 
 Other comprehensive income                           -               - 
 Total comprehensive income/(loss)           38,476,824   (239,397,147) 
 Earnings/(loss) per share            8            1.06          (5.22) 
                Issued   Share premium   Treasury     Accumulated      Total 
                capital       USD         shares        losses          USD 
                  USD                       USD           USD 
Balance at 1    470,667   451,113,162   (1,811,046)   10,894,316    460,667,099 
January 2008 
directly in 
Buy back of 
shares (Note       -           -        (8,451,530)        -        (8,451,530) 
income for the 
Net loss for       -           -             -       (239,397,147) (239,397,147) 
the year 
Balance at 1    470,667   451,113,162  (10,262,576)  (228,502,831)  212,818,422 
January 2009 
directly in 
repurchase and 
cancellation   (400,522) (224,619,077)       -             -       (225,019,599) 
(Notes 1 and 
income for the 
Net profit for     -           -             -        38,476,824    38,476,824 
the year 
Balance at 31   70,145    226,494,085  (10,262,576)                 26,275,647 
December 2009                                        (190,026,007) 
                                                Note          2009          2008 
                                                               USD           USD 
operating activities 
Net profit/(loss) for the year                       38,476,824    (239,397,147) 
Adjustments for 
Dividend income                                      (1,852,621)   (3,568,488) 
Interest income                                      (2,244,848)   (11,284,391) 
Realised gain on debt and equity investments 
trading                                              (56,223,911)  29,905,223 
Unrealised losses on debt and equity 
investments                                          9,638,432     213,959,047 
                                                     (12,206,124)  (10,385,756) 
Change in receivables from investment 
activities                                           5,333,063     39,903,239 
Change in current liabilities                        (515,292)     (7,387,559) 
Interest received                                    2,244,848     19,730,653 
Dividends received                                   1,852,621     4,020,276 
Change in deposits in escrow account for 
purchases of equity investments                      -             2,995,056 
Net cash (used in) generated from operating          (3,290,884)   48,875,909 
investing activities 
Proceeds from sale of debt and equity 
investments                                          183,024,635   117,500,299 
Payments for purchase of debt and equity 
investments                                          (17,826,304)  (189,102,677) 
Cash flows generated from (used in) investing        165,198,331   (71,602,378) 
financing activities 
Payments for treasury shares                         -             (8,451,530) 
Payments for share repurchase and cancellation   7   (222,791,683) - 
  Distribution fees for share repurchase         11  (2,227,916)   - 
Cash flows used in financing activities              (225,019,599) (8,451,530) 
Net decrease in cash and bank balances               (63,112,152)  (31,177,999) 
Cash and bank balances at the beginning of the       64,277,390    95,455,389 
Cash and bank balances at the end of the year        1,165,238     64,277,390 
These  notes form an integral part of and should be read in conjunction with the 
accompanying consolidated financial statements. 
Reporting entity 
Indochina  Capital Vietnam  Holdings Limited  ("the Company")  is a closed-ended 
investment   fund   incorporated  as  a  limited  liability  company  under  the 
International  Business  Companies  Act  1984 (Cap.291)  of  the  British Virgin 
Islands  ("BVI") on  16 February 2006.  The  Company's shares  are listed on the 
London Stock Exchange. 
The  purpose of  the Company  and its  subsidiaries ("the  Group") is  to invest 
primarily  in securities issued by companies that (i) are organised or for which 
the  principal securities trading  market is in  Vietnam; or (ii)  derive or are 
expected  to  derive  a  significant  portion  of revenue or turnover from goods 
produced  in, sales made into, services performed in or other activities related 
to  Vietnam.   It  may  also  acquire  participations  and  other  interests  in 
syndicated  loans and other debt related assets  where the borrower is a company 
that falls within in (i) or (ii).  In doing so, it applies techniques more fully 
defined in the prospectus of the Company dated 2 March 2007. 
The  investment  activities  of  the  Company  are  managed by Indochina Capital 
Advisors  Limited  (the  "Manager")  and  the  administration  of the Company is 
delegated  to HSBC Institutional Trust  Services (Asia) Limited.  The registered 
office of the Company is Palm Grove House, PO Box 3340, Road Town, Tortola, BVI. 
At   an   Extraordinary  General  Meeting  on  3 September  2009, the  Company's 
shareholders  resolved to arrange  an orderly realisation  of the its investment 
portfolio,  and  the  distribution  of  the  related proceeds through compulsory 
repurchase and cancellation of the Company's ordinary shares, in accordance with 
Article  3A (2) of the Company, to enable  liquidation of the Company as soon as 
practically possible. 
As  at 31 December  2009, the Company  has cumulatively  repurchased 40,052,124 
shares  and distributed USD222,791,683 (net of distribution fees of USD2,227,916 
- see note 11) to the shareholders. 
The Group includes the following subsidiaries: 
       Company         Date of incorporation Country of incorporation Equity 
Ta Keo Limited              27 Sep 2007      British Virgin Islands    100% 
Bayon Holdings Limited      27 Sep 2007      British Virgin Islands    100% 
Baphuon Limited             27 Sep 2007      British Virgin Islands    100% 
Bakong Limited              27 Sep 2007      British Virgin Islands    100% 
Basis of preparation 
(a)Statement of Compliance 
The  consolidated  financial  statements  have  been prepared in compliance with 
International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRSs"). 
The  consolidated financial statements were authorised for issue by the Board of 
Directors on 12 February 2010. 
(b)Basis for preparation 
The  Company  is  conducting  an  orderly  realisation  of  its investments, and 
distributing the related proceeds through compulsory repurchase and cancellation 
of  the  Company's  ordinary  shares,  to  enable  liquidation of the Company as 
practical  as  possible.  No  adjustments  relating  to  the  recoverability and 
classification  of recorded assets amounts, or  to amounts and classification of 
liabilities  were required to reflect  the fact that the  Company is no longer a 
going concern at 31 December 2009. 
(c)Basis of measurement 
The  consolidated financial  statements are  prepared on  a fair value basis for 
financial  assets and financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss 
and   derivative   financial  instruments,  except  for  investments  in  equity 
instruments that do not have a quoted market price in an active market and whose 
fair  value cannot be reliably measured and derivatives linked to and which must 
be  settled by delivery of such unquoted investments, which shall be measured at 
cost.   Other financial assets and financial liabilities are stated at amortised 
The methods used to measure fair values are discussed further in Note 3(c)(iv). 
(d)Functional and presentation currency 
The  consolidated financial  statements are  presented in  United States Dollars 
("USD" or "$"), the functional currency of the Company.  References to "VND" are 
to the lawful currency of Vietnam. 
(e)Use of estimates and judgments 
The preparation of consolidated financial statements in conformity with IFRSs 
requires management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect 
the application of policies and reported amounts of assets and liabilities, 
income and expenses. The estimates and associated assumptions are based on 
historical experience and various other factors that are believed to be 
reasonable under the circumstances, the results of which form the basis of 
making the judgements about carrying values of assets and liabilities that are 
not readily apparent from other sources.  Actual results may differ from these 
The  estimates  and  underlying  assumptions  are  reviewed on an ongoing basis. 
Revisions  to  accounting  estimates  are  recognised  in  the year in which the 
estimate  is revised if the  revision affects only that  year, or in the year of 
the  revision and future years  if the revision affects  both current and future 
Judgements  made  by  management  in  the  application  of  IFRSs  that  have  a 
significant effect on the consolidated financial statements and estimates with a 
significant  risk of material adjustment  in the next year  relate to fair value 
measurement  of  financial  instruments.   Further  descriptions  of  fair value 
measurement methods are described in Note 3(c)(iv). 
(f)Segment reporting 
The Group is organised and operates as one segment (both in terms of business 
and geography). Consequently, no segment reporting is provided in the Group's 
consolidated financial statements. 
(g)Change in accounting policies 
The Group applies revised IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements (2007), 
which became effective 1 January 2009. As a result, the Group presents in the 
consolidated statement of changes in equity all changes in equity, whereas all 
non-owner changes in equity are presented in the consolidated statement of 
comprehensive income. 
Comparative information has been represented so that it is in conformity with 
the revised standard. Since the change in accounting policy only impacts 
presentation aspects, there is no impact on earnings per share. 
Summary of significant accounting policies 
The  accounting policies  set out  below have  been applied  consistently by the 
Group to all periods presented in the consolidated financial statements. 
a)            Basis of consolidation 
(i)         Subsidiaries 
Subsidiaries are entities controlled by the Group. Control exists when the Group 
has  the power to govern the financial and operating policies of an entity so as 
to  obtain benefits from its activities.  In assessing control, potential voting 
rights  that presently  are exercisable  are taken  into account.  The financial 
statements of subsidiaries are included in the consolidated financial statements 
from  the date that  control commences until  the date that  control ceases. The 
accounting  policies of subsidiaries  have been changed  when necessary to align 
them with the policies adopted by the Group. 
(ii)        Transactions eliminated on consolidation 
Intra-group  balances and  transactions, and  any unrealised differences arising 
from  intra-group  transactions,  are  eliminated  in preparing the consolidated 
financial  statements.  Unrealised  gains arising  from transactions with equity 
accounted  investees are eliminated to the extent of the Group's interest in the 
investee.  Unrealised losses are eliminated in the same way as unrealised gains, 
but only to the extent that there is no evidence of impairment. 
b)            Foreign currency transactions 
Transactions in foreign currencies are translated to the respective functional 
currencies of Group entities at exchange rates at the dates of the transactions. 
Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies at the 
reporting date are retranslated to the functional currency at the exchange rate 
at that date.  The foreign currency gain or loss on monetary items is the 
difference between amortised cost in the functional currency at the beginning of 
the period, adjusted for effective interest and payments during the period, and 
the amortised cost in foreign currency translated at the exchange rate at the 
end of the period. Non-monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign 
currencies that are measured at fair value are retranslated to the functional 
currency at the exchange rate at the date that the fair value was determined. 
Foreign currency differences arising on retranslation are recognised in profit 
or loss. 
c)            Financial instruments 
(i)         Classification 
Financial assets designated as at fair value through profit or loss comprises: 
 ·         Financial instruments held-for-trading: these include debt investments 
and equity investments. 
 ·          Financial instruments designated at fair value through profit or loss 
upon  initial recognition:  these include financial assets that are not held for 
trading  purposes  and  which  may  be  sold.  These are investments in tradable 
promissory notes, listed equity instruments, and unlisted equity instruments. 
Financial assets that are classified as loans and receivables include balances 
due from brokers, receivables from reverse repurchase agreements and interest, 
dividends and other receivables. 
Financial liabilities that are not measured at fair value subsequent to initial 
recognition include balances due to brokers, payables under repurchase 
agreements, accounts payable and accrued expenses. 
(ii)        Recognition 
A financial instrument is recognised if the Group becomes a party to the 
contractual provisions of the instrument.  Financial assets are derecognised if 
the Group's contractual rights to the cash flows from the financial assets 
expire or if the Group transfers the financial asset to another party without 
retaining control of substantially all risks and rewards of the asset.  Regular 
way purchases and sales of financial assets are accounted for at trade date, 
i.e., the date that the Group commits itself to purchase or sell the asset. 
Financial liabilities are derecognised if the Group obligations specified in the 
contract expire or are discharged or cancelled. 
A regular way purchase of financial assets is recognised using trade date 
(iii)       Measurement 
Financial instruments are measured initially at fair value (transaction price) 
plus, in case of a financial asset or financial liability not at fair value 
through profit or loss, transaction costs that are directly attributable to the 
acquisition or issue of the financial asset or financial liability. Transaction 
costs on financial assets and financial liabilities at fair value through profit 
or loss are expensed immediately, while on other financial instruments they are 
amortised.  Subsequent to initial recognition, financial instruments are 
measured as described below. 
Debt and equity investments 
Subsequent to initial recognition, all debt and equity investments, which are 
classified at fair value through profit or loss, are measured at fair value with 
changes in their fair value recognised in the profit or loss, except for 
investments in equity instruments that do not have a quoted market price in an 
active market and whose fair value cannot be reliably measured and derivatives 
linked to and which must be settled by delivery of such unquoted equity 
instruments, which shall be measured at cost. 
Cash and cash equivalents 
Cash comprises current deposits with banks. Cash equivalents are short-term 
highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash, 
are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value, and are held for the 
purpose of meeting short-term cash commitments rather than for investment or 
other purposes.  They are stated at amortised cost using the effective interest 
rate method, less impairment losses, if any. 
Trade and other receivables and payables 
Trade and other receivables and payables are measured at amortised cost after 
initial recognition using the effective interest method, less any impairment 
(iv)       Fair value measurement principles 
The following principles will be applied in determining the fair value of 
financial instruments: 
Listed securities will be valued at their last traded prices as of the last 
official close of the applicable exchange on the reporting date. 
Investments in unlisted securities for which an active over-the-counter market 
exists will be stated at fair value based upon price quotations received from 
independent brokers. 
Where no quotes or insufficient quotes are available, the Board will decide, 
following consultation with the Administrator, the appropriate method(s) for the 
estimation of fair value of the relevant asset(s). The Board will take into 
account all factors they consider relevant, which may include valuation 
methodologies or guidelines, such as the European Venture Capital Association 
guidelines for the valuation of private equity and venture capital investments, 
where appropriate. 
The fair value of financial instruments stated at amortised cost is estimated as 
the present value of future cash flows, discounted at the market rate of 
interest at the reporting date.  The fair value is determined for disclosure 
purposes only. 
The value of assets or liabilities in currencies other than USD will be 
converted into USD at the prevailing market rate for such currencies on the 
reporting date. 
(v)        Impairment 
Financial assets 
A financial asset is considered to be impaired if objective evidence indicates 
that one or more events have had a negative effect on the estimated future cash 
flows of that asset. 
An impairment loss in respect of a financial asset measured at amortised cost is 
calculated as the difference between its carrying amount, and the present value 
of the estimated future cash flows discounted at the original effective interest 
Individually significant financial assets are tested for impairment on an 
individual basis. The remaining financial assets are assessed collectively in 
groups that share similar credit risk characteristics. 
All impairment losses are recognised in profit or loss. 
An impairment loss is reversed if the reversal can be related objectively to an 
event occurring after the impairment loss was recognised. For financial assets 
measured at amortised cost, the reversal is recognised in profit or loss. 
(vi)       Derecognition 
The Group derecognises a financial asset when the contractual rights to the cash 
flows from the financial asset expire or it transfers the financial asset and 
the transfer qualifies for derecognition in accordance with IAS 39. 
The Group uses the weighted average method and the specific identification 
method to determine realised gains and losses on de-recognition of equity 
investments and other investments respectively. 
A financial liability is derecognised when the obligation specified in the 
contract is discharged, cancelled or expired. 
d)            Interest income 
Interest income is recognised in the income statement as it accrues, using the 
original effective interest rate of the instrument calculated at the acquisition 
or origination date. 
Interest income on debt instruments at fair value through profit or loss is 
accrued using the original effective interest rate and classified to the 
interest income line item within the income statement.  Interest income is 
recognised on a gross basis, including withholding tax, if any. 
e)            Dividend income 
Dividend income relating to exchange-traded equity investments is recognised in 
the income statement on the ex-dividend date. 
In some cases, the Group may receive or choose to receive dividends in the form 
of additional shares rather than cash. In such cases, the Group recognises the 
divided income based on the amount of cash dividend alternative with the 
corresponding debit treated as an additional investment. 
Income distributions from private equity investments and other investment funds 
are recognised in the income statement as dividend income when declared. 
f)              Expenses 
All expenses, including management fees and custodian fees, are recognised in 
the income statement on an accrual basis. 
g)            Foreign exchange gains and losses 
Foreign exchange gains and losses on financial assets and financial liabilities 
at fair value through profit or loss are recognised together with other changes 
in the fair value. Included in the profit or loss line item Net foreign exchange 
losses are net foreign exchange gains and losses on monetary financial assets 
and financial liabilities other than those classified at fair value through 
profit or loss. 
h)            Taxation 
The Company and its subsidiaries were incorporated in the British Virgin 
Islands. Under the current laws of the British Virgin Islands, there is no 
income, estate, corporation, capital gains or other taxes payable by the Company 
and its subsidiaries. 
The Group currently incurs withholding taxes imposed by certain countries on 
interest income and on sale proceeds of equity and debt investments. Such 
interest income or sale proceeds are recorded gross of withholding taxes in the 
income statement. Please refer to Note 15 for a discussion on contingent 
liabilities on taxation. 
i)               Earnings per share 
The Group presents basic and diluted earnings per share (EPS) data for its 
ordinary shares. Basic EPS is calculated by dividing the profit or loss 
attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company by the weighted average 
number of ordinary shares outstanding during the period. Diluted EPS is 
determined by adjusting the profit or loss attributable to ordinary shareholders 
and the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding for the effects 
of all dilutive potential ordinary shares. 
j)              Provisions 
Provisions  are  recognised  only  when  the  Group has (a) a present obligation 
(legal  or constructive) as  a result of  past event; (b)  it is probable (i.e., 
more  likely than not) that an  outflow of resources embodying economic benefits 
will  be required to settle  the obligation; and (c)  a reliable estimate can be 
made  of the amount of the obligation.  If the effect of the time value of money 
is  material, provisions are determined by  discounting the expected future cash 
flows  at a  pre-tax rate  that reflects  current market  assessment of the time 
value  of money  and, where  appropriate, the  risks specific to the liability. 
Where  discounting is used, the increase in  the provision due to the passage of 
time  is recognised as interest expense.  Where the Group expects a provision to 
be reimbursed, the reimbursement is recognised as a separate asset but only when 
the receipt of the reimbursement is virtually certain. 
k)            Contingencies 
Contingent   liabilities  are  not  recognised  in  the  consolidated  financial 
statements.   They  are  disclosed  unless  the  possibility  of  an  outflow of 
resources  embodying  economic  benefits  is  remote.  Contingent assets are not 
recognised  in the consolidated  financial statements but  are disclosed when an 
inflow of economic benefits is probable. 
l)              Subsequent Events 
Post year-end events that provide additional information about the Group's 
position at reporting date (adjusting events) are reflected in the consolidated 
financial statements.  Post year-end events that are not adjusting events are 
disclosed in the notes to the consolidated financial statements when material. 
Cash and bank balances 
Cash in bank earned interest from 0% to 6.3% per annum (2008: 0% to 7.3%). 
Cash and bank balances at 31 December 2009 included amounts denominated in VND 
amounting to USD357,272 (2008: USD24,933,577).  The remaining balances were 
denominated in USD.  All bank balances as at 31 December 2009 were with The 
Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited. 
Financial instruments at fair value through profit and loss 
                                                                2009        2008 
                                                                 USD         USD 
Equity investments held-for-trading 
Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange and Hanoi Securities Trading Center 
equity investments 
Natural resources 
Common shares of PetroVietnam Fertilizer and Chemical JSC         -    4,878,797 
Common shares of PetroVietnam Drilling and Well Services JSC      -    4,601,130 
Common shares of  Petroleum Technical Services Corp               -    1,303,314 
Common shares of Drilling Mud Corporation                         -    638,341 
Common shares of Pha Lai Thermal Power JSC                        -    655,902 
Common shares of Candon JSC                                       -    70,227 
Common shares of FPT Corporation                                  -    3,989,763 
Common shares of Viet-Han Corporation                             -    1,319,156 
Common shares of Cables & Telecomunication Materials JSC          -    116,138 
Financial institutions 
Common shares of Petrovietnam Insurance JSC                       -    1,854,713 
Common shares of Sai Gon Securities Incorporation                 -    765,172 
Common shares of DHG Pharmaceutical JSC                           -    2,772,358 
Common shares of Imexpharm Pharmaceutical JSC                     -    433,706 
Consumer products 
Common shares of  Vinamilk Corporation                            -    8,050,659 
Common shares of North KinhDo Food JSC                            -    821,394 
Common shares of Tuong An Vegetable Oil JSC                       -    539,599 
Common shares of TANIRUCO JSC                                     -    205,072 
Common shares of Cuu Long Fish JSC                                -    183,550 
Common shares of Hoa Phat Urban Development and Construction 
JSC                                                               -    3,189,335 
Common shares of Refrigeration Electrical Engineering 
Corporation                                                       -    2,785,870 
Common shares of Dien Quang JSC                                677,770 1,139,991 
Common shares of Tien Phong Plastic JSC                           -    470,228 
Common shares of Vinaconex Advanced Compound Stone JSC            -    304,841 
Common shares of Dry Cell and Storage Battery JSC                      175,926 
                                                        |2009      |2008 
                                                        |USD       |USD 
 Transportation service provider                        |          | 
                                                        |          | 
 Common shares of General Forwarding and Agency         |          | 
 Corporation                                            |-         |3,218,922 
                                                        |          | 
 Media                                                  |          | 
 Common shares of Phuong Nam Cultural Joint Stock Corp. |-         |858,312 
                                                        |          | 
 Listed equity investments                              |677,770   |45,342,416 
                                                        |          | 
 Unlisted equity investments                            |          | 
                                                        |          | 
 Transportation service provider                        |          | 
 Common shares of International Transportation and      |          | 
 Commercial JSC                                         |6,473,715 |13,000,000 
 Common shares of Mai Linh Corporation                  |2,070,301 |2,422,865 
 Common shares of Mai Linh Dong Bac Bo Corporation      |657,576   |1,629,228 
                                                        |          | 
 Financial institutions                                 |          | 
 Common shares of Joint Stock Commercial Bank for       |          | 
 Foreign Trade of Vietnam ("Vietcombank")               |-         |11,001,196 
 Common shares of Baoviet Insurance Corporation         |-         |9,567,255 
                                                        |          | 
 Agricultural                                           |          | 
 Common shares of BIM Seafood JSC                       |-         |6,500,000 
 Common shares of  Phuoc Hoa Rubber Corporation         |-         |5,594,119 
                                                        |          | 
 Consumer products                                      |          | 
 Common shares of Viet Fashion JSC                      |6,668,092 |4,700,000 
 Common shares of Management Consulting Group Limited   |4,061,776 |2,830,465 
                                                        |          | 
 Industrial                                             |          | 
 Common shares of AA Corporation                        |2,800,000 |1,200,000 
                                                        |          | 
 Telecom/technology                                     |          | 
 Common shares of Mobile Solution Services Group        |1,887,387 |1,512,500 
                                                        |          | 
 Unlisted equity investments                            |24,618,847|59,957,628 
                                                        |          | 
 Tradable promissory notes at fair value through profit and loss   | 
                                                        |          | 
 Promissory notes issued by Deutsche Bank for Call      |          | 
 Warrant of FPT Corporation's shares                    |-         |4,288,500 
                                                        |          | 
 Total equity investments                               |25,296,617|109,588,544 
                                                        |2009      |2008 
                                                        |USD       |USD 
                                                        |          | 
 Debt investments held-for-trading                      |          | 
 Corporate bonds of Bank for Investment and Development |          | 
 of Vietnam ("BIDV") 8.5% redeemable on 23 July 2012    |-         |15,449,082 
 Corporate bonds of Lilama Corporation 9.2% redeemable  |          | 
 on 6 June 2017                                         |-         |2,868,406 
 Government bonds 8.2% redeemable on 11 December 2011   |-         |4,790,978 
 Government bonds 8.75% redeemable on 24 May 2011       |-         |8,166,960 
 Zero coupon Corporate bonds of VPREIT                  |-         |3,045,499 
                                                        |          | 
 Total debt investments                                 |-         |34,320,925 
 Total debt and equity investments                      |25,296,617|143,909,469 
With the exception of the common shares of BIM Seafood JSC, which were valued at 
USD nil at 31 December 2009 (2008 - USD 6,500,000), all the Company's equity and 
debt  investments  with  nil  valuation  at  the  reporting  date had been fully 
disposed of as of that date. 
Accrued expenses 
                                              2009      2008 
                                               USD       USD 
 Management fees                           22,729    289,028 
 Directors fees                            47,500    80,000 
 Administration fees                       2,524     26,727 
 Custody & portfolio administration fees   939       24,677 
 Withholding tax payable                   21,584    178,247 
 Legal fees                                3,500     36,600 
 Audit fees                                35,500    44,472 
 Capital reorganisation                    52,550    - 
 Others                                    18,818    41,185 
                                           205,644   720,936 
Authorised and issued share capital 
The authorised and issued share capital of the Company was as follows: 
                                                   2009                     2008 
                               No. of shares        USD No. of shares        USD 
Authorised share capital with 
par value of USD0.01           1,300,000,000 13,000,000 1,300,000,000 13,000,000 
Issued and fully paid capital      7,014,547     70,145    47,066,671    470,667 
At   an   Extraordinary  General  Meeting  on  3 September  2009, the  Company's 
shareholders  resolved  to  arrange  an  orderly  realisation  of the investment 
portfolio,  and the distribution of the  related proceeds through the compulsory 
repurchase and cancellation of the Company's ordinary shares, in accordance with 
Article 3A (2) of the Company. 
On  22 October  2009, the  Company  acquired  36,596,245 shares, at the price of 
USD5.61  per share,  for cancellation  by way  of compulsory repurchase of 80.2 
percent  of  each  shareholder's  holding  of  shares. Following this compulsory 
repurchase  and  cancellation  of  the  Company's issued share capital comprised 
10,470,426 ordinary shares. 
On  15 December  2009 the  Company  acquired  a further 3,455,879 shares, at the 
price  of USD5.06 per share, for cancellation  by way of a compulsory repurchase 
of  38.3 percent  of  each  shareholder'  s  holding  of  shares. Following this 
compulsory  repurchase and  cancellation of  the Company's  issued share capital 
comprised 7,014,547 ordinary shares. 
Share premium 
The  Company issued 47,066,671 shares of par value of USD0.01 at USD10 per share 
in  2007. The excess of funds received over par value of the shares issued, less 
underwriting fees and over-allotment fees paid, is recorded as share premium. 
Treasury shares 
Treasury shares held by the Company at 31 December 2009 are as follows: 
                                         2009                         2008 
                   No. of shares          USD   No. of shares          USD 
 Opening balance       1,435,442   10,262,576         221,252    1,811,046 
 Purchases                     -            -       1,214,190    8,451,530 
 Closing balance       1,435,442   10,262,576       1,435,442   10,262,576 
Earnings/(loss) per share 
            The Company's basic earnings per share for the year is: 
                                             |       2009 |          2008 
                                             |            | 
  Profit/(loss) for the year in USD          | 38,476,824 | (239,397,147) 
                                             |            | 
  Weighted average number of ordinary shares | 36,194,178 |    45,904,826 
                                             |            | 
  Earnings/(loss) per share in USD           |       1.06 |        (5.22) 
                                             |            | 
As  at  31 December  2009, the  Company's  capital  structure consists solely of 
ordinary  shares.  There are  no share options  or warrants or other convertible 
instruments in issue.  Accordingly, diluted earnings per share is equal to basic 
earnings per share. 
Interest income 
                                                       2009         2008 
                                                        USD          USD 
 Interest income arising from: 
 Cash and cash equivalents                        630,463     2,295,992 
 Investments in other debt securities             1,614,385   8,804,818 
 Receivables from reverse repurchase agreements   -           183,581 
                                                  2,244,848   11,284,391 
Interest  income on  receivables from  reverse repurchase  agreements represents 
interest earned on securities purchased under agreement to sell these securities 
at a future date, at an agreed price. 
Gains and losses on debt and equity investments 
                                                    2009            2008 
                                                     USD             USD 
 Net gains and losses on debt investments     1,457,427     (33,839,599) 
 Net gains and losses on equity investments   45,128,052   (210,024,671) 
                                              46,585,479   (243,864,270) 
Investment Manager Fees 
Prior to 3 September 2009 
Under the terms of a management agreement dated 2 March 2007 between the Company 
and   Indochina  Capital  Advisors  Limited  (the  "Manager")  (the  "Management 
Agreement")  the Company appointed  the Manager, an  investment management group 
incorporated  in  the  BVI,  for  the  day-to-day  management  of  the Company's 
investment  portfolio  in  accordance  with  the Company's investment objective, 
policy  and guidelines.  Under the Management  Agreement, the Manager receives a 
monthly  management fee in arrears, at an annual rate of 1.5% percent of the net 
assets  attributable to holders of ordinary  shares on each valuation day (being 
the  last  business  day  of  each  calendar  month  unless the Board determines 
Following 3 September 2009 
The  terms of the  Management Agreement were  amended effective from 3 September 
2009 to  reduce management fees to 0.75 percent of the Company's Net Asset Value 
for  the first  year subsequent  to the  decision to  realise and distribute the 
Company's investment portfolio, reducing to 0.50 percent for the second year and 
0.25 percent thereafter. 
The Company paid USD2,597,104 (2008 - USD4,622,124) investment manager fees in 
Incentive Fees 
The  Manager is also entitled  to an annual incentive  fee (the "Incentive Fee") 
equal  to 15% of the increase in Net Asset  Value, subject to a high water mark, 
in each financial year. 
The  terms of the  Management Agreement were  amended effective from 3 September 
2009 such  that incentive fees equal to 10 percent of any sum that a shareholder 
receives  by way of distribution, in excess of  the Net Asset Value per share on 
1 September 2009. 
No incentive fee was earned by the Manager in 2009 (2008 - nil). 
Distribution Fees 
In accordance with the Management Agreement the Manager is entitled to 
distribution fees on amounts distributed to shareholders at 1 percent of each 
distribution to shareholders in the first year of subsequent to the agreement 
date, 0.75 percent in the second year and 0.5 percent in subsequent years. 
The Company paid USD2,227,916 (2008 - nil) distribution fees in 2009. 
Directors' fees 
The total directors' fees are disclosed in the income statement. A list of the 
members of the board of directors is shown on page 1. 
Capital reorganisation fees 
Capital reorganisation fees represent third party legal and professionally 
advisory fees incurred in relation to the Company's planned liquidation. 
Related party transactions 
During the year there were the following significant transactions with related 
 Related Party          |Relationship|Nature of transaction|  2009   |  2008 
                        |            |                     |   USD   |   USD 
                        |            |                     |         | 
 Indochina Capital      |            |                     |         | 
 Advisors Limited       |Manager     |Management fees      |2,597,104|4,622,124 
                        |            |                     |         | 
 Indochina Capital      |            |                     |         | 
 Advisors Limited       |Manager     |Distribution fees    |2,227,916|- 
                        |            |                     |         | 
 Mekong Securities JSC  |Broker      |Brokerage fees       |        -|  220,594 
                        |            |                     |         | 
Investments and associated risks 
The   Group  maintains  positions  in  a  variety  of  non-derivative  financial 
instruments  as  dictated  by  its  investment  management strategy. The Group's 
investment portfolio comprises quoted and non-quoted equity investments and debt 
investments, that it intends to hold for a long-term period. 
The Group has exposure to the following risks from its use of financial 
 ·            credit risk 
 ·            liquidity risk 
 ·            market risk 
This note presents information about the Group's exposure to each of the above 
risks, the Group's objectives, policies and processes for measuring and managing 
risk, and the Group's management of capital. 
Management has overall responsibility for the establishment and oversight of the 
Group's risk management framework. Management establishes policies to identify 
and analyse the risks faced by the Group, to set up appropriate risk limits and 
controls, and to monitor risks and adherence to limits. Risk management policies 
and systems are reviewed regularly to reflect changes in market conditions and 
the Group's activities. Through training and management standards and 
procedures, management aims to develop a disciplined and constructive control 
environment in which all employees understand their roles and obligations. 
Asset  allocation is determined  by the Manager  who manages the distribution of 
the  assets to achieve  the investment objectives.  Divergence from target asset 
allocations and the composition of the portfolio is monitored by the Manager. 
The nature and extent of the financial instruments outstanding at the reporting 
date and the risk management policies employed by the Group are discussed below. 
(a)     Credit risks 
Credit risk is the risk of financial loss to the Group if a customer or 
counterparty to a financial instrument fails to meet its contractual 
obligations, and arises principally from the Group's balances due from brokers, 
deposits with banks. 
The Manager does not expect significant losses to arise from non-performance of 
these financial institutions and counterparties. 
Deposits with banks 
All the bank deposits are deposited with financial institutions and the Manager 
does not expect significant credit losses to arise from non-performance of these 
financial institutions. 
The maximum exposure to credit risk is equal to the carrying amounts of these 
financial assets in the balance sheet. 
(b)     Liquidity risks 
Liquidity risk is the risk that the Group will not be able to meet its financial 
obligations as and when they fall due.  The Group's policy is to regularly 
monitor current and expected liquidity requirements to ensure that the Group 
maintains sufficient cash to meet its liquidity requirements in the short and 
longer term. 
The following are the maturities of the financial liabilities of the Group: 
            |           |               |          |         |        | 
            |           |               |          |         |        | 
            |           |               |          |         |        | 
            | Carrying  |   Undiscounted|          |         |        | 
            |  amount   |    contractual|  6 months|    6-12 |    1-2 |    > 2 
            |           |      cash flow|   or less|   months|   years|   years 
 2009       |    USD    |            USD|       USD|      USD|     USD|     USD 
            |           |               |          |         |        | 
 Accrued    |205,644    |205,644        |205,644   |-        |-       |- 
 expenses   |           |               |          |         |        | 
            |           |               |          |         |        | 
            |           |               |          |         |        | 
            |           |               |          |         |        | 
            |           |               |          |         |        | 
            |           |               |          |         |        | 
            |           |   Undiscounted|          |         |        | 
            |   Carrying|    contractual|  6 months|    6-12 |    1-2 |    > 2 
            |     amount|      cash flow|   or less|   months|   years|   years 
 2008       |        USD|            USD|       USD|      USD|     USD|     USD 
            |           |               |          |         |        | 
 Accrued    |720,936    |        720,936|720,936   |        -|-       |- 
 expenses   |           |               |          |         |        | 
            |           |               |          |         |        | 
            |           |               |          |         |        | 
(c)     Market risk 
Market risk is the risk that changes in market prices, such as interest rates 
and foreign exchange rates will affect the Group's income or the value of its 
holdings of financial instruments.  The objective of market risk management is 
to manage and control market risk exposures within acceptable parameters, while 
optimising the return. 
(i)         Interest risks 
The Group's exposure to interest rate risk relates to interest bearing financial 
At the reporting date the interest rate profile of the Group's interest bearing 
financial instruments was: 
                                |    2009 |       2008 
                                |     USD |        USD 
  Fixed rate instrument         |         | 
  Financial assets - fixed rate |         | 
  Time deposit                  | 807,966 | 56,752,692 
  Debt investments              | -       | 34,320,925 
                                |         | 
                                |         | 
Fair value sensitivity analysis for fixed rate instruments 
Time deposit is stated at amortised cost and therefore changes in interest rates 
will not significantly impact the reported results of the Group. 
(ii)        Foreign currency risks 
The Group is exposed to foreign currency risk on investments that are 
denominated in a currency other than the USD.  The currency giving rise to this 
risk is primarily VND. 
The Group ensures that the net exposure to this risk is kept at an acceptable 
level by buying or selling foreign currencies at spot rates where necessary to 
address short-term imbalances.  The Group does not enter into currency hedging 
transactions because the Manager considers that the cost of such instruments 
outweigh the potential risk of exchange rate fluctuations. 
Exposure to currency risk 
The Group's exposure to foreign currency risk was on VND.  The USD equivalents 
of the VND denominated assets and liabilities of the Group are as follows: 
                                            |       2009 |        2008 
                                            |        USD |         USD 
                                            |            | 
  Cash in bank                              | 357,272    | 24,933,577 
  Debt investments                          | -          | 34,320,925 
  Equity investments                        | 25,296,617 | 102,469,579 
  Interest, dividends and other receivables | -          | 5,331,397 
  Accrued expenses                          | -          | (187,151) 
                                            |            | 
  Net balance sheet exposure                | 25,653,889 | 166,868,327 
                                            |            | 
Sensitivity analysis 
The Manager estimates that a change in the exchange rate of the VND against the 
USD of 3% to 5% (which has been the historical annual movement over the last two 
years) would result in a change in the net assets of the Group of approximately 
USD0.8 million to USD1.3 million. 
(iii)       Price risk 
The Group invests and trades in unlisted equity securities (both OTC traded and 
private equity) and is exposed to market price risk of these securities. 
(d)     Fair values of financial assets and liabilities 
The carrying amounts of significant financial assets and liabilities approximate 
their  respective  fair  values  as  at  year  end.   The  following methods and 
assumptions  were used to  estimate the fair  value for each  class of financial 
Cash and cash equivalents, interest, dividends and other receivables and accrued 
The carrying amounts approximate their respective fair values due to the 
short-term maturity of these instruments. 
Equity investments held for trading - Fair value hierarchy 
The  table  below  analyses  financial  instruments  carried  at  fair value, by 
valuation method. The different levels have been defined as follows: 
Level  1: quoted prices (unadjusted)  in active markets  for identical assets or 
Level  2: inputs  other  than  quoted  prices  included  within Level 1 that are 
observable  for the assets or liabilities,  either directly (i.e., as prices) or 
indirectly (i.e., derived from prices) 
Level 3: inputs for the assets or liability that are not based on observable 
market data (unobservable inputs). 
 31 December 2009                  |Level 1|  Level 2|   Level 3|     Total 
                                   |    USD|      USD|       USD|       USD 
                                   |       |         |          | 
 Equity investment held-for-trading|677,770|2,727,877|21,890,970|25,296,617 
                                   |       |         |          | 
 31 December 2008                 |   Level 1|   Level 2|   Level 3|      Total 
                                  |       USD|       USD|       USD|        USD 
                                  |          |          |          | 
 Equity investment                |49,630,916|          |          | 
 held-for-trading                 |          |30,214,663|29,742,965|109,588,544 
 Debt investment held-for-trading |12,957,938|18,317,488|3,045,499 |34,320,925 
                                  |          |          |          | 
There have been no transfers of equity investments held at 31 December 2009 and 
2008 from one level to another. 
(e) Capital management 
The Group is in the process of realising its investment portfolio to enable 
liquidation of the Company as soon as practically possible, refer to note 1. 
Contingent liabilities 
Although  the Company and its subsidiaries are incorporated in the BVI where tax 
is  exempt, the activities  of the Group  are primarily focused  on Vietnam.  In 
accordance  with the  prevailing tax  regulations in  Vietnam, if  an entity was 
treated  as having a permanent establishment, or as otherwise being engaged in a 
trade  or business in  Vietnam, income attributable  to or effectively connected 
with  such permanent establishment or trade or business may be subject to tax in 
Vietnam. As at the date of this report the following information is uncertain: 
 ·          Whether any entity in  the Group is considered  as having a permanent 
establishment in Vietnam; 
 ·          The amount of  tax that may  be payable, if  the income is subject to 
tax; and 
 ·         Whether tax liabilities (if any) will be applied retrospectively. 
The implementation and enforcement of tax regulations in Vietnam can vary 
depending on numerous factors, including the identity of the tax authority 
involved.  The administration of laws and regulations by government agencies may 
be subject to considerable discretion, and in many areas, the legal framework is 
vague, contradictory and subject to interpretation.  The Directors believe that 
it is unlikely that the Group will be exposed to tax liabilities in Vietnam, and 
in the worse case, if tax is imposed on income arisen in Vietnam it will not be 
applied retrospectively. 
                  (Incorporated in the British Virgin Islands) 
                        NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 
NOTICE  IS  HEREBY  GIVEN  THAT  the  annual  general  meeting of the Members of 
Indochina  Capital Vietnam Holdings Limited (the  "Company") will be held at the 
offices of Slaughter & May LLP, One Bunhill Row, London EC1Y 8YY on 12 May 2010 
at 10:30am London time (the "Meeting") for the following purposes: 
1.         To  receive and consider the audited financial statements, directors' 
report and auditors' report of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2009 
2.         To re-elect Mr Hugues Lamotte as a director 
3.         To re-elect Mr Eitan Milgram as a director 
4.         To re-elect Mr Eric Brock as a director 
5.         To  consider the  re-appointment of  KPMG Limited  as auditors and to 
authorise the board of directors to fix their remuneration 
Yours faithfully 
On Behalf of the Board 
Indochina Capital Vietnam Holdings Limited 
Gordon Lawson 
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 16 April 2010 
(a)         In order to qualify for attending the above Meeting, all instruments 
of  transfers must be lodged with  Capita Registrars, The Registry, 34 Beckenham 
Road,  Beckenham, Kent  BR3 4TU, London  not less  than 48 hours before the time 
appointed for holding the Meeting or the adjourned Meeting (as the case may be). 
(b)         Any member (including a body  corporate) entitled to attend and vote 
at  the Meeting may appoint not more than  two proxies to attend, speak and vote 
instead  of him. If more  than one proxy is  so appointed, the appointment shall 
specify the number and class of shares in respect of which each such proxy is so 
appointed. A proxy need not be a member of the Company. 
(c)         Any member who wish to attend the Meeting by telephone conference in 
person  or by proxy (or in case  of a corporation, by authorized representative) 
should  register his/her attendance via  sending the completed registration form 
to   quyen.d.nguyen@indochinacapital.com  directly  or  by  lodging  the  signed 
registration  form which  is enclosed  with this  notice, with Indochina Capital 
Vietnam  Holdings Limited,  c/o Indochina  Capital Advisors  Ltd, Representative 
Office, Capital Place, Floor 10, 6 Thai Van Lung Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh 
City,  Vietnam or by facsimile +84  8 520 2036 not less than 48 hours before the 
time  (Vietnam  time)  fixed  for  holding  the Meeting or any adjourned meeting 
thereof  (as the case may be) whereupon the  access code will be provided to the 
member or his proxy accordingly. 
(d)         The instrument appointing a proxy which is enclosed with this notice 
and  the power of attorney or other authority,  if any, under which it is signed 
on behalf of the appointer, or a certified copy of such power or authority, must 
be  lodged with Capita  Registrars, The Registry,  34 Beckenham Road, Beckenham, 
Kent BR3 4TU, London not less than 48 hours before the time (Vietnam time) fixed 
for  holding the Meeting or any adjourned  meeting thereof (as the case may be). 
In  case of queries please contact the helpline number 0871 664 0300 (UK) or +44 
20 8639 33 99 (overseas). Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras. 
Directors' biographies 
Gordon William Lawson (age 53, date of appointment 1 December 2008) 
Mr.  Lawson  has  a  long  record  of  achievement  in the investment management 
industry, in both developed and emerging markets. Mr. Lawson was the founder and 
Chief  Executive of  Pendragon Capital  LLP, a  London based  Global Event hedge 
fund,  from 1999 to  2006, when he  retired from  the company to follow personal 
business and charitable interests. From 1986 to 1999 Mr. Lawson was with Salomon 
Brothers / Citigroup during which time his responsibilities included the role of 
Head  of  proprietary  European  equity  trading  for  Citigroup.  Mr. Lawson is 
currently  Chairman of The Ukraine Opportunity  Trust plc. Mr. Lawson resides in 
Francis Finlay (age 65, date of appointment 6 February 2007) 
Francis  Finlay is a Director of a number of investment companies, including the 
Scottish  Investment  Trust  and  SVG  Capital,  both listed on the London Stock 
Exchange,  as well as of  several emerging market funds.  He is also a member of 
the  investment committees of a number of major Endowments and serves on several 
international  advisory  boards.  Mr.  Finlay  co-founded  the  New  York- based 
international  investment firm Clay Finlay in 1982 and led it until 2006, having 
previously  held  senior  international  investment   management  positions with 
Morgan Guaranty Trust in New York and Lazard Freres in New York and Paris. 
Educated at Oxford University, where he is an Honorary Fellow of Merton College, 
Mr.  Finlay  is  a  Chartered  Financial  Analyst  and also served as an Adjunct 
Professor  at Columbia University  Graduate School of  Business 1981-1986. He is 
currently  a Trustee of  the British Museum,  a Governor of  the London Business 
School and Co-Chairman of the EastWest Institute in New York. 
Hugues Lamotte (age 67, date of appointment 6 February 2007) 
Hugues  Lamotte is Chairman of Atlas  Capital Ltd, an investment management firm 
which  is  the  holding  company  of  the  Atlas  Group  and  currently  manages 
approximately  $4  billion  on  behalf  of  large international institutions and 
wealthy  private individuals. Mr.  Lamotte founded the  Atlas Group in 1993. The 
Atlas  Group has  its main  office in  London and  also maintains offices in New 
York, Nassau, Guernsey and Rome. Prior to founding the Atlas Group, from 1974 to 
1993, Mr.  Lamotte was a managing  director of Schroder Wertheim  & Co. Inc., in 
which  capacity he  was in  charge of  the international  department and advised 
numerous  European  institutions  on  the  management  of their assets and their 
global allocation. 
Mr. Lamotte is a director of a number of investment companies, including many of 
the  Funds  managed  by  the  Atlas  Group,  as  well  as  the Alexandra Fund, a 
multi-strategy  fund with approximately $1.5 billion of assets under management, 
and   the   Recap   International   Fund,  a  distressed  securities  fund  with 
approximately  $300 million of  assets under management.  Mr. Lamotte received a 
MBA  from the Ecole Supèrieure de Commerce de Paris in 1965. Mr. Lamotte resides 
in Verbier, Switzerland. 
Eric A. Brock (age 39, date of appointment 27 May 2009) 
Eric  A Brock is a partner and portfolio manager at Clough Capital Partners, LP, 
a  Boston based  investment advisor  he helped  found in 2000. Prior to founding 
Clough  Capital Partners, Mr Brock spent  more than 15 years in equity research, 
investment  banking and accounting in a broad  array of industries. He began his 
career  as an accountant  with Ernst &  Young and also  spent several years as a 
leveraged  finance  investment  banker  with  Bear  Stearns & Co. Clough Capital 
currently  holds 183,394 ordinary  shares in  the Company,  representing 2.6 per 
cent. of the issued share capital. Mr. Brock resides in Boston. 
Eitan Milgram (age 30, date of appointment 27 May 2009) 
Eitan  Milgram has  worked at  Weiss Capital  LLC since  April 2000 as Portfolio 
Manager,  Head of Trading and Head of Operations and is currently Executive Vice 
President  of Weiss Capital.  He has served  on the board  of directors of seven 
publicly  traded corporations,  including Investec  European Growth  and Income, 
Morley  Absolute Growth and  Premier Asian Asset  Trust and has advised numerous 
corporations  on  reorganisations  and  restructurings.  Funds  managed by Weiss 
Capital  currently hold 11,034,687 ordinary shares  in the Company, representing 
24.2 per cent. of the issued share capital. Mr. Milgram resides in Boston. 
Miles Q. Morland (age 65, date of resignation 27 May 2009) 
Miles  Q. Morland  started a  new company  of which  he is Chairman, Development 
Partners  International, to do private equity  in Africa in 2007. Before that he 
founded  Blakeney  Management,  of  which  he remains non-executive Chairman, in 
1990. Blakeney  was  one  of  the  pioneers  of  investment in many of the stock 
markets in Africa and the Middle East. Blakeney today manages over $2 billion on 
behalf  of a number of long-term oriented  investment institutions. It is one of 
the  largest foreign portfolio  investors in sub-Saharan  Africa and a number of 
markets  in the Arab world. Before starting Blakeney, Mr. Morland spent 22 years 
in money management and investment banking in London and on Wall Street. He is a 
present or past director of SABMiller plc, the Dubai Group, and several emerging 
market funds. Until recently he was Chair of the London Business School's Africa 
Advisory  Board, a position he held for  five years. Mr. Morland attended Oxford 
University in England from 1962 to 1965. Mr. Morland resides in London. 
Peter R. Ryder (age 55, date of resignation 11 May 2009) 
Peter  R.  Ryder  was  formerly  co-Chief  Investment Officer of the Manager. He 
stepped down from this position during the first half in 2008 in order to devote 
more  time to  his other  responsibilities within  Indochina Capital.  Mr. Ryder 
founded  Indochina  Capital  in  1999 with  Richmond  Mayo-Smith  III. Mr. Ryder 
presently serves as Chief Executive Officer of Indochina Capital Indochina Land. 
He  is also  Co-Chairman of  Indochina Capital's  board of directors. For nearly 
nine years, Mr. Ryder has played an active management role in nearly all aspects 
of Indochina Capital's business. 
Prior  to  forming  Indochina  Capital,  from 1992 to 1995 and 1995 to 1998, Mr. 
Ryder was a partner in, and managed the Vietnamese investment activities of, two 
US-incorporated  companies,  Manolis  &  Company  Asia  Ltd  and Lukemax Company 
Limited.  From 1983 to 1991, Mr.  Ryder worked in  various capacities at Salomon 
Brothers  Inc. in Tokyo and  New York, including as  director and manager of the 
Global  Real Estate Sales Group. Mr. Ryder  received a Masters of Arts degree in 
Anthropology  from the University of Pennsylvania in 1983 and a Bachelor of Arts 
degree  in Anthropology from Beloit College in 1977. Mr. Ryder resides in Hanoi, 
For further information, please contact: 
Arbuthnot Securities                                                       Tel: 
+44 20 7012 2000 
Alastair Moreton / Hannah Pearce 
Indochina Capital Advisors (Investment Manager)  Tel: +84 8 3520 2002 
Rick Mayo-Smith, CEO Equities 
Ordinary Shares - Listing Category: Standard - Equity 
                              End of Announcement 

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Indochina Cap. (LSE:ICV)
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