RNS Number : 1153R 
Cable & Wireless Limited 
16 August 2010 

                            Cable & Wireless Limited 
                        (Formerly Cable and Wireless plc) 
                                ('the Company') 
                            Annual Information Update 
In accordance with the requirements of Prospectus Rule 5.2, the following 
information has been published or made available to the public during the period 
from 1 July 2009 to 15 August 2010 
1.   Announcements made to the London Stock Exchange ('LSE'): 
During the period, the following announcements were made via a regulatory 
information service: 
| Date       | Headline/Description                              | 
| 05/08/2010 | Annual Financial Report                           | 
| 19/03/2010 | Scheme of Arrangement effective                   | 
| 16/03/2010 | Director/PDMR shareholding                        | 
| 12/03/2010 | Director/PDMR shareholding                        | 
| 10/03/2010 | Transaction in own shares                         | 
| 08/03/2010 | Transaction in own shares                         | 
| 02/03/2010 | Suspension of conversion rights                   | 
| 01/03/2010 | Total voting rights                               | 
| 25/02/2010 | Result of EGM                                     | 
| 24/02/2010 | Transaction in own shares                         | 
| 22/02/2010 | Holding(s) in Company                             | 
| 10/02/2010 | Publication of Offering Memorandum                | 
| 10/02/2010 | Terms of US$ 500 million 7.75% senior secured     | 
|            | notes                                             | 
| 02/02/2010 | Publication and posting of documents              | 
| 02/02/2010 | Demerger update and Interim Management Statement  | 
| 02/02/2010 | C&W announces US$500 million senior secured notes | 
|            | offering                                          | 
| 01/02/2010 | Director/PDMR shareholding                        | 
| 21/01/2010 | Issue of Equity                                   | 
| 11/01/2010 | Transaction in own shares                         | 
| 11/01/2010 | Director/PDMR shareholding                        | 
| 05/01/2010 | Total voting rights                               | 
| 21/12/2009 | Appointment of Director                           | 
| 15/12/2009 | Penny Hughes appointed to the Board of Morrisons  | 
| 10/12/2009 | C&W Worldwide appoints Tim Weller as CFO          | 
| 08/12/2009 | Holding(s) in Company                             | 
| 08/12/2009 | Transaction in own shares                         | 
| 01/12/2009 | Total voting rights                               | 
| 30/11/2009 | Performance Share Awards to PDMRs                 | 
| 25/11/2009 | Scrip Dividend Scheme                             | 
| 20/11/2009 | Director/PDMR shareholding                        | 
| 20/11/2009 | Holding(s) in Company                             | 
| 20/11/2009 | Director/PDMR shareholding                        | 
| 19/11/2009 | Holding(s) in Company                             | 
| 17/11/2009 | Cable & Wireless prices GBP230m convertible bonds | 
| 17/11/2009 | Cable & Wireless launches GBP200m convertible     | 
|            | bonds                                             | 
| 17/11/2009 | Cable & Wireless announces proposed demerger      | 
| 09/11/2009 | Transaction in own shares                         | 
| 05/11/2009 | Holding(s) in Company                             | 
| 05/11/2009 | Half yearly report                                | 
|            |                                                   | 
| 05/11/2009 | Cable & Wireless announces intention to demerge   | 
| 03/11/2009 | Holding(s) in company                             | 
| 02/11/2009 | Total voting rights                               | 
| 09/10/2009 | Transaction in own shares                         | 
| 02/10/2009 | Notice of interim results                         | 
| 02/10/2009 | Director/PDMR shareholding                        | 
| 02/10/2009 | Blocklisting interim review                       | 
| 02/10/2009 | Total voting rights                               | 
| 14/09/2009 | Additional listing                                | 
| 08/09/2009 | Transaction in own shares                         | 
| 01/09/2009 | Total voting rights                               | 
| 28/08/2009 | Director/PDMR shareholding                        | 
| 10/08/2009 | Director/PDMR shareholding                        | 
| 10/08/2009 | Transaction in own shares                         | 
| 06/08/2009 | Issue of Equity                                   | 
| 03/08/2009 | Total voting rights                               | 
| 24/07/2010 | Director/PDMR shareholding                        | 
| 17/07/2009 | Appointments to Audit and Remuneration Committees | 
| 17/07/2009 | Result of AGM                                     | 
| 17/07/2009 | Interim Management Statement                      | 
| 08/07/2009 | Transaction in own shares                         | 
| 01/07/2009 | Annual Information Update                         | 
| 01/07/2009 | Total voting rights                               | 
Details of regulatory announcements can be found in full on the website of Cable 
& Wireless Communications Plc; www.cwc.com or via the London Stock Exchange 
website www.londonstockexchange.com 
2.   Documents filed at Companies House 
During the period, the Company filed has submitted filings to Companies House in 
relation to: 
| Date       | Headline/Description                                 | 
| 09/08/2010 | Appointment terminated, Secretary Heledd Hanscomb    | 
| 13/04/2010 | Articles of Association                              | 
| 13/04/2010 | Resolution - alteration to memorandum and articles   | 
| 12/04/2010 | SH10 - notice of particulars of variation of rights  | 
|            | attached to shares                                   | 
| 12/04/2010 | Varying share rights and names                       | 
| 08/04/2010 | Secretary appointed - Clare Underwood                | 
| 08/04/2010 | Director appointed - Clare Underwood                 | 
| 08/04/2010 | Director appointed - Nicholas Cooper                 | 
| 06/04/2010 | Appointment terminated, Director John Pluthero       | 
| 06/04/2010 | Register(s) moved from SAIL to registered office     | 
| 06/04/2010 | Appointment terminated, Secretary Nicholas Cooper    | 
| 06/04/2010 | Appointment terminated, Director Alan Butler         | 
| 06/04/2010 | Appointment terminated, Director George Battersby    | 
| 06/04/2010 | Appointment terminated, Director Robert Barton       | 
| 06/04/2010 | Appointment terminated, Director Simon Ball          | 
| 06/04/2010 | Appointment terminated, Director Penelope Hughes     | 
| 06/04/2010 | Appointment terminated, Director Mary Francis        | 
| 06/04/2010 | Appointment terminated, Director James Marsh         | 
| 06/04/2010 | Appointment terminated, Director Richard Lapthorne   | 
| 06/04/2010 | Appointment terminated, Director Kathleen Nealon     | 
| 06/04/2010 | Appointment terminated, Director William Rice        | 
| 06/04/2010 | Appointment terminated, Director Kasper Rorsted      | 
| 23/03/2010 | Re-registration Memorandum and Articles              | 
| 23/03/2010 | Re-registration public to private, resolution date   | 
|            | 22/03/2010                                           | 
| 23/03/2010 | Application by a public company for re-registration  | 
|            | as a private limited company                         | 
| 23/03/2010 | Name change and re-registration from plc to private  | 
| 23/03/2010 | Company name changed Cable and Wireless public       | 
|            | limited company, certificate issued on 23/03/2010    | 
| 23/03/2010 | Notice of change of name NM02 - conditional          | 
|            | resolution                                           | 
| 23/03/2010 | SH01 to allot one share of 25p                       | 
| 23/03/2010 | SH19 Statement of Capital                            | 
| 23/03/2010 | Reduction of ISS capital and minute                  | 
| 23/03/2010 | Reduction of issued capital                          | 
| 23/03/2010 | Scheme of arrangement 25/02/2010                     | 
| 23/03/2010 | Notice of change of name NM01 - resolution           | 
| 11/03/2010 | SH01 - statement of capital                          | 
| 11/03/2010 | SH01 - statement of capital                          | 
| 11/03/2010 | SH01 - statement of capital                          | 
| 11/03/2010 | SH01 - statement of capital                          | 
| 11/03/2010 | SH01 - statement of capital                          | 
| 11/03/2010 | SH01 - statement of capital                          | 
| 24/02/2010 | SH01 - statement of capital                          | 
| 24/02/2010 | SH01 - statement of capital                          | 
| 24/02/2010 | SH01 - statement of capital                          | 
| 24/02/2010 | SH01 - statement of capital                          | 
| 11/02/2010 | SH01 - statement of capital                          | 
| 11/02/2010 | SH01 - statement of capital                          | 
| 11/02/2010 | SH01 - statement of capital                          | 
| 11/02/2010 | SH01 - statement of capital                          | 
| 02/02/2010 | SH01 - statement of capital                          | 
| 02/02/2010 | SH01 - statement of capital                          | 
| 02/02/2010 | SH01 - statement of capital                          | 
| 02/02/2010 | SH01 - statement of capital                          | 
| 01/02/2010 | Particulars of a mortgage or charge / charge No: 7   | 
| 20/01/2010 | Director appointed, James Marsh                      | 
| 20/01/2010 | Director's change of particulars, Richard Lapthorne  | 
| 16/01/2010 | SH01 - statement of capital                          | 
| 16/01/2010 | SH01 - statement of capital                          | 
| 16/01/2010 | SH01 - statement of capital                          | 
| 17/12/2009 | Particulars of a mortgage or charge / charge No: 6   | 
| 17/12/2009 | Particulars of a mortgage or charge / charge No: 5   | 
| 09/12/2009 | Director's change of particulars, Robert Barton      | 
| 09/12/2009 | Director's change of particulars, Robert Barton      | 
| 09/12/2009 | SH01 - statement of capital                          | 
| 09/12/2009 | SH01 - statement of capital                          | 
| 09/12/2009 | SH01 - statement of capital                          | 
| 09/12/2009 | SH01 - statement of capital                          | 
| 09/12/2009 | SH01 - statement of capital                          | 
| 08/12/2009 | Annual Return                                        | 
| 05/11/2009 | SH01 - statement of capital                          | 
| 05/11/2009 | SH01 - statement of capital                          | 
| 05/11/2009 | SH01 - statement of capital                          | 
| 05/11/2009 | SH01 - statement of capital                          | 
| 22/10/2009 | SH01 - statement of capital                          | 
| 22/10/2009 | SH01 - statement of capital                          | 
| 22/10/2009 | SH01 - statement of capital                          | 
| 22/10/2009 | SH01 - statement of capital                          | 
| 22/10/2009 | SH01 - statement of capital                          | 
| 22/10/2009 | SH01 - statement of capital                          | 
| 19/10/2009 | Register(s) moved to SAIL address                    | 
| 19/10/2009 | SAIL address created                                 | 
| 14/10/2009 | SH01 - statement of capital                          | 
| 24/09/2009 | Form 88(2)                                           | 
| 24/09/2009 | Form 88(2)                                           | 
| 24/09/2009 | Form 88(2)                                           | 
| 24/09/2009 | Form 88(2)                                           | 
| 05/09/2009 | Form 88(2)                                           | 
| 05/09/2009 | Form 88(2)                                           | 
| 05/09/2009 | Form 88(2)                                           | 
| 03/09/2009 | Form 88(2)                                           | 
| 03/09/2009 | Form 88(2)                                           | 
| 21/08/2009 | Form 88(2)                                           | 
| 21/08/2009 | Form 88(2)                                           | 
| 19/08/2009 | Form 88(2)                                           | 
| 18/08/2009 | Form 88(2)                                           | 
| 18/08/2009 | Form 88(2)                                           | 
| 12/08/2009 | Form 88(2)                                           | 
| 12/08/2009 | Form 88(2)                                           | 
| 12/08/2009 | Form 88(2)                                           | 
| 06/08/2009 | Form 88(2)                                           | 
| 06/08/2009 | Form 88(2)                                           | 
| 06/08/2009 | Form 88(2)                                           | 
| 06/08/2009 | Director's change of particulars, Robert Barton      | 
| 03/08/2009 | Form 88(2)                                           | 
| 03/08/2009 | Form 88(2)                                           | 
| 03/08/2009 | Form 88(2)                                           | 
| 30/07/2009 | Form 88(2)                                           | 
| 30/07/2009 | Form 88(2)                                           | 
| 30/07/2009 | Form 88(2)                                           | 
| 30/07/2009 | Form 88(2)                                           | 
| 30/07/2009 | Form 88(2)                                           | 
| 23/07/2009 | Group of companies' accounts made up to 31/03/2009   | 
| 23/07/2009 | Resolution - authorised allotment of shares and      | 
|            | debentures                                           | 
| 07/07/2009 | Form 88(2)                                           | 
| 07/07/2009 | Form 88(2)                                           | 
| 07/07/2009 | Form 88(2)                                           | 
| 06/07/2009 | Director appointed, Penelope Hughes                  | 
| 06/07/2009 | Director appointed, Mary Francis                     | 
Copies of these documents can be obtained from The Registrar, Companies House, 
Crown Way, Maindy, Cardiff  CF14 3UZ or, if you are a registered user, they may 
be viewed or downloaded via Companies House Direct 
3.   Documents published and sent to shareholders 
| Date       | Headline/Description                                | 
| 02/02/2010 | Circular                                            | 
4.   Documents submitted to the Financial Services Authority ('FSA') 
During the period, the following documents were submitted to the FSA on or 
around the dates shown: 
| Date       | Headline/Description                             | 
| 05/08/2010 | Company accounts for the year ended 31 March     | 
|            | 2010                                             | 
| 26/02/2010 | Resolutions from Court and General Meeting       | 
| 02/02/2010 | Circular                                         | 
| 05/11/2009 | Interim financial report to 30 September 2009    | 
| 17/07/2009 | Articles of Association                          | 
| 17/07/2009 | AGM Resolutions                                  | 
Copies of documents submitted to the FSA can be viewed at the UKLA Document 
Viewing Facility situated at the Financial Services Authority, 25 The North 
Colonnade, Canary Wharf, London E14 5HS. 
5.   Announcements made to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange 
During the period, the following announcements were made via the Hong Kong Stock 
| Date       | Headline/Description                             | 
| 05/08/2010 | Publication of Accounts                          | 
6.  Documents filed with the Hong Kong Stock Exchange 
During the period, the following documents were submitted to the Hong Kong Stock 
Exchange on or around the dates shown: 
| Date       | Headline/Description                             | 
| 05/08/2010 | Company accounts for the year ended 31 March     | 
|            | 2010                                             | 
7. Documents filed with the Director General of Kanto Local Finance Bureau of 
the Ministry of Finance of Japan 
The Company has continuing obligations to comply with the Securities and 
Exchange Law and the Cabinet Office Ordinance of Japan. The Company was listed 
on the Tokyo Stock Exchange until 21 August 1998. During the period the 
following documents were filed: 
| Date       | Headline/Description                              | 
| 30/06/2010 | Extraordinary Report - Demerger                   | 
| 25/01/2010 | Extraordinary Report - Convertible Bonds          | 
| 10/12/2009 | Semi-Annual Securities Report                     | 
Copies of documents filed with the Director General of Kanto Local Finance 
Bureau of the Ministry of Finance of Japan can be obtained from the Company 
Secretary at 3rd Floor, 26 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4HQ. 
8.   Accuracy of Information 
In accordance with Article 27(3) of the Prospectus Directive Regulation, it is 
acknowledged that whilst the information referred to above was up to date at the 
time of publication, such disclosure may, at any time, become out of date due to 
changing circumstances. 
Copies of all documents referred to above are also available from the Company 
Secretary, Cable & Wireless Limited, 3rd Floor, Red Lion Square, London WC1R 
Name of person making notification: Clare Underwood 
Contact number: 020 7315 4008 
Date of notification:16 August 2010 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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