RNS Number : 3268X

JSC National Atomic Co. Kazatomprom

13 February 2012

THIS NOTICE IS IMPORTANT AND REQUIRES YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. If you have any doubt as to the action you should take, you are recommended to seek your own independent legal, regulatory, tax, business and financial advice immediately from your stockbroker, bank manager, solicitor, accountant or other independent adviser (financial or otherwise) authorised under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (if you are in the United Kingdom) or another appropriately authorised independent financial adviser.

The Notice is not being sent to, and no votes are being solicited from, Noteholders in any jurisdiction in which it is unlawful to send such Notice or deliver such votes. This Notice does not constitute or form part of, and should not be construed as, an offer for sale or subscription of, or a solicitation of any offer to buy or subscribe for, any securities of the Issuer or any other entity. The distribution of this Notice may nonetheless be restricted by law in certain jurisdictions. Persons into whose possession this Notice comes are required by the Issuer, the Solicitation Agents, the Tabulation Agent and the Trustee to inform themselves about, and to observe, any such restrictions. This document should not be forwarded or distributed to another person and should not be reproduced in any manner whatsoever. Any forwarding, distribution or reproduction of the document in whole or in part is unauthorised. None of the Issuer, the Solicitation Agents, the Tabulation Agent or the Trustee will incur any liability for their failure or the failure of any other person or persons to comply with the provisions of any such restrictions.

This Notice has not been filed with or reviewed by any federal or state securities commission or regulatory authority of any jurisdiction, nor has any such commission or authority passed upon the accuracy or adequacy of this Notice. Any representation to the contrary is unlawful and may be a criminal offence.


NOTICE OF MEETING of the holders of the outstanding

U.S.$500,000,000 6.25% Notes due 2015 (the "Notes")

Regulation S Notes: ISIN XS0510820011 / Common Code 051082001

Rule 144A Notes: ISIN US63253RAA05 / CUSIP 63253RAA0 / Common Code 051127641

KASE Trading Code KZAPe1

issued by

JSC National Atomic Company Kazatomprom (the "Issuer") (a joint stock company organised under the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan)

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to the Fourth Schedule to the trust deed dated 20 May 2010 constituting the Notes (the "Trust Deed"), between the Issuer and BNY Mellon Corporate Trustee Services Limited (formerly BNY Corporate Trustee Services Limited) (the "Trustee"), a meeting (the "Meeting") of the holders of the Notes (the "Noteholders") has been convened by the Issuer and will be held at the offices of Dewey & LeBoeuf LLP, 1 Minster Court, Mincing Lane, London EC3R 7YL, United Kingdom, on 7 March 2012 at 3:00 p.m. (London time) for the purpose of considering and, if thought fit, approving the resolution set out below (the "Extraordinary Resolution"), which will be proposed as an Extraordinary Resolution in accordance with the provisions of the Trust Deed.


Unless defined herein or the context otherwise requires, capitalised terms used in this Notice bear the meanings given to them in the consent solicitation memorandum dated 13 February 2012 addressed by the Issuer to the Noteholders (the "Consent Solicitation Memorandum") or the Trust Deed.

Extraordinary Resolution

The Issuer has convened the Meeting for the purpose of enabling Noteholders to consider the proposal set out in the Consent Solicitation Memorandum and, if they think fit, to approve the Extraordinary Resolution set out below. In relation to the Notes, the following Extraordinary Resolution will be considered and, if thought fit, approved at the Meeting:

"Resolved, THAT this meeting of the holders of the outstanding U.S.$500,000,000 6.25% Notes due 2015 (Regulation S Notes: ISIN XS0510820011 / Common Code 051082001; Rule 144A Notes: ISIN US63253RAA05 / CUSIP 63253RAA0 / Common Code 051127641; KASE Trading Code KZAPe1) (the "Notes") and constituted by the trust deed dated 20 May 2010 between the Issuer and the Trustee (the "Trust Deed") hereby:

(A) sanctions and approves the proposal by the Issuer for the pre-emptive waiver of, and authorises and directs the Trustee to waive,the obligation of the Issuer under Condition 4(c) (Limitation on Sales of Assets and Subsidiary Stock) of the Terms and Conditions of the Notes to not, and not permit any Material Subsidiary to, consummate any Asset Disposition involving aggregate consideration equal to or greater than U.S.$10 million (or its equivalent) unless the Issuer or such Material Subsidiary receives consideration at the time of such Asset Disposition at least equal to the Fair Market Value of the asset, insofar as this requirement applies to the potential transfer by the Issuer of the Social Facility to another entity;

(B) sanctions and approves the proposal by the Issuer for the waiver of, and authorises and directs the Trustee to waive, any potential breach of any other Condition of the Terms and Conditions of the Notes or clause of the Trust Deed or any Event of Default that may have arisen directly from the construction by the Issuer of the Social Facility;

(C) sanctions and approves the proposal by the Issuer for the pre-emptive waiver of, and authorises and directs the Trustee to waive,any potential breach of any other Condition of the Terms and Conditions of the Notes or clause of the Trust Deed or any Event of Default that may arise directly from the transfer by the Issuer of the Social Facility;

(D) sanctions and approves every modification, abrogation, variation or compromise of, or arrangement in respect of, the rights of the Noteholders (or any of them) against the Issuer or any of its property or against any other person, whether such rights shall arise under the Notes (or any of them), the Trust Deed, or otherwise, necessary to give effect to the Extraordinary Resolution and the Proposal and assents to every modification, variation or abrogation of the Terms and Conditions of the Notes, the Trust Deed involved or inherent in, or effected by, the implementation of the Extraordinary Resolution and the Proposal;

(E) assents to, authorises and directs the Trustee to, grant the waivers referred to in paragraphs (A) through (C) of this Extraordinary Resolution and, in order to give effect to this Extraordinary Resolution, forthwith to execute a waiver letter addressed to the Issuer in the form of the draft produced to this Meeting and for the purposes of identification signed by the Chairman of it with such amendments (if any) to it as the Trustee shall require;

(F) assents to, authorises and directs each of the Trustee and the Issuer to concur in, approve, and execute and do all such deeds, instruments, acts and things as may be necessary in the opinion of the Trustee to carry out and give effect to the Extraordinary Resolution and the Proposal (including, without limitation, to give all directions and consents under or in connection with the Trust Deed, as may be necessary or expedient in the opinion of the Trustee);

(G) discharges and exonerates the Trustee from any liability in respect of any act or omission for which it may have become responsible under the Trust Deed or the Notes in connection with the Extraordinary Resolution, the Consent Solicitation and the Proposal or the implementation thereof; and

(H) acknowledges that capitalised terms used in this Extraordinary Resolution have the meanings ascribed to them in the Consent Solicitation Memorandum dated 13 February 2012 addressed by the Issuer to the Noteholders.

Background to the Notice of Meeting

The Consent Solicitation Memorandum explains the background to and reasons for, gives details of, and invites Noteholders to approve, the Proposal. Noteholders are urged to read the Consent Solicitation Memorandum.

Documents Available for Display and/or Collection

Copies of the following documents will be available to Noteholders (upon production of evidence satisfactory to the Tabulation Agent as to identity) from the office of the Tabulation Agent during normal business hours until the earlier of Settlement Date or the date on which the Consent Solicitation is otherwise terminated or withdrawn, as the case may be:

   (1)           this Consent Solicitation Memorandum; 
   (2)           the Trust Deed; 
   (3)           the paying agency agreement relating to the Notes dated 20 May 2010; 

(4) the Issuer's audited annual consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2010 and the Issuer's unaudited interim consolidated financial statements as at and for the nine months ended 30 September 2011; and

   (5)           a copy of the prospectus relating to the Notes dated 17 May 2010. 


The Trustee has not participated in the formulation of the terms of the Consent Solicitation, the Proposal, the Consent Solicitation Memorandum or the Extraordinary Resolution and, in accordance with normal practice, expresses no view on their merits. Nothing in this Notice or the Consent Solicitation Memorandum should be construed as a recommendation to Noteholders from the Trustee to vote for or against the Extraordinary Resolution.

However, on the basis of the information contained in this Notice and the Consent Solicitation Memorandum, the Trustee has authorised the Issuer to state that the Trustee has no objection to the Extraordinary Resolution being put to Noteholders for their consideration.

The attention of Noteholders is drawn, in particular, to the quorum required for the Meeting and for any adjourned Meeting, which is set out in "-Voting and Quorum" below. Having regard to such requirements, Noteholders are strongly urged either to attend the Meeting or to take steps to be represented at the Meeting, as referred to below, as soon as possible.

Voting and Quorum

The relevant provisions governing the convening and holding of the Meeting are set out in the Fourth Schedule to the Trust Deed, copies of which are available for inspection as referred to above.

IMPORTANT: The Notes are currently in the form of Global Certificates (as defined below). The Regulation S Global Certificate in respect of the Notes (the "Regulation S Global Certificate") is registered in the name of The Bank of New York Depository (Nominees) Limited as nominee for Euroclear Bank SA/NV ("Euroclear) and Clearstream Banking, societe anonyme ("Clearstream, Luxembourg") (the "Registered Holder"). The Rule 144A Global Certificate in respect of the Notes (the "Rule 144A Global Certificate and together with the Regulation S Global Certificate, the "Global Certificates") is registered in the name of Cede & Co. as a nominee of The Depository Trust Company ("DTC" and together with Euroclear and Clearstream, Luxembourg, the "Clearing Systems" and each a "Clearing System"). Each person (a "Beneficial Owner") who is the owner of a particular principal amount of the Notes, as shown in the records of Euroclear, Clearstream, Luxembourg or their respective account holders ("Euroclear/Clearstream Direct Participants") or as shown in the records of DTC or DTC's participants ("DTC Direct Participants") and/or other broker, dealer, bank, trust company or other nominee or custodian through which such Notes are held, should note that such person will not be a Noteholder for the purposes of this Notice and will only be entitled to attend and vote at the Meeting or appoint a proxy or sub-proxy to do so in accordance with the procedures set out below, except that DTC Direct Participants who have been appointed proxies by DTC may attend and vote at the Meeting. Accordingly, Beneficial Owners should convey their Voting Instructions, directly or through the Euroclear/Clearstream Direct Participant or DTC Direct Participant through whom they hold their interest in the Notes, to Euroclear or Clearstream, Luxembourg or DTC, as the case may be, in accordance with their respective procedures or arrange by the same means to be appointed a proxy or sub-proxy. In the case of the Global Certificates, the only Noteholder for the purposes of this Notice will be the Registered Holder in the case of the Regulation S Global Certificate and Cede & Co. in the case of the Rule 144A Global Certificate.

   1.             Notes Held through Euroclear and Clearstream, Luxembourg 

Beneficial Owners or Euroclear/Clearstream Direct Participants who submit or deliver an Electronic Voting Instruction, as described in the Consent Solicitation Memorandum, prior to the Solicitation Deadline need take no further action in relation to voting at the Meeting (and any adjourned Meeting) in respect of the Extraordinary Resolution. By submitting or delivering a duly completed Electronic Voting Instruction to the relevant Clearing System, the relevant Beneficial Owner irrevocably instructs the relevant registered Noteholder to appoint an employee of the Tabulation Agent as proxy to vote in respect of the Extraordinary Resolution.

The Registered Holder may, by an instrument in writing in the English language (a "form of proxy") signed by the Registered Holder or, in the case of a corporation, executed under its common seal or signed on its behalf by an attorney or a duly authorised officer of the corporation and delivered to the specified office of the Registrar or The Bank of New York Mellon, London Branch, as Transfer Agent not less than 48 hours before the time fixed for the Meeting, appoint any person (a "proxy") to act on his or its behalf in connection with the Meeting and any adjourned Meeting.

A proxy so appointed shall so long as such appointment remains in force be deemed, for all purposes in connection with the Meeting to be the holder of the Notes, to which such appointment relates and the Registered Holder shall be deemed for such purposes not to be the holder.

A Beneficial Owner or a Euroclear/Clearstream Direct Participant who does not wish to attend the Meeting can request through his Euroclear/Clearstream Direct Participant and the Clearing Systems for the Registered Holder to appoint proxies (being one or more employee of the Tabulation Agent) who will act as proxies to cast the votes relating to the Notes in which he has an interest in a particular way at the Meeting.

Alternatively, Beneficial Owners and Euroclear/Clearstream Direct Participants who wish to attend and vote or who wish a different person to be appointed as their proxy to attend and vote at the Meeting should contact the relevant Clearing System to make arrangements for such person to be appointed as a proxy (by the Registered Holder) in respect of the Notes in which they have an interest for the purposes of attending and voting at the Meeting.

In either case, Beneficial Owners and Euroclear/Clearstream Direct Participants must have made arrangements to vote with the relevant Clearing System by not later than 48 hours before the time fixed for the Meeting and within the relevant time limit specified by the relevant Clearing System (who may set a significantly earlier deadline) and request or make arrangements for the relevant Clearing System to block the Notes in the relevant Euroclear/Clearstream Direct Participant's account and to hold the same to the order or under the control of a Paying Agent.

An Euroclear/Clearstream Direct Participant whose Notes have been blocked will thus be able to procure that either (i) an electronic voting instruction (an "Electronic Voting Instruction") is given in accordance with the procedures of the relevant Clearing System to instruct the relevant Clearing System that the vote(s) attributable to the Notes the subject of such Electronic Voting Instruction should be cast in a particular way (either in favour or against) in relation to the relevant Extraordinary Resolution in respect of such Notes, which instructions shall require the Registered Holder to appoint proxies as described above or (ii) that it, or a person nominated by it, be appointed as a proxy in respect of such Notes to attend and vote at the Meeting.

Any Note(s) so held and blocked for either of these purposes will not be released to the Euroclear/Clearstream Direct Participant by the relevant Clearing System until the earlier of (a) if the Euroclear/Clearstream Direct Participant is not entitled to an Early Consent Fee or a Consent Fee the conclusion of the Meeting (or adjourned Meeting if the Meeting is adjourned), (b) if the Euroclear/Clearstream Direct Participant is entitled to an Early Consent Fee or a Consent Fee, the Settlement Date, and (c) upon such Note(s) ceasing in accordance with the procedures of the relevant Clearing System and with the agreement of the Paying Agent to be held to its order or under its control; provided, however, in the case of (c) above, that if the Beneficial Owner or Euroclear/Clearstream Direct Participant has caused a proxy to be appointed in respect of such Note(s), such Note(s) will not be released to the relevant Euroclear/Clearstream Direct Participant unless and until the Issuer and the relevant Paying Agent has received notice of the necessary revocation of or amendment to such proxy.

Any Electronic Voting Instructions given or forms of proxy submitted may not be revoked during the period starting 48 hours before the time fixed for the Meeting and ending at the conclusion of such Meeting.

The holder of a form of proxy attending the Meeting in person must bring with him evidence of his identity (for example, a passport).

   2.             Notes Held through DTC 

The following procedures assume that in accordance with its usual procedures, DTC will appoint the DTC Direct Participants on 13 February 2012 (the "Record Date") as its proxies under an omnibus proxy (the "Omnibus Proxy") in respect of the principal amount of the Notes shown on its records as being held by them on the Record Date (in each case, their "Recorded Principal Amount").

DTC Direct Participants may, in respect of their Recorded Principal Amount, either (i) attend and vote at the Meeting if they are individuals or (ii) appoint any employee of The Bank of New York Mellon (nominated by The Bank of New York Mellon) as their sub-proxy to attend and cast their votes at the Meeting in a particular way on their behalf or (iii) appoint any other person (including Beneficial Owners of the relevant Notes) as sub-proxies (each, together with the sub-proxy referred to in sub-clause (ii), a "sub-proxy") to attend and vote at the Meeting on their behalf, in the case of (ii) and (iii) by a form of sub-proxy.

A Beneficial Owner who is not a DTC Direct Participant and who does not wish to attend the Meeting may arrange for the votes relating to the Notes of which he is a Beneficial Owner and which are currently represented by the Rule 144A Global Certificate to be cast at the Meeting by requesting the DTC Direct Participant through whom he holds his such Notes to issue a form of sub-proxy to a third person to attend and vote at the Meeting in accordance with the Beneficial Owner's instructions provided that the Notes in respect of which the form of sub-proxy is to be given are Notes in respect of which the DTC Direct Participant was appointed as a proxy under the Omnibus Proxy on the Record Date. Such person must produce the form of sub-proxy at the Meeting.

Sub-proxies may be appointed using the form of sub-proxy available from the specified office of the Transfer Agent. Duly completed forms of sub-proxy must be delivered to and received by the Tabulation Agent at least 48 hours before the time fixed for the Meeting and may not be revoked thereafter.

Only those DTC Direct Participants shown in DTC's records on the Record Date as holding the Recorded Principal Amount will be entitled to vote on the Extraordinary Resolution or appoint sub-proxies to do so and shall remain so entitled notwithstanding any transfer of such holders of Notes after the Record Date, provided that votes submitted by any one DTC Direct Participant and any sub-proxies appointed by it shall not exceed the holding of such DTC Direct Participant as evidenced by the Omnibus Proxy issued as of such Record Date. In the event that such votes do exceed the holding of such DTC Direct Participant, all votes submitted by the relevant DTC Direct Participant or any sub-proxies appointed by it shall be invalid and any Early Consent Fee or Consent Fee which may have been payable will not be paid. Transferees of the Notes after the Record Date will not be entitled to vote on the Extraordinary Resolution.

Beneficial Owners should contact the DTC Direct Participant through whom they hold their in sufficient time to enable votes to be cast on their behalf and sub-proxies to be appointed.

DTC Direct Participants or Beneficial Owners should direct any questions regarding appointing proxies or the voting procedures to the Tabulation Agent.

3. Amendment or Revocation of Instructions: Electronic Voting Instructions or DTC Instructions may be amended or revoked in the manner set out below on or before the Solicitation Deadline in the case of Electronic Voting Instructions or DTC Instructions delivered (i) on or before the Early Solicitation Deadline and voting to disapprove the Extraordinary Resolution and (ii) after the Early Solicitation Deadline and voting to approve or disapprove the Extraordinary Resolution. Any Electronic Voting Instructions or DTC Instructions not so validly revoked and voting to approve the Extraordinary Resolution will continue in force in respect of the Meeting and any adjourned Meeting, as the case may be. If the original Meeting is adjourned, Electronic Voting Instructions or DTC Instructions submitted disapproving the Extraordinary Resolution may thereafter be amended or revoked on or before the Adjourned Solicitation Deadline. Electronic Voting Instructions or DTC Instructions delivered on or before the Early Solicitation Deadline may not be amended or revoked, except in certain limited circumstances described in the Consent Solicitation Memorandum.

A notice of amendment or revocation, to be effective, must: (i) indicate the relevant Electronic Voting Instructions or DTC Instructions to be amended or revoked; (ii) contain the aggregate principal amount of Notes to which such amendment or revocation relates; and (iii) be received on or before the Solicitation Deadline.

Only Direct Participants are entitled to amend or revoke an Electronic Voting Instruction or DTC Instruction previously given. A beneficial owner of Notes held through the Clearing Systems must arrange with the Direct Participant to submit on its behalf an amendment or revocation of any Electronic Voting Instruction or DTC Instruction already given with respect to such Notes. Following a revocation, the Tabulation Agent will advise the relevant Clearing System that the relevant Notes may be traded or transferred.

Electronic Voting Instructions or DTC Instructions that have been revoked may be given again prior to the period commencing 48 hours prior to the time for which the Meeting or any adjourned Meeting is convened, by following the procedures described above. Any such Electronic Voting Instructions or DTC Instructions will be regarded as new Electronic Voting Instructions or DTC Instructions subject to such procedures.

4. Interpretation: The Issuer's interpretation of all terms and conditions of the Consent Solicitation shall be final and binding. No alternative, conditional or contingent giving of Electronic Voting Instructions or DTC Instructions will be accepted. Unless waived by the Issuer, any defects or irregularities in connection with giving of Electronic Voting Instructions or DTC Instructions must be cured in time for the Meeting in accordance with the rules and usual procedures of the relevant Clearing System. None of the Issuer, the Solicitation Agents, the Trustee, the Paying Agent, the Tabulation Agent or any of their respective affiliates, directors or employees nor any other person will be under any duty to give notification of any defects or irregularities in such Electronic Voting Instructions or DTC Instructions nor will such entities incur any liability for failure to give such notification. Such Electronic Voting Instructions or DTC Instructions will not be deemed to have been delivered until such defects or irregularities have been cured or waived.

All questions as to the validity, form and eligibility (including timing of receipt) in relation to Electronic Voting Instructions or DTC Instructions will be determined by the Issuer in its sole discretion, which determination shall be conclusive and binding. The Issuer reserves the right to reject any or all Electronic Voting Instructions or DTC Instructions that are not in proper form or the acceptance of which could, in the opinion of the Issuer or its counsel, be unlawful. The Issuer also reserves the right to waive any and all defects or irregularities in connection with deliveries of particular Electronic Voting Instructions or DTC Instructions, including, without limitation, with respect to the timing of delivery of such Electronic Voting Instructions or DTC Instructions, whether or not similar defects or irregularities are waived in respect of other Electronic Voting Instructions or DTC Instructions.

5. Quorum Requirements: The quorum required at the Meeting shall be one or more persons holding or representing in the aggregate more than 50 per cent. in principal amount of the outstanding Notes. At any adjourned Meeting, the quorum required shall be one or more persons holding or representing Notes without regard to the principal amount thereof.

6. Adjournment: If within 15 minutes after the time appointed for the Meeting, a quorum is not present, such Meeting shall stand adjourned for such period, being not less than 14 days nor more than 42 days.

7. Voting by Show of Hands or Poll: Every question submitted to the Meeting shall be decided in the first instance by a show of hands. A poll may then be demanded by the Chairman or by one or more persons holding or representing not less than one-fiftieth of the aggregate principal amount of outstanding Notes.

8. Representation of Vote: On a show of hands every person who is present in person or is a proxy shall have one vote. On a poll every person who is so present shall have one vote in respect of U.S.$1,000 in principal amount of the outstanding Notes represented or held by him.

Extraordinary Resolution

To be passed at the Meeting, the Extraordinary Resolution requires a vote of holders of outstanding Notes present in person or represented by proxy, sub-proxy or representative owning in the aggregate not less than 75 per cent. in principal amount of the outstanding Notes owned by the Noteholders who are so present or represented at the Meeting. If passed, and the Extraordinary Resolution becomes unconditional in accordance with its terms, the Extraordinary Resolution shall be binding upon all Noteholders, whether present or not present at the Meeting at which it is passed.

Notice of Results

Notice of the result of the voting on the Extraordinary Resolution shall be given to the Noteholders and the Agents by the Issuer as soon as possible after the Meeting but in any event no later 14 days following the Meeting.

Governing Law

This notice and any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with it shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, English law.

Clearing Systems

Noteholders of Notes which are held by DTC, Clearstream, Luxembourg or Euroclear should contact the relevant corporate action departments within the Clearing Systems for further information in respect of their respective procedures for voting.


 JSC National Atomic Company Kazatomprom 
           Registered office: 
            10 Kunayev Street 
              010000 Astana 
          Republic of Kazakhstan 


        J.P. Morgan Securities              The Royal Bank of Scotland 
                 Ltd.                                   plc 
            125 London Wall                       135 Bishopsgate 
            London EC2Y 5AJ                       London, EC2M 3UR 
            United Kingdom                         United Kingdom 
        Tel: +44 20 7779 2468,                 Tel: +44 20 7075 3781, 
           +44 20 7325 4851                       +44 20 7085 4634 
        Attention: J.P. Morgan            Attention: Liability Management 
         Liability Management                          Group 
  Email: corp_syndicate@jpmorgan.com,    Email: liabilitymanagement@rbs.com 

TABULATION AGENT The Bank of New York Mellon, London Branch

One Canada Square

London E14 5AL

United Kingdom

Tel: +44 20 7964 4958

Attention: Debt Restructuring Services

Email: debtrestructuring@bnymellon.com

         PAYING AGENT                      TRUSTEE 
 The Bank of New York Mellon,   BNY Mellon Corporate Trustee 
         London Branch                Services Limited 
       One Canada Square              One Canada Square 
        London E14 5AL                 London E14 5AL 
        United Kingdom                 United Kingdom 

This Notice is given by JSC National Atomic Company Kazatomprom.

13 February 2012

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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