RNS Number : 9270S 
Lipoxen PLC 
20 September 2010 

| For Immediate Release             |                 20 September 2010 | 
                                  Lipoxen PLC 
                          ("Lipoxen" or "the Company") 
              Interim Results for the six months ended 30 June 2010 
Lipoxen PLC (AIM:LPX), a bio-pharmaceutical company specialising in the 
development of high-value differentiated biologicals, vaccines and siRNA 
delivery, is pleased to announce its interim results for the six months ended 30 
June 2010. 
Key Programme Highlights 
·    Successful progress with  Baxter PSA-Factor VIII programme - update 
announced 16th September 
· Lipoxen Receives US$2m License Fee Payment 
· Baxter Issued Warrants to Subscribe for up to US$2m Equity 
· Baxter Selects Lead Polymer Polysialic Acid (PSA)-Factor VIII Candidate 
· Baxter Granted Right to Appoint NED to Lipoxen's Board 
·    FDA/EMEA regulated Indian Phase II trial of ErepoXen  by Lipoxen's partner 
Serum Institute progressing well - final trial report expected by end of 2010 
·    SuliXen (insulin) programme remains on track - Phase II to commence in Q4 
·    Influenza vaccine viable candidate preparing to enter pre-clinical 
development in early 2011 
·    Intellectual Property 
· Patents granted for Polysialylated G-CSF StimuXen(TM) Technology in six 
European territories, including the UK, Germany, France, Spain, Italy and 
· New US patent granted for PolyXen technology 
Key Financial Highlights 
·    GBP1.23m Placing completed in April cornerstoned by management 
·    Management options plan implemented in June vesting substantially above 
market thus aligning interests with shareholders 
·    Turnover of GBP76k (2009: GBP0.4m) 
·    Pre-tax loss of GBP1.5m (2009: GBP1.4m) 
·    Net cash at period end of GBP0.9m (2009: GBP2.8m) 
·    Net asset value at 30 June 2010 GBP2.0m - net of GBP0.4m JSOP shares value 
(2009: GBP4.3m) 
·    Loss per share basic and fully diluted of 0.94p (2009: 1.14p) 
·    Net asset value per share - basic 1.12p (2009: 2.78p) 
·    Net asset value per share - fully diluted 1.11p (2009: 2.69p) 
Commenting on the results, Sir Brian Richards, Chairman of Lipoxen, said: 
"The Board remains excited about the prospects for the Company and has evidenced 
this confidence by subscribing material sums in the last two fundraisings.  The 
prospects for value delivery are such that, of the total executive directors' 
new equity incentives, 60% have vesting hurdle prices set in three equal 
tranches, of, respectively 20p, 40p and GBP1 .  The executives' interests are 
therefore truly aligned with those of all of the Company's shareholders. 
"I look forward to updating shareholders when the Company reports upon its full 
FY2010 results." 
                                    - Ends - 
For further information, please contact: 
| Lipoxen plc                              |     +44 (0)20 7389 | 
|                                          |               5015 | 
| M. Scott Maguire, Chief Executive        |                    | 
| Officer                                  |                    | 
|                                          |                    | 
| Singer Capital Markets (nominated        |     +44 (0)20 3205 | 
| adviser)                                 |               7500 | 
| Jeff Keating / Claes Spång               |                    | 
|                                          |                    | 
| Buchanan Communications                  |     +44 (0)20 7466 | 
| Lisa Baderoon                            |               5000 | 
|                                          |     Mobile:    +44 | 
|                                          |        7721 413496 | 
| Jessica Fontaine                         |                    | 
|                                          |                    | 
|                                          |                    | 
I am delighted once more to have the opportunity of updating you on the 
Company's progress since my last report accompanying the FY2009 Financial 
Statements issued on 31st March 2010. 
The intervening six months to date have seen the Company update you on the 
positive developments on our US$75m license deal with Baxter and access the 
capital markets through an equity Placing at 7.0 pence per share by which means 
Lipoxen raised some GBP1.23 million in April this year.  The Placing was mainly 
supported by existing shareholders and management. This is the second Placing 
where management has subscribed for a material proportion of the funding. 
These new equity funds, combined with ongoing Fee for Service income and the 
incoming US$2m Baxter License fee payment due payable next month have combined 
to substantially relieve the seemingly ever-present cash pressures on the 
Company. Additionally, and subject only to shareholder approval of the necessary 
"headroom" authority, Baxter has been granted a 5 year Warrant (expiring on 30th 
June 2015) to subscribe for $2m worth of new shares at 9.02 pence per share. 
Financial Review 
The financial results for the Group in the period under review were: 
|                                              |  6 months |  6 months |       12 | 
|                                              |        to |        to |   months | 
|                                              |  30/06/10 |  30/06/09 |       to | 
|                                              |           |           | 31/12/09 | 
|                                              | Unaudited | Unaudited |  Audited | 
|                                              |   GBP'000 |   GBP'000 |  GBP'000 | 
| Turnover                                     |        76 |       411 |      469 | 
| Total pre-tax losses for period              |     1,539 |     1,433 |    3,631 | 
| Non-cash component of total pre-tax loss     |       232 |       217 |      619 | 
| Net cash at end of period                    |       946 |     2,797 |    1,018 | 
| Net asset value at the end of the period     |     1,989 |     4,289 |    2,248 | 
|                                                  |      Pence |      Pence |      Pence | 
| Loss per share - basic and fully diluted         |       0.94 |       1.14 |       2.47 | 
| Net asset value per share - basic                |       1.12 |       2.78 |       1.46 | 
| Net asset value per share - fully diluted        |       1.11 |       2.69 |       1.43 | 
| Non-cash component of total pre-tax losses:      |    GBP'000 |    GBP'000 |    GBP'000 | 
| Depreciation of owned assets                     |        124 |        137 |        297 | 
| R&D costs - equity settled                       |          0 |         75 |        312 | 
| Share option expense - equity settled            |        108 |          5 |         10 | 
|                                                  |  --------- |   -------- | ---------- | 
| Total principal non-cash items                   |        232 |        217 |        619 | 
|                                                  |    ======= |     ====== |    ======= | 
| Research and development -     |  | Note (1)     |        751 |        934 |      2,142 | 
| cash settled                   |  |              |            |            |            | 
| Other expenses - cash settled     | Note (2)     |        633 |        696 |      1,349 | 
|                                   |              | ---------- | ---------- | ---------- | 
| Total expenses - cash settled     |              |      1,384 |      1,630 |      3,491 | 
| Total non-cash items        |     |              |        232 |        217 |        619 | 
|                             |     |              | ---------- | ---------- | ---------- | 
| Total administrative        |                    |      1,616 |      1,847 |      4,110 | 
| expenses                    |                    |            |            |            | 
|                                                  |    ======= |    ======= |    ======= | 
|                                |  |              |          % |          % |          % | 
| Research and development -     |  |              |       54.3 |       57.3 |       61.4 | 
| cash settled                   |  |              |            |            |            | 
| Other expenses - cash settled     |              |       45.7 |       42.7 |       38.6 | 
|                                   |              |  --------- | ---------- |  --------- | 
| Total expenses - cash settled     |              |      100.0 |      100.0 |      100.0 | 
|                                                  |    ======= |    ======= |    ======= | 
|                             |  |  |              |            |            |            | 
1.    The year-on-year reduction is mainly comprised of a continuing reduced 
level of external research costs compared to the previous periods.  A recently 
completed restructuring programme is expected to keep this expense at the lower 
levels now being experienced. 
2.    These costs have decreased in line with the application of corporate-wide 
cost controls, notwithstanding continuing upwards pressures in audit, legal 
regulatory and, of course, the imperative to maintain and expand the IP 
protection of our technologies. 
Baxter PSA-Factor VIII 
The Company has recently concluded an important transaction with Baxter by 
a)    Within the next 20 days, Lipoxen will receive US$2m by way of a License 
Amendment Fee whereby Baxter is now able to extend the timelines in which it has 
to meet certain License Milestones per our core agreement. As a corollary to the 
Amendment Fee, the $2m to be paid now will be fully offset against the next due 
License Milestone on the Factor VIII programme, this being $2m payable at the 
Investigational New Drug (IND) filing stage, being the US FDA approval required 
before a candidate drug can enter a Phase I Clinical Trial. 
b)    Subject to Lipoxen shareholder approval, Baxter has been granted Warrant 
Subscription Rights over US$2m worth (at the date of exercise) of ordinary 
shares in the Company exercisable at a price of 9.02 pence per share, being the 
Volume Weighted Average Share price for the 5 trading days ending on 15th 
September 2010.  The Warrant is for a period of 5 years, is exercisable up to 
and including 30th June 2015 but may not be exercised before the necessary 
shareholder authorities have been granted. 
c)    Baxter has been granted the right to nominate a board representative to 
serve on the Lipoxen plc board of directors.  While this right has been 
time-limited to be exercised no later than 31st December 2010, I look forward 
very much to the scientific and commercial contributions that will be made from 
their representation. 
As announced in June, Baxter continues to move forward on pre-clinical studies 
using the Company's PSA technology, including extending the development 
programme to include two additional drug candidates for the treatment of 
haemophilia A, B and for patients with inhibitors. Baxter has also commissioned 
the Company to carry out additional Fee for Service work in support of this 
expanding programme. 
In short, this collaboration continues to move forward in a very positive manner 
and your Board is further encouraged by Baxter's commitment to the use of our 
technology on its core franchise product and on its existing and prospective 
equity investments in the Company. 
ErepoXen (long-acting erythropoietin/"EPO") 
The currently ongoing Phase II (a) European-compliant clinical trial is 
progressing well with dosing of the remaining few patients and delivery of the 
final trial report expected to be completed by end of the year.  This is in line 
with previous guidance from our partner, the Serum Institute of India ("SIIL") 
our second largest shareholder and our co-developer of the EPO product 
SuliXen (long-acting insulin) 
This programme remains on track as previously reported. Phase II trials of 
SuliXen are now expected to commence in Russia in Q4 this year with results due 
We remain in discussion with the Barbara Davis Centre for Childhood for Diabetes 
("BDC") as to the preferred next development steps to be taken.  While the 
current programme has shown that our SuliXen product is only as effective as 
other therapies for the prevention or reversal of diabetes, it has demonstrated 
positive therapeutic outcomes for treatment of the disease.  This continuation 
of the programme has budgetary considerations and we are therefore continuing 
our dialogue with the BDC on the costs of conducting further challenge efficacy 
studies in diabetic animals.  We expect to report further on this programme 
before end-2010. 
FDS has now also initiated a pre-clinical study in St Petersburg on a novel 
application of our long-acting insulin candidate for a neurological disorder. 
This is a further example of how the Company's product offerings can have 
applications broader than their initial target indication.  This project is 
ongoing and is expected to report in H1-2011. 
Nanoparticle technology (ImuXen) 
Influenza vaccine 
The challenge study end-stage of this project is nearing completion to such 
degree and with such level of positive expectation that the Company has now 
initiated a process for full scale clinical development aimed at ensuring the 
near seamless continuation of the development of Lipoxen's influenza vaccine 
product candidate. The final report on the current programme (being part-funded 
by the UK's Technology Strategy Board) is expected to be released early in Q4 
this year.  The Company has developed a number of viable vaccine candidates and 
hopes to move to the next pre-clinical development stage early in 2011 subject 
always to the availability of internal capital and/or the securing of external 
collaborator funding arrangements which we hope to make in the next 3-6 months. 
International AIDS Vaccine Initiative ("IAVI") 
In April this year we reported initial results which demonstrated good antibody 
responses to some of the Lipoxen formulations.  However neutralisation data 
analysis was delayed due to testing backlogs in the USA.  This data is now 
available but requires further detailed analysis before the Company's Scientific 
Sub-Committee will be able to recommend next steps.  The Company now expects to 
report more conclusively on this initiative before the end of Q4-10. 
siRNAblate (gene silencing) 
In June 2009 we were pleased to announce that the Company had entered into a new 
technology evaluation agreement with an un-named Large Pharma company for the 
use of Lipoxen's siRNAblate technology to evaluate the effectiveness of 
combining the Pharma company's proprietary siRNA with Lipoxen's platform 
We are now nearing the delivery point of the final study report and we will 
provide an update as soon as this is available - currently expected to be in the 
next few weeks. 
Pharmsynthez Collaboration 
The important collaboration with Pharmsynthez ("PSZ") in St Petersburg is 
progressing well on both our PolyXen and ImuXen platforms where we have six 
projects currently in pre-clinical co-development. The "next stage" development 
timelines for each are as follows: 
Deoxyribonulease                          Cystic fibrosis    PolyXen 
  Candidate selection              Q2-2011 
Oxyntomodulin                               Obesity                 PolyXen 
         Select indication                    H1-2011 
Doxorubicin                                       Cancer 
PolyXen               Optimization work                Ongoing 
Multiple sclerosis vaccine           MS                          ImuXen 
      Clinical trial application      Q4-2010/Q1-2011 
HIV therapeutic vaccine               HIV                         ImuXen 
       Phase I                                        Q2-2011 
H1 therapeutic vaccine                 Cancer                  ImuXen 
    Phase I-II(a)                              Q4-2011 
Encouraging results for the Multiple Sclerosis ("MS") vaccine candidate have 
been reported and we hope that this may be the first of the projects to reach 
the clinical trial stage early in 2011. 
The entire programme with PSZ is aimed at delivering human proof of concept data 
in early course and we remain hopeful that a number of the potential candidates 
will deliver results that justify them being advanced into the clinic. 
In January this year the Company was pleased to announce that its PSA 
Bio-Polymer technology had been granted US patent cover, thereby extending the 
cover of the technology in the world's largest market. 
This was shortly followed (in early February) by the announcement that Lipoxen's 
PSA G-CSF "StimuXen" technology had been granted European patent protection for 
six European territories, including the UK, Germany, France, Spain, Italy and 
The Company views the protection of its IP position as crucial to the building 
of long-term shareholder value and we will continue to invest heavily in this 
area as our proprietary technologies continue through the development process. 
This issue remains at the heart of the continuing commercialisation of the 
Company's technologies and so it was pleasing to finally be able to put in place 
the incentive programme for the executive management team which was first 
approved by shareholders at the 2009 AGM. 
The table of awards, vesting criteria and exercise prices is set out below: 
|      Vesting       |         Scott Maguire          |      Colin Hill        |   Share    | 
|                    |                                |                        |   price    | 
|                    |                                |                        |  hurdle    | 
|                    |                                |                        |(pence) **  | 
+                    +--------------------------------+------------------------+            + 
|                    |      EMI (1)       |   JSOP    |            |  EMI (1)  |    JSOP    | 
|                    |                    |    (2)    |            |           |    (2)     | 
| Immediately        |          1,547,096 |   614,575 | *1,323,396 |       NIL |    n/a     | 
| Performance based  |                    |           |            |           |            | 
| Tranche 1          |                  0 | 1,080,836 |     74,566 |   487,131 |      20.00 | 
| Tranche 2          |                  0 | 1,080,836 |     74,566 |   487,131 |      40.00 | 
| Tranche 3          |                  0 | 1,080,837 |     74,568 |   487,132 |     100.00 | 
|       TOTAL        |          1,547,096 | 3,857,084 |  1,547,096 | 1,461,394 |            | 
(1) Enterprise Management Incentives      (2) Joint Share Ownership Plan 
*          Includes 200,000 EMI options re-granted following the surrender on 
9th June 2010 of 400,000 options granted to Colin Hill on 31st July 2007. 
**        For the performance- based awards respectively 
The awards were comprehensive in scope and were fully described in the relevant 
Regulatory News service (RNS) announcement made on 10th June 2010 - a copy of 
which can be accessed through the Company's website.  My comments at that time I 
believe bear repetition: 
"I am delighted to be able to announce these awards which have been made to 
further align the interests of executive management with those of our 
shareholders.  They reflect the considerable commitment to the Company and its 
successful development by our executive directors who have already demonstrated 
their belief in and support for Lipoxen by their substantial personal 
contributions to both recent share Placings (2009 and 2010) and also to after- 
market purchases.  I am confident that with Scott Maguire as CEO and Colin Hill 
as CFO, Lipoxen has every reason to be confident that the Company's day-to-day 
management affairs will be conducted assiduously and with the sole focus of 
maximising shareholder value." 
In my last report I discussed a number of new initiatives, including: 
·     The acquisition of new and complementary platform technologies 
·     The acquisition of new product candidates able to utilize our IP 
·     gaining access to external infrastructure to reduce our dependence on 
third parties 
While your Board is not yet ready to announce the conclusive completion of any 
of the above, I am able to report that they each remain in close focus of 
Management's attention, with a number of opportunities already having been taken 
beyond the exploratory stages.  These initiatives remain pivotal to securing the 
commercial future that your Board believes can be captured. 
The Board remains excited about the prospects for the Company and has evidenced 
this confidence by subscribing material sums in the last two fundraisings.  The 
prospects for value delivery are such that, of the total executive directors' 
new equity incentives, 60% have vesting hurdle prices set in three equal 
tranches, of, respectively 20p, 40p and GBP1 .  The executives' interests are 
therefore truly aligned with those of all of the Company's shareholders. 
I look forward to updating shareholders when the Company reports upon its full 
FY2010 results. 
Brian Richards 
Non-Executive Chairman 
London:   20th September 2010 
We have been engaged by the Company to review the condensed set of financial 
statements in the half-yearly report for the six months ended 30th June 2010 
which comprises the condensed consolidated income statement, the condensed 
consolidated balance sheet, the condensed consolidated cash flow statement, the 
condensed consolidated statement of changes in net equity and related notes.  We 
have read the other information contained in the half-yearly financial report 
and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material 
inconsistencies with the information in the condensed set of financial 
This report is made solely to the Company in accordance with the terms of our 
engagement. Our review has been undertaken so that we might state to the Company 
those matters we are required to state to it in this report and for no other 
purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume 
responsibility to anyone other than the Company for our review work, for this 
report, or for the conclusions we have reached. 
Directors' responsibilities 
The half-yearly report is the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the 
Directors. The Directors are responsible for preparing the half-yearly report in 
accordance with the AIM Rules of the London Stock Exchange. 
As disclosed in note 1, the annual financial statements of the Group are 
prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the European Union.  The 
condensed set of financial statements included in this half-yearly report has 
been prepared using accounting policies consistent with those to be applied in 
the next annual financial statements and in accordance with International 
Accounting Standard 34, "Interim Financial Reporting", as adopted by the 
European Union. 
Our responsibility 
Our responsibility is to express to the Company a conclusion on the condensed 
set of financial statements in the half-yearly report based on our review. 
Scope of review 
We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review 
Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410, "Review of Interim Financial Information 
Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity" issued by the Auditing 
Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom. A review of interim financial 
information consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible for 
financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review 
procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in 
accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) and 
consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware 
of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we 
do not express an audit opinion. 
Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe 
that the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly report for the 
six months ended 30th June 2010 is not prepared, in all material respects, in 
accordance with the AIM Rules of the London Stock Exchange and International 
Accounting Standard 34 as adopted by the European Union. 
Emphasis of Matter - Going Concern 
In forming our conclusion on the condensed set of financial statements we have 
considered the adequacy of the disclosures in Note 2 "Fundamental accounting 
concept - going concern". This notes that in order to maintain the level of 
scientific effort required to develop the Group's technologies and to 
commercialise them to such degree as will be necessary to become a 
cash-generative business, the Group will need to access new cash in addition to 
that available to it at the period end; such new cash will either be generated 
internally from, as yet, non-contractual feasibility and licensing sources 
and/or from the raising of new capital. These conditions, along with the other 
matters explained in Note 2 to the financial statements, indicate the existence 
of a material uncertainty which may cast significant doubt about the Group's 
ability to continue as a going concern. 
The condensed set of financial statements do not reflect any adjustments that 
would be required to be made if they were to be prepared on a basis other than 
the going concern basis. 
London, UK 
20th September 2010 
|                                        |       |                   Six |                   Six |                   Year | 
|                                        |       |                months |                months |                        | 
|                                        |       |                   to  |                   to  |                     to | 
|                                        |       |              30/06/10 |              30/06/09 |               31/12/09 | 
|                                        | Note  |             Unaudited |             Unaudited |                Audited | 
|                                        |       |                   GBP |                   GBP |                    GBP | 
|                                        |       |                       |                       |                        | 
| REVENUE                                |  4    |                76,011 |               411,097 |                468,579 | 
|                                        |       | --------------------- | --------------------- | ---------------------- | 
| ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES                        |                       |                       |                        | 
| Research and development expenditure           |               750,766 |             1,008,861 |              2,453,526 | 
| Administrative expenses                        |               865,566 |               838,556 |              1,656,649 | 
|                                             |  | --------------------- | --------------------- |                        | 
|                                             |  |                       |                       | ---------------------- | 
| Total                                       |  |             1,616,332 |             1,847,417 |              4,110,175 | 
|                                             |  | --------------------- | --------------------- |                        | 
|                                             |  |                       |                       | ---------------------- | 
| OPERATING LOSS                              |  |           (1,540,321) |           (1,436,320) |            (3,641,596) | 
|                                                |                       |                       |                        | 
| Finance income                                 |                 1,338 |                 3,280 |                 10,710 | 
| Finance costs                                  |                     - |                     - |                      - | 
|                                                | --------------------- | --------------------- |                        | 
|                                                |                       |                       |  --------------------- | 
| LOSS BEFORE TAXATION                           |           (1,538,983) |           (1,433,040) |            (3,630,886) | 
|                                                |                       |                       |                        | 
| Income tax credit                      |       |                     - |                     - |                173,628 | 
|                                        |       |                       |                       |                        | 
|                                        |       | --------------------- | --------------------- |                        | 
|                                        |       |                       |                       |  --------------------- | 
| LOSS FOR THE YEAR ATTRIBUTABLE TO      |       |           (1,538,983) |           (1,433,040) |            (3,457,258) | 
| EQUITY HOLDERS OF THE PARENT           |       |                       |                       |                        | 
|                                        |       |     ================= |     ================= |                        | 
|                                        |       |                       |                       |      ================= | 
|                                                |                       |                       |                        | 
| Loss per share (pence) - basic and     |  6    |               (0.94)p |               (1.14)p |                (2.47)p | 
| fully diluted                          |       |                       |                       |                        | 
|                                        |       |     ================= |     ================= |                        | 
|                                        |       |                       |                       |      ================= | 
|                                        |    |  |                       |                       |                        | 
There are no other items of comprehensive income and therefore no separate 
statement has been presented. 
|                                        |      |                 As at |                 As at |                 As at | 
|                                        |      |              30/06/10 |              30/06/09 |              31/12/09 | 
|                                        |Note  |             Unaudited |             Unaudited |               Audited | 
|                                        |      |                   GBP |                   GBP |                   GBP | 
|                                        |      |                       |                       |                       | 
| NON-CURRENT ASSETS                     |      |                       |                       |                       | 
| Property, plant and equipment          |      |               367,536 |               548,864 |               480,582 | 
| Goodwill                               |      |             1,061,476 |             1,061,476 |             1,061,476 | 
|                                        |      | --------------------- | --------------------- | --------------------- | 
|                                        |      |             1,429,012 |             1,610,340 |             1,542,058 | 
|                                        |      | --------------------- | --------------------- | --------------------- | 
| CURRENT ASSETS                         |      |                       |                       |                       | 
| Trade and other receivables            |      |               205,025 |               468,740 |               235,492 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents              |      |               946,213 |             2,796,603 |             1,017,890 | 
|                                        |      | --------------------- | --------------------- | --------------------- | 
|                                        |      |             1,151,238 |             3,265,343 |             1,253,382 | 
| CURRENT LIABILITIES                    |      |                       |                       |                       | 
| Trade and other payables               |      |             (591,580) |             (586,299) |             (547,717) | 
|                                        |      | --------------------- | --------------------- | --------------------- | 
| NET CURRENT ASSETS                     |      |               559,658 |             2,679,044 |               705,665 | 
|                                        |      | --------------------- | --------------------- | --------------------- | 
| NET ASSETS                             |      |             1,988,670 |             4,289,384 |             2,247,723 | 
|                                        |      |     ================= |     ================= |     ================= | 
|                                        |      |                       |                       |                       | 
| EQUITY ATTRIBUTABLE TO EQUITY          |      |                       |                       |                       | 
| HOLDERS OF THE PARENT                  |      |                       |                       |                       | 
| Share capital                          |  7   |             2,519,661 |             2,403,790 |             2,405,486 | 
| Share premium account                  |      |            26,521,349 |            25,081,916 |            25,057,700 | 
| JSOP shares                            |  8   |             (405,694) |                     - |                     - | 
| Reverse acquisition reserve            |      |           (8,252,127) |           (8,252,127) |           (8,252,127) | 
| Accumulated losses                     |      |          (18,394,519) |          (14,944,195) |          (16,963,336) | 
|                                        |      | --------------------- | --------------------- | --------------------- | 
| TOTAL EQUITY                           |      |             1,988,670 |             4,289,384 |             2,247,723 | 
|                                        |      |     ================= |     ================= |     ================= | 
|                                        |      |                       |                       |                       | 
| Net assets per share - basic           |  9   |                 1.12p |                 2.78p |                 1.46p | 
|                                        |      |     ================= |     ================= |     ================= | 
|                                        |      |                       |                       |                       | 
| Net assets per share - fully diluted   |  9   |                 1.11p |                 2.69p |                 1.43p | 
|                                        |      |     ================= |     ================= |     ================= | 
|                                        |      |                   Six |                   Six |                  Year | 
|                                        |      |                months |                months |                       | 
|                                        |      |                   to  |                   to  |                    to | 
|                                        |      |              30/06/10 |              30/06/09 |              31/12/09 | 
|                                        |Note  |             Unaudited |             Unaudited |               Audited | 
|                                        |      |                       |                       |                       | 
|                                        |      |                   GBP |                   GBP |                   GBP | 
|                                        |      |                       |                       |                       | 
| Cash flows from operating activities   |  5   |           (1,233,629) |             (532,961) |           (2,378,574) | 
| Interest received                      |      |                 1,338 |                 3,280 |                10,710 | 
| Taxation received                      |      |                     - |                     - |               173,628 | 
|                                        |      | --------------------- | --------------------- | --------------------- | 
| Net cash outflow from operating        |      |           (1,232,291) |             (529,681) |           (2,194,236) | 
| activities                             |      |                       |                       |                       | 
|                                        |      | --------------------- | --------------------- | --------------------- | 
| Cash flows from investing activities   |      |                       |                       |                       | 
| Purchase of property, plant and        |      |              (11,516) |              (19,904) |             (111,542) | 
| equipment                              |      |                       |                       |                       | 
|                                        |      | --------------------- | --------------------- | --------------------- | 
| Net cash outflow from investing        |      |              (11,516) |              (19,904) |             (111,542) | 
| activities                             |      |                       |                       |                       | 
|                                        |      | --------------------- | --------------------- | --------------------- | 
| Cash flows from financing activities   |      |                       |                       |                       | 
| Issue of equity share capital          |      |             1,172,130 |             2,744,123 |             2,721,603 | 
|                                        |      | --------------------- | --------------------- | --------------------- | 
|                                        |      |                       |                       |                       | 
| Net (decrease)/increase in cash and    |      |              (71,677) |             2,194,538 |               415,825 | 
| cash equivalents                       |      |                       |                       |                       | 
|                                        |      |                       |                       |                       | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at beginning |      |             1,017,890 |               602,065 |               602,065 | 
| of year                                |      |                       |                       |                       | 
|                                        |      | --------------------- | --------------------- | --------------------- | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at end of    |      |               946,213 |             2,796,603 |             1,017,890 | 
| year                                   |      |                       |                       |                       | 
|                                        |      |     ================= |     ================= |     ================= | 
|                                        |      |                       |                       |                       | 
|                                        |      |                       |                       |                       | 
|                      |                           |                   |                   |             Reverse |                        |                   | 
|                      |                     Share |             Share |              JSOP |         acquisition |            Accumulated |                   | 
|                      |                   capital |           premium |            shares |             reserve |                 losses |             Total | 
|                      |                       GBP |               GBP |               GBP |                 GBP |                    GBP |               GBP | 
|                      |                           |                   |                   |                     |                        |                   | 
| At 1st January       |                 2,232,790 |        22,508,793 |                 - |         (8,252,127) |           (13,516,233) |         2,973,223 | 
| 2009                 |                           |                   |                   |                     |                        |                   | 
| Loss for six         |                           |                   |                   |                     |                        |                   | 
| months ended         |                         - |                 - |                 - |                   - |            (1,433,040) |       (1,433,040) | 
| 30th June 2009       |                           |                   |                   |                     |                        |                   | 
| Shares issued        |                   171,000 |         2,736,000 |                 - |                   - |                      - |         2,907,000 | 
| for cash             |                           |                   |                   |                     |                        |                   | 
| Share issue          |                         - |         (162,877) |                 - |                   - |                      - |         (162,877) | 
| expenses             |                           |                   |                   |                     |                        |                   | 
| Share-based          |                         - |                 - |                 - |                   - |                  5,078 |             5,078 | 
| payments             |                           |                   |                   |                     |                        |                   | 
|                      |       ------------------- | ----------------- | ----------------- | ------------------- | ---------------------- | ----------------- | 
| At 30th June         |                 2,403,790 |        25,081,916 |                 - |         (8,252,127) |           (14,944,195) |         4,289,384 | 
| 2009                 |                           |                   |                   |                     |                        |                   | 
| Loss for six         |                           |                   |                   |                     |                        |                   | 
| months ended         |                         - |                 - |                 - |                   - |            (2,024,218) |       (2,024,218) | 
| 31st December        |                           |                   |                   |                     |                        |                   | 
| 2009                 |                           |                   |                   |                     |                        |                   | 
| Shares issued        |                     1,696 |               804 |                 - |                   - |                      - |             2,500 | 
| for cash             |                           |                   |                   |                     |                        |                   | 
| Share issue          |                         - |          (25,020) |                 - |                   - |                      - |          (25,020) | 
| expenses             |                           |                   |                   |                     |                        |                   | 
| Share-based          |                         - |                 - |                 - |                   - |                  5,077 |             5,077 | 
| payments             |                           |                   |                   |                     |                        |                   | 
|                      |       ------------------- | ----------------- | ----------------- | ------------------- | ---------------------- | ----------------- | 
| At 31st              |                 2,405,486 |        25,057,700 |                 - |         (8,252,127) |           (16,963,336) |         2,247,723 | 
| December 2009        |                           |                   |                   |                     |                        |                   | 
| Loss for six         |                           |                   |                   |                     |                        |                   | 
| months ended         |                         - |                 - |                 - |                   - |            (1,538,983) |       (1,538,983) | 
| 30th June 2010       |                           |                   |                   |                     |                        |                   | 
|                      |       ------------------- | ----------------- | ----------------- | ------------------- | ---------------------- | ----------------- | 
| Total                |                           |                   |                   |                     |                        |                   | 
| comprehensive        |                 2,405,486 |        25,057,700 |                 - |                   - |           (18,502,319) |           708,740 | 
| income/(expenditure) |                           |                   |                   |                     |                        |                   | 
| Shares issued        |                    87,583 |         1,138,576 |                 - |                   - |                      - |         1,226,159 | 
| for cash             |                           |                   |                   |                     |                        |                   | 
| Shares issued        |                           |                   |                   |                     |                        |                   | 
| under JSOP           |                    26,592 |           385,590 |                 - |                   - |                      - |           412,182 | 
| Own shares           |                           |                   |                   |                     |                        |                   | 
| held by JSOP         |                         - |                 - |         (405,694) |                   - |                      - |         (405,694) | 
| Share issue          |                         - |          (60,517) |                 - |                   - |                      - |          (60,517) | 
| expenses             |                           |                   |                   |                     |                        |                   | 
| Share-based          |                         - |                 - |                 - |                   - |                107,800 |           107,800 | 
| payments             |                           |                   |                   |                     |                        |                   | 
|                      |       ------------------- | ----------------- | ----------------- | ------------------- | ---------------------- | ----------------- | 
| At 30th June         |                 2,519,661 |        26,521,349 |         (405,694) |         (8,252,127) |           (18,394,519) |         1,988,670 | 
| 2010                 |                           |                   |                   |                     |                        |                   | 
|                      |         ================= | ================= | ================= |   ================= |      ================= | ================= | 
The interim financial statements for the six months ended 30th June 2010 are 
unaudited and were approved by the Directors of the Company on 20th September 
2010. The condensed financial information set out above does not constitute 
statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. 
The comparative figures for the year ended 31st December 2009 were derived from 
the statutory accounts for that year which have been delivered to the Registrar 
of Companies. Those accounts received an unqualified audit report, which 
included a reference by way of emphasis without qualifying the report to the 
preparation of the accounts on the going concern basis of accounting. The audit 
report contained no statements under sections 498(2) or (3) (accounting records 
or returns inadequate, accounts not agreeing with records and returns, or 
failure to obtain necessary information and explanations) of the Companies Act 
The financial information has been prepared in accordance with the accounting 
policies set out below. The accounts are drawn up in compliance with IAS 34 
"Interim Financial Reporting" and the AIM Rules of the London Stock Exchange. 
The annual financial statements are prepared in accordance with International 
Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") as adopted by the European Union. 
The principal accounting policies of the Group have remained unchanged from 
those set out in the Group's 2009 financial statements. 
Fundamental accounting concept - going concern 
As an early-stage development life sciences business, the Group has incurred 
operating losses in the period under review, notwithstanding that substantial 
clinical and technical progress was also made in the continuing successful 
development of its proprietary technologies; consequently, the Group was a net 
consumer of cash. 
In order to maintain the level of scientific effort required to develop the 
Group's technologies and to commercialise them to such degree as will be 
necessary to become a cash-generative business, the Group will need to access 
new cash in addition to that available to it at the period end; such new cash 
will either be generated internally from, as yet, non-contractual feasibility 
and licensing sources and/or from the raising of new capital. 
The Directors have prepared a financial forecast for the period through to 31st 
December 2011. The forecast includes assumptions that the Group will generate 
cash inflows in this period from: 
(a)   the ongoing roll-out and licensing of the Group's technologies with its 
existing collaborative partners; 
(b)  the roll-out and licensing of the Group's technologies with new 
collaborative partners; and 
(c)   the raising of new capital. 
The Group has successfully completed Phase I trials in both its insulin and EPO 
products. These clinical successes have generated an increasing level of 
commercial interest in not only protein drug development but also in the Group's 
vaccine and gene silencing technologies. Capital markets remain uncertain and 
the Company's ability to raise new capital entirely from such sources cannot be 
relied upon as it is largely dependent upon market conditions that exist at the 
time of raising the funds. 
2.      ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) 
Fundamental accounting concept - going concern (continued) 
While considering that platform technology applications to known and marketed 
drugs confer lower commercial risks than in new drug development, the Directors 
recognise that there are uncertainties surrounding these core issues. 
If the Group was to prove unable to generate these additional cash inflows, the 
cash balance of circa GBP950,000 as at 30th June 2010 would be insufficient to 
fund the Group's activities at their current level for a period of twelve months 
from the date of approval of these interim financial statements. 
However, the Directors have a reasonable expectation that these uncertainties 
can be managed to successful outcomes, and that, based on such assessment, the 
Group will have adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the 
foreseeable future. They have therefore prepared the financial information 
contained herein on a going concern basis. 
The financial information does not reflect any adjustments that would be 
required to be made if they were to be prepared on a basis other than the going 
concern basis. 
Joint Share Ownership Plan (JSOP) shares 
Where the Company issues equity share capital under its Joint Share Ownership 
Plan, such shares are held in trust by the Group's Guernsey Special Purpose 
Trust.  The interests of the Trust are consolidated into the Group's financial 
statements and the relevant amount treated as a reduction in equity. 
         The revenue and loss before tax are attributable to the one principal 
activity of the Group. The net assets of the Group at 30th June 2010, 31st 
December 2009 and 30th June 2009 are wholly attributable to the principal 
activity. The Group comprises one operating segment for reporting purposes. 
4.      REVENUE 
         An analysis of revenue (by location of customer) is given below: 
|                                            |                   Six |                   Six |                  Year | 
|                                            |                months |                months |                       | 
|                                            |                   to  |                   to  |                    to | 
|                                            |              30/06/10 |              30/06/09 |              31/12/09 | 
|                                            |             Unaudited |             Unaudited |               Audited | 
|                                            |                   GBP |                   GBP |                   GBP | 
|                                            |                       |                       |                       | 
| United States                              |                18,653 |               262,149 |               270,084 | 
| Europe                                     |                57,358 |                59,459 |               109,006 | 
| Rest of World                              |                     - |                89,489 |                89,489 | 
|                                            | --------------------- | --------------------- |                       | 
|                                            |                       |                       | --------------------- | 
|                                            |                76,011 |               411,097 |               468,579 | 
|                                            |     ================= |     ================= |                       | 
|                                            |                       |                       |     ================= | 
|                                            |                   Six |                   Six |                  Year | 
|                                            |                months |                months |                       | 
|                                            |                   to  |                   to  |                    to | 
|                                            |              30/06/10 |              30/06/09 |              31/12/09 | 
|                                            |             Unaudited |             Unaudited |               Audited | 
|                                            |                   GBP |                   GBP |                   GBP | 
|                                            |                       |                       |                       | 
| Loss before taxation                       |           (1,538,983) |           (1,433,040) |           (3,630,886) | 
| Adjustments for:                           |                       |                       |                       | 
| Equity-settled share options               |               107,800 |                 5,078 |                10,155 | 
| Equity-settled research and development    |                     - |                75,000 |               311,725 | 
|                                            |                       |                       |                       | 
| Depreciation                               |               124,562 |               137,012 |               296,932 | 
| Investment income                          |               (1,338) |               (3,280) |              (10,710) | 
|                                            |                       | --------------------- | --------------------- | 
|                                            | --------------------- |                       |                       | 
|                                            |           (1,307,959) |           (1,219,230) |           (3,022,784) | 
| Decrease in receivables                    |                30,467 |               574,819 |               571,342 | 
| Increase in payables                       |                43,863 |               111,450 |                72,868 | 
|                                            |                       | --------------------- | --------------------- | 
|                                            | --------------------- |                       |                       | 
| Net cash outflow from operating activities |           (1,233,629) |             (532,961) |           (2,378,574) | 
|                                            |                       |     ================= |     ================= | 
|                                            |     ================= |                       |                       | 
|                                     |                   Six |                   Six |                  Year | 
|                                     |                months |                months |                       | 
|                                     |                   to  |                   to  |                    to | 
|                                     |              30/06/10 |              30/06/09 |              31/12/09 | 
|                                     |             Unaudited |             Unaudited |               Audited | 
|                                     |                   GBP |                   GBP |                   GBP | 
|                                     |                       |                       |                       | 
| Weighted average number of ordinary |           163,820,952 |           126,093,444 |           140,230,091 | 
| shares in issue                     |                       |                       |                       | 
|                                     |  -------------------- | --------------------- | --------------------- | 
|                                     |                       |                       |                       | 
| Loss after taxation                 |             1,538,983 |             1,433,040 |             3,457,258 | 
|                                     | --------------------- | --------------------- | --------------------- | 
|                                     |                       |                       |                       | 
| Loss per share                      |                 0.94p |                 1.14p |                 2.47p | 
|                                     |          ============ |          ============ |          ============ | 
        There is no dilutive effect of share options on the basic loss per 
         The changes in the Company's issued share capital in the period have 
been as follows: 
|         |                               Ordinary shares |                           Deferred shares |          Total | 
|         |                                       of 0.5p |                                  of 0.01p |                | 
|         |                      Number |             GBP |                 Number |              GBP |            GBP | 
|         |                             |                 |                        |                  |                | 
| At 1st  |                 154,397,230 |         771,986 |         16,335,000,000 |        1,633,500 |      2,405,486 | 
| January |                             |                 |                        |                  |                | 
| 2010    |                             |                 |                        |                  |                | 
| Shares  |                  17,516,546 |          87,583 |                      - |                - |         87,583 | 
| issued  |                             |                 |                        |                  |                | 
| for     |                             |                 |                        |                  |                | 
| cash    |                             |                 |                        |                  |                | 
| Shares  |                   5,318,478 |          26,592 |                      - |                - |         26,592 | 
| issued  |                             |                 |                        |                  |                | 
| under   |                             |                 |                        |                  |                | 
| JSOP    |                             |                 |                        |                  |                | 
|         |                  __________ |        ________ |           ____________ |        _________ |       ________ | 
| At      |                 177,232,254 |         886,161 |         16,335,000,000 |        1,633,500 |      2,519,661 | 
| 30th    |                             |                 |                        |                  |                | 
| June    |                             |                 |                        |                  |                | 
| 2010    |                             |                 |                        |                  |                | 
|         |          ================== | =============== | ====================== | ================ | ============== | 
Equity placing 
On 1st April 2010, the Company issued 17,516,546 ordinary shares by way of a 
placing. The shares were priced at 7p per share and raised cash of GBP1,226,159 
before expenses. 
Joint Share Ownership Plan ("JSOP") shares 
On 10th June 2010, the Company issued 5,318,478 ordinary shares under the terms 
of the Company's newly established JSOP at a price of 7.75p per share.  GBP6,488 
was subscribed in cash by the beneficiaries and GBP405,694 was advanced by the 
Company to the Trustees of the Plan in order that the shares were issued fully 
paid.  To this extent the transaction was effectively cash neutral to the 
This transaction resulted in an obligation by the Trust to settle the GBP405,694 
advanced by the Company at such time as the benefit of the JSOP shares vests to 
the beneficiaries and they elect to take full ownership of the shares.  In 
effect this amount is treated in a manner similar to treasury shares, being that 
of a reduction of equity pending settlement of the loan associated with their 
8.      JSOP SHARES 
This reserve arises when the Company issues equity share capital under its Joint 
Share Ownership Plan, which is held in trust by the Group's Guernsey Special 
Purpose Trust.  The consideration paid in respect of these shares is deducted 
from total shareholders' equity and classified as JSOP shares on consolidation. 
The "basic" net asset value per share figures are calculated on the basis of the 
net assets attributable to equity shareholders divided by the number of ordinary 
shares in issue at the relevant dates. 
        The "fully diluted" net assets per share figures are calculated by 
adjusting the number of ordinary shares on the assumption of the exercise in 
full of all options and warrant instruments extant as at the relevant dates 
where the exercise price of any such instrument is less than the "basic" net 
asset value per share. 
10.   Copies of the interim report are available to the public free of charge 
from the Company at London Bioscience Innovation Centre, 2 Royal College Street, 
London, NW1 0NH during normal office hours, Saturdays and Sundays excepted, for 
14 days from today. 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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