RNS Number : 9123J
National Grid PLC
06 July 2011
6 July 2011
National Grid plc ('National Grid' or 'NGplc')
National Grid Gas plc (NGG)
National Grid Electricity Transmission plc (NGET)
NGG Finance plc (NGGF)
National Grid USA (NGUSA)
British Transco International Finance BV (BTIF)
Annual Information Update for the 2010/11 financial year and
information up to and including 22 June 2011
This Annual Information Update is issued following the
publication of the National Grid Annual Report and Accounts 2010/11
and contains information in respect of National Grid and the group
entities headlined above as specified in this document.
It is required by and being made pursuant to Prospectus Rule 5.2
and Article 10 of the Prospectus Directive as implemented in the
United Kingdom and not for any other purpose and neither the
Company, nor any other person, takes responsibility for, or makes
any representation, express or implied, as to the accuracy or
completeness of, the information which it contains. This
information is not necessarily up to date at the date of this
annual information update and the issuing Companies do not
undertake any obligation to update any such information in the
future. Furthermore such information may have been prepared in
accordance with the laws or regulations of a particular
jurisdiction and may not comply with or meet the relevant standards
of disclosure in any other jurisdiction. This annual information
update does not constitute an offer of any securities addressed to
any person and should not be relied upon by any person.
Section A:
Announcements to the London Stock Exchange by National Grid plc
and/or by other companies headlined, as indicated:
15.6.11 Directors' share interests- Deferred Share Plan - 2008
Award released and 2011 Award
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
14.6.11 Voting rights and capital (transfer of shares from
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
13.6.11 Publication of Annual Report and Accounts and Notice
of AGM 2011
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
8.6.11 Scrip Dividend for 2010/11 Final Dividend
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
7.6.11 Directors Interests-Share Incentive Plan-monthly update
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
3.6.11 Voting rights and capital (transfer of shares from
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
1.6.11 Voting rights and capital (end May issued share capital
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
24.5.11 Voting rights and capital (transfer of shares from
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
20.5.11 NGUSA Supplementary Prospectus-4Bn Euro Medium Term
Note Programme dated 20.12.2010
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
19.5.11 Results for the year ended 31 March 2011 (Also sent
out in names of NGUSA, NGG, NGET, NGGF)
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
13.5.11 NGET Debt repurchase: GBP46.615m of GBP75m 5% instruments
due March35' for cancellation
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
9.5.11 Directors Interests-Share Incentive Plan-monthly update
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
9.5.11 Voting rights and capital (transfer of shares from
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
5.5.11 Voting rights and capital (transfer of shares from
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
3.5.11 Voting rights and capital (end April issued share capital
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
27.4.11 Voting rights and capital (transfer of shares from
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
13.4.11 Notification of Major Interests in Shares - Norges
Bank 2.99%
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
12.4.11 Voting rights and capital (transfer of shares from
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
8.4.11 Directors Interests-Share Incentive Plan-monthly update
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
7.4.11 Conclusion of independent review of US cost allocation
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
6.4.11 Notification of Major Interests in Shares - Norges
Bank 3.01%
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
6.4.11 Performance Share Plan - Lapse of Awards
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
4.4.11 Voting rights and capital (transfer of shares from
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
1.4.11 Voting rights and capital (end March issued share capital
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
25.3.11 NGG Debt Repurchase GBP13.5m of GBP275m 8.75% Instruments
due 2025 for cancellation
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
16.3.11 Notification of Major Interests in Shares - Blackrock
above 5%
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
15.3.11 NGUSA Final Terms re issue of $30m Floating Rate Instruments
due 2014 under NGUSA Euro 4BN EMTN- published on RNS
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
14.3.11 Voting rights and capital (transfer of shares from
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
8.3.11 Directors Interests-Share Incentive Plan-monthly update
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
4.3.11 Blocklisting Interim Review
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
3.3.11 Notification of Major Interests in Shares - Norges
Bank 2.98%
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
1.3.11 Voting rights and capital (end February issued share
capital confirmed plus transfer of shares from treasury)
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
17.2.11 Notification of Major Interests in Shares - Capital
Group 5.0378%
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
14.2.11 Voting rights and capital (transfer of shares from
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
7.2.11 Voting rights and capital (transfer of shares from
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
7.2.11 Directors Interests-Share Incentive Plan-monthly update
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
2.2.11 Director's share purchase (Sir John Parker)
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
1.2.11 Voting rights and capital (end January issued share
capital confirmed plus transfer of shares from treasury)
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
31.1.11 National Grid plc Change of Executive Directors'
Responsibilities, Restructuring and $200m US Efficiency
Programme (Mark Fairbairn)
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
31.1.11 National Grid plc Interim Management Statement for
the period 1 October 2010 to 30 January 2011
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
25.1.11 Notification of Major Interests in Shares - Norges
Bank 3%
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
24.1.11 Notification of Major Interests in Shares - Deutsche
Bank AG reduces to under 3%
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
24.1.11 Cancellation of Notes Purchased Pursuant to Cash Tender
Offers {also released in name of NGG}
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
21.1.11 Decision on Niagara Mohawk Electric Rate Case
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
20.1.11 Notification of Directors' Interests -Scrip Dividend
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
19.1.11 Voting rights and capital (Scrip Issue - interim dividend)
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
19.1.11 Notification of Major Interests in Shares - Deutsche
Bank AG reduces to 4.92%
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
18.1.11 Voting rights and capital (transfer of shares from
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
18.1.11 National Grid plc Scrip Dividend (issue and allotment
by NG plc)
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
18.1.11 Final Pricing of Cash Tender Offers {also released
in names of NGET and NGG} (Not distributed in US and
certain other territories)
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
18.1.11 Offer Results of Cash Tender Offers {also released
in names of NGET and NGG} (Not distributed in US and
certain other territories)
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
14.1.11 Notification of Major Interests in Shares - Deutsche
Bank AG at 5.43%
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
12.1.11 NGUSA Final Terms re issue of $50m Floating Rate Instruments
due 2016 under NGUSA Euro 4BN EMTN- published on RNS
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
10.1.11 Launch Cash Tender Offers {also released in names of
(Not distributed in US and certain other territories)
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
10.1.11 Directors Interests-Share Incentive Plan-monthly update
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
05.1.11 Voting rights and capital (transfer of shares from
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
04.1.11 Voting rights and capital (end December 2010 issued
capital confirmed)
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
30.12.10 Sharesave Scheme - Grant of options- A Bonfield
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
29.12.10 Notification of Major Interests in Shares - Invesco
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
21.10.10 NGG Debt Repurchase: GBP17.915 million of the GBP200
million 7.125% Bonds due Feb. 2044 for cancellation
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
20.12.10 NGUSA Prospectus for 4Bn EUR EMTN
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
13.12.10 Voting rights and capital (transfer of shares from
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
9.12.10 Sale of Granite State Electric and EnergyNorth
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
8.12.10 Optional Scrip Dividend for 2010/11 Interim dividend
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
7.12.10 Directors Interests-Share Incentive Plan-monthly update
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
3.12.10 Voting rights and capital (transfer of shares from
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
2.12.10 NGUSA Final Terms. Issue of USD 500m Floating Rate
Instruments due 2013 under NGUSA Euro 4BN EMTN-published
on RNS website
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
2.12.10 Directors' Interests in Shares (Tom King)
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
1.12.10 Directors Interests- Performance Share Plan (Grant
to A Bonfield)
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
1.12.10 Voting rights and capital (end November issued capital
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
30.11.10 Directors Interests- Special Retention Award Plan (Tom
King- ADR- final net release)
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
25.11.10 NGUSA Supplementary Prospectus to USA 4Bn EUR EMT Term
Note Programme dated 18 Dec09; incorporating Annual
Report for year ended 31 March10
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
24.11.10 NGUSA Final Terms. Issue of EUR 20m Floating Rate Instruments
due 2012 under NGUSA Euro 4BN EMTN-published on RNS
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
18.11.10 Half year report for the six months ended 30 September
2010 (unaudited) Also sent out in names of NGUSA, NGG,
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
16.11.10 Voting rights and capital (transfer of shares from
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
10.11.10 Voting rights and capital (transfer of shares from
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
8.11.10 Directors Interests-Share Incentive Plan-monthly update
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
3.11.10 Decision on Massachusetts Gas Rate Case
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
1.11.10 Voting rights and capital (end October issued capital
confirmed plus transfer of shares from Treasury)
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
26.10.10 Publication of Annual Reports and Accounts -Group Companies
With Listed Debt- separately sent for one related co-
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
25.10.10 Blocklisting Interim Review
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
21.10.10 NGG Debt Repurchase: GBP22.28 million of the GBP300
million 6 % Instruments due June 2017 for cancellation
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
20.10.10 NGG Debt Repurchase: GBP10.05 million of the GBP484
million 6.375 % Instruments due March 2020 for cancellation].
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
18.10.10 Voting rights and capital (transfer of shares from
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
7.10.10 Directors Interests-Share Incentive Plan-monthly update
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
5.10.10 Voting rights and capital (transfer of shares from
Treasury on 4 October)
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
4.10.10 National Grid Finance Director Appointment
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
1.10.10 Voting Rights and Capital (end September issued capital
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
1.10.10 Appointment of Joint Corporate Brokers (Bank of America
Merrill Lynch/Barclays Capital)
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
24.9.10 Two separate NGplc Debt repurchases for cancellation:
-GBP17.5 million of the 5.50 per cent. Instruments
due July 2013;
-AND GBP13.6 million of the 5.25 per cent. Instruments
due June 2011.
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
21.9.10 Voting rights and capital (transfer of shares from
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
8.9.10 Directors Interests-Share Incentive Plan-monthly update
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
8.9.10 NGG Debt Repurchase. GBP 4.275 million of the GBP503.078
million 7% Fixed Rate Bonds due 16 Dec 2024 for cancellation
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
7.9.10 NGG Debt Repurchase. GBP47.593 million of the GBP503.078
million 7% Fixed Rate Bonds due 16 Dec 2024 for cancellation
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
1.9.10 Voting Rights and Capital (end August issued capital
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
31.08.10 Notification of Major Interests - Blackrock under 5%
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
23.8.10 Voting rights and capital (transfer of shares from
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
19.8.10 Notification of Directors' Interests -Scrip Dividend
and Dividend Reinvestment
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
19.8.10 NG plc debt repurchase
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
18.8.10 National Grid plc Scrip Dividend (issue and allotment
by NG plc)
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
17.8.10 Director Share Purchase- John Allan
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
10.8.10 Directors Interests-Share Incentive Plan-monthly update
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
9.8.10 Voting Rights and Capital (Transfer of shares from
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
3.8.10 National Grid plc and NGGF Cancellation of Notes Purchased-
Cash Tender Offers
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
2.8.10 Voting Rights and Capital (end July issued capital
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
29.7.10 National Grid plc and NGGF- Final Pricing of the Fixed
Rate Notes (Not distributed in US and certain other
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
29.7.10 National Grid plc and NGGF Results of Cash Tender Offers
(Not distributed in US and certain other territories)
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
28.7.10 NGG Final terms release: NGG issue of GBP 50m Index-Linked
Instruments due July 2041 under NGG/NGGFno1 Euro 10BN
EMTN published on RNS website
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
27.7.10 Voting Rights and Capital (Transfer of shares from
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
27.7.10 National Grid plc - AGM Poll Results
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
26.7.10 NGplc and NGET Publication of prospectus for EMTN Programme
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
26.7.10 National Grid plc - Interim Management Statement for
the period 1 April 2010 to 25 July 2010
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
22.7.10 NGET Debt Repurchase: GBP10.84m of GBP250m 4.75% Instruments
due 2010
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
22.7.10 NGG Debt Repurchase: GBP15.25m of GBP275m 8.75% Instruments
due 2025
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
21.7.10 NGplc and NGGF Launch Cash Tender Offers (Not distributed
in US and certain other territories)
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
19.7.10 Notification of Major Interests - Legal and General
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
16.7.10 Crescent Holdings Gmbh continuing interest at above
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
13.7.10 NG plc Debt Repurchase (CAD $25.255m of CAD $200m 4.98%
Instruments due 2011)
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
13.7.10 Voting Rights and Capital (Transfer of shares from
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
8.7.10 Directors Interests-Share Incentive Plan-monthly update
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
2.7.10 Voting Rights and Capital (end June issued capital
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
30.6.10 NG plc Debt Repurchase (GBP10.816m of GBP223.194m 5.25
% instruments due June 11)
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
30.6.10 Directors Interests- Performance Share Plan
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
28.6.10 Voting Rights and Capital (Transfer of shares from
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
22.6.10 Annual Information update
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
22.6.10 NGplc Debt Repurchase: GBP26.441m 5.5% Instruments
due July 2013
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
18.6.10 Notification of Major interest- BlackRock back over
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
17.6.10 Deferred Share Plan
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
15.6.10 Voting Rights and Capital (Transfer of shares from
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
14.6.10 Placement of the Rights Issue Rump (Not distributed
in US and certain other territories)
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
14.6.10 Result of Rights Issue- 94.2% take up of new shares
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
14.6.10 Result of Rights Issue- 94.2% take up of new shares
(Not distributed in US and certain other territories)
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
14.6.10 Updated Total Voting Rights and Director's Interests
following National Grid plc rights issue (Not distributed
in US and certain other territories).
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
9.6.10 Other Publications of Supplementary Prospectus - NGG:
GBP10Bn Euro Medium Term Note Programme of NGG and
NGGF (No 1), NGUSA: GBP4Bn Euro Medium Term Note Programme
of National Grid USA
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
9.6.10 NGplc Supplementary Prospectus for GBP15Bn Euro Medium
Term Note Programme of NG plc and NGET.
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
9.6.10 NGplc Debt Repurchase: GBP13.7m of GBP236.894m 5.25%
Instruments due June 11.
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
9.6.10 Scrip Dividend for 2009/10 final dividend
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
8.6.10 Directors Interests-Share Incentive Plan-monthly update
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
4.6.10 Publication of Annual Report and Accounts and Financial
Timetable 2010/11
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
4.6.10 Voting Rights and Capital (Transfer of shares from
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
1.6.10 Voting Rights and Capital (end May issued capital confirmed)
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
28.5.10 NG plc Debt Repurchase: GBP10.309m of GBP247.2m 5.25%.
Instruments due June 11
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
25.5.10 Annual Financial Report
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
25.5.10 Issue of Prospectus (Not distributed in US and certain
other territories)- rights issue
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
21.5.10 NG plc Debt Repurchase: GBP24.285m of GBP271.488m 5.25%.
Instruments due June 11
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
20.5.10 NG plc Debt Repurchase:GBP28.512m of GBP300m 5.25%.
Instruments due June 11
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
20.5.10 Results for the year ended 31 March 2010
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
20.5.10 National Grid plc 2 for 5 Rights Issue to raise approximately
GBP3.2bn (Global version)
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
20.5.10 National Grid plc 2 for 5 Rights Issue to raise approximately
GBP3.2bn - (Not distributed in US and certain other
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
18.5.10 Directors share interests- Lapse of Executive Options
(Fairbairn and Winser)
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
11 and Voting Rights and Capital (Transfer of shares from
17.5.10 Treasury)
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
10.5.10 Directors Interests-Share Incentive Plan-monthly update
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
6.5.10 Voting Rights and Capital (Transfer of shares from
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
4.5.10 Voting Rights and Capital (end April issued capital
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
27.4.10 Voting Rights and Capital (Transfer of shares from
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
14.4.10 Voting Rights and Capital (Transfers of shares from
And 20.4.10 Treasury)
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
12.4.10 Notification of Major Interest - BlackRock reduces
to 4.999%
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
8.4.10 Directors Interests-Share Incentive Plan-monthly update
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
8.4.10 Notification of Major interest- BlackRock back over
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
7.4.10 Notification of Major Interest - BlackRock reduces
below 5%
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
6.4.10 Notification of Major Interest - Legal & General reduces
below 5%
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
6.4.10 Voting Rights and Capital (Transfer of shares from
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
1.4.10 Directors' interests- Sharesave Scheme Maturities
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
1.4.10 Voting Rights and Capital (Transfer of shares from
Treasury- and Year end update)
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
Section B:
Filings at UK Companies House by National Grid plc- the listed
group holding entity:
During the period from 1 April 2010 to 22 June 2011, National
Grid plc made the following filings:
-- Forms SH04 - Transfers of repurchased shares; from Treasury
to Sharescheme participants or Trustee.
-- Forms SH01 - Allotments of shares for Scrip (18.8.10 &
-- and Rights Issue (14.6.10)
-- Forms TM01 - Director resignations (31.3.11- Mark Fairbairn,
31.12.10- Steve Lucas)
-- Form AP01 - Director appointment (1.11.10- Andrew
-- Forms CH01 - Director changes of particulars
-- Annual Report and Accounts 2009/10 (14.7.10)
-- Annual Returns (5.4.10 and 5.4.11)
-- Filing of general meeting resolutions passed for 2010
Section C:
Filings with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (the
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated 1.7.11
National Grid plc Forms 11-K dated 29.6.11
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated 17.6.11
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated 13.6.11
National Grid plc Form 20-F dated 13.6.11 for the fiscal year
ended March 31, 2011
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated 8.6.11
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated 19.5.11
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated 5.5.11
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated 7.4.11
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated 22.3.11
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated 4.2.11
National Grid plc Form SC 13G dated 2.2.11
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated 31.1.11
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated 31.1.11
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated 21.1.11
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated 19.1.11
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated 23.12.10
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated 9.12.10
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated 8.12.11
National Grid plc Form S-8 dated 19.11.10
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated 18.11.10
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated 4.1110
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated 4.10.10
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated 30.9.10
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated 23.8.10
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated 18.8.10
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated 27.7.10
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated 26.7.10
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated 16.7.10
National Grid plc Forms 11-K dated 29.6.10
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated 9.6.10
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated 4.6.10
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated 25.5.10
National Grid plc Form 20-F dated 25.5.10 for the fiscal year
ended March 31, 2010
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated 20.5.10
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated 20.5.10
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated 23.4.10
Section D:
Documents submitted to the National Storage Mechanism (NSM) at
www.Hemscott.com/nsm.do and before that the UKLA document viewing
13.6.11 National Grid plc Annual Report and Accounts 2010/11,
Notice of AGM 2011 and Performance Summary 2011
--------- ------------------------------------------------------------
26.10.10 Publication of Annual Reports and Accounts -Group Companies
With Listed Debt
--------- ------------------------------------------------------------
27.7.10 National Grid plc - AGM Poll Results
--------- ------------------------------------------------------------
4.6.10 National Grid plc Annual Report and Accounts 2009/10,
Notice of AGM 2010 and Performance Summary 2010
--------- ------------------------------------------------------------
25.5.10 Prospectus relating to the National Grid plc 2 for
5 Rights Issue to raise approximately GBP3.2bn
--------- ------------------------------------------------------------
Note: Alternatively, detailed information may also be obtained
from the London Stock Exchange (Section A information) or UK
Companies House (Section B information) or the US Securities and
Exchange Commission (Section C information) or the National Storage
Mechanism (Section D information) as appropriate.
Arit Amana
Company Secretarial Assistant
020 7004 3116
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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