Blue Planet Financials Growth & Income Investment Trusts No 1-10 plc 
Half Yearly Report and Accounts 
For the six months ended 30 September 2011 
Blue Planet 
Financials Growth and Income Investment Trusts plc 
Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 1 plc 
(Registered Number 162796) 
Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 2 plc 
(Registered Number 162797) 
Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 3 plc 
(Registered Number 162798) 
Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 4 plc 
(Registered Number 162799) 
Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 5 plc 
(Registered Number 162800) 
Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 6 plc 
(Registered Number 162801) 
Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 7 plc 
(Registered Number 162802) 
Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 8 plc 
(Registered Number 162803) 
Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 9 plc 
(Registered Number 162804) 
Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 10 plc 
(Registered Number 162805) 
Each of the above named investment trusts is a separate limited company 
registered in Scotland, but otherwise they are to all intents and purposes 
identical. The information contained in this Half Yearly Report and Accounts, 
including the financial statements, applies equally to each of the ten Blue 
Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trusts (the "Trusts"), and 
reference to the "Company" shall be deemed to be a reference to each of them. 
Trading in the shares of the Trusts 
The Trusts' shares can be traded in share units on the London Stock Exchange, 
under code "BPFU". Each unit comprises 10 shares, 1 in each of the 10 trusts. 
It is generally cheaper for investors to trade in the units rather than the 
underlying shares. 
Officers and Advisors 
Directors                             Investment Manager 
Victoria W Killay (Non-Executive      Blue Planet Investment Management Ltd 
Dean Bucknell (Non-Executive)         18A Locker Street 
Glenn Cooper (Non-Executive) -        Sliema 
resigned on 
24 July 2011                          Malta SLM 3124 
The Rt Hon Lord Steel of Aikwood      Telephone No: +356 2131 4309 
(Non-Executive) - appointed on 6 
September 2011                        Facsimile No: + 356 2131 5219 
                                      Local call rate from UK: 0845 527 
                                      e-mail: info@blueplanet.eu 
Administrator, Secretary and          Registrars 
Registered Office 
Blue Planet Investment Advisers Ltd   Capita Registrars 
Greenside House                       The Registry 
25 Greenside Place                    34 Beckenham Road 
Edinburgh EH1 3AA                     Beckenham 
Telephone No: +44 131 466 6666        Kent BR3 4TU 
Facsimile No: + 44 131 466 6677       Shareholder Helpline No: 0871 664 
                                      0300 (calls cost 10p per minute plus 
e-mail: info@bpia.eu                  network extras, lines are open 8:30am 
                                      - 5:30pm Mon - Fri) 
                                      From overseas: +44 208 639 3399 
                                      e-mail: ssd@capitaregistrars.com 
Chartered Accountants and Statutory   Bankers 
Deloitte LLP                          Lloyds TSB Bank Plc 
Saltire Court                         1st Floor 
20 Castle Terrace                     48 Chiswell Street 
Edinburgh EH1 2DB                     London EC1Y 4XX 
Stockbroker                           Custodians 
Fairfax Plc                           RBC Dexia Investor Services Trust 
46 Berkeley Square, Mayfair           71 Queen Victoria Street 
London WIJ 5AT                        London EC4V 4DE 
Blue Planet Investment Management Ltd is authorised and regulated by the 
Malta Financial Services Authority. 
Blue Planet Investment Advisers Ltd is authorised and regulated by the 
Financial Services Authority 
Blue Planet Financials Growth & Income Investment Trusts No.1-10 plc are 
members of the Association of Investment Companies. 
Investment Policy and Objectives 
The investment policy of the Company is to invest in securities (as defined by 
the Financial Services & Markets Act 2000) including equities and debt issued 
by quoted financial companies located anywhere in the world with the objective 
of providing investors with a total return greater than the Bloomberg World 
Financial Index. Not more than 15% of the Company's portfolio may be invested 
in any one entity at the time the investment is made. The maximum gearing that 
will be employed is set by the Directors from time to time and is currently 50% 
of shareholders funds (the Company's Articles permit a maximum gearing of 50%). 
The Company's benchmark index is the Bloomberg World Financial Index and there 
is no restriction on the amount that may be invested in any one country. The 
actual number of investment holdings and sub-sector allocations, the level of 
gearing and country allocations will depend on market conditions and the 
judgement of the Board of what is in the best interest of shareholders. 
Financial Record                      Six months      Six months   Year ended 
                                           ended           ended     31 March 
                                    30 September    30 September         2011 
                                            2011            2010    (audited) 
                                     (unaudited)     (unaudited) 
Shareholders' funds (GBP'000)                  754           1,179        1,070 
Net asset value per share (p)               5.52            8.62         7.83 
Share price (p) (Bid)                       2.80            6.20         4.80 
Discount (%)                                49.3            28.1         38.7 
Gearing (%)*                                   -            48.4         47.2 
Return available for shareholders           (20)             (4)         (37) 
Revenue return per share (p)              (0.14)          (0.03)       (0.27) 
Total return per share (p)                (2.17)          (3.98)       (5.21) 
Dividend per share (p)                         -               -            - 
Dividend yield on our shares (%)               -               -            - 
Dividend yield on Benchmark Index           3.31            2.44         2.35 
* Net debt as a percentage of shareholders' funds 
No interim dividend has been declared. 
The Investment Manager 
Blue Planet Investment Management Ltd (BPIM) is a Malta based investment 
management company. It is a totally independent and specialises in managing 
investments in financial companies. 
BPIM as the Investment Manager of the Company receives an annual fee of 1.50% 
per annum of the total assets of the Company which is paid monthly. Mr Dean 
Bucknell is a Director of BPIM which is owned by an Employee Trust for the 
benefit of its employees. Blue Planet Investment Advisers Ltd provides 
administration and secretarial services to the Company at an annual fee of GBP 
10,000 per annum. Blue Planet Investment Advisers Ltd also provides an 
investment advisory service to BPIM. The investment management, administration 
and secretarial services agreements may only be terminated on receipt of two 
years' notice. 
In addition to Blue Planet Financials Growth & Income Investment Trusts No 1-10 
plc, BPIM also manages the Blue Planet International Financials Investment 
Trust plc (formerly Blue Planet European Financials Investment Trust plc) and 
the Blue Planet Worldwide Financials Investment Trust plc. Details of the Blue 
Planet Saving Scheme, investment trusts and other products can be obtained from 
the fund administrator and company secretary Blue Planet Investment Advisers 
Ltd, Greenside House, 25 Greenside Place, Edinburgh, EH1 3AA (Tel no: +44 131 
466 6666), email: info@bpia.eu, website: http://www.bpia.eu. 
Website Information 
Please take the time to visit our website: 
If you wish to receive a monthly fact sheet on the trusts please visit: 
To download historical Annual and Interim reports and past monthly fund fact 
To view stock market RNS announcements: 
Interim Management Report 
Over the last few years since the onset of the global financial crisis, 
successful investment timing in markets has been a difficult task. Volatility 
has been extreme, as a lack of sustained confidence pervades the market. Being 
the wrong side of a sudden market plunge, or missing out on a short rally, 
which is often snuffed out within days, has a huge impact on performance. An 
index can experience movements in excess of 2% in a day, and individual stocks 
can amplify that many times over with 10% rises or falls not uncommon. The 
peripheral European countries' debt crisis has been the main and continuing 
cause of volatility both in 2010 and 2011 and has impacted worldwide markets. 
When added to that there have been natural disasters in New Zealand and Japan, 
extraordinary political unrest in the Middle East and North Africa, and 
fluctuating views on the pace of economic recovery in the US and China,, it is 
not surprising that the past six months has been a bumpy ride. 
The net asset value ("NAV") of your Fund has regrettably fallen 29.5% in the 
last half year, more than the Fund's benchmark index, which has fallen 23.1% in 
the same period. The Trust's share price has fallen 41.7% since the year end 
and the discount to NAV has widened significantly to 49.3%. 
The recent past performance of the Trust has been acutely affected by the 
problems that have beset global financial shares. It has also been adversely 
affected by its high Total Expense Ratio, which arises because of the small 
size of the Fund, and by the high costs of a GBP7.5m fixed rate, fixed term loan. 
If these two costs are added together, by the end of the interim period, they 
accounted for over 13% of the Fund's total assets. Without these prohibitively 
high costs, it can clearly be seen that the Fund would have outperformed, 
rather than underperformed its benchmark. The fixed term loan period is due to 
end in January 2012. The Directors are addressing the issue of the high Total 
Expense Ratio as a top priority. 
The details of the current portfolio are outlined below. Its content denotes a 
cautious stance. European stock indices have been on a downward trend since 
mid-February with the Euro debt crisis. In the last two months these fears have 
spread to global stock markets, as, despite continued profit growth in US 
corporates and within many emerging markets, fears of a new global recession 
have multiplied. Standard & Poors downgrading of the USA's AAA credit rating 
after the protracted political wrangling over the US debt ceiling to save it 
from a default, precipitated sharp falls. We intend to remain cautious, as the 
markets remain very nervous until clarity is achieved on the future of the 
Euro-area and its most indebted countries. 
At the end of the interim period a year ago the portfolio held short-dated, 
higher-yielding corporate bonds. These were redeemed or sold before the end of 
2010 and equity investments were increased, as this asset class enjoyed a 
strong end to 2010. Thus, at the last year end the portfolio was primarily 
invested in equities. During 2011, as we turned more cautious on the outlook 
for equity markets, gearing in the fund was reduced to zero, and an emphasis 
was placed on increasing the yield in the portfolio, as bonds were 
re-introduced and the level of investments in equities was substantially cut. 
Equity investments have been retained in a number of well-capitalised and 
profitable financial companies in stronger economies and short-term hedging 
positions in reverse index trackers were in place. The bonds in the portfolio 
are either sterling or US dollar denominated. Cash is held both on deposit and 
in liquidity funds, this is mostly in sterling, apart from a Norwegian kroner 
term deposit. 
Figure 1: Portfolio movements - by security type 
Security Type                 Sep-11         Mar-11 
Cash & Liquidity               58.5%          13.2% 
Equities                       18.7%          86.8% 
Bonds                          22.8%       - 
Total                         100.0%         100.0% 
Figure 2: Portfolio movements - geographic locations of holdings 
Country                       Sep-11         Mar-11 
UK                             54.4%          19.6% 
Euro-area                      12.4%           0.8% 
USA                            12.3%          34.9% 
Norway                         10.4%           0.0% 
Russia                          5.7%           7.2% 
Australia                       2.8%           0.0% 
Switzerland                     1.1%           0.0% 
Czech Republic                  0.9%           0.0% 
Rep of Ireland                  0.0%          16.4% 
India                           0.0%          14.5% 
Indonesia                       0.0%           4.5% 
Thailand                        0.0%           2.1% 
Total                         100.0%         100.0% 
The largest geographic location for investments at the end of the interim 
period was the UK. This is largely due to cash holdings in sterling. Whilst 
remaining wary of all the problems facing the UK economy, the Fund held shares 
primarily in insurers and asset-managers since the second half of 2010. These 
equity holdings were subsequently sold to take profits and the proceeds were 
used to purchase bonds, or held as cash. The Fund ended the interim period with 
UK investments in a Lloyds TSB and Close Brother Group bonds and small 
cross-holdings in the Blue Planet Worldwide Financials Investment Trust and the 
Blue Planet International Financials Investment Trust, both of whose NAV values 
were at significant premium to their share prices. Immediately following the 
half-year end a position in a long-dated corporate bond fund has been added. 
Exposure to the Euro-area is currently low, with the nearly half of it 
comprising a position in a sterling denominated liquidity fund located in 
Luxembourg, and most of the rest comprising short-term positions in reverse 
index trackers that were being used as generic market hedges and have since 
been removed from the portfolio. We expect to retain a limited exposure to the 
Euro-area whilst fiscal concerns persist and depress European financials share 
prices. Despite the recent strength of the German economy, full year 2011 GDP 
growth will be modest for the EU as a whole, and concerns are rising of a 
double dip recession. No holdings remain in Ireland, as the BP Global 
Financials hedge fund domiciled in Ireland was redeemed in July 2011. 
Outside the Euro-area there is an equity investment in the Czech Republic, a 
holding in Komercni Banka owned by Societe Generale. This is a well-run 
profitable bank, in one of Eastern Europe's best-managed economies, that also 
provides a very good yield. There is also a sterling-denominated bond issued by 
the Swiss-based insurer Swiss Life, which has no exposure to the peripheral 
Euro-area countries suffering from debt-problems. 
Over the last six months equity investments in the US have been concentrated on 
the card servicers and asset managers, as card services companies have been 
seeing charge-offs falling sharply, and the asset managers have increased 
assets under management and grown fee income. These investments have been cut 
sharply as the equity component of the portfolio has been reduced. US 
investments at the end of the interim period were equity investments in JP 
Morgan Chase & Co, Discover Financial Services, KKR & Co and Morgan Stanley. 
There is also a holding in a preferred stock exchange-traded-fund and 
sterling-denominated bonds issued by AIG and J. P. Morgan. As the third quarter 
results are reported, some changes are expected to these holdings. 
The outlook for the Nordic economies is far stronger than for most mainland 
European economies, especially Norway, whose prudent public finances are the 
envy of most economies worldwide. The Fund has some of its cash placed in a 
term deposit in Norwegian kroner, which attracts a far better rate of interest 
than deposits in sterling. 
Russian banks went through a tough year in 2009, as bad debts soared and 
profits were largely eaten up by provisioning. The smaller banks in Russia 
suffered the most and this has led to a shake-up in the Russian banking sector, 
with 100 fewer banks in operation now. The major banks strengthened their 
positions and saw profits picking up in 2010. This recovery has been 
accelerating in 2011, as demand for loans increases, margins stabilise and 
provisions for bad loans are lower. High inflation has been a concern. This has 
moderated as the year progresses and the Russian Central Bank has raised 
interest rates and has taken steps to return reserve requirement rates for 
banks to pre-crisis levels. However banking penetration in Russia is low and as 
disposable income increases, retail lending should see strong growth. The Fund 
holds equity positions in Russia's largest bank, Sberbank, and a small position 
in Bank St Petersburg. It also holds high-yielding, short-dated Eurobonds 
denominated in US dollars in three Russian banks - Nomos Bank, Alfa Bank and 
Russian Agricultural Bank. 
As equity holdings have been reduced during 2011 Indian, Indonesian and Thai 
holdings have been sold. All have under-penetrated banking markets. The 
valuations of Indian banks are low, and the Indonesian and Thai economies 
remain robust through all the turmoil of Western economies. These are countries 
which the Fund will undoubtedly return to. The only holding in the Fund in Asia 
Pacific at the half-year end was a National Australia Bank bond, denominated in 
Borrowings, Gearing and Liquidity 
Gearing stood at 47.2% at the March 2011 year end, but the level of equity 
investments were gradually reduced, with the Fund ending the interim period 
ungeared, net of cash. 
The Fund has access to an unsecured, sterling, fixed loan of GBP750k per trust (GBP 
7.5m across all ten trusts) in place until 23 January 2012. This loan, which is 
a fixed loan and would incur breakage charges if repaid, was drawn down at the 
end of the interim period. 
No interim dividend has been declared for the first half of the year. 
Investment income is considerably down from the level in the interim period a 
year ago and despite administrative and interest expenses being lower the 
revenue return per share is sharply negative. The outlook for income for the 
remainder of the year is modest, despite the yield from the bonds. Thus it is 
unlikely that sufficient income will be available to resume paying a dividend 
in 2012. However, once the fixed loan period expires in January 2012, costs 
against income will reduce. The Directors appreciate the importance of 
dividends to many shareholders and plan to resume dividend payouts as soon as 
it is possible to do so. 
Your Company is, and will continue to be, exposed to a number of risks which 
are detailed in full in the Investment Managers Report in the Annual Report. 
The key market risk arises from the uncertainty regarding the future price 
performance of the equities held by your Company. If gearing is employed this 
risk is magnified. The Company is invested in a single industry sector. Being 
invested in a single sector exposes the Fund to the risk that the Financial 
Sector will underperform relative to other sectors of the market. 
Nevertheless, the financials sector remains a large part of the market and 
constitutes nearly 19% of the Bloomberg World Index. Banks play a crucial and 
central role in free market economies, as the response of governments and 
central banks to the recent crisis has shown. The prices of the individual 
securities in the portfolio are monitored on a daily basis and the Board, which 
meets quarterly, imposes borrowing limits to ensure gearing levels are 
appropriate to market conditions. When gearing is employed the potential impact 
of changes to interest rates is taken into consideration. The securities we buy 
and sell are all listed on recognised exchanges and are readily realisable. 
The Fund is exposed to currency risk, due to the range of currencies in which 
investments are held. A significant proportion of the Company's assets are held 
in securities denominated in foreign currencies and movements in these 
currencies can significantly affect the total return and net assets. The fund 
manager tracks currency movements on a regular basis and hedging is considered 
on a case-by-case basis. 
Where investments are made in emerging markets there is a risk of higher 
volatility in the price performance of these equities and their associated 
currencies. Political risk and adverse economic circumstances are more likely 
to arise, putting the value of the investment at a higher risk. The 
registration and settlement arrangements in emerging markets may be less 
developed than in more mature markets so operational risks of investing are 
Going Concern 
The Company's business activities, together with the risk factors likely to 
affect its future position are set out in this report. The Directors consider 
that the Company has adequate financial resources in the form of readily 
realisable listed securities, including cash and loan facilities to continue in 
operational existence for the foreseeable future. For this reason they continue 
to use the going concern basis in preparing the accounts. 
Blue Planet Services and Price Information Sources 
Shareholders can view the Company's share price and additional information 
about the Fund on the website of Blue Planet Investment Management Ltd 
(www.blueplanet.eu) and the London Stock Exchange (www.londonstockexchange.com 
). To find the Company's share unit price on the London Stock Exchange website 
go to the Home page and type "BPFU" in the "Price Search" field. 
Blue Planet Investment Advisers Ltd offers a Blue Planet Investment Trust 
Savings Scheme via Equiniti Financial Services Limited (on behalf of Lloyds 
TSB) to enable lump sum investments or regular savings. 
Board Changes 
In July 2011 Glen Cooper retired from the Board and I would like to thank him 
for his diligent service. In his stead I am very pleased to announce that in 
September the Rt Hon Lord Steel of Aikwood was appointed to the Board. 
Despite the problems the market has faced, company balance sheets have been 
strengthened over the past couple of years, as companies learned hard lessons 
from the financial crisis that unfolded in 2007 and 2008, and profits, in at 
least the first half of the year, have remained strong. European banks alone 
have added over EUR270bn of core Tier 1 capital since 2008, which is an increase 
of almost 50%. A large number of announced mergers and acquisitions have 
highlighted an increased willingness for corporates to buy. Amongst financials, 
Santander followed its purchase of a 70% stake in Bank Zachodni in Poland in 
2010, with an offer for the remainder of the bank in 2011. Capital One, in 
which the Fund is invested, has made two acquisitions this year and Warren 
Buffet has recently bought into Bank of America. Financial company's 
profitability has been increasing, but valuations are very low. Many insurers 
and banks in both the US and Europe have seen their valuations fall to below 1x 
tangible book value in August 2011 - the same as they did in the first few 
months of 2009. In Europe, bank multiples imply that either earnings in 2012 
will be over 50% below current forecasts, if earnings multiples are to approach 
average levels, or that there is a great deal of upside for European bank share 
These valuations provide good opportunities for long-term investment, however, 
with the current volatility, the Fund will continue to focus on a core of 
equities in the better managed economies, as well as high dividend yielding 
stocks and fixed income. Ultimately we expect financial markets to recover once 
a resolution is found to the Euro-area crisis. Until that time we intend to 
maintain a cautious stance. 
I would like to thank all shareholders for your continuing support. 
Victoria W Killay 
03 November 2011 
Income Statement 
                        For the six months ended 30    For the six months ended 30   For the year ended 31 March 
                               September 2011                September 2010                      2011 
                                (unaudited)                    (unaudited)                    (audited) 
                         Revenue   Capital     Total  Revenue   Capital        Total  Revenue   Capital     Total 
                               GBP         GBP         GBP        GBP         GBP            GBP        GBP         GBP         GBP 
Capital (losses) / 
gains on investment 
Net realised losses            - (396,101) (396,101)        - (299,833)    (299,833)        - (356,630) (356,630) 
Unrealised gains /             -   148,979  148,979         - (110,205)    (110,205)        -  (77,874)  (77,874) 
Exchange losses                -  (30,639)  (30,639)        - (165,422)    (165,422)        - (198,533) (198,533) 
Net capital losses on          - (277,761) (277,761)        - (575,460)    (575,460)        - (633,037) (633,037) 
Realised gain on lapsed        -         -         -        -    59,713       59,713        -         -         - 
Income from investments   12,970         -    12,970   32,659         -       32,659   37,533         -    37,533 
Bank interest                661         -       661      811         -          811    1,224         -     1,224 
Gross revenue and         13,631 (277,761) (264,130)   33,470 (515,747)    (482,277)   38,757 (633,037) (594,280) 
capital losses 
Administrative expenses (22,456)   (6,612)  (29,068) (24,870)  (10,617)     (35,487) (51,466)  (17,763)  (69,229) 
Net return before        (8,825) (284,373) (293,198)    8,600 (526,364)    (517,764) (12,709) (650,800) (663,509) 
interest payable and 
Interest payable        (11,115)  (11,115)  (22,230) (13,015)  (13,015)     (26,030) (24,385)  (24,385)  (48,770) 
Return on ordinary      (19,940) (295,488) (315,428)  (4,415) (539,379)    (543,794) (37,094) (675,185) (712,279) 
activities before 
Taxation on ordinary         407     (415)       (8)      853         -          853      579         -       579 
activities (note 3) 
Return on ordinary      (19,533) (295,903) (315,436)  (3,562) (539,379)    (542,941) (36,515) (675,185) (711,700) 
activities after 
Return per ordinary      (0.14)p   (2.17)p   (2.31)p  (0.03)p   (3.95)p      (3.98)p  (0.27)p   (4.94)p   (5.21)p 
share (note 4) 
The Total column of the income statement represents the profit & loss account 
of the Company. 
All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing 
There were no recognised gains and losses other than those disclosed above. 
Accordingly a statement of total recognised gains and losses is not required. 
Balance Sheet 
                                              At 30         At 30   At 31 March 
                                          September     September          2011 
                                               2011          2010             GBP 
                                                  GBP             GBP     (audited) 
                                        (unaudited)   (unaudited) 
Fixed assets 
Listed equity investments                   385,934     1,241,303     1,618,188 
Listed non - equity investments             373,067       459,951             - 
Current assets                              759,001     1,701,254     1,618,188 
Debtors                                      77,199       165,854        35,251 
Cash at Bank and in hand                    876,285       228,889       245,084 
Creditors: amounts falling due within     (958,387)     (117,417)     (828,989) 
one year (note 7) 
Net current (liabilities) / assets          (4,903)       277,326     (548,654) 
Total assets less current liabilities       754,098     1,978,580     1,069,534 
Creditors: amounts falling due                    -     (800,000)             - 
after more than one year 
Net assets                                  754,098     1,178,580     1,069,534 
Capital and reserves 
Called-up share capital                     136,677       136,677       136,677 
Share premium account                     1,180,248     1,180,248     1,180,248 
Other reserves 
Capital reserve - realised                (421,772)       125,082        17,164 
Capital reserve - investment holding      (103,997)     (278,855)     (247,030) 
Capital redemption reserve                    8,450         8,450         8,450 
Revenue reserve                            (45,508)         6,978      (25,975) 
Shareholders' funds                         754,098     1,178,580     1,069,534 
Net asset value per ordinary share            5.52p         8.62p         7.83p 
(note 4) 
Statement of Directors' responsibilities 
The Directors confirm that this set of condensed financial statements has been 
prepared in accordance with the ASB's Statement " Half Yearly Financial 
Reports" and that the interim management report herein includes a fair review 
of the information required by DTR 4.2.7 and DTR 4.2.8. 
On behalf of the Board 
Victoria W Killay 
03 November 2011 
Cash Flow Statement 
                                         For the six   For the six For the year 
                                              months  months ended        ended 
                                               ended  30 September     31 March 
                                        30 September          2010         2011 
                                                2011             GBP            GBP 
                                                   GBP   (unaudited)    (audited) 
Operating activities 
Investment income received                    10,099        20,706       32,627 
Interest received                                161           810        1,224 
Investment management and                   (18,450)      (26,986)     (46,580) 
administration fees paid 
Cash paid to and on behalf of                (1,920)       (2,071)      (4,465) 
Other cash payments                         (14,950)      (13,741)     (20,092) 
Exchange differences on foreign             (23,695)     (165,422)    (198,533) 
currency cash balances 
Net cash outflow from operating             (48,755)     (186,704)    (235,819) 
activities (note 6) 
Servicing of finance 
Interest paid                               (22,044)      (25,837)     (48,640) 
Taxation recovered                             1,187         2,723        3,793 
Capital expenditure and financial 
Purchase of investments                  (3,535,522)   (7,576,097) (10,507,374) 
Sale of investments                        4,243,279     6,628,986    9,647,305 
Cash inflow / (outflow) before financ        638,145   (1,156,929)  (1,140,735) 
Management of liquid resources 
Cash placed on deposit                     (177,605)             -            - 
Proceeds from share issue                          -           560          560 
Increase / (decrease) in cash                460,540   (1,156,369)  (1,140,175) 
Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds 
                                             Capital   Capital investment                           Total 
                          Share     Share redemption  reserve-    holding  Warrant  Revenue shareholders' 
                        capital   premium    reserve  realised     losses  reserve  reserve         funds 
                              GBP         GBP          GBP         GBP          GBP        GBP        GBP             GBP 
For the six months 
ended 30 September 2011 
Shareholders' funds at  136,677 1,180,248      8,450    17,164  (247,030)        - (25,975)     1,069,534 
1 April 2011 
Return on ordinary            -         -          - (438,936)    143,033        - (19,533)     (315,436) 
activities after 
Shareholders' funds at  136,677 1,180,248      8,450 (421,772)  (103,997)        - (45,508)       754,098 
30 September 2011 
For the six months 
ended 30 September 2010 
Shareholders' funds at  136,621 1,179,611      8,450   552,835  (167,229)   59,846   10,540     1,780,674 
1 April 2010 
Proceeds of share issue      56       504          -         -          -        -        -           560 
Transfer from warrant         -       133          -         -          -    (133)        -             - 
Realised gain on lapsed       -         -          -    59,713          - (59,713)        -             - 
Return on ordinary            -         -          - (487,466)  (111,626)        -  (3,562)     (602,654) 
activities after 
Shareholders' funds at  136,677 1,180,248      8,450   125,082  (278,855)        -    6,978     1,178,580 
30 September 2010 
For the year ended 31 
March 2011 (audited) 
Shareholders' funds at  136,621 1,179,611      8,450   552,835  (167,229)   59,846   10,540     1,780,674 
1 April 2010 
Proceeds of share issue      56       504          -         -          -        -        -           560 
Transfer from warrant         -       133          -    59,713          - (59,846)        -             - 
Return on ordinary            -         -          - (595,384)   (79,801)        - (36,515)     (711,700) 
activities after 
Shareholders' funds at  136,677 1,180,248      8,450    17,164  (247,030)        - (25,975)     1,069,534 
31 March 2011 
 1. The financial statements for the six months to 30 September 2011 have been 
    prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the Company's 
    Annual Reports and Accounts as at 31 March 2011 and in accordance with the 
    statement on half year financial reports issued by the ASB and applicable 
    UK law and accounting standards. 
 2. All expenses are charged to the revenue account with the exception of 
    management fees and interest charges on borrowings, one half of which less 
    the appropriate tax relief is charged to capital. 
 3. The taxation charge arises from overseas withholding tax on investment 
    income and overseas capital gains tax on sale of investments. 
 4. The return per ordinary share is based upon the following figures: 
                                            30 Sept 2011  30 Sept 2010  31 Mar 2011 
                                             (unaudited)   (unaudited)    (audited) 
Revenue return (GBP)                              (19,533)       (3,562)     (36,515) 
Capital return (GBP)                             (295,903)     (539,379)    (675,185) 
Weighted average number of ordinary shares    13,667,700    13,663,977   13,667,700 
in issue during the period 
The net asset value per ordinary share is calculated on 13,667,700 ordinary 
shares in issue at the end of the period. 
5. No interim dividend is proposed. 
6. Cash Flow Statement 
Reconciliation of net revenue return to net      30 Sept     30 Sept     31 Mar 
cash outflow from operating activities              2011        2010       2011 
                                                       GBP           GBP          GBP 
                                             (unaudited) (unaudited)  (audited) 
Net return before interest payable and           (8,825)       8,600   (12,709) 
Administrative expenses charged to capital       (6,612)    (10,617)   (17,763) 
Increase in other debtors                        (7,155)    (13,925)    (1,730) 
Decrease in other creditors                      (1,334)     (2,439)    (1,899) 
Tax suffered on investment income                (1,134)     (2,901)    (3,185) 
Exchange differences on foreign currency        (23,695)   (165,422)  (198,533) 
cash balances 
Net cash outflow from operating activities      (48,755)   (186,704)  (235,819) 
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement      30 Sept     30 Sept      31 Mar 
in net funds / (debt)                               2011        2010        2011 
                                                       GBP           GBP           GBP 
                                             (unaudited) (unaudited)   (audited) 
Increase / (decrease) in cash balances           460,540 (1,156,369) (1,140,175) 
Increase in cash on deposit                      177,605           -           - 
Changes in net funds / (debt) resulting from     638,145 (1,156,369) (1,140,175) 
cash flows 
Exchange differences                             (6,944)           -           - 
Movement in net funds / (debt) in the period     631,201 (1,156,369) (1,140,175) 
7. Creditors falling due within one year include bank loans which are subject 
to a covenant which sets a maximum gearing threshold. Details of the loans 
outstanding at 30 September 2011 were as follows: 
                                     Amount (GBP)   Interest Rate  Repayment Date 
Sterling loan                           750,000            5.99 23 January 2012 
8. At 30 September 2011 the Company had authority to buy back 2,049,000 of its 
own shares in accordance with the authority granted at the Annual General 
Meeting on 4 August 2011. No shares were bought back during the period under 
9. The figures and financial information for the year ended 31 March 2011 are 
extracted from the latest published accounts of the Company and do not 
constitute statutory accounts for the period as defined in section 434 of the 
Companies Act 2006. Those accounts have been delivered to the Registrar of 
Companies and include the report of the auditors which was unqualified and did 
not contain a statement either under section 498(2) or 498(3) of the Companies 
Act 2006. The half yearly Report and Accounts have not been audited or reviewed 
by the Company's Auditors. 
Portfolio Information 
As at 30 September 2011                       Country     Valuation      % of 
                                              Name                  Portfolio 
     80,000 JPM Sterling Liquidity            Luxembourg     80,000       4.9 
            Institutional Distribution Fund 
     34,037 Henderson UK & Europe Long Dated  United         50,850       3.1 
            Credit Fund                       Kingdom 
        832 Lyxor ETF XBear CAC 40            France         38,761       2.4 
        908 Lyxor ETF XBear FTSE/MIB          Italy          38,473       2.4 
     99,050 Blue Planet Worldwide Financials  United         28,725       1.8 
            Investment Trust plc              Kingdom 
     18,144 Sberbank                          Russia         25,401       1.6 
      1,137 JP Morgan Chase & Co              United         21,893       1.3 
      1,444 Discover Financial Services       United         21,178       1.3 
        931 iShares S&P U.S. Preferred Stock  United         20,949       1.3 
            Index                             States 
        120 Komercni Banka A.S.               Czech          14,237       0.9 
      1,102 Lyxor ETF STOXX Europe 600        France         11,954       0.7 
     43,893 Blue Planet International         United         10,534       0.6 
            Financials Investment Trust plc   Kingdom 
      5,215 Bank St. Petersburg               Russia          8,612       0.5 
      1,095 KKR & Co. L.P.                    United          7,278       0.4 
        781 Morgan Stanley                    United          6,738       0.4 
         90 Bank of America Corp              United            351       0.0 
                                                            385,934      23.6 
87,800      Lloyds TSB Bank plc 6.625% 03/15  United         83,044       5.1 
71,000      ASIF III Jersey Ltd 5.375% 10/16  Jersey         70,152       4.3 
50,000      Close Brothers Group plc 6.5% 02/ United         50,309       3.1 
            17                                Kingdom 
46,000      JP Morgan Chase & Co 4.25% 01/17  United         46,478       2.8 
46,000      National Australia Bank 3.625% 11 Australia      44,991       2.8 
49,400      Nomos Bank 6.5% 10/13             Russia         30,167       1.8 
25,000      Swiss Re Co Ltd 6.3024% 03/49     Switzerland    18,047       1.1 
26,500      ABH Financial Ltd 8.2% 06/12      Russia         16,941       1.0 
19,800      RSHB Capital S.A. 7.175% 05/13    Russia         12,938       0.8 
                                                            373,067      22.8 
Listed                                                      759,001      46.4 
Cash                                                        876,285      53.6 
Total                                                     1,635,286     100.0 

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